Exeter Advocate, 1907-04-11, Page 2P4cGIbb SUFFERS HEAVY LOSS
The Famous Engineering
by Fire.
A despatch from Montreal says: The
heaviest material loss that McGill Uni•
versily bas ever sustained overlook it
of i n curly hour on Friday ntornine.
when the splendid 'Macdonald Engine,
ing building, said by British scienlio
ter bo the most thoroughly equipped e,
the empire or in America, was total::
ni str.ycd by lire, together with its con -
ten's. The lire was .hsei.%ered about
5 o'clock in one of the upper stories,
and probably originated on either the
second 4n. third ;loot'. Ry the time the
Iiremei arrived at the scene the buik)ing
Has u ,Hass of flame. The efforts of the
e were directed toward
lire within the building and keeping
11 from spreading to the adjacent Work-
men 31eehariicnt building, which escaped
though somewhat scorched.
In less than an hour the big structure
was a wreck and the roof had fallen in.
The spectacle was a magnificent one
11041 was watched 1!v humble's of slu-
d1nts, who s vnr,nr,l on the grounds.
maoy of !hero Ile r'ersaful la's was
very great, for the eelrace mon have
personal kits that run up as high as
$200 in value.
The loss will total about Three quar-
ters of a million. The original cost was
$184.(11(►. In! Sir \\ in. Macdonald since
the 1, ;: •11.11 of the building, some
1• If t ; ago, had added material-
- • ,luipnu'ul, as had also the tuti-
ty atilt rilies. Thr only ,,al•oge
.1, suure of the apporalus in the lower
stories. All the examination papers
written on by the science men during
he week were destroyed, together with
Dean Ilovey's private papers. The
museum will probably prep. the great-
est loss because of the 411111,4111y of re-
placing its contents. The collection el
models known a, neuter's Kinematic col-
e. ,on was parttOria r s!u l,
k. About
. •
(r0 volumes of books e1 a technicalir
and scienliflc nnlure were destroyed
a too
The origin of the fire is a mystery.
The building was closed at 6 o'clock on
Thursday night, and the only person
supposed to have had access to it after
that hour was the watchman, who went
his rounds early in the morning and
found no indications Tit Om.
The insurance in the building and
contents amounts to 320.000.
Dominion feral I:nutpan) Slaking (on -
tract N'ith C. P. R.
A despatch from Sydney, ,N.S.. says:
ii is understood that 11►e Dominion Coal
Conlpnny have completed or are enter-
ing upon a contract will lite C. P. R.
for the importation of labor from the.
United Kingdom. The Coal (:onlpnuy are
in pay a stilled sunt per capita for the
labor brought out and landed in Glace
Bray. The immigrants are to be of n
superior class, and adapted for the com-
pany's work in Cape 'trefoil. The first
hatch will probably arrive slimily. AI-
ihough negottations to this end have
peen going on for some considerable
lune, find long before the trouble now
Pending. was thought of, 11 is believed
Ilea? lbe, contract wilt ha„ a deh'rn►in-
ing influence upon the sel11en0•nt of the
labor problem now looming up at Me
-- — '-----
Difficulties un the Western Lines Finally
A despatch from Chicago says: The
differences nces between the western rail-
roads and the members of the Order of
:mduclut's and of Ilse Brotherhood 01
Itaihvny 1't'riinm, a were finally adjusted
e.14 Thln:,day. The ;nen conceded their
demand for a nine -hour w•nrkday, and
4Ia' radio:ids promised an advance over
their pret-iou, proposal ns 10 111e pay
r 1 baggageinen, flagmen and brakemen
e l $f.sI) it 140 11111. The original de -
hands of the Darn were for an Increase
et 12 per cent. and for n nine -hour
working day. The mnnngers offee d ut
10erease i►i pay of 10 per cent., but de-
clined lo grant the ni110-hour day. The
agreement wns reached mninly through
4110 efforts of Chairman Knapp of the
lhlerstate Cannneree Commission and
Commissioner Neill of the United Slates
Bureau of Labor,
Clltl\F:I'r: I\I:I11:1s1:1► 14AV.
Premier 11 hioO•y. Itrin(s In a Lung.
