Exeter Advocate, 1907-03-07, Page 1- Phone 25-- Advocate When you want ANY- THING that an up-to-date printing office can do. Lat- est styles, newest types, promer. cenek. eight Long Distance Phone. TWENTIETH YEAR. of EXETER, ONTARIO, TIIURSDAY, MARCH 7. 1907. The Sovereign Bank of Canada Head Office Toronto dolph Macdonald, President A. A. Allan, Vice -President D. M. Stewart, General Manager Capital Subscribed $ 4,000,000 Capital Fully Paid $ 3,998,000 Reserve Fund $ 1,255,000 Assets over $25.000,000 General Banking Savings Department Interest credited quarterly JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, Zurich and Dashwood, GLADMAN & STA:NMI:BY, Solicitors. The Old Reliable AS I WAS SAYING!, "Those Silk Waists at Carling Bros. are the best 1 have ever seen for the price. It's the universal verdict." Every one who can judge value can see them sticking out. of our stock in all directions. We can't subdue them. They fly up and bit you bard when you least expect it. We know the power of prices and take advantage of it in marking our goods. Ladies' silk waists in the latest and newest etyles. Embroidered Linen and. Lawn Waist Ends LOVELY GOODS (ILOVES • A yery choice line of Gimes. Lengthy Gloves in 1114.)k and White Silk, Lace and Lisle Thread. Ladies Fancy Vestings, in White and Colored. Fancy Gingham!' and Mastitis. We have never shown a nicer assortment ot Valencennem, Torckon Laces and Embroideries than we are showings at the present Time. Gents' Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Fancy Printings, in plain and stripe. Gents' Hard Piccadilly Brand Thoroughbred Caps. The latest out. (ients' Shirts fts plain stripe, Fancy Fronts; also the C HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. ..CARLING BROS. Irroteoslotial Cards. DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L D S., D. D. S. DENTIST Member of the R. C. D. S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: Over Dickson & Carling'. Law Office, in Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., 1). D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto UM enstv. DENTIST. Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Office over Olielnian & Stanbuo's office, Main street Medical A F. MALLOY, M. B. (Tor. Univ.) MEMB 4,4‘ 13.• College of Physioians and Surgeons, Ontario. Former Muse Surgeon Toronto Western llotpital. Roccespor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on Int street north of °Mee, Exeter. Ontario. Lesal. Intel/30N k CARLINO, BARRISTERS, SOLICI• A/ tors, Notaries, Coneeyancers, Commiesioners. Illetlettors for if olsons Bank, etc. Money to Loan at lowest rate, of interest. OilIces, Main street, Einer, 1. R. CLIIL1/40, B.A., 1. 11. I/KARON MONEY TO LOAN. We have i large amount of pric ate fonste to loan • farm and village properties at low rates of inter GLADMAN k STA NISURY, Barristers, Solicitomilain st.„ Euler On William Brown S. Hardy, Auctioneer For the County of Ituron. All orders promptly at- tended to if left at the Advocate or his store. Cedar Posts for Sale First-- lass cedar posts for sale. Apply at residence. John Wilson, Centralia. Sale Registers. FRIDAY, MAIL a - Farm Stock and Implements, the property of Iloratio Reynolde,Eib Lot 20. N. B. Steph; n; sale at 1 o lock. E Bossenherry, aut. Farm Labourers and Domestics 1 bait 1 ten appointed by the Dominion Govern• meat to place immigrants from the United Kingdom In 1.oeitions ti lam' labourers or domestic seri ants in this %Irina). Any 14-11.1t1 requiring such help should notify lee by letter stating full) the kind of help required, when wanted and wages offered, The numbers arriiillg may net be snflIcient to supply all rcqueste. but ei try effort will be made to provide each applicant with help