HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-09-30, Page 2Page 2 THE WINGHAM TIMES September 3oth, 19 t 5 brand Trunk Railway System Torn Ticket Office We can issue through tickets via popular routes, to any point in America -East, West, South, Northwest, Mani. toba, Pacific Coast, etc. Baggage checked through to destina- tion and full information given whereby travelling will be make pleasant and free from annoyance, Tourist and return tickets to above points also on sale at lowest figures, and with all prevailing advantages. Single and return tickets to any point in Ontario. Your business will be ap- preciated, be your trip a short or a long one. We can ticket you through to any point in Europe on all leading steamship lines. Prepaid orders also issued. If it's about travel, we have the information and will give it to you cheerfully. H. B. ELL I OTT Town Agent G.T.I. Times Office, Wingham, Ont. ESTABLISHED 167s TUE WINGIAM TIMES. LIST OF PRIZE WINNERS 13 B. ELLIOTT, Pt BLISu aft AND PROPIETOa AT THE WINGHAM FALL PMR FOR 1015 TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to :loon Wednesday of each week HORSES esENERAL PURPOSE Team in Harness -J B Tyreman, dos Taylor, R McQuillan, AGRICULTURAL ' Brood mare, foal at Bide, Albert Bouton, Wm Taylor, Spring foal - Wm Taylor, AIbert Foxton '2-3. One- year -old filly -Wm Taylor, Jas Bar- ber. One -year-old gelding -A 1 b e r t Foxton, William Taylor, Sas Barber. Two-year-old filly or gelding -P Pow- ell, Jas Forester, Neleon Underwood. Team in harness -W J Arbocale, Jae Forester. HEAVY DRAUGHT Brood mare, registered 0 N It, foal at side -Geo Cruickshank, Chas Wil- kinson, G Cruickshank. Brood mare, foal at side -Wm Taylor Hy Deacon, Spring foal -Geo Cruickshank, Wm Taylor, 1 J Wright, One -year-old filly -I J Wright, G Cruickshank, Wm Taylor. One -year-old gelding -W H Fraser. Two-year-old filly or gelding -W H Fraser Jas Forester. Team in harness -Jas Forester, J G McKenzie, Robt Webster. SPECIALS No. 1 -By W J King, for four beet colts aired by "Mabcot," "Drumburle Chief" or "Goldlink."-Geo Cruick- shank, 1 J Wright, Chas Wilkinson, Albert Foxton. No. 2 -By the society for the four best colts eared by any one heavy draught atallion. The prize, $8 00 to be divided, $2.00 to the owner of each prize eviuning colt -G Cruick- shank, I J Wright, Chas Wilkinson, Albert Foxton, No. 3 -By the society -brood mare and three of her pro- geny; 1 to be foal of 1915 from classes 1, 2, 3-I J Wright, Wm Taylor. No. 4 -By the Canadian Bank of Com- merce -for the best animal shown in in heavy draught, agricultural and general purpose horse classes of prize list -Geo Cruickshank. ROADSTERS One -year-old gelding -W J Hender- son. Two-year-old filly or gelding - Wm Woods. Single driver, under 15 2 -Robert MacKee, Levi Lott, B Adams. .Single driver, 15 2 and over -- Alex McDonald, W Henderson & Sons, Henry Johann. Team in harness -W G Grey. , CARRIAGE Two-year-old filly or gelding -Archie Patterson, Bert Armstrong. SPECIAL No. 5 -By the Canadian Bank of Commerce, for the beet animal shown hi roadster and carriage horse classes, silver medal-Robt McKee. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. 