HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-04-25, Page 6• • "1111: tent!: lent til'Itl\I: FI:\ late Mr. 1'hlkliIL. Dingno.os Ili. 4.(4114111aint and Pre-scrille•s Work. "If 1 weir L, diugi• se my •,t\n case," . ,. •t \ti. Flilklilbl, "1 stlendd say it was r•i ring beer. 1 sleep well. and my ap- petite is good, 1111d I feel all right gen- erally; but 1 wake up feeling hazy-telin- f+ (!able, but lazy. I don't feel like doing ng; that is, any work. 1 enjoy n•y breakfast. and I Iind great comfort hi reading the newspaper and smoking a cigar after it, but I dorit feel then like getting out and tearing things apart. I just want to expand with na- ture and be happy. It is' spring fever, no doubt. "so much for the diagnosis, and now we cone to consider what is best to (10 'her this pleasant complaint. If 1 could do what I am prompted to (10 1 should simply cut the shop and go lishieg. But e► toy own case there are certain ren - a n more or leas financial nature tteit pal fishing out of the question - fl;r ale. And that brings us to consider whe'her, without regard to his money situaiien, it would be well for any man having sprint* fever to laze through the attack, and I hold That it would be Bel - ler for hila to work. "The fact is that most of us have not only spring fever, but summer, autumn and winter fevers as well; and while these other Benson fevers may all have characteristics differing strongly from those that so strikingly mark the fever e•! spring. yet They all, like it incline es to abstain from v :rk when we can. And when the spring fuer. most insidi- ous of all, co►ncs noon us. it is wise for It, to COrnhlLt fl sturdily, lest, giving way 10 that, we may in turn give way le all tate rest. and so acquire laziness. or al least idleness, or aversion to work. as n oxen habit. "Yeas. When we feel the delightful leuguidity of spring suffusing us there is minting for us to do if we would Pre- s• eve our strength and effectiveness but 1 , shake off our inclination to dreami- ness and set ourselves to work and keep plugging. Though all nature smile up- on us and call to us let us not surren- der but gel to work. "Rut it is a pleasant spring." fever, That of •t:- -- 1\DI(:i.'i 1 ION (:I 7111). ety Dr. Williams fink ('ills After Six Doctors had failed to be of R(nefit. Thal gnatting pain in the stomach, sometimes shooting up into the chest, often producing a choking sensation .n the throat; tierce pains around the heart; a feeling of drowsiness and a distaste for food -111141's indigestion. Its vic- tims are numbered by the thousands. 7'e them life is a burden. Dr Williams' 1',nk fills have done more towards re- lieving this suffering than any other medicine. Often They have cured after all other help had failtal, as in the case of 1f•. Willis I lernunn, of SI.(:.alharines, Ont., who says: -"l had been afflicted with indigestion and stomach l'alll.le lot years. At times my suffering was alines! indescribable. Sometimes ter whole day; 1 was unable to touch food. 1 dieted and al different times was treat- ed by six doctors but they did not help lee; i only grew worse. For a lime 1 was living in New York and while there consulted n specialist, but he was un- nble to give me any relief. 