HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-08-12, Page 8Page 8 THE WINGHAM TIMES August lath, tg.T 5 ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c, Notices Under This Head ten yentas line for $rat insertion: live cents for suilaa- q:xont insertions. HOUSE TO RENT—Apply to J. A, McLean, Folz SALE --A four bottle Babcock tester. Apply to L; Kennedy. TRUNKS AND VALISES:—BIg stock of select from at lowest pricea. W. GREER. To REST -Three comfortable rooms oyer Advance office. Modern con- veniences. Apply to C. N. Griffin, FoR SALE—Coal heating stove, with oven and heating pipes attached. In good repair. Apply to Wm. M. Reid, Albert street. FARMERS AND THRASHERMAN—When ovethawling your machinery try us for your repairs, that's where we shine. I. MERKLEY & SON. CH -LURCH NOTES. Rev. 3. A, Robinson, of Glarkaburg, has been appointed by the Bishop as rector of St, Paul's church, Clinton, and ,.will take the services for the first time on September 12th. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCii. Rev. Geo. Gilmore, of Ripley, con- ducted the services in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Sunday last, preaching two excellent sermons. Mr. Gilmore will take the services in the same Church next Sunday. BAPTIST CHURCH Services in the Baptist Church next Sunday at the usual hours. The pastor's subjects ,will be:—Morning, Studies in Romans, "The Place of Israel in the Economy of God.". Evening, "The Law of Kindness." LosT—BetweenTeeswater a Wing - ham, a lady's beaded p rse, ontaining money and a bill of goo s ought from G. H. Hasenflug, Tee ater. Finder rewarded. Mrs, A. Lamburtus, Tees - water. MINOR LOCALS. —Lucknow's tax rate for this. year is 29 mills. For Diamond and Wedding Rings go to Knox's, —Try the TIMES office with your next order for job printing. Fine stock of silverware, cut glass and jewellery at Knox's. —Buy your railway tickets from H. B. Elliott, Town Agentfor the G. T. R. at the TIMES office. —Regular meeting of Court Mait- land, Canadian Order of Foresters will be held on Friday eveninn of this week, —Mr. E. Foiler has rented the Dins - ley house and will conduct same as a temperance hotel and boarding house. —Wingham fall fair will be held on September 23rd and 24th. Prize list will be ready for distribution in a few days. —At a special session of Perth Coun- ty Council in Stratford last week, it was decided to raise sufficient funds for the purchase of eight machine guns to be donated to the militia' department. CHURCH of ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE. Services—Sunday, 11 a,m. and 7 p.m. Holy Communion --1st Sunday, 11 a.m., 3rd Sunday 8.30 a.m. Baptisms -2nd Sunday, 3.30. Strangers, weleome at all services. Ushers in attendance at morning and evening services. The week night services will be re- sumed the second Wednesday in Sep- tember. Confirmation classes will commence on first Tuesday in September. Holy Communion next Sunday, 8.30. WEST WA.WANQ.H. Regular meeting of Council held July 26th, Members all present, except Reeve, who was sick. Motion by Pur- don and Johnston . that Councillor Nay- lor be Reeve, pre tem, Carried. Min- utes ofregular meeting July 3 and special meeting July 13 were read and passed, on motion of Johnston and Mallough. Financial statement read by treasurer showing balance on hand $21:38. Treasurer reported having secured a former privilege on brink balances, also in the matter of exchange with Bank of Hamilton, Lucknow. This report filed on motion by Purdon and Johnston, W. H. Wilson served council with notice to clean out and put in a proper state of repair Young's creek drain or if found necessary to deepen, widen, extend and otherwise improve said drain, in order to prevent injury to the lands adjacent to the so`d drain. Bylaw No. 7, 19I4, was read three times, signed and passed, on motion of Mallough and Johnston, authorizing Joh Rogers, 0. L. S., to make an examination and report in the matter of Young's creek drain pursuant to notice served by W. H. Wilson. Mr. Rogers being present fully explained the working of the Municipal Drainage Act, also answering many questions, by members of council. Accounts amount- ing to $39.86 were passed and checks for same issued on motion of Johnston and Purdon.