Exeter Advocate, 1907-05-02, Page 8Made To Order if ti etil NV'fiir NV IV WAIF li LSOCAL DOINGS. 4 ing well is an art D res.>the man who has his c•!,)thing made to mea- sure has found the key to that art. Each garment that we make for you has th it air of individuality, so much sought after by the titshionable man. You Are Sure of COMFORT - EASE - ELEGANCE 100 New Suitings to Hand At Prices Away Down W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, - Ontario Business locals -- Read Them Steele Briggs Mangold and Turnip Seed, prorril to he the best. -Steuart sells then. Fishing poles 5 and 10c at Charlton's Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad- vocate office. The Nasse You A11 Know. Seven Sutherland Sisters, the ladies with the longest and most beautiful hair in the fvorld, produced by their Hair Gro ter and Scalp Cleaner. The people all look to this for luxuriant hair. %V. S. Howey, Special Agent. Mrs. A. Hastings is quite ill at her home this week. Miss Jennie (juatic'a still lies in an unconscious condition. Mrs. Halls and Mrs. James Taylor, Exeter North, are under the doctor's eare. The town fathers made their annual trip around town on Monday, viewing the streets, etc. The recent heavy rains although be- ing of touch benefit, delayed the seed- ing considerably. Dr. Malloy intends having his office in connection with his residence and is preparing for the saute. A few farmers have finished seeding. Among theta is James Isaac of the 4th concession, Biddulph, who finished on S iturday. Mr. 13. Makins this week moved his household effects to the farm be re- cently purchased from Mr. E. Christie, London Road north. The vocal solo and cornet solo by Mr. Harding and Mr. Berry were great- ly appreciated at the morning services at Trtvitt Memorial church on Sunday. The auction sale of the W. Jones' farm, Usborne, did not take place on Saturday, it having been previously sold privately. The farm is now own- ed by Mr. J. G. Stanbury. Mr. John Herdman of Elitnville will work it this summer. The Independent Order of Foresters of Exeter and Crediton at the last re- gular meeting of Exeter Lodge decid- ed to hold an excursion to Niagara Falls this summer. The making of ar- rangements is now in the hands of a a committee and the date will shortly be announced. Exeterites will be pleased to note the following from the Crystal City Courier: -"John Cudniore returned on Thursday last from Morden, where he has been receiving treatment in the hospital there. Mr. Cudmore's condi- tion has greatly improved and he is now fast regaining health." Get your Marriage Licenses at the e-ivr,cate office. 1, 'nal aunt to sr, 0 great stock n% Limarunts, values that talk, ens( at Sten art's. Por Sate. NVe have on our list a choice store property in Exeter for sale ata vet y reasonable figure. -Sanders fi Creech. wowe lea Institute Noteert. The reviL(r meeting of the Woman's Institute will be held on Friday, May :i,•d, at :i o'clock, in Senior's Hall. Aliso Halls, Pres. Mrs. Hastings, Sec'y Dr 0•e11s Cowden. Or. Ovens, London, Eve and Ear Sattgeon, will be at the Commercial He tel, Exeter, on Friday, May 3rd, Hoars, all day. Glasses properly fitted wet diseases of Eye, Ear and Nose tr-• (ted. 1 {'r l.rlircr that Stewart is showing the lfet'.s and ifog.s' r'eatlrt- r,o,de suits in town -great ratites. Property For Sale. We have at present it handsome pi• ^e of InUFit•tty consisting of fine two et'•rev residence and two lots, with goal stable; all in first-class condition; conwenieorly situated; all modern ini- proveine0t. Price is a snap. Call or write The Advocate Office. Girls %Anted. Two girls wanted --cook and general help•,•. Good wages. Apply at Cent- ral Hotel. Exeter. For Salc. If y,•rt want it rust class McLaughlin or oth. r nuke buggy see 1V. G l3iss- ett' a"' several plows will he sold ch, ,l• A 11 brand new. Also two setotal hand bt]gIties. Nots,dy \n Time. It t- .t Inot thing to neglect ones wtf., but it is it worse thing to neglect ones hair. That is where the .Seven Slit bit laud Sisters Hair Grower and Scali, ('leaner :ornes in. Use it and set- no 11111100 earth no time. W. S. Howey. Special Agent. Norsemen \-ou w;tnt .e good job on your horse hills at a to t.'•naltle price. with good e.tttli''•tltl OA a Kurd est. The Ad- yle.te gtvec t "n All these and also a noti,•i •.f v.