HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-05-23, Page 8Made To Order Drei..,ing well is an art an 1 the man who has his e'• ogling made to mea- sure has found the key to that art. Each garment that we make for you has th et air of individuality so much sought after by the ta,hionable an. You Are Sure of COMFORT - EASE - ELE6ANCE 100 New Suiting% to Head At Prices Away Down W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, Ontario kslaess Locals -- Read Them The 1.O.F. Excursion to the Falls will be the most popular of the season. See large posters later. Men's new nrr(lle and open mesh un- derwear, great values. Stewart's. Ver Sale. If you want a first class McLaughlin or other snake buggy see W. G Biss- ett's. Also several plows will be sold ebeap. All brand new. Also two second hand 'niggles. /towers sad Plants for sale All kinds of flowers, foliage, toma- toes. ,• abhage, cauliflower. and plants for 1 adding or the garden, for sale by L 1) ay, Exeter. Carpets and Lugs, big stork and great values. Stewart's. Itirly Wasted. T vu girls wanted -cook and general bele r. Good wages. Apply at Cent- ral Hotel, Exeter. Get your 1L•arriage Licenses at the Ad. scats office. Per Sale. We have on our list a choice store prop.•rty} in Exeter for sae at a very ata.• •nalrle figure. -Sanders & Creech. Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad- vocate (Ace. ti..rnehrm, sang in Iwolfes' white eta- irooler,'J silk and lawn waists. cheap too. Stewart's. Property For Sale. W_. have at present a handsome Fier.. of property consisting of fine two 'gooey residence and two lots, with 11101a1 ytahle; all in first•clncs condition; eon ••niently situated; all modern inu- pro. eull•nt. Price is a snap. ('all or write The Advocate Office. Cartes for Sale A load of calves will be sold at the Tern perowe lintel. Exeter North, on 8atur(l tv. May 25th, at 12 o'clock. - Geo. ('h.pman. Fire Work. on May 24th The Sports Committee have decided to put on it grand display of Fir works at the Agricultural Society (.rounds. Exeter, on the night of .Itty 21th. to which a -mall admission fee of lllc. will 1....•11 staged. Something new and hoes esting may be expected. Fur theirs, .lt,in, nheltsornr groceries 81. ,,ort'.. i.t tb, sl,t f. liedpaths' extra scan laid granulated sugar, take no °Moi hind. fir. Oyes• Covina. Dr. 0% vita, London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at the Commercial Rotel. Exeter, on May 31, from p.:iia a. to 1.311 p.n.. Glasses properly fitted and ,lit •,,rw „f Eye. Ear and Nose unmated. All )-cane teen wishing to attend Loma., t':n:ae this yell'. June lth to lbth io,' i -i, . ,nply to i.ietit. Heitman or Se et. \I . jor Ilertor, F:xeter. About 21 :1if quire'd 10 make No. ti Comp a 1. 1•:t••ter. lip t" Intl strength: a wail lie- .Inti. ipatr,l for all those who are milling to attend. r.......++++++++++++++++ !OUR -- CLOTHES FITS `i_ The• there things that dis• tingoish the clothes we make Arc FASHION. FIT and WORKMANSHIP. We are jn=11y potul of our re• cord and will sustain it with weal gat memo The Siting thing. :rte rattily and rte are getting plenty of aiders. One of these days you will appreciate how vitally You Need a Spring Suit sPF 'SP IP MTV' 'WIWI" IF 441w 11 4 LOCAL I)OINGS• I6. JAL a•taa1111c4lli Aille.rdkrilicAdk alk A Fitilt STORY. 1)e (',•ttlsh cry, En de Sturgeon say: -Vander is a fisbiu' Tuan Corrin dis way! "En bell try fer ter get you On hie line, En he'll tell de folks You wuzsix foot nine!" Den de Catfish say: "Le's switn up hiptber- We don't want ter sociate Wid no sich liar!" Next Sunday is the Epworth League Annivefsary at the Main st. church. One of Mr. Davis Gardiner's little children is quite ill with pneumonia but is recovering. Mr. J. N. lloward last week sod two lots on Sanders street to Mrs. Alf. Bed- ford of London, who will erect a resid- ence. GIANT TRIPLETS "Currency" "Bobs" and "Stag' Chewing Tobac- coes, in big plugs. Quality always the same. The village of Brussels in the north of the county bids fair to increase its population considerably. Last week both Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Heist gave birth to triplets. It is expected that the Exeter -Kirk - ton Telephone Co. will extend their line from Exeter to Farquhar, many of the farmers having