HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-03-28, Page 1WeddiQg IQV1I8IIORS
We print invitations on
_ ttitt_
the newest of paper, with
the newest of type, at a
reasonable price. You
want something nice.
Real Estate Changes
\Jath' for you On reason-
able terms. We have un.
equalled facilities to rent.
sell or buy either farm or
village property. Try it.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Head Office — Toronto
Randolph Macdonald, President
A. A. Allan, Vice -President
D. M. Stewart, General Manager
Capital Subscribed $ 4,000,000
Capital Fully Paid $ 3,998,000
Reserve Fund $ 1,255,000
Assets over $25,000,000
General Banking Savings Department
Interest credited quarterly
JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, Zurich and Dashwood,
The Old Reliable
our faces to deceive the public, neither do we
mark our goods so you can't tell the price. All
goods marked in plain )Puree. All stocks the
best the market affords. All prices reasonable
is all right and up-to-date.
Prints, Ducks, Ginghams, Plain
and Fancy Muslins, Point De
Sprit in Black and White.
BELTSBlack end White kid belts, 25 cents each,
Embroidered wash beltie, wbite,15,20,25c.
COLLARS Embroidered Waeh Turnovers,
Fancy Collars, 50 and 25 cents-
A Very Choice Line of Silks, Suitable for Full Sults or W.ists
See our fine display of WALL PAPER
5 cts. per Roll up to 25 cts.
iirNothing shoddy about us. Everything we do or say is above board ori
rrefbaale.al Cable.
DZ. O. F. ROIJLSTON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.
1Wmber of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor
Uradnate 61 Toronto t:niversitc.
OFFiCL: Over Dickson a Carling's Law Office, in
Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors.
Dli A. R. KINSMAN, D. 8., D. D. 8.'
Honor graduate of Toronto Uniteristy.
Teeth extracted without any ptin, or any bad effects
Mee over Madman & Staubur)'s o her, Main street
A1. MALLOY, M. B. (Tor. Uolt•,) MEMBER
a College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
Former Roux Burgeon Toronto Western Hospital.
Successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on
first street north of dike, Exeter, Ontario_
ton, Notaries, Conveyancers, Comndrsionert
tloiledton for Mol,ons Bank, etc,
mosey to Loss at lowest rates of interest.
Offices, Main street, Exeter,
1. R. Caawtr., R A., I., 11. Ptcasos
We para a large amount of private finds to loan
• lays sad village properttee it low rates of Inter
Barristers, Soliciton,Main rt., Exeter On
S• Hardy, Auctioneer
For the County of Huron. All orders promptly at-
tended to if len at the Advocate or his store.
William Brown
Prof. Diploma of Royal Incorporated So,iety of
Musician., England; Organist of Trivitt Memorial
Chur•h,F.xeter, Piano, Organ, Harmony and Theor)
Of Musty, Terme on application. Exeter, Ont,
Farm Labourers and Domestics
t have been appointed by the Dominion govern•
went to place immigrants from the United Kingdom
in pos{tIons so farm labourer, or domestic tier, ants
in this vicinity. Any person requiring such help
should notify nie by letter stating fully the bind of
help required, when wanted and wages offered. The
numbers arril inti mar not le euf kient to supply all
regorge. Mit every effort will be mule to provide
each applicant with help require.)
ill,mien Government Employment Ager.t, Exeter
Auction Sale
The under-iviedhc i io in/Int.-tr.! to rrll 1,c
LOT 29, CON. fl, 1'SBORNE
on TUF.BI)AY, AI'HIL 2nd, 1907
at 1 clock sharp
The following property, vis:
hove.,- 1 cartage mare. rising 6 year., in foal to
Golden Case' 1 carriage horse, rising 4 year., sired
by Texas Jane; 3 geltin e, rising •' tear., sited by
(!,.nock: 1 ally. rising 1 year sired by McElroy.
