Exeter Advocate, 1907-04-18, Page 6oNIV%
Celluloid Starch ne.t!s
no cooking just
cold water and 'Lis
. endy. 'Twon't stick,
yet gives a Letter
gloss, with less iron -
rubbing, than any
'Larch you know.
1ts price i! nettle.
Your •le:►i0r 30115 it,
�Ce1lu1oid 'hry it thi+<w"k, ^'
Dr. Williams'Pink Pills %lake Rich,
Red Ilcaltli-tlitin1j Blood.
' Nd tinter months, enforcing close
eonlinenient in over -heated, badly vee•
, lilat d r. oma -h' the home, in the shop
411141 in the school -stip the validity of
(.'v.11 the strongest. life blood becomes
,clogged with impurities, *he liver slug-
gist!, the kidneys weakened, sleep is not
reetful-you awake just as tired as when
yeti went to bed; you are low spirited,
perhaps have headache and blotchy
skin ---that is the condition of Thousand.
of people every spring. 11 Innes to all
unless the head is enriched by a nod
Ionic -by Dr. \\'illtants' fink Pits.
1 hese pills not only banish This feeling,
1•:a they guard againt the'More seri-
ailments that usually follow--rheu-
diem. nervone' debility, anaemia, in -
e• .,lion and kidney trouble. • Ur
\\ Shams' fink fills are an !deal spring
•Bettie. Every dose makes new, rich,
1, I blood. (:very drop of new blared
h, Ills to strengthen the overworked
nerves: overcomes weakness and drive;
the germ,: of disease from the body. A
thor„ugh treatment gives you vim and
energy to resist the torrid heat of the
coaling summer. Mrs. Jas. McDonald.
`neer Caup, Ont., says:` f was badly
run down. fell very weak and had no
appetite. 1 could scarcelydrag myself
atout and felt that my condition aati
growing worse. 1 deoided to try Ih•,
\Vidliorns' Pink Piles and before I had
used a dozen boxes 1 was as strong as
ever. My appetite returned and 1 tun.
now ogle to do toy housework without
fooling worn-out. I Think Dr. Williams'
Pink ''ills the !cast tonic there is."
It is a mistake to lake purgatives :n
spring. Nature calls for a medicine to
build up the wasted force -purgatives
only weaken. 11 is a medicine to act
on the blood, not one to act on the
bowels. which is necessary. Dr. \\'il-
lianls' Pink ('ills are a blood medicine
-they make pure. rich, red blood. and
strenellien every organ of the body. See
that tine full name, "Dr. \\'iltiams' Pink
Pills for Pale People," is printed on the
tvrapner around each box. All other
,u. -called pink pills are fraudulent Imi-
tations. Sold by medieine dealers • r
by (nail at 50 cents a box or six lazes
for $?.50 from The Dr. Williams' Me-
dicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Twenty of the Big Birds Give Pursuit
to a Cyclist.
While cycling to the Nieveld Wat-
kins, South Africa, the other day I had
ratter un exciting and what might have
proved a dangerous experience, writes
J. W. New, in the Beaufort West'l'imes,
1 was attacked by about twenty ostrich-
es. Fortunately I was well mounted and
managed to outdistance then!, with the
exception of one, a very fine specimen
cf a male bird, who after giving chase
for over two miles caught up to me and
gave a vicious kick at the machine,
which broke four spokes and the hub
and sent me sprawling among rocks
and lu,hee. Not being satisfied with
Ih • well: and damage already done, he
amused himself by jumping and silting
on nu', and kept me prisoner for over
an hour and n half. At last 1 ►nnnnged
to break a brush and struck the bird sev-
eterall limes. anti by brandishing it before
inn suceeded in eventually frightening
it away.
Each roan -of -war is built upon paper
before a single plate of ,reel is forged.
Not only are the length and breadth
o! a ship decided ulxen, but the naval
constructor can tell to an ounce how
much water she will displace when her
armour and guns are mounted upon her,
how many times li'r propellers will re-
eoIvo in n minute tt;Ili a given pres-
bale of strati!. and how many Ions of
coal an hour 1101(1 he consumed to at -
kiln a certain rate of speed.
