HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-08-05, Page 8.. ..._..-.. .-r... - • .
Page 8
August 5th, 11915
ti Notteea Under This Read ten cents a line
for first insertion; five cents for subee-
quent insertions.
HouSE To RENT --Apply to. J. A.
FOR SALE --A four bottle Babcock
tester. Apply to L, Kennedy.
eelect from at lowest prices.
FOR DALE—Four good milch cows
and four spring calves. Get full
particulars at TIMES office, tf
To RENT—Three comfortable rooms
over Advance office. Modern con-
veniences. Apply to C. N. Griffin.
FOR SALE—Coal heating stove, with
oven and heating pipes attached, In
good repair. Apply to Wm. M. eid,
Albert street.
FoR SALE—Shorthorn Du atn bull
calf, six months old. Ap to Wm.
Webster, R. R. No. ucknow or
ring 3 on line 44, Nort Huron phone.
LosT—Between Wingham and Luck -
now, an auto woollen rug, red and
green check, with fringe on two ends.
Finder rewarded by leaving same at
TIMES office.
overhawling your machinery try us for
your repairs, that's where we shine.
ROOFING—A full stock of Monarch
Brand Rubber Roofing and Palmetto
Rubber Paint at the Cement Works.
Rubber paint is a good article for
gravel or shingle roofs. Call and get
particulars. S. MITCHELL. 65-2
FOR SALE—A number of cement
blocks, one wagon, water tank, etc;
also the frame stable on the town pro-
perty near the waterworks pumping
station. Get particulars from A. M.
CRAWFORD, Chairman of Purchasing
Mr. Arch. Hislop, of Grey, Liberal
candidate in North Huron for the Com-
mons was a visitor in Wingham on
Thursday last.
crates of hens and chi
to supply our city or
better to sell poultry
are not laying. Chi
pounds and over.
Office phone 174. r
Wilford, Produce
Mrs, Jas. Stapleton, of Turnberry,
has returned home after *pending two
weeks with her daughter, Mrs. S, �.
Beatty, in Toronto.
Mrs. John T. Currie and daughter,
Miss Mary Currie, of East Wawanosh,
are spending a few weeks with relatives
and friends in Powassan.
Miss Snider, of Teeswater and Mas-
ter Leslie Taylor, of Langside, were
visiting for a few days with their cou-
sin, Mrs. W. J. Currie, of East Wawa -
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Mahood left
last week for Kincardine, where they
will reside for a month or two, Mr.
Mahood being at work on a contract in
that town.
Misses Luelle Ryan, May Kerr,
Hazel Kirk and Josephine Weiler,,of
Toronto, are the guests of the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Weiler. of
Miss Dortha Randall and Master Gil-
bert Randall, of Stratford, were visit-
ing for a few days with their friends,
Miss Rachel and Master John L. Currie,
of East Wawanosh.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Menzies and
Mrs. John Cochrane, of East Wawanosh
and Mrs. Jas. Switzer, cf Bayfie:d, left
on Tuesday to spend a few weeks at
Swift Currelit, Sask.
Mrs. J. F. Hodgins and her three
little sons, of Toronto, have returned
home after having spent three weeks
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pater-
son of Victoria street.
Mr. John Rutherford, of Sault Ste.
Marie, was visiting for a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. McDonald. Mr.
Rutherford resideli in Wingham up-
wards of thirty years ago and this is
his first visit here in that time. He
found many changes and new faces.
The front street in particular being
considerably changed since he left
We need ten
kens every day
rs. It wit! pay
ow if the hens
ens must be two
all us for prices.
iidence 108. A. H.
Miss Eva Patterson is visiting in To-
Miss Luella McCool is visiting friends
in Chatham.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Wellwood visited in
Kincardine over Sunday,
Mr. W. J. Boyce is spending a few
days in London and Paris.
Mrs.. H. Deem is visiting at her
parental home in Seaforth.
Miss Vino King, of Turnberry, is this
week visiting friends in Toronto.
Mfrs. A. M. Fralick is visiting with
her son, Mr. Geo. Tees, at Windsor.
Miss Mary Ford, of Milton, is visiting
with her cousin, Mrs. D. E. MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bell and family
spent Sunday with friends in Brussels
Mr. John Fairservice, of Londesboro,
is the guest of Mr. A. Scott for a few
Mr. W. J. McClenaghan, of Bayfield,
is visiting his sister, Mrs. Harrison, of
Mrs. D. L. Dinsley and children are
visiting with relatives and friends in
Mr, S. Bennett spent part of last
week visiting in Seaforth, Exeter and
Mrs. A. Simmons, sr., of Winnipeg,
is at present visiting with friends in
Mr. Earl Porter, of Windsor, is this
week visiting at the parental home,
Miss Evelin Parr, of Brussels, was
the guest of Miss Lila Bell, the first of
the week.
