HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-04-25, Page 8Made
Useeing well is an art
)►. i(1 the man who has
his (' loth ing made to mea-
sure has found the key to
that art. Each garment
that we make for you has
th tt air of individuality
so mach sought after by
the fii'3hionable man.
You Are Sure of
100 New Snitirlts to Hard
At Prices Away Down
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, - Ontario
Business Locals -- Read Them
Surprise Your Hair.
There are many hair preparations
with many promises el satisfactory
results, but only one with assurance
of results, Seven Sutherland Sisters
Hair Grower and Scalp ('leaner the
greatest tonic on earth. Ask your
druggist. W. 8. Howey, Special
13uy your Seeds at Stewart's. The
hest only.
Fishing poles 5 and 10e at CIrnrlt on's
Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad-
vocate office.
The Name You All Know.
M •ven Sutherland Sisters, the ladies
with the longest and most beautiful
hair in the world, produced by their
Haar Grower and Scalp Cleaner. The
pe. ple all look to this for luxuriant
hair. W. S. Howey, Special Agent.
kitty Hat for dress,/ young nrel at
Stewart's. See them.
(let your Marriage Licenses at the
A ! vocate office.
Fur Sale.
We have on our list a choice store
property`. in Exeter for sale at a very
,•eaaarpnable Figure.—Sanders & Creech.
L.aely' 'to the Iwuliessay. Stewart's
Ths-Purr semi potcelenr !)inner set.
Land Rollers for sate.
Fora P',0(1 laud roller, cheap, call on
Atuiaost• Cost le.
ls,uries for Sale.
Just received tt number of the cele-
brated Borland Buggies. The best in
the inorket.eall and see theta. -A. Py'm.
Artistic wall tater at very reasonable
p/,‘ es. Stewart's.
Dr Oven. Cousins.
t )r. Ovens, Lon(ion, Eye and Ear
Burgeon, will be at the Commercial
Hotel. Exeter, on Friday, May 3rd,
Hours. a)1 day. (:lasses properly fitted
ami diseases of Eye, Ear and Nose
Property For Sale.
We nave at present a handsome
piece of property consisting of fine two
storey r.'.it rare and t wo lots, with
good stable; all in first -clam condition;
eonvt'.at1•ntly situated: all modern im-
prove/wait, Price is a snap. ('all or
i!• rhe A'lvneate Ofllce.
erssi tf s'n;e o/ •1 -surd uid, Linolrtuns
at .\f,,r,r1'a. Money . ,r ring prices. I 'cols.
Girl• Wanted.
Taro girls wanted --cook and general
helper. 004111 wages. Apply nt ('ent-
rall 11,10. Exeter.
For Sate
11 you want a first class McLaughlin
or other snake buggy See W. 0 lhss.
ett'a. Also several plows will be sold
cheap. All brand new. Also two
sir n '3 11.0.•1 1,1)gwies.
Nobpdy No rime
I t i- a 1.;,.1 thin g to neglect ones
w•if'•, I•ut it a- .1 worst' ;ling to neglect
one- hail, That is Whyte the Seven
Suthtll..r.d Sisters hair (;rower and
Sea'', Cleat.. , some- :n. Use it and
r•et• Un ia'1. It', ()rl 1'7111111w time. i\. 8.
h 1.wey, Sesiei d Agent.
Th -1111., thing.. that din•
lingnish the clothes we
nt.ke are FASHION. FiT
it 0 ju.a ly p( 1 of our re•
cord alai will sustain it
with qo',l garments. The
Spring Things are r(ady
and 't a .,1 •' getting plenty
n( nr 1t,•, ' One of t hetet'
la) . ton trill appreeiale
how vin ,Ily
You Need;! Spring Suit
o 1l 1
Oar lin• is re()lr for your
kin,1 inspection.
Call and Get our Prices t
i1r aaillailhlAls Ik amt
T. E. !landlord shipped a load of
fine horses on Fr iday.
Principal Fleming was i13 dun ing the
former part of the week.
Mr. James Hern has taken a yearly
position with Messrs Jones & Clark.
Mr. Jos. Larnhrook has recovered
front an attack of muscular rheuma-
Mr. J. A. SIewart was confined to
his honne during the week owing to
pleurisy, lout is now nearly well.
The building until recently occu-
pied by Mr. S. Ilardy as a store was
purchased by Mr. Broderick last week.
Jades Belback of London, formerly
of Exeter, was sentenced to four years
at Kingston for bigamy on Saturday
by Judge Macbeth.