1 then de- eded to try Dr. Williams' ('ink trill.. and in less than n month 1 frit some rclief. I continue,' their use for a cou- ple of months longer and gained in weight; my appetite improved; the pains left me and I new feel better thane- 1 have at any lime during the past twen- ty five year.. 1 will always gladly re- cunumCnd 1)t'. \\'illinrns' 1' nk i'ills to other sufferers believing that They will nlnrl do for others wheat they have Ilene for ne." • \\'hen yen use 11r. Williams' Pink ('ills as n hl•,, .I builder and nerve Ionic you are net etperimenling-they have been bier! :eel proved snceessful !n thousand: of cases. It is their rxm•er to al tun4ly snake new. rich. re•1 11x1(1 that enables then) fu carr steel troubles as anaentin. indigestion. rheumatism, kid- T:ey trouble. St. \'flus (Inure. pnrtinl peral%se- and IIiOse speeinl ailments of girlie, .1 nne1 womanhood Ihnt cause sn notch lies• iv. For sale by all nvvlicine (tenter- Ivy nine rat NO cents n l..x. or sie eec,- for se,eo ileo, the Dr. 1VIl- brims' Medi/en. Co.. Brockville, (Int. Mamma : "1"h hope you behaved like a little lady while Mrs. Borten was trying to ruin tan' you?" Little Daughter: "lee. minima ; I put niy hand over my tie aIle every time I yawned." IT(:If, Menge, Prairie Scrnlehes and ttery term of contagious lice on human r r animals cured in 1) minutehe by \\ol- furds Sanitary Lorton. It never fails. Sold by all druggists_ \ isitur : "Ike they trent you well here?" Prisoner : "Generally they dote., only itey hurls 1114' felin's by their lack of L eintle'nee. They won't lel Inc have n IaIclekey.•' Glee Ile+Ik.\cn}'o - Corn ('inti' n Irvin!. It r• eluted ten come from one pair cf feet without any pain. What it has )i. e i',' it will do again. 'I'.\lhl►- 1'. "Eli i,lget." a..1.4 her uii•lie,;, iu n low 14,11e, "you 111e du,' St:111 the .'afir a "I know tt, 11111m. answ 4)151 Rrid(;rt. it1 .1 sli.i;e w111sp01•, "Lill I can't 7 • 4: NORTHERN ONTARIO MAN'S EXPERIENCE ITtto 'I'heoriee of the Acquirenlent-Iat- bellishmrss and l:onteutioualily. SECRET OF GOOD MANNERS. Most mothers hold, consciously or un- '11:uHied I'ifly %tile. Through Forest consciously, one of two theories about and Fru U, Gm 1lydirirac, tere acquirement of manners by their children. One mother says, 'Manners are only the outward sign e.1 the inner nature. If my daughter has a kind heart and a well-trained timed she will behave in a gentle, charming fashion. I will teach hi r compassion, respect for age, unsel- fish zeal for helping with the world's work. (ler manners will take care of themselves." Another another says, "My girls will never get on without conventional man- ners. They shall he taught from baby - Weed to emulate the speech and hcarinl, of ladies. They shall ie. instructed in the proper behavior for every occasion. They shall walk and dance and write and speak with graceful perfection." Neither method, says Iho Youth's Com- panion, produce altogether satisfactory results. Unselfishness is truly the foundation of good manners, but not the superstruc- ture. Many conventional restrictions 'rave grown about social relations. Some can be explained by the demand of kind- ness and some cannot. Could a child in- fer from Itis desire Io help others that he should not eat with his knife? Many offences against good taste interfere in seine way with the rights of others, but many others do not. Still. no set of rules to produce a pol- ished lady will achieve a resit.. lit for the strain of life. The manners of the French boarding school may adorn the ballroom, but are loo likely to foil at the breakfast table or in the crowded car. The woman of perfect manners must re - enforce her unselfishness by social rules, and conventionality retest be vitalized by the warm desire of others' pleasure. The best of life never "conies naturally," whether in manners or morals. 'I'Iro secret of charming manners is the desire for them. \\'!ten the mother wishes then) for her daughter as much as she wishes the other goods of the world her daughter will have thein. 