Exeter Advocate, 1907-03-14, Page 5i Eefer Backache, "The Blues" Both Symptoms of Organic Derangement in Women —Thousands of Sufferers Find Relief. Piano House If you are contemplating the purchase of a Piano or organ it will pay you to see us. We handle the leading makes and Our Prices are Right We buy for cash and get the best, both in quality and price that the market affords. We sell at mod, erate prices and on terns to suit you. CaII or Write S. MARTIN &SON Wa*ch Qua1i*t is an essential with us. Every- thing in the construction of Our Time Pieces is shaped with this end in view. They are made to keep good time and give good satisfac- tion. For Present Time For Future Time For A11 Time Our line of Clocks is complete and up - iodate. Get One of Our Alarm Clocks They are the best -at the usual low price. Call and inspect our gen- eral stock. MARCH A N D The Jeweller EXETER, ONTARIO FENCING The tune of the year is approach- ing when the farmer will be bus fixing tip his fences for the sum- mer. Ile always wants the best and knows that he can get the hest from us, Wo have two of the best wire fences trade. The Page High Carbon Fence AY1) The Lamb Hard Drawn Fence All sytles in both kinds at prices Ranging From 215 ots. up to 150 cis Bailed Coiled Wire FOR sALF: AT saw a Cwt. THORNTON BAKER 1.1VERYMAN i# New Telephone Directory Agent. for the Sylvester end -FOR T1iE- Perrin flow Companies Exeter - Ontario District of Western Ontario • Including Village of Exeter How often do we hear women say: "It seems as though uiy back would break„' or "Don't speak to me, I am all out of aorta?" These significant remarks prove that the system requires attention. Backache and "the blues" are direct symptoms of an inward trouble which will sooner or later declare itself. It may be mused by cliseascd kidneys or some derangement of the organs. Nature requires assistance and at once, and Ly- dia E. Pinkhatu's Vegetable Compound instantly asserts its curative powers in all those peculiar ailtuents of women. It has been the standby of intelligent American women for twenty years and the ablest judge;[ agree that it is the most uni venally sin... es/dui refuel!y fir woman's ills known to medicine. Read the convincing testimonial, of Mrs. Oakee and Mfrs. MacNantee. \ire. .T. P. ( takt:h of Prince of Wales 1lotel, !lead of st. Margaret's Bay. near Halifax, Halifax ('iunty, Nova Seitia. Canada, writes : Dear \irs. l'inkhoni "After what your Vegetable Compound .lid I r me, I ant a brut believer that it is a wonlerful medicine, and l that any woman ulna i+ troubled frith any if the ills we suffer fron, should try it and she twill conn he convinced of its worth. pis la.,ttles changed me from a pe. i'h, de�pon,lent, sickly, ailin a„ni:ut t., a ssver•t-tempered, healthy one, who rarely ever ha, n pain now, and who before was rarely sitltoute one. As a regulator, strengthener and a tonic, I think it has no superior and I certainly endorse it.” Dire. Anna It. Alaa•Namee of corner Queen and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. writes: Dear 11frs. fink 1iaru :— "Lydia E. I'inkhan'; \' table com- pound has dent• all the ire">'1 in the world for rte. I suffered with irregularities, back- ache and severe pains all through my Dodi, and was very nervous and blue. I think 1 used a dozen different kinds of medidnes. some prescribed by the doctor and soma re- commended by friends, but one bottle of Vegetable Compound was worth more to me than all the other medicines put together, My general health began to Improve as soon as I began to use the Compound, and in three weeks I was a perfectly well woman." When women are troubled with frits ular, suppreirted or painful periods, wesi nese, (Replacements or ulceration, that bearing -down feeling inflammation of the female organs, backache, bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indl- gestion and nervous prostration: or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitude, excitability, irritabi- lity, nervousness, sleeplessness, melan- choly, "all -gone" and "want -to -be -left - alone" feelings, blues and hopeleesnese they slwuld remember there is one tried and tote remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vegetah!e ('impee'in•1 at once removes =uch troubles. No other medicine has suen a record of runes of female troubles. No other