Exeter Advocate, 1907-03-07, Page 4r
Backache is oat• of the chief
syucptunts of thecengestedcon-
dition of the kidney::. Extern-
al application may relieve but
what is wanted Is it remedy
that will retrieve. the cause of
the trouble.
DIK Buchu and Juniper
Kidney Pills
are a prompt and certain cure
for all ordinary kidney and
bladder troubles. Sold under
a guarantee. If they fail to
give entire satisfaction the
money will be refunded.
Sold in
25 and 50 Cent Boxes
Manufactured by
W.S.CoIe, Phm.B.
Chemist and Druggist.
« xet.ex gthrocati ,
Sanders e$ Creech, Props.
THURSDAY, Mar. 7, '07
Mrs. J. Johns, Sr., who has been
sick for some time, is improving. -Mr.
and Mrs:. W. Whiteford, who have
both been very ill for some time, are
improving. -Jos. Jaques left for the
Hospital in London last week, where
he will undergo treatment for his arm
which he had broken while working
with the threshing machine last fall,
the bones not having knit satisfactor-
ily. -The Chosen Friends Lodge held
an oyster supper in the hall here Fri-
day night. Members only were invited
to attend and quite a number were in
attendance. A program was rendered
by members of the society and a very
enjoyable time was spent. -The saute
evening a few nt the young sten not
being able to attend the Friends sup-
per, owing to their not being Members,
were not to he outdone and held an
oyster feast for themselves in J. John's
shop.- Rev. J. %V. Johnson received a
hasty summons to his home at Brig -
den on Saturday night owing to his
mother's illness. --Richard Coultis re-
ceived word last week of the death of
his brother at Brooklyn.
Ure( ton
Rey. L. H. Wagner, presiding Elder
of Berlin, conducted the special Quar-
terly services in the Evangelical church
Saturday and Sunday. The anniver -
wary services were heed on Sunday as
\Ve invite you to an inspection of our
stock of
Watches and Clocks
Jewelry of all Kinds
Nice Fancy Articles
Choice Silverware
We have marked our goods down
to the lowest possible selling
price and can give you bargains
in all lines.
Everything in the repairing line
done on short notice. We make a
specialty of watch and clock re-
pairing and cleaning.
We Solicit a Call
let Inle The Habll
Of looking for sunshine
and fragrance, you'll find
The Bee and the Buzzaid
hover together!
One goes straight to the
rose garden, the other to
the decaying carcass.
COME, draw the honey
"Our Clothes Garden"
and taste the sweetness of
TION. Our Spring impor-
tations are ready tor your
New Designs, Beautiful
Weaves and Colorings.
Right in style
Close personal attention.
J. H. Holtzmann
in like a lion and if the old saying
holds good we may expect to see it go
out like a lamb. -Surae of our boys
have become greatly educated of late.
Where they got their new words is a
mystery. If any of our readers have
any new words that are out of the
ordinary send them along and they
will be given serious consideration. -
Jos. Bastard of Landon and son Will
of Milton, were in the Village last Fri-
day.-- M iss Chrissie Bram sang a
benne solo in the Evangelical church
last Sunday evening. --The Conference.
well. Rev. Wagner preached three
iowerf it sermons that day. the of the Evangelical church will he held
i here the Lith of next inmate Out•
people etre active at work preparing
far the event. A large number nt
strangers are expected in our neigh-
brhood during that time.
ing and afternoon service being In the
Gtrnutn language and the evening in
English. --We are pleased to state that
ira Brawn, who has been very ill, is
convalescent. -Mrs. Robert Keys of
Parkhill is here visiting friends. -Mr. 1)e.\TIi The grim teepee. death has
and Mrs. John Farmer of Exeter vis- once more entered uecr midst and re-
ited 1)r. and Mrs. McCue on Friday.-- moved ane of our oldest es well as
The Misses lila bink and Madeleine most ►esperted citizens in the pet son
Bertrand ;ire visiting their aunt, Mrs. of Joe:beim \Vic'hert, who departed
%Vm. Kuntz at Exeter.- Mrs. Samuel this life on Saturday at the age of 78
Sweitzer of Shipka visited her sister, years and 2 months. The deceased
Mus. Joseph IL•iisf on IVednesday.--- had peen sick for an act two weeks end
The Ladies' Aid of the i':tangelical gradually became weaker, until death
church met at the beide of Mrs. .luhn relieved him of his suffering. The re -
Fink teener, 10th Concession. Theirs- main.; wet e interred in the lierrnan
day.- Mrs. Palmer of Hensel! attend- cemetery on Monday. the Rev. Bean
ed the funeral of her nephew, t he late nfll,•iating. lie leaves to mourn his
Wesley Hidden on Thursday. --lien loss a widow and two brothers, besides
Winkenw•eeler and mother of Dash- :t wide e•itch. of friends and acquaint -
wood were the guests of Mr. arid Mrs. antes who join in extending to the be-
reaved fanliiy their sympathy.