signified their willingness to put in phones. The railways halve arranged for cheap fares for Victoria Day. Tickets will be sold on Thursday and Friday, May 23rd and 24th, good to return on or before Monday, May 27th. Mr. Fred Gillespie lost one of his best dray horses through death during Thursday night or early Friday morn- ing. lite was on bis way home from the south and left the horse with its mate in the stable at Centralia over night apparently in good health and when he came out next morning it was dead. At a meeting of the Presbytery of Huron held in Clinton last week no- tices were read from several other Presbyteries of their intention to apply to the next General Assembly for leave to receive nine ministers from other Churches, desiring to enter the Pres- byterian Church in Canada. Two of these now belong to the Baptist Church, two to the Congregational Church, and the remainder to the Presbyterian Churches in the United States and in Scotland. Thursday last was rather an unfor- tunate day at the Roes Taylor Co's Factory in the matter of accidents. D. A. Ross recieved two severe gashes in the palm of his left band when throwing a piece of lumber which happened to have two nails in it. The gashes are bone -deep. Ed. Jones bad his right thumb ripped open by a fly - sliver, which turned the flesh back over for about two inches. Fred Wells received only a scratch on the arm, al- though in his case it was a narrow es- cape from having the arm taken off. It happened through his coming too closely in contact with a saw. As it was his shirt sleeve was torn off in fine style. All three men were off duty for only a few hours. Prof. O'Brien, the noted Phrenolo- gist and Palmist of Toronto, is coming to Exeter next Monday. See what the Stratford Beacon of Aug '23,11)00, says: "Prof. O'Brien, the well•known Cana- dian Phrenologist and Scientific Palm- ist, is in Stratford again on his third visit. He is accompanied by Madame O'Brien. Prof. O'Brien stands in the front rank of phrenologists and palm- ists, and is well received wherever he goes. During his previous visit here he gained the confidence of the public: and will beladly welcomed here on this visit." The Huron Expositor, Sea - forth, Oct. lath, 1(W), says: "Prof. O'Brien, phrenolegist and palmist, who has been here for three weeks left on Wednesday for Mitchell. The profes- sor understands his business and is a square gentleman who deserved public patronage. He is no fake and works on scientific principles." For his ad- dress see his lithos in windows Tuesday morning. His hours are from 108.rn. to 10 p. 11. Madame O'Brien will Ile in attendance. Will remain only a few days. Niagara Falls Excursion. Eve•i vhody will take in the excursion to Niagara Falls under the auspices of the Independent Order Foresters on Thursday June 20th. Good for three days The fare from Exeter will be $2.30. Large hills giving particulars will be issued in a few days. This will be the only Exrursion to the Falls this season. ■lei's Forecasts for May A Reactionary Storni Period is ren tral nn t 28th. 2)lth and 311th. The centre of the Venus period is on the '!lith. The Moon is at extreme south declination, al opposition with Earth and Sun on the' th, and in perigee on the 28th. If storms and storm condi- tions do not continue from the preccd• ing period. look for such to return on and touching the 28th and 54th. In this event. a prolonged spell of threat- ening. stormy weather would prevail from near the'.rird to the end of the month. Another crisis of seirnic per- i turbation will return on and within two days of the 27th. Keep your ear to the world's telephone and see. Serious Accident On Thursdsy afternoon last Mr. David Gillis met with a serious accid- ent while he and Mr. Jatnes(iould. sr., wersoh awingash's to the station from the rear of the cooper shop of Mr. Jas. Goals!. jr. The hast load had been p1 aced "n the wagon and Mr. (could had walked away. On corning back he was surprised to find M r. Gillis or the ground And the tears gone. Mr. Gillis had Apparently been in the set f climbing on the wagon when he slip- pt.1 and fell between the front and Mod wheels. and the team starting at the came time the hind wheel passed over hist (-hest. Ile was immediately tsken to hi. home on Mill street and A