HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-08-12, Page 2Page THE WINGHAM TIMES brand Trunk Hallway system family of five to keep, would have just FICTION ABOUT NAMES about $50 the year left for clothing, doctor's bills, amusements, church and tobeeeo. Commenting on the general trend of A LOT QF cvml ON TI't'L7 NANE prices for the year, the report says V8 BASIS IN FACT. there were increases of 14 per cent in grains and ^£adders, 6 per cent in Tile German Eulp,ror Is Not the Erll- anlnials and meats; S per cent in peror of Germany and There Is No woolens; ten per cent in hides, and Such J'ob as That of Crown Prince seven per cent rp drugs and chemicals. of Germany. -,-keen Balfour at an There were decreases of 33 per cent in ravelling Referred to Lord Bacon furs; and five per cent in cottons. Sugar Instead of Lord Ver'ulasn. rose from the lowest level on record to The exploded theory, we are told, the highest since 13S(). Interruptions dies bard, and fictions, once pro- of shipping with higher freight rates muted into facts, are almost assured and insurance on the seas caused the of life e3 eriasting. It is the inevit- steep advance in many commodities, able outcome of that taint of stark We can ticket you through to any especially in tea, and drugs and ehemi- Stupidity, aa Dr, Johnson would have point in Europe on all leading steamship cals. Increased revenue taxes, in the said, which is to be found in every lines. Prepaid orders also issued. shape of additional customs, and excise man; the shade of mental fog that If it's about travel, we ° have the duties, eaused other increases, notably information and will give it too you in sugar, tobacco and liquors. The eon- • enables makers of reference books to sa errors cheerfully. surnption of fish in Canada is reported and eentitles tuate hth mdeludede ost lito believe by the dealers to be largest yet, and what he wishes to believe. This kind this food bids fair to come into fashion of established and endowed bad as a cheaper substitute for meats, habit has accomplished much in re- gard to personal names. It was re- sponsible, for instance, for allowing Mr. A. J. Balfour to tack of "Lord BRITAIN'S NAVY NEVER RELAXES Bacon" when unveiling the statue of ITS GUARD Sir Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam, at _ e T Gray's Inn some time ago; responsi- ble, too, for Sir Robert Allison's re - The "London Times," Eng., has an cent lapse when lie alluded to tbe article written by the Most Rev. Cosmo. "Ring of Belgium," meaning, prob- Gordon Lang, Archbishop of York, in ably, the King of the Belgians -an R B. Ef�L10Ti', PruzLtsnuna Aar> PaoPuz Tax which he says in part: entirely digerent affair. There is, however,a much worse "We are entering the second year of specimen going the ounds just now, the war. For twelve months the fleet for though, like "Lord Bacon," quite TO ADVERTISERS has been enduring the strain of immedi- an aged absurdity, it has prospered, ate readiness for battle. ,Almost all its as many wrong things have, through ships have been constantly at sea. the war. A double -headed freak, luade specially in the Hohenzollern They had no harbors secure from dan- Vaterland for free importation to Merry England, it is no other than "Emperor of Germany" - "Crown Prince of Germany." This impossi- ble thing springs up like fungus with water covering the decks. in a everywhere. Even so accurate and region where the winter daylight lasts well-informed a writer as Mr. H. G. only a few hours, each ship moving Weals has it, in his excellent pam- hither and thither in the dark, her huh- phlet on "The War and Socialism." areas of men shut down below. It is The authorities of Westminster Ab- bey at the last coronation there la - almost impossible to realize the