CoxreftT --The Literary concert which
was given in the Town Hall Friday
evening was a SUCCees es far as the
program was concerned. The weath-
er was not favorable and there were
not many in attendance. The chair-
man, H. Either. M. P. P., could not he
present. so Mr. C.Ililuett took the chair
and performed his part well. The hall
was beautifully decorated for the oc-
casion. Harvey Lloyd the comedian.
from Toronto, Was present and rend-
ered several humorous selections,
which were heartily euchored. Read-
ings were. given by the Misses Kssery,
Link and Robinson. Miss Ella Beav-
er sang a sego aid an instrumental
duet was given ley the Misses er.
Our Orchestra woe present also and
kept the feet moving by t heir lively
music. Had the weather been more
favorable, the hall would have been
packed, as the program was of a high
('rediteu S(.hno! Report. --The fol-
lowing :epee! for g r ( I r i9 fe C Feb. Na!Deis in
order of met it: Cent intation (tares,
('otnposition. ('1 1,...8 A 11('.--G Sweit•
zei• r.i, i; Hill ti_•, 11 hill 01, t•: Feline!'t . P (falser 31. 11 Maeeld and ., Holtz -
men 53, G abort 51. \V Mnrinok I' . M
Brawn 17. ► 1•nelgbbn Ni. It Coughlin
44, (' Firekts•iner and W Hill 1:3. S
1i1'uerth ,Ind I•' Beaver I1. French
Claes (' - A Ifeeltzin:en It. ('lasse•t 13
and A - (f Sheat ?Li. P 1i,tt,er `il. 1•: Mr•
Mtntay uCi, H Hill 7i1, E Hilltil,('Fink-
twiner 59, II 110 edel ese. R Coughlin :i2,
0 Sweitz.'r 17, E Fahner iI. M Breese
4:3. (Tiede Meet. Teacher
iliv. Ill.-- 1V. --l: Getieer, 11 Oes-
trei,'her. (homes); W Oestreieher. Sr.
111. I, li.liser. Ihono,8): i' Treitz, A
h. at. 111. --(,l 11oigin•e eh, emirs)
Hiss Rubin.on, Teach. r.
Divide!, 11. --inlet mediate.- M Fink-
teinet•, 11 Wenzel, \\' Bean. Sr. 11.---
11 1lotz.l: Bs:iver. Jr. 11. -F King. (f
Beri•d i•'t . 1't. 1 I. I: King.
11 i•• Hirsch Teacher.
Division 1. --Se. Pt. 11,--1. Winer, K
Treitz, A S:tn(lereeek. :1 iV. 1, Ilaist,
(f I,nmp•ert. :1 III. -l. Bean. A Gais•
er, 11 Bedtime:). .\ ii.-- V Kestle.
Miss C. Kienzle. 'reicher.
The promotion examinations are on
Match 2141 and 21m1.
August Hill on Tuesday. --'Che Misses
Gould of Ilay visited the Misse4 Young
on Tuesday. - ('has. %wi(•ker Wits in
Toronto Monday and 'Tuesday 00 busi-
ness.-- Mime Stella Andrews is 1•islting
her sister. Mrs. Boyce, at ltnsseldele.