(',tale ---1 choice cow, 4 )earn. due to al.. et time
of sale, 1 cow. 1' years. due to(-alve August l; 1 cow
e yearn, due torah. May 1; t farrow cow, 'timing
earn; f farrow rows, commit 4 wean. 5 fat heifer,
(ening 3 year,; 3 otters, rinng 3 sears. A Keen rill.
in,; f yea.; A heifers, rising 2 rears. good feet rinver,
4 calves ranging in age from 4 to 11 months
no- 1..w, due to farrow April 15, : fit hogs n
months old; 9 don hogs. 3 months old
?own, -16 g(w.t grade ewe' eupP iPd to he in limb;
1 Lincoln ram reg.. 1 mg Shropsh re ram
Also a quantity of turnips. 5,i bn.hel. Rural New
Vatter potatoes
TERMS. Rums of el" and under cash, os h r that
amotmt A mnnthe'credit given on furnishing appre.-
ed Joint note.. 5 per ,+ret, off for cash,
F ELLER INGTt)N, T ('AmKilos
Cedar Posts for Sale
First, lass cedar lasts for sale. Apl+pply at residence.
John wilson, Centralia.
Black Barley for Sale
A quantity of first clap seed, Black barley. for
sale. W. P. Sanders, Con. 3, Stephen.
Taken Over Business.
\\-e the:re to announce that we ha , a formed a art-
nershipar.d taken oyer the masoning business of Mr.
(tee. h. 1leaman and are prepared to do work in this
line by contract or day work, net our figures before
letting your work.
James Jewell.
Curt ice Harness.
To Buy Horses
1 wish to announce that 1 will be In Exeter on Sat-
urday of each week to boy all classes of horse..
Theymust be in Rood condition, d the highest
et price will be paid.
T. E. IIANDFORD, Exeter.
Pasture to Let
Tenders will be received by the ur:+lersignud for
the renting of the Agricultural Grounds for pas-
turage of cows up to April 13. Iligheet or any ten-
der not necessarily accepted.
A. G. Py r, Se, 'y.
Tenders Wanted
Sealed Tenders will be received by- the under.igned
for the carpenter work of the Exeter Canning & Fre•
serving Co.'factory. General dimensions:- -Main
lniilding 4nxl'0, two stories with open addition 14vnn
and shed extensioo 14x46 For particulars and plane
and at+e- ifb ations apply at St Martin's store, Exeter.
J. 0. Jones, See,.Tress.
Farm for Sale
The undersigned is offering for .ale that desirable
5,0 acre farm in the township of t'.l.orne, )ring fat
311. Con, 1. situated on the London Read3 mile.
m E11(114.311.froxeter and _ from11(114.311.i
ll. There s on the
premises a frame houee, good barn and a first else.
nrehard. The land to in a good state of cultivation.
Will le Dolt reasonable -O. 1'. Cue, Ilentall.
loser, fame in the township of itiddulph. being
Lot 8, North Iknndary. Good dwelling with kit•
(hen and woodshed, two lank tarn,: welI drained
and fenced; about a acres bush: 9 Reit/ fall wheat
Posen; go -.1 orchard and 2 good wells. This is an ex-
cellent farm and will to sold reaaonahle. Apply on
premiPea or to - -Richard Luker. r cut rail*
50 Acres for Sale
Being aauth East !tat( of Int a, 'South Boundary
of Hay. This is an excellent pasture farm, !.ring
well supplied by a portion of the river passing
through one corner or 0. Will be sold cheap. Ap-
ply to CHAS BOx, Con. 4, Stephen, or Exeter, P.O.
Metropolita■ Hotel. Exeter, or
FRIDAY. APRiI. 5, 1907, at 1 o'clock
The f Nina ing property, cis: 1 drit er a year. old, 1
Agricultural mare; 1 agrlcu') ally rising 2 years, 1
triter 10years old; l rive►3seam, 01 ,3 cows due
to (-One in May and one in April; a number of pure
Yorkshire raw., nipposeel to he with pig; t.uggy, h4
dor, how trough., mower, fanning mill, Peed .trill,
double plow. single plow, ,silky rake, Cocks/Int acct•
flee, new; Massey Harris Cultivator, Y furrow Wilkin•
n•nt gang plow, " furrow Fleury plow.. ('ock.hutt
riding plow. F.mpire )'ream Separator, and other ar-
t tele..
TF.RMQ (month: cr tit on approved Joint note..
5 per cent. oe for rash.
Alen part lot 10, known as the n1,1 Pickard mill
property, consisting of atswlt 12 a esti of laa1, good
brick dwelling, with 9 rooms, gond cellar, tame klt-
(hen. good will of water, .table and small tern and
old mill or Mart,
er Mose. To be Rohl in Me lot or
prorate', In mit pm M.., This property must
he sold as the proptielrr is going West.
