HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-05-09, Page 31
Strange Find in the Room of a Sister
of Mercy.
A despatch from St. Petersburg say:
hiendny morning a Siseer of \terry, a
gentle and lovable purse in the chil-
dren:; Hospital for Contagious Diseases,
eel a, found dead on her cot, a half-filled
"glees of poison by her side. Iler rooms
mere closed up and the police were no-
tified. merely as a matter of forma. It
was thought to b' It love tragedy. It
USN iemember•cd that a yomtg,mun had
been coming to see Sister subowna of
late, and every time he went away her
fare was sad and she was slow to go
and amuse the convalescing children,
a; was her du.y and bad teen her plea-
` sure in other days. (Bill when the police
conte and opened her trunk quite an-
other slate of affair., \t u, 10Vealed, one
Indeed, which Lae given even the most
insouciant population a thoughtful mo-
rdent. Thr trunk ea. tilled with bombs
cf the most perfected description, and
the boxlike beet upon whirs the dead
nurse lay was found stuffed with canis-
ters of. nilr)-glyceriue and other explo-
sives of the most powerful description.
1t i; estimated by the pollee experts
that there was enough dyrnunite iu the
little room where the children loved to
come to be amused by their favorite
nurse to blow up all the public build-
ings in Ilussia.
'the young man, a nameless student
with a sloop and a hectic flush, as of
consumption, who was accustomed to
call up Sister Sobavna, sutnelintes
with a Look, sometimes with a box of
stvette. which, 11 is new remembered,
scented to be rattier heavier Than wag
tc be expected. i, t'.-ing sought for high,
awl low, while the medical experts
wrangle over this Irange anon►aly--a
Sister of \Ierey who would not. sleep
while still one child was fretful and
awake in her ward, a demon who bar-
bered under her b1d explosives suffici-
ent to destroy a city, its innocent and
its guilty alt alike, in one great human
holocaust, a burnt offering to the spirit
of revolution which rages in the reces-
sus of underground Hussite and some-
times shoots a lurid final of death and
destruction above the surface.
Tefelreptile Briefs Trent Our Own and
Other Collieries of Recent
Guelph's custom receipts for April
total $17,032.90.
The 26 hotels of London have all
been re -licensed.
London's custom collections tor
April total $90,101.11.
The decal of Sheriff Bessie took place
el Strathrr0 on Saturday.
The C. N. R. expect a delivery of 1.10
1••cololives within a week.
There are 6,200,040 bushels of grain
in the elevator_; at Pert Arthur.
sheriff Sweetland of Carleton county
died at Ottawa on Sunday.
The Nova Scotia Steel Company is
buying an iron Imine in Itrnzil.
The Grand Trunk ton. Increased the
wages of its freight -handlers in Toronto.
Eighteen Chinamen entered Victoria in
April, paying $ 9,000 (lead lax.
Two neer, steamers have left t.ngland
fee Termite with full cargoes of iron.
Premier Whitney has purchased the
N. 113 SI. George street, To-
4 altada's immigration for the last
Gine nto8ihs shows alt increase of 40
per rent.
\Viunipeg's nsse.sor has placed the
p..pu:ati0n pf 11ie Canadian Chicago et
11 is denied that the brawn -tai{ moth
lues appeared its the Annapolis valley
fruit I.e11.
The approxitnnlr value of new build -
Inge in Te•mnlo for the first four months.
(1 the year is $:),116.701.
'Ther.• i$ to be an increase of a dol -
lee :+ 4. ar for the .4050)15 domestic Ito
ilupply on 011.1e H.
Ezekiel 'Toe.•. a prominent farmer of
Eifel %arra. was killed) at a crossing at
Woodstock. on Saturday.
Immigration returns for the nine
na.nlhs ending with March, show 8
le las immigration 4.1 126.667:
A bonus above the cost price must
n•.w be elven with orders for lumber
e' Calgary. the material is so scarce.
N. J. itutler, Deputy \linisler .•f
Raihvnys, will prepnre tern. Ills sum-
mer for n bridge across tire Siraits • f
ti, •t ge Carney. a 111011 of eighty years.
n•.;,• .truck al a crossing near Barrie by
P1111ager Brownlee's train and killed on
\Ir. rued, A. Folger of Kingston has
1.4,, appointed superintendent of the
Canadian Northern !tails ay. with !tend-
gl•.irlere at Winnipeg.
