HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-05-23, Page 2GIRbS BESCIIEB BY FIflE1KEN
Fire Damages Large St. John Dry
Goods Store.
A despatch trout St. John, N. D., says:
One of the most serious Tires SI. John
has had in years was discovered u few
minutes utter noon on Friday in Mac-
Auloy Mose big dry goods establish.
stent on King Street, and in a very
&edit time thousands of dollars' worth
et damage was 'gone, and several young
emeinen employed in the millinery rooms
(•n the fourth iloor of the Targe build -
Ing. had their means of escape cut off
until the firemen placed ladders to the
rear windows on South Market Street
and carried the frightened girls to
The fire started in the basement. et
the King Street front of the store, pre-
sumably in a quantity of ootton, but
what caused it is not definitely known.
Mr. B. 11. MaeAuley visited tho base.
tient about 11.30 o'clock, but at that
time there was no sign of what even-
tually (kvelogxtl into the most serious
conflagration in the firm's history.
A few minutes after noon, while the
bike sh-wmoms were well filled with
customers, an employe smelled smoke
and a second later say a tiny curl is-
suing from a fixture directly behind
him. Word was soon passed to the
customers and the store was emptied
el all but employes without the slight-
est disorder. In the meantime dense
smoke had (flied the basement and
pouted up the elevator shaft to the up-
per floors. 1t beteg dinner hour, many
clerks were away from the store. 'their
cr four girls working us dis ssmakers
en the upper floor, were nearly suftocat-
ed One girl kept crying out: "1 ata
going to jump; but the firemen encour-
aged her to hold on. At last the big
truck was hoisted by firemen and two
girls rescued, nearly exhausted. An -
ether girl was taken out of the front en-
trance on King Street by two of the sal-
vage corps almost overcome with snueke.
While the firemen were rescuing
t'(se girls by the rear window an-
other young w.in►un appeared at a big
bow window on the King Street side
cf the third floor. It was feared she
would jump to the street, but the fire-
men carne to her rescue.
The flames were confined to the base-
ment where the flre started. The whole
od the splendid plate glass front was
shattered by tho firemen, and much of
the flooring on the lower floor was rip•
ped up.
Firemen who were working in the
cellar had a very narrow escape about
o'clock. They !tad just gotten out of.
the cellar when the first iloor gave way,
and MI into the cellar.
The loses Ls in the vicinity of $110,000
with insurance of $100,000. $80.000 pn
the stock and $20,000 on tho building.
1I%I'I'ENINGS FIIOM ALr OelIt '11111
Tetrgrnplite Oriels From Our Own rine
Other Countries of Recent
Natural gas has been found at \(elfort,
Hamilton laborers are to receive 20
cents per hour.
Toronto City Council fixed Monday,
August 5, as Civic Holiday.
D. S. Curry, comptroller for Winnipeg,
for 23 years, has resigned.
Only one -ninth of the Doukhobors
have become Canadian citizens.
Cotton operatives in St. John havo
been given an increase of ten per cent.
Canada's trade for the twelve months
ending March 31st, was $612,581,351-
612,581,351•'It e Itainy Itiver settlers endorse the
nwventeut for secession fent" Ontario.
Calgary endorsed a by-law the other
day to raise $125,000 to instal municipal
Mr. D. B. Manna has been appointed
General Manager of the Canadian North-
eni Midway.
New permanent cavalry corps aro to
lc eetallishexd in Alberta and Saskatch-
Ur. Walter Murray English ha, been
appointee Superintendent of Hamilton
The Government has decided to prose-
cute a number of fines found selling
oleomargarine as butler.
Burglar:: got $1.215) in diamonds In te
reel 4 .11 I)efoe's jewellery store, Fort
\\ illuun, on Saturday night.
Immigration returns slow that Cn-
l-iu is getting the bulk of the arrivals
hem the continent of liutvpe.
Frohn the e -tate of the late Harrison
Gorey of I'etrutca the Government has
rtcened $12.3 r► in succession duties.
The \lini.ter of Education Ls consider-
ing, Ilse all 'linen of legislation to pre-
vent the spread of tuberculosis in Iho
The purchase by the C.I'.li. of the New
j runsw ick Southern nate ay, from Ste.
eaepleu to SI. John le announced.
ste 1:.1'.R, teleghaphers at \Winnipeg
gate a message buy their cheques
line/tinting to SW) to cu,lh, and he did,
(nt fallen to return.
