HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-05-23, Page 1t
We print invitations on
the newest Of paper, with
the newest of type, at a
reasonable price. You
want something nice.
hot I
Real Estate Changes
tide for you 00 teas•,n-
ahl.• Icons. \Vt• luate nrl-
equitllt•el facilities to rent,
srll or buy t•i'her fat 1111 or
yi1L.Ke pl opc1 1 y. Try it.
The g Soverei n Bank of Canadaw
,. 1 ICE is hereby given that a dividend of one and
one-half (1 ) per cent, for the current quarter, be-
ing at the rate of six (6) per cent. per annum on the
capital stock of this bank, his been declared, and that
the same will be payable at the head office and at the
branches on and after the 16th day of May next.
The transfer books will be closed from the 1st to the
15th May, both days inclusive.
By order of the Board.
General Manager.
Toronto, 30th March, 1907.
JOB. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, Zurich and Dashwood,
The Old Reliable
Owing to the backwardness of the Season
Spring House Cleaning Operations
have been rather slow. Now that the weather
is becoming \\armor work will move briskly.
We wish to draw your attention to the fact that
We have a Large Stock of Houst
Furnishing Goods on hand.
English Linoleums, 4 yd. wide, in floral and oilcloth patterns
Oil Cloths, 1, 1 and 2 yds. wide. at prices that will sell them
Lace Curtains from 50c. to $5.75
Robbinet Ruffled Curtains, Art Muslin and White Scrim.
Tapestry Curtains, new designs.
Curtain Poles. oak and mahogany, with wooden or brass
Special line of all wool Carpets, Rugs and Mats.
Japanese matting at 20, 25, 35c. per yard.
Crockery, a very full line.
See those beautiful chamber sets at 2.75, 3.75, and, 1 00
>� We handle all kinds of millinery.
Professional care.
Ds. O. P. ROULSTON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.
Member of the R. C. 11 S. of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
OFFICE: Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offi e, in
De, Anderson's former Dental Parlors_ -__—
DR. A. R. *INSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. 8.'
Honor graduate of Toronto Cniveristy.
Tooth .atra. e1 without any pain, or any bad dints
OSc. over atetnian A Stauhury's ollice, Main street
AF. MALLOY, M. R. (Tor. Univ.)MKMRER
. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
Former Neuse Surgeon Toronto western hospital.
Successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Wadden. e: East on
tint street north of office, Exeter, Ontario.
tor, Notaries, nn,r.an• era,
Iolfdtors for Motsons (lank, etc.
M0110 to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
Offices, Main street, Exeter,
L R. MUMS. 8. A., I. 11. Pistons
ONET Tr) LOAN. ---
We hare a large amount of pris ate funde to loan
a Herm and village properties at low rates of inter
Barristers, SolIc Itors,Main at., Satter On
S. Hardy, Auctioneer
For the Cunty of Huron. Allorders pro, k at
Sanded to if left al the Ad, watt or his store.
Village Property for Sale
A first class brink house, containing rooms down
stairs and 3 op -stairs, with kitchen at(arhed and
cellar under all; 3.5 acres Oland, goof well, a rim
her fruit tree* and frame stable. Terms to suit the
purchaser. Immediate possession.l..Iy at The
(Ai(VOCATF. OFFICE or ClllttyI.t'KER, Iter P.O.
Farm Labourers and Domestics
1haze been appointed by the !summon on tiu,ern
mens In pine immigrants iron The 1 nitM ht»g lom
in positinfl aa farm Iai K•nrers or domestic servants
in this xicinlly. Any person requiring such help
shook, notify me to letter stating filly the kind of
help rre.q,ere`1, when w anted and wage. nfreu.t, The
1 numherets , ing mar not he Tcient to supply all
,equeats, Tett every effort will be made to provide
each applicant with help required
Canadian Oo ernmeet Employment Agent, Exeter
CI(AfAA Business College
1 II: GEO. SPOTTOtr, Principal
Affiliated with tt into.,
India :,111111 In.trn tom
Write for hambottle : CAL.,:
now located in Eteter
selling hors, Ind will
y of farmers' hone.