required • DONALD McINNIS, Canadian Government Employment Agent, Exeter Notice. WIIF.itEAS application was made to Parliament of Caned.' at it. present senior; to inserleurate a Com- pany under the name of "The Stratford and St. Joseph Radial Railway Company." AND WIIF.REAS the Bill for incorporatirg *aid Compani w a. not entertained by the Senate otCan• ada on the ground that the purposes for which the incorporation of the said Company was fdaYed f",• erne excluenely • within the jurisdiotion of the I Proeincial Government of Ontario. NOW KNOW YE that notice i. hereby given that Is app it ion will be made by the tin.l. reigned to the Legislatii e Assen.hly cd Ontario at the present sec - Prof. Diploma of Royal In- orporated Society of 'ion thereof, for an Art to if, erplate a Gempanv t England; Organiet of Trivitt Memorial under the name of "The Stratford and St.. Joseph 0 Chnrch,Eseter. nano. Ofiren• llarmony arid IbcorY Radial Railway Company '' with power to construct, " 01 musk, Term. on applbation. &tette ont. equip. maintainer'', operate a line or lines of rail. e - - see I of standard or other guage with electrie, 111/3. t To Buy Horses line or anv other kind of motive power, for the con• Exeter School Report. Fellowing is the report for Fele Jr. Teachers.-F'Clegg 74, B Sten man 73, H. ‘Vorknian 73, W Triehn 00, M Coward 68, £ Taylor 67, D Th ling 65. Jr. Matriculation. -M Boli 57, E Goetz 49. N. on roll 18, events{ 15.-L.C. Fleming, teacher, Senior div. -B Mack 78, J Oestreic er 74,1 Ferguson 69. No. on roll 34 average 30.1.--S. L. Gregory, Teethe Commercial. --A M Howard 00(short- hand and typewriting) M McTaggart 68, V Rowe (IL E McKay 64, S McCoy 62. Jr. -E Oestreicher 64. Form I.- A McMahon e2, J Taylor 78, I Maroh- and 77, W Amos 75, F Hunter 75, E Wark 70, R Hooper 70. A Dow 70, 1) Stewart68, L Snell 08, (3 Pickard 67, W Birney 67, E Copeland 67. B Munn 65, A Pickaid 65, L Heywood 04, R Dougall 62, J Monteith 621 No. on roll, Commercial 10; Form 1.-35; average 43.-A. M. Johnston; teacher. Sr. IV. -H Carling 78, A Bissett 75, G Ford 75, C Making 74, B Boyle 73. 0 Wood 70,E Heideman 70, V Johnston 68, E Wood 65. M Charlton 64. T man 03, R May61. Jr. IV. Jones 72, L Rowe 67, L Grieve 66, W Fuke 65, 11 Sweet 60. No. on roll 36, average 31. Chas. Tebbutt. teacher. Sr.- 111.-W Stewart 82, C Wood 80, P Gubr 77. (;:Pickard 70, L Boyle 76, L M Frayne 76, R Bissett 68, Young Creech 61. Jr. III. -W Ferguson 71, 1 Hardy 72, A Jackson 68, W Heideman 63. No. on roll 51, average 44. II E Walrond, teacher. Sr.IL-J Seldon 08, A McKay 97, N Jones 94, M Jones 94, I Sweet 92, R Fleming 89, E Harvey 88, L Marchand 88, B Quance 85, R FIvrin 87, W Man- son 84, L Ford 82, B Walker 82. L Har- vey 80, It Rowe 78, E Hurdon 76. Mid. IL -G Gardiner 88, J Foltick 82. E Day 76,A Day 75. No. on roll 50, average 44. Elsie A McCallum, teacher. Mid. II. -J Craig 89, M Stuallaconabe 87, M Senior 83, J Brickwood 83, W Kydd 80, M Heywood 70. G Richard- son 75, L Handford 00, E Keyes66. Jr. II.- M Seldon 83, I Delve 80, F Wood 70. Sr. Pt. I1. -.P Jackson 85, El Mc - Falls 70 Jr. Pt. II. -A Johns 89, G Fitton 87, D Kuntz 86, G Ford 86, J Bagshaw 70. Pt. I. -M Neil 75, I Eas- terhrook 75, A Mitchell 65 No. on roll 39, average 27.-M V Martin, teacher. Sr. 11.-W Mitchell 94, M Case 87. B Hodgert 80, E Harney and H Par- sons 85, A Bell 00, M Hicks 68, Fanny Bowey 68. Jr.II.-M Huston 80, F Neil 77, J Ferguson 74. No. on roll 41, aver- age 90.-F W Howard. teacher. that Rev. Urquhart has almost reco erect front his illness. --Miss Evely Horton was this week visiting in th village. -Word has been received of the death of Dan McKay, brother of e- George T. McKay, uf this place. The er 1- er e h- r. v• Winehelsea e Mr. Dan Coward is busy getting the material on the ground for the purpose of raising his barn. to make more stable rootn.