HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-03-21, Page 4jqfi$t$- CREDITON JEWELRY STORE We have many gond kinds and can supply the nue beat adapted to your case. It is just as important that yon get a perfect tit. HEItE YOl' GET BOTH ConsuhfaIio Froe If your old one is worn out or un- comfortable give us a call and ben- efit by our experience. Perfeol Fil 611a 181118811 COLE'S DRUG STORE Exeter. Ontario Always in stock a full line of Rub- ber Goods, Shoulder Braces and all Druggists' Sundries. V xetex glhx'oi ate, Sanders cE Creech, Propez. THURSDAY, Mar. 21, '07 Dashwood Henry Brenner who holds a good po- sition in the planing mill here has re- moved his fancily to our town from Zurich. We extend A hearty welcome to the new comers. -August Wainer, who has resided near here for the past 34 years, left last week with his wife and three daughters for Fort Wayne, Indiana, where they will make their future home. The family were very highly respected and by their depar- ture we feel that we have lost kind and obliging friends. May success and happiness ever abide with theta. -Miss Ida Brill has returned to her home in Zurich after a pleasant stay here. Mrs. Jacob Iiartleib and daughter, who have been visit ingfriends at Pitts- burg for a time past returned home last week. --Bert Pilkey made a busi- ness trip to Crediton on Saturday last. -Daniel Weber, who was recently married to the lady of his choice at Berlin, has returned with his bride. They will settle down to the stern realities of life on their farm on the Goshen Line. known as the Bastard homestead. -On Sunday evening last. Rev. L. K. Eidt preached a very im- pressive sermon on the text -To -mor- row. The Rev. Gentleman's sermons are always full of good instruction but to ns this last one was more than or- dinary. --The Miller's here shipped a carload of flour on Friday, -The Young People's Society are going to have a literary program in connection with their business meeting on the evening of Easter Monday. This promises to be something good and all who attend will surely be well repaid. A collec- tion will be taken in aid of the mission- ary cause.- The question drawer Meet- ing of the Y. i'. A. on Sunday evening proved quite interesting. --Ree. L. K. Eidt addressed the Young People's Allianceat Zurich on Tuesday evening. -The maple syrup season is again with us and Oh! how we are lunging to get a smack at the delicious Joseph Ziler, Ziler, sr., is holding an auction Sale of his farm stock and implements on Thursday the 2'ith inst., he having sold his farts to Jac ,b Zellar.--Peter. Mclea ac on Saturday last received his diploma from the ('anadian Embalm- ing Association, showing his profi- ciency In the art of embalming the human body. -David Bettschen moved into Clc:as.Sch rider's }louse on Tuesday while Mr. Schrader goes to Henry Guenther''s farm, of which he has charge this season.-- - See W. O. Mbrunlul's adwertisetuent in this issue. F. M. Humber Killed. Police Magistrate ('has. A. Humber of Goderich fell down stairs in the house of one of his tenants on Friday and elitel early Saturday morning at the age of (S years. ile WAS fixing up the house at the time of the accident. the family being away. it is supposed that he attempted to take large hath tub down stairs alone and was over- balanced. He was found unroncioug at the foot of the stairs. He w,tv born in the isle of Wight and educe to ('an- ad►at0 years. ageof w t PAI fie was a resident of (lode' ich for 35 years, sat at the mimed board for 111 years. and wag police magistrate for four years 1t is definitely- decided that l'renliet Laurier will attend conference in inn - don. Does Your Heart Beat Ycs. 100,000 times each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health ; had blood, had health. And you know precisely what to takc for had blood Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed it or 60 years. 'r, fr.�aent sane. of n�.i K .r-11. a •Coast,( !,,,er 1hi• ,,.,,nee. r. • .•,1 •.r ,. rnlaon.,u• n,baetance. Ars then ah.,,rr•..; igen 189 blood Keep the bursele , ren won .lye- a vol. Atse.. ♦. o. A y.e atastucb . Naas. Aaarsr.. ,• i ■Alli molt. hers «,".;-“, PECTORAL. Wo Lye a. seeress f Wo psirllsh ta. formula. •f all our ase dteinse. We invite you to an inspection of stuck of Watches and Clocks Jewelry of all Kinds Nice Fancy Articles Choice Silverware our 1Ve have marked our goods down to the lowest possible selling price and can give you bargains in all lines. Repairing,.