HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-05-09, Page 8fliade
„-- - - - se
Dre..ing well is an art
1 1 the man who his
his •.. )ening made to mea-
sure has found the key to
that art. Each garment
that we make for you has
th tt air of individuality
so much sought after by
the fitihionable man.
You Are Sure of
too New Saltines to Hand
At Prices Away Down
'trwgiFlIPMFIlriartt Cattle Sale.
' LOCAL i)OINMessrs. hunter a: Son of Itidgetawn
(�iS. will offer for sale at Mutfatt s stable,
Centralia. Saturday, May 111,, twenty
ALALa�ALaada>lk cows, ten steers and hailers,
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, - Ontario
Business Locals -- Read Them
Steele Briggs Mangold (Ind Turnip
Seed, prored to be the hest.-Stetrart
sells them.
Dye works at Exeter.
J. C. Collins of Forest has opened
up an establishment for Fancy Dye-
ing and L•idie•s Tailoring. All faded
out clothing made new. Office: Dr.
Rollin's mid Mand, Main-st. nc.rtb. •
For sale,
.11 wou want at first class McLaugbtin
or other iii..ke btiggy see W. G Bias-
ett's. Abu several plows will be sold
cheap. All brand new. Also two
second hand buggies.
I; !gall grant to see 0 ;Treat stock of
LiIuletNn3, twines that talk, eats at
Skim res.
Fnr Sale -two pair of store window
blinds, almost new at Cole's Drug
1l'e beliere that Steuvnt is showing the
best range qj .Net's and Boys' ready-
made wait-: in tatrn-great rabies.
nine wanted.
'1' vo girls wanted -cook axial general
help 'r. listed wages. Apply at Cent-
ral Hotel, Exeter.
Feu rid.
A sum of money. Owner can have
same by proving property. Apply at
Weekee Bats. Marble and Granite
W. irks.
C arpets, Boons Rugs, Curtains and
11.011 papers. Special rallies during
111••y. Ste,rar.'s.
The season's work has been cour
atenced at the Salt Block.
311.. Win. Tapp is orf duty with
blood poisoning in one band.
Lange colored posters are out
announcing the big doings bene on
May 21th.
Don't fail to see the longhaired lady
at airw'ay's Drug Stot•e. This week
.1r. Jeckell is moving part of the old
rectory across William -Et. and will fix
it up for a residence.
Among those who are ill this week
are Mrs. Hobert Luker, Mrs. Aru-
stt•ong, 31r. Thos. Cotillion'.
Miss Olive Gould entertained a few
friends on Monday evening previous
to her departure for the West.
The Women's Missionary Society
Convention of Exeter District will be
held in Granton on \lay 14th.
The mason work of the canning fac-
tory is completed and the greater part
of the wood work.
Mr. \Vnr. Barrows sold his excellent
driver Wednesday to Mr. Jno. Elliott,
liveryman of Clinton, for a good figure.
Mr. Lloyd P. Jones, formerly organ-
ist of the Trivitt Memorial church,
has resigned as organist of the Meth-
odist church at Mitchell.
In Exeter and also in the neighbor-
ing school sections the teachers and
scholars celebrated Arbor Day by do-
ing their spring cleaning -up of the
Mr. Charles Dorwood of Chicago,
formerly of Exeter, was married in St.
Marys on Wednesday to Mrs. Rebecca
Otwell of St. Marys, by Rev. Graham,
The D. D. G. M. of Masonic District
No. 4, Huron, Mr. Holly of New Ham-
burg, will visit Lebanon Forest Lodge,
Exeter, on May 23rd, in his ofticial
The James Street Epworth League
intend holding anniversary services on
Sunday and Monday next. A special
preacher will be present and a tea
meeting will be held.
Mr. W: G. Bissett is this week tear-
ing out the front of his store south of
the Central Hotel, and having it gen-
erally renovated. Plate glass windows
will be placed therein.
airs. Roht. J. Brown and family,
who have spent the past three months
in 1 own, left Monday for Olds, Alta.,
wip re they will join Mr. Brown, and
orae their future home. We wish
Or, lama v evet y success and happiness
in their new home.
Metes Fore.asts for may.
A Ruguler Storni Period runs from
the IOtn to the 15th, central on the 12th.