1915 THE DARK DAIRY BARN. • While there are but few' dairy barns that are really sufficiently lighted at any time, the number of dark barns during the Winter months are much greater than during the Summer, since most dairyman, in their efforts to make the quarters snug and warm for the animals through severe Winter weath- er, bar much of the light by closing up all the openings through which it must come. The dark dairy barn is more apt to be damp, since dampness is sure to form where the sunlight never is allowed to penetrate, and this with the liquids passed by the cows, forms an ideal seedbed for establishing rheumatism and other similar diseases among the herd, while the absence of light further encourages the accumulation of all sorts of disease germs. Another most undesirable feature of the dark dairy barn is its detrimental effect on the eyesight of the herd. The animals are confined in their dark quarters for several hours, perhaps several days at times, which somewhat accustoms them to the gloomy atmos- phere. Being turned into the open daylight again, the sudden change cstrains and paralyzes the optic nerves, thus seriously affecting the eyesight. A limited amount of light admitted in front of the cows in their stalls will rectify this great mistake. The open- ing of the manure holes -if you are not equipped with a modern litter carrier - may be resorted to when the weather will permit, but as there are times when this practice wduld expose the herd to severe weather, the light supply must he made ample and per- manent by the installation of regular frames for holding glass to admit the proper amount of light required for the general welfare of the herd. And while you are making the barn lighter, see that it is equipped with modern stalls, stanchions, litter car- riers, etc. Farm Life. SHRED LE 1CtlSTER$ Aged Ram, with pedigree --R• J Sanderson, Shearling Ram, with pedi• gree -R J Sanderson. Ram Lamb, selling clewe -RS Sanderson. AgedEwe, raised iamb in 1015-R 3 Seoderson 1.2 Shearling Fare --R J Sanderson. Ewe Latltb-R J Anderson. DOWNS, ANY OTHER Aged Ram, with pedigree -A K Copeland, H T Perdue. Shearling Ram, with pedigree -A K Copeland. Ram Lamb, selling class -A K Oope• land, II T Perdue. Aged Ewe, raided lamb in 1015-A K Copeland 12. Shearling I we -9. K Copeland 12 Ewe Lamb- K Copeland, H T Pe •- due, PIGS BERKSHIRES Boar of 1915, not, less than 4 months old -Jas Alton. Boar prior to 1915, with pedigree --Jae Alton. Sow cf 1915, not lees than 4 months old -Jas Alton 1.2. Breeding Sow -Jas Alton 1-2. When separating whites and yolks of eggs a speck of yolk slips into the w•ni e; to remove this ea»fly, dip a clean cloth into warm water, wring dry, toe p..ck with the end of this and 11 . tem. to it. t •, :,•s to he conk ed by boiling shot:d be put into boiling water, es little as possible, and if the water is added let it be boiling hot. Steaming i$ beat for most vegetables. honey I7r en y flooded! Their lob Brea never an easy one, even wider favorable condition. They had to struggle along through sheer hard work and hand-to-mouth pinching and scraping. Then came the blow, The husband was stricken down with tuberculosis. The wife was iefb with four little noes to keep, Bub she faced the future bra.: ely, buoyed up by the hope that some day her husband will tome back. In the meantime, the has to go Cabwashing and eleaning every day, and then for* her tired•but body to do her own work at nights. Ceeee of this kind are numerous. They alloys call for prompt relief. For unless Cogsptoption is queerly treated its terrible eiratte hurt many beyond the first victim. At this moment money its urgently needed so Shot snedioi#e, tititiriebritdeb, and treet- ment snag be taken te cilias hj We pp 1m• lore opal :citrate oodi to ao+met NOW. kiaae don't dela the situation is se i u *, Oontribubiona 10 the Muskoka t'''ree Hoe- *tal for Ceueureptlieirt will be gratefully aaknowied ed by W. S. Gage, (harts lfxsottbleetfta4ttee, 84 s Ina Avenue, er It. Dunbar, Beorebary • 7l'tacaturor, ,347 