HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-05-16, Page 4JlcGtlliv ray. Mrs. W. 1V. Watkins, who has been spending the past four months in Mc- Gillivray, Stephen and 1•sborne, left Ftiday for ben horse in Chicago. -Ed. O'Hara, 11th can., had a visit from the stork the other day and as a conse- quence a little baby girl has been add- ed to the family. -James McCaffrey still continues ill and with no hopes of recovery. -Miss Jennie Mawson of Parkhill is on a few weeks' visit to her horse on the 18th con.- Mrs. Durr, Sr., after a few weeks' stay at Port Huron has returned home. Her son Rev. Durr accompanied her home and en- joyed a few days here. -Guy Bice of the town line, who has been i11, is con. valescing.--Mrs. Thomas Vine, town line, has returned from her visit to Molesworth and Trowbridge. -E. Rol- and and family have moved to Park• hill from Lieury.-The recent rains have assisted much in restoring the lantage done to the wheat and clover. Although there are manly fields of the «ruler that will not average half a rntp. The old meadows seern to have uttered touch more than those seeded est year, Although there is no feed n spare yet most of the animals will roll through in pretty good shape. It pas been a great spring for maple syr- up making, the runs of sap being fre- quent and prolonged. -Mrs. William Rowe has disposed - f her farm to Mrs. Jae. Keown. The former has gone to Kansas where she intends remaining. -J. E. Atime. of the R.C.D.SI., who as been visiting ,t few weeks with his :trent. itt Ilrinsley, has gone to Brant - ori where he will practice with Dr, 3ahcock until Octehet•,-Robt. Sce•li, ho has been write ill. is slowly int. roving.- A few young teen from this eighborhnexl appeared before Police agistrate Smith :it Ailsa Craig on rt charge of assaulting Wm. Spearman Corbett at Brinsley on the night of April itt1. They were each fined $2 and costs which they peed. ease - Dashwood The many- friends of airs. Haug will regret to heir that she is ill of bran. chitin. -Jas. Wambold spent Monday in Lnndntr on business. -The few people of this vicinity, who were ill of sit al ) , w , 1 I X erP e ) neatly 1 II t le r 1 ' gr and I ) If ne new C t+e* are found the will soon be entirely flet. of it. - General glad- ness is felt in aur• village at the news that on aid friend. o ie 1 Moe er. Louie i er who b ,+ now r l .ides nrnr !I •i,• n h, is r:epedly re- covering tPtin (tom a setert•a Ac • o , • tt k f it. K 'men. muni 1. -The range:vsnnable cold weath- er of the latter part of Last week was not weleotned by our eitizene. On Friday it snowed a few inches :imams Statur,l:ty night a; fell (carter• -inch of of ice was made. The craps shrew the result of the nnfavotahle weather. 1Ve :ere hoping, however, for better things. - Dame Ruiner says there is to 1* .t wedding of inlet est in town sharp- ly. The akin• the merrier. -Richard Adams . f the 17th cancessi In of Step- hen, et the time of writing. lies critic. ally 111 of ling trouble, and no hopes of tee recovery Ate entertained. 111, 111-•,1'[11.- Since the above iteral re- TI gitding 11t. Itich..rd Adams WAe in to type we bit n that he died on Monday gri meaning :it his home in hie (kith year. th The late air. Aflame was ill several - menthe :cat his decline WAS sure but br steady. He leaves a wife, three sons ye and tau daughters, besides five grand• sis hildren. The funetal took piece to wR the Exeter cemetery on Wednesday Ito afternoon. Sincere sympathy is felt we for the 1'. reeved. aft 1 Crediton Either, who intended leaving George Eith here on Monday for New Ontario, where he had been engaged on t he T. & N. O. Railway as a lire Ranger. took ill on Saturday night with pneu-' t0 ill be. p- er- d- of m- ast or, It te, be nd sts ay de he n - as is b- eg, re to He ss R. al d be ra te as R. of n s- he ul ea d- d amnia and is at present confined his bed. We trust that his illness w not be serious and that he will soon around again. -Francis Clark, our po ular harness maker, has bad the int for of his.shop repainted. Bert han led the brush and made a good job it. -Mr. and Mrs. Sambrook and fa ily visited relatives in Woodam 1 Sunday, -J. H. Holtzman, the Tail has a unique ad. in his window. reads "If it hadn't been for the app where would the tailoring business to -day." Do you catch on? -Mr. a Mrs. Witmer of Zurich were the gue of Mr. and Mrs. John Sweitzer one d last week. -Some of our young peo} attended the festival given in t James st. Methodist church on Mo day evening.