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Exeter Advocate, 1907-05-09, Page 4
OUSE IIEGOIITOR P[UIII8ER ". and Cne PIIPER HIINEII SIGN I1TEII %ND EI1IIINER Water) See our Canadi- an and Atneri• can samples. (With R Dinner last year) --- I: furnished on application. A Trial Solicited Arthur D. Davis EXETER RESIDENCE: Corner James and An- drew Streets. • c..tching eoloc logt- fish iu tie ,iter. Geo. Hirt zel holds the medal for the Ito gest pike IAnded this season. He speared one on Tuesday, :31ft. in length, 22 inches in girth and weighed 211 lbs. How's that for a whopper% Totals taken from the assessment tell of the Township of Stephen for the year 1907 are as follows: N. of acres of land cleared, 51501 N... of acres of woodland 5291 Total acleag© in the township .. 50798 .\otuxl valineof real estate. .S2,010.210 Value of buildings 8 073,390 Taxable lec'onc.• S 1,400 1lusiness Assessment i; 28,(r21 '1'eeel atssessrnent $2,713,021 No.of children between 5 and 21, 1'2.32 No. of children between 5 and 10, 81)1 Male persons from 21 to 00811) Population '3578 Vital statistics, births 49, deaths -f:: Number of doge 403 The following is the report for S.S: No. 2, Stephen, for May. Those mark- ed • have missed examination: IV,— Ilet•bert Mitchell, Olive E Bing, Beryl Hill, •Clayton Sims. Jr. IV.—Lillian Heist, Lillian Stahls, Eli Sims •Jltu'y Chambers Jr. III.—Viola Cornish, Melvin England, Irving Stahl', •(iellio King 'Andrew- Flanagan. Sr. IL— Myrtle Sines. Jr. Part I.—Cora Stahls. Hattie Chapman, Teacher. Cent ralia A number of the young people en- joyed an excellent tatty pull at the home of Mr. Win. Robinson on Alon- clay evening. -51r. Mack. Curtain left Tuesday for the West. Following is the report of the Sr. and Jr. Department of S. S. No. 1, Stephen for April. Sr. Dep.u•tment.—Cl. IV— M Hep- burn, A Robinson, 11 Hicks, N McCur- dy, L Robinson, 51 Elston, G Wilson, A Duplan, E Sines, J White. Sr. IV. -- M. Baynhnm, I Essery. Jr. IV. -13 Anderson, J Davis, E Callfats, le Da- vey, H White. H Callfas, E Baker, E Nilson, E Davey. Sr III.—E Brooks, A White, F Fairhall, F Essery. M. Botterill, teacher. Jr. Department.—Jr. III.—S Neil, V Hogartb, M Heist. Sr. IL—M Hem - men, AI Elliott, 11 Neil, E Bowden. Jr. II—O Davis, I McCurdy, E Alexander. Pt 11.—C Davey, D Brooks, A Robin- son, E Wilson. Sr Pt I-11 Elston, L I. Batynhatn, AI Ilogarth, A Hackney. Jr. Pt I,- -V Neil. D Hackney, V Dav- is, G Hackney. Pt. I.—N Brokenshire, L flicks, F Huxtable. The best spel- lers for the month were, Stella Neil, E Bowden find H Elston. No. on roll 35, average 32.—Mabel Sparks, Teacher. Ltt an The adjourned vertry meeting of Holy Trinity church was held Monday evening. The auditor's report showed a balance on hand, and the church in a prosperous conditions financialh•.— it'a Bice, Hensel', has been spending the past week at Cltndeboye and vic- inity. enjoying the fishing in the Sanble Rivet-. —The 0. 'T. R. have been levelling the grounds around the sta- tion. and will have the land sodded, gie:atly improving the appearatl'eof the ynoels. —Mis+ Stanley, lady super- intendent of Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, and a fur mer Luean young lady. left Friday for Philadelphia to attend the convention of superintendents of hospital training schools. which opens there Saturday. While away Miss Stanley will endeavor to visit several isolation hospitals for the purpose of securing pointers on the administra- tion of such hospitals, in view of the fact that London is to erect an isola- tion hospital in connection with Vic- toria Hospital shortly.—Dr. Shaw of London was here this week attending the funeral of his brother-in-law Robt. Guilfoyle.—Miss E. Atkinson is spend- ing a few days in Toronto —Mrs. Gen. Fox left Saturday for a few days vis- it with tier son at Oakville.—inspector Thompson visited our school Friday.— (:•. McCoonih has returned to Toronto, where he has secured a situation.— Mrs. Smith of Hensel' visited her fath- er Dr. Hommel( bast week, 'heeler—Robert Guilfoyle, one of the most highly respected residents of this village. (lied on Wednesday morn- ing after a short illness, in his 05th year. He was a Conservative in poli- tico,. and a Member of holy Trinity church. The funeral, which took place Saturday to St. James' cemetery was very largely attended, and was con- ducted by the Rev. Mr. Powell of (iranton. 17siqui1 itr:c•u(4NiTIos--A Mend's, for '25 years in the hotel business, the last 11 as proprietor of the Grand Cen- tral Hotel here. bas retired from busi- ness. His tnany- friends in the village and surrounding country took advan- tage of the occasion to present him and his farnily with addresses and gifts indicative of the high regard in which they are held opsin all sides. One ad- dress was from friends and neighbors of the f:tnilly, and states that the name of the Central Hotel and the proprietor stand foremost throughout the country for fair dealing and hon. esty, conttesy and hospitality. Ac- companying this addres`, were gold bracelets' fur the Misses McFalls. The see-,nd address, front the boarders at the hotel. speaks of the homelike con- ditions they had always experienced. and voices deep regret nt the breaking up of the "(Aridly circle.” The hetet will be under the management of W. A. McLean. of (inand Rapids, a son of the l ttr Robt. McLean, a former pro. priet•'r. Killed At Clandeboye. KMeet, oN TIIK TRACK. - -A and ac- ident took place south of here on TriesdAy night last whereby Allan Nit. - lune.; of Shirk,' lost his life. M►. Me - inner, wl)o had been working on the fame ter Mr. John Seale of McGillivray, bad visited Al his home in Shipk ever seind:ey. On Tuesday morning he tank the train at ('elitralia and got ofT At Lusen ('tit. ine And proceeded ra't• wa til en the track to N11. Seale'. home. He had not gone far when he was met by the Toronto train and for seal/. renown diol not leave the track. 