Longboat, the Canadian Indian, won
the Marathon race at Boston last week
going 25 miles in 2 boors. 24 minutes
and 2-1 4.5 seconds.
Mr. James Dignan received a rather
severe shaking up on Monday by being
thrown by a big horse when shoeing
it. Several bruises are the result.
This week has seen weather which
has been more like the ideal spring
variety and the farmer is getting in a
full day's work trying to catch up.
The Oddfellows are requested to be
at the Lodge room not later than 10:30
Sunday morning to prepare for the
march to the Trivitt Memorial church.
The W. 11. Newcombe referred to in
the announcement of Miss Mary M.
Horn's wedding at CarndUH is not
\Vill Newcombe of Regina, formerly
of Exeter.
The second anthem at the James
street church was very pleasing Sun-
day evening, particularly the soprano -
alto duet by Miss Olive Treble and
Mrs. W. Johns.
The death occurred at Niagara,
Falls, Ont., on April lath of Rev. Jos-
eph Folhck, brother of Messrs. Enock
Follick of Exeter and David Follick of
Hensel) and Mrs. Sarah Millick of Zur-
ich. He was 75 years of age.
Rev. Yager of New Hamburg, form-
erly of Zurich, who attended the Con-
ference of the Evangelical Association
at Crediton last week, preached a very
interesting sermon in the Jaynes street
Methodist church Sunday evening.
Mrs. A. Hodgert, sr., received the
sad intelligence of the death of her
sister, Mrs. Lloyd of Clinton, who died
on Saturday evening from dropsy,
Mrs. Hodgert, Mrs. Richardson, Mrs.
John Bell and Mr. A. E. Hodgert left
Mondayworning toattend the funeral.
While here last week Hon. Thos.
Greenway gave Messrs. Weekes Bros.
an order for a fine monument of bon-
nacord, black Scotch granite of mod-
ern design. The monument is the sec-
ond Mr. Greenway has purchased from
this tirnb it will be sent to Crystal
City, Man.
A pretty church weddin, was sol-
emnized in Berlin on the 14th at SL
Mary's R. C. church. The ceremony
united in matrimony Miss Rose C.
Zinger, eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Win. Zinger, Berlin, formerly of
Exeter, and Mr. Chas. Cress. Rev. A.
L. Zinger, the bride's brother, perform-
ed the ceremony.
Rev. A. II. Going of the James
street church, attended a meeting of
the Senate of Victoria College, Toron-
to, on Thursday last, when the honor-
ary degree of doctor of divinity ons
conferred on Rev. Vin. McDonagh of
Stratford, a former Exeter pastor, and
well known here.
A man who does not take the local
paper, sent a dollar for a "potato hug
killer" and neceit•ed two irlocks of wood
with the following directions—Take
the block which is No. 1 in the right
hand. place the long on No. 2, and
press then) together, remove the un-
fortunate and proceed as before.
Mr. Ed. Christi(' Last week disposed
of his hundred acre farm, in the town-
ship of 1'nhorne, London Road North,
Leing the old Horton property, togeth-
er with stock, implements, etc., to Mr.
Ben 1ieakins, who recently disposed
of his laundry business here. Mr.
Meakins has already taken possession.
if troubled with worms in the soil of
your Clower pots, use lisle water, put
into ten or twelve quarts of water one
and a half or two pounds of fresh
lamp lime. Let it stand a couple of
days, or until the lint. has slacked and
settled. Then pour off the clear water
for use. Water the infested soil with
this water two er three times et in-
ter vats of two or three days.
The accumulation of tartar on the
teeth makes them unsightly and is of-
ten the cause of n bad breath. if the
teeth are tu•operly brushed each day
tartar will not have the chance to ac-
cumulate, but if it has all catty been al-
lowed to do so it can be removed by a
very simple treatment. Moisten the
toothbrush in warm water and dip it
into magnesia. Bub on the teeth, and
after three npp)ications the tartar will
have entirely disappeared.
A writer in a reputable English
Journal some time ago, made the fol-
lowing statement tegarding the cure
of that undesirable disease, smallpox:
—"1 sun willing to stake my reputation
as a nt11lie nzan if the worst ease of
emalIpox cannot be effectually cured
in three days, simply by (ream of tar.
tar. This is the sure and never failing
cute, one ()Mire of el eoid of tartar dis.
sols 4'd in one pint of boiling water to
be drunk et short intervals. It can he
taken at any time and is a preventive
as well as a (emotive. It it known to
have cured 1190,(») cases without fail-
ure. 1 myself have restored hundreds
by this means. it never leaves a
mark, never calyses blindness, and pre-
vents tedio05 lingering."
