Exeter Advocate, 1907-04-11, Page 8I1ade To Ordsr res.;illr well is an art l&'1 1 the man who has his e' ailing made to mea- sure has found the key to • that art. Each garment that we make for you has that air of individuality INF1r���.191 LOCAL DOINGS. ' at� ,kms As As ski ak a& Sehool le -opened Monday. Fishing poles 5 and 10c at cherlton'e. Mrs. Richard Davis, Sr., is steadily improving. Mrs. P. Bawden is conflncti to the house with bronchitis. Mr. Al. McDonell is ill this week with an ulcerated tooth. Mr. Thomas Cudubore is confined to the house through illness, Mr. %%'m. Gould, who has been ill in Michigan, is slowly improving. Next Sunday evening the choir in the Main street church will be of all male voices. I)ow & 'Pennant shipped a load of horses on Tuesday. Gilbert Dow ac- companied theta. The adjourned Vestry meeting of the Trivitt Memotial church will be so mut'11 sought after by held Monday night. next. the fa ionable man. Miss Dinah Elston of Fergus is quite ill. Her brother, Mr. Jesse Elston, visited her last week. Mr. Daniel French last week tender- ed his resignation as superintendent of the House of Refuge at Clinton. too New saitintts to sand The late Rev. Geo. Webberleft an At prices Away Down estate valued at $18,900, which goes to show that all ministers do not die poor. The Chinamen, who recently pur- chased Mr. B. Makin's laundry busi- ness took possession of the same last Thursday. On Wednesday, April 17 the House - bold Effects of George Harton, Main street, will be auctioned at one o'clock by Mr. John Gill. You Are Sure of CSMFORT - EASE - ELEGANCE W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Meter, Ontario liminess Locals -- Read Them Steele IJr-i,t,r1(' Field Seeds are the Lest rat are yrou u. Stewart s,Its them for Mister. Formalin ('r Formaldehyde, the old reliable for Mout on grain with full di- aastions for use, for sale at Howey's Drug store. A few cents worth of pbetnaldt-hyde may save you many *Alai. worth ((f grain. Don't neglect logo it. If y. u want strongest. hest guthty, try to at Howey's. Marriage Licensee issued at the Ad- vocate office. Stewart has the wail pular business smut this season. Quality, style and taaftu'' are what do tai trick. Ret your Marriage Licenses at the Advo 'ate office. Per gale. We have on our list a choice store prop •rtv in Exeter for sale at a very taws (Bayle figure.—Sanders & Creech. Al randy lot of Ladies' new spring jackets, latest Neer Turk copies -5.75 to x{.00—Stewart's. 0an.1 Welters for Sale. Fur a t'ood 1.►nd roller, cheap, call on `wll•tose Cottle. ibtnglea for gale. Just rectired a number of the cele• bret••d Rutland Buggies. The best in She rt►arket.c+all And see them. -A. Pvin. Pwperty For Sale. We have at present a handsome pieceof propperr y consisting of fine two storey reside nee and two lots, with w eal stable: all in first-class condition: sow eniently situated: all modern iu►- p•oeenlent. Price is a snap. ('all or weir., The Advocate Office. ll•r(nn lint•, (Ill si:rx, 1r(wl, tvIJ ('(try and Wilt- HA. $6. ;"5 t„ e'20.00 each, at alttrart's. Mike. This ist..give notice that a note dat• d Dec.. 1s.'est, four months after date. for fourteen dollars anti payable to J ohn ('h•u Iron nr order at the Mol.ori Rank, Exeter. and signed by James McKII 'r. has been Inst and payment stopped ••t fmresaid note and any per- son h.t( tag (mind said and not return- ing same will he prosecuted if present- MRsante without John Charlton's or- der. r (1t..' nub'.y $/slag (re rcoat., ret'~ aglia5, 1,50, 10.00, 12.00 and $15.o0. O wn t r Sale. 'Jarred Rock Eggs for incubation. Apply to L. ('. Fleming. tllataatadaad Pressing of Clothe 1 ata 1,1114.41 (1 to do the cleaning and pressing of your clothes in the most Pr! 11V111 fashion. Orders left at E. Willis' shaving parlors will be promptly attended to -51. Vincent. if you want to Lr right up t(• the cihl ale, ere(n a king Ilat. Stnrart '(114 asst. ++44 +++++++++++++++s OUR CLOTHES FIT The three things that ,fis- 1iognish t he clothes we (n.k•• .,re FASHION. FIT A14 WORKMANSHIP. We. of 04s11y proud et our re• (Neil .