-Council meeting was held in Town
Hall Monday, minutes of which will
appear next week. --Mrs. ('has. Kerr,
who has been seriously ill for several
weeks, is making rapid progress to re-
covery. the news of which will he
learned with mtirh pleasure by her
many friends. --Mrs. Telfer of (Iran.
ton is visiting her parent., Mr. and
Mrs. A eigust Ewald.- Mise Dina Wood
has returned to London after a pleas-
ant visit here --John Young's St. Bern-
hard dog. Victor, died la,t week Vic-
tor was quite brimless and a great
friend of the children. - Theis. Terve-
thick and Francis (;lark ire hack at-
tending to their pia eel of b114inese af•
ter their attack of grip. -March Cattle
Pale, Thin,
Then your blood must be in
a very bad condition. You
certainly know what to take,
then take it -- Ayer's Sarsa-
parilla. if you doubt, then
consult your doctor. We know
what he will say about this
grand old family medicine.
Tie:, H Ib. tee eie.tise }wet dnetn, wood
sib- Are 'nor Nowell, regular!" Its kr....
that dally artloa of the b..wets Il, ab.n`ntrly
e..entl,,1 to forever!. R. -p put Ieeet SOtete
it, 1 vow, t.,.re4 rego:ar 1•y taking minify-
d...r. of Ayer•a I•eus.
saas,*ra>'+rtimillINIIIIIIIICIse>laar011111 tsar
Mads 117 S. 0. a.•r no., t osn. Neat
• •• Man obbcto Niro of
tiers114IR %ICA*.
Atli 8 CCRL
en[RRr rteraiAi.
W• have se roor•ti • W nstreta
Mae formulas of ale our etW,eta••.
Peter Mcisaac has been appointed
agent for the Raymond setting rime/l-
ine—Adam Mansz of Tavistock was
here last geek attending the funeral
of the late \Vui. Voelker. -Several
cases of chicken -pox have lioken out
among families in the ceniniunit\. --
Geo. Goodman returned on Friday,
after visiting some time in Michigan.
--J. Kellerman is this week attending
the millinery openings at Toronto. --
Wm. Heldt returned Saturday after a
week's visit with London friends. -It
is said one of our young men will join
the army of henedicts this week. -Ja-
cob Kraft and wife, who have been
visiting among the former's relatives
for some time, left this week for their
home in the great west. -E. M. Brok-
ensbire attended a meeting of Board
Health at Crediton on Monday. -John
Hall of London was In the village last
week on business. -Daniel Vincent is
on the sick list this week. We hope
for his speedy recovery. -W. Shrumr
has fitted up a fine room in the rear of
bis store for a millinery department. -
The Y. P. A. had a very Interesting
and instructive topic Sunday evening.
On Monday evening the business of
the Y. P. A. was transacted and at
which four new members were receiv-
ed. We are glad this society is get-
ting up to where it once stood after
having been almost defunct. Wonder
now if doubters can see wherein the
source of all the difficulty lay. -Geo.
Edighoffer, our enterprising oboe man,
has added a "stationary" department.
situated daily around itis coal stove. -
Tuesday afternoon we were greeted
with a fierce, old-time blizzard.
(From Another Source)
Mr. Russel Bastard and bis two sis-
ters of London were in the village at-
tending the funeral of the late Waldo
Hartleib.-11r. and Mrs. Harry Wing
of Shipka were in the village last Fri-
day, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra
Tiernan. -August Walper and family
intends moving to Fort Wayne this
week where he has bought a house.
We are sorry to lose Mr. Walper tett
wish him every success in his new
home. -.Louis Exstine of Pigeon, Mich.,
attended the funeral of his brother-in-
law, Wm. Voelker, and is visiting
friends in Dashwood, Zurich and Hen -
sail. Mr. Exstine was a former resid-
ent of Dashwood, but nine years ago
moved to Michigan. -Messrs. Harry
Willett and Jacob Kellermann attend-
ed council meeting at Crediton Mon-
day. From there Mr. Kellermann left
for Toronto to attend the millinery
openings. -Mrs. G. Oestricher is on the
sick list at present. Her many friends
wish for a speedy recovery. --Ben
Winkenweder of Napierville was in
town last week on business and visit-
ing his mother.
DEATH -This week it becomes our
duty to record the death of William
Voelker, who died in Flint, Mich. The
remains where brought to Dashwood
Thursday accompanied by his wife and
fa►nily. to the home of his le other,
John Voelker, from where the funeral
was held Friday at 1:30p.m. to the
Goshen Line Cemetery. lir. Voelker,
who was a former resident of Hay
township, moved to Michigan about
fourteen years ago. Besides a sorrow-
ing wife, be is survived ley a fancily of
one daughter and five sons, all of
whorl have the sympathy of their
many friends.