Mehl Sta hest W'Mt, Tomato. YORKS$IRES Boar of 1915, not tees than 4 months old -W H Roan 1-2. Boar prior to 1915, with pedigree -McKay Bros. John Turner. Sow of 1915, not lees than 4 months old -John Turner 1 2 Breeding Sow- McKay Broa. TAMWORTHS Boar. of 1915, not less than 4 months old -Bert Armstrong, - Boar prior to 1915, with pedigree -Bert Armstrong. Sow of 1915, not less than 4 months old -Bert Armstrong. Breeding Sow -Bert Armstrong. SPECIALS No 10 --By W. J. Henderson, beet Brood Sow -Jas Alton. No 11 -By Society, beet pen of four bacon bogs - John Turner. Nu 12 -By Society, belt pen of Sucking Pigs. any breed, age to be considered, selling claes- Bert Armstrong. POULTRY Ducks, any other -Jas H Linklater. F W Angus. Geese, Toulouse -Jas Alton. Turkeys, bronze -Jae Alton. Bantams, Ornaunentat-F W Angus 1 and 2 Bantams, Game, and variety -F W Angus 1 and 2. Minorcas- Arch Patterson, Jas Alton. Orping. tons, Buff -F W Angus 1 and 2 Ply- mouth Rocks, barred -F J Hill, Jas Alton. Plymouth Rocke, white -Arch Patterson. Rhode Island Reds -F J Hill. Wyandottes, White -D 13 Por- ter 1 and 2. Wyandottes, any other - F J Hill. Any other Standard Vari. ety-F W Angus 1 and 2. Pigeons, best exhibit, open to boys under 16 years, no entrance fee -F W Angus. CATTLE SHORTHORN Breeding cow, milking or near caty- ing-T H Taylor, Robert Harrison. Two-year-old beifer-T H Taylor 1 2. One -year-old heifer -Scott Bros 1 2. Heifer, under 12 months -T H Taylor J G Fyfe. Bull, under 12 montbs- J G Fyfe, T H Taylor. Bull, over 1 year and under 2-T H Taylor, HEREFORDS Breeding cow, milking or near caly- ing-H T Purdue 1 2. Bull, under 12 months -a T Purdue 1 2. Heifer, un- der 12 months -H T Purdue 1 2. POLLED ANGUS Breeding cow, milking or near calv- ing -John Shiell 1 2. Bull, over 12 montbs-John Sbiell. Bull, under 12 mos -John Shiell, J W Bone. Heifer, under 12 mos -W H Fraser 1 2. Two- year-old heifer -J W Bone 1 2. One- year -old heifer -J W Bone, J o h n Shiell. JERSEY OR THEIR GRADES Breeding cow, milking or near cane- ing--5.' 3 Hill, W Frankum. Heifer,' under 12 mos -F J Hill, F W Angus, Heifer, over 12 mos -John Crandall, Archie Patterson. HOLSTEINS OR THEIR GRADES Breediug cow, milking or near caty- ing-W 3 Henderson. SPECIAL No. 6 -By society, breeder's young herd, any breed, consisting of 1 male and 3 £eluates, bred and owned by the exhibitor -T H Taylor, John Shiell. No. 7 -By the Society, for berd of Beef Cattle, pure bred, to consist of 1 male and 3 females, John Shiell, P. H. Tay- lor; No. 8 -By H. B. Elliott and T. R. Bennett, for best type of Dual Purpose Cow, W, 3, Henderson, Scott Bros„ No. 9 -By IL T. Perdue, for beet Steer or Heifer, sired by Pure Bred Hereford Bull, name and number of sire to ac- company entry, Henry Deacon. GRADES Breeding Cow, milking or near calv- ing, Scott Eros,, Robt, Harrison; Two- year old Heifer, T 13 Taylor; One-year old Heifer, Jos. Menzies, John Shiell; Heifer Calf. calved since teat show, Jae Barber, John Shiell; Steer Calf, calved einee last show, Robt Harrison, W J Henderson; One-year old steer, Jas Barber, Robt Harrieon; Two year old Steer, Jas Menztee, 12 IAT CATTiLE Baby Beef, 15 month* or under, not tobe hownIn n other section, Sae;f Onions, or Top6 Sets, A Sehmidt hmidt 13 abet; F.tt Steer or Heifer any breed,1 R A Graham; Onions, grown from J. G. Fyfe, Hy Deacon; Pat Stock Dutch or Top Sets, A Schmidt, J A Steers, pair. two years old, not to be •Morton; Onions, any other, R A thuq,n in any other section, Sae Graham; Tomatoes, largered, scarlet o Menzies. ' pink, Geo II Tervitt, Jas. Alton; Tom NO ALUM atoes, any other, A K