HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-05-23, Page 5exeter bitiottitet O.TAltle, VVORKINO EX )T s: I: Ill 00 if paid in ad. an 'I. $l •O a ),.er if not so paid. To felted States Subscriberssl.so $ Year Strictly in Advance. REED 11• I'ul.l:.hers PIAI'1O TAltj{ We have Pianos to sell. You are thinkink of buying one. Well, come in and see us and let up talk the matter over with you and no doubt you will find us anxious to sell you one just the way you would like to buy. :r Our Pianos Vary in Style and Price but are good instruments and fully guaranteed. Canada's beat snakes are found on our floor and prices are right. Also do not forget to come here for your Stationary, Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages and Waggons S. MARTIN &SON Wa*ch • uali� is an essential with us. Every- thing in the construction of Our Time Pieces is shaped with this end in view. They are made to keep good time and give good satisfac- tion. For Present Time For Future Time For A11 Time Our line of Clocks is complete and up- to•(btte. • Get One of Our Alarm clocks They are the best -at the usual low price. Call and inspect our gen- eral stock. MARCH A N D The Jeweller EXETER, ONTARIO )11Y MR. FARMER DO YOU KNOW THAT WE HAVE A McCormick Corn King Manure Spreader At $60, brand new a year ago. Also a few Success Spreaders At $115 cash. Wire Fence %Ve have a few hundred roils of fence left at prices its follow: 6 wires, 41) in. high, all No. 0, at 31c. i" 40 '• 8 " 45 " " 41c. THORNTON BAKER LIVERYMAN Agent for the Sylvester and Perrin Plow Companies Exeter - Ontario Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Tho great Uterine Tonle, and only .-.efo (•IT-. toss Monthly itcgl 2, loan) w Irk h women cepa (leprid. Sold in tilt. a deyr•ecs :a! of .:rengtle No. 1. �t : No. 2, 1n degrees stronger 1: No. 3. for r:`.rci:tl c.w•., ;II box. Noll by all del de or rent pprcirei(1 en receipt of price. Free pamphlet. A.bdrees : Ts oit Crtilte1s1CaTottSNTo.OIT. Ow/eerie 11'InJa1i) THE BEIM TE[EPIIONE oomruv OP CO NB is about 1e issue A New Telephone Directory Et Ti11•: District of Western Ontario Including Village of Exeter 1hilt t (01 new eennectioons, (-hang- 1.4 I'f lir n) names, changes of street Addresses et for driplirate entries steed.] 1e handed to the Local Men;iger at once. A. Marchand, LOCAL MANAGER WOMEN Their Hard Struggle Made Easier—Interesting State- ments by a Young Lady in Quebec and One in Beauport, Que • All women work ; sorne in their homes, some in church, and some in the whirl of society. And in !totes, mills and shops tens of thousands are on the never -ceasing treadmill, earning their daily bread. All are subject to the same physical laws; all suffer alike from the same phy- sical disturbance, and the nature of their duties in many as s, , uirkly drifts them into the horrors of all kinds of female complaints, tumors, ulceration, falling and displacements or perhaps irregula- rity or suppression, caunin2 backache, nervousness, irrital.ility and l.e.ittele They especialltt• require an invigorat- ing, sustaining in..!0-int. which will strengthen the female organism and enable there to bear easily the fatigues of the day, to sleep well at night, and to rise refreshed and cheerful. 1low distressing to Bee a woman struggling to earn a livelihood or per- form her household duties when her back and head are aching, she is e. tired she can handy drag al>.nit or stated up, 80d every ntoovem nt causes pain, the origin of ivllich is clue to conte derange- ment of the female organism. Mlle. .hula Ro1itaille, "f ;`t rue St. Francois, Quebec, Que., tells women how to avoid such suffering ; she writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham : "Overwork and long hours at the office, together with a neglected cold, brought on a very serious female troublo until finally I was unable to go to work. I then thought ofa friend who had taken Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound when her health was in the same cendit on that mine was, and straightway sent out for a kettle I finished that and leek two more befor' 1 really began 1.. intpr..v0. but after that my recovery was very rapid. and I was soon well and aide to go back to work again. I certainly think your medicine for sick wo- men worthy of praise, and am Indeed glad to indorse it." Miss Clara Beanbier of Beauport. Quebec, writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham :- "For several years I have suffered with female trouble which has beer a serious drain on my vitality, sapping my strength and causing severe headaches, pains and a general worn-out feeling, until I really had no desire to live. I tried my tu medicines but did not get eraneet >[elltt until I took Lydia E. inkharr's Vegeta ie Compound. Ln two months I was very much better and stronger, and in foyt months I was well, no more disagreeable dischargeno more pain. So I have every rea-en to ipr.ti•, the Vegetable Cernpnund• and I consider it without equal for the ills of wee en. Lydia E. Pinkhanl's Vegetable Com- pound is the unfailing cure for all these troubles. It strengthens the propel muscles, and displacement with all its horrors will no more crush you. Backache, dizziness, fainting, bearings dove pains, Ilisor,lere•l Btou:arh 1n00(11 Hess. .Iisliko of friends and society -all eynt )tome of the one cause- will be quickly dispelled, and it will make you strong and well. You can tell the story of your guff r- ings t) a nectar,, and receive helpful advice free of cost. Address Mre. Pink - ham, Lynn, Mass The present lfrs. Pinkham is the slaughter -in-law of Lydia E I'inkhau: and for twenty-five years she has, under her direction and since her dreeause, been advising sick women free of charge Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Others Falb rut sir eferigelliFICF '%F Wrier-Wils IP AROUND ABOUT US ,i& Clinton: Saturday Constable' Vest - lake of Blyth, brought John MacDon- ald to the House of Refuge. Parkhill: Mrs (Rev.) J. A. Lochead a former resident of this place passed away at Brantford last week. St. Marys: Miss Mary Havre, at the closing of her third year at McMaster University, took 1st class honors in every subject. Parkhill: Rev. G. T. Wood has been selected by the Baptist congre- gations of Parkhill and Lieury as their pastor. Parkhill: G. %V. McLeod, who has successfully passed his examination as Civil Engineer, has artieled with Hol - craft. C. E.. of Toronto. Parkhill: Frank Brown and family have moved to town from West Wil- liams.-- Mrs. A. K. Trapp has moved her household effects to Sarnia. Seaforth: Mr. Miller, teller in the Dominion Bank for the past few months, has been transferred to the Dresden branch and left town on Wednesday morning. Parkhill: F. 13. Holthy, Manager of the Lucan and Granton Branches of the Merchants Bank, who is quite well known in this vicinity, has been ap- Bpointed Manager of the St. Thomas ranch. Seaforth: Harry Livens, son of 11. Livens of town who has been pursuing a musical course in Leipsig, (icrmany, intends spending another year in that fe moo , school. Mitchell: George Higsnell, of Logan, was using ;in adze on 'Tuesday doing some adzing. when it slipped, inflict- ing a severe gash in his leg and injur- ed the bone. Ailsa Craig: J. F. Careen, son of John ('arson, townline, who hits been attending Trinity College, Toronto, will during the summer vacation take charge of the Anglican Church at Port Credit and Dixie, Ont. (irantn): At a largely attended meeting of the Granton Methodist church quarterly board held Tuesday evening n resolution was tendered itev. and Mrs. McTavish for their faith- ful and valrlehle services in the church. \l iteht'll: The three Mitchell stud - tees attending the Sefton! of Science, Toronto, all enecessfelly passed their testi) ctive reerllirlations, Oscar Mar- tyn taking the flrst year and Harold 5tew•Irt 111111 \ fetor Squires the a('C(ll VONT'. Clinton: Mies Ida Heywood will leave .1une 1st fer 1Vinnipeg, Man., where she will he Married on the fol. Mewing Wednesday 10 Alfred Butt of shit ••Its, sort "f Mt. E. 'Hutt, fits. Line. St. Marys: Jelin Wolfe, a fernier resident. of this piece diel recentivint ('oldwater trete the Offer s of paralvs•I ie. A be.1t 1tt',It'e Yeats lige Mr. \% Ife, :eel hi- teethe?. Robert owned a ketch- , 1 -.hey he! e. Mitchell: Monday inferl2); )1 n aaa 1,ie1 1y i,i.eese Inspe•'to• l'r)•igtun Jig .Ir , e S a ep I t s t IT,/ h t.Ikeei).