Pref. Shore. of Kings'.ni line been np-
pente.l Clinton -at) of the Beard of Con-
ciliation between the Grand Trunk and
r'- nn(•hinicl.. •
re P. It. pa .•anger officials learn that
(nn.011111 trnvellers entering 1110 States
w'. 14 •1 he incer,wenfencnl by the new
Arrrerienn Immigration laws.
Ile Supreme , Gout nl Iteginn die-
nt eeed the appeals of Its.' C. 1'. Il. rind
C iiilrmed 1h'' ren%irI14)115 Aiming! the
cempeny for darting prairie flrns.
Benetton hotelmen disclaim reel. ,.-
1..iitt for Snturdny night drunke'.i •
and ask that the sole of liquor outside
the city limits be stopped.
The iIydro-Electric Power Commission
will contract with the Ontario Power
Company for electric energy at Niagara
Falls at $10.40 up to 25.000 horse -power.
and -above That at a flat rate of $10.
The Winnipeg street railway has
teen advised that it is illegal for it to
operate its cars after midnight, Satur-
day. The city well demand the service,
\Ir. W. G. Brownlee, Superintendent
of the middle division of the Grand
Trunk at Toronto. hits leen appointed
General Transportation \tanager, with
headquarters at Montreal.
The British ship Thornhill • has been
burned at sen. and her whole crew has
Bertrand Mussell, a brother of the
Earl of Russell. Is contesting the riding
cf Wimbledon as a suffragist candidate.
A protect Is almost completed for the
eslablishner.t of a new fast Cannella!)
steamshipservice 'on 'the :Atlantic and
Kidderminster manufacturers have
torsed a company with .C50,OI0 capital
to acquire the Rrin(Mn Carpet Com-
pany. of Peerbom, Ont.
United Stales publishers are complain-
ing 10 \\'asl►imgtor► of the new postal
rates to (anode.
A strike of 'longshoremen in New
fork threatens to tie up the shipping
of that port.
Sixteen hours has leen fixed 11s the
maximum day's work on a railway
Ir. the New York Assembly.
r:rnesl \V, Huf(cut, formerly dean of
ceeitell Law School,, committed :suicide
en :I Hudson Itiver boat on Sunday.
I"In body of the four-year-old dlarvin
bey. who had been missing from Dover,
Del.. for Iwo tnonll1s, was found in a
marsh near hi; home on Saturday.
Five hundred slate workers in the
quarries al Fair haven, Vt., went • n
strike on •l tie. day for a nine -loom. day.
The mill -workers also went out.
A statue of General Geeirge 13. lleClel-
Inn, erected at Washington by the So-
ciely of the Army of the Potomac. was
unveiled at \Vashinglon on \\'eednesdny.
The United Flate; Government trans -
Nil !turreted Slocum sailed from Snn
Froneieen for Chinkinng, China. with
f4.ur million pounds of flour for the 111111-
ip.(: sufferers of the northeastern pro-
13y the fall of a briok wall nt the Or
Ea \I,ir Copper \\erks al Chrome, N.
le 011 Saturday. lour teen were kilted
and eighteen (other; mere or lees seri-
misty hurt. The victims are all Ilnn-
hundred. 4)f residents of the 11.11)0411•
inn e.ei.ny In 1114' upper east side of New
York city learned on \\'edneseln)' Ihnt
they lind lost the savings of years which
they 11041 (ep.'stte I with \Indnm0 Maria
\Tour. the heeler. who eomnilfled sui-
cide a few weeks ago. Madame Vitntts'
safe. whirls was supposed by the de'•
prail(.rs to contain $17)0.000 worth • 1
seatrrilies representing their savings,
was ()pelted ctrl(! found 141 eonlnin no-
thing of vnlu0. Among these drtositere
were nanny women employed in the east
side cigar fa'ltr,es.
61:X1:11 \i..
\\'nr is threatened L.eltcten \te'leo
tel 6uatenlale.
creat Gunpowder Explosion Wrecks
the City.
