HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-04-18, Page 1IoviIalIofls
We print invitations on
the newest of paper. with
the newest of type, at a
reasonable price. You
want something nice.
Real Estate Changer
't11(10 h i you as reason-
able ter ms. XV,. have un -
facilities to rent.
sell or buy either farm or
villa a property. Try it.
Sixin Rts & ('REECH.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Head Office - Toronto
Randolph Macdonald, President
A. A. Allan, Vice -President
D. M. Stewart, General Manager
Capital Subscribed $ 4,000,000
Capital Fully Paid $ 3,99800
Reserve Fund $ 1,255,000
Assets over $25,000,000
General Banking Savings Department
Interest credited quarterly
JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, Zurich and Dashwood,
The Old Reliable
Ars Shewin.ui'ow.
This week a very fashionable line in
Summer Waists
In Silk and Lawn, with embroidered fronts. Very stylish. Ladies
will find the selection very desirable, while the garments them-
selves are admitted to be extremely cotnfortabl Call at once and
get the pick, These goods will go like ice ere. We are also
showing a very choice line of
While Skins -
With a double flounce and dust frill in lace and embroidery
Ranging From to S1.50 Each
Just to hand an up-to-date line of Embroidery and Insertions.
Our Valencenne and Torchon Laces and Insertions have no equal.
We would remind our many customers that
we have a first-class milliner in the person of
Miss Addie Morlock, who dces all our millinery.
We will accept produce same as cash in pay-
ment for same.
rr.f teleran Cards.
DR. O. F. ROCLBTON, I. D. 8., D. D. 8.
Member of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto Unirereity.
OFFICE: Over Dickson £ Carling's Law Office, in
Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors.
DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. 0. 8., D. 0. 8,.
Honor graduate of Toronto Cni'eriety.
Teeth sutra.: ted without any pain, or any bad effe. to
Me* over Madman A Staubury's office, Main street
AF. MAI.1,OY, M B. (Tor. t'ni..1 Mi:MBF.R
a College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
Former Hcuse Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital.
Successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence. East 011
first street north of office, Exeter, Ontario.
ton, Notaries, ('oo'ryan. ere, Couunissioners.
Iolldtors for Molsons (tank. etc.
MOa.y to Lona at lowest rates of interest.
OM es, Main street, Exeter.
1. a. 0451.1Se, B.A., L H. DtcRsos
We bare a large amount of pi -nate fund• to loan
■ trim and village properties at low rates of Intel
Barristers, 8olicitors,Main.t.. Exeter On
S. Hardy, Auctioneer
For the County of Huron. M1 orders promptly at-
tended to if left at the Advocate or Ms store.
Farm for Sale
The undersigned is offering ngfor pale that desirable
'U acre farm in the township of Ustorne, tieing Lot
32, ('on 1. situated on the London Road, 3 miles
from Exeter and 2 from llenaall. There is on the
premises a frame house, goad tarn and a flint clss.
orchard. The land Is in a good state of ruin' anon.
Will i* sold reasonable --0. Y. Case, Iltn.all.
Farm Labourers and Domestics
!hare been appointed by the Dominion Govern•
ment to place immigrants from the United Kingdom
in presitione as farm atourvn or drmeetic Ferrante
in this vicinity. Any person requiring such help
ehoubl notify ape by fetter staling hilly the kind of
help required, when wanted and wages offered. The
-un fere sore ing mar not be rr(E<ient to ripply all
��g1esl•, bat e'try eifnrt will be made to provide
1Ich applicant with help required
1 ansdian(:overnmcnl i:mplo%tn.nt Agent. Exeter
Part of 1•ark lot E original IM 1E, consisting of 2
acres of land with orchard, a two storey brick house,
all newly finisher in the latest style, good well.
Goodfunuoe and concealer wiring e4'. This is a
chain property and most be sold as the proprie-
tor is game West.