—W. A. Wilson, Clerk. METHODIST CHURCH Regular services will be held in the Methodist Church next Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The pastor will preach at both services. Evening subject will be "The Lost Christ." All welcome. Interesting services were held in the Methodist Church last Sunday. The pastor having returned from his hoidays took charge of both services. In the morning, quarterly Communion service was held where a large number partook of the Sacrament. Four new members were received into the Church. Mr. Murch. of Toronto, sang a solo very acceptably. In the evening the com- memoration of the great European war was held when the pastor dealt briefly with the causes, history and outlook of the war. Large congregations assembl- ed at both services. —The W. C. T. U. will meet in the C. 0. F. hall on Thursday afternoon of this week at 3 o'clock. All ladies are invited to attend. Mrs. Armour will give a full report of the convention held at Brussels. —Miss Annie McTaggart, sister of Mrs. W. D. Pringle, passed away slid. denly at her home in Bellefontain on Friday last. Miss McTaggart had been visiting in Wingham only a few weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Pringle attended the funeral. Mr. W. H. Kerr has completed thirty- five years as editor of the Brussels Post. Mr. Kerr has had a successful career as an editor and is well entitled to the many good things that have gone his way. He publishes an excellent local newspaper and has our best wishes for many more years of happiness and prosperity. —Printer and Publisher, of Toronto, in the July issue says:—"H. B. Elliott, editor of the Wingham Times, has just completed eighteen years as publisher of this paper and has been for over twenty-seven years in connection with it. The TIMES has one of the best printing plants in the county and its office building is the best in the county." —Frank Hodge, of Gorrie, who was remanded upon a charge of neglecting his wife and children, appeared before His Honor Judge Doyle and was allowed to go on suspended sentence. Through the good offices of Mr. G. M. Elliott, County Agent for the Children's Aid Society, a situation has been secured for Hodge and the family re -united, and he is being given a chance to make good, --Owing to Goderich Fall Fair dates being the same as those selected by Blyth Agricultural Society the latter has decided to hold their fair one week later, the dates being Tuesday and Wednesday October 5th and 6th, in- stead of September 28th and 29th. This change was considered advisable by the directors as many exhibitors from this section show at Goderich and vice versa. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS CARDS OF THANKS. Manufacturers Life Insurance Co., Toronto, Ont. Dear Sirs:—I acknowledge with plea- sure your cheque for $1,055.20, being the amount due me on twenty-five year endowment policy. This is in addition to the $144 93 bonus money paid to me some tine ago. The returns from this policy have been very satisfactory to me. Yours truly. GEO. WRAITH. To the Officers and Members of the Knights of the Maccabees of the World—: Dear Gentlemen: -I wish to express my sincere thanks for the prompt pay- ment of one thousand dollars due me at the death of my father, W. W. Gray. Wishing your Order continued success, I remain Yours sincerely, ANNIE DAVIDSON. Wingham, Ont., Aug. 9, 1915. The Grand Trunk Railway System issue round-trip Homeseekers' excur- sion tickets at very low fares from stations in Canada to points in Manito- ba -Alberta and Saskatchewan. each Tuesday until October 26th, inelnaive. Take the new Transcontinental line, short route between Eastern and West- ern Canada, The "National" leaves