11e w -As shuck by the engine and kind almost instantly. - 1'.ikhill: Hugh McNeilp ►ssed nteiy at Victoria Hi•pitsl, Lon 1.'n, nn JI Ay 11, at the ,1ge le 20 years, :, menthe. The terrains welt. taken to the res, - 1 his father Hector McNeil at F:A-t Williams, the funeral tasking place on Wednesday. • • McGillivray Mrs. W. A. Shuldice, who has ren tgttenclieg the bedside of her sister Miss Ethel Snelgt•ove, at \It. Bridges, has returned house.— W. 1.. Stokes, Mrs. Thos. Ellwood: John Lewis, Rev. Sutcliffe, Mrs. John Gilbert and R. N. Tweedle, who have been quite ill of late, are all improving.—At the resat spring examinations at Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston, Alexander Snaith Tod. 13.A., of eleguire, obtained the Ra ekiue ichelu•sltip as well as honors in nearly all the subjects in divinity. DEATH- 3Ir. and tis. Jus. Ritchie, 7th con., hate the Sympathy of a wide circle of friends in the death of their infant son, George Stanley Ritchie, who passed away 'Tuesday •tt the age of 13 months. The little fellow had been a severe sufferer for the past ten weeks with inflammation of the lining of the brain. DiseTtt of Mits. MIcI1, I L DOYLE.— It is seldom we at'e called upon to re- cord a sadder death than that of Mrs. Michael Doyle of the 1201 concession who passe(' away on Tuesday night last. The deceased had been ill only a short tiute, confinement being the cause of the trouble.rMr•s. Dloye's maiden name was McCue, being a sis- ter of Dt'. McCue of Crediton. She was a lady beloved and respected by every body who formed her acquaint- ance and her premature and unexpect- ed demise has cast a gloom over the whole community. WEDDED—A quiet wedding took place on the 24th inst., when Miss Liz- zie Wasnidge, of the 12th con., was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. John Flynn, of the 4th con., at the Methodist Parsonage, Centwtlia, the Rev. J. W, Andrews officiating. The bride was becomingly attired in a gown of white lustre with trimmings of allover lace. She also wore a picture white hat. The bride was assisted by Miss Mary Ellen Flynn, sister of the groom, who also wore a gown of white lustre while the groom was assisted by Eli Wasnidge, brother of the bride. The couple drove to the home of the bride, Mr. Joseph Wasnidge, of the 12th con., where a number of their friends and relatives were gathered. The young people tripped the light fantastic until the wee stun' horn's of the morning. The bride received many beautiful as well as useful pre- sents. Mr. and Mrs. Flew] will reside near Clandeboye. \Ve extend con- gratulations. Hensall Mr. Kennedy of the Soo is visiting friends in town.—Mrs. Sutallacoinbe has returned after spending a month with her daughter who has been in the Guelph hospital for some titne.--A mintier from here attended Mrs. Jas. Johnston's first nuptial reception at Willow Hall un Thursday. --Miss Pearl Nicholson of Blake is visiting at Wil- low Hall.— Wedding bells will be ring- ing here shortly. -Don't be discouraged Harry, "ii faint heart never won a fair Indy."—Rev. Toll preached on the evils of card playing ora Sunday evening to a large congregation.—Chas. Cook, who hna been here for sotne tine as- sisting his hrotner in the mill, left for Chicago last week. Sorry to part Chas. —The Misses Elizabeth and Alice Bell, of the London Road, near here, left last week for SAcremento, Cal.—Miss Nesbit of New York is home on a visit. —Melvin Stoneman is back to town again.- John Jackson and Jaynes Ross have returned from an extended stay in San Francisco, Vancouver, Seattle and elsewhere. The latter left last week on a visit to his old house in Liv• erpool. We wish him a pleasant jour- ney and a safe return.—Geo. Reynolds a former Hensallite, who has been em- ployed in Elmira for the past year has gone to Winnipeg to seek his fortune. —The many friends here of Miss Mar- garet Kerr, eldest daughter of Rev. Kerr. Clinton, and a former pastor of the Methodist church here, will be in- deed sorry to learn of the accident which betel her the other morning. While having a frolic in bed she struck her big toe and broke the bone which necessitated it being put up in splints. —Ed. Blake and wife of Toronto are here on a visit.—R. Jarrett received word from his brother Totn of Carlisle, Man., containing an account of a big fire in that plaice which destroyed his complete printing outfit, valued at $-1000. He had bought out the whole business, including the building and was eneeying a good business.—The greatest sale that has ever taken place here WAS held at the ('onlntercial tin• tel on Saturday. Everything was sold and good prices were realized. Mr. (dice, with his fancily, left Monday for his old home near Clandeboye,--Mr. Torrannda ' a. License inspector was bete U n WEnin;It. —A pretty May wedding was celebrated at Egwondville on May 1st, when Nelson Herbert Sutherhy, a former Henvall boy, but now of Clin- ton, claimed Miss Wilhelmina Merger - et Chesney, daughter of Wrn. Chesney, Assessor of Tuckersniith, as his loving helpmate. The mystic words that united the lives of this happy con ale were pronounced by Rev. Shaw. The bride was neatly and handsnrnely at• tired in it travelling suit. Mr. and Mrs. Suthei by spenti,1. of their n honeyoun with friends in Hensel' And vicinity. They hAve taken tip their residence in Clinton. Nelsen has