Exeter Advocate, 1907-03-07, Page 2V1►:aKl'.!tiile BY I.t 4;nim'(:. Width and strength Regained Through lar. Whams' PINI Pilh. 'tee erne effectb of la grippe are more e oU8 than the disease itself. Its vic- 11:::: are: left low spirited and depressed; they are tortured with headaches and brckiachas; fever and chills. It leaves Vv. sufferer an easy prey to bronchitis, p;ieunionia, rheumatism and often that swot dreaded of all diseases, consume - Con. For the after effects of la grippe there is ani olutely no medicine can equal 1)r. Williams' Pink Piller. Every ciea helps make new, rich, red blood Ilett drives disease from they system, end rnelk is weak despondent men and vt • nen bright, cheerful and strong. Ms, Eugenie Donaldson, of St. Jerome, (Me., ftnmd a cure through (hese pills lifter other remedies had failed to help nee She says: '1 took to grippe and eli.l not seem able to ,.hake it oft. 1t tlev.•lope►l into bronchitis; 1 coughed Clay and night end grew so wink that 1 exwld hardly move about. I tried ee- reedy after remedy, but ss nothing vented to help rte 1 began to dread that enresumption was developing and that lay case was incurable. A friend word tar' to try 1)r. W il:iams' Pink 1'ills and following that advise I gut a supply. e'er 1w•, mo:,th: 1 look the pills faith- fully, following the directions given tar their use. 1 ani thunkful 1 did so for they fully r•estercel my strength and 1 Votive since enjoyed perfect health. I will riwave advise sick and ailing ►'e'o- 1'Ie t, give Ur. WtGiams' Pint: Ties trial for I firmly believe that Ihc r will itrul great benefit from (heir us.'.." R!rh, ria !teal is the one thing need- ed to maintain health and strength. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make rich, rel Mood. That is the reason of their great popularity in every country in the world. Thnt is why they cure anaemia, general weakness, rheumatism, neural- gia, indigestion, St. Vitus dance, partial paralysis and the ills of girlhonel and w oreanhoxi, with all its distressing heada-hos, sideactfs and barkachc's. See that you gest the genuine pills with tate frill nate, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People" nn the wrapper around each box. Soil by all medicine dealers el by mall at 50 cents a box or six hexes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams' Tiled/eine Co., Brockville, Ont. BANK IN THE WOODS. Parisian Em)av,ler Had n Ceche in the Bois de Vincennes. When serious shortngc>s were found in the eash of n Parisian bronze factory end when an employee harped lie was detected in buying Christmas presents for his family that were far beyond his means, the police did not make the blun- der of arresting hint at once. They al- ready knew That his habits were good; they were sure he was not spending tete fanny in gambling or other folly, so they set a watch on hint to sea what he net with it. They followed hint long and patiently, and at last one day he souk them out for n little trip into the Bois de Vincennes. ile wandered dawn the Royal Alley, wliilo the detectives i '.Aged behind hien from Tree to tree, and at last turned off to a group of oak trees some distance fmm the road. '1'itere the deteetivers saw him dig for a while, then rash his hands in the snow and snort on his return journey. The de- tectives, inspecting the trees, found crosses marked upon them. Some time after, on a second visit to the l;<)Le, the detectives closed in on Iles, masquerading as mere park guards. They found him scooping a hole in the ground and he admitted to Ihern that he was going to bury 1,000 francs in it. Ile said he wens hiding ft from his wife. The next day Ilio police made an ex- p"ditinn by themselves, awned with spades. They dug under all the trees marked with crosl.cs and they found al- iegelher 40,000 francs. 