Copeland; Celery, white plume, R A Graham; Celery, any other, R A Graham; Cab- bage, early, A Schmidt, Miss A J Leaver; Cabbage, Winter, A Schmidt. Miss A 3 McLeaver; Cabbage pickling Miss A J aleLeaver, A Schmidt, Citrons, Mrs Geo H Smith W H Fraser; Cucum- bers, A Schmidt, Jas Alton, Table Corn, A Schmidt, Miss A J Leaver; Pumpkin, yellow, Geo T Robertson. W 11 Fraser; Sunflowers, Miss A 3 Leaver, D 13 Por- ter; Squash or Mammoth Pumpkin, Geo T Robertson, Miss Agnew; Collection of Gorden Produce, A Schmidt. FRUIT CHICKENS Ducks -F W Angus, I Stewart. Bantams, Ornamental -F W Angus 1 and 2 Bantams, Game and variety- ) H Walton, F W Angus. Legborns, white -F W Angus 1 and 2. Minorcas Arch Patterson 1 2 Orpingtone, Buff -F W Angus 1 2. Plymnuth Rocks, barred -F J Hill. Rhode Island Reds -F J Hill, I Stewart. Wyandottes, white -D B Porter 1 2. Wyandottes, any other -Arch Pattersnu 1 2. Any ether Standard Variety-FW Angus 1 2. Best pair utility fowl -F W An- gus 1 2. Four Cockerels, bred for export -D. B. Porter 1 2 GRAIN AND SEEDS. Timothy, J K Wise, Jas Menzies; Clover, Jas Alton, J K Wise; Fall Wheat, red, A. Schmidt, J K Wise; Fall Wheat, white, 3 K Wise, Thos Taylor; Spring Wheat J K Wise, Jas Alton; Small White Pea, J K Wise, Jas A Schmidt; Peas, any other, Jas Alton, J K Wise; White Oats, A Schmidt, Alton; Black Oats, Jas Alton. J K Wise; Barley, 4 or 6 rowed, J K Wise, A Schmidt; Field Corn, Dent, Robt Currie; Stalks Ensilage Corn, F J Hill, I J Wright; Sheaf of White Oats, A. Schmidt; collection of grain and seeds open to boys under 16 years, A Schmidt Jas Alton; Collection of Weed Seeds, open to boys or girls under 16 years, P Gibbons, Harold Wilkinson; Collection of pressed injurious Weed Plants open to boys end girls under 16 years, A Schmidt; Corn on cob and stalk, Gunns' Fertilizer by A H Wilford, F J Hill; Bag of Oats. Gunns' Fertilizer by A. II Wilford, H T Perdue, I.i.00TS AND VEGETABLES Beans, small white, P. Gibbons, F, J. Hill; beans, large white, P. Gibbons, Jas. Alton; beans, any other, Jas, Alton; beets, long red, And. Schmidt; beets, any other, D 13 Porter, Mrs Jas Menzies; carrots, field, Geo HTervit, A Schmidt; carrots, table, short, Geo H Tervit, Jas Young; carrots, table, intermediate, D B Porter, Geo H Tervit; mangold-wurtzei, long, A Schmidt, F Henry; mangold-wurtzel, in- termediate, D 13 Anderson, D B Porter; parsnips, A Schmidt, Miss A. 3 Leaver; radishes, winter, A Schmidt; sugar mangold, F J Hill, D 13 Anderson; Ter. nips, Swede, Mrs .1 as Menzies, .Tae Young; turnips, any other. A Schmidt, I J Wright. PO eines Hebron Type, A. Schmidt; Long White Type, A Schmidt. Onions. yellow, A Schmidt; Onions, Red, It A Graham; Onions, Yellow, A. Soh m i d t: r Alexander, Geo Cruickshank, F J Hill; A. 0. V., red, Geo Cruickshank; A. 0. V., green or yellow, Jas. Young; Baldwin, Geo Cruickshank, Geo H Tervit; Ban Davis,' P Gibbons, Jas. Young, Blenheim, P Gibbons;, Cayuga or 20 ounce, Jas H Linklater, W J Currie; Crab any variety, Jas Al- ton, Robt Currie; Fallawater, T Taylor; Fameuse or Snow, F J Hill, Geo Cruik- shank; Golden Russett, E W Orvis, W J Currie; Gramenstel.n, P Gibbons; King, Thos Taylor; McIntosh, F J Hill, E W Orvis; Maiden Blush, F J Hill; Northern Spy, P Gibbons, Geo Cruick- shank; Ribston, Thos Taylor, Jas H Linklater; R I Greening, Geo Cruick- shank, Miss M Anderson; Roxboro Russet, P Gibbons; Spitzenburg, A K Copeland; Tolman Sweet, F J Hill, W J Currie; Wagner, W J Currie; Weal- thy, Geo Cruickshank, Thos Taylor. Other Fruit -Peaches, W H Fraser, Jas Alton; Quinces, P Gibbons; Pears, Bartlett,•Jas Alton; Pears, any other Fall