•r. lie rep. pear ed l,efcre P. M. W. 1{. Dat -!s T'trs- d,.y in the ;dict' (-duet, Mitchell, where he pleaded guilty to the rhatge and was fined $:'l) 1(22(1 $4115 Two 111011, who were found in the bar, ' were aloe fine) $5 end $6.15 costs 0erh, Stanley: The death of Mrs. Peck, wife of I{ichard Peck of the Goshen Line occurred last week. Deceased had been ailing for about three years but death has released her from all her sufferings. Seaforth: The property helone,ing to the estate of the late Mrs. Ferguson in Egtnondville, consisting of two frame houses and half an acre of to pad has been sold to George Gr;►haln, of Mitchell, for $1,900. Parkhill: Mrs. Brenner accidently stepped on a rusty nail recently and has been suffering with a very sore foot in consequence. -Charlie Leonard is laid up, the result of running a rusty nail into his knee the other day. St. Marys: Hubert Myers, son of Clove Myers, met with an unfortunate accident while playing baseball on the Central School grounds Saturday afternoon. Ile collided with another hey. As a result his nose was frac- tured. Parkhill: Mr. Klinck, of Consecon branch of the Standard Bank of (Cana- da, has been removed to the Parkhill branch to take the position of ledger keeper in place of Fred Newton, resign- ed to accept another with the Bank of Commerce. Mary's: in the examinations for First \'ear Arts at McMaster Univer- sity T. E. Richards took second class honors in English, Latin, Ilistory, Bible History lend third class honors in Greek, Mathematics, heat Mechan- ics, Biology. St. Marys: Monday while drawing manure, Bert Limb had a very serious accident. Having got off the seat to fix something 2418)0)1 the niachirte the horses started and the wheel passed over his body breaking two ribs and the shoulder blade. 8t. Metres: The Board of Manage- ment of Knox church have appointed Herbert Mitchell, late of London, Eng., to the position of organist and choir- master. Since coating to Canada Mr. Mitchell has been located at Carlton Place. Seaforth: Beatrice, the second daughter of Wm. Lindsay, formerly of Constance, died at New Liskeard, Ont., on Mondey. The remains were brought here for interment, in ('on - stance cemetery, the funeral taking place from the residence of John F. Staples, uncle of the (lecener'd. Seaforth: The death occlineel in Toronto on Tuesday of John i,ogan, a former resident of town, aged 78 years and :31 days. The dereased was well known here haring conducted a groc- ery business in town for several years prior to his removal to Toronto. The remains were brought toe '4eetforth for interment. Parkhill: The following left last week for distant points: -Miss zel MrGregoor to P:arx where' she will in future reside with her father. --Brock Davenport to Edmonton in the inter - trot of Bechtel's Co. i,t.1. of Wet et loo with whom he is employed. - Its. 13, Kennedy to 5.1 lilt Ste. Marie. Fort Willison and Winnipeg. l)aylleld: On Therwlev evening a large nonuse of nm'nlhr'rs of 1h.' Meth• relkt chinch :aid choir moot in the chnrrh and presented the ergnnl. t. Miss Eve %Valli., with a ha tele, rine geld ring set with five peatlr. end e0rom- partied by an address. Miss %%'aIlis ie ab(ntto retire from our midi,. after having filled the position with meet, areeptanre for the past five yrnrs. 1 Clinton: Dr. and Mrs. Gunn left Mav 21 on an exteudcd trip to the old; lant115. Parkhill: Mr. Sutton of town bas purchased John Archer's restaurant at Ripley. Mitchell: Michael Sehellenbeegerof Fullerton has a young cult on exhibi- tion which has nine toes on its four feet. St. Marys: Dr. ('has. McLean, a St. Marys boy,son of Gillean McLean, has been appointed to take charge of the new Iced Cross Hospital, Detroit. 5t. Marys: Dan McCarty an em- ploye of the Maxwell Works, palet with a painful accident Wednesday by mol- ten Metal accidentally dropping on his right foot and severely burning it. St. Marys: Geo, Melville, a -former resident of this township, passed away at Palmerston on May . in bis 711th year. His wife, who survives, was for- merly Charlotte Linklater of town. Seaforth: Monday Morning there passed away in his 60th year, Joseph Marshall, one cf our oldest residents. Ile had been in feeble health for some time, his condition was not considered serious until suite recently. Seaforth: loss Mary McLean, who in company with her mother left sotne days ago to visit with friends inNorth- ampton, Mass., has contracted scarlet fever and as a result they will be quar- intined for a number of weeks. Downie: The death occurred on Fri- day of Philip McDonald. at the age of 68 years, 9 months, 10 days. Hie death occurred suddenly, he having gone to lie down in bed, where he was found dead at 4 p.m. Heart failure is set as the cause of death. Parkhill: A couple of months ago an English lad applied to W. E. Cloth- ier for aid. He was taken in, befriend- ed