HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-03-21, Page 8Made Order Dlessing well is an art 0.,14 the man who has his clothing made to mea- sure has found the key to that art. Each garment that we make for you has th it air of individuality so much sought after by the fit'hionable man. You Are Sure of COMFORT - EASE - ELEGANCE too New Saltless to Hand At Prices Away Down W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, , Exeter, - Ontario Business Locals -- Read Them LADIES' (yet your Easter Hat at Stewart's Tune rooms open all the time. You're always welcome' to st)uly the new styles. Get your Marriage Licenses at the Advocate office. Another lot of English linoleu)ns just opened at Stewart's, they are lovely new designs. Miss J..1. Allan comes well recom- mended and expects to visit Exeter regularly. "fairy" hats.' The only spot in town to act theme is at Stewarts'. They lend the world for style, *2.25 each. But they Sri yex)d. •aagies for Sate. Just received a number of the cele- brated Borland Buggies. The best in the market.rall and see them. -A. Prete Cattle Sale. Messrs. )hinter & Son of Ridgetown will offer fee, -ale at Moffatt's stable, Centralia. 2, rows and 4 steers Wed- nesdey, Mauch 'nth, 1907. For partic- ulars see small bills. Stewart's wallpapers are certainly new and narel, Ac per roll and up. The 2,5r. lin' of !French parlor paper is the talk of the ladies and the Indies always knau erh,)t.. nice. Reduction Sale Before stocktaking we are offering greater bargains than ever before offered itt Furniture for the next 30 days. Every (article reduced. Call an 1 he con voiced. Tti)wrt & ATKINsoe, Exeter, Undoubtedly the lest range of Beady. to -wear .liens' and Boys' suits in Patter is at Sten arts'. 1fen's worsted suits $10, 12.50 and 111, as !food us good rent If. Nouse wanted. A neat dwelling centrally located in town. to rent. Apply at this office. Gents neer ..suseste•r spring „rereuut:, Ilia k'r (;req, Satin,iared. $10, 12.50' l� un! 1.5; Ste'irart. Baas f r Sale. )faired R,e1•k Eggs for incubation. Apply to L. C. Fleming. l attti(ul printed Persian and Or- gandy Muslims, 12i, 15 and 2,5e. The prr'fti,.st lot ere hare ere seen, Stewart's, The House of Refuse. The House of Refuge committee of the county ,' nincil niet recently in Clinton and inspected the home. Everything was found to be neat, tidy and well kept. The water supply was found defective and some changes will have to is. made. The committee consi,ll•e. the :rt acre farm too small and will pr 111.11 ly ask to council to in - Crease it to IIM) or 15') acres so as to give sotNt•ient employment to the in- mates. There are at present 110 in- mates, :3.i females and 55 males. +++++•t++++++++++++++++, - OUR CLOTHES FITS Thi• three things that dis- ting,iish the clothes we en ,ke Ase FASHION. FIT and WORKMANSHIP. We are justly pentad of our re- cord and will sustain it with K„.d garments. The Spring tonna are ready and we are getting plenty of nr de! s. One of these ,133-4 you will appreciate how vitally Yon Need a Spring Suit Our line is ready for your kind inspection. o --n Call and Get our Prices W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor - Exeter 44+4+++4++++ , NV 'OF 11.1W IliFiVr MIF 4111 LOCAL DOINGS. Matriage Licenses issued at the Ad vocate ogles. Mrs. Win. Baker, Hume street. is quite ill at her home. John Wood shipped a car of butchers cattle to Toronto on Friday. Mrs. H. Davis, sr., who has been quite ill is slowly improving. Louis Kirk, Exeter North, is confln ed to the house through illness. Dr. and Mrs. Amos entertained a number of their friends Friday night. Mrs. Lindenfelt, sr., is quite 111 at the home of her son, Charles, Huron St. Mr. G. House on Monday sold his re- sidence on Senior street to Mr. A. E. Pym. The Gun Club is erecting a club- house on their shooting ground in pre- paration for the big Good Friday shoot. The marriage took place in Toronto recently of Mr. Geo. Salter, son of Mr. John Salter, Exeter, to Miss Lizzie Bishop. Mr. Wm. Welsh has moved from