-Our village is certainly in need of an up to date blacksmith. -Dame rumor says that DF r.Ferguson of Toronto, formerly of Kirkton, is about to hang out his shingle in Crone arty. No doubt many of his old friends will he glad to know that he is within reach of the/le-The gentlemen that worked so faithful at the Winchelsea open ditch last fall are thinking that the oysters ought to be soon on the way. -Robert Robinson is on the mend, but very slowly,we are sorry to say.- Chas. Godbolt has rented his farm to Wm. Snell for another yeer.-The Ladies' Aid of the Eliniville church have decided to:hold a tea meeting at Easter. Particulars later. -Mr. Fen- ton Brown, who has been working in Strathroy, called on frieeds here prior to leaving for Petrolea, where he has secured a yearly position. -M. Clarke was in London on business Saturday. -A number people attended the Chos- en Friends' oyster supper Friday night at Ellenville.-Miss Almene Heywood spent Monday at her home here. -The annual meeting of the creamery was held Wednesday and was largely at- tended. young man has been working in Min- nesota but the particulars of his death are not known. Mooresville Mrs, J. V. hlillaort of Whalen visited friends around here during the week. -Frank Ryan, who has been ill, is, we ate pleased to state, on the mend. -.Wellington Whiteford and wife were in London Saturday. -March certainly came in like a lion. A regu- lar northwest blizzard raged Saturday night and all day Sunday and quite a large amount of snow fell. Not many ventured out those days. -Mr. Cox, a student of Huron College, London, oc- cupied the pulpit in St. James' church on Sunday. -Frank Londesborough, after a three months' stay in this vi- cinity, leaves this week for North Da- kota -We learn that some of our fair sex will leave shortly for the West.- James Neil Spent a few days in Lon- don this week. -Mr. Hamil, after a two months stay with Mrs Marshall Miller left Thursday for Muskoka.- Miss Ella Simpson, who was visiting her grandmother and sister at Exeter, returned home Thursday. -Mrs. Bebe Clark ;went to Lendon Tuesday owing to the illness of her daughter and son - in -lase, Mr. and Mrs Thos. Gray. -Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Miller went to Lon- don Monday evening to attend the golden wedding of the former's par- ents which took place Tuesday. -Mrs. Miller, while on a visit to Guelph met with a painful accident. She was be- ing driven to the station and in some way the rig upset, throwing Mrs. Mil. ler out, sustaining a broken shoulder bone. She is at present staying at the home of Mrs. Geo. hillier. London. She intended returning to Manitoba, but Ibis unfortunate affair will necessitate her remaining a few weeks longer. Oronhyatekha Dead. Dr. Oronhyatekba of Toronto, Sup- reme Chief Ranger of the Independent Order of Foresters, died at Savannah, Ga., on Sunday of heart failure from which he had been suffering for sever- al years. He was a remarkable man and his wonderful executive ability has placed the L 0. F. on a sound fin- ancial basis. He had been Supreme Chief Ranger since 1881. Dr. Oronhyatekha was a pure blood Mohawk Indian, tern in 1811 at the Indian reservation near Brantford. Ile struggled hard for an education and on the visit of the Prince of 'ales, now King Edward, in 18(10, be attract- ed the attention of the Prince, who took him to England to complete his education at Oxford. Ile practised medicine in different parts of Ontario and finally gave up his practice for fraternal work, at which he made such a success that his meta! has become a household word in Canada and United States. Klippen Meesrs. W. Jas. and