"Before I gel Italy's Own Tablets my
batty w -is Iruubled with colic and vom-
iting end cried night and day, and 1
was alma -1 worn out. But after giving
him the '1'alllels for a fete days the trou-
ler disappeared and yeti would not
know i1 was the 5111110 e111111, he is : o
healthy end good-natured now." This
Is the grateful leelinioninl of Mrs. George
Dowell. sandy I;earh, Que., and i1 !ells
Like neither, tele) are w-orn• ,e ng
for cross sickly chi!drio', 114A' 110 y ea 1)
bring health to the little olio and ease
lu Ileniselvee. Italy's Own Tablets
promptly cure the minor ailments .•f
illle one.), and there are 110 erfOM, sick•
It ehildr,'n in the homes wher.r the Tobe
1014 are 11.041. Sold by all medicine
'teal,•rs or hw mail itt 25 cents a Mor
h•Iin The Dr. Williams' ‘!'thein' (o.
L'rn:kvii'e, Ont.
1fir I:\111.1:: t iefei
The tient„I -1 ;t Se. god ine cinched,
For when I is 1, , Lag ill
1 a;•t lo hhn. III carr: nu' up
\ori Then sents in his bill.
Hill when I here ' hill it as cost
1 gel eo .ick again
1 have 10
have hi-
Behold, the niter,. chain 1
- 4'--- ---
Every boy knows several men he ex -
peels to whirr v t . n he --nee. up.
"Marla,' said Mr. Jones, upon one of
its worrying days, "1t seems to Ine you
ir.ight be more economical. Now, there's
tit) old clothes; why can't )ou cut thein
down for the children?"
"lk'ciuse they are worn out when you
are done with them," answered Mrs,
3,Ines. "It's 110 use making o 'er things
for the children that won't hold to-
gether, smart as you are."
"Well, 1 wouldn't have cupboards full
of things mildlewing for want of wear,
i' I was a woman, that's all," grumble(!
Jones. "A penny saved penny
That was In March. One warm day
in June \1r. Jones wont peering al! (114
the cupboards leering (v' so,ne111ing 1!0
Couldn't find, and turning things gen-
erally inside out,
"\Innis, teliere ,sty light dust -coat?"
he hellu\t/ d,
"Cue it down for Johnny." --
".them! \\'ell, whereas the brown one
'taught last summer?"
"Clothes -bag!" mumbled Mrs. Jones,
who seemed to have a difficulty in tier
speech al that moment, "Just made it
Into a nice one."
"Where are my shepherd's -plaid trou-
sers?" screamed Mr. Jones.
"Cut them down for Willie."
"Ileavens!" groaned her husband.
Then, in a voice of thunder, "Wee,
have my blue and white braces got tu:'
"Made a beautiful football belt for Dar-
r)," said Mrs. Jones.
"Maria," asked the astonished man.
in a sulxlucd voice, "would yeti mind
telling me what you have done with my
silk hat? You have not ctrl that down
kr the baby, have you?"
"Oh, no, my dear," answered his wife,
cheerfully; "I've used it for a hanging
Imsket. 1t is hell of nice plants, and
rooks lovely." -
"Great Scot!"
Mr. Jones never Mentions economy r.r
suggests cutting things down -he has
had enough of it --quite cured, in fact.
Perhape the greatest dental operation
on record was performed upon an ele-
phant Sonne ycar:s ago in the city of
Mexico. The aching tooth was 12in.
lune; anti 4 in. in diameter at the root.
After \Ir. Elephant had been securely
fastened by -chains his mouth was prised
open and a quantity of cocaine applied
to deaden the pain. When this was done
a hole was bored throughh the tooth and
a'1 iron bar inserted ; then a rope was
t vi,tod around the bar, four horses at-
tached, and the tooth pulled out.
Mr. Wm. Wilson, of (;raigie Villa,
London (Ont.), the inventor of the Wil-
son Fruit Case, now adopted by the
Canadian Government, delis an interest-
ing experience which shows 111e heal-
ing and antiseptic venue of Zan -Bok,
the herbal balm. Ile says: "1 had Iwo
poisoned wounds on my leg, which were
very sore and inflamed. They caused
ine much pain and suffering, and al-
though 1 tried several suites they re-
fused to Ileal. '!•ani-Buk was recom-
mended and 1 applied some. It acted
splendidly and in a very short lisle
healed the wounds.