The °el winJnhill itt Prince Albeit.
►\hick was used as a ke.kontt by 11'•elie
In the \urlhwe t reh.'IILn. ens blown
down en Friday.
Jake Uixun, an Indian near Nanton,
A►beila, died of drinknng a husky to es -
Cess, and Dan NI. lease d. tcl►u is tic-
custal of supplying: it, is on ;ail.
In -Teeter Jenks' and four men of tho
I. N. W. \I. 1'. are at Edii,••nlun nn
their way le 11erschen'seine, where they
will live foe the it two years.
Ity a dccis.en til Judge \lerson of
matt(, a reslauuant-keeper stay .ell
fruits. c;trelies and ice creast on Sun-
dnys and allow the purchase.s to be taken
limn the premiem.
The Itnilt\ay and \hmicip:tl Beard
otlene1 that the Toronto Midway (AelI'
parry construct front ten to (tleen ndbi•
limbal twice of double barks end one
teetered new cars.
.\n leeeoh lad of 17, l.es'nming Loeb
dente :IcIutynle't, t:'sap(d from the ire•
ever:item hall in Eilinenton. Alta., clad
oily se an unadershirt, In this atthr.r he
Noe.• sham the river. t.ut w.13 lutnify
l:ltl- \T IIItIT.11\.
The Milt, 1 ter 1906 of England and
Melee is • 0, d on recti d.
England .ng n railway strike. as
the nen demand nee:•gnition of their
The Colonial ()inference en,i.trsed lite
p topv,.al 411 an nll•iliat.ti mail route 10
Austratin. Iia Canasta.
Moth one exceptesn, the inseeters of
Hit West Ilam Meant of Geentente and
w•trktrouse one -tale hate teen sent to
pri-,on for teseepting bribe:'.
• tthg;ttt Hon. Henry 1:Isapen, Unionist,
wa-t elected fur \\ imb.i'don. England,
Pier ihetrenl It -• II, the tuffiag...t
can dnlale. by ale 7 sine ntaionl•.
One thousand )...ing men of Chi.•ag0
have formed a leng, io 10 check drinking.
Abraham Reef, the San Francisco
boas. Inas pleaded guilty to the charge of
Fourteen rnen were killed by n prema-
ture dynamiter explosion near Marion,
N. C.
\h'. Roderick Cochrane, who sent the
fist plough to Manitoba, Ls dead at
Smallpox Las been taken into the
towns of Derby and Ansonia, Conn., by
210,000 fauns in Iowa have the proud
record of not one crop failure in 50
John Hansen was fined 8100 nt New
York for showing moving pictures of the
Thaw -White tragedy.
The United Slates submarines Octopus
and Lake were kept 21 hours beneath the
surface as an endurance test.
French state officials must not join
labor organizations, it is announced, and
school 'eachers are so classed.
Ttir'o persons were trampled to death
and many injured in n panic in a negro
school in Indian Territory on Friday.
Harry Marshall, a bystander, was shot
and killed during a riot among the
striking longshoremen al New York on
Within six months niter he began to
smoke cigarettes, fourteen -year-old
George Miller, of Bridgeport, Conn., be-
came insane.
Extensive forest fires have been rag-
ing since Sunday in Venting() courtly,
Pa. Tho fires cover an area of ten
square miles and have already a done
damage amounting to $75.000.
A well-known Chicago stock broker
announced that he would not shave
again until wheat Le 81.50 a bushel and
cotton sells at fourteen cents a pound.
According to advices from loading cot-
ton mills of southern New England, fully
8,1,000 operatives will have their wages
advanced about 10 per cent., beginning
May 27t•1.
Twelve thousand five hundred women
teachers in New York are striving to
obtain from the Legislature an increase
in their salaries to equal that of men
Beet, are said to be doing good work
fa Kansas, exterminating the green bug
wheat destroyer. Two thousand boxes
of bees havo been distributed to Kansas
The ministers of Schuylkill county and
Panther (:reek Valley. 1'a., have plenn(d
an active campaign to wipe nut cheap
dance hells, claiming that they demor-
alize young girls.