Ls Peeled lleasure.
A despnh !, horn '1'o,e,rae -,n - :
Rnlnry hill u,lroduced I,, 114-1111,T \\ tat -
bey nn \\•viie,da' pr• \el. s that each
oseei live member 4.1 (110 441(41441 is to re -
4 e4%e aoa ua•rcns1 of $2,000, bringing their
"411011., up to $6.4411 a year, in aalditkeit
1.. ile sessional hale 11111ify of $1.000, or
5;1,1444 in all. Premier Whitney, whir is
also) 1'rez:Merit of 1114' Executive Council,
1:.- at ted' present lime n snlnry of
e', lent, Under the new hill he will re.
• ]'resident of the Council $6,(100
i'it.l Minister 43.(X4) per annual,
• :,,t 1 :. , to his sc.'isional indemnity r.f
sIll.(10) per t'e'al'.
1111:N Rl' (:44Ts.
11111 h!em n Ro
Resident of 1 amrn%er
Wail on the 11.ot, 5askatchrv':441 Slane Ni..intg since -
Ln'1lnt•(taas Eales h) 110(4es.
Movement Inaugurated to Form a New
A despatch from Fort Frances, Ont.,
says: A big mass meeting of both poli-
tical parties was held at Immo on Wed-
nesday evening to initiate the mnove-
rnent in New Onlnrio for secession from
the old province with the object of form.
ing; a 114.4' tale, enibrueing the Algoma,
,Nipissing, Thunder Bay, and Rainy
(liver districts. After n number of
speeches had been made by the reeves
of the several municipalities nod other
leading citizens of bolo par'lies a strong
resolution, moved by Dr. F. 11. Bethune,
Zsecre'lary of the Dislridt Conseov:titive
Association, and seconded' by W. 1.
Price. a leading Liberal of Burriss, en-
dorsing the movement, was carried by
a standing vole. A strong conunitteo
was also appointed to Confer with the
other districts.
'1Illlt(Nt AT 5111N(:Il.11. ,•
1•:n(lish-speaking Residents fit the Dis-
trict in hanger,
A despatch from \ ancouyer, B. C.,
says : Advices received by the Oriental
liner Empress of Japan are to the effect
that the English-speaking residents of
5144 4i hn1 district are in terror. Pirates
noel desperadoes are masters of the silu-
niton. One de,pateli describes Hint sec-
tion of China as a "seething hell.- A
missionary in a letter tells of livers hav-
ing Leen cut out of dead bodies and
11'as flurried t4 Death in Fire in an Oil
;\ de ,pet I, fr'om Vermilion.
sae• 1!.,.1g_o \Volker, an engine wiper,
6•-t le, ia',, and a companion was ser -
:),,y 1 -ii ted, in a fire which destroyed
I,• i , N. 11. oil -Iroise al this point on
Tilesieo eight. The origin of the fire
cannot is. learned al present. An in•
Brest a ill probably be held,
I101 Flt(/%FN_I'0IIEATIL
I 1 11 -ander -d from (lone and Lost Ills
11 ay.
A despatch from Kennel .::y ::.\ boy
mimed MlcMlillan, aged about seven
yeas. Arroyo away from his tome t..n
itidoul street Ons \Wednesday evening,
and was found Heol afternoon by mete
boys frozen 10 death. The 11111e fellow
had evidently shirk(' ter w•n1k over the
rocks toward town and got kosl. The
family had only been herr a short time
from Scotland.
FOUND V)(; %I► 0
A TREE'S FOI►!1. - -
Made by Tree heel! ttitlt Aid of I4h1
Practical Delirious of this tact
on Ilio ]fork of the Forester.
Plants have to manufacture their ow
food; animals. on the other Mold, d
ger nd nn plants for their food: for, it
though u wolf may eat a sheep. yet to
sheep fed on grass, and so Mt' \'',I1 in
directly depends on 11t, grass for it
food. ']'Iris food is Indite by the plan
from water, taken from the soil by 114
roots, and carbonic aeid gas, or carbon
dioxide, absorbed from the air Ly ib
knives; these two substances are 00111
'blued in the Ieuves .into u substanc
known to chemists as as sugar, thougl
not 1111;011 like the sugar we ordinarily
M e.w es such.
