Exeter Advocate, 1907-04-18, Page 8Made To Orcler re.ing well is an art U and the man who has his clothing made to mea- sure has found the key to that art. Each garment ing at Carling Bros. on Monday. that we make for you has Rev. Dr. Warner, principal of Alma that air Of individualityLadies College, St. Thomas. preached interesting educational sermons at the So much sought after by James street church on Sunday. the fashionable man. 100 eggs from 100 hens in a single day is the record reported to have been made by the flock of Mr. Robert Sanders, 3rd con. of Stephen, on Tues- day of last week. talliFIIIFIWRPrIP IIIP111.100 'IP MP LOCAL DOINGS. 1 kia.�a�daoLaaa \1r. 1). Mill was confined to the housepalt of the week. through ill. nees. John Triebner won the credal at the (loin Club Shoot Thursday, getting 10 out of 20. We are pleased to note that Mr. Thus. Sweet is recovering from his ser- ious illness. A meeting of the Quoit Club will be held at the Town Hall on Tuesday evening, April 18th, at 8 o'clock. Sowing grain has already commen- ced in this neighborhood, one farmer sowing several acres last week. Willie Preszcator, son of Mr. Sam'l Preszcator, commenced to learn clerk - You Are Sure of COMFORT - EASE - ELEGANCE 100 New Matthias to Baud At Prices Away Down W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, - Ontario Business Locals -- Read Them Buy your Seeds at Stewart's. The best only. Fishiug poles 5and 1U: at Charlton's Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad- vocate office. Kira) Ma for dressy young men at Stewart's. See them. Get yon► Marriage Licenses at the Ad voca t e .. ince. For Sale. \Ve have on our list a choice store property in Exeter for sale at a very reasonable figure.—Sanders & Creech. Lorely.' So the Ladies say. Stewart's 10s -piece semi pot(tlian Nitric,. set. Land Boilers for Sate. For a rand land roller, cheap, call on Ambrose Cottle. Bugrties for Sale. Just received a number of the cele- brated Borland Buggies. Tbe best in the mark et. call and see them. -A. Pyne. Artistic wall pap r at eery rruswiallt 1••icv�, "tewart's. Property For Sate. We have at present a handsome piece of property consisting of fine two storey residence and two lots, with good stahl.•; all in first-class condition; deepest sympathy on his great loss in conveniently situated; all modern im' the death of his beloved wife. provement. Price is a snap. Call c^ Mr. John Morley of Claodebo e, Brite The Advocate Office, father of Mr. JohnMorley of town, who Is working with the sectionmen on the G. T. It. railway at London had the misfortune to lose the top of his thumb as far as the first joint on Mon- day. itis thumb got caught under a heavy rail they were lifting and tore the nail and flesh off leaving the bone protruding. He was taken to the hos- pital and had the bone reproved to the first joint. There has been an advance in the price of thread. The four -cent spool will now cost five rents. Cottons have advanced 15 per cent. lately. But the increase is less noticeable in the price .f prints than in the price of thread. The manufacturers can adjust the dif- ference in the cotton fabrics without the {j,uhlic realizing it; but sewing cot- ton has to be kept up to the standard, and consequently the thread goes up in price. A peculiar thing happened on Sun• day when 1)r. Malloy took a piece of needle over two inches in length from the back of the knee of a young son of Mr. Fred %Veils. Some five weeks ago he fell on the 'leer. and complained of i oruething running intohis body above the hip. A short piece of needle was then found and taken out. The hal• more had given little trouble until it had worked through the body to the knee. when pain wag felt and the needle !orate(' and extracted. Mr. Henry Runiohr has purchased The Independent Order of Oddfel- lows of Exeter Lodge, No. 07, will at- tend divine service in the Trivitt Mem- orial church on Sunday, April 28th, at 11 o'clock in the morning, when Rev. Collins will preach, Anyone mailing picture post cards with what is known as "diamond dust" on them, may expect theme to be des- troyed, as an order from the P. O. De- partment forbids their transmission through the mails. Next to the