A .1 •.eiolcli from 1long Kong says:
Great ek
,.I1 t
(e r nnd properly
w:.s cause.) at (:Anton on \eleirteeday
evening le the exp)osk.il of a gunpow-
der mneaznm. Twenty-one bottles have
alren'y keel recovered from the rains.
llnndnds ••f persons were alpine'. Fite
feet buikb,tg• were razed and over it
lain-lre,I other• were wreeke•l. A sec -
two Imindre' L••I !or►g. of tine nine.
Fib.' Illy wall W:I, ' •en .1..4441. The
I,;stor cel many -'ler • .1 1'ag.ela tee -aped
l,ght injuries. I !e 'ifh'inls nee
1h • meltiit.l% are doing thee I.(e'l
.hAlf 1
r tr• In the 11
ir IIM alltl r where Ile foreigners lite. a ler•'k, ("Snood by the esplOskln, we;
fele bill me I • • : • • ,rte eiodened.
Some idea nt c • .• • e of the eep►lo-
.e n mny be 1. A L n i horn the fact r (n t Int
the reeds of rxou:e. ,mile dirinnt were
blit eft. .\ ndmM•r of importnnt
dancer. and foreign mercantile estree
ti 1,'Innents were dernehetted.
The (•)dies re"ove'red from the ruins
!near the magazine were she kingly mil -
1 that e,l. Malty corpses 01 men and wo•
men w ere einem' Iodide. The officer
in p large of the mngaeine wee emeng
ill ra' killed. and when the .body w,.e
reeovere l it pip.` 4%I.4 f()utk1 011411141 in
1. ,111& \suggests. M .
h 11 \Ili Its the Sib .e
kluge o1 the eepteelen. The financial
I.)55es nM ,•f0r11Md1.
The Hessian Council of the Empire hes
Pr EApassed a hill appruprinlinbe $LOut);x)o L DING
for famine relief.
Serious anti -European rit,t.5 have
broken out at Rawalpindi, a town in
the Punjab. India.
Two girl wire -walkers in Pari.:. while
performing lite other night. fell into a
cage of lions.
Rix hundred workmen diseharged
from the Japanese shipy arils at Kuraga
lave broken into revolt and destroyed
a portion of the works there.
Chancelor Von Ruelow announced In
the Retelislag that Germany would lake
re part in the discussion of the Wolfe -
lien of armaments at The Ilugue rvn-
.\ printing preee. it quantity of arms.
57.5410 in cash and other revolutionist
property was found in a doctor's
1. 011ts in the It .spit11l al eimperlo,
Jacob Low. won fired at a detachment
0' cuirassiers from the top of a Paris
omnibus. w•(•unding two of them, and
who was severely handle) by the crowd.
will probably recover from his injuries,
and will he tried for attempted murder.
Large .lnwunts in Succession Duties and
Company Fees.
A despatch from Toronto says: The
gross amount of succession dillies re-
ceived by the Provincial Treasury dur-
ing the InunHt of April was 8308,381.
(•t Uds $150,000 was a deposit pending
fimnl adjustment with the estate of the
talc Senator Fulford, which had prcvi•
rusty paid $100,000. The papers rela-
tive to the estate of 11►e late Hon. A.
G. Blair have arrived, but the amount
of succession duties receivable has not
yet been made out. 1'{te approximate
nel value of the estate Ls $192.000, one-
third of peach goes to the widow, and
the balance is to be equally divided be-
tween the seven children.
The receipts of the Provincial Seore-
tary's office for the four months ending
Tme.sday totalled • 133.257.28, compared
with 870.6e5.55 for the corresponding
period of H105. or an increase of $62.-
57L63. The increase WaS due largely
lo the increas(d number of companies
obtaining inenrporatiot and the fees re-
ceived from them.
United Slates Sailors .11lacked by Chilian
A despalch from Santiago de Cuba
snys : A conflict between police and
sailors of the United `fates cruiser Taco-
ma took place here after en orderly ban-
quet, %Oriel' wa; given at the crate Leon
de Oro by n number of lirel-class seamen
of the cruiser. The sailors say they were
returning to their ship in a reasonably
sober condition, when they were sudden-
ly attacked by the police with revolvers
and machetes. A fierce light ensued,
with the result That Henry L. Lee, a
Ibenlnn for the 'raceme, will probably
doe of a compound fracture of the skull,
caused by a machete, and a gunshot
wound in the right breast. T011 other
seamen were taken to the ship suffering
from machete wounds and clubbing. M mteal, May 7. -In oats there is no
Not one of the policemen was badly hurt, chnngr. For No. 2 'Ontario white the
though a number of {hems suffered from quoletlen is still 43V-', while 43%c to
contusions. The eeptain enol mill the 41c is quoted for the same grade Mani-
pr•licemen who participated in tle affair
have been suspended by order of the civil
T„runto, May 7. -Call board quota•
tions twe
\\'heat--Ontario-No, 2 white, 76c ask-
ed. 72e hid; No. 9 mixed, 75ge asked,
outside, 72e bid.
