HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-08-12, Page 5August 12th, i915 gowiliwwwkillilIREMOIMMIN1111100111111•0101011110111111 ON SALE THIS WEEK 1 Ladies' Raincoats, Spring Coats, Boys' Suits, Men's Hats Ladies' Raincoats Our window this week will have Ladies Raincoats and Fall Cravenettes. This line of Coats are to be cleared out to make room for Fall Goods. Sizes,34 to 44. Sale Price $4.98 Men's Hats pe: ip C�+ Eta rNWN :xl1,:Ilii i . : r ttin: sl Men's Hats in soft, stiff, and silk hats, Our south window will show Men s and Young Men's Hats in navy blue, blacks and greys, regular prices $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 each. Sale Price 98c. Come in and look them over. Boys' Suits Special Sale of Boys' Suits We are offering this week all Suits in fancy tweeds and navy blues as high priced as $8.50 ,sizes 29 to 34, to be on sale for , . , . $4.49 • Smaller sizes 24 to 28 for $3.65 !II°: :,i; HANNA & C0. Ep'lpe „_,40 111 :I11Mr.,—y Seam Mail Orders Promptly Filled Phonc.71 Delineator and Butterick Patterns For Sale • r111N 11 1"1 11114 runt. :Ilii I: fa ''till: :illlll: :61,13 • THE WINGHAM TIMES Page 5 .r,ssxtt trees It is expected that as a result of the whirlwind campaign last week for the Canadian Patriotic Fund the sum of $10,000 will have been contributed. Amounts already received total $9,000• This is rn addition to previous subserip. tions to the Red Cross and other funds, to which the citizens have been contri- buting their fair share, A noticeable feature of the campaign was that near- ly all the citizens united to do their little bit, and the $10,000 included few large contributions, only one reaching $500. It is planned to shortly commence a similar campaign in Wallace and' El= townships under the auspices of the Listowel and District Men's Patriotic Association. BulissieLs James Thuell and Walter Williamson, are attending the I. 0.0. F. Grand Lodge at Stratford, as representatives of Western Star, Brussels. Brussels Red Cross Society forward- ed to headquarters last week the fol- lowing goods: 80 pairs of socks, 45 hospital shirts, 14 nighshirts, 20 py- jamas, 216 rolls of bandages' and 12 pairs pillowslips. On the eve of George Manning leav- ing town to enlist as a soldier, the Odd - fellows presented him with an address, accompanied •by a wrist watch and a safety razor. After the installation of officers at the I.O.O.F, lodge, William Martin, the veteran 0. G., who has filled the office for St years, was presented with a complimentary address and a pair of emblematic cufflinks. Although Mr. Martin will soon be 79 years of age, he is quite a boy yet. AUBURN. On Tuesday evening, Aug. 3rd, John Sturdy, one of the oldest and most high- ly respected residents of Auburn, pass- ed away in his ninetieth year, after several months of increasing feebleness from paralysis. In the early days of this county Mr. Sturdy took an active part in clearing the forests and erecting dwellings and barns fpr the early sett- lers. He spent several years in the Province of Manitoba when it was all prairie, and in Parry Sound district, clearing his farm there. The last sev- eral years he spent here with his family enjoying a well-earned rest He was a strong advocate of temperance prin- ciples and was a man who believed ir, making his word as good as his bond. He was a member of the Masonic craft and of the Orange Order.