HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-04-25, Page 11 W11ale9loullallogs \Ve print invitations on the newest of paper, with the newest of type. at a reasonable {{price. You want bootettiing nice. The ADVOCATE Office te. Real Estate Changes \bole ft.! )uu on reason- ahIe terms. We hate un- equalled f toilities to rent, sell or boy either Tartu or village propos ty. Try it. ti,tNlufatrl & ('RKKCIi. TWENTIETH YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, APRIL. 25. 1907. SANDERS & CREECH The Sovereign Bank of Canada sn OTICE is hereby given that a dividend of one and one-half (1 ) per cent. for the current quarter, be- ing at the rate of six (6) per cent. per annum on the capital stock of this bank, hqs been declared, and that the same will be payable at the head office and at the branches on and after the 16tH day of May next. The transfer books will be closed from the 1st to the 15th May, both days inclusive. By order of the Board. D. M. STEWART, General Manager. Toronto, 30th March, 1907. JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, Zurich and Dashwood. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors. The Old Reliable We Are Showiniiu.. This week a very fashionable line in Summer Waists== --- In Silk and Lawn, with embroidered fronts. Very stylish. Ladies will find the selection very desirable, while the garments them- selves are admitted to be extremely comfortable. Call at once and get the pick. These goods will go like ice cream. We are also showing a very choice line of White Skirts With a double flounce and dust frill in lace and embroidery Ranging From S3 to S1.50 Each Just to hand an up-to-date line of Embroidery and Insertions. Our Valencenne and Torchon Laces and Insertions have no equal. We would remind our roans customers that we have a first-class milliner in the person of Miss Addie Morlock, who dces all our millinery. . yJllhiiIJEfl� 1S a will accept p produce same as each in pay- ment for same. CARLING BROS. Pr.Ibsslsasl Cards. DR. 0. F. ROUT ST0?i, L. D. A., D. D. 8. DeNTIST Member of the R. 1'. D. S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto Cniversitt• OFFICE: Over Dickson A ('arlingb Law Office, in D►. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. apDR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. 8.. Honor graduate of Toronto Coit eristy. DENTIST. Teeth eatra.'ted without any pain, or any bad effects Mc* o1 er (Radom, x :`1%111,111).110111C(', Main street Raster. Medical AF. MAi-1.OY, M. B. (Tor. Univ .1 MEMBER e College of 1'hysicians and Surgeons, ()Mario. Former Meuse Surgeon Toronto western Ila+pit al. Successor to 1)r. J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on tint street north of office, Exeter, Ontario. Legal. DICKSON a CARI.INO, BARRiSTF:RS, SOLICi• tory, Notaries, ('oro even• ers, Commissioners. Solicitors for Molsons (tank, et,-. Morey to Loan at lou est rates of interest Offices, Main street, Exeter. 1. B. CAWS°, B.A., L. 11. Matson MONEY TO LOAN. We have a lance amount of private funis 10 loan e farm and y-illa,te properties at tow rates of inter Mt. OLADMAN A STANIIL'RY, Barristers, Solicitors,Main et., Exeter On S. Hardy, Auctioneer For the County of Huron. ail order.i promptly at - :ended to It left at the Advocate or his store. Village Property for Sale A first-class brick house, containing h rooms down stairs and 3 up stairs, lith kitchen attached and cellar 'ander all; R-; acres of land, goad sell, a nom Ler fruit trees and frame stable. Terms to suit the pur•haser. Immediate possession. Apply at The ADVOCATE OFF/CR or CHRIS. L('KEIt, Illy P.O. Farm Labourers and Domestics 1 have been appointed by the I'ominion Govern• went to 1$a immigrants from the United Kingdom is positions as farm labourers or dnmrsti.