11.\NY ARRESTS IN N.%I'1-IiS. Authorities Trying to Suppress Dreaded Secret Societies. Some five hundred Canunorist ring- leaders have been arrested at Naples as the result of the determined crusade undertaken by the Government against secret criminal societies. The Neapoli- tan prisons are full 10 overflowing, as nanny as twenty culprits being lodged In a single cell. On this account, and because the Camorrisls were found to be holding committees among themselves and regular communication with com- rades outside by means of their own slang code, the authorities have now begun transferring them to different provincial houses of (retention 1111 the trial is laxed, which probably will not be begun for another twelve months. The authorities have been obliged to Transfer to Capri Signor Capezzuti, the gallant marshal of carabinieri who su- g+in►ly against n housekeeping scheme, perintended the military police raids. which includes the running -4.f bills. But -her allownnce should not be too big. She should be made to understand tl,( telae of a shilling. -$• A CONFESSION. F..r Ilse first lune little Cyril was able to delight a waiting world by appearing des n!chrd a message to haspursuers befure it in knickerbockers. ail in all saying he had mere! taken n en the pride of a newly -acquirer! dignity hey. stalked into the drawing -room, where his parents at the doctor's orders and his nh- pareuts were entertaining a lady caller. &slice fronn his post ons only temper "My," said the latter, "what a little ar'y• i:rricone mnnnged to hoard ren swell you look in pow' 111'W emigrant liner In the disguise of a coal knicker- bockers 1" "Yes," said Syril cemplacentl) ; "don't They lit hoobly?" And then, Willi IM' uir I 1 one imparting a weighty and impor- tant secret, he added : "\Iy ellen was murried in the-', kuickes.' The hardships of pioneer life were forcefully illustrated at the Dr. Slocum others t"play Mien they received a tet- te' Iroii Mr. Hebert Campbell, of !Bar- wick, Nerititen Ontario. \Ir. Campbell wrote theta, requiring 1'sychine in his family, he sent his sent 10 a drug store at so►ue Distance to obtain it. The store was out of it, presumably because the d.•,outad lar it in that section of tite country was larger than t1c dealers anticipated. Ile would take no substi- tute, end so travelled to tite next drug- gists, with Its• sante experience. Four dug store.e were visited, but the de- mands on their _lock and the difficulty o: getting go ;ds into that country in midwinter made it impossible to obtain it and i;o substitute would be accepted, n, \Ir. Campbell knew there was no- thing could lake the place of Peyehine. After travelling over fifty )nibs to ob- tain it he had to send his order to To- rento lo have it mailed to tire. People who have used I'sycl►ine consider no trouble too great 10 obtain it when needed. A prominent citizen of the west says: • "1 suffered with pains in the back and shoulders. 1 coughed so I could not rest. The doctor said my lungs were effected and he had come loo lute. 1 was as weak as a child when I sinned le take l'sychine. In a fortnight I was back at work in the woods. "JOHN 11. _WREN. "Reeve of Mission, R. C." This tells a thrilling story, inn few words. Psychine, pronounced Sikeen, ns a guaranteed cure for coughs, colds, ia. grippe, bronchitis, catarrh of the head, throat or stomach. chills, night sweats, pleurisy. pneumonia; strengthens the stomach, aids digestion, restores run - demi conditions, and is highly recom- mended. and in many cases cures con- sumption. At all druggists. 