- He is sur- vived by three sons -Henry, William and George -and two danghters, Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw and Miss Annie. The family have the sympathy of the com- munity. clott><tt>r. calved honors, and one of them, Mies Lena Edmiston, was a pupil of the Blyth school. Capital Authorized $5,9OO,O0O A quiet wedding was solemnized in cascara Pyla up , . 43,000,000 St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church aurptt+e 43,7110,000 on Saturday, when Miss Anna Winni- We regret to hear that Alex. M. Retainer), Gerrie, passed awayTuesday of last week, at the early age of 43 years. He was a brother to Dr. Hamil- ton, Brussels. His demise was rine to cold contracted last December while at- tending a funeral as the undertaker. Mr. Hamilton leaves a wife and 3 child- ren. He Was a fine man and highly esteemed by a wide circle of friends who will regret hie early_ demise and extend sympathy to the bereaved. GREY Robert Pearson's health is not nearly as good as his many old friends would wish but we hope he will improve. Miss Maggie Gran*, of Leamington, is making a visit with James ar.d Mrs. Grant, 14th Con„ and other relatives and friends. Miss Margaret McCullough, Regina, was a welcome visitor with Oliver and Mrs. Hemingway, 10th Con. The ladies are sisters. Miss Teenie and Maggie McArthur, Toronto, are making a holiday visit at the home of their brother, Councillor, P. A. McArthur. Robert Carr, 3rd con., received word last week that his youngest son, Robert, who has been in the West for the past 6 or 8 years, has leased his farm in Saskatchewan and has enlisted. At present he is with a contingent at North Battleford where the recruits are being fred, second daughter of of Mr. and Mrs. William Bell, was united to Harold Gillean of London, Rev, Father Hogan officiating. HARVEST HELP EXCURSION $12 TO WINNIPEG. The Grand Trunk Railway will sell Harvest Help excursion tickets to Winnipeg on following dates: - August 24th and 28th, from stations in Ontario, North and West of Toronte, but not including line Toronto to North Bay, Fare $12.00 to Winnipeg. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Edmonton and traverses some of the best farming a country in Manitoba and the most rap- idly developing section of Western Can- ada, For particulars as to, tickets west of Winnipeg, etc., apply to II. B. Elliott Town Agent for the G. T. R. at the TIMES Office. lame STOOK ataatn.a xs Toronto, Aug. 9 -For all classes of offerings there was an active and a stronger market this morning, and though the run was pretty heavy, a clean up was effected. This provided a ieasant surprise all' round after the drilled. dull draggy tone which had been ap- parent at many recent markets. uLYTB. Export $ 8 25 Butcher cattle choice ,7 75 do medium.. 0 75 Butcher cows choice , , 6 75 do medium.... 5 25 do common.... 4 50 do bulls 6 75, Feeders 6 50 Stockers 6 25 do medium,... 6 25 do light 5 00 Canners and cutters4 00 Milkers, choice ... 65 00 Springers .... 50 00 Common and medium.,40 00 Lambs .... .. 7 00 Light awes ...... ........ 5 75 do bucks, .. ... ... 3 50 Hogs fed and watered, .. 8 75 do f.o b 8.40 Calves .. , ... 