•t 1 horse and route for two we, k. f,.•e• .•r .•h ii ge. You want it in Mr. Phos. ('uduau•e is very 111 at his horse. Mrs. Armstrong, sr., is quite ill. Her son, George, arrived from l'iVis on Monday. For Sale --two pair of store window blinds, almost new at Cole's Lhog Stull c. Miss Taylor is confined to her roots at the house of Mr. C. T. Brooks, through illness. A sleeting for the reorganization of the baseball club will be held this Thursday evening. A special Vestry meeting of the Trivitt Memorial Church also a meet- ing of Select Vestry will be held in the school roots to -night (Thursday) when important platters in connection with the church will be dealt with. Mr. S. M. Sanders on Tuesday dis- posed of his excellent hundred•acre farm in the Township of Stephen, be- ing lot 25, concession 2, just west of town, to his brother, Mr. D. B. San- ders, who intends working it as soon as he gets possession in the fall. Rev. W. M. Martin, 13. D. of Coven Presbyterian church, Exeter, was on Monday elected moderator of the sy- nod of Hamilton and London now in session at Chatham. Reeds. Fletcher and Mr. McKay were appointed to the business committee from Huron Pres- bytery. Rev. Mr. Martin has been in the ministry for forty years and a member of the synod for thirty-two years, and is recognized as one of the strong ministers of Western Ontario. Mr. W. Whiteford, of Virden, Man., brother-in-law of Mr. Thos. Hawkins of town, is the inventor of a reliable measure for use on threshingmachines. It is known as the Whiteford Justice Measure and has been patented. Of all the measures submitted to the gov- ernment this is the only one that has been recognized as a legal measure and will bear the government stamp. A company, with a capital of 8100,000, has been formed and land selected for a building that will be erected in Vir- den to manufacture the measures. Recuits are now wanted for No. 0 Company. Huron Regiment, which goes into Camp at Carling's Heights, London, June 4th to 15th. Also 30 smart young men, who wish to don the uniform for 24th of May celebration at Exeter. Those desirous of going to London Camp will apply to Sergt.- Major Hector, Exeter, or Lieut. Hea- ntan, Exeter. Those for 24th of May celebration give their names to Sergt.- Major Hector Saturdaynext, May 4th, at 8 p.m. at Charlton's, Exeter. The members of the Exeter council met on Fridayevening for the consid- eration of te cow and pig by-laws, which they think need revising and amending. Although no definite de- cision was arrived at it is expected that by-laws will be adopted prevent- ing the cows running at large so late in the fall and also nights and Sundays at any time; the pig by-law will likely be made to read that no person shall be allowed to keep more than two pigs in the summer tnonths and then only at a distance of 70 feet from a resid- ence or well. the :A+1t,. •..t.• because it covers all the' ground mei.. thoroughly than any nth 'r .sprit, -,ng ltr.liutie it is toI ynnr NdVa111.,g••to get your work done here. ++++++++++++++++++++44 -___ OUR CLOTHES FIT :• The three things that dis- ting'tish the clothes we nl.,ke are FASHION. FIT anti WORKMANSHIP. ‘Ve art• just ly proud of our re• cord and will sustain it with at"'al garments. The Sprieg things are ready and we..re getting plenty of offices. One of these days you will appreciate how %it.tlly You Need a Spring Suit n -0 '),Ir 1•efe is ready for your ie +••1 inspection. ,. n Ct'.11 and Get our Prices W• Merchant JOHNS fn;le- • Exeter 44 a++++4.+ 1 In a letter to his father Mr. George Hill, describing the railway accident at Cbapleau, Mr. Fred J. Hill says: - "All went well until 11:15 a.m. 1 had just mentioned that I intended going to the baggage car to feed the dog, but, Mrs.Hill said that I might as wait well until later. I decided to do so and it was well that i did as I might have been burnt in the wreck as the dog was. The car we were in went off the track and partly down over the hill, but the car behind us tipped in the opposite direction and that held our car from going down the hill with the preceding cars. One baggage car rind four passenger cars were burned.