The dry. cold weather of the last
few weeks has been very hard on the
wheat throughout this part of Ontario
and in some cases. where the prospects
of at pumper crop looked bright in the
Ts pring, tt has almost i*en destroyed.
he warm weather in March caused
the wheat to grow rapidly, and within
a few days. the fields were green. But
the frost returned, without either rain
or snow. tied !loon the tow, of the grain
were withered, in some (A505 so badly
that it is feared than it has been killed.
('lower is said to have suffered greatly
from the cell. Like the wheat, it '
cotnmenl•cd to grow with the warm;
weather itt 11+trch, and had Jost reach -
•d its tender Mage %%heti the cold
weather returned and damaged it.
Merchant Tailor - Exeter
0444444+444444 4444+44441
,1r. henry Gould has been confined
to the house this week with a revere
attack of quinsy.
A load of poring people fries town
drove out to Mr. Fred Hunkiu's Mon-
day evening and were pleasantly ens
tertained at a maple taffy part y.
Notice to Foresters.
The members of the Independent
Order of Foresters of Exeter are earn-
estly requested to attend the regular
meeting of the lodge on Friday night,
April 26th, as the clatter of running
an excursion or picnic will be discussed,
Nobody Works.
But the Seven Sutherland Sisters
Hair Grower and it works wonders
when your head is bald or nearly so
It works out the germs that cause
baldness and cures it. \V. 5. Howey,
Special Agent.
Election of Officers.
The election of (officers of the wain
street League took place Tuesday eve-
ning with the following result:—Pres.,
F. J. Wickwire; Vice -Presidents, Miss
Lila Johns. Mabel Brooks, Edua Foll-
ick, Winnie Howard; See'y, Jesse El-
ston; Treas., %V. W. Taman; Organist,
Miss Homey; Asst. Organist, Miss
Irene Handford.
You want a good job on your horse
bills at a reasonable price. with good
cardboard and a good cut. The Ad-
vocate gives you all these and also a
notice of your horse and route for two
weeks free of charge. You want it in
the Advocate because it covers all the
ground more thoroughly than any
other advertising medium. It is to
your advantage to get your work done
lick's Forecasts for April.
A Reactionary Storm Period is cen-
tral on the 24th, 25th and 26th, The
disturbances of this period will culmin-
ate on and touching the 25th. Gener-
al and heavy April showers will be
natural, attended by very decided
lightning and thunder. Our readers,
especially those whose interests are
roost et stake, will not forget the fact
that destructive hail storms are apt to
accompany electrical clouds at this
and other April periods. If approach-
ing thunder clouds take on ra decided
copperish hue, it will be safe to antici-
pate hail stones and use such means as
are available for the protection of ex-
posed grass and other fragile, perish-
able property, A marked rise of the
barometer, with change to cooler and
frosts northward will he due about the
26th and 27th. Storms of rain, hail
and thunder will most likely develop
by the 28111 to the 2t)th and continue
daily into the opening days of May.
From about the 27th to May the 1st or
2nd constitutes another period in
which seismic phenomena are much
more liable to occur.
A New Fret•
A few weeks ago the story was told
in the papers of a cobbler in Altoona,
Pa., having discovered a method of
burning ashes. Not everyone believed
the yarn, but at last the secret has
leaked out of the ash barrel, and no
more need we shiver through the long
winter because of a coal fanzine.
Moisten with either salt water, or salt
water containing oxalic acid in solu-
tion, a mixture consisting of one part
of coal and three parts of ashes, place
it in your furnace or store, and wait
for results. The fire burns brightly,
the kettle bells and the shivers vanish
along with your next year's coal hill.
The peculiarity of the thing is that it
seems to be true. People all over the
continent are trying it and Exeter
people with the rest. The general op-
inion seems to be that the experiments
are more or less successful, and care
needs to be taken in mixing the proper
quantities together. The problem that.
presents itself is:- "Where are the
ashes to come from:" In ,t short time
there will be no ashes left. Then we
will have to barn pure roil one day to
get ashes for the next.
Death of John Muir.
Last week these columns contained
the particulars of the death of Mrs.
John Muir and scarcely had the issue
been run off \\'edm'sdaty afternoon
when it was reported that Mr. Moir
ton had succumbed to the dread des.
tt•oyer. The circumstances are indeed
sad, at least the facts are pathetir, but
it is hard to put on paper such a bur-
den of pathos in a way to make mani-
fest the full weight of the trouble
that the immediate relatives have
been subjected. Pneumonia was the
cause of death, the saunc disease from
which his beloved wife had died just
five days previous, and of which he
had been afflicted only a shin time'.
From the early stages of his stliiet ion
his case arsI)nled n Se110ll9 nature and
he immediately gave up all hopes of
recovery. At times, however, his con-
dition seemed to change for the better
and his friends looked forward with
some confidence to his rr covers, bot on
Tuesday he sank into a state of en-
cnnselo(laness from which he never re•
v ived and nn %%re'dnesday afternoon,
shortly before six o'clock, the curt 8111
was rung down on his kindly life. Mr.
Moir was a native of Meotluul, having
been born in ('reetown in the year
14+:37. Forty-three years later he (51111'
to Canada and took up his residence in
Exeter. Remaining (only a short time
he went to reside in Paisley where he
stayed three years and then returned
to Exeter. Tieing a weaver for many
years he (undoct(11 the Woollen Mills
here until a few years ago when he
was compelled to retire Owing to de-
clining health. in his private life,
bolsi tress management and or•cupat ion
Of public office he won golden opinions
for honesty, kindness, usefulness And
moral worth. Ile was among the few
who spend years in a locality withont.
engendering the ill -will of sotnePKwIy.
Last fall, accompanied by his Ron Will.
he nude a trip to the Old ('oon!'y and
enjoyed greatly his return to his nal ire
soil. The subject of this sketch sat
for a number of years et the council
board and he will be remembered in
his municipal career 55 hating zeslon*•
1y and unstintingly given himself to
the service of the town's welfare. fie PF
was a member of the Presbyterian
church and in politics a Liberal. Ile
was twire married and leaves to 'mourn
his denth four sons amyl ton d:antth►er..
Two sons and two danahters, Robert
of (iowanda, N. 1'., John 1,f lemdon.
Mrs. 13. Meakins of town, Mrs. Swan 1r
of 1'sla.rne, by the ti,st wife,,nd \\-ill• tik
iatn and Bert by the second. The fart
eral took nlaee nn Sunday afternoon ` R
tit► 70
45 46
Sts :37
74 75
Potatoes, per bag (10 W
Hay, per ton 0 50 1000
Flour, per cwt., family ,2 10
Flour, low grade per cwt 1 20 125
Butter 21 to 2'3
6 10
Shorts per ton 22 00
Bran per ton 20 00
Dried Apples 6 per lb
Llwehogs, per cwt
Two, gond quality. highest cash paid
for all kinds of produce.
WANTED 15 to 25 Hires of Bees.
W. F. ABBOTT, Ceiitrallli
At this season of the year when
the weather changes so suddenly
do not let a cough run on. It may
lead to catarrh or consumption.
You can quickly cure your cough
by using
Cole's Emulsion
"The Ideal Cough Cure"
in obstinate coughs of :long durn-
ation no better preparation for
building up a run-down
constitution than is
good Emulsion of
Cod Liver
Sold in 50 and $1 Bottles
W. S. COLE, Phm. B.
Chemist. and Druggist.
Gilbert Dow and Samuel Elliott re-
turned from Winnipeg Monday.
Miss \Valrond was obliged to dismiss
her room at the school yesterday ow-
ing to illness.
MisaJennie Quance still lies critical-
ly ill at her home. She is unconscious
most of the time.
Rev. Zimmerman who has been at-
tending the Evangelical conference at
Crediton preached in the Main street
church Sunday night.
Mr. John Chat lton. real estate agent,
leaves this morning for Saskatchewan
Valley and Southern Alberta, in the
interests of his hand business. John
has made some good sales this winter
and will undoubtedly much improve
his knowledge of western Lands on this
his second trip out. He will likely be
absent two months. Walter Punl-
phrey and Earl Hardy go with Mr.
Sodsrlch es -students' Reunion.
A reunion of forme►• students of the
Goderich High school and Collegiate
institute is to he held in Goderich on
Thursday and Friday, August 22 and
2'3, 1907. Ex -students are requested to
send their present address to Mr. Wm.
Lane, Secy G. ('. L Ex-Studens' Re-
union, (in(lerich, (hit., staling in what
year they entered the school. On re-
ceipt of this the secreta► y will forward
information in regard to the reunion,
special railway rates, etc. it is ex-
pe(ted that the gathering of Mr.
Stiang's old pupils will be a large and
notable one.
