Exeter Advocate, 1907-03-07, Page 5FE
RYj5 11tt 1 1
ids i
Save stood the test for over se yearn
and are still in the lead. Their absolute
certainty of growth, their uncommonly
large yields of delicious vegetables ani
beautiful flowers, make them the most
reliable and the most popular every.
where. Sold by all dealers. 111117
Seed Mutual free on request.
D. M, FERRY & CO..
Windsor, Ont.
• Eiefer
*I Nervous Women ii, tic( MIVIll lIIE Bat TELEPIIONE
Evangelist Russell n let I ttel son. .
Piano House
If you are contemplating
the purchase of a Piano
or organ it will pay you
to see us. We handle the
leading makes and
Our Prices are Right
We buy for cash and get
the best, both in quality
and price that the market
affords- We sell at mod-
erate prices and on terms
to suit you.
Call or Write
is an essential with us. Every-
thing in the construction of Our
Time Pieces is shaped with this end
in view. They are made to keep
good time and give good satisfac-
Por Present Time
For Future Time
For A11 Time
Our line of ('locks is complete and up-
Get One of Our
Alarm Clocks
They are t he hest—at the usual
low price. Call and inspect our gen-
eral stock.
The Jeweller
The time of the year is approach-
ing when the farmer will be busy
fixing up his fences for the stun -
mer. Ile always wants the beat
and knows that he can get the
hest from us.
We have two of the best wire fences
The Page High Carbon Fence
The Lamb Hard Drawn fence
All sytles in both kinds at prices
Ranging From 25 sty. up to 50 cis
Bailed Coiled Wire
wT 83.00 a Cwt.
FOIL S.wii:
Agent for the Sslsester• and
Perrin Plow ('nlrtte,nia•s
Wood's Phosphodini,
The Gerrit /•.',eolish fttm/Ify.
Tonal and ins a,;oratee lhu N holo
nervone s> Ic n, takes new
food In old veins. Cures Nerv-
ous Debility. Mental end lees.* Il'o►ry, Drs.
pondepsey, Serwal fl-e&.ncs.s l:mtssiwae, gym
winferrherrs, and Eifel' of A ..1.90 nr F:reeelee.
Price SI per box.etxfor a 1,nowitlpleaPe x
will cure. Sold b` all druggists or marten In
plain p . on receipt of prise. .Neto pimp t
Moiled fret. TM Wood Medicine Co.
(fprmeel y l/'irul.svr) Yor'esatO. Ont.
ducted meetings is ttu s ieiva\, is
now engaged in similar wet k at Minot,
Their Sufferings Are Usually Due
to Female Disorders Perhaps
('an lie dispute
the well - known
fact that Canadian
Woolen are ner-
How often do we
hear the expres-
sion, "lam so ner-
vous, it seems as if
I should fly ; " or,
' Don't speak to
me." Little things
annoy you and
maks you irritable; you can't Bleep,
you are unable to quietly and calmly
perform your daily tasks or care for
your children.
The relation of the nerved and gen-
erative organs in women is so close that
nine -tenths of the nervous pprostration
nervous debility, the bluest aTeepleesnefe
and nervous irritability anse from -
derangement of the organism w
makes her a woman. Fite of dep on
or restleesneee and irritability. $p ILe
easily affected, so that ono minute e 9
laughs, the next minute weeps. Pain
the alxlominaI region and between the
shoulders ; loss of voice ; nervous dye-
pepsia; a tendency to cry at the lebst
provocation—all this paints to nervoua
Nothing will relieve this distressing
condition and prevent months of pros-
tration and suffering so surely as Lydia
E. Pinkhaln's Vegetable Compound.
Miss Lelah Stowell, of 177 Wellington
Et., Kingston, Ont., writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkhani :—
" Your Medicine is indeed a Godsend to
suffering women, and I on:y wish that the
all knew what it can d" fs,. them and there
would be no need of their dragging ort
miserable lives in agony. I suffered for
years with bearing -down plans, extreme
nervousness and excruciating eadaches,
but a few bottles of your vegetable CqQm-
petind made life look new and promising
to rue. 1 stn licit and happy and I do not
know what sickness is, and Y have enjoyed
the best of health now for over four years.
