Exeter Advocate, 1907-04-11, Page 41
The Popular Skin Food
Of Unusual .Merit
For The Toilet.
Just at this season of the year special
care 'mist be exercised io keep a clear
cotnhl.•xi n.
Will do all that is required of it. Un-
surpassed in overcoming the tendency
to harshness and roughness produced
by the cold, raw winds.
MELISSA BALM feeds the
pores and in this way
makes the skin soft
and velvety.
25 Cents a Bottle.
Prepared by
W. S. COLE, Phm, B.
Chemist and Druggist.
Order Abuacate,
Sanders & Creech. Props.
THURS. APRIL 11, 1907
R. H. McElroy, Conservative, was
elected to represent Carleton in the
Ontario Legislature by a majority of
000ovcr Mr. Hartin, IndependentCon-
servative. Tho seat was made vacant
by the death of Mr. G. N. Kidd.
Dr. Pyne. Minister of Education,
has under consideration a very impor-
tant and timely change in the public
school act which will doubtless become
law shortly. It'sa movement towards
developing patriotism and theteaching
It is under-
stoodpractical citizenship.
stood that the minister has decided to
supply every rural school in the Prov•
ince with a largeUnion Jack flag bear-
ing the Canadian coat of arms, to be
used on all school days. There will al-
so likely be a ceremonial in connection
with the flag hoisting.
The more pleasing and pleasant our
government can ►nake farm life the
better it is for the government. Our
cities are over -crowded with worthless
loafers that might be honorable and
respectable fanners. The rural route
is one of the things that. some day will
be provided to make farut life mot
desirable and attractive. and as we all
have to live off the farmers nothing
should be left undone that could be
done to make the farm inviting.
If every business roan in our town
could do business on a strictly cash
system it would be a blessing to its all.
If we all had to pay cash we would
learn to live within our means. It
would 91ve business open the expense
of book-keepers and the loss of bid
debts all of which some one has to pay
for. If our town could gradually
work into a strictly cash system it
would he better for us all.
Anti -Barroom League
The South Huron Anti -bet )ant
League tnet in their annual convention
at Hensall on Monday. The ye.tt's
work was reviewed, which showed
splendid results through municipali-
ties which c,trt•ied local option with
the required three-fifths majority, viz:
1 i p�
Stanley t township -4 and
Ix and
a Arne
fiensall Village. 'rockers:lath Also
had a innjet•ity of sixty-three bit not
quite sufficient to secure the measure.
The executive committee have bad .1.
number of meetings during the year.
and have been a great help in carrying
to completion the local option meas•
ures in the different municipalities. It
was decided to continue the effective
organization, and, if possible, to secure
local option for the other municipali-
ties in South Huron.
Resolutions were passed condemning
the three-flfths clause, and also disap-
proving of the issue of so many licens-
es in Stephen Tp., there being no
less than fourteen (should road "nine."
Nd.) licenses given in this township.
The following officers were elec ted:
Rev. W. Murray, Exeter; Pres.. Miss
Murray, Hensall; Vice•Pres.: Ser'y S.
11. Witniore, Brucefleld; ('or. -Secy.
Rev. S. F. Toll; Tress., F. O'Brien,
Chiselhurst; Presidents of local organ•
iz,at' , Rev. E. A. Feer, J. Cann, T.
Robinson, Rev. Bean, J. Govenlnck A.
Sn►ilie, Jas. 1Vall ace, Mims Mirr,1y.
For the
To succeed these days you
must have plenty of grit, cour-
age, strength. Now is it with
the children? Are they thin,
pale, delicate? I)o not forget
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You
know it makes the blood pure
and rich, and builds up the
general health in every way.
Theehflarenensotpns.!btyhero health
r ,-,e 0,1 i'. pi. ate n ptry.er n,n Id (Inn ('M•
r..,::,•u• t n 1r e!1 npp .mall I•ea'..
d.,te, of Ayr r'. l,• e 4 1. t.(.t.•r. fuaar',sled.
ti<a,1e b .1. C A Ter r•, • t eu U. itw.