strain belled a chair with the fiction of such an experience. The officers "Crown Prince of Germany." And and men have all the responsibilities of in the reeently-published letters war without the thrill and excitement which passed between Xing George of battle. Day by day they have to be ,nd M, Poincare last July our For- eign Office credits His Majesty with ready for action. Leave of absence is alluding to "the Emperors of Russia almost impossible; many of them have and of Germany." The popular Town Ticket Offic We can isiile. ,thrciugh tickets via popular routes, to any point in ;America - Feast, West, South, Northwest, Mani - thins, Pacifie Coast, etc. Baggage checked through to destina- tion and fun information given whereby travelling will be make pleasant and free from annoyance. Tourist and return tickets to above points also on mete at lowest figures, and with all prevailing; advantages. Single and return tickets to any point in Ontario. Your business will be ap- reciated, be yeur trip a short or a long one. H. B.ELLIOTT Town Agent G.T.R. Times Witte, W inghanl, Ont. dit,TASTAISERD tats THE WINO Ari TIMES. Notice of ebanges mint be Ieft at this office net later than saturday noon. The copy for changes must be leftnger; they roamed ceaselessly over the Cot al advertisementsr than Monday ay evening, waste of the northern and western seas Casual accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week at full speed. often in wild weather, THURSDAY. AUGUST 12, 1915 COST OF LIVING. To the man who has steady work these days, it is diliaeult enough to make ends meet, :low much harder must it be to those who are nut of work or have irregular work and little enough of it? It is to be sincerely hoped there will be net had 48 hours' leave, few have had a decided upward trend in industrial more, since war began. Yet, in spite Activity before tong, for we know that of all, they are full of cheerfulness. It many of the city's most economical has become more plain than ever that workmen are feeling the pineb, and, it does .not rest only with the fleet and were it not for something put by for the army to win this war; it rests also, the "rainy day" would be in desperate perhaps mainly, with the nation at straits. home. I tried to take a message from To ma;.e matters worse, the cost of the country to the fleet; would that I Livia„ whi.•h was high enough a year could now bring the message from the ;ago, is even higher today. It costs fleet to the country: "We are doing. the man with an average family of five our part day and night; we look to you at least thirty cents more a week to to do yours." live than it did ayelr ago and $1.31 mere than in 1911. The only real say - kg, clause in the wbe;e affair is that WORSE THAN THIS WAR. there have been some decreases in the pries of f eestufr_: a decided boon to]. To the Editor:- the earefa3 h ause:vife. The annual re - pc t of the department of labor dea<ing intervals."War is Hell" but it only comes at with w ;.,:,,ale prices in inanada for thenow . had a year 101W, es fest issued, gives some hundred years of peace, during which interesting stltisties as to the cost of we could have, and would have develop - of living arta the effect of the war en ed much more rapidly only for the prises. liquor traffic. There is no peace time Oae of the ;most interesting tables and no rests from its onslaught:. Truly is teat ; giving atytieiiweeklyexpends- where war kills thousands, this traffic ture ef CS'.*rr:i'?y man's family on kills tens of thousands, as I shall show. st T e fa : I lighting an i rental, Day and night it goes an killing and The .,a<-,. azion based wounding quite as really, though with ruarek, who was very far from be - ate �. a,, s ...cola is len p*ot,ertion- }, :, !teem. S , less display than war, and still many ing a fool, would have none of it, ask' e:�;; ::;,it:: `rS .