4 00 The heavy rains of last week have caused farmers great concern, as most of them have still some hay in the field. and all of them have wheat either cut or ready to cut, and some say that the wheat is already beginning to sprout., Wm. Murphy, of the 13th of Hallett, is having lots of trouble, as in the spring he had the misfortune to break his arm so severely that he will never have full use of it, and now he has met with another misfortune which may cause him the loss of his eye. He was assist- ing a neighbor to drive some cattle, and while cracking the whip, a piece of the lash flew off and struck him in the eye, cutting it quite severely, and at present it is not known whether he will lose the sight or not. The pupils who attended the Blyth Public School made a good showing at the examinations, seven out of eight trying having passed the entrance ex- aminations, and nine out of eleven in the entrance to the normal. Besides, in the latter examinations, there were only five in the whole county who re- $ 8 9O 8 35 7 25 7 25 6 25 5 0) 7 5) 7 50 7 2i 6 53 5 53 5 25 95 0) 95 0) 64 0) '7 53 6 D 4 50 10 50 WINGHAML At A.ItK N:T R.E 'OJtTS. Wingharn, July 14, 1015 Flour per 100 lbs 3 60 to 3 9) Fall wheat 1 05 to 1 10 Oats .., cl 45 to '0 4' Barley 0 55 to 0 55 Peas .. ...1 65 to 1 65 Butter dairy .0 23 to 0 22 Eggs per doz.............. 0 22 to 0 21 Wood per cord .... .2 25 to 2 50 Hay per ton,... 14 00 to 15 05 Hogs ......8 75 to 9 00 Dried Apples, per lb 5r Beans, per bus hel.. ........3 00 to 3 00 PROTECTION Your cash on handinsures you and your family from want and privation. Make it safe. Start a Savings Account in this Bank. WINGHAM BRANCH C. P. SMITH Manager. "MADE IN CANADA" 1 ISARD'S BIG "CIA EA:\ —TIP" SEMM ER SAL El C�(�IMw+W„rhi'Y��/ryv1�++M+r...rMh✓t0w✓iM'' Mr�M+�h,h+"'y'y.��"ti"Ah+'�M�hN'IFs'.. o►..rh,F+,..y+dr.ao,.a.+r.P,wv*�...�Arw'�ro+rl�c.,A�+ _U' ova*w .,uu oO• oo •. bO,pyx,Unoonno. R / � i,z., .,wf• • '�'�u.� ••.�ancm nun n�ur7�a � 1^ i �' '� -� ` r�.)�a'�isRtii+�l'a `:L Ih '? •L Imo' — 00.00 00..4.....01030 00 , e .00u,yi ,ulLa � ° wFor Bargains • . atoi, ,. unot,n r,o t,nn•,r,. r„ne,l..r .u.,<ir anera,noonn con rrn<,nnr <o, o-• r „0-44 Ckt BARGAINS IN GROCERIES 7 bars Laundry Soap. Royal Yeast Cakes. Good 4 string 35c Brooms for..,.... 3 cans best Corn. Baking Powder, 2 cans for.. Corn Starch per box Bottle Extract Flavoring Special blend of Teas, per ib Pearl Pot Barley 2 cans Salmon for Seeded Raisins, choice....... •. • • • 7 bars Olive 011 Soap ..... .... 550 can Empire Brand Salmon ... Canada Laundry Stnt•ch TABLE LINEN One piece heavy Table Linen, sale One piece wide Table Linen, 50e, sale.......... . Fine quality Bleached Linen, COc, sale ,... 2 pieces Table Litten, regular 75c, sale . One piece extra fine quaity. $1.00, sale sale heavylinen, regular $1.25, One enact (2 yds wide) g BARGAINS IN CORSETS Lino No. 1-A lot of odd lines to clear... Line No. 2-.3 doz. values up to $1.25, sale . .., Line No, 3 --Special clearing lot at We carry a Big Stock of the best makes of Corsets. 'dont• choice of the regular lines at ent prices. Ask to see them. TermsCash or Produce at time of sale. (� IVO paid fzr will be charged 03 19 25 25 08 30 04 25 10 25 20 08 25 48 Sv 1 00 59 09 95 Commencing Saturday, August 7th at 9 a.m. and ending on August 21st, 1915. Big Cut in Prices for Two Weeks on Alt Kinds of Goods Come and see how much money you can save on Just the Goods You Want. Our two stores will contribute Big Bargains in all kinds of Ladies' and Men's Wear Goods. Great stock of Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Clothing, Carpets, Rugs, Blinds, Curtains, Oilcloths, Linoleums, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, Gloves and Corsets. COME EARLY FOR BEST CHOICE • RIBBONS Our stock is complete With all kinds of I3,ibbons, Cut prices on all lines. 