Lydia E. !'inkh:un's Vegetable Compound
has sent sunshine into thousands of homes
and hearts."
Will net the volumes of letters from
women nerds strong by Lydia L. Pink.
hare's Vegetable Compound convince all
roused of its virtues? Surely you can-
not swish to remain sick and weak and
discouraged, exhausted each day, when
you can be us easily cured as other
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
Tho great Uterine Tonic, and
only safe effectual Monthly
Regulator on µfilch women can
depend. Sold in three degrees
.4 of strength—No. 1, l ; No. 2.
10 degrees stronger i; No. 3.
„12 for special cases, per box.
bold by all dru stn, or sent
prepaid on reek ,t of price.
Free pamphlet. Address: TN
COOK Mto;ciN1 C0..TONONTO.OIT. (formerly Windsor)
Ailse Craig: Conn. R. J. Robinson,
whose health has not been the best for
some time past received orders from
his Medical adviser to take a trip on
the water and left on Thursday last
for New York, On Saturday he sail-
ed for the West Indies. Ile will touch
on Isles Jamaica, St. Thomas, St. Kitts,
Martinique and Bermuda. Ile expects
to be away one month and will go as
far as the Barbadoes.
If you want a breakfast food
that will make your mouth water
and at the same time prove most
healthful and nutritious . .
Ask your grocer f„r
Neth, Dainty, Delicious
.Small C Try It
Package �% ci e
There le a baking powder it will
pay you to try because it costs less
to you, gives bettor results, makes
food healthful and is sold on a
Cash Guarantee of Satisfaction.
Ask your grocer for
it you want a set of
Reliance Pieter• Post Cards
Write as at ones naming your grocer
and this paper and we trill r,cnd )ou
a set of tour, lithographed in brilliant
color.. (roe: po.titgo prepaid by us.
International Food Co.,
For Every Room in the Homo•
We have a beautiful selection of the latest designs.
Crone and get our prices, all marked ill plain figures.
E ask yon to cam4, to thio
we believe son trill g.'I
stuck iiarineira sll t
erste oo Account ,.f the
And rchness. We san
tuna popular fornitsire
found any place, town
store for furniture because
the kind yon sant. The
piecr� that app"al to gout
ar design, lini.h, character
-how newest ideas and the
f.•r the hone, h.'at can 1
4)1 cit)'.
OPERA BLOCK. Leading Furniture Dealer end I'ndrrtaker
N.U. lie reports the scattier as being
,trite spring-like at time of writing.
Mr•s. Perkins has returned to Loudon
after a visit w: -h her sister, Mrs. Pat-
terson at Bria,,lev.—E. G. Saunders
and Mrs. Geo. 1Villinrus of Brinsley,
who have been quite ill, are on a) fair
way to recovery. —John Mat thews and
bride spent a few days of their honey-
moon in this vicinity. prior to settling
down in their new home at Otterburn,
—Isaac Laughlin, who recently sold
his farm, has purchased Itobt. Keys'
property at Parkhill and will move
there in the course of a few weeks.
The latter intends going to Iowa.—E.
Holland of Lieury intends moving to
Parkhill shortly, having purchased
Arch. Campbell's property. --Mrs. An-
drew Hotson, 7th con., who has been
quite ill of late with tonsilitis and grip
is daily improving.—A little son now
brightens the home of Eli Thompson,
16th con.—Mrs. John Emery was in
London recently consulting an eye
specialist. She has been troubled for
some time with her sight.