Trachoma among school children to
New York Is rapidly decreasing. There
were 15,000 known cases among the pu-
ttee a few years ago. To -Jay there aro
but 5,700 children in New York's schools
suffering from the disease.
While hunting Mild flowers on the
mountain; at .tlleen°, Iva., the other
Jay, three Iseys ran into n den of cop-
perhead snakes Ihnt were :ginning thetn-
selve. en Ilse rocke. The reptile: stowed
light. led the boys ptrrm•tel clubs and
killed eighteen.
(iE NI:I1.\L.
Prices Are higher Than for Several
A despatch fmm Odessa says : The
European wheat situation to regarded by
competent grain merchants here es be-
ing most unfavorable. The present
prices aro the highest the experts on the
[tourso ran remember to have been
quoted in Russia for decades past. 'the
provinces of Bessarabia. Poltava, Kher-
son and Podolia aro gravely affected.
Seventy-five per cent. of the wider crops
have been damaged by the cold weather
and dry spring. Ow•Ing to the sudden
rise in temperature a fortnight ago the
entire spring crops will be lost unless
rain falls within a week, in which case
possibly 85 per cent. of the spring crop
will be reaped. About Kishinev the
farmers are roploughing their fields, the
first sowings having been ruined by
drough. At Yelzabetegrad the winter
wheat crops are threatened with de-
struction owing to lack of rain.
Ileal Son Murderously for Sunday (tall
A despatch from Athens. Georgia,
says : Because he whip ted his 12 -year-
old son for playing baseball on Sunday,
.1. 11. Arnold, a travelling revivalist, was
on Tuesday sentenced to six months on
the rock pile by Mayor Donsey. Physi-
cians testified that the boy was lashed
until his flesh was pulp, and that he
might not recover. Arnold said he be-
lieved it was a deadly sin to pia), base-
ball on Sunday, and he had ordered his
son not to play, but the latter disobeyed
and was even captain of the team.
Will Compell the Japanese to Leave
:\Ilio District.
A despatch from Vancouver, B. C.,
says : Angered at tho introduction of
Jupanese into the Atlin district by J. M.
Ruffner, the miners have determined to
force the Orientals out of the camp. In
their fight against the Japanese the
miners have the merchants behind them.
Several mass meetings were held, when
questions were discussed, and on Sun-
day evening it was declarer) that the
Japanese roust go. Ruffner was re-
quested to attend the meeting• and. not
corning soon enough, miner., went nut
and brought him in. He insisted that he
could not get white labor. The miners
declared that tho Japanese will be forc-
ibly ejected this week if they do not
novo Immediately.
Serious rare riot, have broken out in
Delhi. Ind'a. ee
(►poen Minnie in Foeetem have Iwo
closed by the Chinese autlorilies.
A eelku►; revolt threaten+ anteing the
trine-greevers of southern France.
A inhere'. fins been nrreeted al Berlin
for making n fare at the Emperor.
The Secedes! gains in the Auslrien
elinin; are not Si great as onticipnte.l.
Reports from Europe' indicate a I•,w
yield o: wheat ut all countries except
The tverld'a wheat erep promisee to 1,'
million's of lei hole 'seisms !nit )cat's
The r„ asants of the Ilernek dt=tricl of
Rucsin are in revolt and Have Jiennn.d
the local soldiery.
'I'we1e hundred Ittttsien Qunkers trite
:•alte'l h.,n, Lil.au lir Anu'rka, pn'snrn-
81.1y ter Canastn.
Strom) oli v..tei n•, is .i iin yuk't, bel
it is kennel Itxtl !his calmness is only the
prelude to a greater eruption Itiin eters.
\Iaotannc 1't.nrk11ul• n (,'male lerr,r:et
.,f Moscow. 1 ,. been e\itc\i 10 cit er;a
for attempting the tee se General N, it•
sky, •
The Council of the Empire or I1►e Rua-
•eman Upper Hous'. rejeetetl the bill of
the i)eunn to atoliah trials by drum -
heed c:otrtsrnartial.
t eseeack:s nt I nelz, Itneein, on Friday
tirsel indir• rIminalely into n cr.,wd of
facer) worlkntrn and ofitcial,. killing
tient)-•ane and wounding over forty.
fie itanish policy hive remit -AIM Mel
C+•'rnien police M lake action ngninst a
Se, sloth agent named (tree Bern!, who
is eeeteed of Iurtng white slaves to
High Price of Wheal (:aures .tnolher
Jump at Winnipeg.