�'3 a.. of n.t� pc year. £'e.: feed the average weekly a otherwise goad people act as if they and his mandate, German Emperor, l; 5 n 'became law. The reason was ob- le a et air a =d '.ast year 47.«, ; c qeq were perfe sly indifferent, viaus, the Emperors of Germany bee ee,_., ares ,,,ci et -en l fe ;• R If we ehouid less rive thousand men ingthe re reseutatives et the an - w ee, ewes es a ld:. ' r f::e' and l tilts im this war, everyone would feel that eient Empire of the Rest, the Holy Canada had received aset back that it Woman Empire, a position impossi- ing* the to-'e'c c s e z.st Ns; year was 51.:tii i F e We to site Lutheran descendant im nt of o re `L e. e.`,t than" weuad take years 'to recover from. But 'Brandenburg, it per seer. ar,Y - Electors; moreover, r s r we lease that many every year through to :dews slight lowering , Emperor of" meant. as in Russia it it I. EorS e3 largely Caen ated even on a five per` s- ll means, sovereign lord absolute- cent. basis' Daes it seem extravagant) 3y of land and people, the Emperors f, r i housan: tJ say that five td ..=se tee:r of Germany being always that in r7 i.;as.,; rear was e:�r.A �.r:a and in other territorywhile at r.. . -,e. _ ..1,` a ..:p�:rd is throlgb drini. in Canada everyi ti:e ' oaenroliern was never su,ch in - E r�, ^Pr Rtes in ,1n zrdi $4 ti,s year.nThat is orate -elated en only half 1 Pr:lssia. But we have a fair idea :a. say 4 the' peizentage that is allowed for the . of what the present head of the • '.? ' United States, and Britain is certainly house -would like to be! t.'i - r t c I0 3` t 't -. ° I The German Emperor we unwise- - nwise- • ar within t,.P mark. 1i 13at x33 immense „ e to e^•c5 ';, rca.ce x n n Canada has est 1 Ip call the Kaiser. as though here a a >: o: strong a" Canada 1 r'^ _,C . ars`:e3 b -wan oihar. If anv man is o be to g a :r id : dav"ni.*, ;Ser ou^.:'.' 3 sea s neepe that. t''le :t it the Emperor t: Y_ e y ea,r-r.rebab'c net less than tee 1 c° enerria teed, as a fact, he is oe- ,,,.$.5.:' eel `CT:nJe ti',:. b .fired thee;an I, to say nothing of tee as`e13a11y so m .tr?�?, for his Fra- G;1.7 .e.., p..-. r- :i•ei a other eras that ; v e?sor$" fivers OfQen sQyle3 tattle ��' er �inaply• Caesar, In.pera- l: < 9 ` °' wnng El' n.e r., o, `nits :tarn. r .or, "a map'rarser. Emperor being indeed, F, t•„a teen ea:e, ate;i that Russia the same. The Iain: of Prueeeia may _ - � r: a •3Jt � s 'gavel YET 6rrSi �CO..t r.«� .��;¢aru lana SS.t,] :ger-rvl',h1tio n a the ligeor traffic" F1:.•', 5 \apoieen fenaparte payed, at bei.. a modern Roman Emperor. ,, ,t wt;.r d in ea wear:, save as ma:a • me:3„ g rktt.. a sa.arj e $y;+, per gear, std a�a l be he only figure -bead who could a? :5,4„,,,:ysite et^ lupe : n t1Zas war, eeesilas assume tae part with ny eel tee;;�.:,.e wca:3 be ri.n ani pros• geo;e eaf genealogical rh1•me and ', as at the end of that time. With, reason is Franz Joseph the Haps- vitcry late, v: ell enforced, Cored burger. Our daily reiterated cora- e • .:ta ��a 3 : cue year sate fire teusa^d i pnneot Kehler" Pesses urchal- , attest empty the ,ails and F031' ienge.yof out alnanyone alluding :be li ears Between the i nce of this shortletter yet est>s asd trawls s . h pre;�r.er any sc would ' e Bales ed at, though. in 85' ma read grsntragetiy, If ittap;aaal vivre .- e 1' n:e ^ Ler s> :vrn. I eerdaa ee with our German logic. be aiada'?Y°. peri at�i1y, how rr�^.;d yvr l` tE n e' e 'u'ati'r-s tent carrEc.t sbouid he .',ustified. aaeslreeiC t3nppo.esanhe',d'iaeperrtr»t .