A�.O a,arataelurara of
P HAIR 11008
We save no reereie t W puallsb
tb• foran'aa of all ear meAulwar.
Huy Council
The C'uunril stet in the 'Town 1ia11,
Zurich, ou April 3rd. All preent.
Minutes of `previous meeting read and
adopted. The Reeve and Treasurer
were eulpowet ed by by-law to butt ow
For now and the g;,txl for the Police Village of Z ii ich
test Of the season. and $500 for the Township of Hay to
meet current expenses. A few ac-
_ counts were ordered to be paid. The
council adjourned to May 1, at'2 p.m.
These worsteds are in blues and
fancy mixtures, excel in quality,
beauty and finish anything of their
kind we have ever shown. 1Ve are
offering some beautiful
SUMMER SUITS for$10 and upwards
If a pant bunter pantless
Is panting for pants
He panteth pantless
Unlit he implants himself into
one of those fashionable pants ordered
J. H. Holtzmann
A beautiful assortment to
from. If there is a taste we
suit, we have yet to know it.
Our Band has been reorganized and
are practising twice a week for Vic-
toria Day celebration. -The Misses
Nicholas and 'Wetlaufer, who have
been visiting Mrs. Dan Oestreicher for
a week, returned to their home in
Tavistock Saturday. --The weather the
past week has put a damper on the
housecleaning crusade and the "poor
old man" is taking a breathing spell. -
We are pleased to state that our Dr.
who has been ill the past week with a
severe cold, is improving and expects
to be able to continue his practice in a
few days. -John Wind left for Detroit
on Saturday to look after the interests
of his brotbet'-in-law Mr. Mistele, who
was seriously injured in an automobile
accident two weeks ago. They receiv-
ed word Thursday that fire had des-
troyed his stables and coal sheds, to-
gether with six fine horses. wagons
and harness. Much sympathy is ex-
tended to the strickeo family in this
their hour of trial. We trust that Mr.
Mistele will soon recover and nothing
more serious will develop. -J. A Mitch-
ell has been w(rkin atthe old school
foundation the past week removing
the brick which he will use in remodel-
ing his barn this suutnter.—Miss Stella
Andrews entertained a few friends
last night. We bad a good time. -The
brick and tile makers are busy at work
getting their yards in shape for the
season's work which will commence
the first of next month. -We are Rand
to see Ira Brown back in the store
again after his recent illness. He is
getting quite fleshy and intends get-
ting large clothes from the tailor. -
It •(u. Toylot intend: leaving here this
week for the West. 11'e wish hint
0v••r•v s,iet•••'s School e'untnenced ort
♦1.•r,lay after the Easter holidays.-
Vi••tor Kestle, who had his leg broken
a few weeks ago, is resting easily and
will soon be around again. -Eddie
Winer of Hanover is visiting bis grand
parents Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Winer.
-Jno. Mclsaae, who has been conduct-
ing the Royal Hotel the past three
years. left Monday for London. We
understand he will eventually nettle in
Saginaw, Mich. Both he and Mrs.
Melsa:te made many friends while
here and we were sorry to lose them.
The new tenant Henry Redfearn took
possession Monday. His wife and fitfu-
armfly are expected in a few Jaya. -Isaac
French an Indian. while cutting wood
in the hush last week cot his foot se-
verely with an axe and had great diffi-
culty reaching a h •use and securing
assistance. ()wing to our 1)r.'s illness
Dr. Orme of Centralia Was called and
bandaged up the foot for lane -Our
Police Trustees are talking of having
e cementeat sidewalks laid thissum-
u-uer as as having the streets li
ht -
with g.ts when the acetylene gas plant
is installed. -Next Sunday morning
Hev. E, H. Bean, pastor of the Evan-
gelical church, will preach a sermon
in the interest of the Ladies' Aid. -The
annual Canada Conference of Evangel-
ical Association will he held in the
Evangelical rhnreh next week, begin-
ning Tuesday evening. Daily sessions
will be held and a large number of vis-
itors are expected in our midst. Bish-
op Breyfngr•l of Cleveland will be the
presiding officer of the ('onferer,ce.