variety, Jas Alton, Jas Young; Pears, any other Winter variety, D 13 Anderson; Plums, Blue, Mrs Burwash, A Schmidt; Plums, Yellow, Jas Young, Mrs Burwash; Plums, any other, H E Isard, Miss A 3 Leaver; Grapes, any white variety, Mrs Burwash, H E Isard; Grapes, blue or black, Mrs Burwash, H S Isard. Collection of Fruit -Apples correctly named, most valuable for ex- port, Geo. Cruickshank, J. H. Linklater; Display of Apples, any variety, Jas H Linklater. DAIRY AND PROVISIONS Bread, one loaf, white, baked by girl under 16, Miss Stewart; Bread, one loaf, brown, E W Orvis, Mrs I Stew- art, Mrs Jas Menzies; Bread, one loaf, white home-made, A Schmidt. Mrs Jas Menzies, Theop Finnen; Half dozen plain home -mads buns, E W Orvis, Jas Young; Half dozen home-made Tea Biscuits, Theop Finnen, W H Fraser; Home-made Scones, E W Orvis, Miss M Anderson; Bread Dough Cake, E W Orvis, Mrs I Stewart; Graham Biscuits, E W Orvis, Mrs Jas Menzies; Johnny Cake, Mrs Jas Menzies, Mrs I Stewart; Business and Shorthand Westervelt School Y. M. C. A. Building London, Ontario College in Session Sept. 1st to July. Catalogue Free. Enter any time. J. W. Westervelt, Prtnripal Continued on page 3 Her Baby Had Dysentery. Had Two Doctors. No Result. WAS CURED BY THE USE OF DR. FOWLER'S Extract of Wild Strawberry. In dysentery the discharges from the bowels follow each other with great rapidity, and sometimes become mixed with blood. Never neglect what at first appears to be a slight attack of diarrhoea or dysen- ery will surely set in. Cure the first symptoms by the use of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Mrs. Martin Vomiter, Dogherty Cor. ner, N.13., writes: "I can very strongly recommend Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for dysentery and summer complaints. My little girl, at the age of two years, had the dysentery very bad. We had two doctors, but with no result. My mother brought ane a bottle of "Dr. Fowler's," and when half the bottle visas used the little girl was runuing around playing with her dolls with great delight and joy to the family, for we did not think, she evoutd ever get better." There are n number of preparation* ott the inarket to -day, etaiming to be the scene es "Dr. Powler's Extract of Wild Strawberry," and also called similar names, t , so as to fool the public into think- ing they are getting the genuine. "Dr. Fowler's" is manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, See that their name is on the wrapper. Price, 35 cents. H. DAVIS WINGHAM, ONTARI Agent for Allan Line Custard Line Donaldson Lines. Canadian Northern Ernes Ocean Steamships. . 1 To wit DIRECTORY. FARMERS and, anyone having live Stook or other emotes they wish to dispose of, ehbald adver• fire the same for sale in the Turas. Our large oirculatiou tette and it will be strange indeed if you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee thatou will sell beoaass you may ask more for the article or stook than it tit worth, Send your advertisement to the TIlote and try this plan al f. diepoetng of your etook and other Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C,ASTO R l A WINGI-IAM 20 Years AAo BAPTIST CHURCH -Sabbath services at 11 a. m. and 7 p, m. Sunday School at 2;30 p. m, General prayer meeting and ti. Y, P, U, every Wednesday at 8 p. hi. A. C. Riley, 13. A., Pastor. Geo. Pocock, S. S. Superintendent, METHODIST CHUROH--Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p.