50e and eft, or Dr. T. A. Slocum's Limited, 179 King street west, Toronto. *_- BILLS MEAN ILLS. Rules are constantly being laid down by busybodies, in the majority of cases celibate, on the way in which a woman should choose n husb+md. Most of these advocate late meninges. on ne- cauil elf the greater stability of tempera- ment acquired with riper years; but a well-known medical man has lately giv- en exactly opposite advice. A girl, he says, should, whe.m\ , r possible, marry young and choose a young man for a husband. This is with the idea of their loth bc'ini', as it were. educated to- gether. and (tin-equently becoming more ndnplalle l• a:ur•h other. 'The 11a- lrintoninl monitor, \1110, by the way. is a Scotsman. at the sane lisle gi\ (s a canny recommendation anent the baw- 1 ecs. In his opinion. the .wife should demand an allowance, and set her face I`. -I I. \u 1: (G. lest his repeatedly threatened assassin- ation should he realized, and thereby increase the difficulties of an already grave situation. Despite elaborate precautions taken 1.' effect his capture. Erricone, the no- torious suprenie chief of the Naples Ca- morrn, has sueceeded in gelling clear away to the United Slates. whence he 4.- St'FFEItING 11.\11IES. !deniers out Iind sure relief for their suffering 141114. ones in ItalyOwn Tab- laxa- tive 1.•1-. These 'Tablets are tit gentle that do not gripe the little one, end cure all the minor ills of babies and young children. They ere pleasant to hike, prompt in their action, and un- like "soothing" staff+, they never (!o harm, and the mother has the guaran- tee of n Government analyst that they n,nlatn m1 drugs harmful to even the youngest baby. Thousands of mothers give their little ones nothing else but Baby's Own Tablet.; when constipation. Atoned' tremble. 1,eligestion. colds or worms bother Ike 1ahy. or when the dreaded lecthing lisle comes. Mrs. Jos. 1lercier. I'Iessisvilb'. Que., says: "My baby wns n great sufferer fromn eonsli- pMion, but thanks to Italys Own 'Tab- leI•s the trouble bac disappeared." The Tablets are sold by all druggists or 1.3 Illnil at 23 cents n box frena The 11r. \Vitliaine Medicine lei-, Brockville, Ont. i. l( bust '1)1(' Sine 3(It11lettl 4' a '.ill.\\,. ,.:.us .hl\\.. .i sunt! 111..111 •1111., ,.'• llir`u1 51ccnl) u pall! A SKiN THAT 111'1t" with eczema. art' 1t e-'ered with erupts." 4,441 ,11e•h.i7,e a thin 11111.1, may be male am,.••th and sightly with tt ••.t,er'• tCerxte. Nut o cinjunctionII. withzWe«er.lernil nayrupn"old l o u:aJ I'I4l \l II '1.11(101, \111.\1.'. 1;1 s ef the t'.I,n1 dist; 1 1. rta1V (\ret Ir'\ • 1' g r1 t ,k• . in the melding a hnmiful 4,f \• e• !.1l" - mei puts them in a Inrg(e pen r11 wnte They are then wn•he44 by elle ether pupils. who lake lune in,: Ihie duly. leiter the t.'g.'t. iane.•,' in a krill.. with w titer re: : ton), and are cooked wlnte the ie - se n. are Selo),; on. At I(.all melt '','holm(• has n le.w 1 of hot soup. To ee' e'I• the cost of fuel and meat the richer pupile i a) o smelt o-11111 each nu)111I1• "(►oi. 1118418111e is 111. 1,111 z;' 114a ha' Ind 1,1111V1111).t' it .411.'Ih111g very trilling. \ • iy entail." maid the Erni h maid to nn n„i:,i) lett friend. "Ole 1 are s,) relieved, : I woe really anx)ius about her. r"• peed the friend. "1.01 nn• recall. 11 wag eeeelhing '.cry !eel lr," sego,•('! ttie I :,melt 111111.1. "Oh, I little i1 now %e leer say zat madame has c.