Rarloy-No. 2, 50c bid; Noe 3 extra,
52e bid; No. 3, 51c Lid.
Peas -No. 2, 'Pie u•ked, outside.
Oats -No. 2 white, itte asked, 7$ 4i
cent. points, 12c bid truck Toronto; ,ilc
a,kcd, Gc rale to Toronto, 40%e hid.
Ity" -62e asked, outside; GOc li,i kr
10,000 bushels, 61c bid for 5,000 bu.,nels.
Otter prices are:-
re:\\'heat-Manitoba-[.ake p oris --Y'. 1
hard. 87e; No. 1 northern, 85c; Ni 2
northern, 83e.
Wheat -Ontario, No. 2 white wittier,
725,c to 7.33.;c; No. 2 red, 72jec to 73ye;
No. 2 !taxed, 723 e.
Oats- Ne. t,' while. 39%c to 40ge, out-
side; N. 2. mixed, 38e to 385 c.
Peas-- 77.' to 775 e.
Cora --No. 3 yellow American, 55ge tc
56e, lake ani rail, 57c to 58c all r311;
Ontario, 46e to 47c, Chatham freights.
Rye -Dull at 61c to 62e.
Barley -No. 2, 52c to 52%e, oulsiae;
No. 3 extra, 52c to 52%c; No. 3, 51c.
Flour--Ontario-90 per cent. •:alenls,
82.75 hid; Manitoba, first potents 8L50;
secured,, 83.75; hakern , 83.90.
Bran -$23.50 bid, f.o.b. sacks includ-
ed, 'Toronto.
Butler -Market is fairly stea!y. with
moderate receipts.
Creamery, prints , ... ... , .. 27c to 29e
do solids .... .... .... .... 25c to 2fc
Dairy, prints .... .... 2k te25e
do tubs .... .. ... 210 to 22c
Cheeso-Firm at 14c for 'are! and
11Xe e for twins. in job lots here.
Eggs -Steady at 17c; splits, I1•'.
Ilene) -fails, 11c to 12c ib.; crones;
$2.54) lei $2.75 per doz.
Beans -$1.H1 to $1.55 for hale) ,.irked
and $1.35 to $1.10 for primes.
Potatoes -Ontario, 85c to 90e; .a;t. en.
Pere. in car lots here. Ontario leonin-
Baled Bay -813.50 to $11 per ton f•;r
N.. I lineally and $11 lo 812.50 ter sec-
ot d:e y grades, in car lots herr.
Rioted Straw -Firm at $7 to $8 err
ten, in car lots here.
Dressed Ilo}'s-Firm at $9.50 for light-
weights and 89 for heavies, farmers'
1o6; $8.25 to 48.50 for car lots.
Pork -'c u
1 �h,rt cut.23
$ .50 to $.4 per bar-
rel, mess, $2l to 421.50.
Smoked and Dry Salted Meats - i.one
clear bacon. i lc to lige for Ions and
cases; (hams, medium and light, 1534c
le pee heavy, 1 4g to 15e; backs. lege
to 17c; shoulder., Ile to 113 e; rolls,
lige; out of pickle, lc less than smoked.
Lard Tierces, 12%c; tubs, 12%c; pails,
MON I'BEAL \1.\RKEa's.
tetra. I'r•iees quoted lo -day are:-
iiuckwhcat-55e to 56yle per bushel.
Govenor of Santiago upon the repre.en- Corn -American No. 2 yellow, 55c;
talions of Commander 'tampon
1 the \•.. 3 mixed. 65c ex -store.
Tneonta and the American Consul, \Ir. Pens -Moiling pens, $1 in cnrl•rtd lois.
'ATVs. IIs \\INefee.