- Alonzo Hodgins h been released from quarantine and back hard at work at the blacksmit ing.-Wilbert McMurray, aVinnip Man., is spending a few weeks he with hie mother. We are pleased learn of bis success in the West. has entered the Real Estate busine and is doing well. -Chas, Sanders, N. Rowe and Geo. Anderson, represen ing the Exeter I. O. F. stet the loc committee last Thursday evening•an were making arrangements about t proposed I. 0 F. Excursion to Niaga Falls. It is expected that the da will be the 20th of June. More par iculars will be published as soon word fa received from the G. T. officials. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fritz Grand Bend were in the village o Monday visiting friends.-Art'ang meats have been made to have t Workmen & Ward Base -ball Tea from London to come here on Victor Day and play our boys a double-hea er.- This team was here last year an gave us an excitingg game of ball. - Things went pretty lively in Young's tinshop for a few seconds last Thurs- day. Herb Young was heating the solder oft an old oil can when the oil took fire and causing an explosion blowing the can to the ceiling and making quite a roar. No one was hurt but the boys bad pale faces for a few minutes afterwards. -A meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held in the Town Hall next Thursday evening. Addresses will be given and all are cordially invited to attend. -Our school Trustees have placed blinds on the windows of the school rooms. This change is greatly appreciated. Hensall Mr. Johns of Guelph was a guest of H. Cook last week.- T. Welsh is this week installing a new boiler, it being the largest boiler in Hensall and is sup- posed to give good satisfaction. -All the foundry hands intend having a picnic at Bayfield to -day, Thursday, May 16.- Mrs. Jautes McMartin, who has been so ill for a number of months at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bonthron. has recovered suffi- ciently as to he able to leave for her home in Barrie. She was accompan- ied by Miss Grace Anderson who will remain there for some ' time, -Fred Stnallacombe took t► trip to 'London Saturday. -On Sunday next Rev. Mc- Tavish of Oranton and Rev. Toll will exchange pulpits. The latter will con- duct anniversary services. -Mrs. J. McArthur spent a few days in London last week.-Jobh Elliott of Clinton was in town Monday buying horses, - airs. (Rev.)Toll attended the W.M.S. Convention at Granton on Tuesday. - J. Hobkirk has placed a handsome piano in bis home. -Mrs. Chapman of London is visiting relatives in town. - James Moore's many friends will be pleased to learn that he has nearly re- covered from his attack of pleurisy. - Mrs. Simpson, who has been an es- teemed resident of this place for some years, has moved to Erin where she will reside with her son Cecil. The house she vacated is now being occu- pied by W. J. Wilson, merchant, --Mr. Smallacomhe's dog "Darkiel", who ham fought everything in the dog line here was taken to Clandeboye by Mr. Bice. -A number from here intend taking in the tea meeting at Zurich to -night Thursday. -Wm. Geiger of Toronto University is home on A visit. -Miss 1Velsh of Exeter is spending a few days here. -Miss Nellie Beek of Lon- don is here visiting. --The District De- puty G. M. will visit Zurich Lodge A. F. & A.M., on May 2.3. -Geo. Joynt is making intproveniente in the way of levelling the grounds, erecting new fences and putting down new cement walks and 1185 itlun added handsome cresting en the roof of hie fine new dwelling and when fully completed he will have one of the h,tntlsonlest house es in this district. -A number from Henget! and vicinity attended the re- ception of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Sutb- erbyy on Thursday at the home of the bride's parents, at Tuckersmitle-F. VcDuneil h,ts taken nut an auctioneer's license. -- Mt•s. W. Millet hs+ purchased the residence• she is living in for $1065. -At the recent wtlattrily Board meet- ing the questa m of seper:tting Hensall ftnnt Bethesdey and making Hensall it station was discussed and refereed Io Conference.