and given employment in the print- ing office. All went well Cantil last Sunday when Mr. and Mrs. Clothier returned from a visit to Ailsa Craig they found their house had been ran- sacked and the lad was nowhere to be seen. Upon further search it was dis- covered that he bad taken a ladies' gold watch and chain, a number of gold coins and numerous articles of jewelry- and wearing apparel. Con- stable Manes has so far no clue of the culprit. STATS or Onto, CITY or Totrr.o, t ss Lress Cotsir Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior plrtner of the brut of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing busi- ness in the ('its- of Toledo, County and State afore• said, and that .aid firm will lay the bum of ONE HUNDRED INILLAKSter each and erery ease of Catarrh that cannot 1•e curet by the use of stall's Catarrh ('ure. FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before• me and .ubscril'ol in my pres- ence, this ((h day of December, A.D. lsSe. (Sr u.) A. w'. (; LEASON, NOTRAI' PUBLIC Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and ass directly on the blond and mucous surfaces of the sl stews. Send for te•.t ittionials free. F. J. ('HENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold Ly all Uniggists, 755. Take flails Family rills for constipation. - -- Parkhill: R. Haney meet with a nasty accident on Saturday when drawing a load of wood from Marks trill. After tilling his wagon with wood, he placed the seat across the load int as the horse started the seat •kipped, throwing Mr. Haney to the ground, where he struck his head and shoulders, rendering him insensible. He was also struck on the head by the seat, inflicting a nasty cut. Tuckerstuilh: The death of Thomas O'Brien occurred Monday, at the age of 541 years. Deceased has been suffer- ing for some from what was supposed to be cancer of the bowels, which pre- sumably was the cause of hie death. ile had been a resident of this locality for about 25 years, and was held in the very highest esteem, being a quiet In- dustrious citizen. He leaves a wife, four sons and two daughters. Downie: The little three year old daughter of James Telfer, had a nar- row escape froth a fatality Friday eve- ning. During the mother's absence for a few minutes, the child got hold of an open can of Gillett's lye powder, which Is usually tilted to slake soap, and filled its mouth full of the powder. The cries of the child soon brought the mother to its aid who used prompt nieamwtes to relieve the child, but none to soon, as the inside of the child's mouth was badly burnt. Seaforth: The following parties were ticketed to distant points last week: -Mr. and Mrs, Chas. [)odds, of McKillop, to Carrington, N. 1).; Mrs. Redmond and daughter to their home in Leeve4, N. i).; George L. Fells, Mill Road, to his home at. Talmage, Kansas; Mrs. Castle and daughter to their home at 1''aribault, Minnesota; George Martin, of Seaforth, to New Liskeard; Mr. Patton, to his home in Meche, N. 11.; Nathan Peck and son, of h:gmond- ville, to Liverpool by C. P. R. Empress of Ireland, sailing from Quebec. Hallett: One of the few rentsining poineers of the base line passel away on Wednesday, in the person of Mrs. Sprung, wife of John Sprung, after an illness of only three we •ks. She ex- perienced a stroke of patolysis three weeks ago from which she never re covered. Deceased whose maiden name wee Catherine B. Potter, wets born in Prince Edward Co., where she married M r. Sprang some 501 years ago. Over 10 years ago they moved to the base line, where they have ever since resided. She leaves n flintily of three daughters and one son. ----f --- HAD CLOSE ('ALL Seaforth, May20. What alight bevy proved a very ser•inus accident happen• ed to Mr. Beattie, a young fanner liv• ing n shoot die:lnr'e nor Owes( of Chi. place. 11e had darted to toll a field which hp II/Id jus fllli.hod ~owing when something went wiring with th. bar par.. and hf• got het weer) the her., . to fix it when the spirited tenni to(.{ fright. Mr. Beattie pbtrkily riling to the (oongue of the rIe11,' and by sem means eel ever the hack of onus of t) e horses. feeling it inlpessihle to d anything I (.iet, 110011 in their career, he managed to throw hires. 11 from the front of the relief. and ural .