doctor summoned. On examination it WAS found that no ones were brok- en although he was etn•iderat•ly bruits - ed. His rerovery was doil.tful At first, but now he seems to t, progressing favorably And has a good chance of ampler.' recover t-, it waft fottnnate that the hark putt of the wagon w • hat lightly loaded to het a ot• the ii, jar v r i 1 1 bate 'wen ntilch limns serious. Out line 1. testily for your i kind inspection.t o Call and GPt our Prices W JOHNS Merchant Tailor • Exeter $$++41444+++4444-1-14++++44• Flour has advanced 15e. it cwt. in 1 town, num r_.,...,, to b EXETER MARKETS. Miss Lizzie 'Taylor is very ill at the CHANGED EACII WEDNESDAY home of M►. and Mrs. C. 'I'. Brooks. The canning factory is num nearing completion, and the machinery is tie- ing installed. Miss novel, gave t pleasant even- ing party to a number of friends on Wednesday of last week. William F. Luxton of Winnipeg, founder of the Strathroy Age and the Seaforth Expositor, is dead. For Quality and Quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs" "Stag" and "Cuvtency" Chewing To- baccoes. Mr. Merve Huston, who has been travelling through the West, is now stationed in Ashcroft, B. C., managing a drog store. No. 0 Company of Volunteers will attend divine service in the Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday morning nett, when the rector will preach. Life's Looking Glass by Talmage is the title of a book loaned to a friend by Mr. lRobt. Sanders, who would like to have it returned to him or this of- fice. Mr. Shirley Dottier has been appoint- ed operator at the depot here and he commenced on -his duties Tuesday. The appointment is a well deserved one and has fallen in good hands. The crop of fall wheat, which early in the season looked as though the yield would he light, now looks in much better condition and a good average yield is looked for. Little things are what count. We look after the little things in all our work and that is what gives such sat- isfaction to all the patrons of the At,- VoCATE, either in the news or the job department. Mr. Wellington Neil went to London Tuesday with the old water cart and returned with the new one. We now hope to he able to take in a little more fresh air and a little leas dust with each breath. Mr. Geo. Vosper, who recently left Toronto for the Northwest, has re- turned to Toronto, not likiog the West. Mrs. Vosper and family, who have liv- ing here, will return to Toronto in two or three weeks. Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. 133, A. F. & A. M., bold a regular meeting on Monday, May 27th. The D. D. G. M. will be present. A full attendance of the members is requested. Visiting brethren are cordially invited. A new picket fence bas been erected at the front of the new bowling grounds, and a board one at the side. The ground has also been levelled and and sown. The green is ninety situat- ed and will he a favored spot when t ead y. If you want to reach the people to tell what you want, don't run around from door to door. You will only grow grey -headed and be called a "[allure." Advertise your wants in The Advocate. the paper that every- body reads. The West Huron Teachers' Associa- tion is in session at the Exeter Public School this week and we will give a synopsis of the doin?s of the teachers in our next week's issue. The session promises to be an interesting one and a goodly number of teachers are pre- sent. The residence of the late John Muir was on Saturday sold under the ham- mer to Mr. Simon Campbell of the Thames Road. The price was $1175. The woollen mills, machinery, house and land by the t iver were previously sold to Mr.M. Jackson. Wbile driving toward the G. T. H. power house recently Fred Ilawkshaw had a nit row escape. Ile wits driving along the edge of a steep hank when one horse of the team slipped and it with the other horse and wagon rolled down the incline. Fred jumped in time to avoid the descent. With the exception of a few breaks in the harness no damage was done. The local Board of Health has dis- tributed among the househollers of the village pamphlets published by the Provincial Board dealing with the sub- jects of Smallpox, Scarlet Fever. Ty- phoid Fever and .Measles. As they contain a good deal of valuable infor- mation and sound, practical advice