are 1,--ate1 at the
on Real. Write n'
1e end call when ymi
e on Saturdays to
1•: \ ',TER
William Brown
Prof, Diploma of Royal Incorlarattd Society of
Musicians, England; Organist of Trivia Memorial
Church,Exeter. Piano, Organ, Harmony and Theory
of Music, Terms on application. Exeter, Ont,
Keeper, Matron and Assistant Matron
Wanted for the House of Refuge
in the County of Moron.
Written applications will be received by the un -
den gall up to Monday, the and day of June, for
the positions of Keeper, Matron and .tssistn' t lfat-
ron for the (louse of Refuge. For Keeper and Mat-
ron, pian and wife ',fettered. Appli• ant. arc expect•
el 10 state age, ',rex ions occupation and salary ex.
prcted. Testimonial., to be enclosed with application.
The committee would Iikr to meet applicants at the
Council Room in Go terich, on the afternoon of w'et
n(sday. June 5th.
Dated May Sth, 1907.
W. LANE, Clerk.
Court of Revision
Township of Stephen.
NOTICE is hereby given that a
('out sof Revision for the Assessment
Holl of the Township of Stephen, will
hold its first meeting for the present �
year in the TOWN HAIL, ('REDI•
TON. on Mondry, May 27th, at 11)
A. ill.
The Exeter Council.
The council stet on Friday evening
in the Town Hall. All the menthe's
were present. Mr. M. Jackson got
permission to cut down a tree in from
of his premises. Councillor A. E.
Enke, who had been in London stetting
an option on a street watering cart,
reported that a one-horse cart with
platform springs could he purchased
from Mr. Geo. Heitman for $225 (with-
out springs $175) on approval for two
weeks, with the privilege of exchang-
ing for a larger wagon if not found
satisfactory, $40 being allowed for the
old wagon, the corporation of Exeter
to deliver the old wagon and to bring
the new one to Exeter. On moion of
J. J. Knight and W. Johns it was de-
cided to purchase the one horse wagon
with the platform springs.
Tenders were then opened for the
watering of Main street from the
Manse to tbe South Boundary and
Station street as follows: H. Humohr
$15 a week; H. Parsons $18.50; W.
Neil $12.50; F. Gillespie $14.50. W.
Neil's tender being the lowest was ac-
Exeter District W. Mr S.
- The eleventh annual convention of
the W. M. S. of Exeter district, held
at Granton last week, was most suc-
cessful. Mrs. Marsh, the president,
presided. The morning session was
largely taken up with business.
At the afternoon session a question
drawer was conducted by Mrs. \Vitae,
of Lucan. Following this an interest-
ing address was given by Miss Pres-
ton, a returned missionary from Jap-
an. She emphasized the ,glue of con-
ventions in awakening and keeping
alive the missionary spirit in the
church. The great need at home was
for people to realize the gravity of the
missionary problem. She told of the
of the growth of Christianity since the
close of the war with Russia. The
door stood open as never before, and
the opportunity of the ages was now
before the Christian church as far as
the Orient was concerned.
At the evening session addresses
were given by Rev. McTavish, Rev.
Sperling, Rev. Powell, Rev. Abray
and Itev. Bartlett. Interspersed with
these were selections by the choir and
Among the delegates present were
the following:
Exeter. -Mr's. Going, Mrs. Harvey,
Mrs. Snell. Mr's. Pedlar, Mrs, Blatch-
ford, Mrs. Fear, Mrs. Howard.
Lucan-Mrs. Wray, Mrs. White.
Mrs. Hodgins, Mrs. (Rev.) Holmes,
Mrs. Ashbury.
Kirkton- Mrs. Carr, Edna Marshall,
Mrs. Roadhouse, Miss Veale, Mrs.