° m. Sunday School at 2:80 p. m. Epworth League every Monday evening. General prayer meeting on Wednesday eveniugs, Rev. 3, W. Hibbert, pastor. F. Buchanan. S. 3, Superintendent. r 'rom the TIMES of Sept. 27, 1895 Mrs. Dr. Kennedy has returned from her visit to London Mrs. Chas. Knechtel was in Brussels last week visiting friends,' Mr. Geo. Mason was in London for some days visiting relatives. Mrs. and Chas. Barber, of Listowel were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Tipling, last Sunday. Mrs. John Charters, and two sons,' of Dakota, will spend the fall and win- ter in town and vicinity. Mr. A. Griffin, who has been with Mr. A. 3, Irwin, dentist, for some time, left on Thursday for Philadelphia. Mr. J. W. Green, formerly of the Mildmay Gazette, has commenced the publication of a paper in Tavistock. The Ripley Express is one year old, and Editor Mooney is satisfied with the support given him by the people in the town and vicinity On Monday morning last, while Mr. T. Drummond's horse was standing in front of his shop, it became frightened at a piece of rolling paper and ran away turning the corner at the Queen's Hotel and running to Dr. Tamlyn's corner and from there to Ohapman's tannery, where it was caught. The wagon to which it was attached was pretty well smashed Op and the horse's legs badly bruised. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-Sabbatb, ser- vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perris, pastor. Frank Lewis, S. S. Superintendent. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, EPIsoor bath services services at 11 a. m. and 1. p. m. Sunday School at 2:80 p, m. Rev. E. G. Dymond Rector. Alex. Al- deron, S. S. Superintendent. SALVATION ARMY CITADEL. -Service at 11 a,m., 3 p.m. and? p.m, on Sunday. At 8 o'clock on Thursday evening. There will be special music provided in the Sunday evening service from 7 to 7.15 PosT OFFici-Office hours from 8a m to 6;30 p. in. Open to box holders from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. C. N. Griffin, post- master. PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free reading room in the ToWn Hall, will be open every afternoon frim 2 to 5:30 o clock, and every evening from 7 to 9r:30 o'clock. Miss M. McTavish, lib- rarian. TOWN COUNCIL -Dr. A. J Irwin, Mayor; S. Mitchell, Reeve; L. F. Binkley, A. M, Crawford, W. A. Currie, V, R. Vannorman, W G. Patterson and D, BeII. Councillors; John F Groves, Clerk; and J. G. Stewart, Treasurer. Board meet • first Monday evening in eaeh month at 8 o'clock. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD -H. E. Isard, Wm. Robertson W. A. Campbell, Dud- ley Holmes, A. Tipling, A. E Lloyd, Robt. Allen, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in Council Chamber on the second Tues- day of each month. HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS --Harry E. Ricker, M. A., Principal and Specialist in Science; G. R. Smith, B. A., Special- ist in mathematics; Mr. C. M. Ewing, M, A., Classics; Miss M. 1. Whyte, B. A., Specialist in Moderns and His- tory; Miss E. C. ' Garrett, Art and Mathametics; Miss B. Kettlewell, Commercial. Work and History. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A. L. Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans- ley, Miss Barber and Miss Bentley. BOARD OF HEALTH.=Dr. A. J. Irwin, (chairman), Win.Fessant, Alex Porter, John P. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C. Redmond, Medical Health officer. DIED McPherson -In the Township of West Wawanosh, on Tuesday, Sept. 12th, Duncan McPherson, aged 75 years, 11 months 24 days. Johnston -In Morris, on Sept. 10th, Elizabeth, wife of John Johnston, aged 34 years, 9 months and 11 days. Henderson -In Belgrave, on Septem- ber'23rd, James M. Henderson, aged 32 years, 4 months and 17 days. Shiell-In East Wawanosh, on Sep- tember 23rd, Jennet, beloved wife of Mr. Andrew Well, aged 77 years and 2 days. BORN Johnston -In Lower Wingham, on Sept. 21st, the wife of Mr. Wm. John- ston; a son. Brown -In Wingham, on Sept. 20th, the wife of Mr. Fred Brown; a son. MARRIED Smeltzer -Reed -At the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. I. B. Wallwin, B. A., William Smeltzer, of Ashfield. to Miss Barbara Marcella, daughter of Mr. Paul Reed, of Ashfield. Petrie - Kilpatrick * On Tuesday, Sept. 17th, by the Rev. A. McKay, Lucknow, at his residenee, Mr. John William Petrie, of Lion's Head, to Eliza third daughter of Mr, Wm. Kilpatrick, of Ashfield. Stone & Wellington Sheriff - Torrence- On Wednesday, Sept lith, at the home of the bride's �i ORf)NT(), ()NT. • father, by the Rev. A. McKay, Mr. a John Sheriff, of West Wawanosh, to Rose Mary, eldest daughter of Mr, Peter Torrance, ofiKinloss, • Wingham General Hospital (Under Government Inspection) The Wingham Times I8 PUB1+Y$Hi;P EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Times Ocoee Stone Rioeh. WIW+ JIAM, ONTARIO. TAiiss er Sunsottrrrtos--81 O0 per annum in advance, 51.69 it not paid. No paper disoon- ttnued till all arrears are paid, exoant at the option of the publisher. ADVERTISING BATES IAISPGAX APVERTrBMONTd - 14.16 (8o ogoh inserionl 5,60 (10e " Stix Months Three Months 1.69 (18o " One Month04 (180 " .11One.Week ' 1.29 Lettal and other strutter advertisements, lee per line for first; insertion and 4o per line for eeoh subsequent insertion. ;deesured by a nonpariel scole, twelve lines to an inch. Business garde of six:lines and wider, 15.00 per year. i8Advertisemente of Situations Vacant, Shus Sons Wanted, Houses for Sale or to rent Articles for Sale, 560 , not exteedtng eight lines, 25o cash insertion; 11 for first month. Mc for each subsequent mouth. Larger a3 vertisements in proportion. Business notices (news type) 5c per counted Hue; as local or news matter, loo per line eaoh insertion. Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur- nished. Open to all.regularly licensed physicians. RATES FOR PATIENTS -which include board and nursing), $4.90 to $15. per week according to location of room. For further information, ad- dress Miss L. Matthews. Superintendent Box 223, Wingham Ont. Railway Timetable Railway Time Table GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM TRAINS LEAVE FOR London .... 6.35 a.m. 3.22 p.m.Toronto and East 6.45 a.m. 3.15 p.m, Kincardine 11.59 p.m. 9.15 p.m, ARRIVE FROM Kincardine 6.30 a.m. 3.15 p.m. London .. 11.54 a.m. 7.40 p.m. Toronto and East 11.45 a.m. 9.15 p.m. W.F. BERGMAN, Station Agent. Wingham H B ELLIOTT, Town Agent, Winghatn. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TRAINS LEAVE FOR Toronto and East 6.25 a.m. 3.05 p.m. Teeswater` 12.59p.m, 10.32 p.m. ARRIVE FROM Teeswater. 6.20a.m. 3.05 p.m. Toronto and East 12.47 p.m. 10.20 p.rn. J. H. BOOMER, Agent, Wingham WANTED A REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE OLD RELIABLE FOOTHILL NURSERIES To sell in Wingham and district A chance of a lifetime to 'da a big trade among farriers and fruit stock, as well as good or- namental business in the town Exclusive territory, Hand- some frac; outfit. Highest Com- mission'i paid Write for terms Barrie Division Railwaymen's As- aociation, nearly one thousand in mem- bership, contributing monthly for pa- triotic purposes, is giving a fully equipped motor ambulance.' Stratford Division. G. T. R., has also organized for similar work. Alan IL Bowland, a railway mail 4 eek wee found not guiltythe , n by eery in his trial