E' e•ry plant, from the tallest Tree down
the smallest of the algae, such as
fur 441 the scant on standing water, has
this power ;except a 1e.v plants, such ns
Me fungi, which hot en 0111e1. plass).
1.1 some cases --in Very tall trees. . fur ex-
ample --there arc c•,nsiderable difficul-
ties to be overcome in raising the water
1•) the leavers, in order !hut the food may
be formed then.
When 1
1 t �
1 under der s
ce of a leaf is
examined with n microscope , one finds
(here certain very ...titan openings from
the outside into the interior of the leaf,
these are known as "stomata." 'Through
(Nese openings, and thence into the in-
terior of the leaf, air is continually
ing!, and this air contains n Certain
11:nour►t of carbonic acid gas ieartwii
dioxide). In the interior of the lea!, in-
side let cells of which it is cenuposed,
are a number of little bodies called
"chloroplasts." These lake the water
from the roots and the carbon dioxide,
and combine them to forst this "sugar;"
and from the leaf the "sugar" is dis-
tributed again to the different parts of
the plant.
13441 (hese chloroplasts work only while
it is day. When darkness conies on,
they cease work. resuming only when
light Mullis. SO 1144' plant must have
light in order to form its food,
'1'o the forester it is this last fail which
it so importer'', namely, Hint the tree
must have a good supply of light in
order to make its food. If the needed
light is cut off from one part, the tree
will do ils best to trach out in some
other direction and get the light m that
In any thick forest, whether large or
small, Ire,•, naturally tend to crowd each
other. (sue of the forester's duties is to
regulate this crowding, and S(4' that each
tree, as far as possible, gels the amount
1141\. J. W. ST. JOHN I)F%fl.
- SpeaLor of Ontario Legislature (Dies
After Sher] Illness,
A despal•li front '1 01.4.010 says : The
11 n. Joseph Wesley S1. John, Speaker
of the Legisluliwe Assembly since the ad-
vent of the pit:sent (iuleminent, died at
the 1'oro0lo General Hospital at 12
o'clock 4),440 on Sunday, utter an itInes.s
of Iwo weeks. Deceased was admitted
to the hospilal on Sunday, March 24,
and at 11 o'clock 11181 might was operated
upon for nettle appendicitis. ile made u
satisfactory recovery from the operation,
t -
C j s•► moo so 11181 toward Ilse curd 01 the
e first week the attending physicians con-
t sidered hint out of danger. On Sunday,
\l:u•clt 31, a chronic Malady, diabetes,
from which ho was also suffering, sud-
denly took on an acute foram. From That
time on his life was despaired ot. On
Wednesday he rallied somewhat, lite
improvement being maintained through-
out Thurs(lay. On Friday, according 10
the official report of the case, he I►nd a
relapse, and gradually pnssr'd into a
condition known as diabetic 0111118. Ile
was 1/11et11Seinits frame 2 (ere ok all Suii-
dn • b hoer r ! niornuro6 mild • of 1
h s
) u 1 deo h.
870,000 111111.: IN 111N\11'1•:(:,
]Warehouse and Buildings Destroyed 011
East Parific avenue.
:\ despatch from Winnipeg says!, The
warehouse and ollice buildings of the
Pis. Robertson Germany, Limited, on
East Pacific Avenue, were partially de-
siroyed by tire on Sunday forenoon. Tho
total loss is estimated 111 $70,000. Thi,
loss is covered by insurance. as there
e; $1(X1,04,0 on the stork and two build-
ings which adjoin, 01113' one of which
was totally destroyed. The insurance
oft stock included in the above is $77,-
1;(1). The insurance on the two build-
ings k $23,000. The cause of the lire
is unknown. The company owns the
letltIIIQI tKls IN S11'I1'71•:It1.:1ND
Cruse Numerous Avalanches in the
Ithaelian .11ps.
A despatch from Geneva, Switzerland,
sosis: ']'here were two earthquakes on
Saturday in the Ithaelinn Alps, on the
Ae:s1ro-Swiss frontier. TI icy caused
nun►erous avalanches, and sections c•f
forest land were swept away by ilia
Furnace of the Dominion Steel Com-
pany Exploded.