1t was divided in iots of 2,1100 filmes, eneli stowed in a pint wire Tuttle and neatly protected from t1;. 'lamp with sealing wax. The amount was meal 90 per cent. of the stolen money. Bee is awaiting Trial. L1:I'I'G1tS FiIOM MOTHERS. Every day we gel letters from mothers telling of the le nellt Ruby's Own Tan- k+. have been to their little ones. Some praise then; for constipation, stomach on 1 towel troubles; others for break- ing up colds and simple fevers; some es a great help to leelhing babies, while ethers go so far as to any that the Tab- iel• have saved their little one's life. We have thousands of lettere-all praising the Tablets, for they never do 'harm - atway 3 ljn'sl. Mrs. Robert 1'rerrt . Bell's: hated;. Ont.. writes: ' 1 would not be without Ilabye Own Tnb- Itts in the Meese for n day. When anything tit' my little one 1 give her a 'tablet and she Is soon alright. 1 em sure other mothers will Innd Ihern moor as satisfactory." Sold by dr•ug- eists or by mail at 25 cents a box, front The 1►r. Williams' Medicine Co., 13ro keine, Ont. " 1h. me!" sighed young !inflow. with 1. n e -! ern glance at the nbject of his ark, ti.m.: "1 eel so full of misery Dint 1 losserl and turned upon Inv feel last rioted and could not sleep:' "'You don't int remarked the hearties girl. "\N', ifs the matter with you, teethingT' Mo.1; ,n.•v "If ye load ten million , -. 1' , It. M. would ye lave It sal 11, \\ •.II. Oi vvouedn'1 lave 11 i.e •• I. ,r. kelt r,ie)a'r. • ye kin D() DDSs K I -CI N'EY AFSl•: KION- Y '. GNT.s kttUrIA SK.I►sj(� ti D�s.k01e18en puETEint g R, ►I'Se-f etWuasc : e : iv re K U 1 11 \.) 9 o WIIERE ASPHALT GROWS ABOUT TiIF. GREAT I'ITCII I.AKC OF TRINIDAD. One hundred Thoustaul Tons of As- phalt tire Taken From 11 Every 'Veer. The West IndIaie Island of Trintda 1 is but 1.111c kitovv a 4., Ilia majority e . people, and it will come as a surpris L, them to (earn that a great asphal. industry is carried on there. The asphalt may fairly be said !'o grow on 1112 is ariel. 1l is found claefy in the form of a great pitch lake, annul 114 ares in extent, wit •-h hes 011 the crest of a key beige. 136 feet at.ove the sea level. The aepear:'nce of this lake. and the formation of tide ground in tat' wicinay-the north -w e.ern portion f the island --shows that it has serif brought about by volcanic disturbance many centuries afro; and the pt:erwm- ena connected vvI:h the lake and the tlistrial de'nto+'stride that a but mass of i.ileh and mad is still seething below the surface. The basin of the take seems 10 he formed i» a manner that makes tate terra "basin' very elpprmprinte. Sound - 'trigs have proved that it is shallow 'round the edge and le -comes deeper tn- melyds the centre, while at the central point It is so deep that it has not been possible to touch bottom. The lowest depth yet probed is 140 feet, and it is the opinion of expells; that. the middle rt the basin is really a pit, up which the patch continually oozes. DUG IW IN GREAT BLOCKS. Ttie pitch in the lake, and otso That wh'ch conies through various Ilesurm in the neighborhor d, Ls mixed with cely material, and with mud; it hoydens, ro that it can to dug up in great bricks. A few ytars ago an American com- pany was formed to obtain a concession from the British Government to work this lake; and at the present time the annual output of asphalt by this com- pany is 100,000 tons. I he asphull is �h pped to all parts of the world, to serve As material for paving the streets. It is curious to n:ete