- At the recent meeting of the bowlers the fallowing officers were • elected: lien. 1 res len McEwen; Plea, Ile. Seller v: Vice Pres., 1). .1. (acrttelon; Sea -Trees., }1, J. Billings: Managing ('on, . F. Snlallarnmhe, F. aflame, 1r !••,tK s „ n A. iira u nt and n H.Arn ,. 1 11 ,• , .1r. 11 tT,rman is getting timelier t 1 earn 11 • tool') r n fitlec u t . * ( I A 1 8 to acromm Mate tr.cvellere. His !peep will expire :nem/ t hee/riddle of August. Those who are the dri sealed and barn have new to pay fpr the accotitnnal't- 1lon.-The far/trete in dile neighbor. hood are nearly through Reeding. Cf. ne 11'enntsrse-A pretty wedding was lehrated at the manse here nn %Vee1- sdey of Net week. whereby Hensel' loses one of its fair sex. The young holy who gave her heart and hand is Miss Elizabeth Clef at.d the Jacky- men uckyrisen i+ Arthur Anderson a prnspetons yo ing farmer near Kipp.•n. The yet e- )ny wag pet named by leer. Smith. it. young people have settled down the sterner realities of life on the min's tine faun at Kipper And test' eir flit 'itt• he jil%.•lie :.11.t ptI,s )rt.n)+. The tesidenee of Mts. Wn., 11thlet- at)dt WAS the *rent' of ie pretty event slerdes, (1Vedn••.devi, when her ter, Miss Leili*P 1)ahus of Zurich, s united in marriage to Jomeph n of this plaee. The neptiel knot s securely tied by Rev. Smith, ,end er congratulations a dal 1ty lunch WISE DEGORRTOQ neap ER(Hot and Cold Water) PBPE, llffEll San twim seal= S1N WHITEII . D NEH (With R Diunev last year) Estimates furnished on application. A Trial Solicited Arthur D. Davis EXETER RESIDENCE: Corner Jatnes and An- drew Streets. Pop1r Coods For now and the rest of the season. FAVOItED WORSTEDS These worsteds are in blues and fancy mixtures, excel in quality, beauty and finish anything of their kind we have ever shown. 1Ve are offering some beautiful St: M)IER SLITs for $10 and upwards TROUSERS AND WASH VESTS FOR SUMMER If a pant hunter pantless Is panting for pants He panteth pantless Unlit he implants himself into one of those fashionable pants ordered from J. H. Holtzmann CREDITON A beautiful assortment to choose from. If there is a taste we cannot suit, we have yet to know it. exetex Abrorate, Sanders & Creech. Props. THURS. MAY 16th, 1907 .NOTE AND COMMENTS -t great deal has been said about the defective vision of school children but little about defective teeth, yet the teeth are a very important factor in ensuring good health. iu Hamilton it was found that neer•ly- every child had defective teeth. This is a matter that will st and in vestigation in many places. Don't abuse the skunk. According to an nfllcial bulletin on the "Grass- hopper Problem," prepared by F. M. Webster and issued by the Michigan agricultural department, the very highest praise should be given this much -abused animal. Mr. Webster does not contend that the skunk should be taken into the bosom of the family, but he maintains that they are very fond of grasshoppers, and are deemed by the bureau of biological survey as the most useful of ruantmale. While they are not recommended as a pet for flat dwellers, nor as a desirable acquisition to the average household, Mr. Webster says they deserve protec- tion. rather than destruction by the farmer; therefore save your skunks. Stationary Enainers' Certificate. The Legislature of 1•n' thio at its re- cent session passed an act respecting I stationary engineers in which engin- eers and employers are alike interest- ed. Briefly stated, its provisions are that, after the 1st day of July, i904, no engineer will be allowed to operate f or have charge of t stationary steam c plant of 50 horse power or ipwar(Is s who ,foes not hold a government cert- 1 Monte. There are t bice classes of en• t gineers to whole certificates will be granted without the applicant having to undergo alt ex entinatinn, first. those who on the '20th 'if April, 1907, (the date on which the Aet was passed) held eertifieates fcoit .u1 ac.oci akin of stationer y t•ngineets in Ontet•io, or a marine or hicornotire engineer's cert- h it1.