• eervants in chit vicinity. Any person requiring sur h help Mould notify me tv letter stating Ally- the kind of help required. when wanted and sages offered. The +pu „e arriving mac not he sufficient to supply ail IMPORTANT NOTIOE! , ,prtese.• fart every effort 0111 he made to provide h applicant with help required DONALD M.INNIS, ('anadian (tovernment eneeo, ment Agent, Exeter Black Barley for Sale A quantity of first class seed, Black barley, for sale. W. D. Sanders, Con:S, Stephen. To Buy Horses i ai-h to annomwe that 1 %ill he in Excter on Sat- unlay of each week to Ivry all classes of horses. They must be in hood conditionand the highest market pri. a mill he pact. T. E. IIANIIFORD, Exettr. William Brown Prof. Diploma of Royal lucorporatrd S.w icty of Musician., England; Organist of Trivitt Memorial Chun-h,Exettr. Piano, Organ, 11arnwny and Theory of Muni.., Terms on application. Exeter, Ont. A fine pasture fano in the Toa fishily el 11ay, near Sarcpta; one hundred acres, W acres acedal, frame house and good stable, good anter, etc., Another t(Ua're fawn for sale, in the township o t'sborne,south of Elimvittc,convenient toschool,wel drained, small orchard, 10 acres bush, frame house, barn, stable and grainar• . Apply to SANDERS & CaERCII, Exeter. 50 Acres for Sale Iteing South t:a•t nano? Lot s, South ioun.tary of Ilay. This is an excellent !pasture farm, Leine well supplied by a portion of the river passing through one corner of it. Will be sold cheap. App pl) to CHAS BOX, ('oo,a, Stephen, or Exeter, 1'.O. Notice. The Etrttr Council has extended the time for the re eiving of Tenders tar V.., m kation of pater tanks and the cement work for the same up to Mom dac, May 13th. at - r m No tenders %ill Le a.'.•ept• et after this h or Plans and specifications at the cli rk'. office. ,los SEN 1,111, clerk. Clinton Business College Affiliated a ith w'insham 11, C. the" I Indh:dual In—triOfit t u. 'Lys Write for handsome estalog'ae. fa/ it (MHO. SIOTTO 4, Principal PROPERTY FOR SALE. rut of Park lot E original lot 1', consisting of t acrts of land with on hard, a two storey brick house, all newly- finished in the latest style, pawl well. Gonlfurnare and cnn•-ea'e1 ,siring etc. This Is a hob a property and must be sold as the propels- 11 e for is going Nest. A u . n naO1 i ars Mafnia It' of Seven Sutherland Slaters heg to announce to the ladies and gentlemen of Exeter and vicinity that they have trade arrangements with Fan (r safet T p 1 d( g 1.•. a era all sredel down, w',I a.laptel for gearing put/sow-0. 111brie Iwo prri.ertits are net s.p1.1 err, stets on or before April 18th, they will 1'. sold public auction on May 3rd. For rani, Wars spill, by Thomas Cameron, Au.•tioneer, Farquhar. Farmers' Horses 1 with to annoetn.e that 1 am now located in Exeter for the p•trpnne of Talisa and selling horst., and will have at all times a spied atppty of farmers' horses MIInd colts h•r sots. My stable. are be-atet at the south of Exeter on the London Road. write us 'Mn )on has anything for sileand rail when you wish to hit,: I will he at home on !Curls), to meet inteeiding pnn hasere. C. E. HACKNEY, t': x I :'1' I; l t S. $OET, llruij1s1 and ai11 hold daily d••nlnn.tretions for one tvpl•k, commencing Monday, May 6th, regarding t► raiment of the Heir :and Scalp. They respectfully invite everynne to call and consult with 1hene, ('once and see the f.ong, Itrautifni Hair, grown by the use of the Seven Sutherland Slaters' flair Grower end Helr and 'kelp Cleanser. ('a- nedian Head nfllre, 11 collet' tie Street Tot onto. .1. H. I3,filey, Foreign Ntan- Ager. The sttpplementsry estimates issued from 1)1tawtt ptovid.' for a gr Ant of $5,01vl for a new post nf'l.'e at Park- hill. Licenses in South Huron Evangelical Association Hensall, April 20.