wife beater comes the horse beater and it is to be regretted we have one or two in this community. Athorse is the most noble and faithful of animals and the man who would abuse his horse has something lacking in bis manhood. By an act of the Legislature, the sea- son for hunting deer is changed from November 1 to 15 to November 5 to 20. For Moose and carribon, the open sea- son north of the C.P.R. main line is from Oct. 21 to Nov. 20, but south of the C.Y.R. it is the same as for deer, Nov. 5 to 20. Mr. Seawright, who came to fill his position here at the canning factory a few weeks ago as processer and was called to his home in Westfield, N. Y. owing to the death of his father-in-law, returned to town Tuesday and com- menced his duties Wednesday. Mr. Thomas Harris of Usborne was painfully burned about the forehead and the left eye Tuesday when spray- ing bis cattle. Having never used the sprayer before he accidently turned the liquid, which contained a crude carbolic acid, on himself with the re- sult that his left eye was badly burned. Serious injury is not anticipated. At a meeting of the Exeter Curling Club held in the Molsons Bank on Sat- urday evening, April 13, Mr. Geo. E. Anderson was presented with a beau- tiful briar pipe and case as a token of the Club's appreciation of his services as Secretary,and a letter of condolence was drafted to John Muir expressing Notice. This is to give notice that a note dat- e 1 Dec. Ig,'ck►, four months after date, for fourteen dollars and payable to John Charlton of order at the Molson Bank, Exeter, and signed by James 51rKee•vur, has been lost and payment t t .pped of foot-esrtid note and any per - 5.,n having found said and not return- ing s•rn:• will he prosecuted if present- ing same without John Charlton's or- der. Sje' i .1 .e el, ..r •l -.ni, l a i.lr l.uu,leunts lit tSi.,11rr1',e• flet?. y 11.11 in://1/1.0.1..11; Capt?. Jewelers Lost. 111 011 envelope on Main street, a gold k, y broach, a pearl set ring and n bra • 1••t lock. Finder will he suitably rel '141111•y Ina ing a in.' :it this office. Girt. Mantel 7'.•.• girls wanted- cook and genera) h Ip• i. (;..0d wages. Apply at Cent - 1,11 Motel, I•;xetei. Rev. and \Irs. Cranston are guests of the hitter's parents at the \Inose, pl., eon- to go to Palmerston, where I he fol tiler has RCCeptell a call as pas- tel. \I r. Cranston is r•onvalescing trout a lengthy illness. %Vot.l via. receivid here last week from sto-ka•oon, Sask.. announcing the d. ,t h n. ohm place of Mr. Charles ata—o. el... was for years a resident of Reno• 1h 1.1 and w.ts well and favor Ho rite ra e u You want it good job on your horse bills at a 1 easou:tile pt ice, tt ith gond cardboard and a good cut. The Ad- vocate gives you alt these and also a j %%beat notice (of your horse 01111 route for two: llatley weeks free of charge. You want it in Oats the Advocate because it COVETS all the Peas ground more thoroughly than any Potatoes, per bag other advertising rneeiiun. It is to your advantage to get your work done here. Exeter People is Wreck. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill and child and Mr. Alonzo Ford, who left hereon Monday of last week for Regina ex- perienced the horrors of it railway wreck near Chapleau, between North Bay and Fort William on %Vednesday last, but none of theta were injured in the least, although fifteen Englishenri• grants were killed and over forty oth- ers injured. The train was rounding a curve at twenty utiles an hour when a rail broke underneath the baggage car where the emigrants were cooking their dinner. The car followed by two others plunged down an embankment and the acetylene lights caused them to catch on tire, and the loss of life was due largely to the fire which fol- lowed. Brucetield Spring Show. Our readers should bear in mind the Spring Stock and Seed Fair, to be held at Bruceffeld, undertheauspicesof the South Huron Agricultural Society, on Friday, April 20. A special effort is being made this year to make this Fair more successful than ever before. Very liberal prizes are offered for bolls, and, although no prizes are offered for hors- es, a very liberal allowance is tirade to the owners of horses entered and shown, to aid in