Farm Mr sale in Township of Hay, consisting of
110 acres all seeded down, well .adapted for grazing
purpn.es. 11 these two properties are not e$d pr;' •
*tele on or before 'pril Inth• they w i11 be sold Tn
public auction on May :(n1. Poe part'• ulare apl•11
to Thomas Cameron. Auctioneer. Fan{uhar
Farmers' Horses
( wish to announ. a that I am nose orated in Eseter
for the purys'ee of baying and selllnghomes. and welt
have at lilt times a (noel reapply of farmers" horses
and colts for Fate. My stables are to *tet at the
south of Easter on the 1..'n.(on Road. Write use
when von have anything leer ash* all *boo you
wish to boy 1 will be at home on Saturdays to
meet intending purchaser
1: 1•:7' E it
Black Barley for Sale
A quantity of flat class seed. Black barley. for
sale. W. It Sanders, Con. 3. Stephen.
Taken Over Business.
We dtaire to announce that we hale funnels part•
nershil.and taken o'er the masoning business of Hr.
(leo. h. Herman and are prepared to do work In this
line by contract or day work. (:et our figures before
letting your work.
To Buy Horses
wish to announce that i will be In Eceter on Sat-
urday of each week to buy- all ,lasers of horses.
They must be in good condition, and the highest
market price will be pntd.
T. E. IIANUFORD, Exeter.
William Brown
Prof. Diploma of Royal Ir, orIorated Gaiety of
Musicians, England; Organist of Tri.ilt Memorial
Chun h,F.xeter. Piano, Organ, harmony and Theory
of Music, Terms on application. I;aster, Ont,
1...a --re fano in the township of Biddulph, bring
Lot f•, North I5.nnelary. Gond dwelling with kit-
chen and woodshed, two bank buns; well drained
and few el; about 6 acres bu.b. 9 acr, s fall wheat
sawn: good orchard and 2 good w -ells. This is an ex-
er/lent farm and will he sold reasonable. Apply on
premises or to -Richard Luker, l'entr*lia.
A One pasture farm in the Township of Ray, near
8arepta; one Minden, *ores 85 acres serried, frame
house and good stable, goon water, etc.,
Another !Macre farm for sale, in the township o
1 shorne,ennth of Elinn.11e,c0n%enient (0achool,wel
drained, small or. hard, 1u.••res bush, frame house.
barn, stable .
t t le antmin. . o
k at
Apply to
SANDERS & CREE('H. Exeter.
The Exeter Council.
The Council tneton Monday eve ring
All the menthe's present. The rain
utes of the previous tweeting read an
approved. The meeting was caned fo
the purpose of confirming the repay
of the reeve and councillor Knight re
securing option from Mr. R. Gidley
for the extension of Victoria stt•ee
from Marborough street to the Rail
way track, the municipality being a
the expense of building fence witl
cedar posts one rod apart, end post
securely braced, to draw one half o
the railsand posts of the present fence
to his house, and to pay for deed of
property if necessary, the price to be
at the rate of $100 per acre. Knight -
Fuke-that the offer of Mr. Gidley be
accepted. -Carried.
Heautan--Johns--that councillors
Knight and A. E. Fuke be a committee
to interview the Carling Estate re se-
curing option or if in their judgment
to purchase the necessary land to con-
tinue Victoria street west to the rail-
way track. -Carried.
Fuke-Iieaman--that the council
ask for tenders for the excavation of
a tank near corner of Andrew and
Victoria streets and one near Station.
The reeve and councillors Johns and
Fuke were appointed to prepare spec-
ifications for same. A. E. Fuke tuov-
ed the adjournment.
24th May Celebration
d, The Exeter Agricultural Soeiety met
r at the Manion House on Saturday af-
t Iternoon when the grounds were rented
to Richard Elston for $70 for the sunt.
titer season.
t Mr. Alex. Dyer was instructed to re-
pair the fence where necessary. At
t the conclusion of the meeting the cour-
t tnittee having in hand the 24th of May
celelnatiu11 met and decided upon the
f sports, etc. A big parade will be held
in the morning consisting of bands,
soldiers, cetlithuvrpian,school children,
town officials, etc. The afternoon will
be devoted to tall kinds of athletic
sports, a good list having been pre-
pared, and horse speeding. Two races
will be run, a 2:25 fur a $75 purse and
a 2:50 for a $50 purse. One of the big
features of the day will be the presence
of the famous London Free Press News
BoysBand which has been engaged
for the day. The band has attracted
immense crowds wherever present and
has given the greatest of satisfaction
The Exeter band has also been engag-
ed. Exeter will undoubtedly be an at-
tractive spot for Victoria Day.