London Road South to the house be- longing to Abraham Dearing, on Sim- coe street. Mr.Jos.Snell, who has been confined to his home for several days through a severe attack of grip, is, we are pleased to note, recovering. Mrs. John Mitchell and daughter, Mrs. Frank Sweet, who have been ill for the past few days,are,we are pleas- ed to state, convalescing. Invitations are out for the marriage of Mr. Francis B. Durdle and Miss An- nie Blanche, daughter of Mrs. George Rook on Wednesday, March 27th. At the Medal shoot of the Gun Club on Thursday last Daniel Hartleib won, getting 19 out of 20, with Fred Kerr and W. E. Sanders with 18 each, On an application of Rich. Tweedie, of Ailsa Craig the local option by-law was quashed by consent at Osgoode Hall Monday. before Judge Meredith. Mr. Wni. Taylor of Zion, has pur- chased a building lot north of Mr. Gladman's premises from Mr. Joseph Dayis and intends erecting a dwelling thereon shortly. The Ross Taylor Company last week purchased the two lots and house north of their factory from Mr. John Mallot. They will use the front lot for storing of lumber. Do not forget to consult with Miss J. J. Allan concerning any headaches or eye troubles you may have and learn the cause. Saturday, March 23, at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter. Among the many good press notices of Will J. White who appears in the Opera House with other talent on Mar. 26th. The Hamilton Herald says: 'Will J. White, humorist, keptthe audience in spasms of laughter.' The three inch fall of snow on Mon- day night came as a surprise and dis- appointment to those who had fondly irnagined that spring had really arriv- ed with the robins that are making their appearance in considerable num- bers. The Exeter Canning and Preserving Co. has purchased the Large Temper- ance house property on Station street from Mr. John Mitchell. Both the house and Karn will be converted into storage rooms. The company will take possession in May. In the window of S. Fitton'sJewellry store are to be seen several of the prizes to be given at the Baro;; Indians shoot on Good Friday. There is a beautiful big silver cup that has to be won three times to become perman- ently owned, and other handsome piec- es of silverware. Mr. E. %V. Borne of Stratford has resigned the managership of the Sov- ereign Bank there and accepted it sim- iliersituation with the Home Bank at Walkerville, leaving for that place last week. Mr. llorne will have charge of Walkeryille. Tecumseh and Belle )liver lutenches. The death occurred in London Town- ship on March lith of Ann. relict of the tate John Long in her 84th year. Deceased was the mother of the late William Long, a resident of Exeter, and grandmother of Louis and Charles Long former Exeter boys, now of Re- gina and Winnipeg respectively. Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell passed the Golden Anniversary of their wed- ding day on Monday. March 11th. Owing to the illness of Mrs. Mitchell they did not celebrate the occasion in any way. They are respected resid- ents of Exeter and we congratulate them heartily on their arrival at the fiftieth milestone of their wedded life. Don't forget the concert Tuesday, Mar. 211th. --Will J. White, C. E. Boa- ely, M. Vincent and others—in the Opera House. The Globe says about White: "He kept the audience convul- sed with laughter.” I3odely is an ex- cellent accompanist, and you all know the capability of Mack Vincent to please an andtence. Admission 35 and 25c. Mrs. James Pickard returned Thurs- day from the second trip to Kingsville this year. The first occasion was in January when she attended the bed side anti funeral of Mary Jane Taylor, wife of Silas D. I3alkwill at the age of 71 }ears. The second trip to Kings- ville was dice to the death of Mr, Balk - will who died on March 4th. after an illnea of over three nionths. He was 75 rears of age. Both were born in Devonshire, and after corning to Can- ada when young resided in Exeter nn• til 1875 when they moved to Essex county. Three sisters of the