A host of friends here who extend can• gr•Atulations to hire and his estimable bride and may their future be crowned with hAppinese And prosperity. Theme -The following has refer- ence to the death °f a daughter of Mr. Richard Reynolds for many yea is a resident of this place but now of Min- neapolis. " Annie E. Reynolds. be- loved wife of A. E. i):avi!, passed away at her home, South street, London, nn Monday At the age of epi years. in dt*1) she was united in marriage to her now bereft husband and came inc►uedii- ately to T,ondon where they have re- sided ever since and has held a high place in the esteem of All who knew het. lieroause of her sterling qualities of mind and chittacter. she was belov- ed by all who mate in contAct with her sweet nature. More especially 'vete the beautiful traits of her character manifested within the sacred leeches of her home. Mlle was essentially A ehotnc-ma►ker," And the here/teed fam- ily, consisting of husband and tear children, hate to lament the loss of A more than cisunlly wig.. and laving wife :Intl mother, whose household wens blessed by her love nod devotion. She is els° sot tiyrd by her parents and sev- eral brothers end sisters. The funeral took plasm'tVcdneeday to Nouns Pleas- ant cemetery." Cracker Charm There is all the diff- erence in the world between eating bis- cuits a n d biscuit eat- ing. O n e may eat a biscuit and not taste it, but when you think of bis- cuit eating you think instantly of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas Crisp, delicious and tasty. Absolutely and d i s t i n a l y superior to any other make. Say "Mooney's" to your grocer. SIMPSON & MILLS HENS AND EGGS Strain of lavers, bred from an established strain of standard bred heavy layers. Bred to lay --white tyyandottes. Figure, don't lie—The sum of standard size plus standard shape plus standard color plus heavy lay. ers. "]lis strain" Order eggs now. 1 grand pen headed by "Jack Frost," 3rd prize cockerel at Brantford, mated to six flue hens, hill sisters to 1st, 9nd and 4th prize pullets at Seaforth 1A(5. Eggs per setting of 13, $2; or two settings rt. Stay white Leghorn. bred to lay eggs from No. 1 pen headed by "Snowball" who took the 1st prises out of 6 tinges shown; mated to 12 fine hen,. Set- ting of 15 $1 or 9 settings t?l.su. Eggs from Run of Flock 60 cents Setting .ORDER AT ONCE Money must be sent with order to H. MILLS or W. P. SIMPSOIV, CENTRALIA, ONT. Granton Mr. Powers, who recently bought out George Dinsmore's business, has moved into our village.—Wellington Dinstnot'e and fancily, con. 10, Blaneh- ard, have moved to Goderich where they will stake their future home. May success and happiness attend then,—Mrs. Squires, and daughter Miss Mildred left a few days ago for Calgary, Alta., where they will join Mr. Squires.—Mrs. James Westman, who has been quite ill, is. we are pleas- ed to state, convalescing. Her sone James and Jeff have returned to the West.—Spring work is now going ahead with a rush. Some of the farm- ers complain of clover being badly heaved this spring. Zurich H. Zimmerman is getting along nice- ly from the effects of his recent acci- dent.—George Schellig, Sr., and wife have returned from a five months' vis- it in Detroit with their,son Dr. George Schellig. The former, whose life was almost despaired of when he left Zur- ich, underwent a most serious opera- tion at the hands of Dr. Harrison at Detroit, which proved successful and he is now in the enjoyment of good health. The people of Zurich are pleased to see these good people back once more.—John Sreeman of the San - ble line left last week for the west.— Day Schnell lost a valuable mare from acute indigestion recently. The ani- mal was valued at $300.—Rev, and Mrs. A. Geiger have gone to Pem- broke to which place the former has been stationed.—Colne, boys. why don't you re -organize your baseball and football clubs.—John Mittleholtz, who has beer) engaged at the grist mill here for Horne years has severed his connection with the establishment and will work ;on the brickyard this summer.—Mach sympathy is felt for Mee. Sanncel Rennie in the death of her mother, Mrs. Bechtel, which event occurred At Berlin recently.—On Fri- day the death tnok place of Mrs. Eliz- aht'th Reid, itt the aged of 87 years, 1 tuonthe, 1) day's, Deceased had made her bootie with her daughter Mrs. H. Eckstein, Bronson Line. Hay, where she has always received the kindest care and attention. She was highly esteemed in this locality and by her death we lose a kind friend. The re. aurins were laid to rest in the Bronson Line cemetery.—Mr. And Mrs. Joseph Rau'e little six weeks' old son died on Friday. The parents have our deepest sympathy.—Geo. BAltzie has returned to Detroit After a pleasant stay with Cyrus Colosky.—The bridge on the Senble line, soul hof St. Joseph is Again impassable. A large portion of the approach on the north side has caved in. A temporary read to the west of the bridge is tieing used until the cave in has been repaired.—Friday was Ar- bor Day At the school and the scholars were kept busy cleaning tip the yard. Clinton: Walter Holmes, was try- ing to remove a cartridge from hit gun when it went oft. the cartridge shell bursting and it couple of pieces of it cutting the index and second fingers of the left hand, being consitlernhly lac- erated. Two days beferethis, he tried to tAke off the end of bis right thaunt', nand had to have it dressed. STRATFORD, ONT. Was estahlithed twenty years at and Le its thor- ough work and honorable dealings with its patrons has he. ome one of the largest and most wvt.dy known Commercial Colleges in the Province. The demand upon us for cowmen ial teach.?, and office sssistar,ls gteatlyett-eM, the supply. We a,.