Win. Moore of London is visiting
friends in town. --Miss Fowler, who
has been staying with her aunt, Mrs.
D. Ross, left Moeda, for her home in
Dungannon. --John Blatchford, who
has been quite ill is slowly- improving.
--Mr. and Mrs. Snider spent Sunday
in town. -Miss Sparks, who has been
waiting on Hiss Shuart for the past
eleven weeks, left for her house Mon-
day. -Thos. Wood of Stratford is on a
visit to A. McPherson. --Mrs. Beek and
daughter, Blanche, have returned nf•
ter spending some time with the for-
mer's daughter, Mrs. Wm. Kemp of
St. Marys.- Win. Cuelmore of Kipper]
intends moving to town shortly, hav-
ing purchased !tarry Taylor's fine new
residence, at present occupied by J.
Macartheir.--n. Tole of Kent County,
who has been visiting his brother,Rev.
S. Tole, left Saturday for his home.
This was Mr. Tale's first visit here and Mica
he was greatly taken up with the
place. -Mrs. nearly, who has been vis- a
iting her parents for some months left
this week for her home in Mexico.--
H. Reid, after an extended stay here,
has returned to the West.--Ilicke•y
Bice and Burns Buchanan have gone
to Toronto where they have accepted
positions.- Joe Cook, formerly of Men-
sal], is here from Alberta on a visit. ---
Gordon Manns, who has accepted a po-
sition as tinsmith with Hawkins &
Son at Exeter, is preparing to move
there.- -J. E. McDonell spent Tuesday who was suffering from lung trouble, Wap. Rinelair has rented his farm , o roman y cemetery.
night in London. --Quite a number has about recovered.- Mr. Ware Olive north of here, on the 11th concession
from here attended the box social at er, sr., attended the funeral of his son. of Tuckersrnith, to Thos. Patterson of I Ailsa Craig: Dr. Gunn while out
Kipper Friday evening. -Abner Ar- in-law in Saginaw. Fullerton for seven years. at an annu- attending to one of his patents near
meld, sun e f G. F. Arnold, of Buffalo. eltental of $2411. The latter has got a Nairn on Friday night last had the
N.Y., arrived in more last week and fine farm. 11r. Sinclair intends return• painful misfortune to have his should -
has taken a position on the Sovereign ing to Hensel) to live where he has er dislocated. Ile got out to fix the
Bank stat(..- Mrs. Heywood of Detroit purchased a nice residence. check on his horse arid while he twits
is visiting relative9 in town. -Mrs. DKATIIS.--One by one the old pin• getting into the rig the animal gave a
Hawk has rented 'V. I«tnlnlie's hntrve. neer, are fast crossing the t icer f i.;. start throwing hint nut head first onto
!make her couch as pleasant as possible
but despite all God willed it utile 1 wise
and on Friday she sulk to rest at the
age of :,1 years. Rana her early life
she was connected with the Methodist
church and during that time lived a
godly life, even through all her illness
she was never heard t( complain )t
' was rather resigned to the will of her
Maker. By her death we lose a near
and dear friend but the fragrance of
her pure life will ever live in the minds
of all who had the pleasure of her ac-
quaintance. The feineral on Sunday
was well attended.
Grand Bend
David Wilson, who has been on the
sick liet, is recovering. -Geo. Sherritt
took Rev. Couzens work at Salem on
Sunday, owing to the latter preaching
anniversary services at IVoodbam.-
Wesley Millin has accepted a position
in Hamilton. -John Baird's many
friends will be pleased to know that
be is recovering in health. -J. W. Holt
and wife have returned from their vis-
it to St. Marys. -Mrs. (Rev.) Sutcliffe
delivered a very interesting and in-
structive sermon in the Methodist
church here on Thursday evening.-
Ray Holt is recoving from his illness.
-It was reported that Harmon Gill
bad sold his house and lot but such is
not the case. -Mise Julia Mason, after
a visit with her parents, has returned
to Parkhill. -Abram Disjardine looks
quite pleased these days. No wonder
a little son has arrived at his home.
Garfield Webb left last week for
Winnipeg, where he intends taking ct
position with his brother, Charles.