10 pieces wide hair Ribbon, sale ..,... 20c plain Silk Ribbon, sale........,. 25c plain or fanny Ribbon, sale........ .... .. 30c Watered or Moire Ribbon PRINTS Choice new patterns, Crows' English Prints, light or dark colorings. 121c quality on sale .... READY-TO-WEAR 3 dozen Ladies' Galitea Aprons, sale .... Children's Wash Linen dresae:s, sale .... 10 Girl's Middies, special to clear 15 Ladies' Permit', Wast T?ntlerskirts, sale ... 20 Girls' Linen i)i sses, nicely made, sale. 25 Ladies' White Cambric Underskirts, sale • .. Ladies' Cain laic Night (towns, se 0. Corset Covers. to clear at..... ... , ... Ladies' Stmmler Coals, sale price 10 2 tlo•,ren Wrappers and Housedresses, sale Ladies'. Tailored Suits at 20 per rent, off. CARPET DEPARTMENT Cut Prices on Carpets, Linoleurns, Brussels, Tapestry, Wool, Velvet and Wilton rings, DRESS GOODS Big Savings on Dress Goods just when prices are going ftp, You t•n,n buy at a. saving of 20 pert ant. liny your new Dress or Snit now, BOOTS AND SHOES. Big ettt in prices of all lines of Test's, Wnmet,'r, Boys' and Giris' Roots and Shoes. Bargain Box of Odd Brines to clear at. 'l 1,19 LACES AND EMBROIDERIES BARGAINS IN SILKS Big stock of Silks at Salt Price SPEerAL-50 yds Black Pailette Silk, yd wide elean sweep. . .....,.., 89 .A. line of colored Pailette Silk, $1.25 for... , .. .... . $1,110 27 inch Japan Taffeta Silk, 50c for 40 One piece Pongee Silk t ... . • . 35 20 per eent. discount off other nes of Silk. BARGAINS IN STAPLES Fine English Cambric, yard wide, 15e for12.!. 10 webs fine Factory Cotton, yard wide, 125, for. . , . , ' 10 5 pieces Linen Crash Towelling, 124e, sale . • 10 Yard -wide Stritied Flannelette. 12 1-2e, sale 14) 4 pieces white I' lanneleette, yard -wide, lye, sale ... 12i 2 pieces Sheeting, 2 yards wide, 80e, anis"5 New patterns Art Sateen, 25e, sale.. `2t) A lot of Wash Goods on sate 08 Curtain Muslin and Net, 20c; sale 15 Bungalo Cnrtaining (wide), 25e, sale...-. ....... 20 Lace Curtains, to clear at. ... ... .... $1.00 Goods not at regular 45 43 89 69 85 95 75 25 9.5 • ';tock is to large and roust be reduced Cot pelves will do it. t 27 inch flouncing regular value, 50e and Pe, sale Torchon Lace bargain, 2 yds for .. t rr, Cards of Lace, 6 yds each for, i H. E. I1SARD CO. Nat PARASOLS Sntnuier Parasols in White or Fancy Colors, at 20 ler cent, off all other lines. MEN'S WEAR STORE t'hni- •• st„c'k of Men's. Yon1'as' and Boys' Snits, "Fit - Rite" Ta lore:l Clothes that are right, "Take -a -Look." 10 :.fen's Engli,h Worst.edaaul'l'weedSuits, value up to $12 00, Sale prise only. $8.98 2 dozen heavy black Denim Overalls, sale ..... .... 09 3 dozen heavy blue or black Overalls, sale . .. 85 Men's two-piece Summer Suits, sate price. .. 7.54) Youth's fancy worsted Suits $12.00 for . ... , ... 1)• 00 Boys' t.R o•pieee Suits, to clear at.... ....... .3.1)8 Men's Tweed Pants, odd lines at. 1,75 Men's fine English Worsted Snits, sale 1 `.?.50 Men's Gray Lustre Summer Coats, $1.25 sale x.00 Men's and Davis' Boots v Men's Boots, broken lines, value up to $3, sale 1.98 Meet's strong Working Boots, regular $3.60, for. 2.75 Boys' good Wearing Boots, regular $2, for 1 30 Cut I'riees on all other lines of Men's and Boys'Boots. GENTS' FURNISHINGS Men's Summer Underwear Shirts and Drawers, special `25 Men's strong Wearing Sox, 2 pair for. 25. 