W. Jno. Mor- row, of Larieviere, Man., who have been visiting at the home of A. Mc- Gregor left for their Western homes Tuesday, carrying with them a vision of the fairest province that the sun shines on. -The box social held in the hall here Friday night WAN very well attended considering the very incle- tient weather. The program was ex - ellen t, the young people of the sec - ion taking it large par t in it. A Wes - ern lad again has the honor of buying he highest box. -The new store of elfour & Caldwell is almost complet- d and they are now tn noving in.- Ar - le. Dignan and bride left. Friday ev- fling for theit home in the West. he best wishes of this community dIw thein. --We ate pleased to hear wish to armour), e that 1 will be in Exeter on Sat- urday of tach week to buy all damn of hor0.. They mast he in good condition. and the hightee market erka w in te paid. T. E. II Feet. Ontario Liquor License Act Lioense District of South Illiron. Notoe is here- by gii en that John blel.aise.. of the Village of Credaton, has made application for permission to transfer his TownshiR tavern Benne for the premise., in the %Mage of Creditor'. known as the Royal 'el, to Henry. Redfern of the Village of Look . County of Northumberland. and that said 11 n will be considered at the meeting of the n of Urease conenissionereto to herd at Schael. fees Ilotel, In the Village of Kippen. on the Sth day of Mir 1n. Keet', at the hour of to am All per -n. interested will govern themselves a.-• cordingly, John Torranoe, Licenn Inspector bated at linton. 90, Ibth •lay of Feb., l00. TH E N KW WAY-- Take HOWEN-8 CURE -A - COLD CAPSULES The ! W. S. Howey, Phm. B 1 • core a 1.1-sr-i.cerk bni 141 ' opt Exetet. veyance ar passengers and freight from a point or points at. in or near the City of Stratford, In the Cunt) et 1 erth, than -e westerly to or near AVOlp ton, In the Township of Downie; thence to or near Fullerton and Russeldale in said County of Perth through the tovsn.hip of Fullerton; thence to or near Farquhar, in the 'Township of (*shortie. thence to or roar Exeter, In the township of Stephen: theme in a ',or -Merle dire -tion, to or near Ileneall, in the tow re ehip of Ila; thence westerly to or near Zona) and to St. Joseph, in the Township of Hay; thence t.auth• trly to Grand Bendin the Township of steptare or from Exeter westerly through the most mtivenient placet to St. Joseph and from St. Joseph to Grand Bend; them -e to Parkhill. In the towhship of West Williams, to conetruct. topiip, maintain &nil operate bran. -t, line, and alt beet4%,111'y bridge,. roads, ways and ferries; and to cometruet telegraph and telephone . lines in connection with said railway and branches and to transmit messages for eommercial purposes and to charge tolls therefor. and to generate elec. trieity few the ripply of light. heat and power and to enter into agreements with any elee trie or power Company for the temporary of obtaining the trans mission of electricity, sod to acquire and hold stork In othe r Companiesand to acquire and di elop Auction Sale -OF-- Farm Stock, Implements Household Effects Etc,. LOT 21, TH NI Em BOA I), UM11()IINE on TUEtil)A!)". NIA11411 19th, '07 at 1 ,,'clork sharp The following property, vie: lloRSEA- 1 mare, 11 years old with foal; 1 driving horse. to en. old; 1 driving mare, 10 yean old with foal; 1 deicing colt, 3 yr*. old. esTris, nwo, 2 V, ith calf at foot, 3 ming in in April, 4 eon'ing in later, 3 3 yr -old hei- rs with calf. 1 registered row with calf at foot, 2 yr-okl neer* PIC'S-- 1 sow, due to farrow first week in April; 6 ore heirs. IMPLKISENTS-- Wagon. bobsleighs. light sleigs, Iter, binder, mower, bone rate, Frost 5 Wond, lu ft :melded), ,1.0,^ harmw, ?Ales,. 