the Cited of these excavations oe the surface of the lake; we fright alhtost say that the excava- tions 'tAs scout a. ll► tions Imo no effect. sc c 'work ceases on one of these excavations it beg ns to obliterate itself, and conte bark to Ihu origina) level. There is a slight closing in of the sides, and a general rising up of the bottom, cared by the surrounding pres- sure and a slightly -smiler mass under- neath the crust -like surface, and four rr five hours of midday sun will bring it beck to practically the some level, and as many .rktys will obliterate all (race of It. There Ls. however, a slight shrink- age in the bulk: the level of the lake Ls lowered by 6 inches for 100.0011 tons t, f asphalt taken from it. At this rote, the supply will last a good ninny years. STRAIGHT FROM LAKE 'f0 SIIiP. The Into is about a mile i•om the shore, so nio asphalt has first to be curled there, and then taken to the ships lying at nn,'hor in the road. At first, it was taken from the shore to the vessel in I:ghters; but a p1'r. 1,11X) feet 1 mg has been built, and the loads can now to carried in waggons rigid from Ilse lake to the ship. The work of digging and innding is perforated by the natives. They are a happy-go-lucky lot, content with very little, willing to accept any sort of shel- ter for the Leight, giving ne thought -f to -morrow. and being aroused to the necessities of life only when they are itungry. They are lazy by nature. and the only ckvernese they show is in the direction of dishonesty. An electric tramway ams all round the inky, anti lakes the load to n ter- tninal static n, not far from the shore. One toe -oilier feature of the lake is that (L is trnversrd by channels. cul- ling up the pitch into sections. 'These; channels are filled with water. wheee temperature Is often 1411 degrees Fnl►- rrnheit. rind serves the natives the dote 1.1e purpo'o of fish ponds and washing luta, The fists found in this warm water are eight or nine inches long, and pretty lively.-Penr<on's Weekly. --+ - i 1ttN1:n: GROWING POORER. tilali-i1 tom Reach 4 ,ittiu•ion Frons Decline in annual Athrrit:ntres Recent stalistias compiled by Alfred Renonard of Paris lend to the conclu- sion That the wealth of France is do - (lining. T he method of calculation which he line ndopted Is that of multiplying by 33 all 1110 property appraised in any given year for nm collection of the in- heritence. The theory Is That practically every Thing in the country changes hands by eletuise once in thirty --three years. or a generation. The average nnu.u►nt taxed as inheri- tance was allele $13,11110,(U) francs about the close ot tho 11, .t.)ratton period; it had increase! le 2,:4i0,0r)nexii iu l$4a; then 10 elet,000,l%10 in 15711, and to 6.930.1100,0110 en the average between 1591 and l89'e. 'fhLe indicate! Item the lelal national wealth at that periost was 204,IIMeiment in franc. or *15.G(o.000,n(10. tit 11re period between Istt6'r and 190). inch)sive, the average• annual amount pas`ih* by inheritance WI; G;it89.000,000 frolics. or a decline of I11.000.o00. from this it is ittduct,e..l that lite wealth of France decrea'^'l 14. OO,On/1,000 francs, nr $2.9011.000.Urr in chat period. Cicuige: in the law of inheritanee rine l.e :n I9)1 by complicating the aessees- toy i,' .1f property with derlu.:tions Per ,1, ; Ie.ut P •• eels' \1. Helmut -aril's method :,applicahle since then. • . ! • . gen that the decline has ,,,,e, -1• 1) gra-en more ritalkecl, _ ! u, bis of french capital to 110 Cu11sitt0ra ihnt the • , les for Il1e serious attention rn:)r rids Nilo I ...10 )8 : "1 4101)1 see what she vv anle'd to pearl y hint for. Ile lie. it cork leg. a glass eye. as well as a wig and false beth." Mis. Cavil • : "Witt, rev dear, you know w'10:4') alwav5 did hat• iAnita ing after r.ninante.'' THE 1'(.SRTNG OF THE LANCE. 