"Al another lime 1 sustained n nesly
cut. Zan•Buk took away the soreness
almost (netantly and soon closed and
healed the w ootid. 1 have also used
Zuni -link for other Injuries. and 1 have
no hesitation in expressing my high
opinion of its value. It is without
doubt, n splendid household balm!"
Zan-iilk cures blood poison, cuts,
bruises. old wounds, running sores, el-
ects. boils. spring eruptions, scalp
eerie), eezenl8. Itch, barbe'r's rash,
burn-, .welds. and till skin injuries and
dieeases. All druggists and stores sell
a• fifty creels a box, or from %ani -Rule
Co., Toronto, for price. Remember, it
is purely licrbal. •
Bailie Craig, the magisterial authority
of a small hewn in Scotland, had six
stout sons, with whom he loved to pa-
rade the market -place. says Doctor Kerr
in his "\tenlories." '('hey furnished him
the Mists of a mathematical joke.
"A line family you have." strangers
W011111 often 58y. "Is Ibis 1110 1%11ole of
it 'r'
"No, indeed." the bailie would reply.
"I have Ito sisler• al. home for each mid
every one of them."
"Whet'" the visitor would exclaim.
rapidly counting the sons. 'Tw-ell
daughters !"
"No, indeed ! Just twee'
Lake Superior'+ grea1e.l depth is 1.003
feel, \liehagan's w61. Ilurn11:s 57o, Erie's
2u1. 811.1 (tnlari.t 13A feel. 'i'hl' bottom
of Superior is 1411 feel ',clew sea level,
of Michigan 2:13. of Onlnriu 491 feel.
The bottom of Duren is 11 feel nbove
sea level, that of Erie 3re.) feet. Ontario.
II►e smalleet of the great lakes. is rela-
tively the deepest . If these I5)dies of
realer could he drained the basin of On-
tario would present striking contours as
coiu((nr 'I will Ilse basins of the ranch
larger Eike,
INDI'S Tltltee O1' INI11 \.
Inlet. the '1. I of mystery, 1e rapidly
.1,111): 1 . III • front In venous fields . f
. 11 ;e • Indian Empire p.e
h it• 'e,.In Wheel eoaltie'e
:.111 1- , I'•'d (eel 811 eV.
\tlribulry Ilcr lace:lent 1108111) to
1'e-ru na.
MRS. W. 11. SININIO\ti.
W. I1, SI\IMONS, 1119 E. 8111
M St., leinsas City, Mo., memberof
the National Annuity Associa-
lion, -'rites:
"\Iy health was excellent until about
a year ago, when 1 had a complete col-
lapse from overdoing socially, not get-
ting the proper rest, and too moony tale
suppers. My stomach was in dread-
ful cnnulil.o►, and my nerves all un-
"1 was advised by a friend to try i'e-
ruuu, and'eveiitltally 1 lx)ught a bottle.
1 look it and then another, and kept
using it for Three months.
"At the end of that lone my health
was restored, my nerves no longer
troubled me, and 1 felt myself once more
and able to assume my social position.
1 certainly feel that Perorate is deserv-
ing of praise."
'('here are many reasons why society
women break down. why their nervous
sy seas fail, why they hat
, . t elele miC t
pelvic catarrh. Indeed. they are especi-
ally liable to these ailments. No won-
der They require the protection of Peru-
na. It is their shield and safeguard.
Mit'.. Irttleson-"1 wonder if it has
laid to give your daughter such a good
Ilalleison-"Paid',' Why of course?
Don't you sce from her manner how su-
perior she is to us?"
Do not delay in getting relief for the
little folks. Moldier Graves' \Nor..' Ex-
terminator is a pleasant and sure cur,'.
If you love your child why do you let
it suffer when a remedy is so near tit
An appreciative audience is always
highly intelligent -from the speaker's
PLEASE: DEAR iN MINT) that what
is (•ali.d a skin disease any be but a
Fry:upturn of bad blood. LL that ease.
Wens 's Cr into. externally applied.
should be supplemented with weaver's
Syrup, taken daily,
IIE \\'.\ti SUI :II -\ Nil E MAN.