Canning Factory Meeting
The first annual general meeting of
the shareholders of the Exeter Can-
ning and Preserving Company, Limit-
ed, was held in the Town Ilall on Mon-
day afternoon.
The old directors were re•elected
with the addition of Col. Young of
Goderich. Satisfactory tepor•ts were
read of the receipts and expenditure
and the estimated total cost, and it
was decided to place $5U00 more of the
stock on sale to provide additional
working capital.
The meeting opened et 2 o'clock with
the President,Mr. Joseph Snell, in the
chair. He gave a brief report of the
origin of the company and stated the
object of the meeting, for the receiv-
ing of reports and the election of di-
The minutes of the first sharehold-
ers'nee meeting,
which took n
lace in n Oclo-
her last, were read by the
Treasurer, Mr. J. G. Jones, and with
the exception of one item, were adopt-
ed. The charter and by laws were then
read and adopted with the exception
that one by-law fixing the salaries of
the directors was changed to read that
"the directors be paid $2 each per
meeting, the whole not to exceed $50
each for the year, directors living at a
distance to be paid travelling '.xpenses
as well."
The manager, Mr. Davis Gardiner,
explained his printed report, which
showed the receipts to March 30th to
be $11023.841 and the expenditure
$7814,11, leaving a balance of caste of
$32)9.:36. He estimated the total cost
to be $21125 which deducted from the
$25000 of stock sold would leave it bal-
ance of $3875.
A motion passed at a directors'
meeting to remunerate themselves for
past services to the extent of three
shares of stock ($751 arid one addition-
al share to the Secretary -Treasurer
1$1(10) was ratified by the shareholders.
A motion wits made to red.ice the
number of directors to five, and (10
amendment to increase the number to
nine. The :uwendrment was carried.
The nomination of the directors was
next taken up, resulting in fifteen
mimes been put forward, but all with-
drawing except the old directors and
Col. Young. they were declared elect-
ed by acclamation. The board for the
present year will then consist of
Messrs. Jos. Snell, C. 11. Sanders. J. G.
,lanes, A. Meiehand, Samuel Martin,
John hunter, AV. D. Sanders, Thomas
Harvey and ('ol. Young. The election
of it shareholders' auditor then took
place and Mr. A. E. Fake was elected.
On Hlolion of Mr. i.. H. Dickson s
vote of thanks was passed to the dir-
ectors for their work in connection
with the company, after which the
meeting adjourned,
50 Acres for Sale
Being Sn'tth F.a.1 11311 n1 i/t +, South !boundary
Ila' This i. an .
f ea 111101 pastme rum, teeing
well s.' , b - w, o
el t .lief ' a run nl e i .
the river •as r ¢
hrou I 1 one corns o1
Rho r 1 0. Will be sold cheap. App
•Iy to (-HAS BOX, con. 4. Stephen, or Exeter, 1'.(1.
Ontario Liquor License Act Village Property for Sale.
License District of South Huron
Notice is hereby gi'en that the hoard of License
('ommissioners for the License District of South
Huron will meet at
l'OMMERCIAi. h(rrEt., iN TIIF.
VILLA(; is OF 11EN`;ALi,
FRIDAY, APRIL 791.11, 1907
for the purpose of considering appli.•ations for Liquor
LMenses for the License Year leg' -8.
All persons interested will govern theniscl,e, a.••
J(111N ToRRAN('F-,
Licenve inlestor.
Dated at Clinton (his let day of April, Its...