• p • • h( 'n I p i l l ed with ��nly ,1 ,a l halst g II . i f they .1 tipped, the frightened emitted s • 11 I. f' (• ' 1 1 et oocet n1 f e e dee r. had dashed 1 KO the rootlet with there. They next demi ed into a Page wire fence in which they beeline completely entangled spas fret') which they were extricate• by neighbors with considerable dint. rnitV. FiIRE A 1' GODEI{IC1l. Goderich, May 16. --About 1 o'clock this morning lite broke out in the St.tl roller twills. owned by N. Dietrich S Son. The fire was not discovered for some time, and before the fiI•ellm•n could get there the whole building was one mass of -flames. Two Grand Trunk cars ow a siding were badly damaged, but the firemen succeeded in saving t hero front total destruction. The plant, valued at $15,000, is totally deetroyed, but is fully coveted by in- surance. The tire started in the base- ment, but the Origin is uuknowu. 'DOCTORS USING PATENT MEDICINES The Honest Physician is Anxious to Cure and Uses the Best Available Remedies. Tho proposed legislation through the Dominion Parliament for the reg- ula:ion of the n:allUfactllre and sale Inherit Fortune after Maley Years of patent or proprietary medicines is of the utmost importance, and it is In 1885 Robert Armstrong of St. I receiving a great deal of attention, Marys, Ont., died intestate, leaving a not only by the proprietary medicine considerable fortune. The deceased manufacturer:, but also by the leading was a native of Ireland, where most of doctors and druggists. ':very utanu- his heirs lived. His estate was dived- facturer of reliable and high class ed among the family, with the excep- remedies welcomes the bill as a step tion of the portion that should have in the right direction. The discussion gone to his brother. John, who had has brought out the fact that the best not been heard from since 1861. In physicians in Canada and on the con - August last year, Jos. Armstrong, rt tinent approve of and prescribe Psy- half brother of Robert and John, alp- 1 chino in cases of the most difficult plied to the high court of Ontario for character. In a recent instance of an order pertuittiug the distribution very serious throat and lung trouble of John's share. The court was not the patient had been using Psychine. satisfied that John was actually dead, Two leading United States specialists or that he had left no heirs, and ia- were consulted, in addition to two structed Fulford Arnoldi to seek trac- es of the missing man or his heirs in eminent Canadian physicians. Upon Boston,where he had last been heard !earning what the patient was using, a sample of Psychine was taken and analyzed, with the result that the physioians advised its contitlu'.nce. They proscribed no other medicine but Psychine, with the result that the pa- tient has fully recovered and is a splendid walking and talking adver tisement for the wonderful curative power of a remedy that will "stand up" before the keenest professional criticism and analyaie. As a builder up of the system and restorer of all wasted conditions, Psychine has no equal, and the best and most earnest physicians recognize this fact. " At the arca of 25 my Ings were in terrible state. 1 had la grippe the year before ; it sett ot on my lungs and 1 kept steadily growing w..rso till feet down eo low 1 was in bed for six weeks I had a consultation of doctors, and they said they could do nothing more for me. 'Filen I starte.l to use Psychine. 1 took tho medicine for more than a year. It certainly dhl wonders for me. I am now as strong as I was before my sickness." MRS. H. HOPE, Morpeth, Ont. Psychine, pronounced Si -keen. is the greatest of tonics, building up the sys- tem, increasing the appetite, purify- ing the blood, aids digestion, and acts from. Ile succeeded in his quest, and while obtaining confirmation that John bad disappeared in 1861, while serving in the federal forces during the civil war, discovered that he left a son and daughter, now living in Bos- ton. These two will claim the fortune, amounting to about $4,000, lying to their father's credit with the court. — — f Zurich Mr. and Mrs. A. Weseloh of Berlin, former residents of this place, recently celebrated their silver wedding. They were the recipients of man beautiful presents. Their many friends in Zur- ich and vicinity join in wishing them many more years of happy wedded life. --Mrs, A. Flaxbard, who has been ill, is recovering. -F. W. Hess bas pur- chased an acre of land south of the school grounds. -S. G. Merner while in Waterloo last week purchased a cotuplete new threshing outfit. -E.' Appel has improved the appearance of his residence by fixing up his lawn. HAY STATISTICS.