HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-05-09, Page 5(gz etet Abuacate
e1 OO if paid in ad, an e,
$1.IO a yeta it not so paid.
IgorTo Culled States Subrcribers$1.60
a Year Strital) is Adsasce
-ANDERS k C'UEECII, Puhli,bers-
Bar ai s is Ora s
Q 9Q
We need the Room
You need the Money
1 Bell Organ, rosewood, reg-
ular price $95, for $75.
1 Doherty Organ, walnut
case, been used a short time,
regular $100, for $50. `-
1 Uxbridge Organ, walnut
case, regular $90, for $75. •
Other organs from $5 up.
Intending purchasers will
do well to see these bargains
at once.
Call or Write
is an essential with us. Every-
thing in the construction of Our
Time Pieces is shaped with this end
in view. They are made to keep
good titne and give good satisfac-
For Present Time
For Future Time
Tor All Time
Our line of Clocks is complete and up.
to -date.
Get One of Our
Alarm olooks
They are the best—at the usual
low price. Call and inspect ourgen-
eral stock.
• The Jeweller
MCCOrmiCk Corn King
Manure Spreader
At ROD, brand new a year ago.
Also a few
Success Spreaders
At $11ii cash.
Wire Fence
\Ve bevy at few hundred rods of fence
left at prices as follow:
6 wires, 111 in. high. all No. 9, at 31c.
7 ,. .lit 8,ic.
8 " 45 41c.
Agent for the Sylvester and
Perrin flow Companies
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
The great t'tertne Tonle, and
only e.tfo effectual Monthly
Itesulatoron w lin 11 ttvam n can
depend. Said in thsa . degrees
id' of Strength—No. 1, $I : No. 2.
to degrees stronger fa; No. S.
for a t-clal a w'ra, syr box.
fO,ld t,y all dru t,', or sent
Z--- prepaid on mot, pt of prim.
Free pamphlet. Addresi: T
CSSRMtglMUUUCS..TwnMT0.ONT. quesserlyIFfrtdaor�
is about to issue
A New Telephone Directory
District of Western Ontario
Including Village of Exeter
l)rdet fit new connections. chang-
es of tiro) names. changes of street
addresses or rot duplicate entries
should 1110 handed to the i.ocal
Manager at once.
A. Marchand,
Women in Our Hospitals
Appalling Increase in the Number of Operations Per-
formed Each year- -How women May Avoid them.
Going through the hospitals in our
largo cities one is surprised to find such
a large proportion of the patients lying
on those snow-white beds women and
girls, either awaiting or recovering from
serious operations.
Why should this be the case? Simply
because they have neglected themselves.
Female troubles are certainly on the
increase among the women of this
country — they creep upon them un-
awares but every one of those patients
in the hospital reeds had plenty of warn-
ing in that bearing -down feeling, pain at
left or right of the abdomen, nervous ex-
haustion, pain in the small of the back,
dizziness, flatulency, displacements of the
organs or irregularities. All of these
symptoms are ui,lic,ttions of an unhealthy
condition of the female organs, and if
not heeded the penalty has to be paid
by aJamrerous operation. When these
symptoms manifest themselves, do not
drag along until you are obliged to go to
thehospitaland submit to an opecition
—but remember that Lydia L. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound has saved
thousands of women from surgical
When women aro troubled with irre-
gular, suppressed or painful periods,
weakness, displacement or ulceration of
the organs, that bearing -down feeling,
inflammation, backache, bloating (or
flatulency), general debility, indigestion,
and nervous prostration, or are beset
with such symptoms as dizziness, lassi-
tude, excitability, irritability, nervous-
ness, sleeplessness, melancholy, "all -
gone" and "want -to -be -left -alone" feel-
ings, they should remember there is one
tried and true remedy.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:—
"I was in a very serious condition when
I wrote to you for advice. I had n serious
female trouble and I could not carry a child
to maturity, and was advises) that an oper-
ation was my only hope of recovery. 1
could nut bear to think of going to the hos-
pital, so wrote you for advice. I did as you
instructed me dud took Lydia E. I'inkham's
Vegetable Compound; and I am not only a
well woman to -day, but have a beautiful
baby girl six months old. I advise all sick
and suffering women to write you for ad-
vice, as you have done so much for me."