1%as a Terribly Effective Weapon 11'ar In Ifs hay. Th^ ord'r lssue'1 r••• nl!y by Mr. IIIal..;r.n,' Pr HA War Monster, direct - trig hal 1•,r the fu tire 1)rnpoons turd Drag on Gua•ds we co' to '•:'-ry lances, even On a remotion! 1:etnd.:;, seems !e signify Idle a nd of this %%Allem. Ye!, uu its invention. i1 proved itself It 14 rrib!y ell dive one, Its Britain found .•► her crest on the day sll:• first !weenie acquainted w Ili i1. This took place at fir ' ha tie of A!1 uhera. Napo con, with his keen eye for the esigenri.'• of mililar' sert:ee, had aimed with it. as to ex:•d rirnent, four o' tits cavalry re.'imen'1 • and these, 1:0'ler cover of n heavy storm of rain, s' cceeaed in slr'•oar► line! and envelop- ing an m1'ortivtnle Pril,s') infantry kit- ten -le at- tn{i-rt, the old 3n1 Fnet. better known lie haps as "'the Buffs." What lr•Powed was little bolter than a nlassu're The bayonets of our men were relined cies useless as so many darl- ing -needles when of'po Mit to site new v.earon under thi etre uuulonees in which the "fluffs" found themselves. and in less than fifteen minters the unlucky rcgeneet had censtd to exist, its tole! toes amounting io G64 oflicers and men. After leis dreadfe►1 enlnstrophe the lanee carne into general use, rind the British cavalry soon grew exeeestingly proficient in its use. Even now it is a terrible weapon when u_e'd against a flying or de'nora'ized foe; it fad which was ateinetantly proved nt Iitandslaagle, where ih•' 1.'incer , n'eted by the Imperial Light (for e, role through and through the retreating Boer cnnirnnndo s, an,1 changed in a few minutes the retreat Into a rout. 4.1 ZAM-BUK SAVES Do Your Children Cough in the Night? What mother', or lather's heart has not leaped in a Ilton throat when they Gave bee'u suddenly atvakeled in the nlitht 1i that hard and prolung.wl, r that 'emNher.tsg, chr,klitj, croupy cough Thal betokens the ;nest serious results unless ret,eved at 4In•ri What shut( I d.•'! is the l rst Ihnught. and without en eile•five and r.11ut.:J. remedy at hand the child may suffer or die before relief can be given. BLOOUM'8 OLTSFOOT -EX PEOTORANT 14 a quick :.ud abeotulcly cafe, re:ladle and .'ett:On care for alt fomes of Cough, Cott, tt, Serre 'Throat. l.agrippr', (:roup, Whooping Cough, tlroceh,tts. Asthma and all 1rr,laMd and inflamed reeudlhmns tit' the throat or ellen!. 1t will gave every mother many n sleepless, anxi- nus night. and the "hiklren as well as adults many an hours suffering and ;Hine s I •• r text h.en su?Myra for o►.r two month' with t»obeiwM e'utl. rs h.ad sb.. rev t I'e glrL 1 o festal .e.s.uJ , em•Ai.e e.,ru ta•.n 1, an�r rag eta* withrut oktatnius say apyar e.t rsll.t, is !tit we, were ge.•wisg worse. 1 Kist a bottle ,A ! Idsofwte Kxpeet..erut !cute ay .Ira�'aist ao.l fn• $d. of two dove th..wuRb w& eurni, ssd tM rr s•lisec•perm•sest&WI rapid that we dreaded te+ keep ilnIt.for'te ltapert'ranl in sur Ilene acre tenyW)ty•" Ito Jogai' PALM- 4. $tatima, Ottawa No house should be without It. It is the greitesl !tartly uwdicine for these lroub'crs the 'world has prorluer'cf. 1(w•p 11 on hand. II is a never -failing !lineal. AFARMER'S ARM rd at yreni• yen:el'. S(l'.fI SENitTION.t1. PROOFS OF ITS HEALING POWER. • Every day brings iulerest(ng irlstnne's to light c1 the wonderful healing power of Zarrelluk, the herbal balm. Mr. Win. Snell, a Langenburg, (SSask.), farmer, says: "1 saved my arm by using %ant- !uk. I had a terrible scaltling ucc•ident and the arm alter lite injury 'took tate wrong way.' When 1 started to use Zana-iluk it was all swollen up and discolored, and i feared it would have lc come off. In a few days %ant -Bute kilted the poison, reduced the swelling, and finally herded ttie arm completely.' IiC.