�- Everything in the repairing line done on short notice. We make a specialty of watch and clock re- pairing and cleaning. We Solicit a Call JAS. LAWSON Get mb The 98611 Of looking for sunshine and fragrance, you'll find it! The Bee and the Buzzard hover together! One goes straight to the rose garden, the other to the decaying carcass. COME, draw the honey from "Our Clothes Garden" and taste the sweetness of CLOTHES SATISFAC- TION. Our Spring impor- tations are ready for your inspection. New Designs, Beautiful Weaves and Colorings. NO H IGHER Right in style Close personal attention. J. H. Holtzmann CREDITON Crediton Robins and crows have made their appearance and the way our citizens are working and house cleaning we may expect spring in the near future. -Francis Clark is laid up with an at- tack of neuralgia. --Sunday was St. Patrick's day consequently the Patron Saint was honored by many wearing the shamrock and green. -Ur. McCue had a long-distance telephone placed in his residence last week. -Wm. T. England, who has been conducting a general store at Crediton East for sev- eral years, has sold mit his business, Its well las real estate, to Josiah Motz. Although full possession is not given the purchaser for a few days Mr. Mote has control of the store and his smil- ing face can be seen any time behind the counter. We wish trim every suc- cess. We haven't heard what Mr. England intends doing. He is an ex- cellent In►:iness 111a11 and we feel sure that no matter where he locates suc- cess will perch upon his banner. -Mr. Marsh»ll and daughter. of Forest visit- ed Mr. ,pod Mrs. Yearley the past week. --Matthew Winer is having a sale of his dwelling and household ef- fects on Saturday Zird inst.-Don't forget the meeting in the Fire hall next Monday evening, when inlpor C- ant business will be discussed re Vic- toria Day celebration.- Mr. Stock, our butcher is now ready for business. We wish him every success. Ile has en- gaged Thos. Lawson to assist him. -- Mrs. Clements of Winchelsea is visit- ing her daughter Mrs. Math. Winer. - Mrs. McMurray, Miss Beulah Beaver and Sant. Brown are confined to their rooms through illness. We trust the same will be of short duration and that they will soon recover. -Art. ',wicker and Wes. Finkbeiner were in London 'Sunday. -The many friends of ira Brown are pleased to see hits on the streets again after his illness. De.tTft OI•• Mits. Kt -nee -There passed away et ('reditnn. on March 1 1th, an- other o of tmost respected c t re. o.c pioneers io neers' 'n the person of Mary Madalena Kuhn, relict of the late John Rutin. at the age of 73 years, 1 tnonth. When about 1!i years of age. the deceased cattle to America and settled at Buffalo, N.Y., where she was ncarried to Michael Schwartz, who predeceased her some thirty•flye years. Some years later she was married to John Kuhn. with whoop she spent 15 years in foamed life. For genie (n years she has been living it Stephen l'p., And leaves to mourn her demise six children -all grown up. of whom a number are heads of fanatics and are highly re• specked residents of the conlnu►nity- in which they reside. The deceased has been an invalid for A period of time and was latterly entirely helpless. However, she received the hest of rare at the hands of her rhildien. who were in constant attenth rice. While thev mourn their luso they have the assur- ance that all is well with her who is gone. Fit• many years she wits a mefn- berof the Evangelical church. Inter- ment took ,lace Sunday, March 17, at CI -Ashton, the pat+tor, Rev. E. H. bran. officiating. flay Connell roomed niet in Town hall. Znr ich. on 'l.att h ti. A11 members present. Pet hnl,isters. Po end keepers, ('nrnnlis- sion(•rs and Fence wiewerg were ap- pointed. The petition of 3. Mnssea„ and others to detach lots 12 to 17 in. elusive, Con. 5, from R.S. No. 3 and et• tach said ints to S.S. No. 11) was grant- ed. the following orders were passed: Municipal Werld,asseesment rollg,etc. g7.(r2: C. 11artleib, spikes and nails, sic. Ellinville Nit. '1'buf Won Swale has accepted ,t ,ituatit,n with \!I'. Mead. butter• maker at Winche•l:ca, to gather cream tar the cowing suu111110. lie rl el►lluellee•d his duties on Monday. --The Ladies :lid Society intend bolding their Anni- versary on Sunday, Mauch 31st, and a tea meeting on the following Monday evening. ---Mr. John Andrew has been confined to the house the past week with a severe attack of rheumatism. - Mrs. H. Skinner spent a few days last week visiting her sister Mrs. titeele'in London.