HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-10-14, Page 4.�M — • P *•w' t1a To January lit 1916 15c. THE TIMES will be sent for the remaining months of 1915 to any new sub- scriber in Canada or Great Britain for 15 Cents. To United States address for Forty-five Cents. MEM 1101.11111111111111111M1) My Fest Advertisement is my Customers' Rbcommendatiun Eyestrain causes headache, weak, tired srnd aching eyes. Other things may give relief but perfectly adapted glasses are the only cure.. • The most important thing about a pair of glasses is the SKILL of the specialist who: fits them. If I cannot help you, I say so. if I can I do thoroughly. Satisfaction guaranteed with every pair of glasses. I supply advice free. C R. WIIKINSUN )~ophthalmic Optician Edward St. Wingham Over twenty years practical experience. cc.....-------->—' .--------z---z----- 7 OCEAN TICKETS Via all steamship lines, out- ward or prepaid from the Old ICouutry. Lowest quotations current for rates or tickets by )..„.... (/ any route. Apply H. B. ELLIOTT Times Office, Wingham JOHN F. GROVES ISSUER OF MARRIAG1; LICENSES "town Hall, Wingham PHONES: -Office 24 Residence 16S t 1 G`AH.D t sY -r DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY TORONTO -CHICAGO TORONTO -MONTREAL FOR CHICAGO I<e:aa-e Ter Ea.ho S tj t a.m., d.tiO par., ,steel 11.4.1 p.ni., daily FOR MONTREAL Leave Tt.atorai„ 9 ir!,) ::air S.4aa Atli ;i.t'ai It a:, . a9aa.r ra0:4.u�.0,,.a ..,. THE WINGHAM TIMES flIE W INCitIAM 613 iti,L1OTT, 1'naIderraaR AND Paorru oa TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening, Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1915 PERSONALS Miss Garrett spent the holidays with friends in Brussels. i1iss E. Cornyn is visiting with friends in. Hamilton. Miss Eva M, Linklater, of Drayton, was home for the holiday. Mr. W. H. Haines spent Thanksgiv- ing with relatives in Listowel. Miss Della Haugh was visiting for a few clays with friends in London. Miss Norma VanStone was spending a few days with friends in Clinton. Miss Mina Bengough was visiting for a few days with friends in Belgrave. Miss Freda VanStone spent the holi- days with friends in Southampton. Miss Mary G. Currie, of Stratford, spent Thanksgiving with her mother. Miss Cora Kerr, of London, is visit- ing with her sister, Mrs. B Cruikshank. Mr. Clare Adams, of Toronto, is visiting at his parental home in town. Mr. Frank Mooney spent Thanks- giving Day witht,'riends in Stratford. Mrs. Weenie, of London, was visiting for a few days with friends in Wing - ham. Mr. Brock Brandon, of Hanover, spent Thanksgiving at the parental home. Miss Frances Beemer, of Toronto, spent the holiday with her parents in town. Miss Fannie Hogg, of Brussels, was visiting for a few days with friends in town. Mrs. Edward Bosman was visiting for over Thanksgiving with relatives in Clinton. Miss Roberts, of Sarnia, is this week the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. Dewitt Holmes. Mrs. John Buchanan, of Toronto, i's visiting with her sister, Mrs?.C. N. Griffin. Mr. E. W. Linklater, of Toronto, was home for over the Thanksgiving 1•oliday. Miss Verna McLaughlin, of Shel- bourne, spent the holidays with her parents. Mrs. R. J. Tyndall was visiting for a few days with relatives and friends in Listowel. Mr. Westman, of Chatham, spent Thanksgiving, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. Buchanan. Mrs. A. McGillvray was visiting for a few days in Detroit with her son, Mr. Jas. McGillvray. Mr. Wm. Fessant and Miss Fessant were visiting for a few days with friends in Fergus. Misses Maud Fleuty and Annie Cunningham were visiting for a few days in Lucknow. Mrs. A. Robertson attended the funeral of the late William Gordon at St. Helens on Friday. Miss Jennie Weir, B. A., of London, spent Thanksgiving with her sister, Mrs. Wm. S. Linklater. Miss Margaret Aitken, of Stratford, 9 spent the holiday with her mother, Mrs. Aitken, of Turnberry. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. VanStone were , visiting fora few days with their son, Mr. C. G. VanStone in Toronto. Misses Fanny Green and Bessie John Ston. of''oodstock, were guests at the, 11.ala., • farmer's home over the holiday. Misses Susie and Roxie Powell, of as l•la„• is : hest , ai :. , a,.si:r• CS:nton. visited for over the holiday with Mr. and Mr . 