"''our wife reminds one of my Mel
"She reminds me of her Mat husband."
There are a number of varieties cf
corns. Ilollnway's (:ern Cure will re-
move tiny of thele. Call on your drug-
gist and got a botile al once.
Ascum : "1 hear that 11'e French count
your wife and daughter met abroad i,
going to Visit you this SIucy7"
Itlehnlnn : "Yee, 1 believe lie is,"
As,•!nn : "Beller tike French lesions,
hndirt you ?"
itichnlan : Oh, 1'11 prepared I 1 got a
professor lo tench ale Iviw to say :
'Sorry. but 1 have nude it a rule never
to lend Money.'"
1)111'lE 1'IHE\'AI,EN1'.
'Here', • • 1105•, \\'11111 4144 yeti
euplx)s0 ti .• . tr in•anily is""
"1 seppn•.• I is the kind (hal is
Nooks' Appliance. ': r w FOR
.l Ieosery. Wonderful. 5.
three 1 . 1\t, f :ror•slona 7prinira ..r
- • •1,•,1 ui '
• at.. . 11: 1.
•.5 ir. r• .-f I: • - 1! .
• hue'.•.' ' 11111\nI: In i.) :1. \ i ,1'11.'.' Ilt•E,a ooxs sans ararti Iny, II%SCIIL.NKR
1-•e1 11. ‘..ant a_ welt :1, 1„ \I 1t
\ ye,ling I: is I.eing n•kel I., STAMMERERS
I, i1 1 0lor. "If led you! -elf. w 1i.. ii ,1
\slit rash..) 11,•'' I•lgtiv•.1 .rwdtt'3 talo! The AhV )i r n -.tutu 1• the only Iogl•
cal met:snd fox t:1 • cure of Stamm tint!. 11
n •e'Ir.ftw. "lent• IiiiT', treats th•CAI "1', not merols the 4151(11'.
-� avdin•u•e.naur.1sp•eeh ('amrhlet,par•
Mulls/it sad ref.':aces sent o r te.iur•I.
l 0l0taal14 AIr ( uahl.ne,
• - Bunds and Craws the broken
. ports todether as lou would
II Notion hub \o aa'cs.
ft. ' lrne4Ar•I. No nes. h.,r-
a!de.• ►esp. Pat. but.
Catalt oaVIll
I'nrll.t.,r 11 11 1 ,.t, •II'v .
1late in l• ,,, .1 Is --,- -I THE ARNOT f INS•fi 1 (I fE
!tato In ('"•t Ilrll Il,r,r \I ,rIn-
11F.141 Pt. (.`(T. e: AN.
t „111(1 1 Irno u' It fun ,i,t
pIYtVal1' 1 N (' 1'-»1 1 No 16 ilio
1 -- \F:\1' 1•111•:oitl' " I'll % r L'4 %I- %
O\1.1 I\ \\\II:, Ill 'I Coluua"1'
The Yarm!.) c;rn'ral llu'pi!aI t. mok-
:ee ) .1 'es of a "new theory"
1n mote ei •i,114.•, which they Hain) will
I. \ ellitiooae the theory and 1 raetice of
Illwhcine•. The system is. 'i iel the
goal of any disease, ihen by a method of
increasing the patient's ability to digest
•,1' kill off the microbe- by 111rrea.!ng the
while, corpuscles of the blood and tilling
it will! serum, make his recovery Poe -
Tine is in reality Ur. T. A. Sk,-
emit'5 theory of thirty )ears ago. 1)1..
'1' A. 51ucmn said : `TIS. whit: corpus-
cles of the Moist are 11►e foe of disease.
If 1 can •ullieiu•11tly increase these and
.trengllten digestion anti circulation, 1
retire s)Iwel the problem of overcooling
"ease." [h'. Slocum devoted his life to
-'1.• working out of this problem. \Viten,
af10r innumerable exper11)101115 through
toys and nights and months and yeah
Wont Tabor, he discovered that
lerful remedy, Psychine, he ex -
!mel "Eureka: I have found it." For
quarter of a crutury this remedy has
e,• i doing exactly what the authorities
at the General Hospital are al present
rucking their brains to 1)0.'0npdish.