T. CAMIE10)N. AU('T.
The Millinery Openings 1 Wood bees are in order around town
The usual spring millinery openings
took place in Exeter's Millinery Estab-
lishments last week and the usual
number of hat creations were examin-
ed, admired, tried on, and purchased.
Easter is rather early this year and
consequently the openings are earlier
than usual, but the weather in gener-
al has been is keeping with spring,
and on Friday, the first day of the op-
enings, it was almost summerlike. The
result is the ladies are all anxious to
get "my" hat made first and the sea-
son is already a busy one.
This is, distinctively, a flower and
ribbon season, with all kinds of Sow-'
ere in profusion and a wide range.
of ribbons in all widths and colors
Flowers are on everything and include
roses, poppies, forget -me -note, small
wild flowers and grasses In a variety
of attractive colors. The ribbons are
taffeta, satin mousseline and velvet
The fashionable colors are Copen-
hagen shades, apricot, lilac, old rose,
champagne, corn, Tuscan, skyblue,
navy, brown, pearl, and moat green.
In hats there are the Milano, chips,
bleached and natural Leghorns, Tus-
cans. Blocked hats are more popular
than ever; the mushroom idea in a va-
riety of shapes is a strong favorite,also
flop and hood hats. The Japanese Poke
is a favorite shape, being medium
sized, with a bell crown and oval brim
from side to side.
The trimmings are malines and chif-
fons in all colors, also foliage, long
narrow buckles, medallion effects in
piths, and feathers of all kinds includ-
ing the ostrich plumes of the lighter
A very noticeable feature in the hats
is the head sizes. Last year the bate
eat on the top of the bead. This year
the sizes are large with all round hou-
deaus fitting down over the head. In
many hats the back brim droops down
over the hair and has masses of trim-
ming banging down over the back,
giving the hat, the appearance of being
heavy behind. The back trimming is
of silk, velvet, gauze or net.
R. N. Taylor bad a narrow escape
front serious injury on Monday. He
was sharpening a circular saw in tbe
Ross Taylor factory when by some
means it commenced to run and he
was thrown up over it. Messrs. Wm.
Howey and Ed. Jones were standing
near and noticing the accident they
immediately lifted him off and saved
him from even it slight scratch,
although the saw had succeeded in
making a large rip in his overhauls.
10 acres of land in Centralia. We offer for sale at
reasonable price, 10 acres of most excellent land,
In Centralia near the Railway Station and admirably
situated for market gardening purposes, On the
land is erected a comfortable frame house with good
cellar and small barn and stable. For terms apply to
Dickson and Carting, Exeter.
Farmers' Horses
1 wish to anno,in-e that i ant now 'ceded in Exeter
for the purpole of hu%ink and .c !ling horses, and will
time at all times a good supply of farmer.' hones
and colts for ule. My .tables are located at the
south of Exeter on the London Road. Write un
when sort hale anything for I+hle and call when ) ou
wish to buy. i will he at home on Saturdays to
meet intending purht.err.
raft of \'ark lot E original lot ls. consisting of
acres of land with orchard, a two storey brick house,
all newly finished in the Iateet style, good well.
Good furnace and concealed wiring c4'. This is a
choice property and mu.t be sold as the proprie•
tor). going West.
Farm for rale in Township of Hay, consisting of
lisp acres all seeded down, well adapted for grazing
purpose*. If thee, two properties are not sold prle•
ately on or lefore April 16th, they will be sold by
pnblir erection on lfav'M1. For particulars apply
toThomas Cameron, Auctioneer, 1arquhar.
Of Mrs. Mary Ann Halle, widow,
Pursuant to Chapter 149, of the Rev teed Statutes
of Ontario. 1:17, note*14 hereby given that all errd-
Stora and others having claims agarnet the estate of
Yrs. Mary Ann ilalls, late of the tillage of Exeter,
in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about
the .nth day of October, A.Ik, 1996, ate, on or before
The Fifteenth Day of April, A.D., 1907
to send by post {.repaid to the undersigned Susi+ it•
ors for the administrator, M the estate of the said
deceased, their ehristian and surnames, ultimata, and
description,, the full particulars of their claims, the
statement of their amounts and the nature of the
securities Of am) held by them.