A despatch from Winnipeg says : The
jumping wheat tnprket has had its in-
evitable effect oftill further ruislpg the
price of flour. Friday at noon u further
advance of 10 cents a bag on all grades
of flour look effect, and this is the third
advance in price in lees than u fort-
night, making an increase altogether of
G0 cents on some grades el flour and 50
cents on others. The poor consolation is
offered the Winnipeg public of knowing
that so far the price of flour has not been
increased by the stills in proportion to
the advancing prices of wheat. Now
comes this latest addition to the prices
and the consumers of bread can appar-
ently stake up their minds that flour
will ascend still higher, and that they 1
will not decline for a long time ahead.
The two first advances have not resulted'
et (ho bakers raising the price of bread,
but with Friday's addition it Ls a fere- •
gone conclusion that th.• consumer must
pay more for Iris bread. 1
Altorney-General's Department Receives
Leder Regarding (:ase.
A despatch from Toronto says: The
Attorney -General's Department has re-
ceived a communication from Mr. Jus -
lice Riddell in reference to his judgment
in which he sentenced ConductorThomp-
son who was in charge of , the Grand
'Prink train wrecked at Guelph, to three
years' imprisonment. Tho judge in his
leper asks that some action be taken by
the department to learn what officiate of
the railway were responsible for allow-
ing the man to work a longer number of
hours in one day than the law allows..
Some action will, itis understood, be
taken by the department in acrordanco
with the suggestion of the judge.
DROVE 4rll:K TiNN)1l.H Ilii lN.
Dynamite Killed Workman on Construc-
tion East of Kenorn.
A despatch (ruin Kenora says : Ana-
ther serious dynamite accident occurred
on Wednesday nt Parry Crimp. about 40
tulles east of here, on the (:.I'.R. con-
struction work. under Foley Brothers,
whereby Alex. McDonald, who has been
in employment of the company for only
three weeks, vas killed. He was loading
a holo with dynamite when the explo-
sion occurred. The Pending slick struck
hint under the chin, pieeetrating Ihrniugh
to the brain. He was brought In to the
iWye! Jubilee llospitnl in an unconscious
Jaynes Clarke, for twenty Teals a con
dueler on the Canada Allnnlic !loilway
with the usque reeor. o net g
I ( never awing
Population of Eighty Millions Before End
of Century.
A despatch from London says: Pro.
fc•s_sor Sler;hs'n Leacock spoke on Thurs-
day al the Victoria League on the ques-
tion of Canada. Mr. Haldane, moving
'. vote of thanks, said it had been cal-
culated that Canada before the end cf
he ce 111111')' would pk,SSesS a popuhition
of 80,000,040. What a power that would
Fe! It night he that \Iacaulay's famous
vissert would be realized and the centre
,1 the empire be transferred elsewhere,
lot if .1 •velopnlenl went on on right
use., ;1 .tould be a J, t. lepntent of the
Population of Eastern Iteum:II tri a Slate
of Nervous Irritation.
A despatch from Culculla says: Al-
though there have been no flesh nut -
breaks in Eastern Bengal the unrest
continues. !t Is largely attributable to
the Hindu movement, to boycott English
goods. The Mohammedans still refuse
to join the boycott and the Hindu bitter-
ness against theincreases. A Hindu
organization called the National Volun-
teers is carrying on the agitation in the
rural districts, keeping the whole popu-
tenon in a slate of nervous irritation.
The members go armed with spears,
clubs and swords and sometimes fire-
arms, preaching sedition, hanipering
trade, destroying foreign goods and ter-
rorizing the inhabitants. Trade has al-
most stopped and [arming is Hindered.
The jute crop is likely- to be seriously
d -
Valuable Dredipinlg I.eaee Secured East
of Prince Albert.
sante empire, the sante people perme-
teedl with n deeper seaS,• of maty.