VlrrontA DAY. --•The committee
who have the arranging of the Victor-
ia Day Celebration met nn Monday
evening and hegnn their work. if the
weather Ulan is in a gond humor, the
villi ige will be the hest piece en that
(ley for ,.nynne wishing a day of gen-
uine enjoyment. Amongst other at-
tractions will he a monster procession
of echool•children and calithirnpi,lns
headed by the hand, two exciting
genres of baseball, a shouting thatch.
sports' itad a grand concert nt night.
A special prize will be given for the
person .nn whoh brings the lergest load of
people into the village before 9 n.m.
Liberal prizes to relithumpinns and
fpr other events. Month privileges
nnay be ubt:lined by Applying to the
Secretary. Mr. C. Bluett. Further de.
t Mils 111 ter.
1ticTrtte M.1T('It.--The Z'trich Gun
Club rami: here nn Toesdn5 and .hot a
return mitt(h with our club. The fol-
lowing score shows that the visitors
won: --
(fe). Ilirtzel 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1-4
Fred Kerr 0
1V111. Vent ley I
li M (whinnev 0
ieenia Kt .ft 0
Mawhinney 0
('. M:lwhioney I
W. M iwbinnev Il
('hris. Dinney 0
Div lltnhinney I
100011110 -ii
0 1 00 1 1 0 1 0-b
1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1-7
0 1 (1 1 (10 0 1 1-4
1 00001 nn0--1
1) 11100110 0
('hs- Ft itz 11 1 1 1
W li..•s 0 1 1 1 (,
1♦'(FS, ten 11 I 1 1) 1
Friel Iles. 0 0 0 1 0
Jlt:.o 1 1 1 1 1)
Phil Sipple n 11 1 n 1 II
J Srh.•elltg 0 1 0 1 1
11 Vinghlut e 1 r► 1 1 0
Ed Z -)ler 0 0 1 1 i i
Jno Deicltet t 1 11 1 1 1 0
Mrs. Fraser of Port Huron, after
speeding several weeks in the village,
returned home Monday. -Percy Bice
of Detroit is spending a short vacation
at his home here. -Mrs. Geo. Lewis
and Miss A. Neil returned home Mon-
day atter a pleasant visit with Mrs. J.
Coursey.-Miss Lizzie Patten of De-
troit is home for a few weeks. --Mrs.
Olette of Stoney Point, who has been
here since the death of her brother N.
J. Mcllhargey, returned home last
week. -Dr. Cobbleigh of Detroit is the
guest of his aunt Mrs. Geo. Carter. -
The Methodist Epworth League gave
an entertainment in the basement of
the church Monday evening. All pre-
sent seemed to enjoy the selections
given from E. O. Jones' grar,{taphone;
also the solos by Miss Jennie Brown.
-Mr. and Mrs. Andy Cunningham en-
tertained a number of their friends to
a social evening Friday. -Mr. Hender-
son of Ottawa was in the village last
week inspecting sheep. He found sev-
eral of Mr. Hudson's to he suffering
from a skin disease. --Miss Bertha
Cunningham returned home after
spending a few days with friends in
Thamesville and Belmont. -Mr. Mc-
Ewen of Tilsonburg is spending a few
days in the village. -Jas. Mcllhargey
returned borne Monday from St. Jos-
eph's Hospital, Loi.don. He seems to
be much improved in health. -Miss
Olive McRaun is visiting Miss Tillie
Bice of Brinsley.
Mrs. J. McMartin has gone to Lon-
don where she intends remaining for
a time. -Mrs. James Moore has re-
turned from a pleasant visit to Detro-
it. -1V. J. Wilson is now occupying
the house recently vacated by Mr. Da -
vide. --Jas. Humphreys of Seaforth has
again accepted a position at the found-
ry. -Miss Mabel Sparks, who has been
enjoying the holidays at her home in
Hensall, has resumed her duties as
teacher in Fairfield school. -Miss G.