Mr. Balk. will reside in Exeter, Mrs. Jas. Snell, Mrs. James Pickard and Mrs. Rollins. Rev. E. A. hear of the Main street church and Rev. Milliard of Lucknnw exchanged pulpits on timidity Inst. Rev. Milliard is a former pastor of the Main street church and large congre- gations greeted hitn. in the evening he preached on "Himself He cannot save." After showing that Christ 'night have been a great earthly king he give three strong reason why he could net save ilin►selR (1) Because the Saviour of mankind must suffer. t21 trod required itis death that justice night he dune, !3! Hevener. He would not sines Ile loved us. A full ,aisle 1 chair added to the evening's service very much. av For 10 days only 1 .'anrtla'ed ..wear Miss Nellie Bissett is now improving nicely. Mr. Austin Hewett was off work part of last week owing to grip. Owing to illness Miss McCallum dis- missed her pupils at the school \Ved- ae,el:ty. Mr. John Mallett, jr.. has purchased the property where be is living on Huron street from Mr. Dorwood. Dr. Sweet received from Mr. Thos. Trick. Texas, on Tuesday, six horned - toads of it tare species, They are odd looking creatures. Several good 'nen wanted to work on North West farms, full seasons work and highest wages, apply to Robt. E. Pickard, We were misinformed last week re- garding the exchange of property be- tween Mr. Salter and Mr. Hemmer, no such exchange having taken place. Mr. E. 11. Fish is this week tearing down the building on the old market square. The building has been unoc- cupied for sometime and was in a bad state of repair. %Ve believe it is Mr, Fish's intention to build a cottage or two on the lots. Such would bea pay- ing investment for Mr. Fish and a benefit to the town in more ways than one. Mr. B. Making disposed of his laun- dry business this week to a chinamau of London, who will take possession April let. During Mr. Makins' busi- ness career amongst us through his honest and fair dealing with the pub- lic he has made many warrn friends who will regret that he has with- drawn from Exeter's business arena. We have not learned what Mr. Mak- ins intends doing. On Tuesday afternoon the members of the W.M.S. of the James st. church with a number of their friends drove to the commodious home of Mr. and Mrs. John Welsh, London Road, north, to spend a social time. Tea was served by the Iadies from 6 to 8. In the ev- ening the James st. League joined the number and an excellent program was rendered. consisting of duets, solos, quartets, readings and recitations, which was much appreciated. After the program a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Welsh for their kind hospitality. The pro- ceeds of the evening are in aid of the mission fund. Millinery Openings. Our Spring and Easter Millinery opening Days are 'Friday and Satur- day, March 22 and 23. Everybody in- vited.—Miss A. Morlock. Cleaning awl Pressiag of Clothes. 1 am prepared to do the cleaning and pressing of your clothes in the most approved fashion. Ordera left at E. Willis' shaving parlors will be promptly attended to—M. Vincent. Massey -Harris Delivery. Thursday was a busy day in town. From the number of farmers who thronged the streets coming in from all directions it wasevidentthat some- thing unusual was the cause of the stir. The occasion was the implement delivery of Mr. Rich. Murphy, agent for the Massey -Harris Compeny, and judging from the immense number of machines turned out Mr. Murphy has had excellent success in the sale of machinery which speaks much for the implements be handled. After the farmers had loaded their machines they drove down Main street and were given a free dinner at the hotels. Death of Mr.Joha A. Hayes. Mr. John A. Hayes, died in Brant- ford on Tuesday, March 12th after a short illness. Mr. Hayes was born in London Tp., on the 14th con. Ile has for the past fifteen years been a resid- ent of Brantford, but for years prev- ous to that he resided in Exeter He leaves it widow and four children, Jas. A. Hayes Niagara. N. Y.; Mrs. John Ready, St. Marys; Mrs. W. A. Clarke