111 t . ThCs. Greenway of Ottawa,
spent Sunday with friends in town.
Mrs. 11)r.) McDowell is visiting her
mother. Mrs. Welsh, William street.
Mr. Bert. Moir arrived home from
Regina on Satllydnv to attend his fat-
her s funeral.
Mr. John \Vetbtt• and Miss ('ordel-
lin Bnrg,ud of tie,zforth spent Sunday
with Miss 11,rry Brock.
Mr. George Horton left Friday for
Manitou, Ilan., whew he intends re-
siding. Mr•r. Harlon is visiting in
London for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Rohr. M of Gowan -
da, N. V.: Mr. rind Mrs. John Muir of
Codon; Mr. end Mrs. (leo. Boyd of
St. Thomas: Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. Thump.
MOO of Seafnrth: 11r. Welsh of Stratll-
roy, attended the funeral of the late
John \lnit nu Sunday.
Addilinnal Le/fa/San page 1.
and WAS Att"coded and witness,•d 1.y
Airier N: Writ, 'PAP NFIIF'F4
B1dQCfl Flour
Everything 911(1)1 leking
is easier and RIIcc.Ra is more
certain when you use
Star Fleur
No ilene in the world is
milled el put lip with more
care than governor every
•tep ice the production of
STA it.
The result is that it tarns
out the lightest, whitest,
sweetest and noe-t nutritious
bread and loll-.
.ins, arrlw.d—aa lame •hip•
tn•'nt (of h'Rl A 111"1 ir'.tm 1' .111
One carload of Cleveland Wire at the
Station. First come, first served.
Prices right.
Seeds of all kinds. Call and examine.
We still are able to do all kinds of
Plumbing and Tinsmith work.
Our Great Redaction Sale Is On
In order to reduce our stock before STOCK TAKING we
are offering Greater Bargains in Furniture for the
than ever were shown in Exeter before.
Every article in our large stock of furniture is reduced
to almost cost during this sale.
Call and be convinced before making your purchase
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
This week we are making a special display of our Rugs and Sures.
We have the largest and hest assortment that we have ever sown
and feel very proud of them as we know they will please you as to
quality and price. All we ask is for you to come and see them as
we have one just to suit you.
Vaion Rugs
Of nice bright colorings, pretty
designs and extra Heavy weave.
A good rug, size 3x31 and :tat
yards, from $1 to $8.
Tapestry Rugs
Just as fancy and colors to
equal more expensive rugs. No
better Tapestry }lugs on the
market. Sizes 3x34 and 3x1
yards, from $10 to $13.
Axminster, velvet rugs
We show these lovely rugs in
that Dark lied and Fawn, 1),trk
Green and Fawn. Both of
them in the dalzitiest of pat-
terns: also the new Or iental
design. i nu will be delighted
with this Rug. For $2(I, $2:3
and $25.
Wool Rugs
Ileal good patterns and colors
to give them the richest np-
peatrance. These are the best
wool rugs to be bought; sizes
:3x:34 and 3x4 yards; from 57.51)
to $10.50.
Brussels Rugs
With all the new designs. The
colors are very soft and prom-
inent and makes a beautiful
Rug for $17.50.
We carry a very large and
well assorted stock of them in
floral and tile patterns. One
special line, extra gond quality
j 4 yards wide for $1.75 per yd.
Our wall paper stock is all new, bought from the lending American
and ('ao.olian firms. You have your choice hetes of the best papers
selected from nlau11(4(1urers of both countries which gives us
every advantage in selling you.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing
1111ny wIli'''. },e.tlfa at(sot 0111 to F,nreta(pN r %ItI(►
s* repathv for
the •„rrnt ing f 1111ily im
Holt do'Ihle Ia're,lvement. �Asilk a AlA,AAik dla Aar
EXTRA 13i(i VAf,i'i;S IN
Boys t7ITS,
Boy's Brownie Snits of Blue worsted trimmed
with fancy braid with patent leather belt
worth 8,5.00 for $3.95.
Boys' 2 -piece suits, of good. strong wearing
tweed, Norfolk style. Sizes 22 to 28.
worth $3.75 for 82.95.
Boys' 3 -piece suits of pretty grey tweed, single
or double breasted styles. Sizes 28 to 32,
worth $6.00 for 844.75.
Boys' strong wearing Ikx)ts, Boyti Grain B(i)ts,
Williams make, will wear like iron,
Siz(�'S 2 to r), price 81.75.
Boys Calf Hoots, medium weight, WWI' guar-
anteed. Our Big Seller 82.00.