'ruttier. two -furrow plow, Co-ketit plow, nearly ner walking plow, fan- ning mill. Chatham. en diamond harrows, wheel barrow, grind stone, auger kettle, Magnet ('ream Separator and 11,411P new ones for eat.; hay fork, aline., pulleys. I_" feet fog rope and . ar. fork,. hone shoyels, spades, tel bf11b4 4114-01 harness", nearly rites; team henna plow battier's. seta angle harness, 1,., ors,(,,n1.,., long Issider. NA LIMY - 3.; risme Rork.. thoroughbred; 30 barnyard 4-n I, :tlhnrughtrel Reefed Rork roosters t Wham In-utatorand nreater A quantity of cedar posts, gond end posts, 500 • labels s'f roots .-areests, mangolds, turnips. aria a ;mitt, et hay. About 3 bushels of American Field Per, large • hat peas for seed. 110USE11oLli ErP1'-r$- Daisy churn, 3 tables, be.leteads and other artleles. 755115- tS and under cash. OA er that ...stint 10 months credit will be siren on furbishing approved mint rot,, 4 ppl, rent per •Pnuri ,•ff for carb on cred- it am" -int. W M. II VEILS, T (`A ER(1N, l'roprietor. Aoctioneer. co fe ter power for the purpose of generiting flee tricitv; 2' to sell and distribute the same and to elpropriate. buy, hot& and ...II land for the iiiirposes of the Corn- " many *tel for other istriewes. and to lee y and collect tolls from all persons using am, from all freight pals. cu mg 0, er mia-•I rade I). tr.., brans hes, and to oonn., t with or nial• traffic or other arrangements with railway. eteamboat or other Companies and to eon• stree-t, maint•in, and operate the said railway and brandies and the said telegraphtelephone and elec- tric power lime aorow,. along or 11 -.on streets or high• ways within any municipality inijort to tne emula- tions, of the said municipality. a to panime,. tale er, lease or ,itherwise sequin the property, rights and franchisee of the said Company or C'onipsnies, and t• sell or lets* to any other Company ('nm. 1 pannei, the propertyrights and fesoehisen of the i'ompany, and for all othsr ...wary right., rovers b, anal priielegein that behalf. -_'eth day ••1 February, 1.1), 1944'. J. U. VINC'ENT. (Mi.. J. M LAVOIE. (etas A. A TAILLoN. ;maw& et. Mary.: Prior to leaving for Cal- rri0 Mrs. It E. Ilarrieon was resew. eti with a bee wife' bee hon dish and en adders from the Lady Forester,.. Centralia Miss Dinsdale has returned to Kip - pen after a pleasant stay with her friend, Miss Aggie Hepburn. -Mise Dina Wood, after a visit here and at Crediton of several days, bas returned to her home in London. -Last Friday marked the opening of the spring months. March was ushered in like a lamb, but Saturday and Sunday was quite lion -like. As a consequence the attendance at church on Sunday was very sline-We stated last week that Wes Bloomfield left for the West. It should have read Fred Bloomfield. He will ha . .-t:Large of it large butter fac- tory. We wish him every success. -A large number of young men from this vicinity intend leaving in a day or so for Manitoba. -After a pleasant visit at the home of Samuel McCoy, Mr.and Mrs. Anthony Nevins have returned to London. -Miss Elsie Handford of London is here on a visit. -Mrs. John Colwill has her sister, Miss Webb, of St. Johns, visiting her. -Wesley Lu- ker, late miller with Mr. Ilawkins at Arva, who has been here visiting his mother, has gone to Exeter where he has accepted a position with Ilarvey Bros., inillers.-Win. Sando, who has been here for the past week, left for his home in Chicago Saturday. -Miss Minnie Baynhatn spent a few days in Denfleld last week.- Robt, Luker arid wife went Sunday here with Mrs Lu- ker.- Wm. Parsons, who has been confined to the house with la grippe, is convalescing. ---Geo. Essi-ry end Sam Davis wet e in Crediton Monday on business.