Gauld bas returned to London after a
visit here. -Will Shirray and wife of
Detroit were visitors here last week. -
Master Ronald Gilmour of Winnipeg
is on a visit to his uncle, A. 11. Gauld.
W. Mutart has moved with his family
to Michigan. -Dr. Ferguson is now oc-
cupying his own home rpt the east end.
--Old King Winter is here again. -
Miss Florence Reynolds has returned
from Toronto where she has been at-
tending the Teachers Convention. -
G, 11. D.►vid, who has been G.T.R. sec-
tion foreman for some time, has been
transferred to Winghant. -Mrs. Geo.
1cMurratl of Chicago is spending Ra
few days here with her father. Wu
Bell. She is not enjoying very good
health. -Dr. J. E. Bllackall, late of the
Queen's hotel here, has located at
Bothwell and is conducting the Cent-
ral hotel. -Samuel J. Coulter, teacher,
has returned to Brurnurer, after spend-
ing the Easter holidays at his home
here. -Rev. Toll is suffering from an
attack of La grippe. -Mrs. Srnalbt-
conibe attended the china wedding of
Mr. and Mts. Geo. 11111 at Brucefleld
on Tuesday. -J. C. McDnnell spent
Friday in Exeter. --Mrs. J. McArthur
and Mrs. Harty Arnold spent a few
days in London lest week at Dr.
Thornpsnn's.-Mrs. Glenn visited her
father 11. McMurday of London. -Mrs.
Stnallacombe was called to Guelph on
Tuesday owing ro the illness of her
daughter Mrs. 0. Walker. -Miss Mat-
tie Ellis spent her vacation at Harrow.
A. Brandt spent a few days at London
and Toronto. -Mrs. (Dr.) Medd and
Josie returned to Forest after a pleas-
ant visit here. -Mr. Rennie leaves to-
day for Berlin to help celebrate 'the
birthday un I willK1
hisuncle, be 1
old (itt -- ' 1 N
years1 that ). 1h Irsday whet
might have resulted in a serious con-
flagration was nipped in the bud at
Bice'e hotel. The fire had started in an
up -stair bedroom and had it not been
noticed when it was it would have re-
sulted mora seriously. --Another of our
young men has joined the great array
of benedicts, 11'e refer to James John-
ston, who on Wednesday week claimed
Miss ida, dtiaghter of John Rathwell,
of the Babylon Line. Stanley, as his
bride. The wedding took place at the
home of the bride's parents, the Rev.
Mr. Brown offlcinting. 1Ve join with
the ninny friends in wishing thehap py
couple n long end useful married life.
The Model Wife
---•- A N 1)
Diamond Dyes
A model wife can realize
(creat benefits from Dinniond Dyes:
No matter what her fainily's size,
She dollars saves by Diamond Dyes;
She happy makes her children's lives,
Ilv often using Diemund Dyes;
Her home is bright as iirne fast flies,
Reenlist* she oses Diamond Dyes:
All other (bps she will despise.
When she can buy the Diamond Dyes.
Her husband's cents. vest .1. penis h lie.
Are (sen renewed with Diamond Dyes;
She c ,uses wander and snrpri•e,
By tinting wall, t\Ith Daimon(' Dye-;
She with an artist often vie+,
ilv coloring maps with i)1 )mond Dyes,
She's econnm eat aria wise.
Deceits.. she use. 1►i: nnrl Dyes,
(heel nature spin kips in her eye.:
ile'Aise she's helped by Di:.n erid Dye•
On every color she veli P.
Jude by thewomb 0114 Diamond Dyes.
This month The W. Its k Richardson
Co.. Limited. Most ten'. P.Q., willend
free to any address now Dintnn11d 1) e
llo"klet and Id( a% Sonvrnir Cavil for
lL.by. You should h..% lo theta.
(10 1 1) 7 ---
1 00 1--0: Speaker St. John Dead.