Gil the crime date, Moon is in conjunc-
tion anti Earth and Sun, making this
whole storm period also at time of gi eat
seislnic pi .'hahilit y. notably on or
within two days of the 12th. \Ve will
name 5 tray, Mondav and Tuesday.
the 12• h. 13"h end 14th, as central dates
of severe stomp probabilities. %Varna
humid atuosphere, with low barome-
ter ittid s•.iith••rly winds, should cause
aper.hensiom and watchfulness in the
face of gathering storm clouds at this
time. In all reasonable probability
aware, tornadic storms will be repott-
ed during this period, from one or
snore 1.•c.ali1ie', and none of us baring
any gnarentee that our own locality
will 1.r exempt, it would seem only
conuu..n sense for all 01 us to calmly
watch storm Indic tt ions and approach-
es. If Mars period should have proven
cold pi ier to this iperiod in any part of
this of other r..ntinents. such sections
math wept will have unseasonable
cold. it h p •I• tole snow and gleet and
frost. in the acres of w••'st winds and
rising no -ow -ter behiiol these storms.
Stele .•h.n.(•• t•• cooler will start in the
nortt►•vet ,,i• .ut the lath, and spread
progressively eastward --southeast-
ward during the 14th to 17th.
*4++ 14++++++++4++4+++•11••1•+4
1'h•• thole• things that dis-
1iiig•iish the clothes we
na.ke are FASHION, FIT
e j.i-tI proud of our re -
e. .1.1 .sed will snetain it
ea it le ,:•• al garments. The
sae n.g 'hinge are rtady
ansa o.•..i.• getting plenty
of .,.1r1 •. One of these
.1”-• w.•n will appreciate
how vitally
You Need a Spring Suit
Our line ie ready for woe►1•
kin l inepertion.
t• - ---O
Call and Get our Prices
Merchant Tactor • Exeter
Card of Thanks.
Niro. S. E. Quante desires to thank
the inane irie•ids aha so kindly ex-
tended their assistance and sympathy
during the recent illness and steatb of
her daughter.
Interest to Students.
it (till beef interest to students who
purpose writing on the higher grade
depatturental examination this sunt -
neer to learn that special care will be
tarsen by the examiners in setting the
papers to avoid what is known as the
"catch paper." The papers •this year
twill deal with the work very compre-
hensively, but will avoid anything
like "catch questions."
Daughter Married in winnipe¢.
Tee marriage took place in Winni-
peg on April 25th of Miss Mary Col -
will. fortnerly of Centralia', raid daugh-
ter of Mr. anti Mrs. John Colwill of
Exeter, and Mr. John Wylie of Winni-
peg. The ceremony was performed at
the parsonage by Rev. Mr. Gordon,
pastor of the Congregational church.
The bride has been hying in Winnipeg
for about four years. The young couple
will make their home in \Vinnipeg.
The bride's many friends will wish
them at happy married life.
Death of Jennie Quanco.
The death occurred on Sunday
morning, May 5th, of Miss Jennie
Quance, daughter of Mrs. S. E. Quance
and of the late \Vm. Quance, at the
age of 22 years, 1 month and 21 days.
Miss Quance had been ill for just four
weeks, daring which time she was
confined to her room. She had been
in almost a continual state of uncon-
sciousness for the past three weeks,
during which time she took no nourish-
ment and her end was expected at al-
most any moment. It is supposed
that her illness was caused by a growth
on the brain. For years she had not en-
joyed good health which was undoubt-
edly from the seine cause. While
death is sad at any time, still in ' this
case it must have conte as a relief to
the afflicted and also to the immediate
relatives, as life's prospects were not
bright for her. She was of a kind and
affectionate disposition and will be
missed in the home by her mother and
sisters. The funeral took place to the
Exeter cemetery on Tuesday after-
Ven. Archdeacon Richardson occu-
pied the pulpit of the Trivitt Memor-
ial church on Sunday Last in the ab-
sence of the.Rectr)r, who had charge
of the services at Ailsa Craig.
Mrs. Mellott, who has been residing
with her father, Mr. John Heywood,
Siincoe street, has decided to rernain
here permanently. Mr. Mallott is ex-
pected -here in a day or so with a load
of furniture from St. Thomas.
In addition to retnodelling and
beautifying the interior of his confec-
tionery and lunch parlors, . [r. W. J.
Stathatn has just installed a new gas-
oline engine to operate bis ice cream
freezer. W. J. is around to he up-to-
The programs are out for the West
Huron Teachers' Convention, which
will take place at the Public School,
Exeter, on Wednesday and Thursday,
May 22nd and 2.3rd. A number of ex-
cellent discussions will take place and
the convention promises to be an ex-
ceptionally good one.