•at,': second. i tigut 5 who en the aIov•• d ite wet e iu c11 a go of :t plant F' of 'l.5 h,,r.,• power or over in Ontario; f third, engineers who haat at any time 1 pre vnets to the p1seiiig of this Art, wr not lose U1 rn two year.. experience in P the e•petatasn of snrh a plant in the 11 Province. Those who c intuit qualify M as above will have to pace the exantin- ationg which •ri'1 h. wafter be pres• cr,bed by the B mrd if F:xatninere. Those inte•reeted m ty obtain a copy of the Act and epplicarlen forms for `el titivates by aet:tressing The Siecre• tat y, 11 liar trevnt of .tgt'icultere, Tor - oat e. er Woodham Sunday school anniversary services will he held in the Methodist Church on auod..y, May 19. Preaching at 10.3►) and 7, and au open Sunday school meeting in the afternoon. The preach. er for the day will he Rev. D. Rogers, president of London conference. These services have always been well attended, and as these are the first in the new church, we feel confident they will not be an; exception. -We are pleased to report that Hiram Copeland is ttnpreving in health. Mit.t. Bunsen -The sawmill here was binned to the ground about 10:30 o'clock on Thursday night. The en- gine whistle was blown and a large crowd soon gathered on the scene, but the blare had gained such headway that nothing could be done towards saving the building. The origin of the fire seems to be a mystery. It was owned by Messrs. Mills & Wynn, and the loss to them will be considerable, they having been in the business only three years. The insu►ance on the building and contents is $1000. Grand Bend Mrs. Abe Musser of L'sborne was the guest of Mrs. Maria Gill and Miss Mills for a few days last week. --Wm. May of Mitchell was in our burg last week. -Mr. and Mrs. Follick of Exeter visit- ed at Mrs.Gill's Wednesday and Thurs. day. -A little son has arrived at the home of Harmon Gill. A glance at Harnlon's face Saturday told the story. It not only reelected in his face, but the rapidity with which he walked convinced all that he had one more to provide for. Mother and son are do- ing nicely and the sunshine brought into the home by this little new arriv- al will more than compensate the fath- er for a little extrr hustle. -Mrs. Stubs and son Jim visited at John Baird's one day hist week. -Mrs. Wm. Mellon is on tbe sick list. -John Baird lost a valuable cow last week. -Mrs. J. Gill and daughter Victoria spent Saturday in Parkhill. -Mr. Truant of Pt. Stan- ley was around here last week. -Mrs. Leurey of near Corbett spent Sunday with Mrs. Carriere.-Frank Jermette has purchased Mr. Teideman's baker shop and residence. Success Frank. -Mrs. W►n. Lovie, who has been ill,is convalescing as is also Mrs. Jos. Dis- jardine.-Mr. Wickert has moved here from Pat khill•-Mrs. Win. Oliver has returned from an extended stay at Stratford. -P. O. Llspector Campbell of London paid an official visit last week to the offices at Moray. Lieury, Greenway, Harpley and Grand Bend. Grand Bend office has had a money order department added which will be a great convenience to the pu&'lic. -During one night recently it is es- timated that 500 barrels and sacks of flour were wasbed ashore along the lake from Kettle Point to Blue Point, Hot buns and home -Made bread have since been on the daily menu at the homes of those residing along the lakes. As many as 25"barrels ate said to have been collected by different parties. The their was thrown nverhoard front a vessel in danger of foundering dur- ing it storm. My Hcziris Scraggly Do you like it? Then why be contented with it? Have to he? Oh, no! Just put on Ayer's Hair Vigor and have Long, thick hair; soft, even hair. Rut first of ail, stop your hair from coming out. Save what you have. Ayer's Hair Vigor will not disappoint you. it feeds the hair -bulbs; makes weak hair strong. The best kind of a testimonial - " Sold for over sixty years." w\ A LAabyJ.O. *7 , t0■Nt. Rem ♦ so -a.atbtarw• of s.