The Archbishop of Canterbury spoke
c f the immense and grave pnoblein of
Canada. Men undertaking spiritual
work are going there in quite lie&
qt:ate nunibers. The difficulty is as
great as any the Church dins had to
contend with. The Bishop of \lontreal
said all lite wit and wisetoni of Eng-
land would be needed to solve the prob-
lem 11 tsi perpetuate the magnificent
leyatty r, • v animating the Canadians.
Toronto, May 21. -Cull board quota-
tions aro:
\\' heat -Ontario -No. 2 white. 78c bid,
onside; No. e mixed, 77x bid, outside.
Wheat -Manitoba - No. 1 northern,
9G.: asked, track Goderich.
Barley -No. 3, 55c asked outside, 50c
bid.Peas-No. 2, 80c asked, outside, 79c
Oats No. 2 white, 42c bid for 10,00000
bushels, 42e asked for 5,0bushels.
J1ye-Nn. 2, 72c asked, outside.
Prices are:- •
Wheat -Manitoba -Lake ports -No. 1
hard, 98c; No. 1 northern, 96c; No. 2
northern, 94e.
Wheat -Ontario -No. 2 white winter,
A despatch from Prince Albert, Sask.,
stays: Thos. 11. Brooks. a former resi-
dent of this city. who has made a for-
tune at Cobalt, and Senator Turly, of
Feel Wayne. Ind., have secured leases
of the gold dredging privileges east of
Prinee Albert. in the Saskatchewan
River. They will put four or five dredg-
es to work at once. The success of the
gold dredge that is working west of
Prince Albert has stimulated interest in
the gold dredging. Dr. ilougI sedge
and the Hon. W. ('. Itansaay have taken
n lot of black sand out of the eivy . This
sand lots to He shipped to+�lh .Slates,
where the geld is extricated. They are,
ie-.wever, new putting In a purifying
plant of their own, and will extract the
New Itegulatlons for the Western
irovinces are Approved.
A despatch from Ottawa says: The
Governor-Council-(:ouncil has apprnv-
cd of new regulations concerning the
leasing of coal lands in Manitoba, Sas-
knTchew•an, Alberta, the Yukon, the
North-West Territories, and the rnilway
bell of British Cnhimbin. They provide
that coal areas may he leased for a
period of 21 years, at an annual rental
of 81 in advance; that no application
shall he for more than 2.500 acres; that
priority of legal possession shall ensure
!isle: Ihnt operations roust be begun
within 12 months; that a royalty of five
cents per ton shall be paid, and that vic-
tual settlers shall be allowed In buy
Deal for their own use nt the price not
In exceed $1.75 per ton at the pit's
Janies Torrance, a V'mmm!g elan, hilted
Near Lurknot..
A (lespalch fromLueknriw t iy -: .1
teed accident occurred on Friday merit-
ing resulting in the death of James.
eldest son of Mr. Peter Torrance. near
file village. The young 111nn was en•
gazed rolling in flu' field, and, nl!lywglt
ho 4)110 SAW 1h^ .,rite. nt it appears that.
79' le 80c; No. 2 red, 79c to 80c; No. •L
mixed, 79c to 80c.
Oats -No. 2 white, 41c, outside; No. 2
mixed, 40c.
Peas -Age bid.
Corn -No. 3 yellow American, 57%c
to 58c, lake and rail, 59c to 59%c all
rail; Ontario. 4Rc, Chalhnm freights.
Ryer-Quite dull. 65e to 66c.
Barley -No. 2, 53%c to 54c, outside;
No. 3 extra, 52eec to 53,e; No. 3, 51 jee
to 52c.
Flour -Ontario -90 per cent. patents.
.1 to 83.10 bid; Manitoba. first patents,
Fi.75: eeonds. $1.15 to $1.20; bakers',
Si.05. Toronto.
Bron -821 to 8?2; shorts quoted at
$22 to $23, outside.
Butter -Supplies
crewing daily.
Creamery. prints
do solids .... .
Dairy, prints ....
do tubs .
Cheese -13c fur
Eggs 17e to•f7 ;c. •
Honey -Pails, Ile to 12c Ib.; combs,
$1.50 to 82.50 per dozen, according to
Beans 51.50 to 81.55 for hand-picked
and 81.35 to 81.40 for primes.