- Some of our young people attended the Literary Society concert at Crediton Friday evening. Frank and Clarence think it was rather wet driving that evening. -Miss Mabel Spat km, our public school teacher, spent Sunday at her home in Ilensall. --Soon the maple syrup days will he here again but the ruthless destroying of the hardwood bush in this section has greatly reduced the amount annu- ally manufactured. -Daniel Coughlin has returned to Manton, Alta., after an extended stay in this vicinity. - We are always pleased to note the pro- gress male by our young ladies. This time Mists Kate Elliott, daughter of Vin. Elliott has distinguished herself et the Conservatory of Meek. London. She took bettors in oral, vocal and wiitten. The young lady is quite clev- er and her many friends congratulate her on her succese. -George Esserimi talking of selling out and going %%S,.51• Sorry to hear it, George. -Brown & Lawson shipped two cars of hogs on Tuesdey. Price paid was $11.1a per -41•1*-- Clandeboye. We ate pleated to learn that Mrs. Moses Hodgins is improving in health. -Mr. N. Ilolt of Parkhill, called on friends here during the week. --Miss Ella O'Neil very pleasantly entertain- ed a number of her friends Friday eve- ning.- Miss Rosa Torrance of Liman is spending a few days here this week. -- Miss Maria Morley, after visiting her parents here for a few weeke, returned to London. -C. Harlton, who has been clerking for F. Kestle for the past year, left Monday and intends leaving for the West in the near future. We are sorry to lose Charlie as be is a gen- eral favorite with all. -Mrs. Wilson of Whalen spent a few days in the vill- age during the past week. -Mrs. A. Cunningham and daughter, Lilly, are spending a few days in Blyth. -Mr. W. Abbott of Centralia has purchased D. Collins' house and intends moving here in the near future. -Miss Nellie Deacon, who has been confined to the house for the past year through illness was able to take a short drive last week. -Next Sunday at 3 p. m. the Rev. W. Hodgins of Chatham will preach in St. James' church. Holy (lommunion will be administered after the service. -In another column will be found the particulars of the death of Mrs. John Ovens. -Mr. Geo. Simp- son has secured the agency for the Noxon Manufacturing Co. We wish him success in the business. The ADVO - Clubbing Rates: CATE can give you a special clubbing rate with any news- paper or magazine in America. Call 1 Real Estate Changes (1,11. y1,11 in laincon- &bitlet in. We- have tin - equalled facilities to rent. sell or !my either faun or village proper 1 y. Try it. masneirs & (%teecti. SANDERS & CREECH ADDITIONAL LOCALS Principal Fleinirig was ill yesterday. Mr. Shirley Bolinr is relieving at Hyde Park station. Mrs. Geo. Jewell of Louden Spent a few clays here dui ing the week. Mrs. R. J. Brown and family of Jackson, are visiting relatives in town. Mr. James Beer is well again after having sustained a fractured rib while working last week. Reduction Sale Before stocktaking we are offering greater bargains than ever before offered in Furniture for the next 30 days. Every article reduced. Call and be convinced. Rowa & ATKINSON, Exeter. Monthly Auction Sales. These auction sales ere to be held on the 1st Friday of each month in Exeter stock, implements, household effects. Parties wishing to enlist stuff for sale may do so by calling at or seeding same to the Advocate office or the auctioneer before the 15th of the pre. vious month. --Thos. Cameron, Auct, BIRTHS WILLERT-Iti Hay, Con. 1, on Feb. 98, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Willert, son. CASK. - In Hay, Con. 1, On Feb. t*t, to Mr. and Mrs. Adam Case, a son. BAKER -In Dashwood, March 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Baker, a daugh- ter. MARlitAd135* COADE-PATTEN-In Mitchell, on Feb. 27th, at