-The•lblue birds and therobins Lave arrived and spring is evidently near at hand. -Messrs. S. Pym and H. Skinner attended the Massey Harris delivery on Thursday last and brought hove a new binder each. -Dame rumor says there will soon be a wed- ding in the burg and another of our young ladies will leave the village. - Sunday next Revs. Going and Fear of Exeter will take charge of the anniv- ersary services for the Ladies Aid So- ciety of this place, Rev. Going taking the morning service at 10 o'clock and Rev. Fear the evening at 7 o'clock. - The missionary collectors are on their rounds and report favorable returns. -Rev. Mrs. Fair spent part of this week with friends in London. -Mrs. W. Coultis and son Chester, spent ppart of the week with her sister, Mrs. McMurry of Jrediton, who has been very ill for some time. DEATH -The death occurred on Monday, March 18th, in London of an old resident of Elimville, Mr. Christ- opher Coates. who moved to that city tive years ago. Deceased was in his 81st year. During bis long residence in Usborne he was highly respected. He leaves a widow, two sons, Robert and Henry. merchants of London, and three daughters, Bessie, Annie and Jane. The funeral which was private took place in London on Wednesday at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon. Hensall Ed. Thorn has returned to Mitchel -John Mitchell and family of Sta left last week for Manitoba. -Miss Pe kins of Gorr'ie is a visitor with Mrs. Cook. -Mr. G. Ross has returned fro Hyde Park and is now staying at th homestead, on the London road. --M Dalrymple and wife have returned the west. -Miss Lillie Oi:twein is hon from a trip to Toronto. -John Blatc ford, who has been ill, is recovering as is also Samuel Smillie and Wn McDougall. -Mr. Ballentyne of At wood was in town last week on bus ness.-E. Horner has moved with h family to Varna. -Nelson Blatchfo who has been i11, will shortly have t undergo an operation. We trust i may prove successful and that he wi soon recoverhis usual health. -Mrs Rev.) Hart, who has hen ill, is cot valescing.-J. C. Stoneman has re turned from Toronto. He was repr enting Hensall at the ()rand l.(xdg of the Canadian Home Circle. -Mrs W. B. McLean has returned from visit to her daughter at Petrolee.-,1 W. Pinkey is moving into Miss Stur eon's residence. -Geo. Campbell wit was here last week from St. Joseph s preparing to move his family ou Vest. --The milliners have arrived i own: Miss Fleming of Milton at J eismiller's; Miss Bruce of Petrnlei t thepld Established; Miss Lilly Ort tvein at Blue Front. -T. J. Berry ha ispposed of his stallion, "(tartly Gold' o Mr. Needmau of Gleninorris.-Mrs. eller), of Kincardine is here visiting er son Dr. Sehlery.-Mrs. T. Cameron as returned home after spending a ew weeks with her mother at Cran rook. --William Hilderbraut and Mr )abus with their wives attended the nneral of the late Mrs. C. Dabus at urich on Saturday. -Mrs. (Rev.) Toll as called to St. Marys Saturday ow Ig to the death of Mer uncle. -Mrs antelon of Clinton is visiting her son avid. -G. Dick and A.Sncith shipped par carload of cattle to Toronto on aturday.-The W.('.'r.C. held a very teresting meeting in the Preshvter- n church on Friday, after which a 'noting lunch was served. -Mr. Rood f Woodhanc has been visiting his site r Mrs. tVw. Wilson for a week.- arl Zuefle, who has been working in he foundry here for some time left ondry for Seeforth where he has n osition in the foundry. -Mrs. George oynt held a post nuptial reception at er home on Tuesday, where she re- ived the kind wishes of her many iends.-The many friends of George Vren were pleased to see him on the reet on Saturday. after an illness of pout a year. --Rev. Kerr of Clinton as greeted to large congregations on ludas-. His sermons were very in - resting. -Miss Gauld and little nep• ew of Winnipeg are visiting at her other's, A. Gauld. -Miss Fisher of 'rich visited her brother over Sun - y. -Quite a large number attended r. Johnston's sale on Saturday when o(xl prices were - realized. --Harry elah and wife and Mrs. Short at- nded the wedding of the fortner's ece near Creditor)n n Wet — lnestlny. Sinclair has rented his faun Horth Chiselhnrst to Thos Patterson of illarton for a term of seven years. he former will move here, having rchased a comfortable horne.—A rmer resident of Ilay township. in e person of Control Roese, died at e home of his daughter in South at hope, on March 7, nged !et) year s. e leaves seven children, Mrs. Wil- ed of Hay being one of the d»lighters. Whalen DeaTu.