01.1'' in jobbing lots.
Flour -Manitoba spring wheat. $1.25
to $1.60; strong bilkers'. $1 to 81.141;
winter wheal patent., $1.11) to 1.x1.25;
straight r,llers, 2.x60 lo 83.70: do in
Bab)'s Hedy round ()n Iho Railway I aes. $1.65 to 81.75; extras, $1.50 to
Near Douglas. \I:iIiiI..Im. $I,:.:r,
A d.•.pntch front !frontlet'. \Inn„ say,:
\lial►f.`(d-Jinniloba brn11,� in bag:, 420
tee et, ore, eereeer, receive,) word .o, ,0 $22; shorts. $22 to $22.50: Ontario
Frid:,e 1.4)111 Douglas ihnl n 1.81)• als,ui bran. in bags. $20 to 821; shorts, $22
three menthe old had been found 11.ie.
t'' 820.M; noill.d n►ouillr. $21 to $25;
the C.P.U. tracks at the cast end of tin• . Iraight gonia. 8214 to $.29 per ton.
Ilull041 Oals-leer bag. $1.90 I.. *2.
village. The Ixldy was in n partial slate: Ila}•- \•.. I. $L'i.:s9; No. •' .1:`.:,t►; No.
cf decomposition. chewed 1'y swine M1,t 1 In I.-\ .fetor. mixed. $I I: purr 010 -
also a prey of c•rees. The di..144.) 44 as' yen, $10.'.11 1. 811 per ten, in ear 101.,
by a woulam who found Iho elate I
wlach was besmirched with dirt and flesh f g'''lom'"‘ are 25%c le 26e.
marks. The head oh the child bore! I:hee.se--The, market is very firm. and
marks of bruises. coroner, Moore when! a'1 cheese is being eagerly •ought (er
ween on Friday sold he had only recetwed. a4 "'n ns it cones info elle market.
had been clad in a light cotton dress„ flutter- 'I"here are no features. and
meagre detail of the case, and did 'toll I•:ggs--New-•11111, 17c to 18.•,
nn•isio nes-linrrrls o
short know whetsee he would hold an impure' 1 I f m rl cul 'nese,
>!..$) 10 .► $23.50, lialel.arrels. $II..to
o. not. chief Provincial Constable I:sl;14!-:0).;0: clear fat barks. $14 Ie 421.5');
lied of Winnipeg was also notified,node .,1• n1 cul hum,• one=., 420.50 to $22: half-
is conducting nn inquiry min the gripe 1 1r.I-t dn., $10.7.5 le 811.511 dew
some find Ilial was n)ndr. In the neigh- l ng elver baron. 11'/„e to r: barrel.;
!torte -m(1 there is absolutely no clue, and,
the i,ferenee drawn is Ihnl the child was 11'':II4 1s.1. >.1:3 to $bI: hnlf•I,nrre•I. d
$7 le $7.50; barrels heavy mess 1.0 (.
hurled from a passing train. only to
meel its death down the embankment.
'i• -
Il" ILII:It I\ 111:11 J1.4:1:1'.
Nintfnra Falls ee nee., 1 p in a
1:41144'11 1) .
A despatch bean SI. Catharines .nys
Early en Thursday morning Superinten-
dent C:uner•nrn• of Victoria Lawn Come•
lery wee awakened by n knocking al the
door. Upon the door being opened a
sllango woman woe shuttling on the
steps. She eepintned that she lived al
e. ieera Falls. where she had gone to
elect) nt home the night before. and
nwe3re to find herself in the cemetery.
She knew nothing of what Ial)pene.l be-
Iweee the time she wont to sleep and the
time of awakening. which ea; 1 n.rn.,
and evidently must 'owe walkoel the en-
ter distance from the Ful Le to the ceme-
lery len miles) in her steep. The wo-
man eros arrayed in sleeping apparel.
and there can he little &edit that the
:dory. told 1.y her is true.
.11 1 1.11 IN 111 1► .
1 1111.
I:mplm4' Found Engineer ..f Wil. Huhn•
rine' letrhide 11 ore,..