L'syc•hiue is exactly what 1110y are look-
ing for, It enables Ilio white corpuscles
of the blood to overcome bacteria and
disease of every kind. Speaking of a
number of erases that came under their
oletervalion, J. iI. Andrews do Co., of
Ile:hops Crossing, says :
"The party whose case was Ino,! 1.0-
niarkable, hating been given ul, by
several doctors, among then) c:.i - iIling
experts frons Montreal, and who, so far
its can be determine!, was restored to
comparatively good he8!!!t by the use of
Psychine, most of which I supplied. 1
have to direct you to their new home in
Edmonton, Alla„ formerly l:ookshire,
Que. This woman was past audit,!,•
speech, except a whisper, was only
given ten days as a possibility, friends
had been to say good-bye and so forth.
eei other remedy, so far as 1 know. was
used. '
txl. \\ '!!retie '
wn case, prominent fam-
ily, well-to-do also, Yours...lg.-haste.
(Signed) J. 11. ANlil';i:\\'S 1k CO.,
Bishop's I L Ito)S l,10.es
Psychine is a certain cure for all
throat, lung and stomach troubles, and
all bacterial lliSe'asOS. At all do iggists,
30c and $1.00 a bottle, or 1)1'. 1'. A. Slo-
cun1, Limited, 179 King street west,
COULDN'T COt1N'1' TI11:\i.
"1 10W ninny rites have you, 'Tommy?"
"I don't know, ma'am," giggled
T. 1:1111y, squirming amend on one fool.
"1'm so awfully ticklish, 1 never could
e(eullt '0111."
I' r Inflammation of the Eye'<s.-
te. ,, : tit.' 1111111' I,etx)d gludilies which
I•, tee's \'ege•taltle Duds possess, be-
e •i r •gelating the digestive organs,
is Int, u• efficacy in reducing inflamma-
tion of the eyes. it has called forth
many tellers of recommendation from
those who were nfflicled with (hes emu -
plaint and found a cure in the pills.
They affect the nerve centres and the
blood in 0 surprisingly active way, and
the result is almost immediately seen.
NMney n men has spent seldom wor-
ries him -unless it was spent for sonde -
thing that iteerferes with his digestite
"F'I:nllOVlM" 18 A oleN'rf-11
S'1'111 ()LA N'I' to the stomach. thereby
aiding digestion. As n tonic for
patient, re...not-Jog from fevers and all
diseases lowering the tltallly, it IS
without a r1ea1. AL all drug and gen-
eral stores.
1'• l: 1 )' n elan who doubts the Irullt•
lances 4)1 lite Ilihlo has unlimited faith
et a pattent medicine almanac.
It Is Knuw'n Everywhere. -There is
rel n elly, town or hamlet in Canada
where Dr. 'Phomas' Erleclric Oil is nut
know n- w1leret'er introduced It made n
firllh"h1 Mor itself and maintained 11.
Some inel•chnnls may suggest untie
ether remedy ns equally beneficial. e;tich
iecommendalk)n3 '!'inti • Ise received
with doubt. '('here Is only one I:elect
tric Oil, and *hal is Dr. Thomas'.
nothing else.
",\h!' lie eighe.l,
,shtpIN•d you 411 11
-he replied coldly.
for you lo worship
It tial way." And
Loarding ho(Isc for
"1 have long %vor'-
distnticv','i ••\\\e11."
"If II Is necessary
ale al all. I prefer
11 was back to Ute
Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup needs
1:0 reeommendalk)n. le) rill who are
familiar with 11, it speaks for ilseee
Years of use In the treatment of 01)1.1-
find Neighs and all nffeeliens of the
t,r'tat has tulque.Iionably cslnhlis'ed
Ms place among the very heel medicines
for sleet di•ee0es. If you give it rt trial
yoU will net regret it. You will lied it
l5 cents well i05esker.
17.\11 11.:11 O1' '1111: 1'(1011.
Al a certain point of Paris near the
IlolIes there is every mooning In be seen
in,lniire for which 11 1!'011141 prnhnbly
It! 41111/1111 to find tinny parallels ,.f 1
1,•11,•5teence which combine: ea) e
.•,penditures the element (if lel elle;
-.Tyke. The \.v. . •Ie if:Mottle!). state.)