—The license com- missioners of South Huron :net here yestetday. They decided to cut off five licenses, which with the five at• fected by local option, will make a re- daction of ten in the riding. The licenses to be cut off by local op- tion are two In Hensel', two in $tan• ley, one iii Usbot ne. The commission- ers also refused licenses to Albert Mos- er of Corbett; 13. Cunningham, Khiva, (Stephen township); Metropolitan of Exeter, and there will be only one shop license in Seafortb, instead of two as formerly and only one tavern license in Bayfield instead of two. The following were granted licenses for the year: Queens, Royal, Commer- cial and Dick House, Seafortb; Fitz- patrick of the Grip House, was only granted a three month's license. Man- sion, Commercial and Central, Exeter; Hill and Redfearn, Crediton; Zimmer, Dashwood; Fritz, Grand Bend; Bren- ner, Shipka; Deitricb, Mt. Carmel; %V. Moffatt, Centralia; The Dixon House, Brucefield; Red Tavern, Tuckersmith; Johnson and Rau, Zut ich; Mrs. Nichol- son, Blake. No action was taken in the St. Joseph application. The Metropolitan of Exeter was cut off because the population does not en- title the village to the fourth license. Bayfield also loses one license owing to the population, but the hoard has not decided which license will be affected. They will decide about the shop license at Seaforth at their next meeting. Commissioner Douglass, Conning, Delhridge and Inspector Torrance were at the tneeting and a strong tem- perance deputation representing the South Huron Anti -barroom League. -.r The Exeter Council. The council met on Monday evening, All the members present. The min- utes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A. L. Fake reported that the com- mittee had interviewed the Carling es- tate and secured the option of buying land for Victoria street to the track, same being $10 and expenses in con- nection with the transfer. A motion was passed to accept the offer and se- cure the tranfer. The following accounts were otdvr. ed to be paid: 1 p i 11. Sac man acc. re t cemetery $2.00; C. Nulls labor at ceme- tery $2; F. W. Gledwan, freight etc., re cemetery $2.97; J. Itendle 1st Co. meat for E. Hall 43c; H, Spackman, sundries $285; also the following ac- counts for labor: Harley Sanders $1.12, Jas. Creech sr. $3.50, Thos, Brock $2.25, Roy Horn $1.225, John Elliott $1.25, Orville Rowtcliffe 03c, Ed. Walker 03c, John Cookson 75c, Samuel Baskerville $1.50, Thos. Sanders $2.25, Alf. Taylor $7.50, David Humohr $12.75, Wtn. Sweet $1.50, Thos. }Torn $1.50, Wm. Briulacombe $1.88. FredGillespie $3.50, Walter Westcott $7.25, (leo, Atkinson $1.50, Jos. Sutton $1.50. Rd. Davis $1 1. Rd. Qunnce $7.88, Silas }landlord $20.50, Thos. Creech $11.55, Fred Hawkshaw $1.38- A petition signed by tt large number of citizens was presented to keep cows from running at large. Also a peti- tion to allow cows to run during sum- mer months. The reeve thought the swatter should be dealt with at tt municipal election. The councillors were also plainly of this opinion, and that the by-law in this regard should be amended. W. Johns --J. J. Knight --that the petitions he tiled till the end of the year and that tt by-law be then sub- mitted to the rate payers nt the mun- icipal election. --Carried. The recommendation from the Board of Health to prohibit the keeping of hogs within the municipality was brought tip and discussed. The coun- cil decided that the hog by-law should be revised also and de'cide'd to meet privately for that purpose on Friday evening, April 20th. The specilicationri for cement tanks were read And adopted, and a longer time was given for receiving tenders owing to unavoidable delay in getting speciflcat ions ready. A. E. Fake .IV.' .1. Heitman, that the street watering