\ .b;patrt► 110411 fit. (:nlhnr..x sn)
Met.•. John J. Bigelow. 4fielricnlnengine:'er
no the Wills ai Carbide \Yorke. wee
/emu! dead 111 sic office at the works on
\\'(dnexelav evening. Deceased rnnme on
duty abei t sit ieelork and was %ren
around at eight acbs'k. Venin nine
eels k another employe of the 4')nlpany
hnppen`il 10 go to the nmee and found
hint lying ;lend nn t
the floor.
ile N•A1
sixty-two yeare of age And leat.xs a
814). half -barrels ('0.. 85.50; compelled
Ir.r.l. !lye to 10(•; pure 1nrd. I2',• to
1e'ec; kettle reI)derkel. 13e to 1:tPee;
Lime. I3ge to tic. nco(a•ding 14) size;
breekeisl bneon. 15e h. Ifs•; \\ in(;- .r
li;.con. ler t.. 16 : fresh killed ;,l•all.,ir
does.•& I 1•1 49.75: alke. K7 (e•
\I'\\ l4•lte \\ III: \I \I \HKf71',
New V r';, \1:14 7. \\ hent -- Seel
strong: Ne. :' r .1. '1(e,.. in elrwnlor Iona
inti Ln.l•. .11• :•': \ I northern Duluth
Me opening 1111 1!t afloat: Ne.
3 haul winter. "I'. . opening 'amige-
Con. (.0.1'. nflieitl.
i.1VE STO(:K
Toronto, May. 7. - LIUIe rhn,,ge was
noticeable in bade. mei rove. held ver)
Merely. .
Ilulrher cattle wore uttered freely. hal
a' the demand w•11' .'~Yong price. held
steady. Straight keels range) from $4.75
for tees! erdinerh qunlite• to *LiNI far the
beet. The lop prier In -day for butcher
cattle vette $5.25. The market for but-
chers* ' afirmer. choice se1
l ue
((flan $.3.50 up to $1.25. the miler pri•.•
being pad for n few extra heavy en11t.••
reeve nnntiflue flan. selling from $3.75
10 $[.314.
;\ few hent y feelers said Imp to $4.7:..
with n bnnell of tight , lis kcr. seltio:
arom141 t3.
Milch caw.' aro steed) . fleece from 5:)o
1. 11.10. and errlihar w $25 to $30.
Calvee--Sl.edy al 3r t.. 6%c'per• tfi,
The market for sheep and Iautles 4-p,ti.
Itllue.e quiet. efferittge being linit•e1
I'rtre4 are firm and grnernlly unchanged
IMgs are steady and unchanged a'
116.10, fel and entered.
Threats to Destroy C. P. R. Property
at Fort William.
A despatch from Fort \Villiaut says:
It is probable that a strike may happen
at the local elevators unless the men
eulllloyed receive considerable advance
in wages. The company have already
advanced the pay of the shovellers from
20 cents Io 22e, cents per hour, and 28g
cents for overtime, but it is understood
That the Well are not satisfied. 1f the
sten strike, a serious Wow will be given
19 western grain. Several hundred
gain loads of wheat are on their way
to the lakes, whilst many are already
awaiting unloading. A big flirt of boats
is on its way for cargoes of wheat, and
unless these can be handled much delay
will ensue.
The Mayor received the following com-
munication front J. G. Taylor, C. 1'. II.
:superintendent: --
"There are a large number of foreign-
ers who have been refused work Meth.]
C. 1'. 13. freight sheds at Fort \Villiaut
tlrealening to burn and destroy part of
the railway plant. I have been advised
et tho seriousness of lite situation by
,two prominent men who evidently ap•
predated the (teepee We are laking
the preceutton of putting on extra
watchmen. etc. \\"e expect that in cast)
et alt -emergency arising you will bo
nble to furnish us ample protection on
short notice "
The public fear a repetition of the
boisterous incidents of last fall, when
eery man in the company's employ car•
ricd a gum to be ready for eventualities,
and it Ls said that the C. P. R. is deter -
10 110 Linger employ Italians in
their freight .sheds here.
'the Strike at Fort William 1•3evators
A de.;palch from Fort \\'illinni .says
The Western grain trade threatens to be
paralyzed by the local elevator strike,
which still continues. A big rush of
tvheat has been coming in from the
\\'.:;t, but now it is impossible to unload
this and a blockade is feared. It will
alee affect the shipment of coal, u; no
empties are available. Only one vessel
Itis loaded al the Canadian Pacific ele-
vators since -the strike. Four men were
working on Saturday, but sono on Sun -
(ley. Vessel.; are going to fort Arthur to
lead at the Cauudia, Northern. The
Iluronic left without any cargo of grain.