A .Iespalch from Halifax says : Thor, -
da) morning at 4 o'clock an explosion
tock place at the open hearth furnace of
Ihr Dominion Iron & Steel Company at
Sydne), which injured fourteen of the
%b almie•r' in the building. At the lime of
the occident the men were engaged at
No. 5 furnace pouring in molten metal,
when suditeuty a terrific deluralion was
heard unit the bricks of the furnace were
Thrown al.nit in rill direel040.. Six sten
were Ili to be badly injured 0041
were taken to 11e• Bteenklyn 1fospitnL
After having their injuries dressed, four
of thou were able to proceed to their
Six others received contusions from
flying bricks. Two of (Mese were taken
tet the hospital, but neither Is seriously
damaged, l'1►e explosion was due to the
ladle of molten metal being emptied into
Hie furnace on let) of sola• +old metal
already in the bottom. 11 ‘,111 be conte
time before the damaged furnace turns
out meet again.
of light it needs. 11 is lo Ihis end that
"thinnings," which form so impnrlant n
part of intensive forest manugemetl.
are made.
Moreover Inc forester knows Hint by
close planting he can eventually cul oft
the light from the lower parts of the
Trees, thus forcing the trees to grow up-
ward in order to secure the light ; and
Thus he will obtain Intl, straight .,team.
while the lower branches, haying their
light ct:t off. will die and finally fall off.
The tree will grow out annuli' the stub
that is telt, rind, after that is accom-
plished, will begin to make the clear
timber That is so much valued,
scolirS Ii11.1.1:P 111"1•011N UHL
Swept Iter Louisiana and lli•si•sippi
for 200 Miles.
.% despatch from \f4 11le says : Mor
Ihon '1l person, are thought 10 lune barer
kilt• .t and many injured in a torend0
Salt origtinulerl mem \le\alldria, rut
s44 e l•l Louisinnn end \Iisaisstppi north
:,•4uaudly for Iwo hundred mikes al a
early hour on Friday morning. 'the
BItI '5I)Sl
Toronto, April 9.-01l1 board quota-
tions etre:--
itran-$20 bid, outside.
Wheal -Ontario -,No. 2 white, 73jle
asked, outside; No. 2 rcd, 723;e asked;
No. 2 mixed, 713;0 bid, G.T.B. west.
Manitoh:( wheal- \ ,, 1 rartltertl; 90c
led, slot. N.'rtll Italy. .
Dees, No, •', , ,4.l . asked, C.P:II„ 79c
(Fal. No, 2 while. 40C nsked, 39;ec
Ind on a 5e rale to Toronto.
(arra-- No. 3 yellow, 53c bid, spot, To-
Other prices were: -
Wheel -Ontario -No. 2 while winter,
:le 44 72(e: No. 2 rcd, 71e to ?2c; No. 2
Disastrous Fire in a San Francisco
A despatch from Sun Francisco says :
Twenty men were bunked to death and
twenty others injured in n lire n, irirh de-
stroyed 811 Italian hotel at Seventeenth
and Connecticut Streets, in 1111. Potrero
district, early on 'Thursday, The injured
were of the laboring class, and were
asleep in their rooms when the fire
storied. Beforo They could be aroused
the flames had spread Through the build-
ing. 'The walls fell and the inmates
were buried in the ruin•, twenty- being
taken out dead and dying. People from
other hotels in the 'irin,ty tushed to the
assistance lane
e O
! the buried d ciotin,s and
su ,
scutal, all of !hent from
the: (laming timbers. 'Teams were hur-
riedly harnessed and automobiles
brought into service and the injured
rushed to the Potrero Emergency Hospi-
tal, where several died while awaiting
The lire Istat destroyed the Geneva
Iletel is believed to have started in the
kitchen, and had gained great headway
before it was discovered. There wero
over 1W lodgers in the building, whieli
hurried like finder, and most of those
who lost their lives were caught white
asleep and roasted to death. So rapidly
did the lire spread that it was impos-
sible to do much in the way of rescue,
and even when the fire apparatus ar-
rived, the blaze wns su tierce that oho
firemen were hardly able to place ladders
against the walls. They did, however,
manage to save • a number of people on
toe yet
top storey. In the
W. A. Cole, a fireman, was thrown
from a ladder, and it is believed fatally
The majority q( the injured were hurt
in leaping from the upper windows. A
number of women are reported to have
been in the building, and all of them aro
believed to have perished.