Kirk, Mrs. Copeland, Mrs. (Rev.) Veale
Mrs. Stinson, Mrs. Perry, MIS. Doupe,
Mrs. Kemp, Mrs. Hazelwood, Mrs.
Irvine, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Shier.
Woodham --Rev. and Dire. Bartlett,
Nettie Swallow, Mrs. Routley, Mrs.
Carr, Mary Jane Brethonr, Amanda
Sheir, Mrs. Shen., Mrs. Mills, Mrs.
Shallow, Mrs. Gunning.
Parkhill: Florence Kilburn, Huth
Kilburn, Mrs. f Dr.) Kilburn, Mrs.
Stewart, Miss Stooks.
Hensall- Mrs. (Rev.) Toll.
Anderson Church -Mrs. Anderson,
Mrs. Switzer' Mts. \Valks, Mrs. Rib.
ley, Gertrude Pytn,IMrs. Dickinson.
Whalen --Miss Motley, Mrs. Morley,
Miss Squires, Mrs. Slit herby, Mrs.
Gunning, Lucy (cunning, Mrs. Hooper,
.Ura. Citi use•.
Centralia --Mrs. Andrews. Brownie
Anderson, Miss Essery, Mrs. Baker.
Ailsa (
tai -- Sadie Munro,
Mrs. Mc -
Ka y.
Greenway ----Mrs. Wilson, Edna
('Iitndehoye-Mrs. A. E. Hodgins,
Mrs. Hodgins. Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Paton.
Zion -Miss Lizzie Hera.
Wants a Wife.
A man about flftv years of age, residtT I in a neigh-
Is,rinrt %fila,,. Nixing some mean,, wishes to comm
municate ..nth a lady of about the same op. with a
view to rnarria• e. l'orgmunioations with stamp en-
closed sent to this office will receive confidential and
Prompt attention
Township ('Ierk, Is
Crediton, May 7th, 118,7.
Notice to Farmers
The Exeter ('arming and gees,. inc Co. will be
'leased to re ei. a acreage from farmers for Tomatoes '
nil Corn. As the numis r of a res rrgnire,l is limit •
e1 those desiring to, ,ntra• t wi11 do w.11 to call at
once on either the ('resident. Jos. Snell; t-i,•e-pre• .
l'. It. Sanders, or Sec y, .I, tt_ .lours.
Tooth Brushes
Yes'. Howey has an immense
assail went. Tooth Brltehes
for the big folk and tooth
brushes for the little folk. New
import order just arrived. If
you want the best French
tooth brushes get them at
Howey's. The kind with the
"stay in" bristles. Prices from
6 to 35 CENTS
W. S. 8owey, Phm. B.
Chemist anti Opt Irian. EX ETI:it.
Phone 50,
To th• tih;ueholde rs of the Exeter •
SxII Wig ks Co.
Please eike make that the aminal
meeting of the shiiieholders of the Ex-
] titer Salt \\'orke Co. will far held in
the Town i1:ill. Tuesday, ,tune 1Ith,
1007, at 2:311 o'clock p. III.
T. H. Carling, Secy
Notice to Bicycle Riders
J. E. Toa, a Public School Inspector
who inspects, and who never Zags
in bis efforts to promote the
educational interests of
Huron County and
He is, its usual, taking an active part
in the W. Huron Teachers' Convention
this week.
Mr. J. 0. Jones was in London on
business Wednesday.
Mrs. Wm. Barrows and Miss Mabel
were in London Monday.
Mr. Geo. Crawley of 1'.ucan celled on
friends in town Thursday.
Mrs. Sutton, Main street, went to
London to visit Wednesday.
Miss Olefa Prang of Zurich is spend-
ing a few days with her sisters here.
Mr. Percy Westaway of Toronto is
the guest of his sister, Mrs. A. J. Ford.
Dr. Kinsman was in Sarnia a few
days this week • visiting his brother.