• ,,r. .s to the 1•ranvrJ Pruner of Ger- recervet etee 1 ~mean cr to tdtr irs ci ` Fs time that we di3 see etbi ig . ma„y; ' be ears be given a very g6t eels sten*, web; wca43 ycu do? , : cove. glias: v, e f;a_ever teen. het el dis,nissal. There is not a311y no such "Wiii sots tirsdly tit* ash istt rmstiee eessly on at the ruining of azar ceun:r1•. It person now but it is doubtful if Ii. Meets. M. n.. l4.i`_P.S. there ever has been -doubtful, in- 11 deed, If the titta was in exisienee When the ane=ent empire of Germany press, the illustrated handbook, and the cinematograph make an aug- mented chorus. Well, there is no such person, and there never has been, so far as a Prussian king Is concerned. Further, there is a rea- son why such is so -it is no mere quibble over the form of a name. Emperor of Germany was a title assumed by Rudolph, Count of Haps- burg, in 1273. By the Pragmatic Sanction of 1439 the title, then held by Albert II., was confined in per- petuity to the House of Austria. This succession came to an end in the person of Francis II., who, af- ter his crushing defeat by Napoleon, resigned his title of Emperor of Germany and took that of Emperor of Austria, 1806. At the same time Austria withdrew from the leader- ship of the Germanic States, and Prussia, once a mere fief of Poland, stepped into the position. That movement, however, was gradual, entailing many other changes, and it was not till 157 1 that the new German Confederation completed its dream by the King of Prussia becoming German Emperor. William I., a very ordinary person, who had greatness thrust upon him, imagined then, and continued to im- agine to his dying day, that he had a right to the older title; but Bis - LEITER-.--- now- ivoIdd you answer it Mang mineaesen of a very needy w emu tear me. Her 5a<band is need, eShe to in ei na lin); Beet. She tete J lft, Ma: t _ it o, at relent £n rn erpleanie l at.i fiouribed. ha, as the soother so rat rile to care fine ; ".a a l.,% Par craft diel ,n agony 1{ - tame end their oniv income es wry ea freen tarns >•=_eive3 when Lighting a o The Whoit Truth. aged meditations. s. 'Their lite its oem v.iS room.' �.:`_' Wrt�.�'J C.c:a .:.� at Frew ..•e yI1 Ere, Magistrate -Wily ['lid ye. beat It is eller io say. tr 14 hy, ,(# iso, I tr. 'nshir i your "vete unmer ifullee worldallaylibtf,ifitvres a 'II Prisoner----lehelI goat• honor, sbe B rT t Ara you ,mincer*dim yqt zg avaie a mea by say n' s'pe'd *have +ri1 Ar* los >st Nrra t. to rite no befu_e tbat al� =a- e3 ata fiir la io irr ' 'de -entree -1 Betted cf Trade will cs i food. meanie' for:, yer tenor -•- t poor, fferin -.`G l',:s C_, i� lila `;..ra4r ' c�u're d. els - "e 1 eaeopeeree met is .fair ckw* is : I ate e few marine genu or uu g To Clear Condlcstn kc. ifortrfbutioueF ttltt]te Muskoka Fate #•T+pe- will betet;tefw I prinve7oterfit}: 37 : r r eteita-v sgUi r -en: res :err 's:.e:drebbiehaseic:alter �t. teen Band t.O make geo3 fact X cedes :4msterd*sn. If Nos ' L "d aC t tl c to nl` C casein,E - sc ,737 is f�ni 49�- dlettetekezt < Fe:rite the r h lest les in Lett weteer f:' a Iffwr ettireitee. T:.ts aCYli rselt tee grteee. w • WINGHAM "20 Years Ago Pram the TIMES of Aug. 9, 1895 Mr. Samuel Young was ill for a few days last week. :hiss Charlotte McDonald has gone to Detroit to reside, `1r. J. H. Hiscoeks has taken a posi- tion as salesman with Mr. M. H. Me- Indoo. Mrs, R. Elliott is in Listowel this week waiting on her mother, who is seriously i11. The Wingbam Firemen took the first prize at the St. Mary's hose reel races on the 25th of July. Mr. 3. A Morton goes to Hamilton next week to attend the annual meeting of the Gr nd Lode., of the Independent Order of Oddfellows. He will go on his wheel. Messrs. Homuth & Bowles, of the Bear, have moved into their new and commodious store, late J. J. Homuth & Son's, and are busy getting things into shape. The new store is one of thea Largest and best west of Toronto, While driving into his shed, on