tenders be not opened until the petitions for SUMP are presented. The purchasing of n new street wrlt- ering etrt was left over. The teeouunetul tion of the Board of Health re' vercinetion was brought tip and left tver for di,rossinn fru ()ay night. The rete 1 (1vocretrd the vaccination i f l It' • •rensntth» town's expense for two weeks. The council• Ines weir of the apposite opinion but Thought t•:Ireiteition advisable and parsed the following temulcltien "that this council, owing to the presence of smallpox in the townships of Stephen and clay, strongly urge all persons who ha v.' Oiut bepn yacr•inntrd within seven years tuhare arttoe done wit limit delay as rcifilestell ht- the 1'(ovine'sl Board of Henn le" per J. J. Knight and %V, J. Heilman. I)r. Malloy wee given permission to cut down two willow trees to the north of his residence. Ell mviIle The farmet'm around here are busily engaged at seeding this week, some have nearly finished. --}rev. J. W. Johnson is in London this week writ- ing en hip Bireme. -- .1. Hinds and wife of Exeter spent Sunday here with the formrr's parent m. -- Orville itnwcliffe has acre {{sed a position in Exeter with Fred (iillrmpie.-- Elmore Roweliffe has en Aged with Mr. Shipley of lllensh- arti' for the pnrriAter. (kite n number Attended the model Sunday School session held in the lfethodint church at Granton on Sunday. it is under- stocxs that the S,5, relven( ion will be held in the church here on May 21). - A few from herr attended the Epworth League nnniver'vnry seryiees at. ('rn- trelie Sunday and Monday. --E. Row- eliRe has engaged with hie brother O. RowelitTe for half a year. found favorable and our gond people %vele astir at an early hour, A session of the Sunday school was held at 9:30 Conference at Crediton. a,nl. at which a large ntlnihet were The 4:3rd session of the Canada Con- ference of the Evangelical Association wits held in the Evangelical church, Creditou, beginning with Tuesday ev- ening, April 10, and closing Sunday evening. The meetings throughout were very largely attended and were not only interesting but of great spirit- ual benefit to all, Bishop Breyfogel of Cleveland,Ohio, was the presiding officer. The sessions held during the forenoon and afternoon were principally devoted to business of which there was it large amount to transact. The conference with its lo- cal ministers consists of about 83 mem- bers. The principal appointments are in the Province. of Ontario, although since the North Nest has become so prosperous 10 missions have been opened.. At present there is a scarcity of ministers to occupy the fields in the Not West and the resident minister s are handicapped thereby. The sum of about woo is required this year for the support of the missions through- out the Conference, of this amount $3000 is granted to the work in the West. Rev. Emil Burn of Tavistock was re- appointed Conference Secretary; Rev. 0, D. Datum of Berlin, Tr'easur'er; Rev. E. 11, Bean, Crediton, Statistical Sec- retary; Rev. J. G. Litt, Sebt•ingville, Treasurer of the Missionary Society. in place of Rev, L. H. Wagner, who resigned after holding the position the past 25 years. Rev. A. Y. lutist, for- merly of Stratford, now of Waterloo, wits appointed Tr'easur'er of the Con- tingent Fund and Building Board. On Friday afternoon Rev, S. R. Knetchel of Berlin, whose terns as presiding el der had expired, was re-elected for a term of four years. Rev. Datum of Berlin was re-elected Trustee of the Northwestern College at Naperville, 111. Among other things the delegates to represent the Conference at the General Conference in Milwaukee, Wis., which will be held next October were appointed as follows: Revds., M. L. Wing, L H. Wagner, S. R. Knet- chel, A. Y. Hakist and S. F. Brown with Revds, J. G. Litt