%F:NA CIiItED. Mr. J. E. Cusick, of 34' Wilton St„ Hamilton, says: - "Every winter 1 tiw•d to have eczema cr. the Lack of my hands. Last winter I as especially bad --so bad that I had I.: ler off work for three weeks. While suffering acutely I was advised to try %rata -Iliac and did so. I could not have believed anything ,could have healed so quickly! It justiT etncd to dry up and clear away the sores. and in a wonder- fully short lime my hands were quite curer(." PILES CURED. Mr. Neill Devon, ot \\'ebbw'ood (Ont.), says: -"For eight years I tried all kinds of things for piles, but got nothing to do ale any good until 1 sty:Ick %arn-Ruk! That quickly worked a complete cure'." %am-Ruk heals all skin diseases, cuts and bruises, a ietna, scalp sores, ulcers, chapped places, Spring pimples, sero - (ultras ailments, poisoned wounds, swol- len glands, boils. As an embrocation it cures rheu►natism, sciatica. etc. All dr•ugg sts and s'ores sell at 50c. a box. o'• from %anrlluk Co., Toronto. 6 boxes for $2.50. Send lc. stamp for dainty trial box. PROOFS TO HAND. Indignant Landlady -Why have you been declaring to everybody that my coffee i5 very poor, Mr. Grouch:; Grouch -i have grounds for the asser- tion, madam. Rnrl.er !who is shelving, lnslnunlingly): "l aur hair nerds culling badly, .ir." Cuslolner (testily): "Well, 1 don't know anyone who can cut it worse Than you1' The Salvation Array is estnblished in 52 countries and colonies. and preaches the Gospel In 31 languages. Atere Den rtred.d in Ib. bl,wnl nt poi., ree down people. •' Yerrorir•,•• the test tonic. will put it tilts. At all general store. and Druggists. The most expensive wedding-brenklnst was that nt Mr. John Jacob Aster's wed - d ng in iltel. it cost $50,($)0, including $1u!x10 for floral decorations. Pains, like the Poor, are Always Wit.. Us.- That portion of man's life whish is not mode up of plensure is largely composed of pain, and to be free from pain is a pleasure. Simple reme- dies are always the fest in treating bodily pain, and a safe, sure anti simple remedy is Dr. Thomas' F.clrclric Oil. 1011 cannot do wrong in giving it t triol when required. A Ime..ical journal has nn elaborate article for amateur vocalists, "I low in Begin to Sing." How to get them to leave off when they once begin is stall an unsolved problem. Like • bed habit a 'kin dt'case grows. Scrods• bey b•tm.,re enema a,..l s11 erupti'"re may M find with w'a'vers (erste, lava -sow lotereally by t)OA, ear t Syrup All lrruggists CLOCK W 1111 GI. .'t' S WOIi) S. A seventy -year-old glass-blower of Ther•csintal, in Bohemia, has just 00m. pleted x m- pletetl a wonderful clock, which Ls now being exhibited. With the exception of the springs. the whole clock is inado of glass. and it has taken him six years to complete it. The clock suggcists a table- 1'imp in shape. The unique work has rtnrncled much attention. and the old roan has been offered large attar fOr 11, but ref'i?is to sell. 1:1101) 111)i1 4)1.D AND Yi)IiNt3, I'EftrEI:T1.1 11:18\ILl , CHILDREN [AVM IT. Teething Babie are saved enftering-and alotheru given rest -when one osis Nerses'aaa Mothers' Treasure Quickly relieves -regulates the bowels - preveuts convulsions. Used so years. Absolutely safe. At drug-atores, use. 6 bottles, >)1'4b, Nattoua1 Daus !k Chesirel Co., Vaulted, 80ie Proprietors, Montreal. 