$.1 our graduates to positions, St.s,lents are enterine each Meek ('ataing,ie fere. ELLIOTT & McLACHI,AN, I'rincipals. ( LONDON ) India Pale Ale Prejudiced and tins. rpi•u:.:ua i'eudot:. it t- suggest others, but compare et aur way you will—purity. freedom from acidity. palatableness- Labatt's :11e is surpass- ed by none, equalled by few—at about halt the price of best imported brands. WAREHOUSES —AT— EXETER, CENTRALIA AND CLANDEBOYE Highest Price paid for Grain RICH. SELDON (Successor to Joseph Cobbledick) W XTED 25 to 30 TONS CAST SCRAP FOR CASH. Exeter Foundry THE MOLSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament IBMI Parliament 1855) Head UHiee, Montreal Head Office, Montreal Capital Paid UP Reserve Fund Capital Paid UP Fund Assets Over IXTY-T'tVO BRANCHES A 3.200,000 3.000,000 $3,200,000 • 3,000,000 33,000,000 IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA - EXETER BRANCH - OFFICE HOURS 10 a. m. to S p. n1. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interestallowed paring Bank Departments c nail further notice interest on SavingBs a stoma will be cr(rlite.f quarterly instead of half yearlT as formerly. Deposits of 511 and upwards received. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. IIURDON, Manager, "HIND -STAYS" MAKE DILLON TWICE AS STRONG Short, stiff, hard, steel wire stay'sruako a"hingedikr' joint at every lateral wire on the Milton fence. These "Hinge -stays" give our fenco a greater degree of o'astictt •—enable it to withstand greater strain. They act like, and really are, binges—make our fence swing or spring back into shape after receiving a heavy blow, or the unusual pressure caused by a furiousbull orother animal endeavoring to push bis vsaythrough to freedom. Catalogue tells more about this "twice as strong"fenco. The Owen Sound Wire Fence Co., Limited. Owen Sound, Ont. W. NEiL, AGENT A Remarkable Intention FOR THE CULTURE , OF Milli TIIE F:VANS VACt'UM ('Al' in A practical invention constructed on scientific and hygienic principals by the simple means of which a free and nornal circulation le restored throughout the scalp. The minute blood vessels are gently stimulated to Activity, thus allowing the food supply which can only he derived from the blood, to be cal - tied to the hair toots, the elecs of which are quickly seen in it healthy. vigorolc+ growth of hair. There is no rubbing, And As no drugs to chemicals of whatsoever kind are employed there is nothing to twee irritation. it is only liet•essar•y to wear the ('Ap three or four !ninety. daily. 60 DAYS' FREE TRIAL! The Company', Orareatee An F:VA`S VA('1'1'M ('A 1' will be sent you for sixty days' free trial. 11 you do not see a gradual' des -elopement or a new growth e hair, and Are not convinced that the Cap will completely. restore yo,OF hair. you ate at liberty to trturn the Cap with 00 expense whatever It yourself. it is requested. as an evidence of goods faith. that the price of the Cep be deposited with the Chancery Irene Safe Deposit Company of London, the let gest financial a rid hnsinew; in -t itutint' of the kind in the world, who will issue a receipt guaranteeing that the money will be returned in full, nn demand without quit-stions or comment, at time during the trial petted. any The eminent Dr. I. N. t.n7F., in hi' address to the Medical hoard on the enbjert .A Alopa-o.a las of hair) stated that it a means mid be des 'aged to bring nutrition to the hair folaiele, (bast roots., without resorting to any irritating process the problem of hair grown nook! he oohed rater c+n, when the EVANS VACI't N CAP wan sulanitt.d tohhn for inspection, he remarked that the rap would fulfil and eonffnn in practk e the observations hehad preciously made befoi the Medkal Moan!. Dr w. Moore, referrirg lathe invention. seta that the principal nrw.n which the Bran• Va., um ('ale is founded is ah' lulely t orreet an4 it+digmtable ///„„t,,,1,4 ,4 dn.erl eirI hapk,•r Erna.' raelimm e',ry, trill be mi tit, reel fere nn n)gclinili.,+ THE SECRETARY. EYAN!S YACt't'M CAP CO., LTD. QFnr aT p01 SF. IIl(iFST S►TRFFT, 1 (Ann4, w Ezekiel Tree. a farmer on the 11111 c. i ef Ed•t 7, e►1:1. wns struck ate] scantly killed at Wend -to. k Settle tiny. He was driving over a ern••sin teeing slightly deaf did now hear the train. His hid se WA% Alen killed, Popula G 00 For now and the rest of the season. FAVORED These worsteds fancy mixtures, beauty and finish kind we have offering some SU3MMER SUITS TROUSERS FOR if ,t pant hunter is panting Ile panteth Until he one of those fashionable from J. H. CREDITON A beautiful front. If there suit, we have WORSTEDS are in blues and excel in quality, anything of their ever shown. We are beautiful for$10 and tweet' 'is AND WASH VESTS SUMMER . pantless for pants pantless implants himself into pants ordered Holtzmann assortment to choose is ea taste we cannot yet to know it. O_Fx ete) Sanders THURS. Amoi ate, etc Creech. Props. MAY 9tl1, 1907 starting to play ball; isn't of a high order, improving and we that, our town will con- reputation as in the Day celebration but we understand are being made to team play our boys a that day. --Our school and the regular were held last Sunday Steck and Bert Clark in Tavistock visit- Trick has mov- is making other im- his premises which add general appearance.— et building an addition at present occupied by --Mrs. Hill of Zurich is Arthur Benedict this Beulah and Vivian Sunday in Centralia and Mrs. (deo. Essery. Grand Bend was in Monday. We were his smiling countenance. Aetgust Kuhn spent in Exeter. Going are pleased to see Tom again with our but- and sister Miss have returned to Ben- Mich., after a pleasant --Jas. Lawson has his friends of late on his phonograph. charms."