School Reports
The following is a report of the stand-
ing of the pupils in S.S.No.4, Stephen,
for February: Sr. IV.—G Kestle, N
Amy, S Morlock, M Kestle, E Kestle,
H Wein,M Eilber. Jr. IV.—L Morlock,
13 Smith, A Brokenshire, L Schroeder,
C Eilber, H Kraft. A Cornish, E Wein,
O Cornish, H Schwarz. Sr, III.—W
Schwarz, M Coxworth, M Klumpp, 0
Brown, M Brokenshire, G Cornish, E
Schroeder•, Jr. III—A Wein, L Kestle,
Sr. IL—E Roeszler,I Silber, L Smith,
C Wein, E Amv. Jr. IL—C Murdock,
J Brokenshire, 1: Wein, M Coxworth,
E Cornish, A Aubin, Jos Schwarz.
Pt. I, ---O Cornish.
M. C. Jennison, Teacher.
Following is the result of S. S. No. 1,
t'sborne, for February. Names in
order of merit:—V.—Andrew Dougall,
Roy Blatchford, Edna White. 1V.—
Ethel I3ell, ('arrie Oki-. John Riley,
Hari y Dougall, Nellie Rowclifle and
Archie RowclifTe equal, Carrie Moir,
Victoria Itowclifle, Sr. III, --Jimmie
Strang, Gordon Oke, Laura Harvey,
George Blatchford, Cecil Down. Jr,
111.-- John Strang, Lena Dougall,
Earl Bell, Jim Dougall, Roy White,
Hosena Down, Alvin Moir. Ira Moir.
Sr. 11.—Lila Moir. Jr. !L—Hazel
Down, Oliver HowclifTe, Willie Doug-
all, Willie Strang, George Moir, Elva
Harvey. Pt. 11.—Gladys Moir. Cecil
Harris. Pt. 11. --Frank Jarrott, Har-
old Moir. Total attendance :35, aver-
age 251.
Parents are earnestly requested to
see that their children attend regularly
and pu)ctnally.
J. A. Briotnell, Teacher.
How's This?
1µe offer One Hundred Dollikrs nes and for any case
of catarrh that cannot be cured Lc Hall's Catarrh
FJ.[ ' IiF. 'N61 "
& Co., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned hake known F. J. Cheney for
the last IS years, and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and flnaneially able 1, -
***try out any obligations nude b}' hie firm.
w'AL1.I50, lit\-s.I\ la• MARVIN,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0-
I fall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di•
res tl) on the blood and mucous surfaced of the
system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75e. per lit-
tle. Sold by all Druggists,
Take Hall's Famili fills for constipation.
Henry- Lippbardt, our nssessor,is on
his rounds again. --Mrs. McAlpin has
returned to Woodstock after a pleas-
ant visit here.—OIviIIe Ehnes, who has
been it member of the Sovereign Bank
stair tet Milvet ton for a short time, has
been transferred to New Dundee which
branch lie has complete charge, ---Fred
Kibler, formerly of town, sustained a
small loss to his shoe shop at Listowel
the other clay. --F, Hess, sr., clerk, cap-
tured a live owl in his office in the
Town Hall last week.—Hay council
stet un Wednesday, --Miss Nora (ireb
has gone to Berlin where she has ac-
cepted a position in anlillinery depart-
ruent.--EZeller has purchased the 50 -
acre farm of Fred Rummel, just west
of the village. The former gets pos-
session April lst. -11. Cann and wife,
after a plcasent and extended stay
in Zurich and neighborhood have re-
turned to their home in the prairie
province. John Deichert, Jr., has re-
turned front a three weeks' stay in
Detroit, New Haven, Armada and
Pontine, Mich.—Win Klopp was n vis-
itor in our burgh last week.—Henry
Schnell of Ayton spent a few days
here during week. --Daniel Steinbach
was here from Detroit last week.--
('hris. Rechler has leased the Blake
chopping trill front Jacob 11. Gin °rich
for a term of years, --Nelson Masse,
jr., is now occupying the farm on the
110) con., which he recently rented
Eton) J. C. Kalbtlrisch.—Calvin Wil-
liams, after a few seeks' visit at his
honer here, left Thursday for iintTaln,
N.Y., where he holds at good situation
as ticket agent with one of the stesun•
ship companies.