N'•T1CF. is hereby given that the persons whose
names appear in the following schedule are apply•
ing for Liquor Licenses for the License Vear 19.197 8
and that the same are not now Licensees under the
Art ct are applying for licensee for premises not now
under 0. trice.
Name o1 Kind of ! T*411 p(tnn of Name of
Applicant Liven* 1 Premises irtinrpal'y
ahnoral !Intel
14. Dawson Tavern
son - ShopIlooenesteed R 1'k i Seaford'
rivet were Si Tavern licenses and 3 Shop Licensee
issuer in the hi.trict of Smith Huron during the
current License Year.
There are 27 Tama Licenses and t Shop Licenses
app fed for. for the License year Is,7.8.
Any petition against granting License to any ap
plicant or premiers post he lodgedw Rh the under- I
ritined at least four days before the meeting of the
1.1 eose Board.
License iown•tor for Smith Huron.
Dated at Clinton this let day of April. 19147
A first otters het. -k house, containin4 room. t i,. n
stairs and 3 u{.•stairs, with kitchen attached and
Ilar under all: 3-.7. acres of land, good well, a num-
ber fruit (rte. and frame stable. Terms to suit the
pun haste Imnieliate possession. Apply at The
ADA1st ATi; r.e rtt'i: r r CHRIS 1.1'K1:R, Ilay P.O.
Tenders Wanted.
Trader. are here!.} a.k.d for the 10110.,o5
For the excavation of two water tank., 12,0..12
feet. with a well 312 feet under man hole situated
one near the station on Wellington street, arid one
at or near the corner of \'i. toriaand Andrew streets
Also tenders for tile ement work for the same a•
per specifications In clerk's offbv.
rues Routh 1►'ondan to Thames or Lake Road
on Main street, and from Main street to Railway
property on Wellington street, tenderer to supply
horses. take •barge of gasoline engine pump and .1.,
all ne-eesary watt r pumping.
The lowest Of any tender not neceeaarily a cepted.
All tender* In 1'. in the hands of the rlerk before
7 p. m April I 1907.
By order,
J. 867110R, t'lerk
The infant son of Alonzo .ahhe,tt
had rho misfor t owe of filling on Thurs-
day last and had his roller bone brok•
en. Th. little sufferer is doing me Well
ae can he ' 1peeled.
Fire at Hastings destroyed two ho-
tels and seven hnsiness establishment,
Monday. Ines $$0,000.
Smallpox in Stephen.
Many contradictory reports have
come in from the Township of Stephen
as to the presence of smallpox in and
around the village of Dashwood and
south to Khiva. After many enquir-
ies and after sifting the matter as
well as possible the truth seems to he
that there are several cases in the
township and that one young man,
Herman Neeb, aged 17 years, died of
the disease on Monday night and was
buried on Tuesday morning. The
young tuan was ill for several days,
but feeling Netter he went out and
caught a cold with the result that he
was again taken and death quickly
followed. 4
While there are,undoubtedly, many
cases of illness in the township that
are not smallpox still the general opin-
ion of the doctors seems to be that
several cases of the real amallpox ex-
ist. The Provincial health officer was
in cousultation with the township
health officers on Tuesday and string-
ent tneasures have been taken to pre- Q
vent the spread of the disease. It is
the duty of all persons to do what
they can to stamp out the disease as
quickly as possible. One way is to be
vaccinated and thus to avoid danger
by etc.:Mentally corning in contact
with those who may have been expos-
ed to the disease.
$ 10,000 Stock to be turned
into Cash in Fifteen Days.
This is a genuine CLEARING UP SALE at such prices that will make
thepeople of this vicinity sit up and take notice. Not old shop worn
goods but every article in the store. including all the latest spring
novelties in Dress Goods, Prints, Etc., going at actual cost and in
many instances a good deal less than cost.
We Need. The Money 1 Let's Get Together
You Need The Goode
If you want to fit out the family for spring now is the time to do it at
a fraction of the regular cost. We mean what we say. All goods et
and tinder cost. Put us to the teat and you will not find us wanting.