—Fred Harris. ('hits. Stock, butcher. their wagons painted Nothing like adverts. --Win. Sanihrook is well placed under the to the rear of his - Il+'tel 1tispector Torr- was in the village on ---('nuncil meeting Town Hall, on Monday. hnsiness was transacted. has accepted an i)otninion Life Assur- Success Billy! --Mr. Mantle of Exeter were %Vednesday.--Mast Lane gave our burg a flying last week. Sana has here and we are ;'ways Mrs. ('has. Zwicker in Berlin.— Fraser Della spent last Sen. the guests of Mr. and --Our fishermen are Crediton Our sports are although the work they are rapidly feel confident tinue its gond past.—The Victoria has fallen through that arrangements have a London a gone of ball reopened on Monday church services as usual.—Chas. spent last Sunday ing friends.—Christian ed his stable and provements to greatly to its Conrad Kuhn to the dwelling Edward Short. visiting her son week.—The Misses Beaver spent last the gueets of Mr. —Win. Fritz of our burg last pleased to see -Ira Brown and Sunday evening AgainY—We Lawson at work cher.—Mrs. Whiteman Eulnia Morloek, ton Harbor, visit with friends. been chtertaioing with selections ".Music hath the painter :and have earl had and decorated. ing your trade. having a cement barn he had moved lot list week. ance of Clinton Monday eve;('ing. was held in the Considerable —Wm. J. England agency for the ('o. of Wnterloi. and Mrs. Geo. in town last portof !Weston visit one day many friends glad to see hits.-- is visiting friends Brown and sister day in Zurich Mrs. Jno. Preeter. We Trust Doctors if you ate suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de- bility, nervousness, exhaus- tion, you should begin at once with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it, too. Ask him about it. Wien there It datle artion of the. bnwe's. r,.tennnnl rrodncts are aM„t1,...1. es n.N.5 head ache, biliousness, nausea, 1,i;.rgt.t..nd 1e n, pv.y.ntillg lbs Sarlararfla i!r.,•n doing Its 1.11 work Al1e01 MI ars lige: pills. Lel gently, all .f•get.11.. st. ti 2. C. Ayes Co., Lowell. Masa.la AA P) na..uts .,ares, of f nil molt Gl'RL1 cA.Hlt ! E T eecrn(ttI. tiers Wo \we ae ..er.I. a We publish the feracas of a'( else wadt.ts's. The following is the report for S.S: No. 2, Stephen, for May. Those mark- ed • have missed examination: IV,— Ilet•bert Mitchell, Olive E Bing, Beryl Hill, •Clayton Sims. Jr. IV.—Lillian Heist, Lillian Stahls, Eli Sims •Jltu'y Chambers Jr. III.—Viola Cornish, Melvin England, Irving Stahl', •(iellio King 'Andrew- Flanagan. Sr. IL— Myrtle Sines. Jr. Part I.—Cora Stahls. Hattie Chapman, Teacher. Cent ralia A number of the young people en- joyed an excellent tatty pull at the home of Mr. Win. Robinson on Alon- clay evening. -51r. Mack. Curtain left Tuesday for the West. Following is the report of the Sr. and Jr. Department of S. S. No. 1, Stephen for April. Sr. Dep.u•tment.—Cl. IV— M Hep- burn, A Robinson, 11 Hicks, N McCur- dy, L Robinson, 51 Elston, G Wilson, A Duplan, E Sines, J White. Sr. IV. -- M. Baynhnm, I Essery. Jr. IV. -13 Anderson, J Davis, E Callfats, le Da- vey, H White. H Callfas, E Baker, E Nilson, E Davey. Sr III.—E Brooks, A White, F Fairhall, F Essery. M. Botterill, teacher. Jr. Department.—Jr. III.—S Neil, V Hogartb, M Heist. Sr. IL—M Hem - men, AI Elliott, 11 Neil, E Bowden. Jr. II—O Davis, I McCurdy, E Alexander. Pt 11.—C Davey, D Brooks, A Robin- son, E Wilson. Sr Pt I-11 Elston, L I. Batynhatn, AI Ilogarth, A Hackney. Jr. Pt I,- -V Neil. D Hackney, V Dav- is, G Hackney. Pt. I.—N Brokenshire, L flicks, F Huxtable. The best spel- lers for the month were, Stella Neil, E Bowden find H Elston. No. on roll 35, average 32.—Mabel Sparks, Teacher. Ltt an The adjourned vertry meeting of Holy Trinity church was held Monday evening. The auditor's report showed a balance on hand, and the church in a prosperous conditions financialh•.— it'a Bice, Hensel', has been spending the past week at Cltndeboye and vic- inity. enjoying the fishing in the Sanble Rivet-. —The 0. 'T. R. have been levelling the grounds around the sta- tion. and will have the land sodded, gie:atly improving the appearatl'eof the ynoels. —Mis+ Stanley, lady super- intendent of Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, and a fur mer Luean young lady. left Friday for Philadelphia to attend the convention of superintendents of hospital training schools. which opens there Saturday. While away Miss Stanley will endeavor to visit several isolation hospitals for the purpose of securing pointers on the administra- tion of such hospitals, in view of the fact that London is to erect an isola- tion hospital in connection with Vic- toria Hospital shortly.—Dr. Shaw of London was here this week attending the funeral of his brother-in-law Robt. Guilfoyle.—Miss E. Atkinson is spend- ing a few days in Toronto —Mrs. Gen. Fox left Saturday for a few days vis- it with tier son at Oakville.—inspector Thompson visited our school Friday.— (:•. McCoonih has returned to Toronto, where he has secured a situation.— Mrs. Smith of Hensel' visited her fath- er Dr. Hommel( bast week, 'heeler—Robert Guilfoyle, one of the most highly respected residents of this village. (lied on Wednesday morn- ing after a short illness, in his 05th year. He was a Conservative in poli- tico,. and a Member of holy Trinity church. The funeral, which took place Saturday to St. James' cemetery was very largely attended, and was con- ducted by the Rev. Mr. Powell of (iranton. 