�tsnr.uru.t. tiers WRIT P At,. OCalir PERFECTION M OhEY IdISCUIT G CANUr CU srNwr,jgo CAAADA ' r L The perpetual charm of freshness and crispness -of daintiness and deli- ciousness - is in every box of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas -held captive by the air -tight, moisture -proof packages. There is a best in everything. In Biscuits, it's MOONEY'S. KIS was served to those present. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson have the best wishes of their many friends and may their fu- ture be filled with happiness and pros- perity. Centralia Mr. Wm. Moffatt is building a sum- mer kitchen at the back of his hotel. -Thomas Willis has moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. P. Cur- twin, who will shortly have for the West, bis furniture having been sent there last week. •-Ben Quarry has pur- chased Mr. Sando's house and lot on Main street, -James Godsave was in Parkhill Saturday. -The many friends of Henry Hennessey, who was our vil- lage barber last year, will regret to hear of his untimely death at the home of hisfather, Thomas Hennessey, at Lucan. Deceased died of pneumon- ia. He had been living in London since he left Centralia last fall. Corbett Mr. Ed.Ryan, near here, is suffering from an attack of pneumonia and is seriously 111. His many friends trust he may soon recover. -The recent rains have done much good and was much needed. The farmers have about completed the seeding operations. - Rev. Sutcliffe who has been afflicted with small pox, has almost recovered and will soon be able to attend to his duties. -Anniversary services were conducted in the Presbyterian church here on Sunday. Rey. Mr. Moore of Sarnia occupied the pulpit both morn- ing and evening. The reverend gen- tleman was heard with considerable pleasure and profit by good sized con- gregations on both occasions. Whalen The recurring snow storms ere be- ginning to make farmers think that crops this season will be a failure. - Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Millson visited at Lucan Sunday. -Miss Ella Brooks re- turned to London this week to resume her duties. -Miss Ettie Sluice, dress- maker, is in our midst again on duty. -Mr. Hern, who has been conducting the store here, has discontinued the business, and Mr, Geo. Millson, who owns the building, has placed in a stock and will in future run it. This is gond news to the people of the sur- rounding district as it is a source of great convenience. -A meeting will 1* held in the union church to -morrow (Friday) evening to arrange for the Annual Anniversary cit' the Sunday school. Let there be a good represent- ative meeting. McGillivray Council Council met at Town Hall May ti All present, The minutes of previous Meeting read and signed. 1Jlens--\lot• gen-that the'cletk be hereby instruct• .'d to mei ye a copy of the Mind ('reek Drain, on each of the owners or ten- ants Assessed in the engineer's rel:nrt on said drain in Recut dance with pro- visions of the Municipal Drainage Act and the Court of Revieinn en said By - Le w y-Law be held at Town Hall, Men iilivray on Monday, June 10, at 10 o'clock 8.111. Carried. Man -- ly--Foote-That the Court of Revision en the Assessment Roll of the township of McGillivray for 1907 be held in the Town Hall on Saturday, June 1, at 2 pan.- Carried. Mandy -Poore---that the several ac- counts be paid.-('atried. A large number of grave) contracts were let. relined then adjourned tit trivet in the Town hall en Satnrdtty, June I, ,it 1 p.m. J. I). Dreuireend, Clerk. • Zurich Thursday was Ascension Day end appro mists services were held in all the churches. ---Work on the Krick yard 4 acted last Reichert hent neat if illsgr•een, who hag been wear i11, is recovering. -airs. D. Steinbach of Detroit is here on a visit. -Miss 1'errie 1Vitwer of 1,'ndon is visiting her n+rents heti.-Mts.Jacoh Gellman is recovering from her attack of Kron• china. --The foundstinn of J. Schnell's new residence ig nesrly completed. -A junior football te,trn has heen reorgen- ized.-Mee. Kroeger of Detroit is here visiting her mot her Mrs, Sipple. -- Wm. Lenient, Goshen Line, 11110 has been suffering from an attack of pneumonia. The flsherman at St..1oeeph meth. a hsnl of sb,lut IMO lbs of perch Thurs- day.