3 doz. Men's Print Shirts, regular 75e for, 50 Men's heavy'1'op Shirts, sale price.. 50 Men's Straw Hats to clear at ...... .... . .... 25 silk four-in-hand Ties, sale .... ..... ......... .... 0f) Boys' Wash Cotton I naps, stile .., ., "39 Straw Hats o clear at reduced prices. 08 ICO to Farmer''.,n.:W�Ei;e:�aa"•"-' IIt t i R������ Large quantities of Ilutter and Eggs rK wantedr Highest prices paid in ez- change for goods at sale pace. Ford Runabout Price $480 Lock a nla) np and -he \vathers. it. take+:a the sunshine and fresh air to preserve perfect health. The Ford has opened up the great invigorating out-of-doors to the Canadian of moderate means. More than fifty thous- and Canadians are using the Ford profitably i -both for pleasure and business. Touring Car $530;1 own Car $780:F.O.B.Ftnd, Ontario, with all equipment, including, elec- tric'. headlights. Cars on display and sale at A. M. CRAWFOISD'S; DEALER WI :a GHAM,o Ir. . r► 1 ISARD'S BIG "CIA EA:\ —TIP" SEMM ER SAL El C�(�IMw+W„rhi'Y��/ryv1�++M+r...rMh✓t0w✓iM'' Mr�M+�h,h+"'y'y.��"ti"Ah+'�M�hN'IFs'.. o►..rh,F+,..y+dr.ao,.a.+r.P,wv*�...�Arw'�ro+rl�c.,A�+ _U' ova*w .,uu oO• oo •. bO,pyx,Unoonno. R / � i,z., .,wf• • '�'�u.� ••.�ancm nun n�ur7�a � 1^ i �' '� -� ` r�.)�a'�isRtii+�l'a `:L Ih '? •L Imo' — 00.00 00..4.....01030 00 , e .00u,yi ,ulLa � ° wFor Bargains • . atoi, ,. unot,n r,o t,nn•,r,. r„ne,l..r .u.,<ir anera,noonn con rrn<,nnr <o, o-• r „0-44 Ckt BARGAINS IN GROCERIES 7 bars Laundry Soap. Royal Yeast Cakes. Good 4 string 35c Brooms for..,.... 3 cans best Corn. Baking Powder, 2 cans for.. Corn Starch per box Bottle Extract Flavoring Special blend of Teas, per ib Pearl Pot Barley 2 cans Salmon for Seeded Raisins, choice....... •. • • • 7 bars Olive 011 Soap ..... .... 550 can Empire Brand Salmon ... Canada Laundry Stnt•ch TABLE LINEN One piece heavy Table Linen, sale One piece wide Table Linen, 50e, sale.......... . Fine quality Bleached Linen, COc, sale ,... 2 pieces Table Litten, regular 75c, sale . One piece extra fine quaity. $1.00, sale sale heavylinen, regular $1.25, One enact (2 yds wide) g BARGAINS IN CORSETS Lino No. 1-A lot of odd lines to clear... Line No. 2-.3 doz. values up to $1.25, sale . .., Line No, 3 --Special clearing lot at We carry a Big Stock of the best makes of Corsets. 'dont• choice of the regular lines at ent prices. Ask to see them. TermsCash or Produce at time of sale. (� IVO paid fzr will be charged 03 19 25 25 08 30 04 25 10 25 20 08 25 48 Sv 1 00 59 09 95 Commencing Saturday, August 7th at 9 a.m. and ending on August 21st, 1915. Big Cut in Prices for Two Weeks on Alt Kinds of Goods Come and see how much money you can save on Just the Goods You Want. Our two stores will contribute Big Bargains in all kinds of Ladies' and Men's Wear Goods. Great stock of Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Clothing, Carpets, Rugs, Blinds, Curtains, Oilcloths, Linoleums, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, Gloves and Corsets. COME EARLY FOR BEST CHOICE • RIBBONS Our stock is complete With all kinds of I3,ibbons, Cut prices on all lines. 10 pieces wide hair Ribbon, sale ..,... 20c plain Silk Ribbon, sale........,. 25c plain or fanny Ribbon, sale........ .... .. 30c Watered or Moire Ribbon PRINTS Choice new patterns, Crows' English Prints, light or dark colorings. 121c quality on sale .... READY-TO-WEAR 3 dozen Ladies' Galitea Aprons, sale .... Children's Wash Linen dresae:s, sale .... 