and E. Burrs es alteriiatee. The lay delegates are J. L. Briethaupt of Berlin and W. Krug of Chesleyt t of with J. H. Holtzman of Crediton and IV. H. Ctto of Elmira as alternates. The first public meeting was held on Tuesday evening. Two addresses were delivetefi'in masterly style. the first tieing on temperance, by Rev. E. M. Gischler of Golden Lake, and the other on education by Rev. L. K. Eidt of Dashwood. The choir rendered sever- al excellent anthems which werea sur- prise to even our local people for the spirit and vim with which they were sung. On Vt'ednestlay evening Rev, S. F. Braun, it Crediton boy, now of Ros- tern, Sask.,gave a very interesting ad- dress on the work of the church in the Northwest Provinces and made espec- ial appeal for more ministers to preach the gospel and also for financial sup- port to continue the work in the new fields. Rev. Braun is one of the rising young men of the Conference and we were proud of hits. This being the evening of Bishop Breyfogel's Arrival, he gave us a talk on some of the int- Frressions he had received in :Thine, Japan and India, when on his trip around the world, The incidents re - let ed were itmusing as well ,ts serious and the worthy Bishop by his beetiti- ful figures of speech and eloquent lan- guage keptthe audience spell hound throughout his discourse. Thursday evening a powerful ser- mon was delivered in the German lan- guage by Prof. S. I.. Unibach, of the Northwestern College of Naperville, 111. On Friday evening Miss Unruh of Dunnville, who is engaged as Deacon- ess in that vicinity, gave an address in which she described her work which wens listened to with rapt attention. Rev. lVilker of Chicago, the President of the Deaconess Society. then follow- ed with an address in German, de's- (7rihing the aim of the Society, the work It wits doing and especially what sacrifices the Dcnconesses had to mitke in their lalx,rs. Before the close it good collection wap taken on behalf of the Deaconess writ k. Srtturdity evening's services wits one of great sniritoal blessing. Rev. S. P. Spreng, 1).1)., Editor of The Evangeli- cal Messenger of Cleveland gave a touching anti convincing luldiess on soul saving. Rev. Spreng is All »lo- i (We 111 speaker and an orator of a high, order and his .naive discourse wits 11s - toned to very closely. The evenitrg's service was tante in the interest of the young people. Rev. j Spreng is Present of the Young Peo-' ply's Alliance throughout the whole Evangelical Association and in his ad- dress hegav 'sever al valuable thought s I for consideration in the line of the! work of the yosng people. Rev. Mem- sersmith of flat Rock, Ohio, who is the Manager of the Orphans Home, then followed with a splendid address. At present there are about 120 orphans in the institution. After this Address had been delivered a consecration anis fellowship meeting was held, led by Rev. Spreng. The whole audience was thrillers and when the ministerial choir, ronei.ting of nine members, sang that splendid chorus in the 'I'orrcy•Alexan• der book, entitled "The King's Bumi nears" the climax had been reached. This song was sting again and again and then followed that grand Evan gelie song 'That will be Glory for enc." During the testimony meeting the old er members of the Conference teleted their earlier experience.. Rev. Diet latnnt of North Eesthop' made the te- fittest through the Ili.hop, for those who were present at the fret Confer. encs held in Crediton 37 years ago to stand up -- 1:3 were eonnted in the ands• enre. Sunday mutating the weather was present. Addresses tvc•te delivered by Rev. W. E. Beese of Nloreiston and Rev. Messerstnith. The Sunday prev- ious the President, J, H. Holtzman, made an 5ppt'AI for $J(5) to bestlbst'rib- ed by the school