in ea concise form, each person receiving them will he wise in preserving them for future reference. Few business men have more to con- tend wit h than an editor. The only means the editor has of snaking a liv- ing for himself and family- is by selling space in the columns of his paper. His newspaper column's are the aan►e to hint as the shelves of dry goods are to the merchant. No one thinks of asking the ,merchant to give Nim the dry goods from hit shelves, but few they are who hesitate to ask the editor to give them a few columns free in his paper. A colt belonging to Mr. Luker near Centralia made things lively at the south end of town on Tuesday evening. The animal had been left standing in the Commercial House shed when it broke loose and ran away. At break- neck speed it ran west a short distance thence nn William to Hilton street, where it ran between a tree and a tel- ephone pole, and the rig colliding with these became detached front the horse. which continued the pace towards its home. The buggy was only slightly damaged. while the flatness was badly broken. The horse escaped without injury. School Board Minutes. Minutes of meeting of the Board held in the Town 11a11 Monday, May 20th, at 8 p.n]. Absent W. J. Carling. The following ie the order of /maltreats duly submitted and approved:- Per ('hair, the minutes of the previous meeting. Report of Ground and Mao itary committee that the drain order- ed was nearing completion. Per H. Huston that the H. S. inspector. Mr. Colley. had visited the school with promise of return in the fall. and had also pronounced the H. S. Department of the Exeter Public, School to he the heat in the province in Attendance. grounds protided, and equipment. Per H. N. Howe and F. Wood tat the fol- lowing account• h' Accepted: S. Fan• son..erubtiing. $7.10: R. Cros ker. fill- ing well, $ai.lO; J. Wocal, gravel, RLin Per ('hair that 1t. 1lu•ton end S. Msr- tin he appointed to give wel-orn' to the alima (-hmg Teachers Convention to h•• held here 'if.ly :2n,1 And '2•.31(1. i'••t h'. \V, 01 ;a.l i , it nnient. - J. (it igK. Secretary. Wheat Barley Oats Peas Potatoes, per bag Hay, per ton 050 Flour, per ewt., family Flour, low grade per cwt 1 20 Butter 70 72 45 4() 38 39 tat ;ft 00 00 1000 2 25 1 25 18 10 050 2'00 20 00 Rs Livehogs, per cwt Shorts per ton Bran per ton CALVES FOR SALE Twoloads of choice calves 1 rsaleTuendays and Sat u• rdays for balance of sprint;. Price 11•2.:i0 and upwards .tlso one good dairy cow for ,ale -newly calved. Wasted -tine hundred hens, yearling e•hb•ken also a number of good turkeys W. F. ABBOTT, Centralia Your HEALTH Depends on your SIoacfl, Liver, Kid - nes and Blood. If you have constipation,indigestion dyspepsia, rheumatism, or impure blood take Nature's Remedg It will cure you no matter how had your case may he. It will tone,cleanse strengthen and purify your entire system. 25c., 50c. and $1 boxes. The A. H. Lewis Medicine Co„ St. Louie, L.S.A. For Sale only by W. S. COLE, Phm. B. Chemist and Druggist. Mrs. Halls, Exeter North, is recover- ing nicely from her recent illness. Just at this time the mail order houses are active in flooding the coun- try with big handsomely gotten up spring catalogues, quoting attractive prices on staple articles and making all sorts of big sounding claims for your- cash. ourcash. They do not offer to exchange their goods for the farmers' eggs, poul- try, butter or other produce. They don't trust a penny's worth, hut make you pay cash before you get the goods and the freight besides. If anything is wrong with the goods or they do not suit, they will not exchange them for you. They pay no taxesinto your town or county treasury, with which our schools are n►aintained, roads, bridges, and sidewalks built. They do not con- tribute to our churches, (limitable in- stitutions, nor to the poor. - -- A Boom to Humanity M.D.Tugendhaft's improved famous patent ear drum is meeting with great approval wherever he has den►onstrat- ed, that he finds it. necessary to remain only a limited time in each locality, as the demands for this article from all over the country front unfortunates, snake this step necessary. if ever a man de•srrvcd the fruit of his labor, that roan is Mr.;Tegendhaft, for he treats the poor and rich alike. While his strength holds out