medicine in the world has received this widespread and unqualified endorsement. Refuse to buy any eubetitute. FREE ADVICE TO WOMEN Remember, every woman is cordially invited to write to Mrs. I'inkham if them is anything about her symptoms she does not understand. Mrs. Pink - ham is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E. I'inkham, herassistant le•fere herdeceaee, and for t wenty'-live }'ears since her advice has been freely and cheerfully given to every ailing woman who asks for it. Iter advice and medicine have restored to health innumerable women Address, Lynn, Mass. Ask Mrs. Pinkhant'.. Advise—A Woman Rest Understands a Woman's ills. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonle, and only sato effectual Monthly Regulator on which women can depend. Sold In throe defeoe of t'trongth—No. 1, l ; No. 9, 10 degrees stronger 13• No. 3, for special cases. per box - Bold allllJ ta, or st of eat ereemaMtntttttI Y ...td on m. Free pamphlet. r Wila od St. Marys: Norman Spearin, clerk in J. M. Adams' grocery, who bas re- signed his position left Inst week for Montreal, where he has secured a pos- ition with the wholesale grocery firm of Rose at La Flarnnte of that city. Mr. Spearin was one of the active play- ers of the junior lacrosse team last year. The officers and metnbersof the Alert lacrosse club entertained hint to an oyster supper at Harry Tuer's on Wednesday night and he was present• ed by the members of the club with a beautiful pearl stick pin. TAE DELL TE[EPIIONE COJUP�NT YF O1Ofl Mary's Little Lamb. EN(II.ISFI Mary had a little lamb, It's fleece was white as snow, And everywhere that Mary went That lamb was sure to go. FRENC'fi ( La, petite Marie had le jure nnittong, Ze wool vas blanchee as zee snow; And everyhere In belle Marie vent Le june ututtong vas sure to Iro. ('BINESE SVtin gal name Moll had lamhee, Fleecee all samee whitee snow; Evely place Moll gal walkee Ba -ha hoppee long too. UCTCII Dat Mary hat got sin leedle schaf, Mit hair shust like some vont; L'nd all her place dant gal did vent Dat schaf go like em fool. IRISH Be orra. Mary had a little shape, And the wool was white completely; And wherever Mary would stir her stumps That young shape would follow her sedately. Some Men Get Up Six Times during the night because their bladder is so inflamed that it will not retain more than a tablespoonful of urine, Sonie old men, especially, urinate is about to issue twenty-five times a day. These are the '1 men who need Bu -Ju -the Gentle Sid• • Pill. The first few pills ave relief. St AIt, Cartut'i. \Liss Christie JIcLellan has returned bouts to look afterher mother, %vho had the ueisfortune to fall a fess days ago and break her collar bone. The Hoary friends of the latterdeeply synt- pathize with her in her misfortune.- After a pleasant visit with hersister and other relatives in Montreal Miss ' 1ladeliue Coughlin has returned home.The grip has still a firm hold ou Isome of our citizens, -1L'. Angus Mc - ' Litres is, wears' pleased to learn, im- proving in health, under the treatment of De. Orme, of ('eutralia.-Wedding; bells will soon be chuffing in this vi- cinity. -Fanner,; have certainly made good use of the sleighing during thea past few weeks. Zurich After afew months' stay in this vi- cinity, Robt, Douglas, Mrs. Strang, S. H. Pollock and wife, Alex. Forrest and wife and Chas. Troyer left last week for their respective homes in the West, -Mrs. P. Sipple has returned from a visit to friends in Berlin and Stratford. -DSipplo and son have returned to %Vaterlooattera visithere with friends. -Henry Gellman has gone to Seaforth where he has accepted a position,- Fred Gieger left Monday for Hamil- ton, N. D., where he will remain.