And further take noti.r that after .uch last men
Cloned date the Adminietretoeswill pro. ter'todist
ute the matte of the decease,) amongst the parties
entitled thereto, having regard only to the claim, of
which notice .hall then hate been given. and that
the Admini.trstonwilt not be hable for the a. -veto
or any part thereof to any penin or persons of whose
claim notice shall not have been received by them at
the time of ,u 1 t ,(rihntlnn.
))stat at Exeter chi. 3r,th lay of Msn h, A. D., 1907.
Solicitors for Admini.tra'ora
in the matter of the estate of David
Jacques, late of the Township of l's -
borne, in the County of Huron, in•
eurance agent, deceased.
Notice le hereby iris en pursuant to Ser. ea of Chap-
ter 129 of the Relined Statutes' ofOntario, 457, and
amending acts chef all person• hay ing clalma against
the said 'David Jae3lts,whn dint on or about the
14th day of Januar) 1917, are roe/feted to send by
poet prepaid, or deliver to Nevem. i'Ickapn a Carling
of the Pillage of Exeter. Soli. Rote for the Ewes -Wore
on or before the
FiRST DAY OF MAY, A.D., 1907
their mimeo, addresses and d.,-rlptione and a Rill
statement of particulars cA their r aims and the ria
tore of the ercttrltle,, Of any), held by them, dole
certified amt that after the said day the Executor
will proceed to distribute the awl. of the said de
,-ease.) among the patties entitled thereto. having
regard only to ea,h claims of which they shall have
Solicitor; for Executor.
)Dated at Exeter, thee t: th dal el Ilan h
1 these days and tuany are getting their
winter supply cut up. -Rev. Mr. Allen
of Parkhil preached excellent ser-
mons in the Methodist church on Sun-
day in the interest of the Educational
funds. Our pastor took Mr. Allin's
work. -Robin red breast and the lit-
tle grey bird's song is again hreaking
forth, which reminds us that spring is
at hand and soon the busy housewife
will be tenuvating the house. -Chas.
Rinks has returned to London after a
pleasant visit here. -M isses Winnifred
Eesery and Attie Wilson have accepted
positions with Miss Ballantyne, drees-
maker,-A number of the people of
this community repaired to the home
of an old friend and neighbor, Mr. Jas.
Walker, on Friday evening last to
show their regard for the family, who
are about to leave for Lacombe, Alta.
In thecourse of the evening Mr. and
Mrs. Walker were made the recipients
of two handsome chairs and were ex-
tended the best wishes of the neigh-
DEATH OF MRs. LUKER.-Death this
week reproves another of our most re-
spected residents of BIddulph in the
person of Mary Brownlee, beloved wife
of Richard Luker,of the Nortb Bound-
ary, who passed away oat Monday last,
at the age of 52 years, 5 month., 5 days.
A dutiful wife, a )dying mother and a
kind and obliging neighbor, she was
beloved end esteemed by all who had
the pleasure of her acquaintance and
her demise has caused the deepest re-
gret in the community. The deceased
has been in declining health for about
a year hence her demise was not in the
least unexpected. She was a daugh-
ter of the late James Brownlee and be-
sides the sorrowing husband leaves to
mourn her death one son, three broth-
ers and two sisters: Wm. Brownlee of
Lucan, J. T. of Chicago, R. J. of Bath,
N. Y., Mrs. Thos. Roadhouse of Kirk•
ton and Mrs. D. Wood of Exeter. The
funeral took place to the Exeter ceme-
tery yesterday (Wed.)
FAREWELL PARTY -A very pleasant
function took place at the church here
on Wednesday evening of last week
at which a farewell party was held in
honor of Messrs. Robt. Wilson,Joshua
Huxtable and Geo. Windsor, at which
the following address was read and
each of tbe gentlemen presented with
a beautiful chair as a kindly rememb-
ance on the occasion of severing their
connection with the church. Follow-
ing Is the address:
To Yearn. Robert Wiiaon, Joshua !heatable and
deorge wlea.orUwe members and adherents of
Centralia Methodist Church, deeply regret the cir•
eumstances which compel you to seer your connect
Von with our church believing we are losing active
workers and faithful brethern. For many years you
have taken an active part In the temporal and spirit.
nal work of the lurch and we will miss you In all
your enterprise. Vie therefore beg thatyeu will ac-
cept these chain as a sinall token of our friendship
and brotherly love, In a small way emblematic of
the esteem In which you are held. We sincerely hope
you will meet with much success in your future
homes and wish you and your families to carry hence
our best wishes for your future and eternal welfare.