• We were forced to clinch through the win- dow. and the sight that met us was a terrible one --to see the seventeen peo- ple burned to (death, men losing wives and children and children losing par- ents. We climbed hack into the car and threw nut all the blankets, etc., we could find to (wrap up the injured. People at A distance may think they can imagine the awfulness of such a scene. but only those who have seen it can realize the sight it was. We stood on the snow for Live hours while a car WAS being prepared to take us back to ('hapleatt. We were treated with the greatest of kindness by the people of Chaldean and left there the UR. next morning. The remainder of the ride to Winnipeg was not a pleas• not one although no further accident happened. We lost nothing but the dog. However we missed our train nut of Winnipeg and the railway an. vials put us op at the hest hotel for two days." EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED Wheat Barley Oats I'eits Potatoes, per bag Hay, per ton Flour, per cwt., family Flour, low grade per cwt Butter Eggs Livehogs, per cwt Shorts per ton Bran per ton Dried Apples EACH WEDNESDAY 69 . 45 311 74 60 0 50 1 20 21 7t] 46 37 75 (10 1000 2 10 to `25 15 6 10 22 00 2000 0 per lb CALVES FOR SALE T' o loads of choice calves for sale TueaIar . and Satu- rdays for balance of spring. Price 12.51.r ani upwards EGGSEGOSr.(, a setting from the beat pen of Black )linorcas in the neighborhood, W. F. ABBOTT, Cultralla Mates Old Fumilure By the will of the late James Moir of Usborne he provided: "All residue of my property I give in equal shares to all my children except J., as she bas already bad more than the others. Her share or a double share shall go to M." At the titne of the making of the will, his children, eight in number, were all alive; thereafter, before his depth, his daughter M. died. leaving issue. All the rest of the children sur- vived him, when he died in ianuary, 1000. The executors moved for an or- der declaring the constructions of the will and at Toronto on Monday Judge Riddell held that the share that other- wise bad gone to M. falls now to the other children, and the six will share the residue equally. Costs of all part- ies out of the residue. F. W. Gladman for executors. Full arrangements have now been made for the 24th of May celebration at Exeter. The committee is looking forward in anticipation of a monster crowd to witness this, the biggest cele- bration the town ever had. Three hands have been engaged, The London Free Press News Boys' Band, The Ex- eter Bernd, and Bawden's Carduff Kazoo Band. The procession, the ath- letic spot is and the horse races are ex- ceptionally promising. A feature of special interest will be the unfurling of the flag which is to be presented to the Exeter (Canada) school by the Ex- eter (England) public schools. Word has peen received from England that the flag and other presents are now ready and on exhibition in is store win- dow, where they are attracting the attention of many hundreds of people. Principal Fleming and others are pre- paring a flag and other presents to be sent to Exeter, England. in tett]( n. and the friendly exchange is causing considerable interest. The flog is now on exhibit ton in the window of Mr,W. 8. Cole's store. Strayed Away. On Monday evening, an Irish terrier dog, light brown in color, white pen- cil stripe on throat, short tail; answers to the !Mille of "Jerry." Any infot•n1• ation that will lead to his recovery will be suitably rewarded. 11.tnny l'.siti iso, Exeter. Surprise Your Hair. There ore many hair preparations with many promises of satisfactory results, but only one with assurance of results, Seven Snthetland Sisters Hair Grower and Scalp ('leaner the greatest tonic on earth. Ask your druggist. W. 8. Howey, Special Agent. Newcombe Horn. The CarndufT (Sask.) Gazette se.ys: Thele was a pretty weddin at St. James Church of England on'iVednes- day. April'Llth, when Mr. W. 11. New- combe and Miss Mary Horn were join- ed together in holy matrimony, Rev. W. Packer officiating. The bride weal frig a most beautiful white gown with train and trimmed with true lov- et.' knots of ribbon and loops of pearls, with a wreath of ()tangs hl(Ssutus 1(11(1 richly embroidered veil, and carrying tt simple white prayer book, entered the sacred edifice on the arnl of her brother Afr. (fisher• I arl'et?, 1: ,,,) Tera+, t 'en thin.' and 11•.,•'! I r,l'ers. Sltn•ial robe -A during 1/ay. Stewart's. Noised) Works. But the Seven Sutherland Sisters Hair Grower and it works wonders when your head is bald or nearly so it works