From the report on public libraries
for last year we notice that in Exeter
the receipts were: Legislature grant
$68.4:3, municipal grant $115. members'
fees $27, from other sources $48.57,
tote) $'250; the expenditure was $235.16;
No. of members 518; No. of volumes in
Library 4091; No. of voltintes issued
10,2211; No. of newspapers and period-
icals 22; assets $254l5; liabilities none.
We have a number of people in Ex-
eter and vicinity who send The ADVO-
CATE: to friends in United States and
we would he pleased if they would
kindly call and pay the subscriptions
in advance. It is absolutely necessary
since the new postal regulations have
forced us to put it one -cent stamp on
each paper. The price of the Anvo-
CATE going to United States will in
future he $1.50 strictly in advance.
\\'e trust our friends will understand
this and act accordingly.
A meeting for the reorganization of
the baseball club wits held last 'Thurs-
day evening, when the following offic-
ers were elected: lion. fres., A. Q,
Bottler: Hon. Vice -Pres.. N, D, Hurdon;
Pres., J. J. White: Manager, R. N.
Creech; Secretary, 0. 11. Powell;
Treas., Harold Bissett. The election
of a captain was left to the players on
the field. The club starts otT with a
large membership and the boy's ate
very enthusiastic, consequently the
prospects are bright for a good season.
The following from a Penticton
(B. 0.1 paper refers to two Exeter
boys: "S. G. Hamden and M. W. Hos-
ton ramie in to i'enticton last week.
Mr. Hamden is a half brother of Mr.
Cook of this place. They are on en
extensive trip through B. C. and are
taking views of all parts of the pro-
vince. having been all through the
('row's Nest country and have views
of Leo, the highest place in B. C. They
also take orders for large amounts of
B. C. view post cards. The gentlemen
are touring the towns in this vicinity
at present and will make Penticton
their headquat tete for the next two or
three weeks."
The regular monthly meeting of the
South Huron Ministerial Association
met in the school room of the Trivitt
Manorial church. Members present:
Revels. Martin. Going. Fear, Collins,
Toll, Smith. Eidt, Urquhart and Geish-
ler. The President. Rev. Mr. Martin.
in the chair. A pleawwnt feature of
the meeting was an address of cnn-
gratuletion to Rev. Martin on the oc-
casion of his election to the position
of Moderator of the Synod of ilamil-
ton and i.ondon. The motion was
made by Rev. D. W. Collins' and .ec-
ondeel by Rev. A. I1. Going. Mr. Mer-
lin made a feeling r•ply, thanking the
members' of the association for their
congratulation. Rev. Smith of Hen•
1 sell read a paper on the imp. rtant sub-
ject of "Church Union." The paper
dealt with the question from the stand•
point of union, embracing all Protest
, rapt bodies and the history of the
movement as it applied to the I'resbv-
tee ian, Methodist end Congregational
bodies. Rev. Collins led the discission
en 1 spoke of the Angeli.'en poeitinn.
111 the'memher. spe+ke. The ad.lres
.•f Hot. Eidt of Crediton wag especially
worthy of notice.
Potatoes, per bag
Hay, per ton
Flour, per ewt., family
Flour, low grade per cwt
Livehogs, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
Dried Apples
(k► 7e
45 ata
36 37
71 75
lilt 60
060 1000
2 10
120 126
to 22
ti 10
22 00
6 per 1b
Tu:itriadsofchoicet•ahesfor aaleTueeI*) and Saw-
- - fpr balance of spring. Price $2.50 and upwateis
EGGS' w - a setting from the beet pen of Bla,g
tlinort•as in the neighborhood,
W. F'. ABBOTT, Ctordliit
Lof OS Fill IOU.
44 44 44 44
lOaAAaeeaaaeea.et3aaaP.laae .
Mr. E. Moore, went to London Mon-
Mr. R. E. Pickard left for the West
on Monday.
Mr. Walter Harding spent Sunday
in London.
• L. H. Dickson was in Ailsa Craig on
Will \tomcat of Guelph Sundayed
here with his parents.
Mr. S. A. Poplestone of Blyth spent
part of the week in town.
Mr. Jas. Walters is in Hamilton and
Toronto on business this week.
Gilbert Dow left Tuesday with a car
of horses for Winnipeg.
Mrs. Billings returned Monday from
a few days' visit in Loudon.
InspectorJ. E. Toni was itrthis dis-
trict on duty during the week.
Mr. John Southcott of (.rand Bend
visited relatives here this week.