for the Mission Fund and when the dif?event classes had re- ported last Sunday, it was found that the sues of $150 lied been donated. At 11) a,m. the morning service be- gan. Bishop Breyfogel preached it grand and eloquent sermon in German, taking as his text, Acts II,- IV., "And they were all tilled with the Holy Ghost." At 2 p,ni. the ordination ser- vices were held and were profoundly impressive. Revds. L. Amacber, E. F. Heist, A. Geiger and A. Plyley were ordained as Elders and Reeds. J. 5. Damtn, E. H. Dorsch, E. M. Graff and E. S. Hiscox as Deacons. After the ordination service all the ministers in the Conference assembled around the alter and sang "The King's Business." Rev. Spreng then took charge of the tweeting an made an earnest appeal to the congregation on behalf of the mis- sion work. The sum of $2700 was sub- scribed. In the evening the Bishop preached in the English language, taking as his text Galatians VI., XIV. "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world was crucified unto me, and I unto the world." At the close of the sermon, a fellowship tneet- ing was held at which a large number took active part. 'Then followed an item of he greatest iutpurtance,n11tile- iy the report of the stationing commit- tee which was as follows: :Forth District—S. It, Knetchte'l, P. R,—St, ,Jacobs, J 11 Grenzebach; El - Loire, J G Burn; Listowel, 0 II Wag- ner; Well:tee, H H Lcibold; Norman by, E D Becker; Walkerton, J C Morlock; aiildnlay, F B Meyer; Hanover W J Zimmerman; Port Elgin, L AN ittich; Chesley, 11 L Verner; Elmwood, J W Zurbrigg; Parry Sound, E 11 Dorsch; Members of Quarter Conference: 11 J Holtzman, Mildmay; C Bolender, Pot t Elgin; Theo Hauch, SValkerton; Geo Braun, Cbesley, West Distt ict— L H Wagner, P. E.— New Hamburg, 1V J Yaeger; North Easthope, 11 Dierlamrn: Tavistock, F. Bur o: 5' rat for d, 5 111 Hauch; Sebring- 'ille. J 0 Litt; Fu11a►ton, E M (half: 111dee' owe, F Meyer; Maitland, J. S. But n; Zoo fell, A I) Gischler; Dashwood, L K heir; Crediton, E H Bean; Middle- ton. to be. stteplied; Alboro, Wm 5'- ppeelle; Winnipeg and Selkirk, A W Sauer; Rosthern and Great Bend, 8 F Braun; Medicine Hat,JS Datum; Dids- but y. at um;Dids- buty, C 0 Kastz; Siebertsville and Mayton, I). Rieder; Neudnrf, 11 New- field; Regina, J. W. Bean; Wataski- win, to be supplied; members of quar- ter conference: J Staebler, Crediton; J L'mbach, New Hamburg; I) Kreh, Sebt'ing ville; 11 A Thomas, Mildniay; E buSryV Iiannet, Albon; C Koepke, Dids- , East District.—M L Wing, I'.E.— Berlin, 0 D Dentin; %Vaterioo, A Y llaist: Hamilton, E Eby; Toronto, D 11 %%'ing; Campden, (' .S Finkbeiner; I{ainhant. W G Hohn and E S Hiscox; Mortiston, W i' Beese; Blenheim, I. Anwcher;Besieger, A 11 i'lyley; Dunn- ville, to be supplirtl; Niagttt11, A nem. ens; (iainsboto',(i F lir own: Arum ior, O (1 t(allnuu,: Pembroke, A Geiger; Golden Lake, I: 11 Gischler; Rocking- ham, EFHeist ; members of 1'tat•ter conference: ,J A Schmitt and 5 , Um - heel), Berlin; i) 11 Brandt 'T'or'onto. Rev. A. W. Sailer ha, the supervis- ion of the mission fields in Manitoba; Rev. 5.1•'. Braun of Saskatchewan and Rev. Kant zof Albet tit. Thr rotate ewe. (Init.(' at it late hour to meet again )n the third Thursday in April, 11511, ,et a place to be decided upon. Special men • ion must he made of the beautiful sol). "Jesus i.over of my Soul," which was rendered by Ilex, Emil Burn, the singer of the Colder - PMP, )n Sunday evening, also of the snliis rendered by Misses Clare Heist and Chrissie Braun during the week. The choir and organists did nobly and their hearty rooperetinrl in the services w•as a ntcdits of slaking there such is epl.•ndid 'ineres•x. l)nrit g the ('•nlfet•- rnre sessiuo Revd,. \V►n 1'.,.e, Tre.e.• urrrof the Ni''ien Bood .pr th•• As soeintinn, ,end .1. 