Miss Lilian Martin, Graduate of
Training School for Nurses, Brantfo
Ont., writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:—
"While we are taught in the training
school through the country to look down
upon patent medicines, and while the doc-
tors in the hospitals speak slightingly of
them to patients I have found that they
really know different. I have frequently
known Physicians to give Lydia E. Pink-
s Vegetable Compound to women suf-
fering with the most serious complications
of female troubles displacement of organs,
and other disorders. They would, as a
rule put it in regular medicine bottles and
label it "tonic" or other names, but I knew
it was your Compound and have seen them
fill it in prescnption bottles. Inflamma-
tion and ulceration have been relieved and
cured in a few weeks by its use, and I feel
it but due to you to give Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound proper credit."
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound at once removes such troubles,.
Refuse to buy any other medicine, for
you need the best.
Mrs. Pinkham, daughter-in-law of
Lydia E. Pinkham, invitee all sick wo-
men to write her for advice. Her advice
Mrs. Fred. Seydel, 412 N. 34th Street, and medicine have restored thousands to
West Philadelphia, Pa., writes : health. Address, Lynn, Maas.
Lydia E. Piakhaai's Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Others Fall.
China China China
We have just received a large shipment of
Beautiful China, including the following:
13 piece fruit sets $1.00 up
3 piece tea sets 40c. up
Celery trays 20c. up
Salad bowls 15, 20, 25c.
Cake Plates 20c. up
Bread & butter plates 5c.
Pepper & salt dishes 10c. pr.
Cups and saucers 10c. up
See our Parlor Lamps; many beautiful designs. Beautiful
Toilet Sets, $2.00 and up.
First-class line of oranges and bananas. Lemons and fresh
confectionery always in stock. Gladiole bulbs 20c. a dozen.
Full line of fishing tackle.
Parkhill: While shoeing a horse at
Knapton's blacksmith shop on Friday,
Fred Horner had his foot hnrt,the an-
imal stepping on it.
St. Marys: Much sympathy is felt
for Mr. and Mrs. John Ready int the
death of their infant daughter which
occurred on Thursday last.
The Sunshine is a good, •' all
round" lurnare. llurns, with equal
facility, either coal or wood. Coke,
too, if you prefer it.
And so j'criect is the combustion
of the Sunshine that it extracts
every unit of heat from the fuel.
\Vha''s left ,n the ash -pan is nr,t
worth sift ng.
Sunshine consumes less fuel, too.
Because its perfect Systr m of
dampers prevent the escape of t
trot air up the chimney—comp:I
it to come out through the re,istt r
You pay for heating the inside
not the outside—of your hot
when you buy the Sunshine.
if your local dealer does no:
handl , this • most economical
furnace write direct to us f.tr
ssssss�s ,
1►�.a=�a�a�.mai_>L,11.. ami
St. Marys: Messrs. John Gray and
Co., have disposed of their grocery
Clinton: Harold Pickett sustained
a nasty wound, Tuesday. He was us-
ing a pitch fork which slipped and ran
into his foot just above the toes.
Ilibbeet: 31i -s. John Bell, a former
resident of this township passed away
at her house lit Morris recently. She
was a daughter of the late James Shaw.
Parkhill: Jas. Turner, who has been
employed with Jno UritTeth & Son in
the elevator for several years, severed
his connection with them on Tuesday,
30th. Mr. Turner is going west.
Parkhill: The rewaius of the late
Archie McPhee were brought here
from London on Thursday for inter-
tuent. His death took place at London
on April 30, at the great age of SS years,
St. Marys: Mrs. N. M. Currie, sailed
for England on May 3, from Montreal,
Mrs. Curry will join her husband there,
who has been several years in Chili, as
representative of the \\'aterous Engine
Clinton: Robert Downs, sr., one of
the oldest and most highly respected
citizens of Clinton, is suffering from a
paralytic stroke. received early this
ntor•ninw. He is at the home of his
son, R. A. Downs.
Mitchell: Monday afternoon, Clem-
ents Stafford, only child of Mr. and
Mrs. F. C. Hord, was summoned to
his heavenly house. Everything pos-
sible was done for the little sufferer,
but all of no purpose.
Parkhill: It is announced that
William Aitkins, has been appointed
superintendent of equipment of the
Bell Telephone Company for \Vestern
Ontario, with headquarters in London.
Mr. Aitkins began his duties May 1st.