Miss Annie Deyell, of Toronto, was
visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. lleyell.
Miss May Kew, of Toronto, is this
week the guest at the home of Mr.
Thomas Field.
Miss Fanny Green, of Woodstock, is
at present visiting at the parental
home in town.
Mr. Fred Seaborn, of Elora, is the
guest of his brother, Mr. Samuel Sea-
born, of town.
Mrs. D. 0. McKinnon, of Toronto, is
this week the guest at the home of Mr.
W. J. Howson.
Mr. D. E. McDonald is in Dresden
this week shipping cattle from that
place to Toronto.
Miss Verna McDonald is spending her
holidays with relatives and friends in
Windsor and Detroit.
Mr. W. D. Pringle is this week in
Toronto on a business trip in connection
with his glove works.
Misses Mary and Annie Anderson, of
Lindsay, are this week visiting at the
home of Mr. John Galbraith.
Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Patterson visited
for over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs•
Robt. Patterson. at Kincardine.
Mrs. W. J. Armour and son, Frank,
are visiting for a few weeks with
friends in Toronto and Welland.
Mr. A. Thomas has secured a position
in Buffalo and Mrs. Thomas and child-
ren left on Saturday for that city.
Dr. W. Shaw, of Morris, Mich., and
Mr. John Shaw, of Clinton, were visit-
ing with friends in town this week.
Messrs Wm. Nicholls and Gordon
Mitebell, of London, is visiting for a
few days with Mr. and Mrs, A. J.
For Diamond and Wedding Rings go
to Knox's.
—Try the Tants office with your next
order for job printing.
Fine stock of silverware, cut glass
and jewellery at Knox's.
—Tuesday next has been proclaimed
civic holiday for the town of Wingham.
—Miss Lizzie Johns has been engaged
as teacher in the stone school, 2nd line
of Morrie,
—Miss Margaret Paterson, Victoria
street, has been engaged as teacher for
school No. 9, Turnberry.
—Regular monthly meeting of the
Public School Board will be held next
Tuesday evening.
—Buy your railway tickets from H.
B, Elliott, Town Agent for the G. T. R.
at the TIMES office.
— A fine new verandah has been
erected at the rectory. The work was
done by Mr. E. Mahood.
— About forty from here including
the firemen and band left on the excur-
sion to Thorold on Tuesday.
— The Sabbath School of the Baptist
church held'a very successful picnic on
the river flat; on Thursday of last
— Mr. John A. Menzies shipped a car
load of horses to Swift Current, Sask.
last week. Mr. Alex: Scott went in
An Appeal to Huron County From the
Canadian Patriotic Fund.
The following letter was received by
the Executive of the Huron County
Branch of the Patriotic Fund, and is by
them submitted to the people of this
County through the local press. The
appeal speaks for itself and should call
forth a response from all those places
in the County which have not yet sent
any contributions to the Patriotic Fund.
We are now drawing from that Fund
over $1,000 per month to meet the al-
lowances made to the families of soldiers
who have enlisted from this County and
there will be a continual increase as
other men enlist. Can we not "do our
bit" still more by further contributions
to the General Fund, which, as is shown
by the letter, is being so severely taxed?
And the end is not yet.
Any contributions intended for this
Fund may be sent to our Treasurer,
Mr. Andrew Porter, Goderich, who will
duly acknowledge same and forward the
amounts to the Executive at Ottawa.
By order.
J. H. MCCLINTON, Chairman.
JAMES MITCHELL, Secretary. ,
(copy of letter)
—Messrs H. and Leonard Walton have
commenced their contract in Clinton,
That town knows where to come for a
good job.
—The annual meetings of the Ontario
Grand Encampment and the Ontario
Grand Lodge of the Independent Order
of Oddfellows will be held in Stratford
next week.
—Mr. and Mrs. William Bell, Blyth,
announce the marriage of their second
youngest daughter, Anna Winnifred,
to Harold Dean Gilean, son of Mr.
Alexander Gilean, London, the marriage
to take place early in August.
—Mr. J. B. Tyerman, of the 12th
concession of East Wawanosh left
several stalks of oats at the TIMES
office on Saturday, some of which
measure 5 feet, 3 inches. The oats are
of the White Logan variety.
—On Saturday evening there were
imported into Wingham two "Dymonds."
Diamonds so rare and costly that many
millions of money would not purchase
them from our genial rector. "Though
small yet wonderous to behold and far
too precious to be sold."
Canadian Patriotic Fund,
Ottawa, 23rd June, 1915.
As the time goes on and the number
of men which Canada is sending to the
front increases. the demands on the
Canadian Patriotic Fund constantly
grow. This month we shall assist up-
wards of sixteen thousand families at
an expenditure amounting to nearly
$300,000.00. During the eummer and
early fall we expect this to be still
further increased.