0 0 1 0-3; 11. n. J. W. St. J, fon. speaks t •,t the
0 me,
t1 1-5 Toronto.Ile food t y
foodbeen noenrill for mane
1 1 1-8 days and the end was expected. ile
1 1 0-0 wAa nide speaker on the election of
1 0 1-7; the 1Vhitney liowernment in 190.1. He
1 0 0-8 wns:il years of age.
When " sweets"
lose their sweetness—
and as stlbstantials,"
their charm—there are
always MOONEY'S
coax back
the appetite.
know how
good they
are? ,oil
Austin Hewitt spent Sunday under
the parental roof. -Ed. Bearss, who
has been suffering from blood poison
in bis thumb, is recovering. -John
Wiles and wife entertained a few
friends to an eight o'clock dinner on
Friday evening. All report a very
pleasant time. -Nelson Watson, who
has been spending the Easter holidays
at Toronto. the guest of his sister Mrs.
R. Henderson, has returned home. -
Walter Sperling is wearing a smile
these days -a boy, -A quiet wedding
took place recently at Toronto when
one of our young ladies, in the person
of Miss Jennie Anderson gave her
heart and hand to John Baldwin of
Brooklyn, N.Y. They spent part of
their honeymoon tit the home of the
bride's father, John Anderson, here.
We join in extending congratulations.
Sugar making is the order of the
day. Some of those who thought the
syrup season to be over have taken
their buckets out again. The farmers
say the real sap sun has come. -Ed-
win Gardiner, who spent the winter
with his parents, bas left again for the
West, accompanied by Wn►. Brown. -
Andrew Hackney, who spent Easter in
Blyth returned home Tuesday. -Lord
Stewart of the Boundat y called nn the
tenant on the hill Sunday evening. A
h s bined.--
business a pleasure ate tri cpm
i n a n3 e
Thos. Ballantyne, who baspbeen con-
fined to his room the past week with
inflammatory rheumatism, is able to
be around again. -Louis Fletcher and
bride entertained quite a number of
friends at a wedding reception in their
new home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs.
Fletcher received a large number of
useful presents. The evening was
spent in music, games and dancing.
All report a pleasant time. -Miss Lot-
tie Stewart, who has been in London
the past few months, is holidaying un•
der the parental roof. -Miss Addie
Bell of Hensall spent a few days last
week with Miss Alice Hackney.
Beit Pilkey, who has conducted the
bakery business here for the past two
years and who recently disposed of
the same to Levi Hamacher, left last
week for Petrolia were he has secured
a good situation. -A tneeting of the
directors and officers of the Huron
Weather Insurance Co. was held here
on Saturday last.-HenryWillertrt sold
his little Nordino driver last week to
John Decher for which lie received
the snug auto of $175. -Our public
school teachers returned to their work
here en Monday after spending the
vacation at their respective homes. -
Henry Ehlers has received the Janitor -
ship of the Evangelical church here
for the present•year at the tisilal sal-
ary. -Miss Ermine Tiernan has been
visiting her relatives around here dur-
ing the past week. -The contract for
lighting our street lights has been let
to Jos. 1Van,hoid for the present year.
-it is reported that one of the Credit-
on pal) s who visited friends here on
Sunday Inst succeeded in capturing 8
"Link." -Rev. L. K. Eidt accompanied
by his sister and (Infighter, visited his
parents,it Berlin during the week. -
it. Hamilton of Grand Bend was in
the village on Tuesday. -Miss Arm-
strong, the nurse who 'Mended Henry
Hoffnt•tn during his seine of typhoid
fever, was a visitor in the village over
Sunday. --Albert %Volfe of Crediton
visited At the home of his uncle C. F.
Fir,kbiner on Sunday last -Jos. Wam-
bold is busy these days hanging paper
a h
for his many pstrons. He is becoming
expert at the tipsiness. -David Neff,
who has in Michigan during the
past seven weeks syndicating A hoose.
returned to his home here on Tneidny
of last week. He has been bust since
his return breaking Celts at which he
a hand. -DA ♦ -
re • e d. 1 tn. Me
tlBiRly R 'nester r ban
IsiA. of Zer'i -h was In the village on
Strain of laser,. bred from an eeta6lnhed !train of
,tandanl brei heavy layer.