Toronto 10.45 p. m. via Grand Trunk Railway to North Bay, Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway to Coeh- rane, thence Transcontinental Railway to Winnipeg. Equipment the finest in - eluding Colonist Sleeping ears, Tourist Sleeping cars, Dining car and electric lighted first-class coaches operated through without change between Tor- onto and Winnipeg. Connection is made at Winnipeg with the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway for Saskatoon, Regina, Edmonton and other points in Western Canada. Costs no more than by other routes. Get tickets and full particulars from H. B. Elliott, Town Agent for the G.T.R. at the Tmi'a% Office. WHITEDBUIt.CH Rev. G. M. and Mrs. Dunn up from Toronto last week spending their holidays in the motored and are vicinity. Noteworthy Merchandise at Popular Prices Holeproof Hosiery Guaranteed Ladies' Lisle and Silk Hose made by the famous Holeproof Co. A guar- antee with every pair. Sold in boxes of 3 and 6 pairs. 6 pairs of Lisle Hose for f $2.00, guaranteed for 6 rnonths. 2.pairs of Silk Hose for $3, guaranteed for 3 months. Silk Hose in all the new - y est shades of Palm Beach.' 0,4•,,,,,,,,,,----w,,,, Smoke Grey: ' Blue and Black and White. Ladies' New Silk and Silk -and -Wool Sweater Coats at 4.50, $6, $7.50 The Sweater Coat season is here again, and we can show you ' some of the latest novelties of the season, in Ladies' Coats in in plain and fancy weaves. 1 EAST WAWANOSB. The Council met on July 26th, per- suant to adjournment. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Directors on behalf of, the Turnberry and Blyth Agricultural Societies were present, asking for a grant in aid of Fall Fairs. The sum of $10.00 was voted each Society. The collector presented his bond, the same being accepted as satisfactory. The Treasurer's half yearly state- ment to June -30th, showing a balance on hand of $329.69, received and filed. Trees having been removed, of late, from the parts of the township on the public roads, it was ordered that in the future no trees be removed or injured without parties at first getting consent of the Council. The following accounts were paid: J. A. McLean, plank . .. $ 15 45 J. Shoebottom,drawingplank and covering culvert, Con. 10 . 5 50 The Blyth Standard, part print- ing contract.... 20 00 J.E . Taman, grading on cons 6 & 7 35 00 On Western Boundary... 20 00 W. J. Parks, grav'g and insp. on Western Boundary.....:. 16 50 J. Young, underbrushing , in • Coultis' swamp, Con. 104 00 H. McGee. tile and outlet on side- line 30 & 31, Con. 12 .. 10 00 J. W. Mason, gray. and shov 'g. on sideline 39 & 40. Con. 7 27 15 J. Tunney, rep. Potter's bridge 1 00 Wingham and Blyth Fall Fair grants, each 10 00 W. Scott, coin. statute labor tax 6 25 W. Dunbar " " " 2 50 S. Cook, " " 13 75 For gravel—W. Purdon $2.80, S. Frisby $15.70, E. Orvis $3.60, Mrs. A. Patter- son $7.30, W. Salter $8.20, R. Scott $3.50, G. Bentley,$10.50, C. Nethery $5.60, C. Campbell $5.50, T. Bradnock $10.60, W. Bennett $3.90, W. Fother- gill $2.00, J. Pfeffer $6.50. J. Cochrane shovelling, $1.25; W. Salter, shovelling, $2.70; A. W. P. Smith, shovelling, $3.00. The Council then adjourned to meet again on Monday, August 23rd, as a Court of Revision on the Blyth creek drain • extension and other ordinary business. Rev. Mr. Dunn will conduct the ser- vices in the Presbyterian Church next Sabbath. The Guild meeting on August 8th was conducted by Alex. Henry. The subject for next Sunday is "Be True to your Ideals," the leader, Mr. D. M ar tin. NOTES A regiment. of Russian soldiers is to be formed in Canada. Sunday baseball in Hull, P. Q., was declared legal by Magistrate Goyette. Lieut. C. S. Craig, of Cobourg, has been awarded the Military Cross for conspicuous bravery. The Manitoba Grain Growers have promised some 10,000 acres' produce for patriotic purposes. It was decided to wipe out an Ohio village to help save the State from any more flood devastation. P. C. Wadsworth, a big cotton