His many friends wish hits every suc-
cess. -Wood bees and parties are now
the order of the day. -James Hodgins
intends remodelling his barn next
summer and is now getting material
on the ground for it. -Sam Webb,who
has been laid aside for the past few
days with la grippe is able to be out
again. James Shaddock, late proprie-
tor of the Mansion House, Exeter,
spent the past few days here with his
father. Ile expects leaving shortly
for the \Vest. -Wedding bells will
soon be ringing. -Henry Hawker of
Moray, has Moved to his property
north of here and Wm. Gilbert has
moved to the house vacated by Mr.
Hawker. -John Houlahan of Stephen
who got into a quarrel with his broth-
er-in-law, Arthur O'Neil, of McGilliv-
ray, here a few weeks ago, which end-
ed in the former cutting the latter in
the neck with a jack knife, was fined
$3t). The wound was not a serious one.
\Vesley Brethour. after an extended
stay in these parts. lefta few days ago
for Hamiota, Man. -The ice Harvest is
over around here. -After a pleasant
stay of five weeks with friends in
Michigan John and Miss Verde Caulnl
have---I3ryon Ratcliffe is now
occupying J Sawyet's house and will
assist the latter for the coming sum-
mer. --Rev. C. C. Couzens of Salem.
and a former pastor here, preached
Epworth I eague anniversary sermons
here on Sunday. The day was very
stormy and as a consequence the con-
gregations were not as large as they
otherwise would have been had the
day been pleaeant, but those who at-
tended listened to very interesting dis-
courses. On Monday night the choir
and League held an "At Home.' A
large number were present and all en-
joyed the excellent tea. The address
by Rev. Couzens and the interesting
program was lunch appreciated by
all. The affair was a success. -
Miss Maggie Anderson has returned
home after four mouths' visit with her
brother in St. Marys. --Miss Beatrice
Batten is able to be out after her ill•
ness.-John Sutherland had a horse r►
injured by kick Thuredey night.-
IVill Ratcliffe is spending a few days
in Toronto. -F. Epplett of St. Marys
Sundayed with Jas. Murray. -Miss
Sere Anderson spent part of last week
with relatives in the Stone Town. - -Ed
I3, airs Nought a gray team for $4&)
and sold them for $475.
Iles. Crawford and daughter.
.Minnie, are in London consulting
physician regarding the latter'ehealth.
-Mr. Sol Pollock has been busy draw-
ing tile for draining purposes. --There
was no school in 9 9 No. 10, the lat-
ter part of last week owing to illness,
of the teacher, Miss V. M. Hodgins,
but we are pleased to note that she is
again on duty thisweek.--M►•. Stephen
Webb purchased a thoroughbred Dur-
ham cow and calf at Exeter last week.
-The little child of Thus. Baynhanr,
The Ideal Beverage
\ l'v.v ALE,
IstLttahle, full of
the rines 01 Malt
and hop;, and in
sparkling condi-
tion, is the ideal
Now when chemists announce its purity, and
judges its merit, one need look no further.
Highest Price paid for Grain
A Famous Sch
is recogonized to be one of the leading Commercial
Schools in Ontario. Our courses are thorough and
practical. Each department is in the bunds of ex•
periem'ed instructora. our graduates are in de-
mand and are meeting with ertat success. litany
leading Rosiness Colleges employ our graduates as
teachers. write for free catalogue You ma) enter
at anytime.
(Successor to Joseph Cobhledick) Principals.
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855)
Head Office,
Capital Paid 171,171,$3,000,000
Reserved Fund•'• , , • , • , , • e • • $3,000,000
OFFICE ILOL a.S 10 a. in. to 3 1' n,, SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m,
Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied on application.
DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange.
ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers .old Business Men at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
Saving Bank Department
osits of st and upwards received. Interest com-
a i pounded half -yearly and added to principal June 30th
s and December 31st.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON tt CARLiNG, Solicitors. N. D. IIUI:DON, Manager,
"Bay 'Maple Lear Robbers It von want a seal. smart, accurate tit."-Wireless-Wirelessfroth
'the old woman who lived In a shoe.•'
Light and pliable, becauso no wear -destroying adulterants are
mixed with tho finest Para gum.
Conform to tho shapo of tho shoo--givo a glove -like, accurate,
stylish fit. Stay in s:'apo. Wear long.