of Bay City, Mich.; and Miss Etta Hayes of Peterborough. The retnains were taken to St. Marys for interment, the funeral taking place Thursday af- ternoon. Mr. Hayes, who had a gen- ial disposition, ovate many warm friends while a resident of Exeter and they will learn with sincere regret of his demise. Juveniles up Before the Beak. A number of the town boys were brought up before Magistrates Kay and Farmer and Reeve Holier on Sat- urday last on a charge made by Con- stable Bissett of disturbing the peace. They all pleaded guilty whereupon the magistrates took it lenient view of their case and after giving there a sound lecture let thea) off on suspend. ed sentence. In the evening it case of it more serious nature was tried in which three boys ranging from 11 to 13 years of age, were charged with throwing eggs at Mr. Fleming's house. The boys pleaded guilty to the charge. Two of theta were fined $IO each and costs or $12.50 in all, or in default of payment thirty days in jail, while the other on account of his youthfulness was let go on suspended sentence. MX= Miss Mill was in London part of this week. Mr. Frank 1Veekes returned from Cobalt last week. EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat Barley Oats 69 70 45 46 36 37 Peas 74 75 Potatoes, per bag (30 60 Hay, per ton 9 50 1000 Flour, percwt., family, 210 Flour, low grade per cwt 1 20 1 25 Butter 21 to 73 RV g" 19 Ltvehogs, per cwt 6 60 Shorts per ton 22 00 Bran per ton 20 00 Chicken 9 per lb Hens Ducks 10 " Geese 10 " Turkeys 12 " Dried Apples 0 •' 7 ., Mr. W. Harvey went to the West on Saturday. Rev. McDonagh visited old friends here part of last week. Mr. W. D. and Mrs. Clark were in London over Sunday. Mr. Thos. Natali ll went to Wing - ham Monday on business. Mr. James Walters left Saturday on a business trip to Toronto. Miss Mary Newcombe is visiting her brother John. in Stratford. Mrs. Thos. Higgins of Forest arrived here to visit lastThursday. Mr. Neil Bellwood went to London Monday to accept a position In the of- flce of the London Advertiser. Mr. Charles Knight of St. Thomas Sundayed with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sweet spent a few days in London during the week. Mrs. E. W. Horne of Stratford is the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reuniohr spent a few days in Seaforth during the week. Mr. Elijah Higgins of Toronto arriv- ed last week to visit his mother, Mrs. Elston. Miss L. Lochrey of London visited at the home of Mrs. Popplestone dur- ing the week. Mr. Fred Moore left last week on his way home to Glen Adelaide, Sask., after several weeks visit here. Mrs. William Wilson, of Caples - ton, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Horney, for a few weeks. Mr. T. W. Hawkshaw of London spent a few days in town last week with his father. Mr. S. Bobier, operator, returned Saturday from Ailsa Craig where ho had been relieving, He again left, Monday for Grimsby on similar duties. Mr. Sandy G. Bawden left on Mon- day for the West. Heexpects to meet Mervin Huston and Verse Hardy at Vancouver, and together they will go to Prince Rupert, the terminus of the Grand Trunk Pacific. Mr. Chits. Cann and fancily left on Saturday last for Crystal City, Manit- oba, where they will reside. Their household effects left the same day. We wish them success in the west and Charlie is the boy that will get it if anyone does. Mr. G. 13. Hoskin of Stratbroy spent Sunday with friends in town. Mr. Hoskin formerly resided in Exeter, having at one time bad charge of the late James Pickard's tin shop. It is over20 years since he left here, and has not visited the town since. Miss Nettie Fulton, who has been visiting friends in Exeter, Zurich and elsewhere for several months, returned to London Saturday to resume her po- sition as stenographer. Miss Fulton, previous to her visit, was in very poor Health but returns very much improv- ed, TAKE IT NOW, and three times daily before meals, end in a month from now you'll feel like a spring colt. We refer to our SPRING TONIC. One bottle will make you feel like new. That lazy good-for-nothing feel- ing will be dispelled and you'll he able to accomplish wonders. Don't forget; buy a bottle to -day, only 50c. W. S. Howey, Phm. B. Chemist and Optician. EXETER Phone 50. Miss Mary Brock has ream ned fromliV11,'itf11,4VIIIPIFIVIVN. Seaforth. Jir. H. Sparkman was in alt. 