5'l.50 to $10, on track here.
Straw -$6.75 to $7.25.
Dressed flogs -89.511 for light and 1+9
for h•-avies, farmers' lots; $8.25 to $8.50
in car lots.
Pork -Short cut. $23.50 to $24 per bar-
rel; mess, $'1 to $21.50.
Smoked and Dry Salted Meals -Lon
clear Seism, 1 lc to 113Gc for Ions a
Noes; hams, medium and light, 153;0
IGe; heavy. 1 4X to 15c; backs, 163 c
17e; shoulders, Ile lo 11 ,e; rolls, 1130;
out of pickle, Ic less Man smoked.
Lard-Firnt; tierces, 12%c; bums, 12%c;
pails, 1'.)%c.
quoted 70 to 75c, for delivery opening
New York, April 9. -- Wheat - Spot
easy; No. 2 rcd, 823;e in elevator and
Kaye f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 northern f)u-
1u11a, 89%c, opening naviguliun; No. 2
hard winter, 87%c, opening navigation,
to Toronto, April 9. -Export cattle were
to quiet and unchanged. '!'here were very
few cattle 011 the market showing enough
quality for export, and there was little
demand for them. Quotations ore un-
Butcher cultic were selling well. 'there
was no lack of offerings, but the small
runs of the past few markets have re-
sulted in bulchers' stocks becoming
prelly low. Choice heifers sold up In
$5.10, and a bunch of heavy cows
weighing up to 1,41k1 lbs., sold up to
$4.50. The market for cows has a muck
firmer tone, and oven common stock is
selling around $3.50.
Stockers and feeders continue Vet,
Fourteen biases Discovered in SI. Ed-
mund's Township by lusprctor.
Montreal, April 9. -The local market
is firm aid unchanged.
Buckwheat -55c to 5634c per bushel.
Corn -American No. 2 yellow, 55e; No.
3 mixed, (Pe ex store.
Oats -On spot, No. 2 white, 52%e; No.
3 white, 41X0 to 420; No. •1, 40%c to 41c
per bushel. ex store.
Peas --ft Sling peas. $1 in carload lots
and $1.10 in jobbing lots.
Flour--\laniloba storing wheal, $f 25
to fiLl'0; strong; hnl.rts'. S1 !o 84.1');
w int• I wheat pnten!s. $4.111 to 84.25;
a 'Iraight rnlier_c; $3.4e) to $3.75: do., in
hag•, $1.65 to $1.75; extras, $1.50 io
$ l .5:r. -
Millfeed--\laniloba !.ran in bags, $20
to $22; shorts, $:•I to $22.50: Ontario
Oran, in haws, $20 t.e $21; shorts, $2
to $29.50; milled Il...uille, $21 Io $25
straight grain, *28 i • $29 per Ion.
Rolled Oals-Per bag. $2 lo $2.10 it
ear lots and $2.20 to $2.25 in jobbiu
Ilay-No. 1, $13.50; No. 2, $12.50; No.
3 $11.511; clover mixed, $11; pure clover,
$10.50 Io *II per Ion in car lots.
Rutter -26%c to 27c and 28c to 29e.
For winter made 24e and 25c is being
asked, while 23c to • 24c is quoted for
dower grades.
Eggs -]'rice of new )aid Is still quoted
al (70 to 18c per dozen.