In looking over what the various
counties are doing, I find that while
your county grant of $1000.00 a month
is being regularly paid, there does not
seem to be any money corning in from
Huron County as the result of volun-
tary subscriptions. During the past
few weeks we have received a number
of cheques from different parts of Bruce
County, where I understand they are
holding patriotic meetings and stim-
ulating interest; but from Huron, with
the exception of $135.25 from Hensall
received on the 26th April, nothing has
come in during the past three months.
Would it not be possible for your Com-
mittee to undertake to stimulate in-
terest throughout the County in the
' Fund? We shall need generous con-
tributions if the work is to continue,
and X am sure that there must be many
people in Huron County who cannot go
to the front and who would be willing
to pay, being unable to fight. With
such a valuable auxiliary as your country
i press, you ought to be able to work up
a splendid campaign,
1 shall be very glad to hear from you
on this matter at your early conven-
ience. Yours truly.
Honorary Secretary.
The Royal Commission investigating
1 the Fullerton eharges alleging a deal
between the former and present Mani-
toba Governments found it impossible
to attribute any impropriety or unfair-
nest to the negotiations attending the
resignation of the Roblin Government.
Rev. G. M. Dunn, a former pastor of
the charges of Whitechurch and Lang -
side, but now of Royce Ave. Presby-
terian Church, Toronto, will conduct
the services in the Presbyterian church
here next Sabbath, Aug. 8.
The Y.P.S. meeting on Sabbath even-
ing was conducted by Miss Margaret
Gillies, the subject being "Every -day
Kindnesses." The meeting for Aug.
8 will be in charge of Alex. Henry.
Three German prisoners were recap-
tured in the vicinity of London.
Albert U. Higgins of Windsor fell out
of a window of a hotel in Detroit and
was instantly killed.
A detachable extention tube has been
invented to lessen the noise of water
falling from faucets into a bath tub.
Wm. Ball. of Guelph, was knocked
down and almost instantly killed by a
horse driven by George Strome, who is
under arrest.
Rev. Dr. William Williams, formerly
of Cobourg, and several times President
of the Methodist Conference, died at
Los Angeles,. Cal.
The United States steamer Clarence
Fix, while under seizure of the Cana-
dian customs, was stolen from the Erie
Beach pier, three miles south of Fort
DYMOND—At St. Paul's Rectory,
Wingham, on July 31st, to Rev. Ernest
G. and Mrs. Dymond; twin boys.
BRYANS—In Morris township, on July
28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward W.
Bryans, a son.
MCMILLAN—In West Wawanosh, on
July 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mc-
Millan; a son.
Coox—In Morris, on July 26th, to
Mr. and Mrs. William Cook, a daughter
— still born.
SHRIGLEY—In Lower Wingham, on
August 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Shrigley; a son.
drew's Manse, Wingham, on July 28th,
by Rev. D. Perrie, Mr, John F', Mc-
Callum, of East Wawanosh to Miss
Bernice E. Bruce, of Morris.
MCNEIL—In Grey township, on July
23rd, Lachlan McNeil, agedp 83 years
and 10 months.
PRouDLEY—In Howick, on July 24th,
Stephen Proudley, in his 28th year.
MALLAGH—In Hamilton, on August
1st, Sarah AnneMallagh, aged42years.
GaEEIr—In Toronto, on July 30th,
Laura Etta, beloved wife of Samuel
.1, Greer, in her 38th year.
Merchandise at Popular
Holeproof Hosiery
Ladies' Lisle and Silk
Hose made by the famous
Holeproof Co. A guar- '
antee with every pair.
A Sold in boxes of 3 and 6
6 pairs of Lisle Hose for
$2.00, guaranteed for 6
months. 2 pairs of Silk
Hose for $3, guaranteed
for 3 months.
Silk Hose in all the new-
est shades of Palm Beach
Smoke Grey, Blue and
Black and White.
'Ladies' New Silk and
Silk -and -Wool Sweater
Coats at 4.50, $6, $7.50
The Sweater Coat season is here
again, and we can show you
some of the latest novelties of
the season, in Ladies' Coats in
in plain and fancy weaves.
Viyella Flannels
The new fall patterns have just
arrived and consist of plain
colors in the newest shades of
Cream, Grey, Khaki, Military
Red, Tartans and Fancy Stripes.
We are sole agents for this
famous flannel which is guaran•
teed against shrinking or fading
Ask for Samples.
Special Sale of
Regular $12.50
Values Reduced
$ 7.50
36 inch Black Mousseline Silks
We have just received our Black Silks for fall, and have some
splendid values. In all qualities. Special prices $1, $1.25 and $1.50 yd.