paying their expenses. The fair offers an excellent opportuni- ty for intending breeders to see and compare the merits of the best stock horses in the county. The seed depart- ment is added this year for the first time, and will afford harmers an oppor- tunity of showing the public what they can do in this way. It will pay every horsetnan and farmer to attend this Fair. A day can not be better or more profitably spent. Arrested on Bigamy Charge. James Belback, the former resident of Exeter, arrested by High Constable Sold in 50 and $1 Bottles Hughes and Detective Nortbgreaves on a charge of bigamy, was Friday afternoon committed for trial by Squire Cbittick, Several witnesses were examined, among them being the two wotnen who claim to be the wives of the accused. The evidence showed that Belback was married in 1873 to Mrs, Sarah Belheck, who lives in Lon- don, and that he continued to reside with her until seven or eight years ago, when they parted. Belbeck later worked in London Township, where it is alleged, under the name of Bell, he married Ada Harris, a girl of 16 or 17 years, who resided in this city. Tbe marriage took place on Dec. 5 last, Rev. Mr. Maban, pastor of the Metho- dist Church, St. Johns, London Town- ship, officiating, and Dr. MacNeil, of the same place, Tieing a witness. The first wife is well advanced in years, and has four grown-up children. Bel - back pleaded guilty on Tuesday and was remanded until Saturdaywben he will be sentenced. EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY till ;u 43 46 30 37 74 75 60 W Hay, per ton 0 50 10 00 Flour, per cwt., family 2 10 Flour, low grade per cwt 1 20 1 25 Butter 21 to 22 Eggs 15 Livehogs, per cwt 6 10 Shorts per ton 22 00 Bran per ton 20 00 Dried Apples 0 per lb CALVES FOR SALE Two, good quality. Highest cash paid for all kinds of produce. WANTED -15 to 25 Hives of Bees. W. F. ABBOTT, Ctntralilt Rill YOUR !ALTI At this season of the year when the weather changes so suddenly do not let a cough run ou. It may lead to catarrh or consumption. You can quickly cure your cough by using Cole's Emulsion COD LIVER 011 "The Ideal Cough Cure" In obstinate roughs of ;long dura- ation no better preparation for building up a run-down constitution than a good Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil Firemen's Entertainment. The Firemen's entertalntnent given on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings were an unqualified success both from point of merit and attend- ance. Prof. Green with his Moving Picture machine and his many beauti- ful slides and films gave the elite: tnin- tnents and the Opera House was we)) filled each night. The professor carne highly recommended but not at all too highly, as he gave thorough satisfac- tion to all. The pictures shown were clear, distinct and of an interesting and instructive nature, interspersed with fun and merriment. The pic- tures were so well varied that persons of any taste could enjoy theta. "The Detective's trip around the world," 'The twenty mile trip up the Alps' and "Vanderbilt Automobile (`up Race" were the hest we have ever seen while -The Fairy of Spring," "Down on tht• Farm,"etc., creased endlessarnnse• nient. Great improvements have been made in the moving picture machines since the last one was in town and much of the flickering that made the eyes tired in Looking. has been dune away with. Much of the success in point of orttendance is due the commit- tee of fireman who pushed the affair with energy, and they cue not only de- serving of the finincial succeSP hit of the thanks of all who attended for se• curing the pleasing entre titinment. Tacker Sims. The following will be read with much interest by many of our readers, the young lady being at one time a popular his father's residence at Exeter North citizen of this place. "A pretty wed• aro eater. n through( dealelt lot inllihor estie1Ai and intends proving thereto shortly.— indlg, Ap tng i) 11l,at the {h me f t'he►tri bride's •k rte..., �.•• eva rnt .l,ed in the hotel Mr. %Ven. Greenlee of Crediton has mother, Mrs. Sarah vines, l'Jt35 Itivetd let -rue.••- H•• leat•e' t widow• ,end tiro houQht Mrs. { .F'isher's house on l;ar• street, Detroit, when her youngest ling street.