17siqui1 itr:c•u(4NiTIos--A Mend's, for '25 years in the hotel business, the last 11 as proprietor of the Grand Cen- tral Hotel here. bas retired from busi- ness. His tnany- friends in the village and surrounding country took advan- tage of the occasion to present him and his farnily with addresses and gifts indicative of the high regard in which they are held opsin all sides. One ad- dress was from friends and neighbors of the f:tnilly, and states that the name of the Central Hotel and the proprietor stand foremost throughout the country for fair dealing and hon. esty, conttesy and hospitality. Ac- companying this addres`, were gold bracelets' fur the Misses McFalls. The see-,nd address, front the boarders at the hotel. speaks of the homelike con- ditions they had always experienced. and voices deep regret nt the breaking up of the "(Aridly circle.” The hetet will be under the management of W. A. McLean. of (inand Rapids, a son of the l ttr Robt. McLean, a former pro. priet•'r. Killed At Clandeboye. KMeet, oN TIIK TRACK. - -A and ac- ident took place south of here on TriesdAy night last whereby Allan Nit. - lune.; of Shirk,' lost his life. M►. Me - inner, wl)o had been working on the fame ter Mr. John Seale of McGillivray, bad visited Al his home in Shipk ever seind:ey. On Tuesday morning he tank the train at ('elitralia and got ofT At Lusen ('tit. ine And proceeded ra't• wa til en the track to N11. Seale'. home. He had not gone far when he was met by the Toronto train and for seal/. renown diol not leave the track. 11e w -As shuck by the engine and kind almost instantly. - 1'.ikhill: Hugh McNeilp ►ssed nteiy at Victoria Hi•pitsl, Lon 1.'n, nn JI Ay 11, at the ,1ge le 20 years, :, menthe. The terrains welt. taken to the res, - 1 his father Hector McNeil at F:A-t Williams, the funeral tasking place on Wednesday. • • McGillivray Mrs. W. A. Shuldice, who has ren tgttenclieg the bedside of her sister Miss Ethel Snelgt•ove, at \It. Bridges, has returned house.— W. 1.. Stokes, Mrs. Thos. Ellwood: John Lewis, Rev. Sutcliffe, Mrs. John Gilbert and R. N. Tweedle, who have been quite ill of late, are all improving.—At the resat spring examinations at Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston, Alexander Snaith Tod. 13.A., of eleguire, obtained the Ra ekiue ichelu•sltip as well as honors in nearly all the subjects in divinity. DEATH- 3Ir. and tis. Jus. Ritchie, 7th con., hate the Sympathy of a wide circle of friends in the death of their infant son, George Stanley Ritchie, who passed away 'Tuesday •tt the age of 13 months. The little fellow had been a severe sufferer for the past ten weeks with inflammation of the lining of the brain. DiseTtt of Mits. MIcI1, I L DOYLE.— It is seldom we at'e called upon to re- cord a sadder death than that of Mrs. Michael Doyle of the 1201 concession who passe(' away on Tuesday night last. The deceased had been ill only a short tiute, confinement being the cause of the trouble.rMr•s. Dloye's maiden name was McCue, being a sis- ter of Dt'. McCue of Crediton. She was a lady beloved and respected by every body who formed her acquaint- ance and her premature and unexpect- ed demise has cast a gloom over the whole community. WEDDED—A quiet wedding took place on the 24th inst., when Miss Liz- zie Wasnidge, of the 12th con., was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. John Flynn, of the 4th con., at the Methodist Parsonage, Centwtlia, the Rev. J. W, Andrews officiating. The bride was becomingly attired in a gown of white lustre with trimmings of allover lace. She also wore a picture white hat. The bride was assisted by Miss Mary Ellen Flynn, sister of the groom, who also wore a gown of white lustre while the groom was assisted by Eli Wasnidge, brother of the bride. The couple drove to the home of the bride, Mr. Joseph Wasnidge, of the 12th con., where a number of their friends and relatives were gathered. The young people tripped the light fantastic until the wee stun' horn's of the morning. The bride received many beautiful as well as useful pre- sents. Mr. and Mrs. Flew] will reside near Clandeboye. \Ve extend con- gratulations. Hensall Mr. Kennedy of the Soo is visiting friends in town.—Mrs. Sutallacoinbe has returned after spending a month with her daughter who has been in the Guelph hospital for some titne.--A mintier from here attended Mrs. Jas. Johnston's first nuptial reception at Willow Hall un Thursday. --Miss Pearl Nicholson of Blake is visiting at Wil- low Hall.— Wedding bells will be ring- ing here shortly. -Don't be discouraged Harry, "ii faint heart never won a fair Indy."—Rev. Toll preached on the evils of card playing ora Sunday evening to a large congregation.—Chas. Cook, who hna been here for sotne tine as- sisting his hrotner in the mill, left for Chicago last week. Sorry to part Chas. —The Misses Elizabeth and Alice Bell, of the London Road, near here, left last week for SAcremento, Cal.—Miss Nesbit of New York is home on a visit. —Melvin Stoneman is back to town again.- John Jackson and Jaynes Ross have returned from an extended stay in San Francisco, Vancouver, Seattle and elsewhere. The latter left last week on a visit to his old house in Liv• erpool. We wish him a pleasant jour- ney and a safe return.—Geo. Reynolds a former Hensallite, who has been em- ployed in Elmira for the past year has gone to Winnipeg to seek his fortune. —The many friends here of Miss Mar- garet Kerr, eldest daughter of Rev. Kerr. Clinton, and a former pastor of the Methodist church here, will be in- deed sorry to learn of the accident which betel her the other morning. While having a frolic in bed she struck her big toe and broke the bone which necessitated it being put up in splints. —Ed. Blake and wife of Toronto are here on a visit.