4t CLOVES KILL INSECTS. Cinnamon Is Also (lard OnMicrobes-- Use of Essential Oils. The ordinary perfumes of everyday life have a distinct use in the destruc- tion of tnicrobis, and this is especially the case with some of the essential oils which are used in -cooking and in n►edi- Cine. Cinnamon, which is so universally used for flavoring, will kill some microbes within a quarter of an hour, and it has long been reputed as advan- tageous in the destruction of the bacillus of typhoid while still out of the Lody-- perhaps a very different thing from the bacillus when it is inside our anatomy. Cloves, loo, can destroy some speci- mens of bacteria in rather more than half an hour, and the coronion wild ver- bena has a similar action in about three- quarters of nn hour, while geranium flowers have a similar action, though it takes rather longer to develop it. t Impurities in the Blood. -When the ace: n of the kidney's becomes intpnired, inipuri1les in the blood are tilmost sure 1 • follow, and general derangement et the system er suec, i'armelee's Vege- table Pills will regulate the kidney's, Eo that they will maintain healthy action and prevent the complications which rcrininly come vv hen there is derange• trent of these delicate organs. As a re.tnrnlive 4hese fills are in the first rank. Teacher : "\Vhat is it neat Lees make, Tommy'?" '1'ninn.y : "Sore spots, rnn'anl.'• "A Oreve yard Cough" is tb* ery of andante lunge for mercy. ;lire them Ale...Lang Balsal. which 0 u..d with gout) edict Sass art cantina,* (lou'• early •tap. _`- \Vine I 'Why do you say s:o positively that n pian can't do wrong in marrying widnw 7" Wigg : "Why', it's plain enough Rent if a man martins a widow, he' don't marry amiss." Many patent medicines have conte and gone, but Vicki's Aili-t:onsuregeee Syrup continues to occupy n foremost place among rerriedite ter coughs ani colds, rind as a preventive of decny r 1 the lungs. It i$ n standard medicine that widens its sphere of usefulness year ey year. if you are in need of something In rid yourself of a cough or cold, you cannot do better than try [tickle's Syrup. REGRETS. Iter Husband -1f a man steals - ne matter what it is -he will live to regret it, Ilia W'if••-During our courtship you coed to sten{ kisses from me. tier Ilusband-Well, you heard what 1 said. BROOKS' NEW CURE Pooh' Aeetesee. N • w FOR Usceverr. Weedeetal Ho Otrawamera •1111esas or peds. Automatic Air (earlobe. N aas sad draw tvart•topettase es}M.ek.e br. wiete ▪ soma iab Po .auw• Ili ae►.Pat s 't O. C (t.S1SOS$► sees a•.raimra IOW IIINDOO MEDICINE Surgical instrulazo1s Used Long Salon the Christian Era. Da, 11.n !o r had u knowledge of tette medicine and surgery. An English writ- e• . t.uws 111;.1 surgical irtelnunent$ et.'. u -eel in India before the advert( et AIto and°r. 'f hey were more numerous Mau (hose tried to -clay in England. Ile :.iso sales that 103 years before the Christian era the, limdcos perf'rmed lust as good operations as (hose -per- forated to -flay m Great 141 stain. A! that epoch Susruta showed that surgery utas the first and highest of the healing ort, and the (east liable to futlwr'y, that 11 was purr in itself, urlapfrvachablo m its appticieelity, a worthy product rt (leaven, ttni it sure source ui fame on earth. Dinrl',<) nuencin' is include, in the writing \'agrdasasllr. Their e•oncPp- Iemn of disease, {{,�s that of all A'iati, people, is lire c'finl:noel struggle be- tween good and bad, right and wrong, the deaf cit 11►e former resniti'tg iri the disea e. Scare of the r medical philoso- phers ce:neeive.l the idea That disea.',e- 1, the tr•ult nt a conflict between the glues which circuiree in the veaseei t the holy. Hinttuo surgery may be di- vided into pry-Brahrrianic or the pee• 1::eldhistec period. which is inlhitneed peneivatly l y supertsl(lion, and post- /nahmanic, vvh'dI is the epoch of phila- t.cphy. 5urg I_v 1kt:►rished ill (lie latter fermi. The ' Che'rake Club,-' of New Yell:. has for its object filo study ,1 ll:rniu surgery. In their wars military 104 germs iiecnnll'anicd the armies to IIIc bailee field. The greatest skill in ancient :••11; fiery was displayed In the operator •if 1•hino:)insly. 