and in the short titne he had to meet individ- uals during his stops through the country, he wants everyone to roll on hits who have lost their sense of hear- ing nn mutter how poor they may be, and he will do what he can to restore them the happiness' they yearn for. At Mr. Tugendhaft's headquarters, 08 K ing St reef West, Hamill on, Out., he is daily besieged for particulars as to dates when he experts to speak in different town tend cities. Owing to the great reputation this gentleman has made for himself as An Eye Specialist,his name is a guarantee for merit in his new discovery, the famous Invisible Ear Drum. He causes those to hear as rapidly as he restores sight to others, and hundreds thrntighost the country have already benefitted through his efforts. lie sure and see him; it may be the only chance of a life time. Mr. Tugendheft will give a free dem- onstration of his wonderful Her Drum t the Central Hotel. Exetet•, Tuesday, May 28, one day only. CORN! CORN!! We have the following for Fodder and Ensilage WHITE CAP, YELLOW DENT, IMPROVED LEAMING YELLOW AND WHITE. Also four varieties of SWEET CORN for the garden. MANGOLD SEED MAMMOTH TORY RED YELLOW INTERMEDIATE DANISH SUGAR BEET T. HAWKINS & SON. Dealers in Hardware, Cement, Wire, Etc. Great Rednction Sale Still On Owing to the lateness of the Spring Season we are still offering Greater Bargains in Furniture for the NEXT 30 DAYS than ever were shown in Exeter before. Every article in our large stock of furniture is reduced to almost cost during this sale. Call and be convinced before making your purchase ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors, JONES & CLARK PHONE NO. 32 TDB G000S FOR THE WARM WEATHER Now that we are getting a taste of nice weather, we wish to draw your attention to our wash goods and muslins. Nowhere will you find a larger or better selection to pick your summer dress from. We specially invite the ladies to call and see them. Fancy Check Cinghams Light and Oat k Blue and White Checks, Black and albite Checks, Green and White Checks of different sizes. These goods tore very serviceable, perfect washers and are very much the go at 124c. per yard. Plain Chambreys in Light Blue, Dark Blue, Grey, Pink and Linen shades. Some- thing nice for shirt waist suits or children's dresses. 121c. a yd. Fancy Colored Muslins Every lady will require a nice muslin dress for the warm weath- er. they are }'ery fashionable and this will be the banner mus- lin season. Ra• have all the, new colors and designs. Grey, Pink, Blue, Hello and (preen. Flowers and sprays on white makes one of the prettiest dresses you sari buy. Prices hk., ISe., a r„ 25c., 30c., 35c., 40e. and 50e. a yard. Dotted Swiss Muslins We have a full line of the ever popular dotted muslin. Small and large dots and mixed size dots from 15e. to :%)c. a yard. Just to Hand a big shipment of Sovereign Brand Clothing This is a big snap at ONE HALF usual price. JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing 1 ir0BiTilwirOii w if hacked alp by deeds. The claim we mike for STAR FLOUR would be foolish if not hacked up. Better IV sur than STAR is not mar- kete'el tood.jv and its equal is sel(lorn foetid, WANTED 1 Wheat and Oats 0 HARVEY BROS. EXETEIt ONTARIO graaAtAtAA, tAlaAR AtAL {1) SMELL & ROWE ?rotty ty1c: iv Ric La!n List: FOR $1.25 we are showing A lovely waist, embroidery and lace insertion trimming short sleeves, $1.21 FOR $1.50 An excellent waist, made of fine Indian i.itowo prettily embroidered. half sleeves $1.',1► FOR $2.i0 At this price We have half dozen different styles, trirn- med with fine valenrinnes tare and insertion, fine Swiss embroidery and insertion. long and chart sleet•rs $2. LONG (il)Vf•; 4 women's' silk glovea in black., white and cream. 21 in. long. these are t r,•1' ('rice $1 and CORSET COVERS Special value Big vabte Excellent value at 2bc a t 50c, at 76c. WASH COLLARS Pretty • � s es t l 5 at 20c. Another line a big seller At 25c. Another special collar made of valeneinnes insertion and ribbon at 20e. WHiTE t'NDERSKIRT'S For $1.2' we have the best white skirt •hewn• made of fine white Lawn•dale, tritn• rued with swiss etnhrnidery and in•ettion: other styles at $1 75 end $2. WASH BELTM In all the newe.t styles, pret- tily ernbroidered at 20e. h arc. SNEIAL & ROWE 0 •