'fhnnt• as over Sunday. Why You Sould Use 41 Mr. Fred Itawden spent'Monday and Tuesday in Donlon. Miss `nae Wood spent Tuesday and Wednesday in London. Mrs. Wm. Westrnt t. Sea fort h, is vis- iting relatives here this week. R. N. Taylor is attending (rand Lodge of the A. O. F. W. at Toronto. Mr.Camphell, Exeter North, is cisit- ingg in Londeshorn for three weeks. Mr. bel. ('rocker arrived tele from Tot into Monday night to spend a few days. Mrs. Etheringtnn of Brawn ('its. Mich., is visiting in Exeter and I s-+ borne. Mrs. James Delgatty and sun Earl, of Bayfield visited rOat i% •a and friends', here the first of this week. Mr. Janes Gould went to Holland, Mich., Monday, owing to the serines illness of his brother, Mr. William (could. Mrs. M. Gill, who spentthe winter with her sister Mrs. 1•.. rollick, sr., re 1 irne,l to her hams at Otani) Brnrl Tse RiHa 1'itzpatrii k of London, ho Is on hor war to K in;! dine ow. le to the iflness r.f h,•r Qrarulrnnther. 11S. McAt iv. .Ines t 1iVetlnr.day heti, 111.85 f rr ort—$terart s he guest of Mr P. N. WA coy. BItpOPA FI011r Spring wheat flour and win• ter wheat flour each possess separate and di3tinct food virtues. in star hoar THE PERFECT FLOUR You get the finest spring and winter wheat fleets blended in proportions. Bread, rolls, biscuits, sakes 'Ind psstries made of STAR FLOUR are perfect fo,ed.. unequalled in purity. deliriousness and bean h •hiving properties. Can yon consistently use other than STAR Ff.O1111? M•u!'!f 1, (nisei by HARVEY BROS. 1 1 1 1,ZALL LADIES CORDIALLY INVITED T. HAWKINS & SON W IRS One carload of Cleveland Wire at the Station. First come, first served. Prices right. Reeds of all kinds. Call and examine. TINS nasTssNa We still are able to do all kinds of Plumbing and Tinsmith work. T. HAWKINS & SON. Dor Great Reduction Sale Is On In order to reduce our stock before STOCK TAKING we are offering Greater Bargains in Furniture for the NEXT 30 DAYS than ever were shown in Exeter before. Every article in our large stock of furniture is reduced to almost cost during this sale. Call and be convinced before making your purchase ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Horne Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK PHONE NO. 32 FORMAL OPENING OF OUR MILLINERY SAT., MARCH 23rd A magnificent art ay of New York and French Pattern Hats and a translation of the s tine developed in our own work room. This season again we will retain the distinct leadership we hate won in millinery. A glance at the elaborate display in our show room will confirm this is the minds of the ladies of Exeter and surrounding country. We shall be glad to have you enjoy the exhibit. +NEW MUSlIN3�� Colored muslins will he very popular this season. They will be the height of fashion. You will find us well prepared for the large demand. Our stock is large and well selected, comprising all the new dainty shades in Dresden effect so fashionable this season. The prices are to suit everyone. We have a full line of White Muslins in Persian Lawn, Indian Linen, Book Muslin, Striped Muslin, Plein and Doted Swiss. All new goods. —WALL PAPER TALk- As we hnye in the past we will do in the future—keep up our reputation as leaders in Wall Paper. We can show you the largest range of new designs and colorings you have ever seen in Exeter. The prices are so low they will Surprise you. Have a look through our stock before housecleaning. Call for one of our New Idea fashion sheets. JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing MOM SNELL & ROWE ce GRAND DISPLAY OF IPflIll an ZMMM M!LL!V!!TP OPENING DAYS r MARCE 22nd, 23rd A Great Variety of Dainty Creations C in Millinery Novelties EXETER ONTA RIOSNELL & ROWE !ilKslA•AtAki♦