• mean - heaver. and crossed the Atlantic ns a stowaway. London has 1.028 poet -offices, and 727,- 01'0,000 lepers are yearly delivered from thele. Fine muslin, dainty lin- gerie, iron easier, look better, last longer if the laundress uses the only cold -water (no boiling) starch that really saves work and really won't stick. Try it. Get • M iWEST fLO:UK A pure, hard Manitoba flour for bakers and others demand- ing strength,, color and uniformity. STRONG &WHITE AT YOUR GROCERS DLALERS EVi Rt'w111 RE )U PrLIt1 srITIl ILOUR AND 1110 ts51TE US. VE ALSO MAKE 'QUEEN El T T' .t 111)4010 1.01.:5 TNAT 11A3 CAMEO GREAT FAVOR AS A GENERAL I1CVILS0L1)'ALL PURPOSES' 1(0481 TsrCAMPS:it MILLINGt TORONTO JUNCTION • - ONT ff STOMACH INDICESTION. I'r•ru ua r- trike. a1 the [rouble. Runt til TIB: I.rrTLE MOUND. It's just a lilt a grussy mound, 111,• Out there upon the hill, \\'her. Mime seems to be asleep, And all around is Mill, It's just a 11111e grussy plot, 11 decked with simplo 11ow'rs; But underneath there sleeps a child, A babe that once was ours. :•: -4:titi :•. e.Q. �• • A little bunch of yellow curls Is thele beneath the dew; And there are two wee, chubby hands, Two baby eyes of blue. Two little feet in tiny shoes, Two pouting lips w. kissctt. They're covered try that around of grass, And -oh, how they are (missed! A baby heart is there. all stilled; Two others aette and ache. Uoth bloke when 111110 busby slept- S'epl never to awake. people's joy -their all in nil - Lies there in that small plot; While meni'ry pictures (taunt their minds. Scenes ne'er to be forgot. Softly : "Love makes the world go ream!." Shortly : "Yes ; there's no crank equal to a lover." 1111. S. J. 11.\SeI:Y. Ste. S. J. \In-'ey. fernierie. a resident of Toronto, and 11 \tcti-known busill mon. writes from 247 Guy street, Mont- real. Quebec: "1 wish to testify to the good results 1 have derived !runt Ile use of Peruna. "flaying been trembled for several years with catarrh of the head, 1 de- cided to give Peruna a fair trial end 1 can truly say I have received great bene- fit from its use. "Il evidently strikes at the very root of the trouble and gaol results are soon noticeable. "1 have also fonnd Peruna a tory valuable remedy for slomarh trouble End indigestion. "I hole nu hesitancy whatever in re- commending Peruna as a reliable ca- tarrh remedy." There are several kinds of indigestion. The (rouble may be due to sluggish- ness of the liver, derangements of the bowels. enlargement of the pancreas. ce it may be due to the stomach itself. In nearly all cases of stomach indi- gestion catarrh is the cause. The only permanent cure is to remove the ca- tarrh. Peruna has become well-known the world over as a remedy in such cases. MOUNT CLE\IENS, \IICIIIGAN. Mount Clemens is famous throughout America as an all -the -year -pound health resort, and thousands of people bear tes- timony to the benefits derived from its mineral waters in cases of rheumatism and kindred diseases. For bilious and Mer troubles, digestive (roubles, nerv- ous di -orders, general debility, etc., the eflrary of its waters is wonderful. Sev- enty-tl•e per cent. of rheumatics are cured nn(1 ninety per cent. benefitted. Write J. D. \Iclk)nnld. District Passen- ger Agent, Grand Trunk Railway Sys- tem. 