Cheese -March make is slow in corn -
Ing into the cheese nlnrkel. Few boxes
have been received, and for these 12jc
are being asked; 13X+ and 1(c for white
and colored respectively is still quoted
foe October make. -
Provisions -Barrels short. cul mess,
.S22 fo $23.501; half barrels, $11.75 to
$12.50; clear fns back, 824 to $21.50; long
cul heavy mess. $20.50 to $22; half bar-
rels do., 410.7:, In $11.50; dry salt long
clear brief 01. 12c lo 12 9e; barrels plate
beef. $11 to $12.50; half barrels, do„
sell to $6.75; berets heavy mess beef.
se:4.50, ban barrels do., 81.75; cornpnund
lard. sjc to 10)4e; pure lord. 11%c to
13••: kettle rendered. 13c to 13%e; hams,
tae to 1(i)4e, according 11) site; break-
fast bacon, 15e to IOc; \\'indsoi' hnoon•
15%e Io 1OXe; fresh killed nhnlloirdress-
e•1 hug]". $10 to $10.25; alive. $7.40 to
A despatch fr,nr 'Toronto says: F•
leen eases of smallpox are reported to
have been discovered 111 51. Ethmrnls
• 'Township, ilruce County. One of then
- inspectors of the Provincial Ikiorf -11
Health has been engaged in at official
visit to the district for the Inst Iwo
weeks and expects lu return in len or
g twelve days. ile r•ep:eri, Ileal he has
not received frow some of the 104.111 au-
thorities in three northern lovml,ps
(.1 the county that support which to
should have been given in dealing with
the outbreak,
GOLD IN 1' 1NC01'1TIt t:11'1',
Workman wets Dgfgginn Drain When i1e
Saw Traces of (:old.
A dispatch from Vancouver, 13. C.,
says: Seven placer mining claims were
slaked in the heart of Vancouver on
Friday morning by a syndicate of eight
men, as the result of a discovery made
n few days ago. \\'bile digging a drain
a man named P. W. Harmer slrurk hard
pan and thought he saw gold. ile bor-
rowed a pan from a quartz house, wash-
er, several shovels full rind found n mer-
ge! valued al fifteen dollars. Ile in -
termed several compnninns, and min-
ing licenses were at once taken out.
The men went to Keefer Street, be-
tween Gore and Dunlevy Avenues, and
slaked out Ihrce claims, d-
te surface prospecting; nIlcyono wz)rk a has
been done, yet on the claims, but there
will be inter.
DR. W. 11. 1►RI'.11SiO\D DEAD.
Poet 01 the Ilabilanl Posed So a) at
A despatch from Cobalt : Dr. \\',
II. Drummond. the poet et the habitant,
died Sere at 10.40 a.m. on Saturday, hoar
Itre effects of a ,stroke of paralysis. 1),.
Drummond (5114) been in 4:nhait for 4.ew-
ernl month-. looking after sane.' mining;
properties in which he was interested.
Buffalo, April 9.-1.147or - Quiet and
steady, \Wheat -Spring. dull and weak;
e inked, 71c l0 71%c. N,
1 Mandolin Wheat --No. 1 lino' 87c to ill
► 1,7%e; a No. 1 northern, 8(i3 c, lake ports; er
1 No. 2 northern, $Se, 1Mc to 903 c North a4►
• I1uy, off
h Oats -No. 2 while, 3830 to 3934c, cal- 2 v
side; No. 2 :nixed :114:.
1111: I'It \11111•:, 1
5 r it limn Wanrun, r. (LC. saws:
1 t. 1 1,l'), 8 w011•kno,e 0 r)'sid.•I;u\ : from Sitskaloon. Sash„ says:
1'ark. wns found dead
I.,, house. un \Wtvine's,l• •
1,,- until hands eaten oif by cal-. 11• ii 14:44] be,'n 1"1"1141since I:hrisl,r,as a
1,. •! tae I ..n, -,•en for a wick. Ib. 1 1) > . \\'ureas had calci [way purl of
1' th' h11use and foun.l !, - rare and the upper port of the Lindy.
e;•. , 1- -.4) the 11•, I. wills three rat. li -: r wns 51 y•:,rs )1 nee and left ;( ,
',• fame) room. v tr and \Ian1?. 1•a.
). 1 Northern. R1 (e; Winter, gcwtd en-
try-: N. 2 while. 7914e. Corn—Quiet
1,1 steady nt dece; Neow
1; No. 2 lin
cx,rn, 4teike o. Onls-2y-llhull;,
+rang;, lig•111; NO. 2 mixed. 43%e; No.
chile. IG'�c. Barley Mends; \]'+stern
properly loss is also, very heavy. espe-
i. ,1 James Ifoster has been c
d on 'he prairie. 35 mile: from here.