Mr. Robert Eacrett of Marlette.
Michigan, spent Wednesday evening
in town.
Mr. Elmore Senior arrived home
from Toronto University on \Vednes•
day evening,
Mrs. \Vol. Davis of Hamilton, arriv-
ed last week and is visiting her mother.
Mrs, P. Fisher.
Mrs. Wren ap;l Mrs. Newcombe are
here in attendance on their brother,
Mr. David Gillis.
II. Horrell left Monday for Listowell
to take a position in the Electric Light
Works in that town.
Mrs. Geo Hedges of London is spend -
Leg a few weeks with her daughter,
Mrs. James Dearing, Stephen.
Mrs. Cooney, of lona, Ont., former-
ly Mrs. John Barnes of town, is spend-
ing a week with friend in town.
Mr. Robt. Higgins of Strathcona,
who is spending a few days in Iiensall
with his wife, spent Thursday in town.
Mr. Allen Myers of the M. C. R., St.
Thomas, spept Saturday at the horse
of Mr. and Mrs, S. Sanders, Main
Little Miss Madeline Kuntz, who
has been visiting an aunt in Buffalo,
N. Y., for nearly two years, returned
to her horse here Monday.
71r. A. H. D. Duncan, who has been
spending holidays with his parents
here, returned to Toronto Monday to
resume his duties in the Sovereign
Jas. it. Northcott, who has been
learning the operating at t he depot
here, has taken a ),spoon as switch-
man at Dundas and left for that place
this week.
\Ir. E. H. Fish is here flout London
looking after the building of his house
on Main street. Mr. Fish intends
moving here shortly and has rented n
house on William street.
Mrs. Nott of Plyrimeth, England,
arrived Monday morning to visit her
daughter, Mrs. ('ook, nt the Mansion
House. Mrs. Cook went to London
Saturday to meet her mother.
Mr. Lorne Fear, civil engineer. who
has been visiting his parents, Rev. and
Mrs. Fear, left yesterday for Tironto,
from whet a in t he course of a week or
two. he intend+ going to the Southern
Mr. and Mrs. Gro. Mantle left \Wed-
rtesdaty for Muskoka to spend some
weeks. Mrs. Mantle has for the past
ten months been unable to walk and
a complete change of air it is expected
nutty work a cure that medicine seems
not to be able to eR.•ct,
Mr. T. E. Handford returned from
Winnipeg 00 Moana.. He reports
the season very backward oat (here
and that he could serape the frost off
the window every morning. Stoney
is sol 1 that ttie banks are accept-
ing only Kilt -edge notes, etc.
Messrs. Snell & Zuefle have corn-
menced the building of their brick
smokestack at the power house.
Notice is hereby gi.en that the Council haw in•' i'nder Zurich news will be toend an
atrurtel me to proceed against anv rearm or per account of the marriage of Mr. herb.
the mumripality. 1 John Grigg of town.
sons found riding bic• de. on any sdrwall' within ert Axt, who 1s employed with Mr.
W. J. RIS8ETT, Commissioner,
---------------- New Ontario is getting big feeling.
Court of Revision 1 They even delicts They „r•e'hrg (•nongh
to govern thv tillelvea are,1 would se-
cede from the old folk.. iiia enough,
no doubt, but a 111 tic small as to popu-
The man who wrestles with the cow
and learns the calves to suck, who
caste the corn before 1 hr atv1no, 1s now
in greatest luck; for hotter, 00 the
upper grade. yeal's higher than n kite,
pork is climbing up the scale and beef
is out of sight: egg. he anthers every
(lay from his i'oland chicken coop are
Almost worth their weight in gold and
We are in the tamp. His corn brings
him it fancy price, its rising everyday,
nod he Pak•'+ in A11 kinds of ni"n for a
half loa.t of terry. The farmer is in the
saddle and when he come* to town the
nett of lis by tight should go way hark
and tit down.
