Exeter Advocate, 1907-04-11, Page 1WethIiRij lavitailoris
We print invitation Vn
the newest of paper, with
the newest of type, at a
reasonable {{nice. Y'ou
want something nice.
Real Estate Changes
\I. I.• f,•r,'„n of t.as:•n•
.thlt• tut Ms. \�•t• 14Vr tin.
equalled facilities to rent,
sell or buy either fat In or
vilingo proper t V. Try it.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
S. Head Office
Randolph Macdonald, President
A. A. Allan, Vice -President
D. M. Stewart, General Manager
Capital Subscribed $ 4,000,000
Capital Fully Paid $ 3,998,000
Reserve Fund $ 1,255,000
Assets over $25,000,000
General Banking Savings Department
Interest credited quarterly
JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, Zurich and Dashwood,
The Old Reliable
Ws Are Showing--sm..
This week a very fashionable line in
Summer Waists
Silk and Lawn, With Embroidered Fronts
Very Stylish. Ladies will find the selection very desirable, while
the garments themselves are admitted to be extremely comfortable,
Call at once and get the pick. These goods will go like ice cream.
We are also showing a very choice line of
•-r BROS.
White Skirts-
With a double flounce and dust frill in lace and embroidery
Ranging From S3 to S1.50 Each
Just to hand an up-to-date line of Embroidery and Insertions.
Our Videncenne and Torchon Laces and Insertions have no equal.
We would remind our many customers that
we have a first-class milliner in the person of
Miss Addie Morlock, who dces all our millinery.
We will accept produce sante as cash in pay-
ment for same.
!Profaning/nal Ciarda.
Da O. F. ROUi.STON, L D. s., D. D. 8.
Member of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto Unisersit-.
OFFICK: Over Dickson k Carling's Law Office, In
Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors.
gibDR. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. S., D. D. 8.,
Honor graduate of Toronto Cniveristy.
Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bat effects
OMes oyer Ola•Iman k stardom 's office, Main street
F. MAI.LOY, M- B. (Tor. Univ.) MEMBERA. College of I'hysi. ins and surgeons, Ontario.
Former house Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital.
flaccessor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on
Int street north of office, Exeter, Ontario.
ton, Notaries, ('nnseyancers, Commissioners.
111e11dton for MoIeons Bank. et••.
•o.ey to Loan at lowest rates of Interest.
Others, Main street, Exeter,
L D. Caaut'e, B.A , L 1f. Dictums
We bare a Targe amount of private funds to loan
*lama and village properties at low rates of Inter
Barristers, Solicitors.Main st-, Exeter On
S. Hardy, Auctioneer
For the County of Iluron. All orders promptly at-
tended to if lett at the Ads n, At( (r hi. store. -
Farm for Sale
The undersigned is offerirg for rale that desirable
H) acre farm in the township of 1'rborne, being Lot
32, Con, 1, situated on the London Road, 3 miles
from Exeter and 2 from Mensal'. There is on the
Premises a frame house, goat barn and a first class
orchard. The land Is in a good rtste of cultivatic•n.
Will he sold reasonable -O. F. Case, Ilensall.
Farm Labourers and Domestics
1 have been appointed by the lio,ninion Govern•
went to place immigrants from the United Kingdom
in positions +s farlabourers or domestic versants
In this vicinity. Any person requiring such help
should notify me by letter stating fully the kind of
help required, when wanted and wages offered. The
ambers 'arising mar not to sufficient to supply all
.Ttte•t• but eser% effort wi;l to nude to provide
h applicant with help required
Canadian (>nvernment Employment Agent, Exeter
Part of Park lot E original Int 1.. consisting of
a.•reeof land with orchard. a (WO Gorey hrir•k house,
all newly finished in the latest style, good well.
Good furnace and M110141104 wiring etc. Thi. i. a
hoice property and most be s.•id as the proprie-
10r is Koine weft.
Farm for sale in Township of !lay, consisting of
1'u acres all needed down, well ada;.tel for grating
purposes. iI these two properties are not so 1 rriy•
Stele on or before April loth, they will be r,1,1 by
{wMk amtion on May 3M. 101 p{.aarticular, apply
to Thomas Cameron, Auctioneer. Fanlnhar.