Clinton: Thursday evening about
thirty of the friends of Miss Lillie Mil-
lar inet at the home of J. Cuninghame,
and gave her a surprise, presenting
her with a nice gold -handled umbrella,
as an evidence of their regard for her,
and their regret of her departure fat
Downie: Mr. and Mrs,James Miller
sutfeted it sad loss in the sudden death
of their three year old daughter on
Thursday last. The little girl drank
by mistake some liquor which was be-
ing administered to a younger sister
who was ill. Alcoholic poison set in
and resulted in her death a few hours
Seaforth: The death occurred re-
cently of Mr. A. G. McDougall at his
home at Virden, Man. He was one of
the pioneer business men of Seafortb.
For many years also he was assessor
of the town and was one of the first
Justices of the Peace for this district.
About 20 years ago he moved to Man-
itoba and settled in Virden.
Parkhill: Wn1. Murphy of London,
a fouler resident of town, met with a
painful accident while at work in
Schabacker's planing mill, London.
While running a circular saw he let
his left hand come in contact with the
saw and it was badly mangled, the
first, second and third fingers being
cut off. It was also found necessary
to remove some of the bones.
( Frank J. Cheney snakes oath that he is senior
putner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co. doing bust.
nem in the City of Toledo, County and Mate afore-
said. and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE
(HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and emery case of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use o1 hall's
Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CIIENEY
Sworn to before me and subscribed in IOC pres-
ence, this 6th day of December, A.U. 1sa6.
Nor1UE rvaLtc
iiall's Catarrh Cure is takers internally, and acts
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. stud for testimonials free.
F. J. CIIENEY &CO., Toledo, 0.
Sohl by all Druggists, 75e.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Seaforth: A little daughter of Geo.
Marshall, was badly burned Thursday.
She was playing around a bonefire
when her clothing caught fire. She
was badly burned on one side of the
farce anti Mrs Marshall bad her hands
burned in her endeavors to extinguish
the flames. Fortunately the child
wore heavy clothing, and this undoubt-
edly saved it from touch more serious
Hullett: The home of Mr. and Mts.
John Danby is sad because of the death
of their child, a bright little lassie of
thirteen months. which took place on
Sunday. While Mr. and Mrs. Danby
were out driving in the afternoon the
little one became ill, and they drove
at once to Clinton, and to the doctor's
office, but when they arrived there
death had already intervened. though
the parents did known it, and it carne
as a great shock to them,
Mitchell: While returning from
Mitchell Monday evening, Mrs. Chris-
topher Rode, 8th con., Logan, met
with a severe accident. She was driv-
ing with her son George and his dough -
ter, and when approaching the bridge
on the 7th concession one of the horses
got down in a "washout." They strat-
ed plunging and rig and all went over
the embankment into the riyer below.
When extricated it was found that
the old Indy sustained a double frac-
ture of the large tone between the
knee and ankle.
Parkhill: The following left last
w.ek for distant points: ---Miss Helen
McL.'od left Monday on a six weeks'
trip to the coast, and expects to return
via Calgary and Winnipeg. -Mrs. W.
H. Clotheir , who spent the pint ihree
mnntha in town with her son, left Tnrs-
doy tot ('hatlevoix. Mich., where she
will remain for some time with her
daughter, --Geo. Towle of Chehona,
Mich.. who has been spending the past
couple of weeks with his daughter,
Mrs. M. Mawson, has gone to Cleve-
land, Ohio, where he will sunttn,
with her son Wilkin Towle.
Parkhill: C. V. iringhton was ar-
rested here May 2, on the chatgr ,.f
forging at note for $11237. An agent of
McWilliams k Everisl. cornrnissioner
merchants, of Toronto. was the cone
pleintant. it is alleged that i,alighton
claimed to represent 1). J. Johnston
and J. Manager, and pi tlui 'd paprr-
pin porting to he signed by t hese mer,
authorized hits t" i, n, ha a several
thousand barrels of apples. 110 elo'ed
the deal with McWillisma 1 Everist'-
i agent, who advanced him the money
on a note alleged to nave been signed
' by Johnston and Manger.
You Men
and Women
who have
on a Guarantee.
Doctors call it Cystitis. Whatever the name, it is due to weak Kid-
neys. The blood is bringing impurities to these organs faster than they
can filter it out. This is often deposited in the Bladder; irritates the
membrane so much that it cannot retain the urine. Instead of passing
urine four or five times a day, it is passed twenty to thirty titres. The
urine is hot and scalding, and burns like fire.