Bred to lay White Wyandotte*.
Fig n -es don't Iie--•Tru sum of standard site plus
standard !hips tine standard color plus Nealy lay•
ell. "Mt. •lnln" Order eggs now,
1 grand pen headed by "Jack Frost,.' 3rd prise
cockerel at Rnnth•M, mated to sit An. Ilene, full
sisters to 1st. 2nd and Ith prise pullet• at Reatorth
IOW, Fars per setting of 13, f':;ot two lettings M.
Rtay White 1. whom. bpd to fav esv, from So, 1
pen headed by 'Snowball who took Ilse 1st prises
nut of a time• ah•.wn: meted to I: fine hens Set-
; tiny( of 15 it nt ^opt tints f1 '11
Egg' from Run of Flack 00 ceeta
01(i►ER AT (iN('f.
�1.•nev roust he sent with order 10
'EN TR 11.1 1. ONT.
Undoubtedly the best .Felted on
the continent. Proved to be so by
analysis of four chemists, and by
awards of the world's great Exhi-
bitions, especially CuicAtes 1893,
where it received ninety-sis points
out of a possible hundred, much
higher than any other Porter in the
United States or Canada.
(Incorporated by Act of Perlin/Ant 1'55)
Head Office,
Capital !'aid II)
Reserve Fund
Assets Over
OFFICE HOURS 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m,
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
Saving Bank Department:
Until further notice Interest on Sas ing, accounts will be
cnditedyuarterly instead<1halt yearly a• forme,) -
Deposits of 111 and ups ants reeeised.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager,
Short, stiff. hard, steel wire staysmake a"hinge-like"
Joint at every lateral wire on the Dillion fence.
These ")Singe -stays" give our fenco a greater degree or
elasticity—enable it to withstand greater strain. They act
like, and really are, hinges—make our fence swing or spring
w or the unusual
heavy bio
back into shape after receiving a ho y
animalpressure caused Lyafurioushullorother
push his way through to freedom. Catalogue tells more about
this twice as strong" fence.
The Owen Sound Wire Fence Co-. Limited,
Owen Sound, Ont.
A very enjoyable time was spent in
Jabez Millson's sugar bush Thursday
afternoon when some of the near
neighbors enjoyed themselves at a
taffy pull. -Cris. McCarthy returned
to London Monday. -Thus. Mot kin has
returned to Berlin to resume his du-
ties. -11'm. Morley visited friends at
Bryanston Sunday. -Most or ell of our
hired men who have been engaged to
work in our coutnrunity the coming
season have commenced their duties.
--Pruning apple trees and fencing are
the order of the day. ---Walter Bonn,
teacher, has resumed his duties, after
spending the holidays at his home bear
Lucas. -Fred Delbridge and wife of
Winchelsea visited at 1'. Brooks on
Sunday. -We hear the busy housewife
say, "John, come help move the stove
and heat the carpet." it must be
housecleaning time. -Miss Ella Sdnite
wits in our burg last week. -Win.
Gunning held a wood bee Friday and
succeeded in getting it large aninunt
of wand cut. The ()Id reliables vete
there.- Hector Millson has neceJpte(1 a
position as clerk at the store Item. -
John Morley of Detroit spent Monday
here prior to leaving for Edmonton,
Alta. -Hector Millson and Miss isatie
Squires Snndayed At Blanshar•d.-Thr
Union church people ere on the move,
preparing to build the new sheds and
fence: -Our genial blacksmith is kept
busy these days.