Farmers' Horses
1 wlfhto annotinn the! I am now i, sted in Eceter
for the letrl•e.e of huyi••g and aellinehnrses, and will
have at all times a gond ripply of farmer' borate
and colts 1r r sa'e Ily 'tables are 1•.-atei at the
asuth of Exeter on the London Roo el. Write as
',hen you ha. a anything for .de and call %Ara you
wieh to buy. I will he at home on FaturdayI to
meet intending p or•hasera.
Cedar Posts for Sale
Fiirsr- lass cedar posts for sale. Apply- at residence.
John Wilson, Centralia.
Black Barley for Sale
A quantity of first class seed, Mack barley, for
sale. W. D. Sanders, Con. 3, Stephen.
Taken Over Business.
We desire to announ•.e that we Kase formed a part•
nershil.and taken o'er the masoning business of Mr.
(leo. h. Iltaman and art prepared to do work in this
line by rnntraet or day work. (let our figure. before
letting your work.
James Jewell.
Curtice Harness.
To Buy Horses
1 yid: 'n announce that 1 will he in Exeter on Sat-
urday of each week to buy all classes of horses.
They must be In Rood cm,ditlon, and the highest
market price w ill be paid.
T. E. IIANDFORD, Exeter.
Pasture to Let
Tenders will be re ristd by the nndersigr el for
the renting of the Acri. ultursl ('.rounds for pa.•
Lunge of rows up to April 13. IIleheet cr any ten-
der not necesear) t seep est.
-- - A. G. Dyer, Sec'y-
William Brown
Prof. Diploma of Royal Incerlv,ratrd Society of
Musi•ian., England; Organist of Int IR Memorial
Church,Exeter. Plano, Organ. Harmony and Theory
of Music, Terms on application. Exeter, Ont,
50 Acres for Sale
Being South Fast Hallo( I'.( 1, south Boundary
of Hay. This 1. an excellentpasture farm. being
well anppliet by a portion of the ricer passim:
through one corner of it. Will be sold •heap. Ap.
ply to CiLA$ BOX, Con. 4, Stephan.. r Exeter, P.O.
i!r, acre farm in the• township of Bi.tdnlph, being
Lot North Bonndarr. Wind dwelling with kit-
chen and woodshed, two hank barns: %di drained
and fenced; about C area hush: 9 *cr.' 1a11 wheat
sown: good orchard and 2 gond wells. This is an ex•
silt ret farm and will to .old reasonable. Apply on
pre muss or to---Rirhanl Luker. Centralia.
Valuable brick Dwelling and Prearsee is
The undersigned offer, 1.•r sale the ...rnmortious
and ronrenientip located dwening on Andrew Street,
the property of the late Mrs. M. A. Halls. The house
Is 1'i storey, brick kitchen; has in connect -in frame
wood shed and stable. all in gruel repair The land
contains t, of an acre. Fnr tern, apply to
SUSS N J iIALIs, Exeter
The Exeter Council. Found Dead by the Road.
The Council wet Monday evening. I
All present except Councillor Knight.
The minutes of previous Meeting Weir
read and approved.
Reeve Bottler stated that he had
seen the G.T.R. officials who were
here last week and that they proposed
spending several thousand dollars at
the station in draining, building
switches. etc. The new station is to
be placed midway- between Victoria
street (which is to he opened) and Sta-
tion street; a freight station is to be
erected separate from the passenger
station. The Reeve also repotted re-
garding the visit of the C.P.R. offici-
als, who took measurements of the
town recently, and that the officials
had not decided where they would
cross the G.T.R., it being necessary to
go over the G.T.R. track or under-
neath the track. They will either
cross at the south of the town or at
the river. The C.P.R. contemplates
building switches to the Ross Taylor
Co.'s factory and to Harvey Bros.'
Mr. John Taylor asked permission
to dig a drain across Albert street, his
brother intending to build there.
Mr. Thos. Harvey offered $2 for an
old water tank. Sold.
The following accounts were ordered
to be paid: Frank Wright, sharpen-
ing lawn mower, etc., $2.50; H. Spack-
man, goods for cemetery, $17.35; G. K.