at Sault Ste. Marie oh the c4aarge of stealing a registered package containing nearly $8,000 sent by the Royal Bank to the Thessalon Lumber Company on the 9th of June. °VCR 65 YEARS' gXpgrrrteNGft ATENTS DEIGNS KS CoryastaHTs &e. Anybne sending a eketeb and description mar qtt okli ateertewhether our opinion tree ether an Invent ona probewypetenmahIe �Con,muntee. tioneetNotlsrenndentfai. HANDBOOK on Petente SapIrmo*. aidoeten aaencr foreecarw tante. P takthug Mupa receive aloe fiottoe, without on_ er W the ! mmericat A I&tIOO Of 5 illustrated weedy, Large* ole. Tama of any ecientlao Jolene!. Tema for ttad .76 a year,pottalro prepaid, 800id by e new eaters. Mo ase eroadwa i, Newt+ rk e F df,Woabiwitout . Medical DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER Oerloss--Oorner Patrick and Centre Ste.. Paeans: Ofilees Residence, Dr, Kennedy a48 Residence, Dr. Calder 151 Dr. Kennedy specializes In Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Dis- eases of the Bye, Ear Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughlytested. Gleamy ss. fitted. Da. BORT. 0. REDMOND, M. R.C.S. (Eng' L. R. O. P. London. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office, with Dr. Chisholm. W. 8, Hambly, B.$o., M.D., CIL Wingham, Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of women and children, having taken post graduate work in Surgery, Bartcriology and l9oienttflo Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, between the Queen's hotel and the Baptist Uhnroh. Ali business given careful attention . Phone 64. P, 0. Box 118. DRS. PARKER & PARKER '` Ostegpathic Physicians Oculists, Neurologists Wingham.--Listowel Diseases Treated by Drugless Methods Osteopathy cures or benefits when other systems fail. Wingham office over Christie's Store Tuesday, 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. Wed- nesday, 9 to 11 arta. Thursday, 4 tc 9.00 p.m. Friday, 9.05 to 9.00 a. m. or by appointment. Chiropractic J. A. FOX, D. C. GRADUATE CHIROPRACTOR When the spine is right the body is right. A Chiropractor will keep your spine right that you may have continued good health. If your health is already poor a course of Chiropractic Spinal Ad- justments will put your spine right. Wingham, Ont. Dental ARTHUR .1. IRWIN, D. 11.11., L. D Dental Cr ollege Land Licentiatee of the Royal Ooil1ge of Dental Surgeon,' of Ontario. Oiat, e fn'mm[[acdonaid Bleak, Wingham. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon from May let to Oot. Ist. H. 8088, D. D. S., L. D. S. - goner graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgge�oons of Ontario and Honor gradu- ate of the IMiversity of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry. Mee over H, E. Isard & Co's„ store, Wing - ham, Oat. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon from May 1st to Oct. let. Legal R e VANSTONS, BABRI$TIta, SOLICITOR, STC Private and Company tends to loan at lower;* rate of interest. Mortgagee, town and tarn, property bought end sold. Office. Beeser 131ook, Wingham tr. A, MORTON, BARRISTER, ate. Wingham, Ont. DUDLEY no Liles Barrister, Solicitor, 'Etc. Office: Meyer Bloek,Wingham. OUTSIDE ADVERTISING Orders for the insertion of edvertieemente such as teeohers wanted, business chance, mehanio swanted, articles ter Or f feat any kind of an advt, in any of thb Torbnto or other otty papers, may be left at the Tut, onto. Thi* work will restive proanpt attention and will save Aeo to the trouble of rinnittln for end forwerding advertisements, Lowest rates WU1 be quot et on appiloation. Leans or Send -your neat work of this kind to the TIMES OFFICE. Winlghala*