DK.1T11- Another resident of Stan-
ley t0Wilithl) was called away on Mon•
(ley week in the person of Henry 1)ow-
snn, rat the good old age of 85 years. 4
months, 7 days. His death was due
to old age, no disease being apparent
and no pain to the frail isxly in its
last hours. Deceased carne to Canada
from Durham, England, when this
country twas but n wilderness. Ile bus
been it resident of Stanley township
for nearly fifty-six )•eats and was vet).
highly esteemed. ile is survived by a
sorrowing widow, three sons and three
&eighties. The funereal took place
%Vednesday to the Bayfield eminently.
A1't'IUs:xT.--- A serious accident OC'
carred in the Stnele')- swamp the other
day.wtide Neigh \l.tl•tney was in the art
of chopping down et tree. The tree wall
nearly ready to fall when he :again
retn►n( tired ehnppany; rat it and before
he (-wild vet ort of the way it tell.
striking hire lirasity across the beck,
pinning bio) to the ground. Ile Wag
tau kly re'le Ise.] telt the blow retitle, ed
nnco)s••io'la. ire Was ,11 nitre taken to
I)r, Out) phell's',Mee where his injnr-
1 les were attended. lie was then tnN-
e0 to his home en the Sauble Line and
int present is getting nn as well RP ran
:Ix. expected, although the accident
will necessitate his keeping to the
house for some time,
Is about to issue
A New Telephone Directory
District of Western Ontario
Including Village of Exeter
Order for new connections, chang-
es of firm names, changes of street
addressee or for duplicate entries
should be handed to the Local
Manager at once.
Aa Marchand,
reill?-111"1/"Iir lir "Ur 111"9"liF
Okasa r�a�ateara� aft a�atbr at'�ar� raf�
Clinton: Mr. \la;on l,.ts disposed of
his milk business to Ben Churchill.
Parkhill: T. E. Jennings while as-
sisting with the baggage at the station
on Wednesday, splintered the bone:of
his right thumb.
Seaforth: Mrs. Neal of Toronto, is
opening a new millinery' store in town
and has rented the store lately occup-
ied by Hoy Scott.
Clinton: James Young, for some
years a resident here, is moving his
effects to Blyth, where he has opened
as hoot & shoe business.
Parkhill: G. E. Morton of Toronto
has accepted the position of Commer-
cial master in our High School. Mr.
Morton holds a first class certificat
and is an expert short hand and type
Stephen: henry Smith, con. 10
sold a valuable mare to Mr, T. Iland
ford, Exeter, for $200. Also Mr, Rich
Glanville and Thos. Kestle sold a tin
horse each for good figures.
Seaforth: Mr. (lihson, of Lucknow,
has moved with his family- to town.
\1t'. Gibson has entre ed into business
with W. J. Aliin, local agent for
Frost and Wood and also for the
Heintzntnn Piano Co., Toronto,
Seaforth: Messrs. Alex. McLennan
and C. 11. Broadfoot have leased the
Commercial Hotel, in this town, their
lease to conrntencewhen that of Messrs.
Henderson and Dehtcey's lease expires,
which is one year from next May.
Clinton: Miss Olive Murphy, niece
of Mrs. W. Murphy of town, died in
Buffalo on 111onday, aged only twenty
years. I)eceaased was a sister of Miss
Idea Murphy, who tenderly waited up-
on her during the warning weeks of her
Parkhill: Mr, Van Dtsen, who con-
ducted a hoot and shoe repair shop
here for the past few months, has
moved his work shop to Forest, where
he will engage in the same business,—
Mr. ('has. Wilson and fainly moved to
Mt. Bridges on Tuesday.