—The following particulars have been culled from the ' directly upon the throat and lungs, assessment roll of the township of giving tone and vigor to the entire flay for the year 1907. Acres of land ,system. At all druggists, 50C. and Si, in township, 53,48(1; cleared land, 31,0:`3 ; or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 acres; wood land, 3,906 acres; slashing ging Street West, Toronto. 130 acres; swamp land, 6,722 acres; value of buildings, $850,195; value of hind, $1,43:1,570; business tax, $2:3,075; income tax, $15511; total population. :3,175; stale persons, ages 21 to 611, 711; children, ages 5 to 21. 1114; children, ages 5 to 16, 811; total assessment, $2- 307,99). The population according to the 191)6 assessutent roll was :3.243, thus showing that Hay has decreased (1'3 in population since 1► year ago. WEDDED ---A quiet yet pleasing event was solemnized at the Evangel- ical parsonage on Wednesday evening. May 15th, when Jacob 1Weido, of near Dashwood, was united in wedlock to Miss Annie Rummel, of Zurich. The ceremony was perforated by the I{ev. A. D. (iischler an the presence of a few friends. The bride was prettily gown- ed in a white silk waist with skirt and hat to match, while little Miss Beatrice Elizabeth Gischler, dressed in white. acted as flower girl. The removal of the bride from Zurich will be much regreted by her friends, but they will ]cin in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Weido a long and happy married life. -A quiet wedding was celebrated at London on Monday, May 6th, when Miss Josie Elbert, daughter of Mrs. P. Bender, and Herbert Axt, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Axt, of this village, were united in marriage, We join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Axt much happiness and prosperity through life. Mitchell: While doing some shop- ping Tuesday afternoon in the T. S. Ford ('ompany's store, Mrs. G Sum- ner, west ward, missed her footing while coining down stairs, and fell froth the top, striking her head against the banister poet with great force. She sustained two had Cuts upon her head. I)r. Armstrong was called and dressed the wounds. Wood's Phosph.odine, The Gnat 1 i•. li,mr,lpp. Totter, uud is : t L•': s) 11010 nervous 1 21:k,•s now Mood in el.l i e:;15, Cures Nerv- ous Debilityy,� 1fndal and flreiet Worry, 1A•3• •auelrary, Assured Weak -nese. /:rnissiwe+, Spee •'.••rlur,r, and Effects of A',use.. tn. 1,.r(raaar. Al per box, sixfer',, line will please six . '! cure. Sold by all drnggi,ts or mailed 1n :..in pkg. on receipt of price., N. pwuphld waded free. Tho Wood M.dICIeto Co. ffurertt•rly Windsor) TOr'Cntto, Ont. For Stock Improveiltuit GOLDEN CASE is a tIott n ): - II•.t) of first chess pedigree, ha- p " .1 e sure getter, 15i hands bleb. •s, ,ghs 1075, a fine horse for t 1.• teed. Tuesday leaves home 10' "'•1 cheeses to David ('hristie's, Ili lo. 7: tben home. %Vednesdey to Philip Here's. to home. Thursday to John Marg:••.'-. Us - borne, to home. Friday to Silas Balk will'-, 131'''-h:4,d, to home. Hallie lir .o n, l'r pp. CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. War established twenty 51' and L) it+ thor ough work and honorable dealings with it. patrons has beeotne one of the larg..t and moa widely known t'omraereial Colleges in the Province. TA, demand upon us for commercial tea, her, and oases assistants greatly exeeed. the suppl) 28, a,•i•t our graduates to po.itious. Student• arts en•erino ea^A week. Catale•gu,' free. I;I.LIOTT k McI.ACIII.AN, Principals ,SUNSHINE NO BENDING DOUBLE AND POKING AROUND TIIE ASII-PIT WITH A SHOVE', TO GET THE ASHES OUT OF THE SUNSHINE. The Sunshine is furnished with a good, big ash -pan. All you have to do is to grasp two strong, firmly at- tached, always --cool, bale han- dles and the large, roomy ash - pan easily conies out. A minute or two is all it takes to perform the operation. All the ashes are in the pan, too. Because they are guided into it by means of ash -chutes attached immediately below the fire -pot. Sunshine is the simplest, Iasi':st-managed, cleanest kind of a furnace. You don't have to wear overalls and a srnnck when attending to the Sunshine. If your local dealer does not handle the "Sunshine" write direct to us for FREE BOOKI.FT. MCClary!s LONDON, TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, ST. JOHN. KB. T. i AW KINS & SON, EXETER.