(m,1 will .nstain it With g".al garments. The Suiting things .,re r(ady end we are getting plenty of •,tdets one of thee" The woodwork at the canning fact- ory was commenced this week. It is being done by day labor, Mr. Wn►. llalkwill being the foreman. Messrs. Hunter & Harton, imple- ment agents, have dissolved partner- ship. The former will carry on the business and the latter intends going West. %Ve have had all kinds of weather this week. \Vine'• is making a last determined effort to held its own against the approaching spring, hut the game is up this year. The friends of Mr. E. H. Fish will learn with regret that he is confined to his bed at the Metropolitan Hotel un- der the doctor's care. Mrs. Fish arriv- ed here yesterday morning to beat his bed side. Ernie, the son of Mr. Samuel Hicks, t'sborne, sustained a broken ankle by jumping from the rig when his team became frightened last week on the boundary line between Usborne and l3iddulph. Hermit, the cocker spaniel, formerly owned by Mr. . H. Levettof Exeter, now the pro rty of Mr. Douglas, Woodstock, ' now the Champion of America, ga ing that distinction at the 1)og Sho in Pittsburg last week. Dr. Willi Henry Drummond, the most noted Canadian poets, died at Cobalt on turday morning. Hie writings w re largely about the French Cana ars and he Made "the habitant" well-known character throughout world. Mr. T. E. Handford won the first prize, a roller, at the Clinton spring sho ast week. The team was purchased near Watford and the horses were of the agricultural stamp And certainly were beauties. They were photographed on Saturday. Word was received this week of the death in Calgary Hospital on April 1st of Martha Jane (Tattle) Brown, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown, and granddaughter of Mrs. Hawkins of Exeter. Death was due to an at- tack of pneumonia. She was 21 years of age. The monthly sale ht'Id at the Metro- politan Hotel on Friday wase success- ful Thetex onewi be a f 11 one. nextII held t the satire place on Ft iday, May 3rd. Those having articles for sale trust leave word at this office by April 15th to ensure its being well adyertised.— T. Cameron. Auct. The Crystal ('it3 (Man.) ,tan. Courier of 3 last w('ek says: "Mrs. Win. Redden left Monday for Morden, where she was summoned to the bedside of her father. Mr. John ('udmore." Mr. ('ud- more's friends here will regret to learn that tie is sufTeting from an internal growth and that his recovery is very doubtful. Mr. l'. H. Russell, 11. A., of Edmon- ton, son of Mr. %Mtn. Russell of Hay, has been appointed by the Provincial Government of Alberta Inspector of Schools for Edmonton. He is to com- mence his new duties in May next. It is with pleasure that we make note of this Appointment of Homer's. He is a young man of excellent character and scholarly attainments and we feel cer- tain that he will fill the position in a most ctcditable Manner. Mary Ann Gipson, daughter of the late ('apt. Satnnel Gibson of (ioderich, formerly of Thames Road, near Frar• (pillar. (lied in St. Louis, on Easter flay-, March 31. She WAS born in Scot- land, Oct. 31, lett, and came to ('ana• da in 1S5K, living with her father 00 the fatal now owned end occupied by Mr. Sinton Campbell. and will be re- membered by many of the older people on the Thames road snd vicinity. She had been living with her brother G. (i. Gibson in St. Louis for the IARC ten years Anil WAS expecting to visit the old friends in 1'shorn ' during the Boal• ing sunirncr. She had An Attack of in- tlnenza in Jall,lart• from which she never recovered. Deceased was a mein - her of the I're'bytetian church in St. fAnlis,only however because het broth- er W.is A MCMher. She Was at heart a Methodist. having been converted in the Methodist church on the Thames Rats, on the corner of the Madge days m l will A reriate fern) the same night on which her pp la other Was converted in 1481 or 1432 how vitally and she has been a witness to the You Need '1 S cin Suit p •wee of the blood ever since. She will p ghe greatly missed. 