Eight vessels are now waiting for cargo.
The men 111twu had several conferences
with the officials, but 110 settlement.
Sad End of Six-year-old Son of Row-
mam ille Engineer.
A despatch from Rowmanville says:
A sad accident happened here on Sunday
Mien Chas. Finley, the six-year-old son
of 13. Finley, the engineer at the rubber
factory, was found drowned in a well.
The little fellow went nut to play abut
11 o'clock, and not returning search was
made for hint, but U was not until about
1.31. that his hat was seen floating on
tot' of the water In en old well at South
Park. which is just across the street
fent the boy's home. Ile had evidently
lode, in the water for some time. 11 is
supposed flint he lifted a board off the
top and wee throwing somethieg in
when he overbalanced himself and fell
Clare on Wellington Street, 'Toronto, on
Saturday Afternoon.
A despatch from Toronto says: Fire
(rant an unknown cause, breakiug out
about 5.30 Saturday afternoon it the
warehouse 01 111.' Baez \ianufacturing
Company at 50 Wellington str'e'et east.
unused a loss of about el 15,000 to the
Knox Company 111141 to \h•. C. Kloep'er.
carriage hardware merchant at Nos. 11 -
Ir.. Ilio latter's damage being from water.
1 ! •neo an hour the .),.'.111own divis•
t u, of the fire department poured water
ret.. the building loefere the blaze was
alder eo,ttrol. I'o t1te brigades good
work it i, due That the fire did not as-
sutne larger proportions and spread In
reeighl•oring buildings.
111111a: aI EN \Bleu%"NI%TED.
Tragedy to n (:'resp Boarding (louse in
\ ,Lei 1, from Montreal sa).: 'three
asphyxiated on Mtniilny at s
he e,ling 11mtse n1 342 St. James
!.,•!.t by Mrs. L Smith. Mc-
. ie ,,1 the .lead melt. wits 1
\I 4.1111. k wii. lin employe.' def
telling mills. and Brindle. the
let nn, was n laborer around
181,1.' e-tablieliment. 'The Irl.,
I11 1 .4
.ti eel.
411,4% I 1.
I.ak•'1 :
Ile 1•
had been drinking and it is thought
They luny have betoken the•gas jet and
se, nl'ow-ed the fume.•
I.► e.••npe.
11'1:1.1:111/:1:1:Iu4 FIND COU..
11Iaruser) Rade Within the City Ulnila
01 Calgary.
despalch from 4'111111)', .tlb•rtn.
see; : Tee .o,ut+'.1 fair quart}} 01 bier
melees cool were sIi i:el. by well -diggers
e• the home of \h•. H 4.. 1M.rarnn within
the oily limits oil Friday nt n depth of
nearly Ii(ly feel.
Melhods of Planting on Easily -Worked
Sults--then and Ilow to -Heel 11)."
In planting trees in a forest planta-
tion. three things absolutely necessary
to attend to are: (1) Keep the roots o
the trees moist, (2) spread tho roots well
when placing the trees in the ground,
trump the earth firmly around lite
roots. In order to keep Il1e roots of the
trees from drying, they are carried in
baskoLs and covered over with wet moss;
of they can be carried in pails, pertly
filled with water, or, better still, will
very thin mud.
1f the trees arrive at a time when they
cannot be planted inunodiately, they
should be "heeled in." For ..cis purpose
select a shat'ed spot which the sun and
the wind cannot get al, and here dig a
V-shaped french, with the sides sloping
a! quite an angle. Now take a pail or
other vessel and in it put water and
earth, so as to forst a thin mud; or,
simply dig a holo in the giv,und and pour
some water in it. Take the seedlings and
dip therm in this Thin mud. then place
them in the trench.. rowding them pretty
closely (but not too close), throw the
earth back over the seedlings and tramp
it down thoroughly; then put down
another row of seedlings. and so on.
Tho seedlings will keep all right in this
condition for weeks Iwo t more; but
Iwo \ or mo ra
it Ls not wise to keep them thus for a
longer time, on acocunt of the danger of
injury to the roots when they ure finally
If the ground is soft and easily worked,
the planting may be ('one with n spade.