'bat eat old gentlemen. 4, 11 dree.•vt, pre-
-rel, hi11l•,•If an 1(1111• no''ll
I1..tt I, by Illi..al.• e(,I,rrrn(il Piatal 1he•eur
..tribute, 444th 10• teen hand. a Mei-
sel! largo low, 1.• of i.eilllinll 411' x.111',
•' 11i411 he 1111s1 taste, hien-,•If. 1e, 0' teeny
• tit• peeele. who. it noel h.Irdl' be :1.1.1-
:. are mere \railing for him, Hien he
1llalraws. stalk. ('+r ••tial dl•lanrr, and
token 11p in II fine tt' ' 4411)1)
!lite rapidly n'.... "I1,• father.
' I,.., - the 111!!3 1 c ' 111u, 11 call
4e1 r n tri )1;111.
GIVE. 1NI) 'I \1':1:
1 u1 r1 "tlo soil I,•lleve !h ,1 .1 is mire
I•, give than teem,'?
I.:+lire :Ia he tosses her) : "I 41)1'1
(.hese, 1 should like In try herb Lvfore 1
(,lade up my mind."
1101':11.7'1' AM) OLD AGE.
F:let en Lit Ind Members M Ruling
(louses Are Past 80.
\\'h,'It Ito princes.; CleutenMnc 11 So se -
4 015 ut-g, mother of Prince Ferdinand of
Bulgaria, dial a couple ..1 weeks ago.
she was generally spoken of as having
been the oldest !firing member 01 any
royal family in Europe. This was an
error. She was only the second oldest,
although stie would have completed her
ninetieth year had she lived to Jllnd 3.
The oldt"_;l is the Princess Charlotte -
Amalie of -'chwarl7.:11rR :Sonderhulisen,
tvh.L was born on September 7, 1816, at
Arm,tadt, and is therefore 91 years olds
She t►'115 tuurried at GIockenlnal in 1856
to Jean Henri, Baron de Jud, and 811,5 has
been a widow since 1861. Site lives in
Ilene', Switzerland.
11-.y.tlly seems lo be conducive to lone
life. lucludilig the Princess Charlotte
Aulalir, t1i re -'lure eleven ulelUbers '
royal families whet Mute reached 80y'oars
and upward. The second oldest at pre-
sent is the Prince 1(egenl Luitpold of
ltuvaria, who was 86 years Old 011
Mai•eIt 12.
Next cones the Dowager Grand
Ifuclrs of Mecklenburg-Str.litz, who
will 14. 85 un July 9. '1 lie Duchess of
:\d, Igu11de of Modena, sister of Luitpold,
ie the fourth, having teen born en
Marchi 9, 1823
'there i. ne eurvival in the "Annan:we
de Gotha" front l.21 ; Iiul Prate,' 14111111;
MI llolslein-Gluclssbu'g rcprea,•nls
ins birthday is December 17. Ile is tie,
last surviving Mother of King Christ -ill
IN of Denmark.
George, Duke of Saxe-\leiningen, will
be 81 on April 26, and next in order
conies Eugenie, once Empress of tato
French, wile lirst saw light at May 5,
1826, and who now divides her time be-
tween 1100 house in Hampshire. Eng -
gland, and her villa at Cap \lurliu in
the south of France.
'1'1►e Grand Duke Friedrich of Baden IE
r. sturdy ratan nearly 81 year:. old. Ile
wits torn on September 1), 1836. Ernest,
"oke of Sachsen -Altenburg, is :et."'
dl,ys younger, and the Princess Malltilde
cf Schwartzburg, mother of lite reigning
Princo of Schwartzbtu•g-Ludolstadt, was
burn on November 18, 1826. Finally,
the Archduke Ruiner of Austria was burn
o') January 11, 1827.
There ere al least fifty members of
r'cyal houses whose ages range from 70
to 811) years.
Ar oirittely, really quite well, was al-
ways complaining and "enjoying poor
health., as sit1, • expressed it. I ler
various ailments were to her the most
interesting topic in the world. One
day u neighbor found her eating a
Hearty meal, and asked her (low she
was. "Poor roe," she sighed, "I feel
very well, but 1 always feel had when
1 feel well, because 1 know 1 ata going
le feel worst afterwards,"
They Drive Pimples Away. -A face
covered with pimples is unsightly. It
Idle of internal irregularities which
should long since have been oorrecled.