pro- moter, was arrested in New York on a charge of using the mails to defraud. Sheriff Chas. H. Moore of Grey county died in Bgwanville Hospital after a short illness at the age of seventy- eight. St. Matthew's Anglican Church, Ot- tawa, decided to Contribute one machine gun every month as long as the war lasts. Victor .1. Anderson, a Swede, aged twenty -Six, and Leslie Hull, twelve years old, both of Rochester, were drowned while fishing from a canoe at Fish Rock, Stoney Lake, on Saturday, A Krupp gun, the largest and most complete, captured by the British from the Germans, has been received in %pronto, and Will be the main war troptlyfeaturaOf theTet'Ontto Exhibition. ry A. PORTERFIELD, Clerk. Considerable decrease in consumption of liquor, tobacco, cigars and cigarettes is reported for the last fiscal year. Special Sale of Ladies' Raincoats Regular $12.50 Values Reduced { This is a time for unity, not division. With Warsaw fallen, we have no time or energy for jealousy even between nations, still • less between political parties. We do not care who is in power or in office, so long as the great objects of the allies are achieved. We are fighting, not for the triumph of Grit or Tory, but for humanity. BORN DOIG—In Turnberry, on July 31st, 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. John Doig; a daughter. GRAY— In Brussels, on July 25th, 1015, to Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan T. Gray; a son—Jonathan Wesley. MusGltovE—In Turnberry, on August 1st, 1915, to Mr. and Mr9. Jeff Mus- grove; a daughter. stannic ED MITCHELL—CLOAKEY—In Morris, on Aug. 4th, by the Rev. J. W. Hibbert, Mr. Simon Mitchell, Reeve of Wingham, to Miss Mary 3. Cloakey, of Morris. GREGORY—MASON—In Wingham, on August 10th, by the Rev. J. W. Hib- bert, Mr. George T. Gregory of Granum, Alberta, to Miss Mae E., 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Mason, of Wingham. mei EL --1n Wroxeter, on July 30th, 1915,IAnnie Carmichael, daughter of the late John and Mrs. Carmichael. ItsztiLTON—In Gotrie, on August 3rd, 1915, Alex. M. Hamilton, aged 43 years. STURDY—In Auburn, on August 8rd, John Sturdy, in his 90th year. AItMITAGE On Thursday, Aug. 5, at T,ucknow, James Armitage, father of Rev. W. L. Armitage, rector of St, Mark's Church, Toronto, Viyella Flannels The new fall patterns have just arrived and consist of plain colors in the newest shades of Cream, Grey, Khaki, Military Red, Tartans and Fancy Stripes. We are sole agents for this famous flannel which is guaran- teed against shrinking or fading Ask for Samples. 36 inch Black Mousseline Silks We have just received our Black Silks for fall, and have some splendid values. In ail qualities, Special prices $1, $1,25 and $1.50 yd. Stylish Silk Petticoats,.$4, $5 and $6 Made in the latest styles, with the Newton Patent Adjustable Waistband, which will fit any figure, in all the newest shades, also black. KING BIROS.. 'Phone 71 PRODUCE WANTED ' AGENTS FOR STANDARD PATTEgINS i 1 t -- CANADIAN PACIFIC MANY THOUSAN ' FARM LABORERS W i NTED FOR HARVESTING IN WE TERN CANADA "GOING TRIP WEST" ' RE URN TRIP EAST" $12.00 TO WINNIPEG I $1 e I 0 FROM WINNIPEG GOING DATES August 11th and 24th— ov�otriob Renfrew and East n the Provinces Onand Quebec Including Inttere1 to stationsand branches. Augus1Q21st and lith—From Toronto, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., and East In the Province of Ontario, Including Intermediate stations and branches, but not East of or including Kingston, Tiohborne Jct., Sharbot Lake or Renfrew. August 24eh and 211th—Prom notoronto and Including Stations tations on line North of Toronto toest and North in the oe of Ontario, Sudbury an Sault Ste. Mario, Ont. For full particulars regarding transportation west of Winnipeg, ete.,eee nearest C.P.R. Agent, or write— PA./PG. MURPHY, District Passenger Agent, Can. Pac. Ry,, TORONTO MANY THOUSAND MEN REQUIRED for the HARVEST IN WESTERN CANADA Thousands of Men will be required from Ontario to help in the great work