0 0 T horsemen You want A good job on your horse 1 hills at a reasonable price. w ith gold cardboard And a good cut. The Ad• 0 'vocete gives you all these And also a 1 notice of your horse and route for two Call and Get our Prices weeks free mf charge. Yen want it in the Advo; Ate because it covers all the gr.' ind more thoron►rhly than Any other adccrtising rued nrr) it i. rm Itl•rchaat Tailor • Etetcr tour advantage to get yo(iI w( rk done +4++++++++++14• here. (hlr line is te.t(1 for your kind it:•pe, tiar). W. JOHNS Miss Edna Dow entertained a num-1 her of friends Tuesdaeng. Mr. 1'bnotuas ('ratvyfordveniI►as been chosen speaker to succeed Hop. J. W. St. John in the legislature. Rev. Holtueo of Lucan address( d the Main street League Tuesday even- ing. We are pleased to see so many of our citizens taking pride in their homes. The word '.bombe," next to that of "mother." is the greatest ever uttered by human tongue. What a refuge the home is when the darkness gathers! How glad one is to get a glimpse of home when time and space have separated hits from it if even but for a brief period! There seems to be a good natured rivalry here in an effort to make `but- borne" look a little neater and thus he the more in- viting to the occupants than all others. Such rivalry is certainly pardonable. This is the reason of the year when Much may be done toward making the exterior• of the house bright and beau- tiful as well the interior. It wasn't a Missouri editor but a printer's devil who was going through his first experience on "making up" forms. The paper was late and the boy got the galleys mixed. The fleet part of the obituary notice of a pecu- nious citizen had been dumped in the forms, and the next handful of type came off of a galley describing a recent tire. It read like this: "The pall bearers lowered the body to the grave and as It was consigned to the flames there were few if any regrets, for the old wreck bad been an eyesore to the town for years. Of course there was individual loss. but that was fully cov. ered by insurance." Tho widow thinks the editor wrote the obituary that way because the lamented partner of her joys and Borrows owed him five years' subscription. In another column will be found an account of the Anti -Barroom League meeting at Hensel) on Monday. At this meeting according to the corres- pondent it was stated that there are fourteen. licensed hotels in Stephen Township. This is certainly not cor- rect as there are but nine: Dashwood 1, Crediton 2, Grand Bend 1, Shipka 1, Khiva 1, Mount Carmel 1, Corbett 1, Centralia 1, Although there are two hotels at Grand Bend one is in Bosan- quet Township, Latnbton County, and we believe is the only hotel in the township. Then apparently the four hotels in Exeter were counted in. This should not be done as Exeter is not a part of Stephen township. The number of hotels in Stephen is large enough as it is without its being made to appear larger. lick's Forecasts for April. A Reactionary Storm Pet iod is cen- tral on the lltb, 12th and 13th. This period embraces the Moon on the cel- estial equator on the Ilth, and new Moon on the 12th. These facts lead us to believe that storm conditions will be prolonged front the preceding per- iod, and that a marked crisis of April storms will fall on and touching the lith and 12th. A very low reading of the barometer at this time will presage violence and danger. Vicious electri- cal storms with hail, will visit many sections during the passage of these storm centres from west to east. Tak- ing the 12th as the centre of a period of five days, we may reasonably look for reports of seismic disturbances from various parts of the globe. A Marked Success. . This is what the Berlin Telegraph relays about Green's High ('lass Moving �'fcturee. "The success scored by Pref. Green's Moving Pictures at the Berlin Opera House on Saturday after- ternoon and evening must have been gratifying to the professor. He came highly recommended and he thorough. ly pleased the crowded house be drew. The pictures shown were clear and dis- tinct, and with none of that irritable flicker flicker which goes with so many Ma- chines. The picturespresented showed the professor's thorough acqunintence with the wants of the public. His var- ied selection catered to all tastes, in- structive, sensational, humorous and even wonderful. is swayed from the imaginative to the conunon place, from the pathos to laughter. The assertion of the professor that you can see noth- ' 1 better if (11 visit London, Paris or noth- ingy ,1 l New fork is satisfactorily proven. And this attraction will appear in the Opera House, Exeter, 11'ednesday, Thursday and Friday, 10, 11, 12, underauspices of the Exeter Fire Brigade. Admission 2.1c. and 35c.: children 15. PERSONAL. Mr. Win. Muir visited in Ridgetown last week. Mrs. Clarke tins returned from a vis- it in London. Mr. Richard Gould was in Toronto part of last week. Mr. %Val. Moodie left last week for the %Vest to spend the mummer. Mrs. E. Maguire visited her mother Mrs. Windsor in Marlette Inst week. Miss Johnston, teacher, has retalrn- ed from a visit to he,'hon►e in Tot onto. Mrs. G. \V. Lyons of London spent a few days this week visiting relatives here. Mr. Gilb( rt. Dow carne horse from Winnipeg last week, but returned again on Teeldny. Mr. Edgar Westcott arrived home last week from St. Marys where he has been working. Misses Anna Martin and Jessie Dow, After n visit at their horses here, have returned to their studies at Toronto. Miss Stella Gregory spent the Eiister week on A visit to Erin where she was previously prin•'iptl of the public school. Mrs. \V. Wntkins (nee Miss Martha Mesa ins) of Chicago is spending a few days with r'lntives and friends in town. Mr'. W. liar rows and d:('Ighter Mahe), after a visit tit London. Shed• don and N,Iest(wll, returned hone Sntordny. Miss East wood, a lei has been visit- ing her sister. SIts. `tt*nhory, for smite weeks, tenoned to her home in Whitby Inst week. Miss Jeckell :Ind Miss Madge have returned to H.enail?on to resrlme their itIPI iea. 'Miss Olive Midge h:as alio re- u trned to West ministercollege, Tor. 4411?M,). iss (rrttie Armstrong. graduate of VIrtori, Ito•t,i/al. London. is viating at the hail e f %Ir. and MI.. C. T. 1t.. k-. Will .11 'elect. the g'.. -t Nf her ft -en', Mi.. I. zzie Taylor. EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EA('H WEDNESDAY Wheat 69 7tr Barley 45 46 Oats :3o 37 Yeas 74 75 Potatoes, per bag W 60 Hay, per ton 0 50 1000 Flour, per cwt., family 2 10 Flour, low grade per cwt 1 20 1 25 Butter 21 to 9'2 Eggs 14 Ltvehogs, per cwt 0 33 Shorts per ton •L: 00 Bran per ton 20 00 Dried Apples 6 per lb THE OPERA HOUSE TO-NIONT 1 ITO-11IOR1IO NIllTI Positively the Worlds Greatest MIER'S High Class Moving Pictures You can see nothing better if you visit London, Paris or New York Life Size, Flickerless, Steady, Sensational, Mys- terious and wonderful. Prof. Jno. C. Green. Sole Owner PRICES 25, 35 and 15 Cts, Mr. C. B. Snell was in London on Wednesday. Miss E. Hall is hone from London on a months' visit. Miss Lucy Cruikshank returned to Orangeville on Thursday. Miss Rose Finkbeiner of Berlin is the guest of Mrs. E. Heywood. Miss Smith, who visited Miss Con- nor last week, bas returned to Hamil- ton. Messrs. J. G. Jones and James Wal- ters were in London on business Fri- day. Sam. Elliott went to the west on Tuesday with a load of horses for T. E. Handford Melinda Wendland left Tuesday for Sebr•ingville, where she will live with her grandmother and attend school. Mr. Win. Melville went to Stratford last week where he has engaged to work with Messrs. Kurtze & McLean. Dr. Homer Kinsman of Sarnia spent Sunday with relatives in town. His little daughter, Margaret, returned with hint. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill went to Re- gina on Monday. They were accom- panied by the latter's brother, Alonzo Ford. Messrs. Sanl.Sande'rs, Exeter North, and Paul Boa, jr., of Kippen left Tues - (1e • for Halhnite, Assn., where they will spend the summer. Mr. E. D. I. Duncan, ledger keeper at the Sovereign Bank,has been trans- ferred to Toronto, leaving for that place Wednesday. Mr. John Shaw, who has been en- gaged with Mr. C. B. Snell as electri- cian, has accepted a similar position in Listowell and went with his flintily to that town Tuesday. 1 Clinton Business College Aflthat(s1 with wu(µham Ii C. s F Z). Write I r handsAme ,stat , ue, ms • GEO. SI'OTTON, Principal Individual tn'tFI'tinn. HOUSE DEGODITOa PiUIIIBER ... mw Water) (kannim PIIPEB IIOEB can seta tidr m{le e r 316N 8ITEB • RUINEO (With R Dinnev last year) Estimates furnished on application. A Trial Solicited Arthur D. Davis EX ETElt RESIDENCE: Corner James and An- drew Streets. Why You Sould Use 8IcieI ROOFSpring wheat flour and win• ter wheat Ilou� each possess separate And distinct food Siai HOOF virtues. in 1 THE PERFECT FLOUR Yon get the floe.? spring And winter n•he.,1 flour. blended in prmp'otlions. Ibead, t4411s, hisruits, cake•' and pastries made of STAR 1.1.Ot'lt are perfect food-. nnegn„Ilyd 11. purity, deliciousness and health •gicit,g properties. Can von coesisrer(tly raw' other than `tTA1t ri.ouh? 4 1)')f 4' t ((1(41 by HARVEY BROS. EX E'rEfl ONTARIO sesJAL AtAt AlAnt tailk 11111� 1 1 T. HAWKINS & SON WIRE One carload of Cleveland Wire at the Station. First come, first served. Prices right. Seeds of all kinds. Call and examine. TINS MITHINC We still are able to do all kinds of Plumbing and Tinsmith work. T. HAWKINS & SON. Our Great Rednction Sale Is On In order to reduce our stock before STOCK TAKING we are offering Greater Bargains in Furniture for the NEXT 30 DAYS than ever were shown in Exeter before. Every article in our large stock of furniture is reduced to almost cost during this sale. Call and be convinced before making your purchase ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors, JONES & CLARK PHONF NO 32 House Cleaning auts Now that the house cleaning season is upon us every busy house- keeper will want something "New” to brighten up the home. "We have it." Everything that you will require will he found here. Our stock is brim full of good things that you will need. ('orale and see them and we are confident of the result NEW CARPETS AND RUGS Our Cat petDepartment this season shows the ,Host complete it (.a I i and varied assortment of fine rugs and carpets that we have ever shown. Special values in Tapestry, Brussels and Axminster Rugs, $11 to $23 Special values in inion, Wool, Tapestry & Brussels Carpet, 25c to $1,50 nice for your parlor or drawing room. NEW LINOLEUMS We have just received nn immense stock of Cork Linoleums from Kilenldv, Scotland. Our new stock includes many striking and beaut- iful effects in floral and tile patterns. it will pay you to see them. They will look nice on your kitchen or (lining room floor. NEW LACE CURTAINS This is something we can boast of as to our large assortment, pretty designs end low prices. No lady needing new curtains for her house this spring should tniss seeing them as we can show over thirty different patterns from 5(k'. to VI.(:l) per pair. Oor stock of Bohine'tte, Swiss Spot, Frilled and Art \Inslins was never so well assorted and :are entirely new. Art Sateens, cretonnes and Tate -sit y covering are all rap -to -(fate and will make nice coverings. JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E Sanford Clothing 0.? SNELL & ROWE NEW ARRIVALS OF Li1:,Iici Crti: & Papers r BEAUTIFUL SNOWING OF WALL PAPER at 5, 10 and 15c. llorder sold by roll, .Arr1e price as paper. LACE CURTAINS Swell curtains at $1, $1.2.1. $1.50 per pair. LINOLEUMS 6 new pieces Linoleum, all choice patterns. 4 yerds wide :at 11.95 per Saki. SNELL & ROWE -40