Clinton: The wife of John Powell
succumbed to her illness nn Wednes-
day evening. She bad been indelicate
health for some time, but only recent-
ly had her illness been of a critical na-
ture, though on Wednesday she seem-
ed fairl • well, She leaves three daugh-
ters and (meson.
It's so easy to
Cure Rheumatism.
Such a simple treatment. So ab-
tinlntely certain to cure. Just take
Du -Ju. Not a few doses—don't
stop even after a few boxes. Give
ilu-Jo a fair chance — take it
faithfully ; carry out the directions
exactly ; and Bq -Ju will care you
as surely as 2 and 2 snake 4,
Bu -Ju
The Centle Kidney Pill
cores Muscular Rheumatism, In-
flanimatory Rheumatism, Sciatica,
'Antilop), t'ecanse it removes the �
CAUSE of these troubles.
We Ness Pores, P. O.
"Piave tries) your Bq -Ju Kidney fills,
and found them very beneficial for Rheu-
matism aril pain in the back. They are
certainly a blec,ing. My Int -band 1-, ab,o
receiving great benefit from Bq -Ju. He
hats 1.111 great pain in the sn;-tll of It s
back, but is so much ietter now.
MRs. A. C. Kenn.
Rheumatism, in any forst, means irri•
tate•l nerves, and 1s cul=col i.v uric acid
being deteented in the blood stream. Thr
only ts.ty uric acid reaches the blood 19
tllmugh weakness or disease of the Kid-
neys. The only way to cure weak, dis-
eased Kidnev=, ane! thus etre Rheumit-
islrl, is to take Bu -Ju.
Soc. a large lox. At all dntggists, or •
sent on receipt of price.
Clinton: Miss Della Wilkes,
town, was marl it'd at W1'111tl.,01' ou S,,,
urday to Hull. \Ic('oy, of Detroit: the
will milk.' their house iti that city.
Hibbert: The 13at•rey farul, t'n th
aril couece:iml, was sold by :int -thin
and was purchased by John Dalton, t
neighbor, for $1,(100. The Lu in eon
tains fifty acres.
Tticketstnith: Miss Myrtle C. Town
send only daughter of Mr. Jas. Town
send of Grano, North Dakota, was
married at the home of her parents on
February 20th to Mr. George M. Rout
ledge, of Lansford, North Dakota, and
formerly of Grano. All the parties are
former residents of Tuckersu►ith, the
happy groom being the second son of
Mr. Chas. Routledge, of the Wert End.
Clinton: Clinton lost a most estim-
able citizen by the death of John Bean,
on Sunday, in his 71st year. Deceased
had only been ailing for a week, with
pneumonia but from the first there
was little hope of his recovery. He
was born at Hensel!, Yorkshire, Eng.,
on the 6th of March, and carte to Can-
ada at the age of 17 years.
Mitchell:, Mies Ida Littlejohn, eld-
est daughtr of Henry Littlejohn, and
Herbert Farr, of Stratford, were quiet-
ly married Wednesday, the marriage
taking place at the Methodist parson-
age. Rev. Garbutt performed the cere-
mony, only the immediate friends be-
ing present. The young couple will
make Stratford their home.
Brucefield: A little child of James
Williams, of this place, abort 2t years
old, was committed to the care of the
Children's Aid Society, by His Honor
Judge Doyle, on Wednesday, and will
be given a course of treatment in the
Sick Children's Hospital. It has been
so neglected that it is unable to either
stand or walk, and unless cared for
now would soon become mentally and
physically crippled.
Clinton: After only one day's illness,
Peter Y ashes, the well-known Syrian
pedler, died at his residence here on
Saturday morning. He had not been
complaining at all, and his death was
entirely unexpected. A couple of
years since his wife died, leaving a
family of nine small children, and the
cat a of these largely devolved on the
eldest, who was then a there mite, and
she deserves great credit for her man-
Mitchell: A very quiet marriage
was solemnized at the home of Mrs.