- Miss Lizzie Treenlner, after a few metal' -4' stay with her eater etr•s. L. Prang, left last week fur Detroit. -- Mise L•eira% 1144 returned borne (rein ('hs1her» where she her been studying luu4ie.- Di%inion ('oirt w'A9 held in the Town 13 ill M ,nil 'y. Mr. Hent y Worms is greatly weaker end the end is expected drily. -- Ltiean: Rev. Thug, Paton of Mer, it - Ion has accepted n call from Lit •'In in the Str•atfsrd Presbytery. The church has been vacant since last fall. Stanley: .4 Nutt 2nd cons, sold his well khown stallion Belshazzar, to go west. He has since purchased from T. J. Elliott the very tine Clyde Colt Lord Stanley. YIRITED 25 to 30 TONS CAST SCRAP FOR CASH. Exeter Foundry WAREHOUSES -AT- EXETER, CENTRALIA AVID CLANDEBOYE Highest Price paid f'or Grain RICH. SELDON (Successor to Joseph Cobbledick) NEP AT THIS TIME OF THE YEAR Eteryon. needs something to create and maintain strength for the daiii round of duties. '� There is nothing bettt'r than an Ale or Porter, the pu i its- and merit of which has been attested by chemists, physicians and experts at the great exhih- bition.. ASH CON 11&NDQNJ THE MOLSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855) Head Office, Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund Assets Over IXTY-TWO BRANCHES IN THE Montreal $3,200,000 3,000,000 33,000,000 DOMINION OF CANADA ▪ EXETER BRANCH OFFICE ROUES 10 a. m. to 3 } r: SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to I p. m, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Saving Bank Department, leanfurtherernotice Interest on haSalearlsar, e will rrtposit quarterly instead of halt yearly a= forn.erly. Deposita of jt and upwards received. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government, DICKSON & CABLING, Solicitor:. N. D. HLRDON, Manager, Ureeuway Dr. Campbell, Post Office Inspector, examined this office last week and found everything O.K. This was his first official visit since hisappointment. -Allen McInnes of Shipka, who was a member of Union Tent No. 4S. K.O. T.M., initiated a little over a year ago, was killed on the railroad at Lucan Crossing last week. If he had paid in $25more his widowed mother would have received $1000. --David McPher- son and wife of fort Huron are guests of the former's brother, Ed. McPber- son.-Rev. Mr. Allen cf Parkhill con- ducted Sacramental services in Boston Methodist church on Sunday. His dis- course was highly instructive and very interesting. The choir rendered two beautiful anthems, -The Quarterly Board niet Monday, John Sherlitt, in the absence of the pastor. presiding. Last appointment was well represent- ed and gave a gond financial report; A. M. Wilson was reelected Recording Steward; W. J. Wilson representative to district meeting. Meeting adjourn- ed to meet again Thursday, May 16. DEATH -One by one our friends are 'alled away, who hath not lost a friend% IC is our sad duty this week to record another death in the person of Robert Ridley, who has been in poor health for severai months was calle 1 away last Sabbath. He leaves to mourn his demise is wife and large family. Funeral was Tuesday afternoon, con- ducted by Rev. S. A. ('arrtere, to Grand Bend cemetery. The family have the heartfelt sympathy of many loving friends. Ailsa Craig; Sarah, widow of the late William Royden Siddal, departed this life in the S0 year .4 her age at the residence of het son Joseph D. Siddall, after a long and painful illness. Kippen 1Vte.J.Isison,who has been very ill, is convalescing. -Mrs. it. Clegg has re- turned from her visit to London.-- We have been favored with excellent weather the past few days and as a censewuence• the farmers are neatly t lit ough seeding. --David 1fcl.ean's new horse is now under construction, --Mrs. anti Miss Anderson have new mused into our village, and are oc- cupying G. Dick's house.