- Wm. Meidinger is now occupying the house recently vacated by Mr. Ben- nett. -Daniel Bennett and wife have gone to Hampden, ?t. D., where they will visit the lattet's son, R. Kircb, for some tithe. -D. Garinger, Sauble Line, has disposed of his dwelling to Isaiah Diejardine of near Brewster. The former will leave shortly with his family for the West where they will make their future bome,-;Hiss Mag- gie Stelek left a few days ago for Lon- don where she has accepted a position. M. Maloney is getting along nicely from the effects of his recent accident, -W. Dawson and wife, 14th con., left last week for North Dakota on a visit and if the country suits then: they will remain. -While driving in a lane Jno. Consist's cutter upset and -he was thrown out on his shoulder. On ex- amination by Dr. Campbell it was found that the shoulder was dislocat- ed. The nrcitlent will necessitate hits taking a test for a few sveek_. Chas. hSienotcher of Wagner's corner, who had the misfortune a few days ago to fall from a hay loft and break his col- lat.bone, is still confined to his room. John Schnell has moved to town from the 14th concession end is occupying Mr. Minnie's house. ---N, M. Ciotti!).the founder of St. Joseph, has disposed of his furniture and Inst week left with his wife and family forMontreal to make their future home. -The home if Chas Shoemaker, Goshen Line north was the scene of a very pretty event on Wednesday when his daughter, Miss Sadie, gave her heart and hand to a prosperous young farmer of Stan- ley township. We wish the young people a long and happy life. DE/me-Another old resident of this town has been called away in the person of Mrs. Catherine Kochens, the end coating on Match 3rd. at the good old age of 93 sears, R months. De. ceased suffered no pain and passed peacefully away, the infirmities of old age being the cause of her death. . Her husband predeceased her about twen- ty years. Although well up in the nineties she was able to be up and around until some time previous to her death. Three sons survive her. The funeral took place Wednesday to the Catholic cemetery. How's ThisP We offer One fiundre,l Dollars Reward for any cast of 1'atarrh that cannot lie cured by HMI's Catarrh Cure, F. J. CiIENF,Y & Co., Toledo, 0. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the 16415 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and @nanrially able to tarry out any obligations made by his firm Watnnro, Kivratr b ItaaVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. !fall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting di' rectly on the bloat and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 7Gc. per bot• tile. Sold by alt Druggists, Take !fall's Family Pills for constipation. School Reports rhefollowing is the report for S. S. No. 2, Stephen, for Feb. Those mark- ed' have mussed examination: IV, - Clayton Sims 275. Olive 1s King 287, Herbert Mitchel 200. Beryl A Hill 195, 1at•y Chambers 150, Lillian Heist 149, r;v('retl Sims 11J. Sr. M. -Lillian ails 147, •Hai Sims 105. Jr. 111. Lloyd England 140. Sr. 11. -Viola Cor nish270, Melvin England 217, Irving 8tahls 181), Gertrude King l84, Andrew Flanagan Si. Jr. It. -•Myrtle Sims 89. Sr, Part 11. -Charlie Choke 280. Jr. Part I.-- Cora Stahls 'Lt5. Wood'sghohod ' The Great Eng/WI jtmrfya Tomcatted ins, gotate.tho µholo nen+» to ,N -r, nu, makes now lord to old Veins. ('aarra Nero - ens Debility. illl and Brum FF orra, Des- Pendenryr, sea -mai Weakness Erniesas, Ryer- stutorrAera, and Arose of .;Ernie/was,brae or E:reeaatar. Price ll per box, six for $.S. One will please elf wet ewe. Sold by all druggists or mailed In plain pkg. on rete et of price. Neu, pamphlet stet free00. The Wood Medicine (foornwrly 1riad.or) TIeMle,Ont. Order for new connections, chang- es of firth names, changes Of street addresses tit for duplicate enttiex should he handed to the Lemaal 1lanager at once. A. Marchand, LOCAI. MANAGER SUITABLE FURNITURE For Every Room in the Home We hal'(' :t beautiful selt't'tiun of the latest designs. Come and get our price', all marked in plain figures. W E ask you conn•• this store for faarniture ber•a,ite we believe vier will get th,• kind yon want. The stock i,clne'tea all these pieces that appeal to good taste on account of their design, finish, character and richness. 1Ve can .how newest ideas and the moo popular furniture feet the flame. That ran be felted any plane, town or cif s•. JAS. BEVERLEY, l'f?RA BLOCK. Leading Furniture Dealer and ('ndertaket• ney g Acid urine is neutralized -the delicate membrane, lining the bladder, is soothed -and the kidneys are strengthened and healed. Men say that Ru Juave them the only uninterrupted night's sleep they had enjoyed in years., a large bore. At druggists or from The ClaMia Chemical Co., Limited, Windsor, Ont. b7 `•is.iaR:• 1f you want a breakfast food that will make your mouth water and at the sumo times prove most healthful and nutrltlous A'k yn,r,:rn•c.r1.a "STERILIZED" RELIANCE 19RLAKI AST FOOD N•br, Dainty, Delicfou.t Smallr Package 5`i e TyIf .f.SK POR 711E PURPLE PACKAGE There is a baking powder 1t will any you to try hecauao it costa less to you, gives better results, makes food healthful and 1s sold on a Cash Guarantee of Satisfaction. AO( your grucrr for R..ELIANCE 111K1•NG POWDER it r'"a a.v.t a •et of Reliance Pietist* Post Cards -'FREE ._arm. Witte to at one* namindyour grocer and this paper and we WEI send yeti a set et four, lithographed in brilliant color.free; postage prepaid by ua. International road Co., TORONTO, CANADA Hattie Chapman, Teacher, Following is the correct report of S. 8. No. 5, Me(iillivray, for Jan. and Feb. IV. -F Lewis 71, V Shot t tis, lV Egan 59, A Scutt 57, I. Sheldice 55, 1'Cougli. lin 111. A Lightfoot :37, I: Hodgson 35. Morley S1, G Lewis 50, (` Coughlin 4:3, V [latrnilton 35, ll' Til- hnry'25,(1 \Vat kilts 21, (' Jones. II[, 11 Hudgins 70, J Coughlin Ill, A Hod- gins 53, A Sholdice Ili, W \lagnite -15, M Lightfoot 11, lV ('Leary 37,1/ Lewis :35, L Cook al. 1't. 11, 11 I odgins FC3, V Hodgson 711, 1•: I,ewis 77, N Shoo t 71, (' Scott (15, 11 fl'Iw•ary (11, M Ilanncey 44. S .Tunes 31, 11 D• nticcy 11 0(4)41 bet t, 'Teacher, The foll'wirig is the teport of the standing of the pupils in M.S. No. 4, ITshnr tie tot ,litnuait y, based in regia lei ity of at:cncl:,nce and weekly ex- anu,utiitas. Sir. IV. --Vin,' Kerslake, Frank 11euke, lV i;vsery. A Kerslake, F (iaandtord, C. Skiiinei, ll' Webber, . It Hicks. 11 Davis. Sr. 111. A 11t('ur- dy, 11 \i:py, (' 11 sy, '1' ('nater, A Skin- ner, %V. Walker. G Davi:. .It. 111.--M 11c('urdy..\ Denier. 1': Kellet, Lena Coates. Sr. 11. -V Coate.., 1, Watling, 1'lVeeltWr•, \l" Culbert. ,Ir, 11.--11 May, S McCurdy. 1' reatep, '1' tikinr,a r. Sr. 'I'hinipson, It Webber, V Ilick.. Jr. Ih. I1. --11 Ileir,tet, (1 Ilan - ter, I;;aerie Thorep.00. \' i'incotoie, 1'c. I. N' Theist -on. .1. \V. 11..g I ! h, Tr•:,cher. Y V 14, lUr Iti AP lir 'IFwas, AROUND ABOUT Us GAR IMAM At At AA Alk Aki hayfield: Robert 1'enhale, of titan• ley, has opened a butcher shop in our burg. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' SUCCESSFUL RECORD MONEY can buy advertising space, but it can't buy a quarter can's snweseful record of wonderful and almost miraculona cures of the most difficult and intricate cases of throat, lung and stomach troubles. Such is Psychine'e record. Thousands of cases given np by leading doctors as hopeless and incurable have been quickly and per- manently cared by Psyching It is an infallible remedy for coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, consumption, indigtaltton, los of appetite and all wasting diseases. "My nen had a terrible cough and was wasted to a shadow. Doctors said he could not live. Freund Per. t8rockviria.hitn."—Mrs J. Rang- "Atkr, taking WOO worth of par chine my lungs are well and life is again worth living ^ M, , L Rich- ards, Id anions Cori, N.8. My lungs are now sound as a bell after using Psychlne."-11. Robbins, B+idteharg. Oat awed El l den. Ooeaw.0 tit, Toronto. Wal- Psychlne Never Fail.: Psychlne has no Substitute AT ALL DEALERS. 30c a.nd 11.00 A 8OTl1-B DR.T.A. SLOCUM, Utmlted.179 King St. W.. Toronto Parkhill: Miss I.. Stephens. late of Woodstock Collegiate, has been en- gaged fir Commercial Department itt our lli;b School. Sea forth: James IIichley, of Con- stance, who sold his farm a short time ago, had at sale Wednesday- to dispose of his stock and implements and will trove into town soon. Seaforth: Miss E. A. Teskey, 11. A. of Essex has been appointed to suc- ceed Mr. McLean as Classical teacher in the Collegiate institute. Parkhill: Thos. Megladcry, jr., re- cently of this town lint now of Engle - heart, has been elected chairman of the Board of Education of that place. Downie: Mrs, Jeanette Y oung,wife of John Wood, here, died 11au'ch f), She had been undergoing trertrnent at Stratford hospital and while taking it stroll suddenly expired. Hallett: What is known as the Kelly faint, being lot 15, con. 13, con- taining 150 acres, was sold by auction on Monday, W. Sanderson being the purchaser at 17400, Clinton: Torrance Dunlop, of the Owen Sound branch of the Sovereign Bank, has !Well transferred to Clinton to take Harold White's place, who is leaving for Winnipeg to engage in the real estate business. Seaforth: Mrs. Sloan