1 obt, McGee. Mr. J. B. Duffey was in Hamilton a few days last week attendinga meeting et the Metropolitan Life Insurance. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Saint and son, F. A. of Waallaceburg, are spending a fes days with old friends in town Miss Edna Dickson, of Stratford, sheat the holidays with her parents, k T. and Mrs. Robt. Dickson., of Turn - berry. Mrs. 0. Livia and elritdren were in C a:Ston the past week, visiting the la e, 's parents, Mr and Mrs Gen.1 Miss liile?red Walker was home from Itt•ers.ell for over the holidays visiting MA PACIFIC EXPOS{ iION Reduced fares to ban Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego H. B. BLLIOTT, Town Passenger and Tieket Agent, Phone 4. W, F. BItRGMAN. Station Agent, Phone Sia. Thanksgiving Day EXCURSION FARES Between all stations in Canada, Port William and East, and to Sault Ste Marie, Detroit. Mich., Buffalo and Niagara Fall% N'. Y. SingOettebccr Ith returnl 1inrniit Monday, ( ictober Ilth. 1915. Minimum charge' .:i cents, Fats and One Third --Good gainr r is tether 9th. loth and llth, return reit Tuesday. tic4aober 12th, 1915. essimuen ebaei•ge 25 center. Petreteer enie PR0 I ' 8 eWIM?t3 P . ". ayes*.Af t,'phrue' , txone write3i.tu. ssear. isP,g,TAngios. i.. WY YOU ARE V The nervous syetrrriisthe alarm system a' of the human body. In perfect health we hardly realise that ere Isere *network ork of nerves, bat lerhen bta:th is ebbing, when strength is declin- ing, the same uervorna syste n gives the alarm itt headaches, tiredatrse, dreatnh 1 steep, irritability and unites botretted, leads straight tai a breakdown. To torten nerionsnass, Scott's Emul- sion is exactly what you should take; its rich nutriment gets into the blood and elch htoocl feeds tine tiny uerve.cells what the system responds to its refresh. big tonic force. Pree Swoon hareaftddrugs. 1 with her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. C. It, Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gregory, of London, visited for the week -end with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Buchanan, Mrs. J. A. Moynihan, who has been visiting Wingham friends for some days, left on Saturday for her home in Waterloo. Mrs. Kent, of Brantford, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Eugene McDonald of town, and Mrs. Chas. Elliott, Blue - vale road. Mrs, (Rev.) John Holmes, of Lambeth spent a few days in town the past week the guest of her son, Mr. T. DeWitt Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. John A Menzies, Mrs. John Cochrane and Muster Baden Powell have returned home after a few weeks' visit in the West. Mr. John. A. Allen, who has been a member of the Dominion Bank staff for some time, bas been transferred to Seaforth and left for that town on Thursday. Miss Della Gerry, of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Rey Wilson, of Toronto, Crawford and Mrs. McNabb, of Dun. gannon, were the guests of Mr. and Mts. W. H. Willis the past week. Mr. C. Schaefer and Misa M, Schaefer, of Milverton, were visiting for a low days with the former's son, Mr. Adam Schaefer. Mr. Schaefer, sr. is in his SSth year and is still hale and hearty, Thanksgiving Day Wedding. A quiet but interesting event took place at the Methodist Parsonage on Thanksgiving Day, Monday, Oct. Iltb, when Mr. Lawrence Pearen was united in matrimony to Miss Lily Field, both of Wingham. The ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. J. W. Hibbert, and the happy couple will take up their home at the corner of Josephine and the B. Line. We extend congratu- lations. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST° R IA tU ALTtIY Gt11LQI?bN A child's health depend: upon the state of his stomach and rowels. if they are kept regular sweet the little one is sure to be atthy. Baby'e Own Tablets fire a mother's best friend in keepie .r little ones well. They act as a, tle laxative; are ab- solutely safe and are pleasant to take. Concerning them Mrs. David Label,, Ste, Perpetue, Que , writes: "My baby was so troubled with constipation that he could not sleep day or night. I gave him Baby's Own 'Tablets and now he is a big healthy boy." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Six hundred invalided Canadian soldiers have already been provided for in convalescent homes by the Hospitals Commission. Two days' campaign in Sault Ste. Marie and Steelton brought in over $70,000 for the 'Canadian Patriotic and Red Cross funds. The Times till Jan. 1st ,15G What will you do for these M AGNIFICENT soldiers and sailors from every part of the British Empire are laying down their lives for you and yours. Perhaps some of your own blood are amongst them. "An urgent appeal has gone forth from the Marquis of Lansdowne, Presi- dent of the British Red Cross, for funds to provide medicines, appliances, comforts, and hospital equipment of all kinds to alleviate the sufferings from wounds and sickness of sailors and soldiers from all parts of the Em- pire. This appeal is endorsed by their Majesties, the King and Queen, and every British possession is setting aside, by official proclamation �r Dav" Fanord SSoaldiilorsers Oct. as a day of public giving to aid in this splendid cause, which stands in severe need of assistance owing to the tremendous demands upon Red Cross work. Ontario's Quota is set at $500,000 We eau and will raise this amount as a token that Ontario feels for our wounded heroes and will not see them languish in their L :.iu and i t'r- ing for the want of IUe([iril aIRI of;;e:' t'nin orfs, Do your '.:,,'.'i and make "Our Day for Sailors an(1 Soldiers" a tremendous sueeess In y,-;17... "We shalt be truly grateful to you for assistance in relieving the sufferings of our wounded soldiers and sailors from all parts of the Dominions." Lansdowne, President British Red Cross Society. "This is the first appeal of the Motherland to Canadians in this present war. It calls upon our, humanity as well as our loyalty." John S. Hendrie, Lieut. -Governor of Ontario. Give to the Red Cross Every cent collected goes to British Red Cross head- quarters, where it is officially and wisely spent. No money is wasted in expenses, even Chit advertising space is donated by the publishers. Give a day's pay. Do your part. Give liberally and loyally. Give your money, because these brave ones --tour sailors and soldiers, are giving their Civts for us. Collectors on October 21 wi:1 solicit your sub- scription—or make it through your Mayor or Reeve. A High-Class]iConcert will beheld in the Opera House, on Thursday evening, October list. Strong com- mittees will solicit subscriptions. Every citizen is expected to do his or her duty. If missed by the collectors, leave your donation with.any of the officers. . C. IPRELL, Chairman. .. 6. SMITH, Secretary. C. C. MUNRO, Treasurer. Qcteber lath tots :>>>>>>>>>> >><<<<<c«« ( V .. Watches, V• Diamonds, Clocks, Etc. V v v v Phone 65. V v �v vY v v v v Opposite National Hotel. >>a>>is>i <c‹<««<<<<iii Alma Flarity v REPAIRING A SPECIALTY A. M. KNOX Teacher of Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory Examinations. Studio - McDonald Block Wingham Mr. R. T. Cowell, Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Church Teacher of Pianoforte, Singing Violin Pianos and Organs Tuned and Repaired. Wingham, - Ont. 1 AUCTIONEERS McConnell 84 Vandrick Auctioneers for the Counties of Boron and Bruce, are preparedto take alt kinds of sales. We are certain we can please. You can have either one or bothwithout extra charge. Orders cC. be P. IVnwith ick stir then Me or chants' Brokerage Co.'s Store, Wingham, Charges moderate. 1 1 SPRING COAL If you want to secure the lowest price of the year, buy your winter coal now. • If you want good service along with the best coal mined, let us fill you bin with genuine D. L. R; W. Scranton, which has no equal. Call at our office zzaltd,get our prices for everything` in the fuel line. J. A. McLEAN DEALER IN LUMBER, COAL, WOOD AND SHINGLES. PHONES : Residence 55, Office 64a, Mill 64b 1 STOP! LOOKLU$I[N! 2 Dozen Only Patriotic -Watches to be given away with every Boys' or Men's Suit or Overcoat sold for Cash. These watches are not toys, but a genuine watch, guaranteed for one year, and will keep as good time as any twenty dollar watch. These watches are on exhibition in our Window. () J. A. MILLS Suecesllor to ! .:A. Mills P bNE 89. W INC HANM, ON" ' OUR MOTTO: More Sales with Less Profits.