- -51r. A. Ford hos porches• sol.•. ti b.' +nude r. the west. The ed the thirteen acres of land in town daughter, Miss Flora F;Ilan 'aims, was flow/ al to k place i, s iskatoon. I united In marriage to Mr. Arthur Reg owned by Mr. ('has. hackney on the inal(1 Tucker, the Rev. W. T. Riley , south side of North street and north ofnclating. The hi id... gowned in it f+++.1.4.4.++++++++++++++++ . of John street. N1r. Simon {hinter handsome creation of white silk and has purchased the fifty acre grass farm carrying a beautiful htonopet of white ►n the township of 1'shorne, owned by roses, was attended by herfriend Miss %V t loalf l Skinner. i e being the Nfa,rd /turner, who wore ra veer (LOWY g %Vest half of lot :3 in the Ith core. ritrilrIlr Death of Mrs .lohu Muir. The eemtmonit)• was saddened on Friday by the death of Elizabeth VV1� CLOTHES FIT You Need ;i Spring Suit Our I••1• 1. (e..1)" for your k;Tel 1098 ('I ion. C til and Get our Prices W. JOHNS Mt rchan nit•ir • F eter The tiller things that di.. to. g�ri•.h the clothes vee I+1•k•• Ate. FASHION, FIT 1,,1.1 WORKMANSHIP. %%'e• .• )l4-,ly pro?11. f our rc e.,1.1 .4 1111 44 ill ••1•tait) it 4.1T it x•.••11 ►;•011111•„1•. The !ip- •,•at r hing•• air it stly 0.1 ,r.•..r•• 1t•tt111r t•icnty .t .•011.1... One . f 1he•. 1.y, for will apple, or ho.t t . ,ley W. S. COLE, Phm. B. Chemist and Druggist. Mr. John Butler has received the appointment of Police Magistrate in place of Mr. Humber at Goderich. Bowling Meeting. At a meeting of the bowlers on Fri- day night in the Town Hall the fellow- ing officers were elected:—Hon. Pres. W. H Levett; President, F. W. Glad - man; Vice -Pres., N. D. Hurdon; Chap., Rev. D. W. Collins; Sec-Treas., W. J. Neaman. The officers were empowered to select the different committees for the year. The club expects to get on the new lawn in July. A meeting of the syndicate that owns the ground was to be held Wednesday evening in the Town Hall. Additional Loealson page 1. • 14:- ,: .. "IT MAIC ES ME SMILE." "I've been wearing glasses. i couldn't read half the print of the Ad- vocate, and now I carr read it all. This pair snakes hie feel like a three-year- old." WE SOLI) THOSE GLASSES and now he's happy. Our glasses will do as much for you. No occasion for being cross when you wear theta. Try them, buy them and Pee. Don't cost hut a trifle. W. S. Howey, Phm. B. Chemist and Optician. EXETER Clinton Business College al Amliated with Winghan, 1t, (•. �};•• lnaitlda.l Inatn.,tinn. r). I Write for hand.nme eatatnKne, mt (GEO. SPOTTON, Principal NDN 'w y You Sould Us:1i costume of white organdy and carried 1 R Minch of ,ink r•oarncrtionsw , hilst Herbert 'rnck.'r, cousin cif I lir groom, 4 �� did the duties of best Horn. As Mrs. \olds, hrint•cd wife of Mr. John Muir, Henry J. Dyer rendered the wedding and daughter of 51,. Joseph Noble, of march the bridal part wet, ushered S,•aforth. fon etly of Exeter, after a in the pottier and after the mystic short illness of only one week. De. words had been said that made these ceased was Is years and 2 months of two ene,rongt atulntions W1.1 1' then e':• age. Site had et, joyedexcellent health tended to the happy (ample, after wbleb until tone week previously when she it tveddinit supper Was served for sixty caught a cold which developed into guests. Mrs. 55'40. Sweet and Mrs. plural pneumonia and the end canis Jos. Woedadl h:ul charge of the dining rapidly. Mrs. Muir wits of a quiet re. room which way 1,0.'Itifolly decorat•11 ser ved nature, an earnest Christian of the colorings being of pink and white. the Presbyterian persuasion and wits Music was furnished during the even. a (41114111 member of the Cavan Pres- ing i.y the groom's ?melt. Eli Ttrker. (I) teti:ur church, taking an active The pre.enIs wrrr nnrrn coos, en•tly p111 in all rhnreh week. Dereased and ora fool a merle %)rich was or mantle w.,s the second wife of 51 r. Muir awl clerk, a 5%•4rwirk dinner set, twit It -sides Ihr hu.band two sores, 5V. %V. oak turkey.. parlor and (limner room Nair of Exeter and Bert Muir of Ile. table. This orra•ion bring the h►idi•'s gins, survive, all of whom have the 21st 1.i rthdav she woos roe..owed with a sincere synrp'atby of the cenuonnity in gold wat. h front ttir groom, gold . h on? their bereavement. it i• a pat ticular• from the green's fat her and 0 hand• 1 ly 1011 feature to note the set tells ill 801110 gold pin from the brfide'smot her. Hess of the bes)_an.l who is eentlned to Th' attetel;rnts trete iti• est two pin* his ream "rhe funeral t.,ok piece on Pet with pear Is 4s a told n frena the Mon.lvc. the set vire. which woos held groom. 