Rev. Mr. 1'rquharl's lecture Friday
evening on "The i.ind of the Bleck
Rock," wits excellent. Owing to the
very had roads there was a very shall
attendance, hit those who did Attend
listened to it rare treat. The proceeds
:,tt in aid of the fnindation of a lion•
d,tv Whin)! Litparv.- Mies ifnt•hare
Meteor, who hits been visiting her sis-
ter Marjorie for the List two weeks
has retnrtied to Clinton- Miss (`Itis
Wills e11te1 twined n 1 er of friends
to ta ffM{lrt� the otherrniR
Berth'. a'Kenzie,
who )tits home for
helidays, tins retained to Turmas) to
region.. her duties Rs .i bookkeeper. -
Ed. Clegg of le•ndon was hnlne IAst
week. We me sorry to hear that he;
has not been enjoying the t.r,.t of
health for Some tithe.-- Mips Jean Mur• i
ray of duffle w,.s this week renewing
ael :nintaneer, here. ('hit.. 1):nsdale
(neer nor youths, Ibis winter took e
trip to Eughtnd, nt:ri a day ,o two :.go
returned looking very happy. the reit-
arm being that he brought hack with f
biro it charming bride. 11'e extend
congratulation end near theirfnlirel
bet one of hnppinew .1n( prneperirt.-
Mrs. H. Welker end little son ••f i'••t•
et born /1111 .pending A few (1eys 141 th••'
home of 1Vin. (\'tion. - Alis. 11'atk.•,'s EXETER, CENT
ni.ny friends will he pleased to 1.•v11
ih'I Sh0I. recovet•iti g !live IV' fI the
injuries she tereived in the liur•Iph
wreck. - Mrs. (i.•... MrK,ly And w'nl.
1 vison nee tecuvering from their 111•
Sealer 10: The follue 11 g Ir ft fur dis-
tant, points last week: Ja-. ft. s-, wife
and two danvhti•r,- of Clint.o, to Cam -
rose, Alts.; J. W. He'll ,u.d 1\ ifs, Miss
Flora McClure and Miss K. Ni elands,
Hollett to Hemline. Nivel; nee:. W.
Adams, wife eel rbu,ghter, to Rncen-
rille. Sask.; Jno. Hanna, Tecketsmith
to Milestone, Sosk.: Jar. WHO, Eg-
mon(iville to Il.a11don. ,Alan.; 1(. E.
Coates to Shn-111111.', 1(111110 and tet urn;
R. Van}ymondville to Sault St Millie.
Ferry Seeds
are not an expert -
eat, but with propercultl•
•atlon,they aortae success
from the siert. Users have no
doubt. at planting nor dlsap-
lntments at harvest. Get
ftP .oS
for biggest, surest, beat crops -
sr all dealers. Famous for over
so years. 190? tlaad Annual
free on request.
O. M. FERRY ♦ CO.,
Windsor, Ont.
Seaforth: Mis. T�•skl'. B.A., late of
Essex high Srhieie 1 opnenrerl her
dirties Mnrlda l' 1110114IIIg a•6 a I b.s"icai
tearher 111 1 h Sen faith ('•.tlegiate
Clinton: (i. S1\inhank, of Landon
Road, died Sunday of pneumonia, at
the lige of sI. 11.' Gas one of the old•
r st pioneers in this district, coming
here in 11453 and was one of the frtre-
nlan in the roust rut thin of the inataln
Rod (beimi.'h 11.iltv..y. A wife and
five eons snit ice,
Wal eetehli,hed twenty wean awn and by its thot•
n w r.. l.edeal'. . •:thita patrons
u h ark awl .notal tr M
ha, be. nme one of the Imre* Band moot pwidely
known ('ontinen•u1 l'ulle,re• in the rn the e.
demand upon ne for cnmmerctal tearhe•r and
sa.iatIra l6e.attcevte Ithe en, idy. We 5.91 our
gradual!! to;volt ions. 1 intent. are entering each
week. latah ne free
at' Highest Priee paid for (;rain
liiddolph: \CiIf.I.1 T.1!.',. ag•d
a former resident of this vieulityi 1585
rt elite(' Monday At Lnnd.•n .,n a
ehatge of sednriog the 1I-t'••.1r eld
dinght.'t of Wm. Onterliff 11f ie.ndon
township. The care will c. nee up the
faits r end of the week.
(fturrossnr to Joseph ('nbbledirk