(Intended for last week
• tire of her acquaintance. She is sur-
vived by three sons and ttvo dangh•
ters. The funeral took plltre Sunday
IU t
"Just the
few days. -On Tuesday Rnh(n Cud- thing}" 1 week sees two more residents laid the frozen ground.
leiher ly, Africa, in the course of a I away to rest. We t•e(et tee Robert 1 --- - _
I Newell and 111'. Peter McNeughton, I
iler• husband is expected here from
mole, 'Will Sheppard and Hoot. nick. For a "bite at bed -tithe," ' The former had net enjoyed the hest of
e , p
ens left for s3;takatc nn, Sask. On Sat- health for some time, and on more .
entity fifteen of the young men feet at What could be better than a than one occasion et fatal termination '
the studio and had their photos taken. was feared, het he made ,t partial re -
We wi.h the yoeing men et et•y sur.- glass of mak and cover}. A few (ley,' before drat h he •
cess e.. 1 • 1
In their new w p -
h rhe. - ' • � took for U.tnle 1 t t k a change f pr the worse and soon
lecture. •'1'ncrowtled Kings" given in Mooney's ! his life's Hone ebbed away. Deceased
the 11eth,slist chili eh Monday evening who was in his 77th year, knew what,
was not very well attended, but those Perfection pioneer life and contribetcd tench to I
who were Firemen! enjoyed a treat.- the welfare of this country. Not only
.1. F. E. Patterson hie gone to Chat- Cream Sodas here but in 1 he neighborheod hi. dent ll
him where he 1)a8 :lerepted n positionis keenly fell as he was poasre.ed of
in the planing trill8. -The retrains of Canada's finest crackers, a good kind nature and whete'er he •
the late Mi., Christie Carr,whopassedwent hp woe many friends. The fon- l
away at London on Monday, after an from Canada's finest bakery. eras took place Thursday to the Hen- I
illneee of .eeeral year,, Wet t. brotuht Crisp, inviting, delicious. In
here for burial. the funeral taking
Wave Tts•sdety. .\ windier from here ( the a:r-tight boxes. that keep
were plea4{ntiv entertained ,at the
home of Mrs. Lull. \Valper, !lodger- _ them in faultless
vitt.'. .\147011 elle hundred were in at- c`_ Y condition.
tonelence. �eF
DEATH, •The weal v watching and
as+ieletnns car.. so 11111(.11 in evidenre of
late around the (''0 11 of sickness at
the home of Mks 11 ,!lin• Shoat re (sett
to he tie( es%uyore Fri.ley.and area her
new mound in Heroeell cemetery con•
vs•ya its sad lessen of ►naokind's inevi-
table des) 1»y. Iver sire. Hiss Sh ,art
was stricken with her illness she has
tereived the hest medical attendance,
and for the pito eleven week.; her
nurse, Mies Spar ks. WAS ever by her
bedside end in etre y way tried to
Your grocer
Rubbers needn't be
flimsy to be stylish;
needn't be clumsy
to be staunch
needn't cost more
to be better than
you've been buying.
sail I'nton ce•mt•tet y and was largely They give you
stir, 1^d. --firs. MiN,uughton'e death; nrnthlea'earfromeverypair.
occurred on Friday et the borne of her'
son, Ronald, heir here. For some I Look for the trademark.time she hit hied an affe•('t ion of 1 he e�-�(
heatt and that with the infirmities of 1 The Daisy Rubber People
old age lama/lit her eisefeel lite tee a IIii Berlin Ontario
r•lose in Ler ;nth year. Deceased wan
born in Perthshire, S.eetland, it, 1M'J3 One of
and wit( n beer peers of age 0 epee to the 209
('811141)8 with her parents. In le17 she; Daily
1 was married to eu Mr. McNghten, who! Stylse
predereesed iter lee yea re. In 18041 the I Ask
family mote 1 lee the 1201 rnnreainn of oar
Hibbert and int three ticinity she con• beale•r
tinted to treads• till 1,. r death. She
WAS a gess; neighleer,'i t1 ire friend andT a,evid
a loving mother. Her kindness of I storm
heart and genuine Christian cheraeter v.bber
entire red her 1re all who had the p1eae- toaide in lheriotettoe-,Nape to fit YOURshoes