-The hand of Providence s again (Time to out comrnnnity and tried oft one of our elders in the per- t of Mr.. Martin McLaughlin. She 1. frit r - C. m e r, to ►e h- t- is - is rd u t 11 1- e - e • a 0 t. n ► •8 ( s W W A d h h f h I f w it I) (( S in iA te t0 to M J h ce fr st et w St te h hr Zi de M W te ni W of Fe T n n th th Ea I1 In ha ra 81) passed away on M.treh 111, after an il1- ness of pnettfnonia. The bittern' took place the following Toes,l iv motninl• to 81. Patrick's cemetery near Loran, and was largely attended. Besides the husband,twn sons and fonrdaugh- ters sin v ive: Katherine and Ambrose in the Northwest; Martha and Martin in the State-'; Tempel :ince and Mary at home. The sympathy of the whole community is theirs. Mr. and Mrs, ,label Mi'Ison,ettewled the marriage of lheit' niece, ('lover Mand Short, near Crediton last lVed• nesday. quite a nnnlher of farmers are n►aking maple syrup. -Charles ilooper entertained a number of ynnng people Friday evening. His exrellent phonograph wag touch enjoyed. 1)11 the road home Tines Morley's rig got locked with Another. musing his !wise to get cleat of the boggy entirely. After repairing the harness, he rearm- ed hi, wey rejoicing. Miss Ella Brooks i is home from London owing to i11 PERFECTION- �f •artt4tr.• SQd �•. e1 b1SCUIT kCtNDT _. .1.,Tr QAD L=hAi. To His Pleased Customers The wise grocer studies his customers—knows their likes and dislikes—knows that his best trade want Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas He lets them know that he has their favorite biscuits —and sees that they are not asked to buy something 'Just as good," which is NOT as good. Grocers who want to please their patrons always have Mooney's Per- fection Cream Sodas In their hygienic packages -ate -tight and moi+turesproof. Zurich J. Gelinas, Jr., of Dryedale has rent- ed the farm lately vacated by N. Masse Jr. -J. Dow and H. Brenner have re- turned from the lumber woods. -H. Brenner has moved with his family to Dashwood. -Miss Etta Ruby has re- turned to her home in Dashwood, - Mrs. Louis Prang's many Mends are pleased to learn that she is recovering from her serious illness. -E. Appel and fancily are now comfortably settled in their new home.-ltobt, F. Stelck re- turned Wednesday to Edmonton. - Ezra Smith has sold the farm now oc- cupied by Sol Jacobe, which he recent- ly got possession of in exchange for his faun on the lith con., to John Neuchwanger of Stephen tp., who gets possession April 1. -Joseph Lebeau, who left here some tirue ago for Ed- monton intends going into the manu- facture of brick at St. Albert, Alta,- Ifenry Kalbfleisch and wife are now occupying their pretty little home in the southern part of the village. -Sate Holtzman of Berlin spent a few days here with his father during the week. --The milliners have arrived in town. :Hiss MacDougall of 11urondale will again be found with J. J. Merrier, while Miss Graham of Rodney will be found at J. Preeter's.--Mrs. W. Voelk- er and son Emanuel have returned to their home in Grand Blanc, Mich. - Miss Herringer, Separate School teach- er at St. Joseph, was in Mildmay last week attending the funeral of her fath- er. -A little son bas arrived at the home of Mr. Meyers, Blake. -Mrs. Conrad Dabus, one of our highly re- spected residents. passed away Thurs- day at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. Geltz, Babylon Line, after an ill- ness of some weeks.-Mrs.Nelson Keys of the Babylon line, who has been in the hospital at Clinton for over two months was able to return home a few days ago. Kippen Misses Clara and Mary Melba pleas- antly entertained a nutnber of friends Friday evening. -Many in this vicini- ty are suffering front severe colds. - Harvey McLean treated himself to a revolver and the other day while out shooting at a crow met with an acci- dent. Soule how he mistook his finger for the bird and as a consequence he carries it very sore hand. Be careful next time, Ilarvey.