and daughter Miss Lizzie, leave here on Friday for Victoria, B. C., where they will re- main for some time with Mrs. Sloan's youngest daughter who is married and resides at Victoria. Seaforth: James Young, who has been a resident of Seaforth for a num- ber of years, and in the employ of NV, H. Willis as shoe maker, ha$left town. Mr. Young has gone to Blyth, where he has opened up a boot and stioe bus- iness. Seaforth: John Horan met with a painful accident in the Bell Engine Works on Tuesday /list, by having his foot severely burned. He was assist- ing in pouring in the hot metal into a mould, when the bore burst, letting the metal out. Clinton: Sharp Bros., who have carried on a successful blacksmitbing business here in the Seeley shop, are making a change about the end of the month. T. Sharp will probably go West and James Sharp will taken pos- itou with the Clinton Thresher Com- pany. St. Marys: [Earl Ilaeker who has' been in the employ of Harry Tuer as baker for over three years, left Satur- day and will spend 4 few days at his home at Brussells and will then pro- ceed to'Vinnipeizand the West. Prier to leaving he was presented with a beautiful signet ring. St. Marys: A pretty wedding took place recently when Herbert Langford of Granton made Miss Ida, daughter of Geo. Squires, his bride. Rev. Fair officiated while Little Ella Hooper and Master Nelson Squires attended theta. Downie: The wedding took place in this township Saturday of Mcargarret Byers. daughter of James Byers, to John Crozier. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. T. J. Thompson, in the presence of over rt hundrtd Ingests. Mr. and Mrs. Crozier will leave in a few days for their tome at La Manta, Colorado. Seaforth: A. E. Gibson, who has been manager in the Seaforth branch of the Dominion Ilatnk for the past two years, has been appointed Inspec- tor of the Western division with head- quarters at Winnipeg. Mr. Gibson will he leaving town in the course of a few weeks. His successor here will be Mr. Coulson, of Hespeler. Clinton: A quiet wedding was sol- emnized on Wednesday afternoon, March lith, at the residence of Wesley Moore, when his sister, Miss Alice Matilda, became the bride of Rot.et t J. Robertson of 1loncrieJf. The tet e- tnouy was perforated by ilea. W. E. Kerr. only the immediate friend+ of the contracting parties being present. Hallett: On Feb. 27th, at the resid- ence of Archibald Reid, on the 10th con., was the scene of a pretty event, when his niece, Annie I. Watt, young- est daughter of George Watt, was un- ited in marriage to G. W. Gibson, of Paswegin, Sask., formerly of Wrox- eter. The ceremony was performed by Rey. A McNah. Hullett: Thursday morning S. Me- Vittie bad the misfortune to) have his fine bank barn destroyed by fire. He had been trying to thaw out a froze n pipe by means of coals, but left every- thing, be thought, safe, and drove off on an errand. When he returned he found the barer in flames and ere long it was reduced to ashes. Mitchell: Word was received on Monday that Mrs. Geo. Challenger died at Souris, Manitoba. In July last she left Mitchell to join her daughter, with whom she has since been living. She was about 72 years of age, and had many friends in Mitchell and Logan. Her body was brought here and inter- red in the Methodist cemetery. Hrucefie'Id: The old ['Lewes farm, 2nd con., and recently owned and oc- cupied by Mr. Strong, bas been pur- chased by John Daynlnn for $11,1100. It is an excellent farm and good value for the money. Mr. Dayman is now the owner of 275 acres. -Mr. McCully has purchased the Jamieson property here. it eonsiste of a large frame house, stable and four tote. The pur- chase. price Was $100. Y r l-d'J lv - w Absolutely FREE ryi • ram a' • TO SEED euRS ff rani .svEill writ, for our handsomely illustrated (� Catalogue for 11107, we whow 700 h"w ynu canailsExt ABSOLUTELY FRE a CARVING SET . ( sufM nor SHEFFIELD CUTLERY s 1 i c,1u t-nd h r.!l.s ,taut Ster- ling Silver Monate Wternildgrlplentyef age1nts to take hold of a prors,itioft like thi.. but we prefer to aloe wed buy cri a dirt:cc first. Our Catal'g::e And Guide (loo:a goes (,ell Inf wmat.oe of Ibis and Other $petal ORee.. as well as full de. ,et. r,4..“ -Jing new and standard rarietitsof Reed.. e'i.in to and (Bulbs. Write at once. DARCH & HU*ITER SEED CO. LONbON. CAhACA tiiitta • • a