Potatoes --Ontario, 8Sc to 90c; east-
ern, $1.00 to 81.10, in car lots on track
here. Ontario, nominal.
Bold Hay -Steady nt $12.50 le $13
per ton for No. 1 timothy and 810 to
811 for secondary grades, in cur lets
Baled Straw -Steady at $ ;.::. I., ,
her ton, in car lots here.
Dressed flogs -Firth at 89.25 four
lightweights and $5.75 for heavies, far►farm-
ers'lots. Car lots nominal.
Torek -Short cut. 823 to 823.50 per
b;;rrel; mess. 821 to 821.50.
Smoked and Dry Stilled \leale- Long
i'ear bacon, 1lc to 11Xc for tons and
• s: hams, nudism and light, 15%c
Wee heavy. ee to 15c; hacks. 16%;c
' 1 ee el seeders. 110 to 114c; rolls,
11 1, ; f !sickle, lc less than smoked.
Lard- -li ,sner; tierces, 12',ic; tubs.
12yc; pails, 1234c.
are heavy, and in -
..25c to 2Gc
23c to 21c
22c to 23c
Ise to 19c
large and 13%1c for
M.•ntreal, May 21. --The beat market
the #tom's, psessibly frightened by a lute- for oats Ls very notch slr.ng;er, and '••
1 �,,. wh11r rlanhlobas 1'..+r. to 4...
laid a wreck or n serious ae'ident of any s ng train, became unmanageable and New quote', while for (nc 1" rani
description on MA train. has been ap- e.n ntt•ay• When found Mr. Torran•••' brad,' l4l" do 4t'.m b is being quoted quite
pointed by the Railway (aanmission an v .!ill olive bud r.nennscious• fins) f find('
inspector of accidents and rolling stock. t • .t -!•ortly after. Deceased was about lt, Yk\eheal-5,',c to S('i%0 per buslul.
id.n tvf11 t'e stationed at Winnipeg. CS res of ears. lien --American No. 2 yellow, 55c;
N.. 3 ntix.•d. 65' ex stone.
',. :-- t •ih ' seas el ht suite, el 1•,!
Soldier Confesses That He Accepted Bribe
to Assist in Murder.
A despatch from St. i'... t nig
A 'Ferrer. -t c IIspiruey directed against
the life of 1 ls'ror Nicholas, the exist.
(ewe i f v . ', has been suspected Feer
some, t • I -'. hos been ret'ealcd by
the.g erre es at t - -S•14) of a soldier
(,flh•' Guard It . The roan Con-
fessed to the ,•;.ince of a targe
money bribe to :t - st fn the murder . 1
hie Majesty.
Accnnling to the details of the plot,
the existence of which tins been cam -
firmed 1) one of the high• et uflici'ri!s
t,f the leotnt, 351..1)1' tern .%11.4 dcreeted '•
the at•Mier by the fact that he was seen
los hate in his p••sio ss on censtderab'.••
,m; of nxwey. Ile was at once places!
.ureter (,bservnlion. When he noticed
that he wne being chnelowed 11e became
bank -Mtn -ken one sought the anthn'•i
ties. He then l.rohe down and v,Is;
tartly made les a'nfr:mon , after '.t'.
be begged for protection.
Alt the Ihr.'nts of this conspithey,
which le radi-silty tI tl•rent from fornt•
•'r attempts (.f Ills uat.tre. are not yet
in the hande of the =ehr1 .et' ice men.
A iso un(lertings have leen appre-
f,cn t• 1 tri' the real insligrtters of tee
scrim.. 1 the men who furnished the
bleed iu.,ney, have net yet been e'en -
lifted. I1 Is thought that the menet
Wed ii part of the proceeds of \ ,
poillic1 11 t beries comnulltel .
last Fall anti Winter. Many 4,f
participants ill threw so-cnikd expr•,;,i.•
eli..n c have t„ en nrreslcd and executed,
Firm; \ ' • . e
5°%c. e 1„!.-•\\ . \ ,, :., ese,e.
No. 2 mixed, : e, . Burley \., . Iter-.
ings. Rye -Firs;; \o. 2 oils e,•.I, ;.. a•-
ieve,' 80c.
N1:\\' PORK \\AV:1T MAIIKI•71'.