It will pay you to come 23 utiles to this sale. The knife is right into
the hilt and won't be withdrawn until the last dollar's worth of good
is sold.
All Coods Marked in Plain Figures
New 124c. Prints, All Colors. at 10c.; new 10c. Prints, all colors at 8c„
Dress Goods in Tweeds, Voilles, llenriettes, Armures 60c. Mt 30c.: 75e.
for 51c.; $1 for irk.; Ladies' Skirts 55 for $2.49; Men's Snits from $2 to
$12; Boys' Suits from $1.27 to *5.75.
Mr.Ortwein spent Monday in ''Zurich
on business. -Mrs. J. C. Stoneman is
spending a few weeks with her moth-
er at Lambeth. --On Saturday Mrs.
Mutart had a sale of her household ef-
fects and left Monday for Flint, Mich.,
where her husband is employed. -Bus-
iness is booming at the foundry these
days. They cast three times a week
and employ sixteen men. --Miss I3essie
Kemp is home from London for a few
weeks. --Rev. Mr. Going of Exeter was
in town Monday. -Our League drove
to Exeter Tuesday rv'g and furnish-
ed the program in Main street church.
-(leo. McKay has the contract for
building a new cement shed for the
Methodist church. -Mrs. H. Cook and
son Charles have returned from Guelph
where they have been visiting.-- I.
who still have a maple tree bush
report the maple Symep season extend-
ed much longer by the present cold
snap than they expected. ---With the
near approach of spring great anxiety
is being felt by the farmers ns help is
getting seiu'ce. A largo number of the
young men from these parts have gone
to the far farmed Wrest, -J. W. Ort -
;vein has commenced sawing onion
seed. --Mr. Finleson of Sen forth visited
friends in town during the week. -One
of the teachers was ill last week and
as a consequence the room was closed.
--%Vednesday the W.M.S. held a very
interesting meeting at the home of
Mrs. Yunghlut. There were sunu'pre.
sent from Kippen and Bructfleld.-
WW'tu. Linde: field is home from Jack-
son, Itieh. He intends leaving shortly
for the West ---A very pleasant even-
ing was spent at the hoii e of Mr. and
Mrs. J. McArthuron Friday. About
were in attendance. tev.
1'rquhat'I of Kipper) spent Monday in
town. --Mrs. W. ilidgitis was in (it'd•
erich last week. --11. Jarrett and wife
were in London Saturday on business,
WEDntNO.--" Ltnredene Farm" the
beautiful home of Mi. and Mrs. Step-
hen Troyer was the scene of a very in•
teresting event. it tieing the marriage
of their daughter Effie Jane to Albert
Bell of the Londe!) Road. At five
o'clock the bridal couple entered the
parlor and it was here that Rev. S.
Toll tied the nuptial knot in the pr.'s.
epee of the inlniudiitc relatives of the
contract ing part ie5. The le ids s wed.
ding robe wits simplicity in itself and
she looked very )pretty indeed. After
the happy eotiple had been warmly
congrntelnte.l all repaired to the spac-
ious dining room where n delicious and
refreshing tea was served. The gifts
were simply elegant and shoved in no
slight degree the esteem 1n which t he
bride is held. Mr, and Mis. Bell will
take up h.•usekeeping en the groom's
fine farts, 1emdon Road. if well wish-
es count ler noght the hsppy pair's
future will 1,. filled with sunshine and
Mrs. F. G. Atils,tt met with a pain-
ful accident hat week by felling frnnn
the top of a set of asps. In the fsll
she sustained n broken rilr and other
painful injuries. Messrs. Sam] Da% is
and Dr. Orme have been extend1rng[(
theit phone set vice by erecting ron.id• 1
erathle more line. -.lee. Welker and
levelly left for the Weat Shout -doe. HEAmA
Wm. Abbott spent 1': iday in I.••ndon.
-- Mrs. ileynhant and son Maxwell, 1
Mans' Underwear
$1 and $1.25 for 78c.
75c. and Rye ..for 40e.
40c. and 50c for 29e.
25c. and 35c for 18c.