out the gemrs that cause baWnrss and cures it. W. S. Howey, Special Agent. The House of Refuse, An inmate of the liuuse of Refuge, named Haines, who faille here front F.dmondwille, died on Sunday, and was buried Monday nfternoon. at the 1lniae Cemetery. ----•Mrs. Catharine Lloyd. sometimes known as "Kitty Foster." flied on Saturday last, at the age of (17 years. She was a sister of the late T. H. Foster, of Tara. Rich's Forecasts for Mar. A Regular Storm Period, having its centre on April 30. cornea over into the let. 2nd and 3rd of May. i.nw barometer and general storm condi- tions will be advancing from west to east by the end of April. and these conditions will culminate in rain. wind and thunderstorms from the 1st to the 3rd. In extreme northern sections unseasonable cold, with pottailde sleet • and snow, will attend these storms, sending A cool wave progressively R s ofthe , ow overmist rt country ( down Py from Rlatnt the :3rd to the 11th. A re• actionary storm period falls centrally on Montly. Tuead,ty and Wednesday. the nth. 7(11 and Sth. Derided storm conditions will cross the country on and touching the 61h. 7th and 8th. with Aft ong prob:thilirire of a contin- ua ti,+n of 5111'4• ()ter into the following storm period. Look New. Our specially prepared Ready -for -Use Furniture Polish \Vi11 slake your furniture bright and new looking. Now is the time to give your furniture something new -say a coat of our varnish. Get the best. Large Bottles 25 Cents. eldest t Horn, who gave her away. The bridesmaid was Miss Ethel Houghton, who wore a charming dress of pale blue silk inous- iline with white hat and pale blue flow- ers. Mr. Isaac Horn acted as best man. As the bridal patty entered the (harsh the chofe left the eatt•y and forming in procession. sang "The voice that breathed o'er Eden." A large number of guests were aecolnodatetl with seats but the church was found too small to hold the crowds that carne to show their interest in the welfare of the happy couple. A sumptuous wedding breakfast was served at the residence of the bride's mother, when the usual honors were done to the bride and bridegroom. The presents were numerous, costly and useful. The bridegrot]n's present to the bride was a mngnificient gold necklace, and to the bridesmaid. a beat]tiful gold ' bracelet. The bride has been an ardent p worker for her church and has always lent a ready hand to help on any smote which has been brought forward. For some time she acted as See.•Ttens. of the Wonlans Auxiliary, whichT ositior, she filled most necurately And she is also a prominent member in the SI, Janes Amateur Dian)(tie Society. The hf idegroom is also gt eat ly respect- ed by the congregation of St. Janice'. last year Acting aa one of the select vt•strwnteo " The bride's friends in Exeter It i'I tt i.h her and husband a F:\F:TF:i( pl ; sant an 1 prosperous married life. tAsSAt Aim At sat jai AllkAint o A \Ve also Make v Silver Cream lir (i A magic polish for gold and silver-plased ware -as good as the hest on the market at half the price. TRY IT. W. S. COLE, Phm. B. Chemist and Druggist. Miss Elsie McCallum, teacher, is ill this week. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Methodist church parsonage on Tuesday evening Last, when Mr. FA - gar Willis, barber, and Miss Elizabeth Willis, daughter of . 4 1r. Thos. Willis, were made man and wife, the Rev. A. 11. Going perforating the 001 Hourly. They will have the hest wishes of a large circle of friends here for their future happiness and prosperity. On Wednesday, April 24, a quiet wedding took place in London by Rev. J. 7'. Graham, when Ida ('hristina, eld- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ronsick, 718 Talbot street, became the bride of Thomas 11. Welsh, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Welsh, of Exeter. The groom was assisted by Mr. Melvin Colbert. The bride wore a handsonie Eton suit of brown silk velvet. Miss Tena assisted. and also wore a beautiful Eton suit of tad rose henrietta. The happy couple will re- side in London. L_PERSONAI.. Miss Ida Cottle is visiting in London. Miss Laura McFalls went to Detroit Monday on a visit. Mr. Win. Brinlacnmhe and fancily moved to Landon on Tuesd::y. Mrs. Pete McDonald and son fete, of Forest, are visiting relatives here. Messrs. C. Lindcnfeld and J. 1►. At- kinson were in Parkhill over Sunday. Miss Ethel Sweet. and Miss Hutchins visiting here from St. Mar ys over Snn- day. Sir. Hobert Sanders left on Monday on n trout fishing expedition to the Alps of Canada, Bruce County. Mr. F. W. Madman was in Toronto this week in connection with the wind- ing alt of the Moir estate. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dignan of !mean were gne.ts of ;he furmr's patents, Air. and Mrs. JAME'S Dignan 00 Sunday. Mrs. John S. Gabel, who 11As been visiting het daughter Mrs. Emerson Gabel, here, has returned to het h tpu' in .Shakespeare. Rev. D. W. Collins and Mr. W. W. Taman attended Lacon Lodge sleet- ing Thursday evening, tate occasion bring the visit of the 1). 1). G. M. Air. Will Bonthron of the Audit Company of New fork, who is on a visit to relatives in Hensnll, was a pleasant taller in Exeter 00 'Tuesday. 1 Use 1 8Ie1ea Four Everything about baking Is earlier and success 1A more certain when you use Star Four No flour in the world is milled n1 pot up with more care than governs every step in the production of STA R. The result is that it tarns out the lightest, whitest. sweetest and most nutritious bread and rolls. CORN .Test alriVett a lire ahip- ment of hest A mot Iran (':•tn HARVEY BROS. ONTAI111) THERE'S 10 GEUIIG OUT Of ITt There's no denying the fact that J.A. BRUCE'S SEEDS Field and Garden are the best, and the Bherman-Wi11im3 Pure, Ready -mixed Paint, which covers the earth is the kind that goes further, looks better, wears longer than any oth- er paints. And That's Why We Sell Them. T. HAwsnvs sox. Dealers in Hardware, Cement, Wire, Etc. Our Great Rednctiou Sale Is 00 In order to reduce our stock before STOCK TAKING we are offering Greater Bargains in Furniture for the NEXT 30 DAYS than ever were shown in Exeter before. Every article in our large stock of furniture is reduced to almost cost during this sale. Call and be convinced before making your purchase ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Direotorea 4 JONES & CLARK PHONE NO. 32 Ell %Oil Coats & Civttc Raincoats Correct Garments That Appeal at Once to Stylish Dressers NEW TWEED COATS I STYLISH RAINCOATS Our new spring coats are the I A1A(le up in Light Grey Tweeds height of fashion in all the new ;told Grey, Fawn and Olive Craven - Gray Tweeds; very smartly tailor- ed and quite manish in effect. The' ette; very stylish with the new box coat or the three-quarter I velvet or stitched down collars length $M to $12. 1(nd fancy buttons. $4 to $10. Here is a Dream of Beauty Ws001400r FANCY BELTS" "AND COLLARS We have the finest showing of Ladies' Belts and Collars to be found. Nice embroidered wash belts and collars from 20c. to 50c; Silk bolts and collars from 'Lie. to 50c; kid belts 'in black, (white, green and brown 25c. to 5311'.; turnovers, lace and appli- que collars in is big variety. Extraordinary Values in Dressgoods Our ()le•ssGoods tlep,utmeta this wear has been a very busy (gime/ of our 'ttore. We take sper•ial pride in showing them and can give you some Very extra values in Fancy Light Duck, Tweeds, Falct Tweed 1' .eiugs, Broadcloths, Venetians, San Toy Lnsi les, ('ashmcr•es. Voiles and F:oliennes. Don't forget out big choice it lieu buying your Seting and Sommer dress. JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing SHELL & ROWE UNBEATABLE VALUES IN LACE CURTAINS This departn,rnt cont. in• i .•rlthintt that ie needed fr'n, tb:r los-pri r.I pretty Nottingham to the finest Swig Net.. ('ome and prole for vonn.elf that 0,11 (►lus are unbeatable. 50c. a Pair An excellent curial!) for the money, very neat design, 2l anti 3 vat da long. Per Pair 50c. $1 a Pair Of Nottingham net with open work centre and pretty Isor- der, Sty yards long. Per Pair $1.f10 81.25 a Pair Is to neat Nottingham net with open work. t•.•ntte der. orate.] with see(figured pat- tern. with C'•)V dait,ty holder y.u(1p 1••ng :et inch %V le Per Pair 81.25 $1.75 a Pair Just the enttrtins for hedr(,oni very dainty border with plain centre; button hole stitched edges, :3i yards long. i'er ['Air $1.75 $2 8; $2••50 a Pair A number of different styles to select at these prices; every design is an attractive one. Every pair big valve. $2.(111 and $2.50 Per Pair 83.50 a Pair This enrtain is the fineat we have ever shown: the centre it of the• popt]lar open %ark effect with stylish scroll bor- dere Special $3.50 Per Pair SNELL & ll()WTE c