Herman, work at cemetery house $50;
Exeter Times, printing for cemetery,
$3.50; Exeter Advocate, advertising
for cemetery, 50c.; D. Braund, rent for
caretaker of cemetery, *20; Jno. Ford,
salary for Marsh and arrears. $30; Bell
Telephone Co., telephone, 25c.; Frank
Woad, beef for W. Brimacombe 40c.;
W. J. Bissett, ticket tor woolen to
Harrlston, $2.65; T. Holden, hot wa-
ter, $1; Geo. Brooks, bread for E. Hall,
15c.; W. J. Bissett, salary, $33; Fred
Hector, labor, 75.; C. B. Snell, electric
lighting $103.83, being arc lights $57.33
small li hts $42.90, Town Hall lighting
$3,60; 1V. J. Bissett, sundries, $1.25.
Mr. C. B. Snell handed in a cheque
for $50 for water.
Heaman-Johne-that Jerry Knott
be appointed a village constable. -
The Council disctissed the advisabil-
ity of watering the Main street at Ex-
eter north and Station street.
Mr. S. McMordie is going into dairy-
ing having purchased four fine Jersey
cows and a separator. -Will Hortnn
called on relatives and friends herr tin
Sunday, prior to going to Winnipeg
where a good position awaits him. -
Miss Mahle McTaggart of the London
road spent a few days with her cousin
Miss Vera Glenn. -Mr. McMordie of
Lindon was here the guest of his dau-
ghter Mrs W. N. Glenn. -Miss Margar-
et McQueen very pleasantly entertain-
ed a number of her friends at Euchre
on Friday night. -Miss Annie Horton
and Miss Bright of Seaforth spent Sun-
day with Miss Jen. Horton. -Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Brondfoot attended a party
at Alex. Broadfoot's, Mill Road, on
Tuesday eve. -Miss Tillie Sitnmons
was in Staffa on Sunday visiting
friends.••Roger Rice went to the West
on Tuesday to try his fortune. Wt.
wish him success. --Jas. Horton attend-
ed the horse show in Clinton nn Thurs.
and suceeded in carrying off 1 second
and a thir(i prize. -Miss Margaret El-
lerington nurse of Toronto is visiting
at her l:ome here.
1'• a, res of1►nd in Centralia. We offer for sale at
reasonable price, to acrea of most excellent land,
in Centralia near the Railway Station and admirably
situated for market gantening purposes. On the
land is erp tat a comfortable frame house with good
, eller and small tarn and stable. For terms apply to
Dickson and Carling, Exeter.
Or to Mrs. Wm. Pym on the premises.
Ontario Liquor License Act
License District of Smith Huron. Notice 1s here•
by given that Simon Dietrich, of the Township of
Stephen. hat made application for permission to
transfer his Tow nshi p las ern license for the }remises,
at Mont Cannel, known as the Ontario Itotel, to
Jo.rl.h Ziler, of Township of Stephen, and that said
application will be considered at the meeting of the
Posed of1.i.•ense(•emmissionen,to►e held at from
mercial Hotel, in Village of Ifensdl, on the 10th day
of April. 1A1:. at the hour of loam.
All persons interested will go.ern them,elses ac•
John Torrance, License lnape tor.
Dated at Clinton. this 1st day of April. 1907.
Ontario Liquor License Act
License District of Routh Huron
Notice is heresy Kiser] that the Roan! of License
Cnmmivdoners for the License Isistri. t ..1 South
Huron will meet at
1 a1N--
far the purpose of considering aptli- ations for Liquor
1.i- emirs for the License Tear 14r.
in the matter of the estate of David '
.farquee, late of the Township of {'s-
ltorne, in the County of Huron. in-
surance agent, deceased. '
Net • r is hereby given pursuant to See 3. of Chap-
ter 124, of the Revised Statutes nfemtarin, 1t', and '
amending acts that all persons has ing claims against
the said David Jarques,who died en nr about the
lith day of Januarv, 19.'7 are re nested to send by
prat prepaid. nr deliver to Messes ihck•on k Carling i
of the a1;laice of Exeter. Solicitors kr the F.ts.•ntors
on or leforr the
FiHST DAY OF NAY, A.D., 1977
their names. a.ldre.w• and ds.rripttoni and a 1011
statement of particulars of their claim. and the na•
tare of the.e•urite•. (if aryl, held by them, duly
rert'ted and that after the .aid day the Foie -Woe
will proceed to distribute the assets of the mkt de•
reseed among the parties entitled thereto. ha%in,:
regard only to s.r h claim, of is hi. I, they .hall have
SnAi! itr,rc tar Elft -+iter
I•aret at Exeter, this 47th day of 1i -sr- 1, 11..7,
A11 person, interested will go, ern the-insetses ac-
i.e-ense Insoo ter
Dated at Clinton this 1.t day of April, 1907.
NoTle'F. i. hereby Os en that the persons whose
names appear in the following schedule are apply -
log for l.icrinr Licenses for the license year Orr 5
and that the same are not now Licensees under the
Ar t r•r are applying for licenses for promises not now
rndtr Ii. ease.
Name of Rind of i iscriplion of Name of
Applicant license , Premiers I Muncpal'y
N. M. Carlin Tavern iBalmoral Hotel of llayT
Fit. Dawson I shop : homestead R'1'k orth
There were :11 Tavern Licenses and 3 Shop Licenses
issued in the District rf South Iluron during the
current license Year.
There are 27 Tavern licenses and 3 Shop I.kense•s
app,ied for, for the bireme year 1907.3.
Any petition aaraind granting ldcenae to any ap.-
plkant nr prtmises mart T,e I rlgeal with flue ,ander-
silrned at least four day, before the meeting of the
License Board.
Licen.r l n.p eetnr for Sonlh Huron
Dated at Clinton thio i.t day of April. 1997
Sail DEATH -The death of Henry
Carroll, lot 3. coucession t+, Stephen,
took place under sad and lamentable
e ircualstances near Maguire some time
during Tuesday nght. Mr. Carroll.
who is a deaf and dumb man, Left his
home on Tuesday afternoon to bring
the cows up from the field. It is
believed that some of the cows bad
strayed from others of their number
and in the attempt to find them;he lost
his way. Not teturuing at a reason -
hour the family became uneasy and
assisted by neighbors a search was
made. Many hours were spent in try-
ing to find the missing man but with-
out success stud the search was aban-
doned till morning. The search was
again taken up in the morning, but no
tidings were learned of his where-
abouts until well on toward noon
when his body was found stiff in death
by Mr. Thos. Chambers on the road-
side. west of Maguire and about four
miles from bis home. He had evident-
ly died from exposure. Deceased was a
son of the late B. Carroll and was 39
years of age. The funeral will take
place to the Mount Carmel Cemetery.
The bereaved fatnily have the sytn-
pathy of the community to their sad
Mr. Elmer Coward returned to Lon-
don last week, after spending Easter
at his home here. -Mr. D. McDougall
and wife have returned to Comber
after spending Easter visiting friends
in and around this burg. -Clement
Bros. held a very successful wotai bee
on Saturday last. -Our school r•e-open-
ed on Monday, after the holidays. -
Mr. Robert Coward has gone to the
Nest to seek his fortune.-Qttite a
number took in the surprise at Mr. W.
McLaugblin's, Plugtown, on Thursday
night; others taking in the reception
at Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fletcher's of
the same place.
John Foster and several others com-
menced plowing last week. -Wm.
Young is nioving into James Wallis'
home this week. -Thos. Ramsay pass-
ed through here Monday buying eggs,
(or which he paid 14c. -John Brown
sold bis matched span of grey mama
to Mr. Reid of Lucan for the hand-
some x11111 of over $:i00. They were de-
livered to Lucan Monday and shipped
Ttiesday.-A large number of the
mem hers of. Grace church and near
neighbors :net at the borne of W. J.
Baker and presented them with two
eCst(itiftil chairs and a complimentary
address. They moved to tbeir new
home near Parkhill on Tuesday.
Grand Bend
Mr. and Mrs. B. Bossenberry of
Brucefleld spent Sunday with relatives
here. -The little daughter of H. Gill
is on the sick list. as is also Jas. Page.
We wish theta a speedy recovery. --
The reports some time ago that Mr.
Leavitt had rented his hoarding house
and that Herman Gill was preparing
to move to Port Frank were not cor-
rect. --Mrs. M. Gill, who has been
spending the winter at Exeter. arriv-
ed here Thursday to spend the sum-
mer. -Mrs. John Baird spent a few
days near Thedford last week. --Mrs.
Canning, who has been the guest of
Mrs. Fritz, left Sunday for Crediton. --
Mrs. Jas. Gill, who has been on the
sick list, is recovering.
Miss Tenn Mc('ltnn, who has been
spending the winter at her home here,
returned to Detroit Saturday. -Miss
Tillie Witzel visited at her home over
Sunday. -Jacob Rutz of Hamburg W115
visiting his son John who has been
very ill. but who is now on to fair way
to t•ecovet•y.--Simon Raiz. who was
on a visit with friends in London.
Hamburg and I'hiladelphia,was called
home awing to the illness of his father
-Herman Neel) has been laid off duty
with an (attack of grip. but has near-
ly recovered.- John itatz has had his
hill closed down for the hest week ow-
ing to sickness in the family, but in-
tends starting up again this week. --
Andrew Querrin has started to work
with Well. Hooper for the summer. -
Miss Kinney, who has been quite ill,is
improving and able to be around again.
Usllornt Council,
Council met Aptil 0. All the mem-
bers were present. The minutes of
the last meeting were read and ap-
proved. The following pitthruastels
wets appointed for the current year -
Division 1- Richard l'ollwrt, R. N.
Treble, Fred Laxton, Rohett Ker-
slake, Wm. 1Vestcott, Frank Davin,
`Simon Hunter, John Sleamon, Alfred
i Hicks, S. J. Pani. Jelin Miners, W,
Herdman, Isaac W. Johns, Francis J.
Div. 1t -Ed Christie. T M ('ase, Hy
Dougall, John Westlake, Walter 3.
Oke, ('hna Ke•ddy. Dan Dew, I'eter
Moir, .1 N Ratcliffe, Geo Moir, Ed Me -
Dougall, Jas. Monteith. Jno. Cann,
Albert Neil, Role Glenn. F f{yrkntan.
Div, 3--r: Hera, Win Smith. John
Herts. J. Delhi idge, '1' Nagle, Alonzo
Walker. M Routley, Jno Fletcher, Al
Mills, 'tV J Tufts, Wm. Wiseman,
Robs Davis, Jas (' Gardiner, Thomas
K insets.
Diy. t -Thos Hell, John It Duncan,
11 Borland, Alex Turnbull, i; Stone,
Wm. Thompson, .1no Stewart. John
Ka}}', Jtes 11 arris. Jas Gardiner, Archie
McCurdy, Jas Ballantyne. John (iil-
flllan, Amo. Dooppe, Alex Fraser.
Me!sts NSW(' k Looby of Dahlin
were awarded the contract to build
concrete abutments for bridge on Side
Road. ('on. 5, Lots A and 1, at. St 35
per rnhic yard; contract to build 12 ft.
reinforced concrete 1.1 Mgr on Blan•
shard boundary, near Wh:aler),%ol,ject
to approval of Illanahard Council, for
$275.1!1; Al•o contract for .a 4 foot
arch culvert on ('nn. 12 and 13, 16 fret
long, 4 feet wings, for $70. Contractor
S10,000 Stock to be turned
into Cash in Fifteen Days.
This is a genuine CLEARING UP SALE at such prices that will make
the people of this vicinity sit up and take notice. Not old shop worn
goods hut every article in the store. including all the latest spring
novelties in Dress Goods. Prints, Etc., going at actual cost and in
many instances a good deal less than cost.
We Need The Money - Let's Get Together
You Need The Goode 1
If you want to fit out the family for spring now is -the time to do it at
a fraction of the regular cost. We clean what we say. All goods at
and under cost. Put us to the test and you will not find us wanting.
It will pay you to come 25 miles to this sale. The knife is right into
the hilt and won't be withdrawn until the last dollar's worth of good
is sold.
All Coods Marked in Plain Figures
New 12ic. Prints. All Colors, at 10c.; new 10c. Prints, all colors at 8c.,
Dress Goods in Tweeds, Voilles, Ilenriettes, Arinures OOc. for 39c.: 75c.
for 51c.; $1 for 76c.; Ladies' Skirts $5 for $2.49; Men's Suits froru $2 to
*12; Boys' Suits from $1.2,7to $5.75.
Mons' Underwear
$1 and $1.25 for 78c.
75c. and 85c ...for 49e.
40c. and 50c for 29c.
25c. and 35c for 18c.
Overalls and Smocks
$1 and $1.25.. for 83c.
75c. and 90c for 63c.
2,25 and 2.50 for 1.73
A Line of Overcoats
o $5 00 to $8.00 for $3.50
It(o. a yard for 13c.
12ije. a yard for 9c.
25c. a yd. cottonades for 20c.
20e. '• for 17c.
Ladies' Cravenettes
$8.50 for *6; *5.75 for *3.75;
$10 for $7.50.
New Muslins
10c. for 7jc.; 12jc. for 10c.;
2;1c. for 17c.
White Wear
$1.50 t'nderskit is for $1.20.
*3.00 „ $1.75.
tOOc. for 63c.; 50c. for 39c.
Corset Covers
4Oc. for 34c.
Whito Waists
I $2.76 for $2.19; $2.25 for $1.677
This Square.
Phone 20 Satisfactory Store at HENSALL
to furnish all material, do all excavat-
ing, fill in approaches, and leave the
watercourses clear of obstructions.
A Hill & Co. of Mitchell were award.
ed contract to build a three panel
steel truss riveted bridge with con-
crete floor on Side Road, Con. 5, for
A number of accounts were passed
and orders issued in payment. Coun-
cil then adjourned to Saturday, May
4th, at one o'clock. -F. Morley, Clerk.
ORTwEiN-At Bronson Line. Hay, on
April 3, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Ortwein,
a daughter.
OVERHOLT -At- St. Joseph, on April 4,
to Mr. and Mr•s.Jas. Overholt, a son.
MA1iTIN-in Hay, I3alylon line, April
Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. Soloman Mar
tin, adaughter.
BR(111KS-On ('oil. 5, Usbot•ne, Mar. 30,
to 31r. and Mrs. James Brooks, a
WEeert---in Exeter, April 9th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Wells, a daughter.
Vicar. -Exeter North nn April 4, to
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Veal, adaughter.
JAMIKSON- in Bid lulph, on April 5,to
Mr. and Mrs. Mandy Jamieson, a
(;t•R•rls -('.swoon- in McGillivray, on
March '..t' i, by Rev. ('omens, Win. A.
Curtis, to Miss Lizzie Cawood, both
of McGillivray.
PEI'I'ER-I.A1Tox-At the home of
the bride's brother, Chas. Lawton,
on April 3, by Rev. Keri', Fred Pep-
per to Miss Mary Layton, all of
GOVENtare-BARR-At the house of
the bride's parents, on April 4, by
Rev. Larkin, Robert (iovenlack of
McKillop, to Miss Margaret, young-
est daughter of Rev. Barr, Seafor tb,
MOROAS-HoTsox-At Denfleld, on
March 27. by Rev. Spidell,Jno. Mor-
gan, to Miss Belle, daughter of Jno.
Hotaon, both of McGillivray.
of the bride'sparents, on April 3, by
Rev. Brown, haloes Johnston of Iiay
to ida, daughter of John 1{athwell,
Babylon Line, 'Stanley.
MI'ftF'lll'--in Seaforth, on April 5,
Mary Dermot), relict of the late Mi-
chael Murphy, 1n her 75tH year.
F(rrl1ERiNGILAs- In Tuckerstnith, on
April 0, Wm. Fotheringham, in his
83rd year.
BCxTON--in Clinton, on April 8, Geo.
Buxton, aged 51 years.
SwiNHANK-in Clinton, on April 7, G,
Swinbank, aged 81 years.
BltowN-- in Calgary Hospital, on April
1st, Martha Jane (\tattle) Brown,
daugnter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Brown and granddaughter of Mrs.
Hawkins. town, aged 21 veers.
toe re -staining sad finishing
Furniture, Wood-
work and Floors