—R. Jarrett received word from his brother Totn of Carlisle, Man., containing an account of a big fire in that plaice which destroyed his complete printing outfit, valued at $-1000. He had bought out the whole business, including the building and was eneeying a good business.—The greatest sale that has ever taken place here WAS held at the ('onlntercial tin• tel on Saturday. Everything was sold and good prices were realized. Mr. (dice, with his fancily, left Monday for his old home near Clandeboye,--Mr. Torrannda ' a. License inspector was bete U n WEnin;It. —A pretty May wedding was celebrated at Egwondville on May 1st, when Nelson Herbert Sutherhy, a former Henvall boy, but now of Clin- ton, claimed Miss Wilhelmina Merger - et Chesney, daughter of Wrn. Chesney, Assessor of Tuckersniith, as his loving helpmate. The mystic words that united the lives of this happy con ale were pronounced by Rev. Shaw. The bride was neatly and handsnrnely at• tired in it travelling suit. Mr. and Mrs. Suthei by spenti,1. of their n honeyoun with friends in Hensel' And vicinity. They hAve taken tip their residence in Clinton. Nelsen has A host of friends here who extend can• gr•Atulations to hire and his estimable bride and may their future be crowned with hAppinese And prosperity. Theme -The following has refer- ence to the death °f a daughter of Mr. Richard Reynolds for many yea is a resident of this place but now of Min- neapolis. " Annie E. Reynolds. be- loved wife of A. E. i):avi!, passed away at her home, South street, London, nn Monday At the age of epi years. in dt*1) she was united in marriage to her now bereft husband and came inc►uedii- ately to T,ondon where they have re- sided ever since and has held a high place in the esteem of All who knew het. lieroause of her sterling qualities of mind and chittacter. she was belov- ed by all who mate in contAct with her sweet nature. More especially 'vete the beautiful traits of her character manifested within the sacred leeches of her home. Mlle was essentially A ehotnc-ma►ker," And the here/teed fam- ily, consisting of husband and tear children, hate to lament the loss of A more than cisunlly wig.. and laving wife :Intl mother, whose household wens blessed by her love nod devotion. She is els° sot tiyrd by her parents and sev- eral brothers end sisters. The funeral took plasm'tVcdneeday to Nouns Pleas- ant cemetery." Cracker Charm There is all the diff- erence in the world between eating bis- cuits a n d biscuit eat- ing. O n e may eat a biscuit and not taste it, but when you think of bis- cuit eating you think instantly of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas Crisp, delicious and tasty. Absolutely and d i s t i n a l y superior to any other make. Say "Mooney's" to your grocer. SIMPSON & MILLS HENS AND EGGS Strain of lavers, bred from an established strain of standard bred heavy layers. Bred to lay --white tyyandottes. Figure, don't lie—The sum of standard size plus standard shape plus standard color plus heavy lay. ers. "]lis strain" Order eggs now. 1 grand pen headed by "Jack Frost," 3rd prize cockerel at Brantford, mated to six flue hens, hill sisters to 1st, 9nd and 4th prize pullets at Seaforth 1A(5. Eggs per setting of 13, $2; or two settings rt. Stay white Leghorn. bred to lay eggs from No. 1 pen headed by "Snowball" who took the 1st prises out of 6 tinges shown; mated to 12 fine hen,. Set- ting of 15 $1 or 9 settings t?l.su. Eggs from Run of Flock 60 cents Setting .ORDER AT ONCE Money must be sent with order to H. MILLS or W. P. SIMPSOIV, CENTRALIA, ONT. Granton Mr. Powers, who recently bought out George Dinsmore's business, has moved into our village.—Wellington Dinstnot'e and fancily, con. 10, Blaneh- ard, have moved to Goderich where they will stake their future home. May success and happiness attend then,—Mrs. Squires, and daughter Miss Mildred left a few days ago for Calgary, Alta., where they will join Mr. Squires.—Mrs. James Westman, who has been quite ill, is. we are pleas- ed to state, convalescing. Her sone James and Jeff have returned to the West.—Spring work is now going ahead with a rush. Some of the farm- ers complain of clover being badly heaved this spring. Zurich 11. Zimmerman is getting along nice- ly from the effects of his recent acci- dent.—George Schellig, Sr., and wife have returned from a five months' vis- it in Detroit with their,son Dr. George Schellig. The former, whose life was almost despaired of when he left Zur- ich, underwent a most serious opera- tion at the hands of Dr. Harrison at Detroit, which proved successful and he is now in the enjoyment of good health. The people of Zurich are pleased to see these good people back once more.—John Sreeman of the San - ble line left last week for the west.— Day Schnell lost a valuable mare from acute indigestion recently. The ani- mal was valued at $300.—Rev, and Mrs. A. Geiger have gone to Pem- broke to which place the former has been stationed.—Colne, boys. why don't you re -organize your baseball and football clubs.—John Mittleholtz, who has beer) engaged at the grist mill here for Horne years has severed his connection with the establishment and will work ;on the brickyard this summer.—Mach sympathy is felt for Mee. Sanncel Rennie in the death of her mother, Mrs. Bechtel, which event occurred At Berlin recently.—On Fri- day the death tnok place of Mrs. Eliz- aht'th Reid, itt the aged of 87 years, 1 tuonthe, 1) day's, Deceased had made her bootie with her daughter Mrs. H. Eckstein, Bronson Line. Hay, where she has always received the kindest care and attention. She was highly esteemed in this locality and by her death we lose a kind friend. The re. aurins were laid to rest in the Bronson Line cemetery.