the residence of Mrs. Wilk- inson, by Rev. J. Garbutt, W. C. Coade, Carivale, Sask., to Miss Mar- ion Attlee Patten, of hlitchell. FARR-LITTLEJOHN-At. the Metho- dist parsonage, Mitchell, on Feb. 27, by Rev. J. Garbutt. Herbert Roy Farr, Stratford, to Ida May, daugh- ter of Henry Littlejohn, Mitchell. GUILFOYLE-MA•rFiNoLEY---In Brant- ford, on Feb. 28, by Itev. Canon Brown, Arnold (Iuilfoyle, formerly of Lucan, to Miss Helen Mattingley, of Brantford. Cau1Keiraex-LITTLIC-411 Toronto, on Feb. 27th. by Rev. Morris, Mr. Nor- man Cruikshank of Exeter, to Miss Martha J., dau hter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Little, Toronto. Demme SunanT-In Bengali. on March 1,Misa Mallie Shuart, aged SI years. filtirroN-In Clinton, on Mar. lst, Wm. Sutton, formerly of McGilliv- ray, aged 72 years. OVENS -In McGillivray, on Mar. 3rd, Mary Jano Jones, beloved wife of John C. Ovens, aged :35 years. GRAY -In Mitchell, on March 2, Mrs. Robt. Gray, in her 72nd year. WICK/MT-1n CI (Alton, on March 2, Jooheim Wichert, aged 78 years, 2 months. •••mi, -maw.- -.MI,- SHIN TEM BEGINS OK 131 During January and February, the Clinton Business College had t went y-flve ti Mee as many calls for Stenograplobrti, 'felt-grateers, ers, Bookkeepers, and College Teachers, as we had graduates to send. Attendance is always smallest during April, May and June, Consequently each student gets snore individual attention. This is the best term of the year for the student.. Learn of the SIICCPSA of our graduates by writing for a hand- some catalogue of the Best Actual Business In Ontario. The "backward" or "rusty" feel at bona- with its as each btu - dent is instructed at his own desk by it painstaking, sympathetic teacher. Graduates guaranteedEn situations. ter any time. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE AMliated with 1Vingham Itue:nssi College/OEO. GEO. SPOTT0f4 - Principal SEPARATOR AND OIL cwt. -W. R. Elliott shipped a cer of horses to the West Tilesilay.-aliss Clara Dempsey. who has been very iii fr othe pest two months. is recover- BRusHEs ing. Milt Atkinson is visiting friends in London this week. -B. Bloomfield has engaged with Thos. Willis for the summer.-- James IIPMIPS4y, who t few days ago was married to Miss Kate Far tell if IIidd ni ph, l• -ft Tuesday with - his la ide for their future borne in Oil- ! pin, Alta., where they will make their barite home. They carry with them the beet wishee of all for their future happinese and proeperity. 1. °flowing is the report of the Sr. and Jr. Dena! tment S. M No, 1, Stephen for February Sr. Department.- V.- E Windeor, W Sims, W' Hodgine,F Mitchell, 11 E- sery. C Viison. Sr. IV.-- (1 ilogarth, M hlepbnrn. .1 White, N Me(71irdy, E Sims. 11 Birks. A Robinson, M Elston. A Deplete 1. Robinson, M Elliott. Jr. IV. -J liognrth, M. Ileyn• ham, I Eseery. M retires. Sr. 111.-- F Davey, E Derry. B Andemon, H Windsor, E Baker, It CaIltte, J Davis N Beaman. E Cellfee, 11 White. M. Ikaterill, tree er. Jr. Department. -Jr. 111.-F Fair - hall, A White, A Brooks. Mr. 11.- "a Ifogartle A. ( •illfes, 0 . 13r. 11. -M Beaman. M Elliott. 11 Neil, I Bowden. Pt. 11. - -1 Mei 'wily, Da- ! vie. E Alexander. Sr. Pt. l. --C Day - eV. A Robinson, E Wilsen. Jr. Pt. I. 11 El=ton. bust .15lICIN were: E ilawilere A White. • Miss Mabel Sperke, Teacher. Having bought A. Q Bobier's stock of Separator Brushes, Oil and Repairs will sell at special prices to reduce stocli. Separator Brushes from 10 to 50 Cents White Star Separator Oil 75c. a Callon WAXOLENE The Best Dressing for Floors, Linoleums, Etc. Its sanitary properties make it par- ticularly desirable for use on floors of steires, school rooms, public halls, Etc. It absolute- ly prevents all dust rising. Heaman's Hardware & Stove Store