Mon- day, in some way, Mr. John Davidson fell off his wagon en his head an l shoulders. He was stunned and was uneonseions for a time, but is now all right again. Mr. R. J. Blackwell, of the foundry, on Monday, while taking down some castings from overhead, was over- balanced and fell heavily to the floor, cutting his head severely. Medical aid was secured and he is around again, though his head is pretty sore. Mr, W. T. Yates has disposed of his business in town to Mr. Norman Farqu- harson, who is well and favorably known to the people of Wingham and vicinity. Mr. Yates bas accepted a position as traveller fol Messrs. Gowans, Kent & Co., of Toronto, the largest wholesalle china and glassware establishment in Canada, and will makehisheadquarters at Winnipeg. On Monday morning about two o'clock, the stable of Mrs. Saint, near the Grand Trunk Railway station, was dis- covered to be on fire. The alarm was given and the firemen responded promptly, , but the fire had made such headway before being discovered that the building was nearly destroyed be- fore they arrived. However, a Iine of hose was laid and the fire extinguished. The horses. wagon, and some of the contents of the stable were saved, but considerable was destroyed. The origin of the fire is unknown. We understand there was some insurance on the stable, but did not hear tbe amount. On Monday forenoon of last week, while Mr. Chas. Gillespie was taking up egss from the "Band -in -Hand" store, he left his team standing at the 4 south side of the store. Something started the team and they came around# the corner and started north at a lively I pace. Four filled egg cases were thrown of the wagon at the.crossing and their contents were pretty badly smashed.. Tee team eantinued in their wild careers and when they bad reached opposite, Mr- G. A. Newto l's shop they ran into' Mr. .Uex. Kelly's milk wagon, demolish -1 ing it and freeing the horse from it. rf fibs • were caught here. one of the horses having fallen to the ground. Ai crowd soon gathered and the hor_e was seats released, none the worse. Outside of Mr. Kelly's wagon, there was but little damage done. °v 80RY Osborne --It Windham, on July 27th, the wife of Mr. WIT. Osborne; a i§amtela ter, DIED 11 Gordon In Wangha:n, on July iJth,1 Darnall Murray. Soo of Mr. H, :9crelan, aged 6 months. Davidson -In Wingbam, on the 3rd instant, Annie Olive, i .fact dauget: r: ef Mr. dehn Davidson, aged 4 months , and 0 city!. Patterson -In Eluevaie, on 29•:h deer, : e ei t Pa;tersno, aged 3'l years all ;t+ iseenths- Me artney Ia East Wawanosh on d a k ill , t41.nie : Med attner, aged b3 yea"e• There was an at:tnriteti debate in the British Con sans concerning conserip } Y. M. C Ontario ( allege ui jessiull Sepi. ist to July. ('atalcs1te::, Free. Enter any time. J, W. W . t_rvc+f, Pilatipal H. D WINGHAM, ONTARI Agent for Allan Lith Cunard Line Donaldson Lines, Canadian Northern Lines Ocean Steamships. FARMERS and anyone having live stook (mother entities they wish to dispose of, should adver• ties the same for sale is the mins. Our large emulation tens and it will beetran a indeed if you do not gets customer. we caret guarantee that you will sell because you mar ask mora for the article or stook than it is worth. Send your rsi to the planofdisposing�of yotu. stt000k Ind other articles. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO F 1 A HOOKING A SHARK. It's an Exciting Sport Even if Oren Doesn't See the Fish. Fishing for sharks oft the pier at Palm Beach is a Erobdingnagian sport, You fish with clotheslines and a hook the size of a split anchor. Half of souse great fish is slipped on your hook for bait. You throw it orf the pier and fasten the end of tbe line to the railing and then take out your detective story and read. Sometimes you get a bite; sometimes you don't. At evening the colored gen- tleman in charge of the shark tithing on the pier goes around and takes is the lines. That in itself: is on rare as casions an exciting sport, Once a New York vacationist was standing on the pier enjoying the sunt set after a day's fruitless angling when he heard a shout from the colored gee tleman, who had discovered a shark on one of the lines that had been left out. The eolored gentleman was having trouble in handling the beast, RO the New Yorker went to his assistance. Together they pulled and hauled at the line in vain. Another man on the pier joined in, and then the three brteed their feet against the rail and tugged for an they were worth. But in spite of all they could do the line slipped gradually through their fingers. Finally all the slack was used up, and the rope, coming salt against the rail, snapped like a thread. The New Yorker has always wished he could have had just one look at that sba...- New York Post. Earth's Diameter. The earth's greatest diameter is not necessarily at the equator. According to the eminent Professor Henke*, the actual greatest diameter Is that taken from the summit of Mount Chimbo- razo., The line drawn from this point to the opposite side on point in Su- matra gives a diameter of 7,929 mites. -New- York American., Rubbing It In. Miss Elderly --The insulting wretch! He asked me if I remembered the treadfully cold winter of 1373. Think )f it! Miss Keen -Oh, I'm sure he 3idn't mean to offend you, dear. He erobable didn t know what a bad mem- ere, you have. -Boston Transcript. Entire Family Stricken With Cholera. Youngest Child Died. The chief symptoms of cholera are vomiting, aril purging occurs either s+IIault'I eausly 'or alternately, and are usually sudden and very violent, and rue smatter ejected by the stet:me/a has a bili ,us appearance and a nasty bitter taste. O'1 the tint symptom appearing 1)r. Fowler's Extract ci Wild Strawberry should be taken, and ;s_ trouble cured. Mrs. E. Slade, 376 Logan Ave-, Ta o•ite, Out., writes: "When I fast arrived in Canada, nearly four years ago, my entire family was stricken with elial_era, from which the youngest child a died. Soon after a fend ree.or„mended August I fatil, 1915 , 0 AIN DIRECTORY. 1 The Win gh m Trines BAPTIST CHURCH -Sabbath services at 1. a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2: , is p. m. General prayer meeting and hi. Y. P. 13, every Wednesday at 8 p. m, A. O. Riley, B. A.., Pastor. Geo. Pocock, S. S. ,Superintendent. METuonIsT COMICS --Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunda School at 2:30 p, rn, Epworth Lea every, Monday evening. General pray meeting on Wednesday evenings. Re J. W. Hibbert, pastor. F. Buchanan S. S. Superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ---Sabbath tier vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunda School at 2:30 p, m. General pray meeting on Wednesdayevenings, Re D. Perris, pastor. rank Lewis, S, S, Superintendent, Sr. PAUL'S CHURCH, F.,II$CCF .1, -Sab- bath services at 11 a. m. and i. p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m.. Rev, E. G. Dymond Rector, Alex. A1- deron, S. S. Superintendent. SALVATION ARMY CITADEL. --Service at 11 a.m., 3 ,nl, and 7 p.m. on Sunday. At 8 o'clock on Thursday evening. There will be special music provided in the Sunday evening seresiee from 7 to 7.15 POST OFFICE -Office hours from 8a.m. to 6:30 p. m. Open to box holders from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. C. N. Griffin, post- master. PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon fe am 2 to 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock, Miss M. McTavish, lib- rarian. TowN COUNCIL -Dr. A. J. Irwin, Mayor; S. Mitchell, Re,: ve; L. F. Binkley, A. M. Crawford, W. A. Currie, V. R. Vermorman, W G. Patterson and D. Bell. Councillors; John F Gloves, Clerk: and J. G. Stewart, Treasurer. Board meet • first Monday evening in each month at 8 o'clock. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD -H. E. Isard, Wm. Robertson W. A. Campbell, Dud- ley Holmes, A. Tipling, A: E. Lloyd, Robt. Allen, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in Council Chamber on the second Tues- day of each month, HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS -Harry E. Ricker, Iif. A. Principal and Specialist in Science; G. R. Smith, B. A., Special- ist in Mathematics; Mr, C. M. Ewing, M. A„ Classics; Miss M. 1. Whyte, B. A., Specialist in Moderns and His- tory; Miss E. C. Garrett, Art and Mathematics; Miss B. Kettlewell, Commerlial Work and History. -PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. --A, L. Posiifi', Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans- ley, Mis. Barber and Miss Bentley. BOARD OF HEALTH. -Dr. A. J. Irwin, (chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter, John F. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C. Redmond, Medical Health officer. y Titania or SonsoarrrtoN.-el.00 per annum gtte in advance, SLAG if not paid. ilo paper diacen- er tinned till all arrears aro paid, exceot at the V. option of the publisher. Buchanan IS minimum EVERY THURSDAY MORNING -LT-r Tile Times Afilcs Stotts mock. WINtIIAIII, olzTAW0. • as 11.10 (So cash iaseriau) r ISO ciao er O JW k .20 Rev , liDVEBTI$IPTG sigma IR1sPL.r armsartetnIMS One Year - Six Months 4^ �• Three Months,..,.,, 1.59 (Iso '" A" Y One ktouth .64 title " „ ne ee;-, • Legaland other similar advertisements, WC per line for first insertion and 9c per line for each subsequent insertion. Measured b - a nonparielscole, twelve lines to an blob. Business cards of sis_lines and under, $5.00 per year. "Advertisements of teitasticus Vacant, Sitna tions Wanted. Rouses for Sale or to rent Articles for Sale, etc, not exaeeding eight lines, f5e each insertion; 41 for first month. 5pcfor each subsequent month. Larger ad- vertisements in proportion. Business notices (news type) 5e per counted line; es local or ;hews matter. loo per line each insertion, fiingham General Hosultal (ender Government Inspection) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur- nished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. RATES FORPATIENTS--which include board and nursing), $4.90 to $15. per week according to Iocation of room. For further information, ad- dress - Miss L. Matthews. Superintendent Box223. Wingham Ont. Rahway Timetable oRA:ND TRUNK ;tATni yt 3YBT0M. !024058 01Aii rax London 0.35 atm_. S,Spp,m. Toronto &Bast,.,,....t_ 6,45 a.m.. _ 3.20p.m. • scardine.-11.59 a.2n 9.15 p.m. J.RSICz lniela Kincardine , ...6.90 sax 340 p.m. London ll,is4 e.m_, 7.85 p.rn. 'Toronto t East.- .-.-i 8.30 pnant w, F. BgBoMay,statiao $Rent. Wingham. i3 B ELLIOTT, Town Agent, Wingkam. Al2iADIAN PACIFIC BAILW &O. Teams L11.1191; Meir Toronto andIlast. 5.40 a.m..- 3,I0 p.m, xceswater ;.00 pan _10,22 pad, Gilralva ratite fieesmater .. 6.90 ata... 8.05 pan. Taranto sod -.;Rest- - .-12 4, p.ra., >.I0.27 pan, S.H.BUH1t B, 8een5,wingham. WA •r � T D. Good Local Agen t at once to represent the Old and Reliable Fonthill Nursuri8s A spie:-idid li't of freit and ornifn -nt•t1 stock for Fall Delivery in 1913 an d Spring Delivery in 1914. Start ai: once'and secure ex. elusive territory. We supply handsome free out fit and pay highest com- missions. Write for full particulars. Sfono&WI1iogton. Medical • DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER Ors'iozs-Oorner Patrick and Centre Ste. PHONES: ()faces Residence, Dr. Kennedy lea Reeldenoe, Dr. Calder 181 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Dia - eases of the Sys, liar, Nose and Throat. Byes thoroughlytested. Glasses properly fitted. , DB, BOnT.O. RHD1ifOND, M. B,C.QB. (Rug) L. B, O. P. London. PHYSICIAN ant! BUB$HON. OMMce, with fir, Obleboam • 'W R. Hambly, B.So., 24.0., C.f.:. Win2itam, Ontario, Special attention nee to diseases of women and children, having taken post graduate work in surgery, Bartcriology and scientific biedicine. Os8ce in the Kerr residence. between the Queen's hotel and the Baptist Church.. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. 0. Box 118. Dr. J. R. Macdonald Wingham, ,Ont. Offiee-Seone Block, over the TIMES office. DRS. PARKER & ?ARKER Ostegpathic Physicians Oculists, Neurologists Wingham-Listowel Diseases Treated by Druglesa Methods Osteopathy cures or benefits when other systems fail. Winghatn office over Christie's. StOrarn Tuesday, 9:00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. Wed- nesday, 9 to 11 a.m. Thursday, 4 to 9.00 p.m, Friday, 9.05 to 9.03 a, tn. or by appointment. Chiropractic J. A. FOX, D. C. GRADUATE CHIROPRACTOR When the spine is right the body is right, A Chiropractor will keep your spine right that you - may have continued good health. If your health is already poor a course of Chiropractic Spinal Ad- justments wilt put your spine right, Wingham. Ont. Dental ARTHUR J. if WIPT, D. D. b., L, t) b. 1)ootor at Dental Surgery c f the Pennaylranitt Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal collegit daf uaaaldBloc Win mns f Ontario. Office tfihce Closed every Wednesday afternoon from May 1st to Oct, 1st. H. ROSS, D. D. S., L. D.S. EConor grldnate of the Royal College of Dental surgeons of Ontario and Honor gradu- ateof the USirersitg of Toronto, Paenity or VentNtry. Iraleeaver Ii: E. Isard & t'o's., store, Wing - ham. Ont. Once rlosed every Wednesday �3fterroon from liay lst to Oct. let. Legal • VdNSTON3, a BASSI8TIM. 8OLIOIT0S, ETC Private and 0ompsnr funds to loan at law *es tate of interest mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold . 017c,, Banter Brook, Winston* r•A. M08TON, BARRISTER. sae Toronto - -, O:tt�,.ri+o Wae,[hrxr 001, OVER SS YEARS' DUDLEY l-iOLr" S - 13r. Fowler's Extract rz Wild Strawberry, EXPERIENCE ani acting on this advice I administered Solicitor. it toall whowere selieri:kg,with theMott Barrister, Sollcitorr , gratifyieg results. Since that first at. tack my children have been subject Olttice: Meyerc . , __ $lock9in to _t)i31ati"a tra.tai- but on the 4`tant. fust syinptoMs I reseed to t'Ih'. Fowler's," and it always brines relief. I bay* immerse faith in this medicine, and always keep a bottle on hand. Also I never fail to recai:3:rend it to anyone subs is similarly troubled." tha'lt by: u aa youget iast.k for "Dr. howler's" ste It bas been on the market for the past «t) years, There is nothing "lest as good." Manufactured ur ed is • The � T Milburn Co. i Limited, 'T'ostnrto. Ore. tier- Trice, .^as shuts Thins,; MARKS CDrawls aftlemoeteetd "+ C, as tT a3 telbrting t r'p m,'o freerei *ratchet ea jOP Uo. Se ArCmt,ai c ptrl�l to 1., _ AlalmUnk . tfotsrtrWtleptixtd2.'(el, A�,�sa00anP+tentR eel* fres.(,,,. Cat ry Sor sebsnar patearY. POWS %+.e',' U is it i43. Met . n(i A b.awt►.eh i,YaegysW b z5 W is r1 PNIt jprt,U, t ar. aw+Mait t i rk Saar, plietacs yaYysdd, SoId yr UM �t4 il' 6r;, Wr�slarmn.Ia. G OUTSIDE A 1f !7i f I I sack, as tae for Insertion tir sitm i�ahmaseooee., traechanins lvented, attieieei for axle, or in test >iny kind of an advt. In any of sire Ttiroo30 br ether city paper i, nusy be left at thee T»risk asses, TbI!Workw2Ureoaive pronaptattentiosi, and will .ave people the trouble of rated ling far and forwarding adreitlaetuent1;. Lowest rites will be quoted on tie tion. Leans tend your TIKES °Pint*. Wlisxiail,