- A pretty wed , wedding took k p1Ace . n Wednesday evening at the manse, Hensel!, when Arthur Ateler_i,n, one of our prosper• 009 young farmerse m claimed u Pd M 144 Clark a is h ' as tide The interest . int ie.lun r• n . gc rPtn enemy was performed by }rev. Smith. The young people have taken ilp the'11' Ramie on the groom's fine farm west 14 here. --The ether rnnrnivg 1Vn,. Mci)ougall noticed that one of his horses WAR not in the hest of health. Ae the horse was 36 years of age he thought that likely itt days were near• ly at Rn end. IIP put a halter on it rind ce whet -t' b(tto the allele e 1hel gttt a grave teeth! be en to a • ily (lug, tank the halter. elf ,.nd in .t few minutes the fumy' hrnled►n1,pe/1 Mr•. and Mrs. Jno. 134If"ut aft Monday for the West. the forn,••r going to Re gena on husine.R while Mt.. fisaf'lr is going on to the ce.est to lee -et Iles• sister. Mit. Iter.' (i:rild, who is rem. ing battle fro,n F.'rttum+;r, Jsp:tn, 011 R twit. 11.•v. slid \Ir-. (;:Lail hale Is en in Japan feu 12 yea's. O.( ing ie prPe- •.iree,f wet Mr. (amid 1% eli net he 81.le tie ac.a nepat)s hr. f:null' bol ex- perts to folio% Inter on. This will Ire Mr. and Mrs. (bail l. strand visit here from the male riflery Heide of fa • "IT Pnrmose, and we wish them R pens. perotis and pleasant journey. ACCIDENT -A very painful accident occurred Sunday evening when M. Davis drove into the church yard and went to unhitch his horse. Some one who had assisted hint to hitch tip at home had put tbe tug through tie back, and Mr. Davis not being lir to hitching his horse rake that, fastened the tug up, never no- ticing that it was through the tie hack. On leading the horse away the buggy came to, the horse became frightened and dashed across the yard, drawing Mr. Davis with hint. It finally fell in- to the wire fence and in its struggle struck Mr. Davis on the leg, breaking it. He was immediately carried into the manse and as quickly as possible a doctor was called and the injured member dressed. 111r. Davis' many friends deeply sytnpathize with him In bis unfortunate accident. DOCTOR BRIGHAM SAYS MANY PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound The wonierful lower of T.v'lia E. Pinkhatu'+ 1'egetable ('omponn.l over the diseases of 1tomankin•l is not because it is a Aliteitialit, Out beran!m' it 19 a palliative, lett simply because it is the most wonderful emir and reconstructor ever discovered to act directly upon th9 generative. organs, }tt sittnt•ly /urine disease and restoring health and vigor. \iarveleus cures .re r.•l.•erttel (rein all parts of the country by women who have been errra1, trained newer, who have a ittieseed cure s atel phycirians who have retognize,I the virtue of Lydia E. 1'inkharn's Vegetable Coni ,nun•1, and are (air enough to give credit %there it is due, if physicians dared to be frank ami open, hnn.lr,.ls 4.1 theta would a.•kneeI- eJge that they constantly prescriber ey•lia l-. ltit:kh:inl \'e•getahle ('"tul,nnil in F.•terr '-a-. .e1 female ills, aA they knew by experienl.• a can be roti,+1 upon n t, effect t it cu re. The following letter r\ s let pro% 1 1 } It. Dr. S. C. lirighaul. of 1 Brigham Park, Fitchburg,. .ies... p%nb .•g . ft lveere,.„ .r C I .m, e , 1 ,l•`a•� r , 1 that i i 1 say t la I have f .til Lydia 1:. l'iokhan's Vegetable tsene,ltna vert eticeei"ne awl often pre - elite. it in practice f .r f. nisi,'.lifflrultj "My ot.l..t daughter f noel it very behefl• ✓ eal fuer female trouble seine time ago, amt my y..amc.-.t danght,r Ir nine taking 11 for N female weak nos*, noel ii airily Jelining in health arid-In•rlrth. "i fret ly ahem -ate it at a met reliable • pc'rif; in all 'Ii«•a-r• to which %..nice are guise. t, aril give 11 Ilone•tt en'1')rsement." Women elm are trr.nhle•1 with }vtin- iul or irn'gular ;sahebs bleating ((r tlahnlepre, ► 1','akness of organl, displace - (Hunts, ill liart111 talion or ulceration Can he• rc'stor,- I to pl'rfeet health and etrenq t1. by (akin', Lydia }; 1'inkharn'e Vegetable (otnpo,•ni. if wives. i9 needled, write to Mr.. I'inkham, at 1.1 nn, Hare. She is d:ut¢Lt. rii-law "( I•v,lia E. I'inkhani and far twenty -fire years hare been a'lvi• ing sick w'rnne) free of charge. No other lit ing teasel Nag Nal the I.•nrfit ••( a wider experience itt treating female ills -he hat giitlol th,iisands to health. Every ,offering w"roan Rhnul•l sok for and (anew her advice if she wants to strong and well.