•lathy in Alexandria, where more thrill a
unfired stores. fnrlories., churches and
hvel1ings were demnlish•rl, eight t4 hiles
nd four negroes killed and twenty more
,r Tess seriously hurl,
The storm s'."p1 a country well tilled
eat rentnle brain telegraphic ce)mnrauticn-
ion, so that reports ore made only by
uesvnges and are slow, conning in. 11141
here is
11111+ doubt that the cnsuahy list patents. $1,501, seconds, 83.75; bakers',
0 ill g ,ver the foregoing estimate. Kta41•
]'ens 79e,
(:ern --Nn. 2 yellow American. 52c lo
523ye, Toronto mid west; Ontario, 45c to
Buckwheat -57e to 58e, outside,
Miley -52c to 52Xi', outside; No. 3
'.1111)148 'gu,)a .441(1 (NP--o!.JuiuO-.mo( 4
(Afro. 51c to 52e; No. 3, 50e to 51e.
$2.70 ashen, 82.67 hid; Manitoba. first
\inn r,nt)ty passenger Coaches were
I -larva fr•.in :in .\)c\andrin siding and
"ell!, d .o'er met over and then riddled
44 Ai) V. rerkng;e Ih ing• br'fere the tornado.
'the largo Natchez and Bayou Sira
I':.-kel Ilet.y Ann stoned her nose into
.rh,' „Igo ,,f 1i., corn, ria it eross,,i glee
The Roads of Moldavia oldavia Are Sti evi n . 11 win, Lilevy away
with ]lead Bodies.
1 1 , ail it 1411.`s' ++.encs+■;n l••rrl al •
Ito • -1 s, of. the f.,l:o,, n,:-'I'rrtn•
q • 4 4, !r. 11 tc-1.1;e',1 in n.o<t of :he
• , .0. 1 4f - 1'1 ts. I►.o'urLanrla, bow.,
4, 1, are r:fs:,11.41 front 111e• Jalnt,tnk 11:<- •
Ir •1, h niei to (pi el: :leo 1100) • e
1.. 1t dislrid. 'l os.ps frinl '1;
1.••,e erriweft in the M:hcviinialt:i 414;oil-
r, I11, wh4'1•0 Ili' devnslafi, n 11 4e been •
en •!.'st;nrnd, 1'hc v(Page of t , rishor)I
1 1 g eft Isettl'onh'd.
al,hi 11:'sc4 (lister states that hi:.
( :e'.' 814; e• intli.vlfn that 11.e i
P. - - • f 11 It ,nnnterut ins'irr.s ! ,
•v r•1 111' a• :4 ;'abs g )s.'n in Ile pr . - 1
despatches. 1 1: • newspaper coa r••-fs,n-
d• es, he hays, have not i eon all•'w ed
t•1 go out atld tee for Iheinsel r., but
have tern forc•'d lo- put up Wit, the
rAlri:,l nr'ceunii. "I 'fume just receiv-
ed n tiller," ::aid Habil Gaster, "from s
ser -on who wifneaed n conflict between
(he pi'a•argJ, and the troops in one of
the \Walkech'at townships. 11e writes
no that the roads were n,nIlired with
Me col -pies of fxasaltl44 she( •fr:vn bs'
the 44, ' ! . ' - 1•y ///v11114 o f artillery as
well rifles. The condition ..1
1• + t ., - ' \\ aliavhin must be terrible.
• • •4 optimise, of the truthful -
Oe • d• ' - not count much to ine."
141.• I..,I.. -1., 1M.unls rind her cn1111
' de el, aft to the •Olol..•.1:u•ks, but no one
was killed. and the hull. feeing uninjured
nod the chimneys s .t1 standing, the boat
rruole her way into Iwrt.
Growing ere ps In the storm's track
11114e leen wifrsl 0111 by ll o accompany•,
ink; hail.
1:\-P,rsirl•nl of lark Loan 1••igrted to
whop in Penitentiary.