Notice a is herebv given that the Court of Revision
for the Assessment !toll of the Village of Exeter for
11,1r7 will held its first meeting at ther Town ilall, Et.
.ter, on Tonality, the 5.'•th day of May, at 7 Ser p.m.
Farts., Msy 14, 1907. Municipal Clerk,
A ttne pasture fano in the Township of 11ay, near
earepta; one handrerl acres, 88 ares Heeled, frame
house and enol Stahl, gond water, etc..
Apply to
.SANDRRS Sr Outwit. Exeter.
The Caincil of the County .d Ihrron will meet le i
15•• Council Chamber, in the town ofeioderich, st 3
o.1 .-k p.m, on Tuesday the Ph day of June nett,
An 1.: o:mts t^ come before the Council most 11e
plyeeI with then-lerk before day of meeting. .
hl t,d May fu, 1W:. W. lase, Clerk
G rcen K'tt s'
A N.tttttuw Esc_tt'E.--At Parkhil
on Monday night as train No. 7 wit
coating in from the east, 'rhos, Knox
of Granton, who was en route to Green
tvay to attend the funeral of his broth
er•in-law Hobs. Ridley, jumped from i
just before reaching the switch. lie
was picked up unconscious and re
mained in this condition for about an
hour. I)r. Hutson was summoned and
found that besides having Itis face cut
up, one shoulder was dislocated. Af-
ter his wounds had been dressed and
he had been restored to consciousness,
Mr. Knox was able to proceed on his
journey with his friends who had conte
to meet hien.
\We extend our congratnbttions and
i hope that the knit !ley over life's rough
s sex may ho pleasant to them. They
will reside on .,1r. \\•ci.lo s farm east
l of here.
t1 Fal'(iuilal'.
j The buys rust Satin day evening and
- I had their first goer • of L (se -hall for
this season, We may look out fur
Isome good plating 1„•tolethe,.tuuuer
is over as .;ante of the 5 ,uthernere are
taking part. --Fred Stewart delivered
five fine fat cattle at Dublin Saturday.
-Miss Ashly of Woodham spent Sun-
day with Miss Maggie Riley. -A little
daughter has arrived at the home of
Lawrence Fulton. A glance at Law-
rence's face last week told the story.
It not only reflected in his face, but
the rapidity with which hr walked
convinced all that he head one more to
provide tor. Mother and daughter are
doing nicely and the sunshine brought
into the home by this little new arriv-
al will more than compensate the
father for a little extra hustle. -Soule
of our most enterprisint; sports are
flourishing new buggies,au,ug whom
we notice Thos. Allen, Wm. Stewart.
Sr., and Wil. Ward. -Andrew Hack-
ney's new house is going ahead pretty
fast, the brick work being completed
already. Andrew is a hustler.
Grand Bend
Percy Mullard lost it valuable mare
and colt last week. -S, Green and F.
Stebbens went to Port Frank for a
boat, -Mr• Gravelle was in Exeter
Monday, -The fishermen here are hav-
ing some good catches. -Jas. Brophe}y-
of Greenway spent Monday with Ed.
Gill. -Loris Havelle is having the
foundation dug for his new house on
the lot he recently purchased. -Seed-
ing is practically over in this vicinity
and the majority of the farmers are
putting in their roots. Fall wheat as
a rule looks rather sickly owing to so
much frost, and grass is rather back-
ward itt corning forward and it will be
late before stock will have good pas-
A number from here attended the
funeral of the late Robet 1 Robertson
on Sunday. The remains were laid
away in Rogerv}lle.-Miss Maggie
McClynuxnt of London, who was hortit•
for several days, has returned to her
duties again. -Many ft•otn here attend-
ed the Sunday School Teachers Con-
vention in Hensall on Monday even-
ing. -\\'e regret this week to have to
give an account of the severe illness of
Mr, Robert Brownlee, Through the
cause of sotne trouble his mind has
become affected, and he is in a serious
condition. A few weeks ago he had
an attack of the mumps, and did not
altogether recover. -Seeding is finish-
ed for another season, and the fanners
ate not quite so bury now.--A.McGre-
gor has rented Peter Stewart's farm.