Overalls and Smocks
$1 and 81.25... , for f<3c.
75c. and 90c for 63c.
2.25 and 2.50 for 1.73
A Line of Overcoats
$5.00 to $8.00 for $3.50
Iter. a y,(td for 13c.
121, . a yard for 9e.
tic. It yd. cottonadee for 20c.
20e. " I for 17e.
Ladles' Cravenettes
$8.50 for 86. 85.75 for $3.75;
$10 for $7.50.
New Mastitis
10e. for 71c.; 121c. for 10c.;
22c. for 17e,
White Wear
Underskirts for $1.20.
•' " $1.75.
UOc. for 63c.; 50c. for :39c.
Corset Covers
40e. for :3Ic.
White Waists
$2.75 for $2.19; $2.25 for $1.137
This Square.
Phone 20 Satisfactory Store at HENSALL
spent Saturday in Exeter. -M. Curtin
is visiting in Detroit this week. -Mrs.
Luker is still on the sick list. --Miss
Flo Issery has recovered from her re.
cent illness rind is .(Nle to be around
agitin.--W. Luker of Exeter spent
Sunday with his mother here.- -E gs
are a high price in town these last few
days. --A meeting of the ratepayers
was held in the Town 111111 on Wednere
day Apr. 17. -Derry %A'ilson of Credi-
ton has been engaged as Twirler for
Junior Baseball Tram of Centralia for
this season. - Miss E. McNevin of Lon.
don is visiting her aunt, Mrs, S. Mc-
Coy, --Mrs. John Dempsey has pur-
chased the ten ,ter ss of land and dwell-
ing owned by Mrs. Pyrn, near the rail-
way station. -Dr. Orme is on the sick
list this week as is also James Wils3n.
--Mrs. John Brown has returned to
her home in Stephen.
sass --
Andrew hannnond dropped dead At
Thos. Joy a clippie died suddenly
at Hamilton.
M('DoN.%l.n-- In Exeter. on April 10,
to Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald,
• asopenauKht
CROSS -At the Cemetery House, on
April 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ('1050,
A nop.
WI•:STL.\t:E 1)11 the 1th of 1'sbornr,
April 12, to Mr. and Mrs. henry
AVestlake, a daughter.
TUCKER- Snit.; the home of the
bride's mother, on April 10, by Rev.
Riley, Arthur Reginald Tucker to
Miss Flora Ellen, youngest daugh-
ter of Mrs.Sarah Sires (formerly of
Exeter) all of Detroit, ,Mich.
Ai.HitECUT---COl.OSKI----At Lutheran
parsonage, Zurich. on April 9, by
Schuclke, John Albrecht to
Miss Lavada M., daughter of (7yrtia
Colosk}y', both of Hay.
PA/"I•:-Iimmes - itt London, on April
0, by Rev. Sage, Thos. A. Pace of
London, to Miss Edna i'., daughter
of Thos. }iedden, Crediton.
Wii.Tl+E-ILt\VDRN-- In Clinton, April
9, by Rev. Kerr, Attlee Wiltse of
the London Road, Shanley, to Miss
Grace, second daughter of Mrs. (7,
Bawden of Clinton.
Bt;L1.-TItovt:1t -In Hay, on April 10,
by Rev. Tell Alpert Bell of London
Road, to Miss Ea. Jane, daughter
of Stephen Tr..yer, of Hay.
Ll1R•ERY-in Stephen uw Apt i1 11, Mrs.
Joseph Lowery, aged 60 years.
MCCACUAN--In Parkhill, on April 14.
Joseph Mc('achan, aged 00 years.
Mt•Ilt-1n Exeter. on April 12, Elizn-
beth Noble, wife of Juin. Muir. aged
48 yearn, 2 months.
NEED -111 Stephen, on April kith
Herman Neel), aged 17 years.
G11.t•11,r.AN 1)n ('on. 11, 1'shorne,
William Leslie, son of Mr. William
(iilfilian, aged 5 years, 2 months, :3
lot re -staining wad finishing
Furniture, Wood-
work and Floors