11r. oar,d Mrs. Tut. ker will l..• et the Presbyterian church owing to At Koine le their ftiendsat lzts tot,ual the husband's illness, being (-oriole/led street .,frrr 51,.y 11.1.- The Advocate tinder the nIlspi.•ry of the 1'he.:en joie* with 1item one friend+ire w"iohing HARVEY BROS.. 1', end• , (•t bi,•t) r11•t .b re,•ed •l as a rh• rn .1.1• ht i 1.• .e.1 1`••1 h.-h„n.) 6 rnrnlbrt. !Wel It clot t..,.k place Rt the long • •-.,rl ..f hap .ir,, and wooR F'XF; rt 1►�"i' \fill► Etetei cemctery• !''rr;)'' aAaAaAiilk Au/kid dk BIertileU Flour Spring wheat flour and win- ter wheat flour each possess separate and distinct fend virtues. in star your THE PERFECT F'i.OL'lt Yee get the finest miring and winter trh/•at floors blended in ptopor11e418. dryad. telloe t.isceits, rakes and p..stries made of STAR F'I.01'It are pet feet food, mit (twilled in p.rtrity, delicime-roas mid health -giving pr.•pertlea. .•.I •, (n r . u ry n 1 1 r ) 1 11v 'lap ether than STAR FLOUR? Marla(,,, tired b)• 1 1 1 T. HAWKINS & SON WIRE One carload of Cleveland Wire at the Station. First come, first served. Prices right. Seeds of all kinds. Call and examine. TIi+f$ AQITHINC We still are able to do all kinds of Plumbing and Tinsmith work. T. HAWHINS & SON. Our Great RUBIN Sale Is Ou In order to reduce our stock before STOCK TAKING we are offering Greater Bargains in Furniture for the NEXT 30 DAYS than ever were shown in Exeter before. Every article in our large stock of furniture is reduced to almost cost during this sale. Call and be convinced before making your purchase ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK PHONE NO. 32 SPEGIALc RUG s111tE This week we are ntakin special g a pe al display of our Hugs and y ores. We have the hugest and heat assortment that we have ever shown and Leel very proud of them as we know they will please you as to quality and price. All we ask is for you to come and see them as we have one just to suit you, Union Rugs Of nice bright whitings, pretty designs and extra heavy weave. A gond rug, size 3x:3 and 3x4 yards, from $1 to $8. Tapestry Rugs Just as fancy and colors to equal more expensive rugs. No better Tapestry Rugs on the market. Sizes :3x31, and :3x4 yards, from $10 to $13. Axminster, velvet ruga We show these lovely rugs in that i)ark fled and Fawn, Dark Green and Fawn. Both of them in the danitiest. of pat- terns; also the new Oriental design. inn will be delighted with this ling. For $20, $23 and $'..5. Wool Rugs Real good patterns and colors to give therm the richest ap- pearance. These are the best wool rugs to be bought; sizes :3x3; and 3x4 yards; from $7.50 to $10.50. Brussels Rugs With all the new designs. The colors are very soft and prom- inent and makes a beautiful Hug for $17.50. Linoleum We carry a very large and well assorted stock of them in floral and the patterns. One special line, extra good quality 4 yards wide for $1.75 per yd. WALL PAPER Our wall paper stork is all new, bought from the leading American and Carnelian flans. Yen have your ehoire here of the ta'st papers selected from niamrfectnrers of both countries which gives is every advantage in selling you. JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing' I z SNELL & ROWE EXTRA hill VALUES iN 13041FS' v=TS Boy's Brownie Suits of Blue worsted trimmed tamm4 with fancy braid with patent leather belt worth $5.00 for $3.95. tim4 Boys' 2.piece suits, of good, strong wearing tweed, Norfolk style. Sizes 22 to 28, worth $3,7T, for $2.95. Boys' 3 -pier(' Shits Of pretty grey tweed, single or double breasted styles, Sizes 28 to 32, worth $6,00 for .$4.75. Boys' strong wearing IkX)tf,. Boys' Grain Boots, Williams make, will wear like iron. Sizes 2 to 5, price $.1.75. Boys Calf Boots. medium \%'eight, wmr guar- ante'(d. Our liig "('l ler ,$2 (H). S\IsI,L fi ROWE 0 •