'Toronto, for handsome descriptive Lt oklet telling you all about it. • Ile : "So you are In the habit of talk- ing; to yourself." She : "Yes. You see, 1'.e got to tell somebody my secrets, and if 1 tell them to myself I'm sure that they won't get any farther." "Perfectly Trustworthy" is the charac- ter of Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup. 11 can be ysed with the utmost conn• dente that it will do what is claimed far it. It is sure in its effects, as the use of it will clearly demonstrate, 8141 can he relied upon lo drive n cold out of the system more effectively than any other medicine. Try it and be convinced that it is what it is claimed to be. SURPi1ISES OF TiIA\'EL. There are no onions in Bermuda for 111' visitor. They are all exporlevl. No Iolrncco is grown in Egypt. The Khedive has forbidden its eultn•nlion. There are no olive trees on the Mount of Olives. The 'Turks and tourists have Ile,Stioyeti 111rfI. The French do not -cat f•ngs. The 1'r;rieinn restaurants may be searched fee 41:1) s \\ itho 11 finding a single frog. l•1-11 w liiske'y 43 drunk in Sco11811(1 :1m1 Scotch whiskey in Dublin. The Ilolland cheese is seldom seen at I'li.• vague and N,ufchnlel cheese is wade in New fork. The (thief Justice of tie Supreme Court of Egypt is n citizen of the State of Florida. and the fend of the mill -Armen - e11 party in the 'Turkish empire is an Armenian. Stern Parent : "four nno•..er tells me you have been naughty again, and there- fore I •Hell le ol)llge•l to puni.h you." 'frau!!.., •1ue "')I : "\\ 11-11 h) ('111'1 mil punish nn hel:.elf. dad ' I don't see soli -\\11) 34,11 -I,,,utd tae to .14lo ell the 4)44.1 jobs.,, 541111e nnimOlculne are so tiny 111111 2msld1J1.I44I occupy n space equal to one- thuusauullll of a cubic inch. Teething Sable are saved suffering -and mothers given rest -what one Tues Nurses, and Mothers' Treasure Quickly relieves -regulates the bowels - prevents convulsions. Used So years. Absolutely safe. At drug -stores, 96c. 8 exotics, 11.96. National ()rug & Chemical Cu., !.united, note Proprietors, Montreal. 41 "This Continrni•nl;' said the long - faced prison vi. itor, "inust distress you greatly." "Yes," replied the facetious convict, "1 find the prison bars grating." "Ah, life to you is a failure!" "Yes ; it's nothing but a cell 1" It is an 011icer of the i.aw of Health. -When called in to attend a disturb- ance it searches out the hiding -place of pain, and like a guardian) of the pence, lays hands upon it and says. i arrest you." Resistance is useless, as the law of health imposes a sentence of perpetu- al banishment on pain, and 1)1.. Tho- nnits' Ecleclric Oil was originated to enforce that sentence. "Yes," said Miss Passay, "Mr. Meekly and 1 are to be partners fur life." "Gra- cious!" exclaimed Miss Knox, "whet a responsibility for you, having to be the senior partner." DO NOT ALLOW 7our'olf to hoc'me alarmed because you have lost ,..ur appetite and aro losing se.l,. but commence taking "Ferr,lri,n'• the bea tonic. It will build you Up quickly. Parson Visitor : "Is there any change it your cell you'll like, my poor man?" No. 1111: "Yessir; I'd like a fire escape at me window 1" Be there n Will Wisdom Points the Way. -The sick man pines for relief, but lie dislikes seeding for the doctor, which means bottles of drugs never consumed. Ile has not the resolution to kind his stomach with compounds which smell villainously and taste worse. But if he have the will to deal himself with his ailment, wisdom will direct his attention to 4'nrmelees Vege- leble Pills, which, ns a sit cific for in- E;igeslion and disorders of the digestive organs„ have nu equal. Fools who butt in where angels fear to tread usually get what they go after. 1'•, :tsanl as syrup; nothing equals is worm medicine: the name is 1.. r Graves' \\'orin FAternlinaler. i 11• greatest worni destroyer of the lig.' It makes a girl feet riwfully sad at '.ane.. net to tae eny thing I•; tieahC r feel sad. \ `•:,e Ib•nllhy S6in.--Eruptione of -- 1 and the blalehes wht. h hlelli.h .:.441y are the 1, safe• 1.p imtl)mr, hie 1 411e.eI by unhealthy ie:i•,n '•f 11111 It\ 1141 kidney+. 