1t is also said 11 al the Milano later perferred Iapero- ionees. The N:ndon possessed a mar- velous ointment which Male tate scars of vurecea d'.supperer. They also ireated u.eeessf rlly Hies of venomous serpents. STREETS TS 1'A\'ED V.'lT't1 GOLD. 1.dera!Iy, floe streets of Gundnlainra, Mexico, urs' paved with gold. Gold and silver to Ili r value of *6,000 says the Mining 11 view of La. Angeles, has just been decoveeed in the asphalt pave- ments laid there in the last two )'ears by the Mexican Asphalt Paving Com- pany. In the) repe.ralioti of 111,a r1svl+all mixture Ih2 (' i 1pnny used taiangs from old Sransh and Mexican reduction works in the Et/ellen district. A few days age A hig shipment est I:d,lings was revived 1. r additional were, aur wholly though curiosity the c:'mpany's local nnlnng.'r tind a number ref nssays made. These revWed that the tailings aver- r.ec $1.'' a ton in gold and silver. A!- rrady nboul 4(1(1 Ions of tailings have beets used in paving construction. Beim yea flat Pea - An sit ail shriek is take OYt. i ■ • seise, .1 fairies styles s a d a sizes 1.r wem.■, a.■ -alai & th.a, tail & mamma by you erica thelta `Aeallh and Viper depend open IQs quality •ad Q■Mtity of Ike Wood"- Itrmsatlmi■a. Dr. Carson's Tonic Steaaach end G.nstipattas Batts A Purely V tab(• Took and BI Purifier. Price int coats per Bottler Ir ars met able M .asai ■ ft le your drew Owe *Miles apse rw.besileed. we Will seed yt el OMs DOL1,Af (las. per Weis) carried' 100111061ed Mat IMO M s prey few TM Careen 1Wi01M Qa=� 87 We1Mninen St. West. - "Queen City" i been fists we M,eeb. Ian -ia L brew des • pe'•e Oriasws lose --irve4iisdrd s ae:kha l the bet quakes, el bili. S2wa GPO . • alhmyers heir. 1"".75.,,="" .0L4 your groin 1.r The Carlrpbelt Campbell's milting Torsos. Co.> ; 0isa. Qu een City onwr-LATe9T neter(tt CRAZ% -Ails, SPRING BLOOD TROUBLES r.tr,.w(.,eBafoe workeea aaodliat ser rho% . daily' e at once for partiewtars befor il rom.so•eekt get' ysarterritory. Central Hopp), DILE 1\ti C.LF' Alt TI{F 5K{\ ()F Co.' Dept. J, SG7 Blames/ street, Loudon. Out, PIMi'I.F:S. Humors and Fntee.' .lies in the blood force their way to the surface in the Springtime and COW.' erupt inns itilr1 un• sightly sores. Nature has provided a remedy in B,hnns. which are p:eie.c.nt 1. lake. not unplensnnt in operation. allot are pure:y vcge'tulilc in composition. women with skin motehes and erup- t'ons should prove how speedily Rileans remove theca. One or two Bitenns talc - (11 just before relining foc tate night - that is all! Morning sir kness. d.Li!ity, led'gesti' n, biliousness, heartburn, head- ache, const.pulion, piles, and female rilinenk all disappear before a short course of Rileans. All druggists and Mores at 5') cent# a box, or from Bit - can Co.. 'Toronto. for price. G t.oaes sent fare $2.50. Send lc. stamp fur tree eanrpi' . 4 NO'r CLEAR. llld Roardrtlnn-"I ant afraid of the coffee et yeas r house." landlady -"Your fears are ground- [1111()1)ETOURS Press Vas to $M'. Pe, pr.,trarrrue, write Rev. Dr. Withrow TORONTO. STAMMERERS The ARN3TT AMMO!) .. tke only too. cal nsith d lav lbs cure .f Stamm tries. It treats tk0CAuSe. est essrely the HAfIIT. and lasers' ■aarnt.