11. Lamb, 11ana:er of the Pntrli'hilll ll••itsr, b tlh oil Cleve- land. addressed the Conference on the branches they t epresented, The following pastor's occupied the pulpits of the neighboring churches last Sunday: Rev. Yaeger, Jaynes st, chute+, Exeter, evening; Rev. Messer - smith, Methodist church, Crediton, morning and Rev. Beese in the even- ing; Ree'. Morlock,Cent ralia Methodist church, morning and Rev. Wing in the evening. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Miss E. J. Cunningham of Claude- boye is visiting her sister, Mrs. Yager. Mt'. P. Gardiner of Blyth was here yesterday. Mr. Thornton of London spent Sun- day in town. Dr. L. L Follick of St. Marys spent Sunday at his home here. Miss C. Ferguson of Parkhill visited Miss J. Brown oyer Sunday. Miss Verna Quance is here from Ail- sa Craig owing to the illness of her sister. Mrs. Celwill and little daughter re- turned to Bervie Saturday after a vis- it with Mr. and Mrs, C. II. Horsey. Miss Ida Joey returned Monday eve- ning from Sarnia where she has visit- ed relatives the past two weeks. Mr. WVrn, Brimaconlbe was in Lon- don yesterday to secure a house in which to reside, he having decide] to go to the city next week. Mrs, Ben. Holtzman, who has been the guest of Mrs, Halls, Exeter North, left for Saskatoon to reside on Tuesday. Miss Emma Halls returned to London the sante morning. Percy Rendle, son of Mr, John ltendle, who visited here on Sunday from London, left Monday morning for Spokane, Wash„ to reside- Harry IH,endle accompanied hint to London. 1'.d Vospet' arrived from Toronto Tuesday night to visit his mother, Mrs. Geo. Vosper. Mr. Geo. Vosper and Mr, Geo. Knox left this week from Toronto for the west. Mrs. Knox is in the meantime visiting at Lucas. Lumley Miss McTaggart of Seaforth is the guest of her cousin Annie.—Mrs. John Glenn spent Tuesday and Wednesday with her brother at Fansville.—Quite a 1111wlller of farmers have commenced seeding. --Mr. McMordie returned to London Saturday, after spending the past two weeks with his son here.— JiintPB Horton bas given his orchard a thorough pruning and will no doubt reap the benefit in the fall.—Mrs, A. Bolton has returned to her home in Hensall after spending a month with her eon John.—Rev. Hart was calling on his hearers here the first of the week. --Henry Anderson is hating a bathroom installed in his residence. The work is being done by W. Dinnin & Son of Creme' ty.—Miss Initis of Clinton is the guest of Miss Jennie Horton, --Jaynes Anderson had the misfortune to loose a fine horse last week,—We are pleased to have Robin- son McLean back at our school again, after a long beige of sickness. We hope his present health will continue, BIRTHS Cutouts --in Exeter en April 1911,, to Mi', and Mrs. Ed Coombs, a son. Styes --in Ribbert, on April 10th, to Slr. and tAII'N, Jos. Slicers, a sun. Jep11N i—its EIiutville, on April YJlth, to Mr, and Nits. ,John ,lohns, it son. MA1(1(1A(iltS. BOWERS- -RIl'ILttt1p4ON- In London, on Apt il 22, by Rev. Father Tnhin, W111. .1. Brewers, of Calgary, to Miss Hester Ann Richardson of London, formerly of Hensall. Pt:twe -t.- ('LKNNAN At St. Janie,' church, Seeaforth, int %pril Z3,J:un s Parcell of \1eKillnp to Miss Clennan daughter of John ('lennan, Seaforth. — - -- DEATHS J1t'llt iii hxet,•i un \\-p.Lieseley, Apr i1 lith, Jahn \hole, aged t;1t yeitra at d )i months. (ioftve..'r l0 1•,b(111' n Apeil 1s: h, Jamey (iota et1. aged 51 yeats, ('I.aute in Torkerstriitle on April ilt, \I.n c l' . Nichols 1.,.1.,%, ,I w if,• of L• wi' (1,1114, in her 2111b ye u•, .\k __TA' f" ‘til 1 If st f! If; „I Ideal Fencing Large Shipments Just Received. Also Coiled, Spring, Barb & Plain Galv. Wire. StIp! es, Hooks, Pliers, Eto. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE.