HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-03-28, Page 2A SPRING NEED.
Weak, tired and Depressed People
Nerd a 7uuir to Put the Blood
Spring Wood is bad blood. Intk.or lite
during the winter MOIMILs is r un,i-
t`te fur weak, watery, impure blood.
You need a tonic to build up the biood
in spring just as much as the trees need
new sap to give them vitality for the
summer. In the spring bad blood shows
itself in many ways. In some it breeds
pimple and eruptions. In others it
may be through occasional headaches,
a variable appetite, perhaps twinges of
neuralgia or rheumatism, or a lazy feel-
ing in the morning and a desire to
avoid exertion. For these spring ail-
ments it is a tonic you need, and the
greatest blood -Making, health -giving
tonic in all the email is Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. Every dose helps to make
new, rich, red, itealtlegiving blood,
which reaches every nerve and every
organ in the body, bringing health,
strength and energy to weak, despon-
dent, ailing `nen and women. !fere is
J 1,,e1. Mrs. Geo. Merritt, Sandy trove,
N. S., says: "1 was weak, feeling mis-
erable and terribly run down. The doc-
tor whom 1 consulted said the trouble
was anaemia, but he did not help ane.
A friend abased nae to take Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink fills rind it is simply iin-
Possible for nit' to overestimate the
good they have (1.)HO me. 1 shall al-
ways recommend them to ailing
Bol if you want new health you must
get the genuine Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
101 Pale People, manufactured in Can-
ada al Brockville, Ont. Other so-called
pink pills are fraudulent imitations. The
genuine Dr. \Villia►ns' fink fills are
bold by all_ reputable medicine dealers
bo•r sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six
xes for $2.50 by writing the Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co.. 13rockville, Ont.
Men and women, we are human be-
ings, not machines. \Vo have feelings
and ideas of our own. The modern
ec•huol and college is a mere machine
which grinds out victims regardless of
ability or disability. And to -day there
arc thousands of young `nen and wo-
men, physical wrecks, standing outside
the college gate. and they are oon-
tronted with this question : What can 1
do? 1 am an educated man or woman,
a college graduate, yet, what can 1 do?
The college is right if pursued in n prac-
tical and scientific ;tanner, but the
ino(krn ceillege is a machine which deals
with weals and strong alike, regardless
of effect.
DOES It111a 1'tTI'\i Olt
NEl'ItallAil t 'nntTI'RE YOU?
Zam-Buk trip give Speedy Belief.
Ila- the trying \larch weather brought
tan your Rheumatism or Neuralgia, .:r
ut an ache Into that weak back of
yours? If it has, remember that Zany
ltuk rubbed well in over the aching part
will give you speedy relief. %arra-13uk
contains valuable herbal essences so re-
fined and concentrated, so searching
end so powerful, that a little rubbing
enables them to penetrate diseased cr.
Inflamed nuisc'es, nerves and tendons.
That ache in limb or back means th.1t
4he muscles and nerves are neediug
Delp. They have "caught cold"—the
(nerves are "starved"—irritated, inaarn-
ul. Your body is n wonderful machine
an 1 it sometimes needs a little lubrj;
cation. \\'hat proper lubrication does
for an overhead machine bearing, %ant-
Inik will do for a joint or lever or
muscat which is inflamed, or healed, . r
Fore. or aching, because of cold, rteu-
'algia, rheumatism, etc.
Mrs. John Sidstone, of Swan Valley.
(\Inn.), says: "I have proved /.ani-Buk
M be a sure cure for rheumatism. It
gave me such relief that 1 would not
be without it in the limns,"
Far cedd in the chest, catarrh in the
le ad. ete., %nut•Ifuk r'in'g rig \yell in to
chest and forehead give. quick relief.
Besides its uses as an embrocation,
Znm•l(uk heals chapped hands and cold
sores. e'.•zcrna. poisoned wounJs. scalp
pima, itch. barber's rashs blood poison,
pimples. boils. Spring eruptions, etc,
1t pion stops bleeding arid cures piles,
lirinla, etc. All druggists and stores
rat 50c. n hos. or from Zara-liuk Co..
Tensile. for price. 6 boxes sent for
F'i„'11i, Send 1c stamp for postage ,f
Ire` trial sample.
machine wh:ch threads 1010 needles
Ir nl work in n Swiss fn' -tory. 'I he
purtxoee of the machine is to Ihrend
needles that ars placed afterward: In a
been for making Inc.'. The dry ice +:
&moat entirely automatic. It bikes the
rle•iilie. earric.; it along. thr's,le 11. lie:
lie kri'.t. rut the 'blend off a uniform
• tensile teen carries i1 in a rusk. The
cork of Ihread ng these needles oaf
&innerly done l.y fiend.
"111 !” shouted the rich roan. peering
enidiransly over the stairway. "1 went
you r "Well." eliteElect the burglar.
renrhing for the .itis T. "Fm at your ser-
vice, sir!"
•t' "\\`
4R1GNT Ill 15;5,
; G5t' ,
"pIA0ETE5 9A ta'�a
nu tat • s�
'i •ons, sell .al/ 15
L» sUE NO. tb- •h
K tleS OF lairs( G MONEY Wrl'I10t9
(lard Work to Obtain a biting in Any
Other Way Titan by third
It is really astonishing tt hat a large
number of people Utero are who will
take infinite perms to avoid work. And
the queer part of it is, says the London
t;fobe, that they really give themselves
much trouble in their attempts to obtain
a living without laboring at any axetil
Not long ago a note! trick vas prac-
tised by a than going about tete streets
of London, but it. seems impossible to
think that he made much out of it un-
less there are an abnormal number of
exceedingly foolish people in existence.
Passing a man casually ho would glance
at his back and say, 'Beg yer pardon,
sir, but there's a lot of white stuff on
your shoulders." Those who were par-
ticular about their personal appearance
would thank the man and ask hint to
wipe it off, accompanying the request
with a tip. Of course it is unnecessary
t.) say that there never was anything
while on the back of the man addressed,
and that it was solely for the purpose of
getting the tip (hat the kind workingman
took an Interest in
A much more lueralive trick was re-
ported by a London daily some time
ago. According to Ibis statement a well-
dressed gentleman sauntered about the
streets of Sydney, New South Wales,
stopping a passerby every now and Then
in order to ask hint for a "1111" of tobac-
co, as ho had left his pouch at home.
Not many smokers would refuse such a
request when made by a respectable
stranger and would bid hint till his pipe
aad,be welcome. As soon as the gener-
ous stranger was out of sight the bor-
rower would transfer the tobacco from
the pipe to a capacious pouch fie carried.
When he had collected a pound or two
he would sell it to a tobacconist.
Another dodge worked on likely look-
ing gentlemen Ls That well worn device
which might be termed the Irick pipe
tike. As the victim hurries along a
crowded street he notices a roan who is
smoking a big meerschaum pipe. That
Ls to say, he would notice hint if be were
looking, but as he is in a hurry the
chances are that tie does not, and lie is
therefore surprised when he collides
with the man, who lets the pipe fall to
the ground, which breaks in several
pieces. Of course the owner of the "valu-
able" pipe raises . a great lamentation
over his loss, and calls on heaven to
witness the
The former says that it is all the fault
of tho latter, and loudly demands com-
pensation tvlidc tenderly picking up the
pieces. Ile accepts the proffered mone-
tary solarium with the remark that Ilse
pipe was worth far more, and Oren eons
up n side street to fix the "meerschaum"
ready for some one else. '1'I►is Irick used
to bring in quite a decent amount, but it
has become so well known that it is
seldom tried nowadays.
In Glasgow there used to be a respec-
table looking old man who was reputed
1) make a living out of pxstage s lamps.
Ile frequented the better close cheap
kriging houses, and dressed neatly
though poorly. Ile had a simple, but
apparently very successful, method of
working. Ile was always writing in
answer to advertisements; after sending
((1 cevrrnl lepers he would hear of
another place likely to salt him, so of
roller' he applied for it al once.
Unfortunately. when the lellrr was
written ri Ira he found that bMamie
1o had no bun
Ibnt he had used the last one, and that
he hail no money to buy another. If he
delayed writing the situation would be
filled, hal if he wr.,te al once he would
Iv sure to get the place. What hard
line.: And he lead j,.v'n out of work for
weeks and had now cone to
Of course those who did not know him
felt sorry for this unfortunate slate of
rftairs and would give hint a stamp or
the price n1 one. It seldom happened
that lie was rehrscei. as the nitre lucky
men in the place v tit'l genernlly give
him the penny. Under favorable condi-
tions lie would entry two or three bogus
letters nal get several pennies.
Sometimes 1►e would lake his stand
near a post °Mee, looking ruefully at the
letter ntleJ going through all his pockets,
with the result That some charitable
woman who was passing would ask his
trouble and give hint n penny or two-
pence on heating his tnie. It was said
that ho had admitted making ns .much
ns live shillings n day by this
1 : "My wife talks In herself all
31w ! •nc." Riggs "Is That so? 1 wish
1f s nu are nut ,,f • rt• get a t.'otI IP 01 'Rerrmlm-
11 , hr,I man-, .r•n1 sou will he .nrprited how
�jairkl. Ih.t'
we., fettling will woo off. I1.(0
betties A11 dealrre in medicine
DONT SEEK AN 1:.\S\' J1qt.
A great many people drift Ihr„ngl►
life without III►rtosr or effort. They
float along the line of least rsi.tnnce,
nwosding ail ohm:ides and shrinking
from nnylhing alit looks like hni-,f
w (Irk. Their great desire is to gel "an
(osy job." They du not concern them -
helves at all as to whether or not there
1• any pro<pe.a of adaan.'rment in it.
They have neither titan. nor pro-
ps -amine. nor ambition to gunk' them.
They `imply live fear to• arty. and liter -
Filly "take no thought f' r the morrow.'
1 tins happy-go-lucky policy can lend to
but one thing—failure. if you are work-
ing re ,_oreling 1„ nn intc)ligent plan, if
woo nye 11) 1iil le rata;:.' everything you
do a n1:lans of advancement to the goal
soli hate in rises ge ahead. kr you an,
moving in the right direclinn and will
reach your goal. Ilett if you are looking
fir nn Paso piece. or running away from
beef work: if you are 1r» !)•isms to
r,tnke an intelligent plan of Region, rind
fellow it you are not moving In the
rght d.reclion.
The arra n1 Paris is 19,000 sera.
Baby's smile indicates that he is well
and happy. It is cagy the sick child
who is cross and restless. And the
'nether can depend upon it that when
her baby cries he is not crying simply
to be ugly --that is not his nature—he
is crying because in Ls in pact --most
probably his little stomach is out :,f
order. The mother will and Baby's
Own Tablets a never failing cure 'or
rill the minor ailments of little ones. In
the honies where the Tablets are used
there are no cross, crying babies — no-
thing but bright, happy and playful
babies—the kind That are a joy to the
home. Mrs. Jos. l.egre , Caraquet, N.
B., says: "At the lime 1 sent for Baby's
Own 'Tablets niy little one was weak
and failing. He would ery night and
clay, and I did not seem able to gel any-
thing to hint) hint. After giving him
the Tablets these was a great change,
and he has since thrived finely." The
Tablets are sold by druggists or by
mail. at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
"No, sir," said a clerk to his employer,
"I don't think there's anything unreason-
able in my asking for an increase of
salary. You may remember that you
promised too a rise when 1 bud been
with you a year."
"I know I did," rejoined the employer,
"hut didn't 1 make it conditional upon
your giving me every satisfaction?"
"And in what way, sir, haten't 1 given
you satisfaction?" asked the clerk.
"In what way?' replied the employer,
with a show of anger. "Do you think
you are satisfying me in asking for an
increase of salary 7'
The following very valuable prescrip-
tion will be appreciated by many who
are suffering from La Grippe, as it is
a certain cute, and will save many a
doctor's bill. ft is almost a certain
preventive as well:—"\\'hen you feel
that you are taking cold or have that
chilly feeling or aching in any part c f
the body or head, go immediately to
your druggist and get:
1 Bottle Psychine
(pronounced Si -keen).
1 doz. 2 gr. Quinine Capsules.
"Take two teaspoonsful of Psychine
in same quantity of water or sherry
before each meal, and beforo retiring.
Take a 2 -grain capsule of quinine before
going to bed also, followed by a drink
el hot lemonade or other good hot
drink. Do not be alarmed if you per-
spire freely—so much the better. Tti'
Psychine can be ased without the quin-
ine if preferred. Use it until cured.
It will give certain relief."
The sante doctor says he has found
this prescription invariably successful
in affording quick and permanent re-
lief in cases of coughs, colds, catarrh,
1.ronrhilis and other throat and chest
troubles, Mrs. Heart, who has taken
this prescriptions says:
"1 had been suffering from La
Grippe. My lungs were weak ,and 1
had a Dough, part Psychine cured me."
"MRS. 11. BEAN
"Cheapside, Ont."
Psychine inn be prneured from any
druggist at 5nc and $1.00. 11 is n very
popular and Inrgely used remedy.
Jacks : "Townley is nn exceedingly
esIIh US Jf. (WWI,1
you think ?'' John, :
"Paulson, 1 Why, he wouldn't pay a
compliment without gelling a receipt for
Good Digestion Should Wait on Appe-
lite.—'I'o !dive the stomach well is to
have the nervous system well. Very
delicate are the digestive organs. Lt
some so sensitive are they That atmes-
plicric changes affect them. When they
become disnrrangtel no better regulator
is procurable than 1'nrnelee's Vegetable
Pills. They will assist the digestion so
that the hearty enter will suffer no 'n -
convenience nal Will derive all the bene-
I11s of his food.
in 18-10 the nvernge warship carried in
guns. In 1890 the average had fallen to
four per ship. 11 is now rising again.
Phyilesl Pant amt mental anguish afflict the
vletee • of skin dlsea.es. (let rid of both by rut..
him; Worse'', Cerate on the he lite 1, itching, dis-
figured Iwe. The relief given is among the
wonders of me Reins
The mean winter temperature of Great
Britain has risen very considerably dur-
ing the past half retitle y. January, for
inslrutce,• now nwerages 3 degrees wai•tl1-
ee Than it did between 1790 and 1810. ,
Ignorance Is n Curse. --"Know- thyselr
Is a good admonition, whether referring
k. ones physical condition or morn! hn-
biludes. The num who ii acquainted
with hinted( will know flow to act when
any disnreingeinent in iris condition
manifests itself. Dr. Thomas' Ecleclrie
Oil is n cheap and simple remedy for
Rye eradication of pain from th» eyslem
rind for the clue of all bronchial
"Oh, George, Ila so pint! you've come!"
exclaimed the girl. "Father Is so ex-
cited and dichtrlattl. Do go in and calm
hits." "Very well," replied George;
"what's the matter with him?' "\Vhy---
er--i just told him you wanted to marry
if van are Wend of fishing, ,ano�ing.
camping or ib. :tndv of wild animals look
pp tlir .Vgonquui `rational Park of Ontar
to tor jeer auranrcr outing ,t fish and
tarot. preserve of 2,004,000 acres inter
Pper•ol with 1,- 1pi9d river. If
awaiting you. n c.1.4 aruse all for attraction.
that Naturr ren brews. Mann Arent
eanor trips Altitedr 2,OC» feet agave tea
IP,H Pnrc an.l rahoar.t.nit atmosphere
Jost thr plater for a young man to put in
his aemmer h,d,dsy• An interesting and
pvnfnamly illirstratM dervript:ve NUNN'S
tion telling vett ail about it ant frrr on
application 1., J n. McDonald, Union tt■
Ivan, turont.i, Oat,
A pure, hard
hour for bikers and others detnitad-
ing strength, color aad uniformity.
71tr(4T1p}ELL 1U LING(U.
0 N
Before deciding where to locate
in the West, let us tell you
about these lands. The best
wheat fields, the richest grazing
land, are in this province.
Write us for full information
about crops, climate and special
railroad rates.
Local representative wanted in
each county.
Telfer & Osgood
Eastern Selling Agents,
Creator Canada Real Estate Co , Limited
sells all kinds of western forms rity property and
bovineei opportunities in Manitoba, Kaekatct.e-
wau, .tlhert.. And British Columbia.. Muney re-
ceived for investment thoroughly protected.
Write for pamphlet.
Reference -Bask of British North America.
It. n O'SULLIVAN, Manager,
1'. u, 80132, Calgary. Canada
A1.)t1: UT.', FARM LA Nn8—IN TIIE FA mous
wetense in district ; lists propoeitions
se„t on application. II. D. Parris A Co., Boge t,
Wetaskiwi n, Alberta.
n►en and brakemen; experience un-
nece_ssary; over boo positions open at the
present Time; high wages; rapid pronto -
!ion to engineers and conductors; $75 lo
$200 per month; instructions by mail at
your home without Interruption with
present occupation; we assist each stu-
dent in securing 11 position; don't delay;
write to -.lay for free catalogue, instruc-
tions and application binnk. National
Railway Training School, Inc., Boston
Block, Minneapolis, Minn., U. S. A.
Lori Liverpool was Prime Minister for
a greater length of Time than any other
British fringe afinister of the past cen-
Will It stay where you put It? 05, yes
"The p R 1:" Menttr,l Platter will, and it will
quickly cure rheumatic pain, lumbago, sciatica,
face ache neuralgia, etc.
'The. average British workman spends
815 yearly in gent, which is more than
double as much as the German spends on
house (room.
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is
pleasant to take; sure and effectual in
destroying worsts. Many have tried it
with best results,
Story of a Famous Ordinance — Other
In all the German papers of August.
1538, appeared an ordiisance signed by
the king of Bavaria, forbidding civilians
ean.any pretext whatever, to wear u.uS-
laehes, and commanding the police au-
thorities to arrest the offenders and
shave them by force. Apparently this
was not necessary. for, according lo a
French accnui►t of the time, "mustaches
,hsappeared immediately, like 1 ayes
from the trees in autumn; everybody
niadc haste to obey the royal order,
and net one person Was arrested." The
ancient Anglo-Saxon was not so obedi-
ent; he won: long hair and a mustache,
though no beard, and when he was con-
quered by the elean-shaven Norman he
wore his line longer than e'er, to ex-
e.ggerate the difference between the two
"A Grand Medicine" is the encomium
often passed on Bic'kle's Anli-Consungi-
liv'e Syrup, and when the results !:ern
its use are considered, as borne r.1:1 ray
ninny persons who have employed it in
slopping coughs and eradicating colds,
it is more than grand. Kept in the
house 11 is always at hand and it has
no equal as a ready remedy. It you
have not tried it, do so at once.
Dublin, whose area is only one-eighth
that of London, has almost as great an
average of parks. it has an acre of park
for every 175 inhabitants, while London
has 1 acre to 1,114 inhabitants.
Alien's Lite, Balsams, free from narcotics, in
never more useful than when It rida the children
of cold, and tares the m tber'e anxiety. It
retakes s friend of everyone why uses it
Mr. Smart : "What a foolish habit you
women have of carrying your purses in
your hand in the street." Mrs. Smart :
"Ott, it's not foolish at ail. You see our
husbands give us so little to put in our
purses that they're not worth stealing."
A Pill for Generous Eaters.—There
aro many persons of healthy, appetite
and poor digestion who, atter, a hearty
meal, are subject to much suffering.
The food of which they have partaken
lies like lead in (heir slornach. Head-
ache, depression, n smothering feeling
follow. One so afflicted is unfit for busi-
ness or work of any kind. In this con-
dition Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will
bring relief. They will assist the assi-
n►ilalion of the ailment, and used ac-
cording to direction will restore healthy
'fill Poverty knocked at his door
Ile never knew how bare
The uneventful days of those
Who have but want and care.
Till Sorrow lingered al his hearth
He never knew the night
Through which all troubled souls tnust
To gain the morning light.
Till Suffering had sought his house
He never knew what drend
alas.' wrestle with nor what grim fears
Of agony are bred.
And yet, 1111 these unbidden guests
Had taught hire to possess
A clearer sight, he never knew
l'he heights of happiness.
_a --
TWO QUI:B1l•'$.
flim : "\\-hy•is it Ilial a woman never
means half she says ?"
Her : "tally is i1 that a nem i.ev. r
says half he means?"
Fair Visitor : "So you have trolly de-
cided not to sell your house?' Fair
Hostess : "Yes. You see, we placed the
twitter in the hands of an estate agent.
Atter reading his lovely advertisement of
nor properly, neither John nor myself
could think of parting with such a won-
derful and perfect home."
Does f it
Pen -
has t h o soft
warm feel
the akin enjoys.
Doesn't itch.
Made for men, wo-
men and little folks,
in It variety of styles,
fabrics and prices.
We authorize every dealeria Pea -Angle
Underwear to replace. at ow was any
pineal faulty io material or making,
No real need to buy the more expensive
oils if GOOD BURNER is neeel
If you want a BIG LIGHT—ram as
For Sale by Dealers
Alice (to nervous suitor) : '"There ie
something about your figure that sue-
gests a masterpiece of sculpture." "Aw,
bow nice of you to say so. \'hat is it?"'
Alico (playfully) : "You don't seem to
have the use of your arms."
\Vhy go limping and whining abseil
your corns when a 25 cent bottle of
Holloway's Corn Cure will renin',.
them? Give it a trial and you will nit
regret it.
Dolly : "Why, 1 wouldn't marry you
if you were the Inst num on earth."'
Eddy : "I quite believe you. 'The last
roan on earth will have too many other
troubles without thinking about gelling
Your Doctor
Can cure your Cough or Cold,
no question about that, but—
why go to all the trouble and
inconvenience of looking him up,
and then of having hisprescription
filled, when you can step into any
drug store in Canada and obtain
a bottle of SHILOH'S CURIrt
for a quarter.
Why pay two to five dollar
when a twenty-five cent
bottle of SHILOH will cure you
as quickly?
Why not do as hundreds of
thousands of Canadians have
done for the past thirty-four
years : let SHILOH be your doc-
tor whenever a Cough or Cold
HILOH will cure you, and ail
drugists back upthia statement
witha positive guarantee.
The next time you have a
Cough or Cold cure it with
s 5}u
You can put on a roof that will
last a hundred years and be the
right kind of a roof every
minute. Or you can put on a ten-year roof
that will probably leak after the first rain
hits it, and keep leakingtill it is rotted away.
ither roof will cost
you about the same in
money at the start.
But the "Oshawa" -
shingled roof will be
FIRE -PROOF- -liter-
ally; and wind-proof—
actually ; and lightninR-
proof —positively. That's the hundred -year roof!
And that "Oshawa "-shingled roof will be
weather-proof for a century. We'll GUARAN-
TEE in every way for a quarter-century—from
now till Nineteen -
Thirty -Two.
Guaranteed in writing'
for 25 years—and you
needn't ever paint it,
even ! That's saying
something, isn't it ?
What would your
A -P1
Yet cedar shingles cost you just
about the price of these guaranteed
"Oaawa' Sh' es—Zai-guage tough-
ened steel, doable galvanised—glop
for a century, guaranteed in writ till 19a2,—fire-
and-wind-and-weather- f and lightning -proof.
Pour -dollars -end -a- f a square bays "Oshawa "
Galvanised Steel Shingles
-ten feet by ten feet.
Compare that with the
present price of cedar
shingles — how does it
strike you?
And you can put on these
"Oshawa" Galvanized
Steel Shinfaes yourself,
easily, -- with no tools but a claw-ham,ner and
anipi. Simplest thing you know—can't get 'em on
"Oslhawa" Shingles lock on all four sides -whole roof
ia-practically one sheet of double -galvanized steel, that
never needs painting.
"Oshawa" Galvanized Steel
Shingles a r e GUARANTEED in
every way for Twenty -Five Years
Ought to Last a Century
mill -man say if you
asked him to guarantee cedar shingles for even
ten years ? Ile certainly would make remarks!
And even the best cedar -shingled roof will be
leaking badly inside of ten years.
Seven out of ten of them leak the
first time it rains. No wood -
shingled roof is fire -proof for a
minute, and the first high wind
that etches a loose thin
wMiro•>Z , g�jg..'_,� "If yyoovt�� .bilks Noor
over into the nems G;Vt►nehip.
101 +�
ma eras act W, 11 Colborne se. As Atom est.
don't overlook that. Guar-
anteed in writing, over th •
seal of a company with a
quarter -million capital, -
guaranteed in plain
Eroglihh, without any ifs
or buts, for 26 long
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