111 (,d'el'eting ibis un - 1.. •1'", :e 11.41 an11 I.'.lerirl4 the •-•!,_•;.1,.. 1031 •r ': 1,- 111:11 r, h1111e1, Ivor \ 1.41• • 1'.11s it Ill rel the sante 1 •,. cleanse the 1041•41. and the 4lole•bes and erup'14'1' will d::'flea)• ' ilh"111 Wily' ink enc 11.1v•'. { CANADIAN PACIFIC IRRIGATED FARMS tN .SUNNY•ALBERTA Before deciding where to locate in the \Vest, let us tell you about these lands. The best wheat fields, the ri.hest grazing land, are in this province. Write us for full information about Crop:., climate and special railroad rate. Local representative wanted in each county. Telfer & Osgood Eastern Seilirg Agents, :05 CO:tiSTINE ltUIl.D1NU, Moll t It E, l-. The Marx That Tells Trod- nuked tl+ut In a variety' of .tyles. fab: t:, and prices for women. teen and children. Fos m F.teed. Dealers are aullueired to replace instantly sad at our gust. any Peo: Anile tsar pent Isutty 1s mateL� « making. Pen -Angle trade. mark (in red) on every Pen -Angle garment, tells you it will fit and won't shrink,-- your own dealer so guarantees rt. Underwear thus traden►arl:ed is softer, warmer, more flexible. better wearing. a J r r E Rte+ 4, UNDERWEAR.• UR FORTUNE NIE Bead two cwt stamp with birth Yee sea 1 will seed WI • qo r'(.ur• 04 ,.•ar Id. h••.0 1b• (1.110 to i]• grave 411 beat!•,. • r t..•1.,S., 1.•re, • ring• and Malt;.. r:411.1, 1••1.1 ty lt•• greatest A,erolor•r 11,tne. (.!rose. .I••ol•rr-d •ed MI's., -d. ►late LEO AMfl D•rt. 13,IEIDIIII1i, COIM. SUFFICIEN I LY PUN 1SI ICU. Judge (to lawyer) : "Mr. Shtu•p, aro you defending this prisoner?" Lawyer : "1 nm, your honor." "And how much Is he charged with stealing?" "Fifty dollars, your Honor." "\\'ell, we'll let him) go; he'll be pun- ished enough anyhow." "\\hat do you mean, your Honor?" "\\'hy, by the lime you get that tifly, and then he works out the other hundred yeu'll charge hint. lie a be sorry enough 11.E ever was dishonest." look into this roofin question Get book oa ''Roofing Right" and see how little risk you take when you roof any building will `OSflAWA" GALVANIZED STEEL SIIINGL[S Sold under a plain GUARANTEE • that keeps. your roof good for 25 years. W ith decent care, an Oshawa - Shingled roof will last • CENTURY. Easy To Put On With a hammer and a snips (tinners' shears anybody can put Oshawa Shingles on pLerfectlocked ony. all four sides -see the aide lock? It drains the shingles so that water can't seep under. Top lo c k (see below) snakes whole roof practi- cally one piece and sheds water quick. Made in one grade '+ only-28-guage semi -toughened steel, double -galvanized (saves painting). 4 Wind -water -and -fire- PROOF. Keep buildings safe from -Lightning. Coat only 4.50 a square (10 ft. a 10 ft.) Send for book- let and learn how little a RIG1IT 'roof costs. Address The PEDLAR Non PEOPLE Of Oshawa Montreal Ottawa 3213 Craig St. W. 423 8,ioes Toronto Lo nd on 11 C%ulborno et. 69 Duarte( 8r. Winnipeg Vancouver 7632 Lombarl Sr. 61S l'encter at. • WithAbsolute Security • & balances subject to cheque are the Attractive Conditions under which your Savings Accauntii1Iberm ic(I '11111E UNION TRUST Co LAM 'rED TEMPLE Ei LDG 174-176 BAY ST TORONTO AGE FE Ma'1e of lith C'Arbnn \\ See.-w•e".i rove it to rent. ( (11f.F i1 r•'' e*;r1r !. 1`•s+ p111KeA it .1 t:1 at1'onger 13 se -.1,c. 1L Va;.3 1..::. i ...sal \', tell :: u,.: : ;;e y PACCL WIi.E T$UJC3 COMPA2liVs LIMITLD. Rai ra'.IT!nft-mat orr)c 1. Ecpericnce.! (!'alert to erect it. Lead, :.11 • -'(•+ Ina --at 1.1 m:rit. Oct 11:rousted Lo,,..•c'. and 19'17 trice* L,ror.t 1 ; :la1Lrer7i11o, To-or_taa Montreal, bit. John, Winn(Fctj