COt'NTRl' 1'il011L'r:1.
Butler-.Isvery steady, showing no
Cr•nnlery, prints .... .... .. 27e lo 2Re
eke solids .... .... .... ... 25r to hi.•
i)airy. prints .... ... 2.r1• Io 2f.'
2lc It 22e
Cheese -14c for lnrge and 1I yc for
Kggs-Mniket is wok. r at 16e In 17c.
Receipts rurtlinu" lit nvy. Splits ore
quoted al 14c•.
('oult•y---.lnrket Is dull. with no
change in quntntons. Folk,w•ing prices
are for stornge:-
0141:nary .... ...... 7r to 9c
Ir,briur .... .... 01 in(lfk•
(-•4,4, i ...... I; i.
'I'r,rkews ... 9, to I I:
11oney•- t':lil•. Ile. In 12c per is.:
\ le .i ', from Iiingtslr,n ctny< : Jo-
seph Phot!:p'. hens been assigned to the
tailor shop in 111+ penitentiary, and is a1
work with needle mitt ilirra,l. Duncan, •
the other lank manager, may go lo the
hlackamgth shop. a
v.mbl, $:'.2'. 1 c 75 rM r dem
Benno- MOO., 0 51.:.7) 1.a hnnd•pick.`.1
rind 81.35 In Al. to for farinle.,
I'ntrttoes--(►maria. tole to 90c; eastern.
)5. to *1, in ear lots hem.
Rnled Ilny---No. 1 timothy is g144Ov1
1812 le, $1.t.:,(► and sa'undary grades
Awful Act of Young Butter Maker
in Quebec Village.
A delude), from llnnlroa!
0rnble irng4'dy tee trend o,, 'I i• --tr'
ilio .'matt 4illnre of 51, IltitiWs. Ilii'
miles frena IIIul- ,n llaeghls, on 104, r e-
luwrn Itner, al.,311 mile, frim Mlont•
real. \\';them Stnutrgrson, n yuungt 1(81ey•
ratan, shod hie two children dead met
then ritteInpled In lake his own life. IS
1.4 new in the Notre Dame Hospital. 1,, -
city, in n serious condition.
'I uesdny morning Mrs. Simpson, on
(4.111114g in to the house, urns mel by her
Jlu'I nn,l waving a revolver rind tlnrat-
ern ng to lake her life. The %roman im-
rnedinlell• lied In the 111,1,,‘‘ ' f bn-r bus•
I,:,n1s father, Mr. Alli, k- ,•se,n, who
1'. d nenrhy, and told ! had :into-
t., le 0. 'Die father hurrir,1 •.1 once to
hL, sin'• residence. \\'hen ! • l4'nchrsl
Ile re ho found h's son 1) 14:gf on the
floor, with n rcyol-el In his brand, 'then'
were two wounds from bullets. one in
lh( chest and the other in the jaw. end
In nut Inner room were found Iho belies
cf eompson's two children, one aged p
year, and 2 raionth--, tt 4.171. an ' 't 4'
other 2 months. n ts•y. 1 - , 1
:ad 111 en x1101 rani
11 tea- ret first
d, rr r 44 • - ,lying. ;,•
deep (air! 0••
1 ., 51 ,':' 1, .,
1•, 11- t.:.
ai, •II• .1- 0 I..e! h.:a, ',. _ •..
g.►anahem e f las centime. he lens per -
44 - 0tly refloid 0 ),.ee any rensem ter
1• - :tofu! dee.!. 11 i • generally !twt1491t
ilial the murder „as the result of a s.:•1'
den ottark 4,1 insanity. 'there 1- I,
other assOotable motive.
S4nipson was n prespern,is 111,!• ..-
foak4r. and he lived very happily e4 i1
1))' wife, ant( to whom he hil.1 !M:1n mer-
ri•-d ear:1y three pars. They w:•r,• 1-•111
very young. he !wing only it noel
22. Simpson hod nenrr al;onn :rev
signs of insanity. Out had been )4C01 r-
ally r'•g;ork,l 0. ail initlligenl and well
rondu.•tcd yr,mng man, aunipv,n ib in
• Enol;, ':e,nditten.