And we will ever pray that the Father above may
watch over and guideou in that straight and nu•
row war that leads to life eserluting.
Signed on behalf of the congregation, George W.
Andrews, I'astor; Richard Hicks, Leader.
Suitable replies were made by each
and speeches by Messrs. W. Anderson,
R. Hicks, W. R. Elliott, Thos. Veal,
sserJohn Essery 'sand hers fol-
Essery. eery of -
lowed. The choir sang and the ladies
served lunch,aftor which all departed
feeling that they had performed a
most worthy act in manifestin their
appreciation of those who bad been so
actively engaged in all matters con-
nected with the welfare of the church.
Mise Kestle of Exeter is learning
the millinery at J. Trevethick'e.-Mrs.
Geo. Dixon, who has been waiting on
her daughter Mrs, Chas. Kerr at ered•
iton during the past few months, bas
returned home. Mrs. Kerr's many
friends here will be pleased to know
that she is able to be out again. -E. C.
Canning has recovered from his
nt'as.-Sugar making is the order of
day. -John and Michel (filbert have
returned to Yot kion, ,Man. -Miss Mary
Corbett, who has been ill, is convales-
cing. -Mrs. Smith spent a few days in
Craig during the week owing to the
illness of her sister, Mr.. 8, Midden.-
Mrs. Pickering. after a brief visit here,
left this week tar Michigan.-Jobn
Hutton of this township was fined $10-
and $4 crests for being drunk and dis-
orderly at Ailsa Craig.
Riot ItMDKRSD,- A pleasant time was
spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Faulder the other evening, when
about thirty of their relatives com-
pletely surprised them by corning with
their baskets laden with good things
and taking full possession of the home
for the evening. During the evening
the host and hostess were presented
with a handsome chair and hanging
lamp, together with an addrese.
DP,ATIi.--Wm. Lavery passed away
at the home of his nephew, 7th con.,
on Msrch 19. :+t the ripe old agr of 81
years. The cause of death was a gen-
eral 'treating up of the system. He
wits a native of Ireland, coming to
Canada about 70 ears ago, settling in
Tecumseh, and about 50 years ago be-
anie a resident of this township where
e has been honored and respected.
le has always proved himself a kind
neighbor, being honest and industri-
ous. He wns never married and for
the past few years has resided with
his nephew.
F. Simpson and C. Harlton spent
Saturday and Sunday in London. -
Mrs. N. J. Mclllhargey, Mies Marie
Mclllhargey and Miss Hannan return-
ed to Hamilton Monday. --Mrs. B.
Cunningham of Kbiva spent a few
days In the village. --Mrs. Fraser of
Port Huron, after spending several
weeks here. returned home Monday. --
Mrs. Donnley is visiting her parents
here. -Miss Cora Simpson and Miss
Della Itarlton are spending a few days
with Mrs. R. !button. --John Simpson
has honght a driver from Dr. Tennant
Ftlif Lucao.-Several of our people sipent
!it social evening last Friday at Hugh
Bowman's, Ailsa Craig. -W We are sorry
to learn of the serious illness of Wm.
Carter. -Word was received here last
week that Jas. Miller, who left these
parts about a year ago, was undergo-
ing an operation for appendicitis and
little hopes for his rec(wery are enter-
tained. It will be remembered Mr.
Miller buried his wife since going to
Dakota. We extend our sympathy to
the family. -A Wingham corres ion -
dent says: Thos. Hallern has pure ax-
ed a farm near Clandeboye and pur-
poses moving unto it next week.
We are sorty to report the sickness
of Messrs. David Bettcben and Louis
Schumacher and hope that soon they
may be around again as usual. -Next
Monday evening the Y. P. A. here will
give a very entertaining musical and
literary program in connection with
their Easter Program. A collection
In aid of the Mission cause will be tak-
en during the service. -Fred Willert
and' family are visiting among Mr.
Willert's relatives here. It is twenty-
four years since Mr. Willert left here
and in that time notes a great many
changes. -The milliners here have
been very busy at the work and the
display this year is something to be
admired. -On Monday afternoon next
the annual business meeting of the
Evangelical church will be held in
the basement of the church. -Dr. Wil-
son of Zurich was in the village on
Friday evening of last week. -Henry
Guenther our liveryman purchased
another horse on Saturday last from
Mr. Brinker of Boston. -Messrs. Art.