-The two little daughters of H. MacLennan, who are suffering from fever, are improving nicely. -The farmers are now begin- ning to think of tapping as all signs of stir ng are visible. -Miss Carrie Jfellis is visiting in Hay. -Wm. Daymont and wife, after a two months' stay in this vicinity, left last week for their home in Whitewood, Man, -D, ('. Mc- Lean and sister Miss Maggie are at present staying at the home of Wm. McDonald. The house they vacated is being occupied by Thos. Kyle. -Mrs. Geo. Card, after an extended stay at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, ivison,has returned to her home in North Dakota. -Miss ida Stewart has returned to Clinton after a visit with Mrs. Anderson, -Mr. and Mre. 1Vnr. Ivison, who recently relebreteel their golden wedding were {presented with A purse of gold and other Yalu - nide gifts. May they live to celebrate their diamond wedding is the wish of their many friends. SPRING TERM OPENS Tues., April 2nd CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. This school stitch in the large.t and most prugres tit e,n,rm.r-1a1and shorthand shnnl in Western Ontario enjoys the reputation of doing the Lest work In Business fwtu.ation in Canada. Our graduates are in demand as commercial tea hers and noire as si•tant• write for our free ,alalr.gne and you till set P111 inUxmatinn ron,ernine pure■hoot. ELLIOTT & MCLA('III.AN, Principals. WAREHOUSES -.1T- EXETER, CENTRALIA AND CLANOEIOYE Iiighast Price paid for Grain RICH. SELDON healtI , Mhe intends returning shortly. (Rucceasor to Joseph Cobbledick) India Pale Ale Brewed from se- lected hops, choice barley )Halt and pure spring water, with the utmo,t care. Bottled at the brewery depots to ensure proper handling. That is why Labatt', Ale is equal to the fin- est, surpassed by none, though it costs consumers only about half a, much as imported goods. THE MOLSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855) Head Office, - Montreal Capital Paid Up $3,000,000 Reserved Fund.... • • • • • . • . • . $3,000,000 FORTY-EIGHT BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA - - OFFICE 110lili9 30 a m. to 3 p. m. EXETER BRANCH SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p, a, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected, Forms supplied on application. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange. ADVANCES glade to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Saving Bank Departments posits of st and upwards received. Interest corn- DEPOSIT }wooded hall -pearly and added to principal June 30th and December Slst. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CABLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager, " There are 'Staple Leat' Rub- bers to tlt all sizes and shapes of men's, women's and children's shoes." -Wireless from "the old woman who lived in a shoe." Fit neatly, snugly and accurately, too. Leave no openings for the water to sneak in at tho sides. Got a pair and keep your foot dry. Maple Leaf _Rubbers_ On common fences the continuous wire stays are sore to bend and the locks to lose their grip under continual pres- sors of your horses or cattle. And once they do, the top wire, soon followed by those below, will sag and destroy the efficiency of your fence. Nothing like that can happen to our Dillon Hinge -Stay Fence. T;.o short, stiff bard steel wire in our hinge stays cannot bend when the lateral wires aro weighted down, owing to their being so short and jointed at each strand wire. Pressure of a horse on the top wire brings the "hinges" in the stays Into action and prevents thein from bending, anti when pressure is relieved the fence springs back Into place again. Tho lateral wires are high Carton 'Tani steel and coiled to p�rovide for expansion and contraction by heat and cold. and aro also crimped at the intersection of the stay a and strands to prevent the stays from slipping sideways -therefore no locks are needed. Huy the Dillon iTinge Stay Fence. It's "twice as strong." Twice as good an Investment. Catalogue free. The Owen Sound Wire Fence Co., Limped, Owen Sound, Ont. ILOHX1A'WiTa W. NEIL, AGENT 0. Slirnnhin, Dashood The MILLINERY SEASON Is now at hand, and as this is our first 8('Saon in the Millinery De- partment here, our stock is all new and well selected, which plac•ea us in a position to offer that which will (:e most pleasing to the eye. Our Millinery depertme•nt will tie,e special feat lire in our business this t'eat's ,and tw111 he under the management of MiSS TAIT of Glencoe, who hies just returned from the openings and corner highly tecouunendrd. She is now hnsy at work p,te- patattery to nor Millinery Openings, which will be on Wednesday, MARCH 27th. We solicit a fair share of the trade this season, as we flee bound to pl(ilse both it) price and design. Highest Privy pail for Butter. Eggs, Dutch Sets, and all of farm produce. W. 0. SHRUMM, Dashwood. kinds