New York. May 21. --\\'heat - Spot
easy; No. 2 rid. ti85;c in elevator and;
9'1 f.o.h, al'o'tl; No. 1 northern Du -
lull:, 51.09 f.o.b. afloat; Nu. 2 hard -win
ter, $1.02 f.o.b. afloat.
.a. I ng,p s
turf 51.111 ifs jobMng lots.
1-1.sur-Manitoba vpr.ng wheat, :1.25
-;.00; strong bah, rs', et% to $1.10;
• to riser wheat patents, 81.10 In $1.2.5
Istraight rollers. R:t.6) to $3.70: (M, in
I•ag,, 81.6.5 to RI.;:.; extras, 81.5',0
\ll!G•e•'I--\I••n:' ' , I • •1 n Mage. set
1.. 4.,.2; shat.,. s_, t.. s•!2.50: (inlari•,
Iran in hags. eel 'I; steels. 522 f1
€ 9.70: milled it a -'I to 825:
she till grain. ': 1. 1,,,i. !••n.
11•,1!ed 08t-- 1•• 1. .•. .51t►11 lo 42.
(tate-Nn. 1. els .• \ 812.50; N.
1. 811h•': clover n,1x, .1. 811: pure ck,v.•r.
$10.50 1 811 per bon in car lois.
Cb..' .' Firm at 12%e.
11:'tf. r --'rhe marten sleeve nn meter
• link. nal 2I%e is freely qu-.I,•J.
Prices are unehaneed sit 17 ec
f t ' seteatn•I .....1, lege to Iffy*':
! 13e e i s'see; pare 'eel,
1% • I: i i . cv +' ,nnen sheet
tut the 10:01 was nt•v.r lncatd' ui m; tai; I r+ree, 'heavy
The pollee oflieinls nininttlin a titya• ('agtn+ln sh•'rl cn' r• cc ink t1% half
tcrir,lis \t -lien gneetionetd regard- t.•; t.r •tt• r't s,ad,t th ...' MIt Cheat
;r.: Iii, e•:ncplra y. They refuse to SI1.51: l•,r: •'!: err., i, ,' •at•t ('annda
affm odeny st slur), and etre', en' r• • : 811 es: 1 ,rrets ee.lhcroschir•(ssr In slatingtihthat there 1• fled 1 • . u ,r :.M -ht.r1 • ut mess
:ratiun lhnI•the men arreskcd last p„z . -,,
c • \(
,,arc- Hama.
earn Imre
w • • :a 1h e Is• w.s re connected with
r ,lnritles with intor-
i n retohiliflrinry cite
,.. th' hired that the Hien
I tali week Were neon ncd
w ' : ganlznlion of the fighting
I. r.• I - ' ' h ren•o,lulIontela. which the
p ' t•ur •eC(ie'1 last year in breaking
ul , oast
"Int the authors of the prc3fll
t:• • ' -lied Ire fought outaide ^1
SI. 1': t. rsbt.rg.
(1.. half harrele short
rut I - • 1 ell ee• ' ',trete light
rtnn^.! • . ,, , r + rk, it!I: her•
rile 1, •act nk pr.rk, $21: berrele Clear
1.1 1•1
I:t 1'1' \i.n \i \RKi"T.
Iht(tal s. N. Y.. \fay 21--Flm►r---R ea4y.
t\'h.•nt--Spr:n(.' dull; Nn. 1 Northern,
ei.o1y.; Winter, no offerings. Corn-
Toronto. May 21. -Prices avers slightly,
higher on an active demand for cattle
at Ilte \\extern Market to -cloy. \'alusa
ranged from 85.10 to 85.40 he- good In
choice exporter:,. and from 81.90 to *5.05'.
for fair to peel ones.
Choice selected butchers' cattle Wold at
$1.90 to 55.20; fair to good butchers'
cattle brought 54.40 to 81.55 ; common,!
Si to 81.35; Cows, $3.25 In 54.40 per'
Good grain -feel Inners, 57.50 In 55 per
cwt ; common lambs very slow rind al-'
most unsaleable; spring tenets 83 to $81
each; export ewes first tit 56 to stew:
each; bucks. 51.50 to 85.51).
Ileavy feeders, 1.650 to 1.150 its, were
in steady demand at 81.50 to 54.75 per
cwt. Short keeps brought 51.75 to $4.90
per cwt.