Mrs. E. A. Follick returned from a
visit in Toronto Tuesday evening.
Miss Katie McDonald of London is
a guest at the Commercial House.
Mr. Robert Leathorn came up from
London last week to spend a few days.
Hev. D. W. Collins attended the
Deanery meeting at Brussels this
Mr. Frank Ford left on Tuesday fat•
Regina where he intends to spend the
Rev. and Mrs. Cranston are in Crom-
arty this week preparing to move to
Mr. Peter McDonald of Forest spent
Sunday here with. Mrs. McDonald and
other• relatives. -
Mr. Duncan of the Sovereign Bank
staff, Toronto, arri% ed hone on his
holidays Saturday- evening.
Misses Fanny and Nellie Hatter, re-
turned to London Monday morning.
after a visit at their home herr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rowe are vis-
iting for two or three weekswith their
daughter, Mrs. Lamport. nt llderton.
Mrs. Wes. Hervey and children left
Stolidity evening to join Mr. Harvey
at Crystal ('ity, where they will reside.
Mr. T. E. Handford left Tuesday
evening for Winnipeg. taking with
hint a carload horses. He expects to
be away several weeks.
Mrs. i:ilh.'r has returned to her hotne
in Chicago after an extended stay here
with her father. Mr. John iieywood,
Sitncoe street.
Mr. W. W. Muir has gone to Ridge -
town and Detroit on a visit. Mr. Belt
Muir returned Friday to Regina, after
attending his father's funeral.
Mr. Richard Welsh arrived home
from Winnipeg on Saturday, and Mr.
T. E. ffandford left this week to spend
some weeks in Winnipeg.
Mr. Alex. Martin of the Canada
Cycle and Motor Company of Toronto
spent Saturday at his home here. He
leaves this week on n bueiness trip to
British Columbia,
Thomas Stanlake of Crystal City,
Man., spent Friday with his (amain,
Miss ('lora ('udrnore, prior to leaving
for Dashwood where he will spend the
simmer with his parents. Mi. and
Mrs. Harry St+inlake.
Mrs. Wm. Davis. Exeter North,
went to London Monday to attend the
f.mtmeral of her daughter-in-law. Annie
E., wife of A. E. Davie, who died in
that city on Monday morning. The
funeral took place on \Wednesday to
Mount Pleasant cemetery.
Sonne of those who attended the fun-
eral of the late Jennie (dance were
her sisters. Miss i.ida of Harrow, and
Miss 011ie of \epee( ; Mr. C. Haleden
of .felhnnrne. Mrs. Evans and daugh-
ter of Ailsa Craig; Mr. Samuel Mitch-
inaon, son and d wetter of London.
Mr. and Mrs. ti. K. Heitman left last
evening ter Regina, where they intend
residing in fiat+ire. Exeter regrets
toeing each gars{ citizens as Mr. and
Mrs. lleetnen. bat w.• wish therm eve,y
eitecee- in the "'..t. Hiss Olive (iouhl
accompanied theme. going to Miatni,
Man., where she will rp•ide with her
brother, Willi/gill who 0.,n.1 it is a got,.
oral store business in that town. Her
men*. ft,• n.1. , a*en.l to her :heir batt
No matter where or by whom
your prescription is written,
wve compound it. We make
specialty of presct►ption work
and are equipped to give ser-
vice of ideal character. \Ve
have a vet y large stock of pt-e-
scription drags including all
the new ►•entedies and
All work in this de-
partment will receive
our special attention.
Prices tire Reasonable and Alike
to All.
W. S. COLE, Phm. B.
Chemist and Druggist.
Thos. Coward was in London Friday
on business. -A social gathering of
young people took place at Thos. Bell's
Friday night., --On Saturday evening
while Leslie Robinson and Newton
Clark were out exercising theformer's
colt the animal took fright and ran
away. Both were hurled from the rig
but luckily escaped unhurt, the cart,
however, did nut litre so well, it being
considerably broken.
The Epworth League social on Mon-
day evening was quite well attended.
-Rev. 0. C. Gifford of Fullerton de-
livered it vary able sermon to a large
congregation on Sunday evening. Ht'
also gave 0 very interesting address
and solo at the social Monday evening.