--Miss McKay of Goderich is visiting
at Mr. A. Sproat's.-Miss Belle Ches-
ney of Hensel' spent the past week
with the Misses Chesney here. --The
farmers of this vicinity have formed
a beef•ring for the summer months.
Mr. P. Mcisaac last week received
his new casket wagon. It is of the
latest design and hest manufacture. -
Next Sunday will he observed asRally
I)ay by the young people of the Evan-
gelical church. A suitable program
will be rendered,-Itev, A. D. Gischler
occupied the pulpit in the Evangelical
church on Sunday in the absence of
the pastor, who conducted the sacra-
mental service in Zurich. --John Kraft
is off work through illness. \Ve hope
to soon see him around again. -Mrs.
Gossman has gone to Exeter where
she will remain a few days with her
daughter Mrs. John Collingwood,-
The smallpox scare is now over and
we are pleased to state that there are
nu more cases in this village and only
two houses yet in quarantine. They
were almost ready to be disinfected at
last reports from the M.11.0., which
was a week ago, so perhaps the quer-
tine has been lifted. --Mrs. Kuntz and
Mrs. Haug are confined to their homes
through Illness. That they may soon
recover is the wish of their mane
friends. --A very pretty wedding took
place at 'Zurich on Wednesday of hast
week, the contracting parties being
Jacob \Veido of Stephen, near here,
and Miss Annie Rummel of Zurich.
DEARING---In Stephen, nit May 20th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Jiuues Dearing a
COLLiNowOOD -In Exeter on May 21,
to Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. John Col-
lingwood it daughter.
Et.t.woeTliv-Ir Usbornt', Con. 2, on
15, to Mr.and Mrs. Harry Ellworthy,
a daughter.
ItomNS-In Stephen, Con. 1. on May
10, to Mr. and Mrs, \Vw. Robins, a
KELLY -In Hensall on May 8, to Mr.
and Mrs. T, B. Kelly a son.
\VEiDO-Rl'3IMEL-In Zurich, an May
15, by Rev, Gischler, Jacob \Veido,
of near Dtishwood, to Miss Annie
Rummel of Zurich.
— -
IVt'Ra -I 1.1 Zurich, on May 10. Henry
Wurtn, aged 07 years, 5 months and
21) days.
MARSIIALl.- IIs Seaforth, on May 20,
Jos. Marshall, in his 60th year.
5111i'LEy -In Bhtnshard on May 17th,
Mrs. James Shipley, aged 87 years.
HIcxu-Ln Ushorne,on May 17,Itollert
Hicks aged 62 yeat's,8 months, 1 day.
\Ve have just received a full line of
The Genuine
English Rheumatic Rings
which are t► scientille medium for the
elimination of uric acid (ruin the blood.
These rings have it win Id -wide reputa-
tion for the cure of rheumatism. Hun-
dreds of thousands sidleiing from this
terrible complaint have been entirely
cured. In ninety-nine Cases (1111 of one
hundred where a perfect cure has not
been effected the trunble has been
grently relieved. Try one
Howo's flg Store
ason Portland CeMenI
A fresh car just received.
$2.15 a barrel. Order early
Fencing Material
Ideal Fencing, all No. 9
Hard Wire, 31c. to 37c. per
rod. Coiled Spring Barb and
Plain Galv. wire. Staples,
Hooks, Fence Stretchers and
Pliers. Get our Prices.
Furnace and Bath work a speciality
Estimates Cheerfully Given
We dont keep PAINT, we sell it. Martin
Seniors, Elephant and Hollywood ready
mixed Paints, put up in 15e.,2")e., 4e,
50e. tins. Brushes 5, 10, 15, 20 ('ts.