Calves were steady at 53 to 57.50 each.,
(logs were unchanged al 86.62%, ford
selects. and 86.37'-, for lights and fats
per cwt.
-- 'P
FARMER 111.0\\_\ '17► PIECES.
I:lisha huff of Prince Eileen! Courtly
the Victim.
A despatch iron. Belleville says: :1
Terrible accident occurred in the 1•-tw•n-
ship of HaII. veli, Prince Edward (nun-
tv shortly before G o'eloc•Ic on Friday
evening, when Elisha Bluff, a very pro-
minent (tomer, was blown to pieces.
Iia \vas part proprietor tel tie Huff -
Sprague 'Telephone Company. and tt s
engaged pulling up poles. After jr
had been dug he placed in it n charg.. nl
dynamite and ignited the fine. 'Then he
walker] away n few steps. hal returner)
and pinced hie hand in the hole. Just
then the charge exploded, tearing away
hall of the roan's heed :oast s1all.•ring
ifs body to piece.,. Tho-- ..- -ting Itirn
think \t•. fluff roust snJ.1. i ' lave be-
come either (lenient.\I tt .i.•n•J, i,s he
was generally most careful. It t was ee
years of age, and leaves a ‘,..low arse
three grown up suns.
111111\ I'I.Iall -iIil.D.
Ilor rifle Tale. of t onnihali;i* brant Ger.
man We.1 .tfrira.
\ despatch from Berlin sen::: '111•'
(. '. ;ane Gazelle reports Ihal fearful can -
11 • ,!r -Ill is still Israeli -eel in the tin infant
\e • .1 African pmtteclornle of Kele. run.
A (ii'rmnn n►errhant writ.•e to the news•
paper that the natives not only d, t.rur
their meanies, b111 nts.o erintin,l, :111,1
persons who have leen 1• ' •1 up for
!little] offences. The niers 1ralsl
the fate' with dillieully. Kn!, Iho•., he
writes, offer Iunnan I1•';h f• nl Iho
public marl,'. to peevish. 11
senlcn•-ee nr•• n:s•..1 ler -1 Ire.
vial offence. I:
leng to Ilse Bees i -I • .,+,. _r, ..
Mohannnednns, ;u. i •i .
religious rtes,
• •
oi • the+t.
1111'11. 111V 1ta:s 1)1' 1'1.\t.i
Nearly Hall a Million 1►rat's. in Ih • pet
'three elnnllis.
A de 1. (, I
1.'.n ,, Is .1 ;.
(lint (hinter err!; . 1,.e
there \tete sees,' . , . -
r..471 sheers. an
tit number 411 (else-. :n•1 1'
tnsrnt•'r of sleetht tr stn 11.• r.,
leen (1,•i.rl. i ten:. 1..
1',10 deem- bent :ee e
\t • in 1.111.21:. and ,Ira nue lis•, Ir; -' "
!t enitts ef Mei. 11 , floe l'''•' •
.1•athe es0 tee et *1 1,•,\
'1 t..,,' 1a. iti-., Iss:n ;n •:,••,I ,:. .
fr.tt; .:!!ler • er.e., 11,• ,1.0:11, r,;,.
'11.. wii•r14' 4.1 Ii,lia h - :r•• ..,•-..1
i'w for lIioIracl fk•' 1•'n- ' .:r ! t
lI;OUsarid in Iti01 to 36
---- - - • . -
25.50e IN 1t 1111.. i
Returns of Imtnranit n1 CanadianCanadianOrcein(gPnr1,.
A 41, spntels fr. m ()l rs racy• .. ••
15.•tesi iimeterene, r. e.1 n1 .,('''t !• ties
for the n • :'0 so 1pril. 4.se par•• -I t•.ith
16.8'?i. in 1-. 1 • e•
tel ern! 1 : 1 I . • 1
That the . • r the •
year will re • 30),000 tsar'.. 1 1
year it was .1 ,s.i.
KI\(. 1:1►1V 1111► S 611'(.
Will Present Spanish Royal
Artistic Silver
A despatch from 1.o
Arthur of Connaught s
on Wednesday evetrtf
KII g Edward's oh
atlt oup of aslislb d