of harvesting the Western crop, and practically the entire task of transport- ing this great army of Harvesters to the West will fall to the lot of the Can- adian Pacific Railway, Excursions from points in Ontario to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta will be run, and special trains operated, making the trip in about thirty-six hours and avoiding any change of cars or transfers. "Going Trip West," $12.00 to Winni- e p "Return Trip East," $18.091 from Winnipeg. Consult C.P.R. Age is regarding particulars in connection Atli transport- ation west of Winnipeg; GOING DATES August 19th and 26th—Prom Kingston, Tichborne Jot., Sharbot Lake, Ren- frew and East in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, including inter- mediate stations and branches. August 21st and 26th—From Toronto, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., and East in the Prey/bee of Ontario including intermediate stations and branches, but not East of or including King- ston, Tichborne Jct., Sharbot rJake or Renfrew. August 24th and 28th --From Toronto and stations West and Nbrth in the Province of Ontario, but not includ- ittg Stations on line North of Toronto to Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. For full particulars regarding trans- portation West of Winnipeg, etc,, see nearest C.P.R. Agent. or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Rev. br. John Scrimger, Principal of the Montreal Presbyterian College, died suddenly at his summe'1hhome at Bic, Quebec. J. 6. STEWART Town Treasurer Clerk of Diyision Court Fire, Life, Accident and Sickness Insurance. Real Estate Deals Transacted Office in Town Hall Phone 184 WINGHAM -• ONTARIO PEACHES, PEARS AND PLUM Buy direct and save the . iddle- man's profits. I will hav alimited amount of Fruit to ship ithin the Next Two Weeks h -.se booking first will have the p , erenee. All orders cash, F.O.B. 5 Large Basket Lots of Each: No. 1 Plunis"... $2.50 No. 1Peaches .... ,.....,8.50 No. 1 Pears .. 3.25 No. 1 Tomatoes 2.50 J. A, SINCLAIR Beatneville, Ontario, Two children were burned to death in a fire caused by a burglar hurling a stone at their mother, knocking a lamp from her hand, SEMIANiUAL CLEARANCE SALE Men's Patent and Gun . Metal Boots, Regular $4 to $5 for $1.98 Women's Patent and Plain Oxfords, Regular $3 to $4, for $1.18. Oxfords and Pumps below Cost. W. H. WILLIS & CO. SOLE AGENTS ueen FOR LADIES ual'ty 0 WesternSept. London Fair CANADA 10th-18th 1915 $30,000.00 IN PRIZES and Attractions . Prizes increased this year by $3,000.00. Excellent Program of Attrac- tions Twice Daiiy. Two Speed Events Daily. Fireworks Every Night. New Steel Grandstand. Midway Better Than Ever. MUSIC BY THE BEST AVAILABLE BANDS. Single Fare over all Railways West of Toronto and Fare and One -Third from outside points. Prize Lists, Entry Forms apd all information from the Secretary. . ' W. J. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary AUCTI ONEERS McConnell & Vandrick IAuctioneers for the Counties of Huron and Bruce, are prepared to take all kinds of sales. We are certain we can please. You can have either one or both without extra charge. Orders Ican be left with P'. McConnell, or with 0. F. Vandrick at the Merchants' Brokerage Co.'s Store, Winghain, Charges moderate. I Mr. R. T. Cowell, A.L.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Church Teacher of Pianoforte, Singing Violin Pianos and Organs Tunedland Repaired. Wingham, - Ont. JOHN E. saoves � ISSUER OE M1iliallAGE LiC1 NSBS Town riall, Wingham - PHOINES:-,Oltice 24 Reetdencn 168 SPRING COAL If you want to secure the lowest price of the year, buy your winter coal now. If you want good service along with the best coal alined, let us fill you bin with genuine D. L. & W. Scranton, which has no equal.. Call atlour office and get our prices for everything in the fuel line. J. A. McLEAN DEALER IN `` LUMBER, COAL, WOOD AND SHINGLES. PItorms t Residence 55, Office 64a, Mill 64b 14464,64441116,64,416414.411114,4