—Mr. And Mrs. Joseph Rau'e little six weeks' old son died on Friday. The parents have our deepest sympathy.—Geo. BAltzie has returned to Detroit After a pleasant stay with Cyrus Colosky.—The bridge on the Senble line, soul hof St. Joseph is Again impassable. A large portion of the approach on the north side has caved in. A temporary read to the west of the bridge is tieing used until the cave in has been repaired.—Friday was Ar- bor Day At the school and the scholars were kept busy cleaning tip the yard. Clinton: Walter Holmes, was try- ing to remove a cartridge from hit gun when it went oft. the cartridge shell bursting and it couple of pieces of it cutting the index and second fingers of the left hand, being consitlernhly lac- erated. Two days beferethis, he tried to tAke off the end of bis right thaunt', nand had to have it dressed. STRATFORD, ONT. Was estahlithed twenty years at and Le its thor- ough work and honorable dealings with its patrons has he. ome one of the largest and most wvt.dy known Commercial Colleges in the Province. The demand upon us for cowmen ial teach.?, and office sssistar,ls gteatlyett-eM, the supply. We a,.$.1 our graduates to positions, St.s,lents are enterine each Meek ('ataing,ie fere. ELLIOTT & McLACHI,AN, I'rincipals. ( LONDON ) India Pale Ale Prejudiced and tins. rpi•u:.:ua i'eudot:. it t- suggest others, but compare et aur way you will—purity. freedom from acidity. palatableness- Labatt's :11e is surpass- ed by none, equalled by few—at about halt the price of best imported brands. WAREHOUSES —AT— EXETER, CENTRALIA AND CLANDEBOYE Highest Price paid for Grain RICH. SELDON (Successor to Joseph Cobbledick) W XTED 25 to 30 TONS CAST SCRAP FOR CASH. Exeter Foundry THE MOLSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament IBMI Parliament 1855) Head UHiee, Montreal Head Office, Montreal Capital Paid UP Reserve Fund Capital Paid UP Fund Assets Over IXTY-T'tVO BRANCHES A 3.200,000 3.000,000 $3,200,000 • 3,000,000 33,000,000 IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA - EXETER BRANCH - OFFICE HOURS 10 a. m. to S p. n1. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interestallowed paring Bank Departments c nail further notice interest on SavingBs a stoma will be cr(rlite.f quarterly instead of half yearlT as formerly. Deposits of 511 and upwards received. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. IIURDON, Manager, "HIND -STAYS" MAKE DILLON TWICE AS STRONG Short, stiff, hard, steel wire stay'sruako a"hingedikr' joint at every lateral wire on the Milton fence. These "Hinge -stays" give our fenco a greater degree of o'astictt •—enable it to withstand greater strain. They act like, and really are, binges—make our fence swing or spring back into shape after receiving a heavy blow, or the unusual pressure caused by a furiousbull orother animal endeavoring to push bis vsaythrough to freedom. Catalogue tells more about this "twice as strong"fenco. The Owen Sound Wire Fence Co., Limited. Owen Sound, Ont. W. NEiL, AGENT A Remarkable Intention FOR THE CULTURE , OF Milli TIIE F:VANS VACt'UM ('Al' in A practical invention constructed on scientific and hygienic principals by the simple means of which a free and nornal circulation le restored throughout the scalp. The minute blood vessels are gently stimulated to Activity, thus allowing the food supply which can only he derived from the blood, to be cal - tied to the hair toots, the elecs of which are quickly seen in it healthy. vigorolc+ growth of hair. There is no rubbing, And As no drugs to chemicals of whatsoever kind are employed there is nothing to twee irritation. it is only liet•essar•y to wear the ('Ap three or four !ninety. daily. 60 DAYS' FREE TRIAL! The Company', Orareatee An F:VA`S VA('1'1'M ('A 1' will be sent you for sixty days' free trial. 11 you do not see a gradual' des -elopement or a new growth e hair, and Are not convinced that the Cap will completely. restore yo,OF hair. you ate at liberty to trturn the Cap with 00 expense whatever It yourself. it is requested. as an evidence of goods faith. that the price of the Cep be deposited with the Chancery Irene Safe Deposit Company of London, the let gest financial a rid hnsinew; in -t itutint' of the kind in the world, who will issue a receipt guaranteeing that the money will be returned in full, nn demand without quit-stions or comment, at time during the trial petted. any The eminent Dr. I. N. t.n7F., in hi' address to the Medical hoard on the enbjert .A Alopa-o.a las of hair) stated that it a means mid be des 'aged to bring nutrition to the hair folaiele, (bast roots., without resorting to any irritating process the problem of hair grown nook! he oohed rater c+n, when the EVANS VACI't N CAP wan sulanitt.d tohhn for inspection, he remarked that the rap would fulfil and eonffnn in practk e the observations hehad preciously made befoi the Medkal Moan!. Dr w. Moore, referrirg lathe invention. seta that the principal nrw.n which the Bran• Va., um ('ale is founded is ah' lulely t orreet an4 it+digmtable ///„„t,,,1,4 ,4 dn.erl eirI hapk,•r Erna.' raelimm e',ry, trill be mi tit, reel fere nn n)gclinili.,+ THE SECRETARY. EYAN!S YACt't'M CAP CO., LTD. QFnr aT p01 SF. IIl(iFST S►TRFFT, 1 (Ann4, w Ezekiel Tree. a farmer on the 11111 c. i ef Ed•t 7, e►1:1. wns struck ate] scantly killed at Wend -to. k Settle tiny. He was driving over a ern••sin teeing slightly deaf did now hear the train. His hid se WA% Alen killed,