-Miss 13. Wilcox of Port Stanley is
visiting under the parental roof- Fish-
ing and raising chicken seem to he
very interesting topics around here nt
Win. Smith who has been very ill is
on the mend again. -Mrs. George. Mil-
ler of London paid a flying visit to
friends here. -Philip C. Dwyer left for
the west on Monday last, he intends
taking up land. 11is many friends
wish him success and prosperity. -
Rev. :'allies of Exeter occupied the
lpulpit in Christ Church on Sunday
est. His discourse was on foreign
Missions, it was Very interesting and
much appreciated by a large congre-
gation. -We learn that..afre. Jas. Mil-
ler. owing to ill health, has peattained
her trip home to the West.
Miss Charlotte Morley is borne from
London. -Mrs. John Tales and bliss
Sotherby visited itt blame last Sunday -
and Monday. They have returned to
London again to resume their duties'.
Quite a number of our young men at-
tended the services et Woodham last
Sunday evening. -Mr. Ernest Parkin•
son of Bryanston visited in our burgh
Sunday last.- We are sorrow to learn
that. Mr. Hervey yutherby is on the
sick list. We hope for his speedy re•
covery.-Miss Squire visited with her
sister Mrs. Langford this week. --We
are glad to hear that Mr, and Mrs.
Philip Brooks are fast improving after
their illness. --C. 11. and Victor San-
ders of Exeter visited at the home of
Mr. Jabez Millson's last week.
DIcQc1 Floor
Everything *shout baking
is easier and success is more
certain when you use
No flour in
milled of put
cure than
sten in the
the world ie
up with MON'
governs every
production of
The res.alt is that it turns
out the lightest, whitest,
awoetest and tenet nutritious
bread and rnite.
Just arrived -a laer0 ship-
ment of host American Corn
At as Asia aaLaaalel
There's no denying the fact that
Field and Garden are the best, and the
Pure, Ready -mixed Paint. which covers
the earth is the kind that goes further,
looks better, wears longer than any oth-
er paints.
And That's Why We Sell Them.
Dealers in Hardware, Cement, Wire, Etc.
Great Reauction Salc Still Oo
Owing to the lateness of the Spring Season we are still
offering Greater Bargains in Furniture for the
than ever were shown in Exeter before.
Every article in our large stock of furniture is reduced
to almost cost during this sale.
Call and be convinced before making your purchase
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
Twig Coats & Cavetc Raincoats
Correct Garments That Appeal et Once to Stylish Dressers
Our new spring coats are the
height of fashion in all the new
Gray Tweeds; very smartly tailor-
ed and quite manish in effect. The
box coat or the t hree•guarter
length $8 to $12.
Made np in Light Grey Tweeds
and Grey, Fawn and Olive Craven-
ette; very stylish with the new
velvet or stitched down collars
and fancy buttons. $1 to $10.
Here Is a Dream of Beauty
\Ve have the finest showing of
Ladies' Belts and Collars to be
found. Nice embroidered wash
belts and collars from lac. to
SOc; Silk belts and collars from
25c. to 50c; kid belts in black,
white, green and brown 25c. to
50c.; turnovers, lace and appll-
gee collars in a big variety.
Extraordinary Values in Dressgoods
Ont• 1)rei.. Guests department this veer has been a very busy
comer of our store. We take special pride in showing them
and can give gnu some very extra values in Fancy Light Duck,
Tweeds, Fancw Tweed Coatings, Broadcloths, Venetians, San
Toy Lust res, Cashmeres, Voiles and Eoliennes. Don't forget
our big choice when buying your Spring end Summer dress.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing
This department .-nntaine every thing that is needed fr. n. the low•pricei
pretty Nottingham to the finest tiwirn Ncl•. ('rime and prove for yourselfthat our values are unbeatable.
50c. a Pair
An excellent curtain for the
money, very neat design, 21
and 3 yards long.
Per Pair 50c.
81 a Pair
Of Nottingh..nl net with open
work (-untie and pre•tty Inv•
der, 3j onto. long.
Per fair $1.00
51.25 a Pair
l• a neat Nottingham net
with open work. (••1)110 dee-
()V melt with ernall flgnred pat-
tern. with Yeti dainty border
31, )..r.ls 1,:r,g ./1 iurh wile.
1'et Pais $1.2:a
$1.75 a Pair
Just the rmrtains for bedroom
very- dainty border with plain
cent tie button hole stitched
edge', 3I yards long.
Per Pair 11.75
$2 fit $2 50 a Pair
It mmti•ber of different styles
to select at these prices; every
desigrris an attractive one.
Every pair big value.
$2.(10 and $2.50 Per Pair C
53.50 a Pair
This curtain is the finest we
have ever shown; the centre
Is of the popular open w ork
effect with etyli'h remota bor.
der. Special $3.50 Per Pair ,