The liver and the kidneys are not per -
terming their functions in the healthy
' ay they should, and *hese pimples are
I , :et you know that the Illood protests.
Parmelee's Vegetable ('ills will drive
thein all away, and will leave the skin
clear and ('lean. '('ry then!, and there
will be another witness to their excel-
Its about all some people can do to
keep from tieing done.
::and two cent .Lop with LIrrh data and 1 *111
.•ed 7014 a pee y, -aur. 01 .,our Iffy onto 111• er.dt8
to the tn•. 1411 mentor, .4 Lowe'.'. be., oar-
rtan. •1,1 1.41lh, WOW, 1 11 17 1.,. lir1
l al r•.l.,e-I Ilelni Patr�.. N.• n1...•1 •, i..:!•••,1,
►101.111 AYIh o•rt• 13, 111110111P011 T, COON.
men and bl'nkrue, il; experience un-
Mnecessary; over 50*) 1)e:e n's open at the
preseat time; high wages; rapid promo-
tion to engineers and conductors; $75
$ax) per month; instructions by mail :et
your home without interruption with
4lreeenl nccupalton; we assist each stu-
dent in securing a position; do'l't delay;
write to -day for free catalogue, Instruc-
tions and application blank. National
J1ailway Training School, Inc., Boston
Block, Minneapolis, Minn., U. 5, A.
aoe qt's'
In a vaii•ty of styles,
fkbrks and prices, for
tlYomen• men end
thilIun. Fo:m-fitted.
Lleatcie are aulboliud
t3 replace instantly and
at our coot arty i'en-
Anale garment faulty
in material or making.
Pen -Anglo Under-
wear is form -knit
so it can't help
fitting your figure,
- it's made of
long - fibred wool
ac it won't shrink
- and it's guaran-
teed besides. 'Ilia
whole idea is to
malso it so good,
you can't afford
not to blly by the
trademark (io
red). 200
Before deciding where to locate
in the West, let us tell you
about these lands. The best
wheat fields, the richest grazing
land, are in this province.
Write us for full information
about crops, climate and special
railroad rates.
Local representative wanted in
each county.
Teller & Osgood
Eastern Selling Agents,
A pure, hard
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flour for bakers and others demand-
ing strength, color and uniformity.
ilQ1 TL1101D 'A11. 0071'040)' 11.04R
Gives Perfect
Tho Most Economic=al
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Evcr Solt' In Canada.
Safe and Profitable
1-orwarding your savings by mail to the Union 'Trust is just as
sate as if you deposited the money personally. Acquire the saving habit.
Interest compounded quarterly. Balances always subject to cheque.
174-176 Bay St., Toronto.
Send for Booklet, "Banking by Mall."
Safety Doposlt Vaults to Dant
Money to Loan.
____ _._�_-.I
The Horse►fl3n's I OVA
- Sale and S►.re.
if yr.:.i lave + •„nc ho: se, gel Ken,la:1', spavin Cute, 1f you
her a h.sr•e !.. I you can't work en ac•ount of a 81,1140 8trae t cr
ttru) e, tet Kean• -.i , Statin Clare. 1f you tare n t:cru, 11 al even Lee
sere snare coal tore u1 Spiels -or any Soft Bunch., or Swelllags-Set
lteudah M ttpavia Curs.
Ile Mare yeil set KN.VIALI.'S. Two generations -throughout Canada and the
ited ';:s!ra-hare 1iee.1 1! and •raved It.
'I aavrt ass' Rest, r. '.r., llec. 13, 106.
1 lily!. 1•1.•:, using Rendall a !;.-.vin Cure for the fait ZI yNff,
sae wasya nod it safe and sure." Ifo: DIRT P. Mf: 517•:lt,t..
i1. a bottle -d for $3 Write for • rotu
of .-e.r Creat ! c,. Trcat,•e On Tt.e
1ro•se •' It's a raise of inforwatien for
fit me: acid hnraer:en, ••Inn want to keep
their s!r- k In Wm. eondinou.
Mailed free. 26
taeseon, Fanta. • Vt•rest, U.0 S.
•moi' �. s,;•