.x spadeful of earth is taken out, and in
the hole Thus made a Tree lateen from the
basket or pail is placed. The roots of
this Tree should be well spread out.
Then the earth is put tack and well
tramped down. The tree should los
placed in the earth nhoul 1111 inch deeper
than it was in the nursery sed, in order
to allow for heaving of the soil by
frost, etc.
Some prefer to plough ftrrutts.as far
apart as the rows of trees are intended
t n stand. Then the planters go along
the furrows and at the required dis-
tances put down the tree, hold it in posi-
tion and throw seine loose earth about
the roots, then tramp this earth down
thoroughly, and teen on to the next tree.
The earth may be thrown hack into
place by another furrow ploughed along-
side the first one.
The rate of planting will vary n great
deaf. in easily worked soil six n1ert-
ought, after :some practice, to be able to
plant about live thousand trees per day.
II is best to have some men do the actual
Willing while others carry trees to
then. One man or boy can 4)11011 carry
trees In supply Iwo men planting.
The number of plant; per acre will
depend 011 the spacing. Planting four
feet by tour feet, 2,725 trees will bo
neceesnry ; for planting live feet by live
feet. 1,750 trees. and for planting six
feet by six feel, 1.210 trees.
AN 11.I. 1(01 Nt) INe'Bl: \.f•:.
Customs 1►Ificer• Tbromilieut I:anado In
IIsi r salaries Raised.
\ despatch forte Ottawa sap.e: 11 hi;
Accu conceded for )ears 11111 the ot•
side iQioers of the Customs serric.' have
leen underpaid. .\11 extra vete of 8180,-
04 was oblation, by Mr. Paterson al the
went -..sine, and 1he \b1111 ber5 idea
's to spreed this amount over ter` , rr
tire Cuustom..r(•►•tiee from 1lalifee e,\ •
leria. 'The •ollieials of the (Ieparim• et
roe working out the details of the p. 1-
e •,'d all mind ince' le..
INO[118{ IHUNSE 11[111111
Report on Operation of Liquor
License Law of Ontario.
\ despatch from •Terumo .nye : In-
f.•reintien regarding the opereli"11 of the
Act '. On r s, is ten in
-o .r ( I 1 rel I 1
Leiner n \ l
II a g
the Thirty-first amount report of the
1 orale honors of thePereuncial S. ere -
:;.re'. Department, witch •1115 just 1'•en
•ltbtlshed. The total Collection. for
teem *6:)7.'413.14., n; rornpnre'1 with
Kb37.761 in the pr81(115 license year.
1),.- figure. included 0.•44 for 'wooers!
,,,•l tut•••. d elieling !erne nmrsoeel ty
nunlrlpat I.) •law;. Of (he total $3341.1:101
iv/ye the revenue of the Imo !nee free!'
t. tent. .hop and twhol e�ntr hretl•r•. t
t• m•1et.4 and fine., as against 8214.1
i.' IP011-5. The ►nullICtpnllftee w.•n• pond
R'i 1.nI
.J%. (empanel p1all wilh
1:e(11•:.. For the Ifuanclal )ear which
closed Dec. :II, 1906, instead of Ai til :p).
the enol of the license year. the 'endure
of the province incrdieel x101!.91; He a
tr o►1t.t II.I,11rr l lw
'1 here on. a redutGe.n m lar m,u,l'er
u' lieen•e; for the Is 411•.• )oar l'0':.•4. •.1
m• eonlpoi(•.I with the peel -ale ).wr.
Poo the perierl emiee0 ly t1.e report 2.71:.
Iteens.•s of n11 kinds 54ele eaanl(d ml the.
protege('. The r. ibrq t mike' referrne4.
1 1110 welt ku'n'g fed that the law is
1 entg ore tie • plot e•1 in rill parte of the
pros lure. including the ni iitw j.alill. s in
e heel l.. al option Is 111 force. Ile.• Int:••.
(rem plo.ecuituti.• were
I -e mperor' with $11,(01.33 u. IS►it
t I
� n m m •n . ()1 pl"-nnrt few 4h•.1, 1..•g•
tie-. ell ong 1115i were 4.116. 1r, 1 e!•:.,.'• y
nu:retial 1,1;37.