10 Girl's Middies, special to clear 15 Ladies' Permit', Wast T?ntlerskirts, sale ... 20 Girls' Linen i)i sses, nicely made, sale. 25 Ladies' White Cambric Underskirts, sale • .. Ladies' Cain laic Night (towns, se 0. Corset Covers. to clear at..... ... , ... Ladies' Stmmler Coals, sale price 10 2 tlo•,ren Wrappers and Housedresses, sale Ladies'. Tailored Suits at 20 per rent, off. CARPET DEPARTMENT Cut Prices on Carpets, Linoleurns, Brussels, Tapestry, Wool, Velvet and Wilton rings, DRESS GOODS Big Savings on Dress Goods just when prices are going ftp, You t•n,n buy at a. saving of 20 pert ant. liny your new Dress or Snit now, BOOTS AND SHOES. Big ettt in prices of all lines of Test's, Wnmet,'r, Boys' and Giris' Roots and Shoes. Bargain Box of Odd Brines to clear at. 'l 1,19 LACES AND EMBROIDERIES BARGAINS IN SILKS Big stock of Silks at Salt Price SPEerAL-50 yds Black Pailette Silk, yd wide elean sweep. . .....,.., 89 .A. line of colored Pailette Silk, $1.25 for... , .. .... . $1,110 27 inch Japan Taffeta Silk, 50c for 40 One piece Pongee Silk t ... . • . 35 20 per eent. discount off other nes of Silk. BARGAINS IN STAPLES Fine English Cambric, yard wide, 15e for12.!. 10 webs fine Factory Cotton, yard wide, 125, for. . , . , ' 10 5 pieces Linen Crash Towelling, 124e, sale . • 10 Yard -wide Stritied Flannelette. 12 1-2e, sale 14) 4 pieces white I' lanneleette, yard -wide, lye, sale ... 12i 2 pieces Sheeting, 2 yards wide, 80e, anis"5 New patterns Art Sateen, 25e, sale.. `2t) A lot of Wash Goods on sate 08 Curtain Muslin and Net, 20c; sale 15 Bungalo Cnrtaining (wide), 25e, sale...-. ....... 20 Lace Curtains, to clear at. ... ... .... $1.00 Goods not at regular 45 43 89 69 85 95 75 25 9.5 • ';tock is to large and roust be reduced Cot pelves will do it. t 27 inch flouncing regular value, 50e and Pe, sale Torchon Lace bargain, 2 yds for .. t rr, Cards of Lace, 6 yds each for, i H. E. I1SARD CO. Nat PARASOLS Sntnuier Parasols in White or Fancy Colors, at 20 ler cent, off all other lines. MEN'S WEAR STORE t'hni- •• st„c'k of Men's. Yon1'as' and Boys' Snits, "Fit - Rite" Ta lore:l Clothes that are right, "Take -a -Look." 10 :.fen's Engli,h Worst.edaaul'l'weedSuits, value up to $12 00, Sale prise only. $8.98 2 dozen heavy black Denim Overalls, sale ..... .... 09 3 dozen heavy blue or black Overalls, sale . .. 85 Men's two-piece Summer Suits, sate price. .. 7.54) Youth's fancy worsted Suits $12.00 for . ... , ... 1)• 00 Boys' t.R o•pieee Suits, to clear at.... ....... .3.1)8 Men's Tweed Pants, odd lines at. 1,75 Men's fine English Worsted Snits, sale 1 `.?.50 Men's Gray Lustre Summer Coats, $1.25 sale x.00 Men's and Davis' Boots v Men's Boots, broken lines, value up to $3, sale 1.98 Meet's strong Working Boots, regular $3.60, for. 2.75 Boys' good Wearing Boots, regular $2, for 1 30 Cut I'riees on all other lines of Men's and Boys'Boots. GENTS' FURNISHINGS Men's Summer Underwear Shirts and Drawers, special `25 Men's strong Wearing Sox, 2 pair for. 25. 3 doz. Men's Print Shirts, regular 75e for, 50 Men's heavy'1'op Shirts, sale price.. 50 Men's Straw Hats to clear at ...... .... . .... 25 silk four-in-hand Ties, sale .... ..... ......... .... 0f) Boys' Wash Cotton I naps, stile .., ., "39 Straw Hats o clear at reduced prices. 08 ICO to Farmer''.,n.:W�Ei;e:�aa"•"-' IIt t i R������ Large quantities of Ilutter and Eggs rK wantedr Highest prices paid in ez- change for goods at sale pace.