Weber and Louis Rader, who have
been working in London during the
winter, returned to their homes here
on Saturday evening. -Miss Wein of
Crediton spent Sunday at the home of
her brother John, near Sarepta.-Jno.
Fried is at present visiting at the home
of Jacob Kellermann of this place. -
Jacob Kellermann has had the trees
cut down on his lot opposite the church
on which he intends to erect a resid-
ence this coming summer. He intends
to build of cement blocks. -The rain
storm on Tuesday morning was wel-
comed by all, especially by those who
have any driving to do on the roads.
-Wm. Ehlers bas purchased the
other share of the mill and le now
possessor of the entire business. -John
Eidt intends moving with his family
to Brantford in the near future where
he bas secured a lucrative position,
BREEN-In Stephen, on March 10, to
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Breen,a daughter.
THOMPaoN-In McGillivray, on March
10, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Thompson,
a son.
MITCHELL -In Exeter, on March 20, to
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, a daugh-
(-IAC[.D-In Hensall, on March L', to
Mr. and Mrs. A. Gauld, a sou.
BOLTON -At Lumley, on March 25, to
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bolton, a son,
(still born.)
AITKINS—in Mooresville, on March 23,
to Mr, and Mrs. Johnson Aitkins, a
a son.
STERDENS-At Grand Bend, on March
21, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stebbens,
a son.
MAsoN-At Grand Bend, on March 19,
to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mason, twins -
son and daughter.
— --f
March 19th, by Rev. Kerr, Michael
M. McTegue to Miss Bessie Nelson,
all of Clinton.
on March 11, by Rev. D. Per•rie, Ce-
cil D. Simpson of Erin, to Catharine
L. Bonthron of Hensall,
March 20, by Rev. McIntosh, George
Amos Docking of Hihhert to Mise
Jessie Moffatt of Mitchell,
PATTERSON-KENT'-At Fullarton, on
March 19, by Rev. Knowles, Thos.
Patterson of Tuckersinith to Beat-
rice Maud, daughter of Geo. Kemp
of Fullerton.
DURn1.K-Roos-At Itookwood Farm,
Ushorne, on March 27th, by Rev. A.
H. Going, of Exeter, Francis 13. Dur -
die to Miss Annie Blanche, daughter
of Mrs. George Rook, all of Usborne.
FLETCHER-HIND-At the home of the
bride's parents, Elimville, on March
27th, by Itev. Fair, Lewis L. Fletcher
to Miss Nellie G., daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Hind.
DISJARDINE-At Grand Bend, on Mar.
14, infant son on Mr. and Mrs. Ab-
ram Disjardine, aged 3 weeks.
LAVERY-In McGillivray, on March
19, WAD. Lavery, aged 84 years.
WILSON -At Gtand Bend, on March
20, Edmund Wilson, aged 27 years.
MoLLARD-At Grand Bend, on Msrch
22, little son of Percy and Mrs. Mol -
lard, aged 1 year, 10 months.
LAMPORT-In Stephen, on March 20,
- Elizabeth Luker, relict of the late
Henry Lamport, aged 03 years, 3
months, 16 days.
DIiLBRID(is-In Exeter, on March 23,
Elizabeth Andrew, wife of Richard
ellbrrl ge, aged 66 years, 10 months
LuZsx-In Biddulpb, North Boun-
dary, Mary Brownlee, beloved wite
of Richard Luker, aged 52 years, 5
months and 5 days.
THOMSON-In Mitchell, on March 20,
Mrs. Walter Thomson, aged 63 years,
STRACUAN-In Mitchell, on March 20,
Thos. Strachan, in his 81th year.
LINDENFELO-In Exeter, on March 26,
Maria Schopp, relict of the late
Charles Lindenfeld, in her 70th year.
During January and February, the Clinton Business College
had twenty-five times as many calls for Stenographers, Telegrap-
ers, Bookkeepers, and College Teachers, as we had graduates to
Attendance is always smallest during April, May and June,
Consequently each student gets more individual attention. This
is the best tern) of the year for the student.
Learn of the success of our graduates by writing for a hand-
some catalogue of the
Best Actual Business le Ontario.
The "backward" or "rusty" feel at home with ,ts as each stu-
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