My t what relief the first few "Bu -Ju" fills give( They are like ice
water to a parched throat. They neutralize uric acid, soothe the delicate
lining of the bladder, and take away tate burning pain. They strengthen
the weakness—heal the Kidneys—stop that frequent desire to urinate,
which is such an annoying
feature of Cystitis. One man
told us that " Ba -Ju" gave
him the first uninterrupted
night's sleep he had enjoyed
in fifteen years.
Bu -Ju is sold by ,druggists
all over Canada. If yours
should not have them, send
to us and we will see that
you are promptly supplied.
5oc. a Box, and your money refunded if they fail to cure.
The Claflin Chemical Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ont.
Bu Jv
T eGentIeKidneyPill
St. Marys, May 5.—The death of Rev.
Alex. Grant, M.A., who has been min-
ister of Knox Church for many years,
carne as a shock to this community yes-
terday. Deceased.canle here from the
Presbytery of Hamilton, where he held
a charge for a number of years. He
was a scholar of considerable tank.
He was ordained in 1864.
Seaforth: Will Finlayson and Wil
Sclater who left here for the Wes
have bought a grocery business in
Regina, Sask. •
Following is the report of the stand-
ing of the pupils of S. S. No. 1, Us -
borne, for April. Names in order of
merit: V.—R Blatchford, E. White.
Sr. IV.—C Oke, C Moir, V Rowcliffe,
E Bell, A Douga1171. Jr. I V. -J Strang,
1 Harvey, G Oke, C Down, G Blatch-
ford Sr. III.—J Strang, J Dougall,
T Dougall, A Moir. 11 Down, Ira Moir.
Jr. III. E Bell, R White, L Moir. Sr.
IL—W Dougall, W Strang H Down,
0 Rowcliffe, 0 Moir, E Harvey. Jr.
11-0 Harris, G Moir. Sr. Part I.—
F Jarrott, E Rowtcliffe, 11. Moir, V
Boll.—.1. A. Brintnell. 'reacher.
The following is the report of the
standing of the pupils in S.S. No. 4.
Usborne for April, based on regu-
larity of attendance and weekly ex-
aminations. Sr. IV. --Frank Rooke, F
Handford, W Essery, C. Skinner, V
Kerslake, W Webber, B Davis. Sr. III.
C May, A McCurdy, H May, A Skinner,
W. Walker, G Davis, TCoates. Jr. IIi.
M McCurdy, E Kellet, Lena Coates, A
Hunter. Sr. IL—V Coates, F Web-
ber, L Harding, I Ford, W Culbert. Jr.
I1.—T Skinner, 8 McCurdy, M May, F
Coates. Sr. Pt. II,—R Thompson, R
Webber, V Hicks. Jr. Pt. II.—V Pin -
combo, Carrie Thompson,0 Hunter, H
Hunter. Sr. Part I.—W Thompson. C
Davis. Jr. Part I.—H Coates, E Ma-
gee. Average attendance for April 34.
J. W. Hogarth, Teacher.
For Stock ImproQcmcat
LOItD HOWATSON, 11106, is a bay
imported clydesdale, foaled 1499, 16
hands high, 1900 lbs. Has fine pedi-
gree. and is a sure foal getter.
Monday leaves own stable, Fairfield,
to Hill's hotel, Crediton, to William
Flynn's, McGillivray.
Tuesday to Hugh Carrol's,Biddulph,
to Jonathan Cooper's, l.'sborne.
Wednesday to Wm. Monteith's, to
Even Dew's.
Thursday to Garnet Frayne's, to
Friday to Mansion House. Exeter.to
home. Daniel McCurdy, Prop.
LORD SHARP. 11413, is a clyde
stallion, five years old, brown color.
He is is fine moving horse and has
proven himself to be a sure getter.
Monday leaves own stable, con. 8,
Csborne,to yid.Andrew's, to Centralia
Tuesday noon to John Midair's s
Wednesday to Wm. Boyle's McGilli-
vray, to Clandeboye.
Thursday to ----to John Mc-
Friday to D. Elinor', to Thos. Mor-
ley's, Whalen.
Saturday to his own Statile.
Geo_ Coward, Proprietor.
TEMPEST 11AL. 106D, is a standard.
bred, Road Stallion with a fine pedi-
gree, stands 16 hands, weighs 1300 lbs.,
belongs to a family of barge horses.
His pedigree shows excellent breeding.
Monday leaves own stable at ('lan-
drl'oye, to Thos. Ilodgins', Riddnlph,
for noon: to Menton for night.