Richard Wilkinson, when her adopted
daughter, Miss Patten, was tuar-
t'aige to George Code. The ceremony
took place in the presence of a number
of friends and relatives. The young
couple were unassisted and the cere-
mony was performed by Rev. Garbutt.
They will remain here until about the
Inst of March, when they will begin
the journey to their western home.
A Marvellous and Triumphant Record
of Victory Over Disease.
No medicine has ever effected as large
a number of wonderful and almost mar-
vellous cures as Peychine. It has had one
continuous record of victories over diseas-
es of the throat, chert, lungs and stotuach.
Where doctors have pronounced cases
incurable from consumption and other
wasting diseasee Peychine steps in and
rescues numberless people even from the
very verge of the grave. Coughs, Colds,
Catarrh, Bronchitis, Chills, Night Sweat.,
lea Grippe, Pneumonia, and other like
troubles, all of which are forerunners of
Consumption, yield quickly to the cura-
tive powers of Peychine.
Mrs. Campbell, one of the puny cured,
makes the following statement :
1 cannot refrain from telling all who suffer
of my remarkable recovery with I'eeychirre. In
April, 1901, 1 caught a heavy cold which settled
Q m lungs and graduallyled to consumption.
jco d not sleep, was suject to night senate
m�111ungs were so diseased, my doctor ,'onsideral
curable. Rev. Mr. hlahaffy. fort Elgin
res tertan Church, recommended nr. tihx inn's
°tome, when I was living in Ontario.
Oaths Psychtne for a short time I ate and
w°ll, the night sweats and cough ceased.
On ago I Popped taking l'sycl'inc, as I was
ttrnmyjWe. Psycine has be<nngod-sBDdtome.
uasw CAYr14C t..
Cottonwood. N.W.T.
YOHINE never disappoints.
CHINE has no substitute.
ere is no other medicine -Just iL9
At ail dealers 50c. and $1.00 per bottle
if not write to
N. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited, 119 Ilio` St W., TOAOATO
Dr. Root's Kidney Pills are a sure
WiE)ermanent cure for Rheumatism
is Disease, Pain In the sack and
DM m
sof Kidney Trouble. 25c per
z. at all dealers.
Parkhill: On Tuesday, it being the
birthday of Rev. S. J. Allin, he was
most agreeably- surprised on receiving
a handsome Morris chair ars a remem-
brance of the happy occasion.
Parkhill: Arrangements are being
made by which Mr. Schafer, the per -
sent manager of the Powell house,
expects to take the hotel :after the 1st
of May.
„ t
_ a
ul i
7/ (',„ t/lel I/• t!I:�t� l/ia�^ a��l
121 se'r
Our 1907 Catalogue will tell
you how to get, Absolutely Free,
a beautiful Carving Set of
Celluloid Handles and
Sterling Silver Mounts,
enclosed in a handsome
plush and silk lined
case. The outside be-
ing covered with leatherette.
Our handsome Catalogue and
Guide Book is richly illustrated and
is free to everyone who asks for it
and contains details atelier special offers,
etc., also gives full details of new and standard
varieties of Seeds, Plants and Bulbs.
Write to -day.
LONUC>tN. Canada.
The World's Gritted Cleanser la
Goll Dust Washing Powder
its yearly sale exceeds t'l:t of ail other µs'til'l,^, r,:vdors combined Looks
just a t.t as if housewives appreciated mc: i:, doesn't it? GOLD DUST
clean.- everything frons cellar to attic.
OTHER GENERAL I Scru.C(ng floors, washing °'rhes and dishes. cleaning wood -
USES FOR . ;,k• ed cls se;verware S'eS , ware. polishing Gas, wort,
GOLD GUST cleans:ltq batt room, plp°s, e:_ . : i making the finest soft soap.
Made by THE N. K. FAlitt?A'1K COMPANY, MIc ' : Makers FA:RY SOAP.
BOLD DUST manses hard waters self