•seek. rasepkl.t, pas - Oculars sad references stet .a request. THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE BF.RJIN, ON T, CAN. . • write t ' 3E/ W. eh) will yea poison your systems with take ane triune whse fermate trouble skald be treat.!' It:cc," as yea urge{ treat a sem lister. Old Rcardman-"My fears may be but •T AT Tal! MAT k Tee MIM( the coffee iso l." ' The "amanateator- is a 1.oa1 remedy easily. au pled by ,ourself. sbat two swots a Say an ize guaranteed absolute aMM./ttc It 1 is r.. or A Cure for Itheumatism.--The lntru- x:on of uric aeld into the blood vessels is n fruitful rause ret rhetimatie pairie. This irregularity is owing to a deranged and unhealthy condition of the liver. Anyone subject to this painful affection will Innd a remedy in Parrnelec' s Vege- table Pills. '('heir action upon the kid- neys is pronounced and most beneficial, and by restoring healthy action, they correct impurities in the Meet. ENI;IieY. "Energy in a roan," eaid Uncle Eben,'is like ',team in the Wrier. 11 tl w•nrks right it runs the engine. and if it works w rang of makes an explosion." Whit sa'.trl4 be Fairrat.e P sr.rytklnR Iksa oars. w hat shield are lefsrsett.a ! l'k. Ill 6 .* I Mbos Ousters ;n g' i._ i s meet., muscae Twenty-eight millions of people at. tended the Paris Exhibition of 16t3:r. Mother. Graves' Worm Exterminate:• has the largest sale of any similar pre- paration sell in Canaan. 1t always gives satisfaction' by restoring health te the little folks, i)() YOU KF.N 7 Laird : "Wee(. Macalister, andhave you found any of those strayed sheep yet 7" Alncolister : "Ynss. But 1 wM finding theca all again, sir, whalevver. And 1 dol find two by itself and one Ingether, and three among one of Macpherson's r THIS AGE. Diener ,nr : "Profascnr. ;speaking a. MITI thinker and a maof silence. what to'ild you can Mac age of the world?' 'ilii Peekssor : "1 should call it the e'er short age.' tom sad *dodos.. .sd ilr s rehI'*M th.s cnuI er woen who did sot dream of bele witt.r�ut lb. dJee.f a sasge a Tries $1 t0 per bo ale, sent repaid te any address 1. Canada Telt IMAwOJPATOA CO.. 1St Tonle W., Tercet., C(naua Aguas stains/ M err Row. TOO UF.5lTi1Y. "What an un,nhlresling person that Mrs. Lotlerhy IL" "she ough' not to be se. SA. has tratelkd enough and seen enough to Make her very interesting.' "1 know. but she never seams to live anything the melee with her." It Is only nereseary to res'i the tes- timonials to be convin'ed that tlrlin- Way's Corn Cure is turqual:eed ler ant 1•entoval of earns. warts, etc. 1t ccmplele extinguisher. 1S it NOT IN HIS CLASS. Rear -'What made your brother hack out of that wnstlma match he was to have with the groat unknown." Rabbit --The great unknown proved to be the porcupine." Dear Mother Your iptr one, a:e a constant ears b Fall and Wetter weather. Fbey wit catch cold. De you know •ba.t Sh,Iott'e Cot s irrpteet Curr, ,t,- l.'tng'1-onrc, ctrl inlet it has d:.6: for to raspy ? it is furl to be the only reLab!r re::vi y fur all der'a•rs of the air I.,rsng-t in children. It It Ahsnlslriy l.arrnt- a and pkatant to take. Itis guaranteed to ere of year melte, 1. rrtvnri. The pr.r it lir. per heal•_, and all Dealers in r•etbone ar41 ;.4 SHILOH Title remedy rio'Jd be in every houtohe.ld. ff GE FENCES "rule of IlIgh Cotten Wlre,-we11 prove it to rets COrLtm-aN MuIMMM. The mate. 1t Still stranger In torsi:;. lt stays teat Paint.d aims •YR Wavy toe lig PAWL W1 .L rENCZ COMPANT. LINIITsa. WEAR BEST �t�a4afni R ars 0. ft:reriets.MA lrt,lem to are;) It. Ira4a all is .'tee eye -as 7a IsaNt.. Get S11Mtrats.d booklet and lar; prices 1.•. (•w. h•,yeng Weaiseeeelais. Tomato. fl8matr..1. ell. J.iha. WLan4Jt•i