Tuesday to James Allen's, to l'redi•
Wednesday to Shipka, to (hand
Thursday to Corbett, to i'aikhill.
Fr Wily to John Robinsoh's, to (tome.
Ed. Min.pson, Prop.
~EVER\ IRAE1i1-IRN, 10120, is a
dal k 1.ron n imported shit 0 stallion
with ai fine pedigree, and has proven
himself a sine st•'ck getter.
\l,.nd ty, leases honor. Lot 20. ('on.
11. Stephen and proce,-d•' to f)tvid
\lawhinney•s: to Mount 'at nod.
'Tuesday to iI. ('nntiinghalrl'8, to
Wednesday to Jobe coteish'., to
Fr rink Stuns.
Thursday to Wm. Anderson's, to
Writ. Sanders'.
Friday to S. 8tenleke't. to home.
Samuel I'reszcator, Prop.
"It's simply astonishing the way
St. George's
Baking Powder
has taken (told of my customers."
"They say it makes lighter,
tastier, finer -grained Biscuits and
Cakes than any other they ever
used ! "
Send for our new
Cook -Book— free.
National nrug & Chemical Co.
23 of Canada, Limited. 'Arant-:.l.
Wood's rhosphodiae,
Thi Great ling!i;hly-
'1'ones and invlgoratte the w holo
nervous .,, ut, crakes new
Blood in old Veins. Cures Zsi-rF
oils Debility. Mental and Brain 14rorry, Lra-
ponde,Iey, Sexual iVeoknea;s, Emissions. Sptr-
mntorrhera, and Fifecta of Abuse or Erector/I.
Price St per box. six forts. (Ino will pl,-is' ala
will cure. Sold byy all drnggiata or uotiled In
plain pkg. on receipt of ttrice. 1. to parvphlet
rnnifr I ree. The Weed Medicine Co.
(formerly li'imlnor) Toronto, Ont.
Recommended by a Well-known
Toronto Doctor, Whose Love
for Humanity is (ireater than
His Prejudice Against Pro-
prietary Medicines.
The following very valuable pro.
scription, by 811 eminent and suceest•
fel physician, will be appreciated by
ninny who aro s'tfering from la grippe,
cold, cough, pneumonia, or any throat,
Ming or stomach trouble, or run-down
iy-stent. as it is a certain cure, and
will s9ve many a doctor's bill. It is
almost a certain preventive an well —
''11'hen 700 ieo1 that you are taking
cold or hare chilly feeling or aching
in any part of the body or head, or
feel weak. tined, dizzy, unfit for work,
pain in the head or back of the neck,
t noglect these dangerous syrnp-
: aa• , lint send immediately to your
and get a bottle of Psyching
.voutlIod Si•ket n), and prepare se
',ye Line, 2 teaspoonfuls.
:,in-rry, whisky or water, 2 tog.
•, ` ''s.
':u ee of t!1, latter can be made
—riling to the jn,lgrnent and pre -
14.11(.0 of the patient.
• Mix thoroughly and take regularly
ors each meal and at bedtime."
i ilia prescription hay been used in
15.1 ,ands of (58014 and has beers iso
uivrrs-,Ily '111N -evilly] that a number
f ie:.dinq physicians regularly pre -
mint Pay( bine in their practice for
le' of the above troubles, or any rain-
,lesen, wasting or constitutional difl3-
enity. It is the moat reliable and
val11ah10 home remedy. it tones up
tt,n entire system, giving a feeling of
•o"thfulneas and alter. adding many
tears to the life of thoso who use it.
emirate/0 1 wM SIODAt a physical wreck ant
ray suffering with lung tr.,nblet Friends ant
ec'Rhbe.n thoneht 1 would nerd RPt better. 1
114,411 10 Are;.air myself. Le.dng fellh In mi
I-1,)td.ian. 1 t•n.cored another one who m•t.m-
mended the u.r• .-f PSYCH •II iN I 1t was Inirpri•fog
beyond description the lQrrt It had. i se.rr.d sa
fain with every ry Anse. Inside of two wrrka 1 will
0,t0 to often.' fo my housework again. That
Arc iso symptoms of consumption about rate tow.
fit John, N.n.
••T hoot Irmo a,iBrrinS fr..m t* flrlp w/
Juntas a ere weak and i Lad a eY igb, but t'syebtad
cheap/Cie. Ont.
Psyrhine esn.be procured from ani
druggist at 60e. and 51,00. It is a Teri