Stylish Silk Petticoats, $4, $5 and $6
Made tn the latest styles, with the Newton Patent Adjustable
Waistband, which will fit any figure, in all the newest shades, also
'Phone 71
The Grand Trunk Railway System
issue round-trip Homeseekers' excur-
sion tickets at very low fares from
stations in Canada to points in Manito-
ba, Alberta and Saskatchewan, each
Tuesday until October 26th, inclusive.
Take the new Transcontinental line,
short route between Eastern and West-
ern Canada. The "National" leaves
Toronto 10.45 p. rn. via Grand Trunk
Railway to North Bay, Temiskaming
and Northern Ontario Railway to Coch-
rane, thence Transcontinental Railway
to Winnipeg. Equipment the finest in-
cluding Colonist Sleeping cars, Tourist
Sleeping cars, Dining car and electric -
lighted first-class coaches operated
through without change between Tor-
onto and Winnipeg. Connection is
made at Winnipeg with the Grand
Trunk Pacific Railway for Saskatoon,
Regina, Edmonton and other points in
Western Canada. Costs no more than
by other routes. Get tickets and full
particulars from H.. B. Elliott, Town
Agent for the G.T.R. at the TiMES
Staff Captain White, of the London
Headquarters Staff, whose visit of a
few weeks ago was postponed, will con-
duct the meetings in the Salvation
Army and Citadel on Saturday and
Sunday, August 7 and 8th. A deeply
spiritual time is looked for and every-
one is accordially invited to attend the
meetings as follows:—Sunday, 7 a. m.,
Knee drill meeting; 11 a. m., Holiness
meeting; 3 p. m., Praise meeting; 7
p. m., Salvation meeting. On Satur-
day evening, open air services will be
oonducted on Josephine St.
First quarterly Love feast and
Fellowship meeting will be held next
Wednesday at 8 o'clock p. m. Pastor
expects to be present. Let there be a
splendid rally.
Quarterly sacramental and reception
service next Stinky morning at 11
o'clock. The important Service of the
Quarter. The pastor invites every
member and adherent to be present at
7 p. m. The anniversary of the war,
The pastor will speak upon the anniver-
sary of the war and give his impressions
upon the outlook—A Patriotic Service.
Let all come.
In the Baptist Church next Sunday,
Rev. A, C. Riley will take for his sub-
ject at the morning services, "Studies
in Romans," "No Condemnation",
"No Separation." In the evening his
subject will be "The Forbearance of
Town Treasurer
Clerk of Diyi on Court
Fire, Life, ccident and
Sickness Insurance.
Real Estate
Deals Transacted
Office in Town Hall Phone 184
To various points in
Quecec New Brunswick
Nova Scotia, Newfoundland
Prince Edward Island
Good Going August 13-14-15 and 16
Return Limit August 31, 1915
Including Kennebunkport,
Portland, Old Orchard, Etc.
Good going August 27, 28 and 29
Return limit September 13, 1914
Particulars from W. A. Sanderson, Town
Agent. phone 47; J. H Beemer,tStation Agent,
phone 7.
Teacher wanted for School Section
No. 8, East Wawanosh. State experi-
ence and salary wanted.
J. W. BONE, Belgrave, Ont.
Applications will received by the
undersigned up to p. m. on Friday,
the 6th day of gust instant, for the
position of Collector of Taxes for the
Town of Wingham for the year 1915.
Salary $75 with $8 allowance for post-
66-1 Town Clerk.
Men's Oxfords
Women's Slippers
Children's Pumps
and Slippers
Babies' Boots
in all these lines. Good
selection, all sizes.
I •
/4li ty
10111481hFairCANADA 1915
$30,000.00 IN PRIZES
and Attractions
Prizes increased' this year by
Excellent Program of Attrac-
tions Twice Daiiy.
Two Speed Events Daily.
Fireworks Every Night.
New Steel Grandstand.
Midway Better Than Ever.
Single Fare over all Railways West of Toronto and
Fare and One -Third from outside points.
Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from
the Secretary.
W. J. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary
McConnell & Vandrick
Auctioneers for the Counties of
Huron and Bruce, are prepared to take
all kinds of sales. We are certain we
can please. You can have either one
or both without extra charge. Orders
can 8 e left with F.
the McConnell,
Brokerage Co.'s Store, Wingham,
Charges moderate.
Mr. R T. Cowell, A.L.C.M.
Organist and Choirmaster of
St. Andrew's Church
Teacher of Pianoforte, Singing
Violin Pianos and Organs
Tunedyand Repaired.
Wingham, - Ont.
Town Hail, Winghartt
PNONrSt..oulce 24 Residence 168
If you want to secure the
lowest price of the year, buy
your winter coal now.
If you want good service
along with the best coal
mined, let us fill you bin
with genuine D. L. & W.
Scranton, which has no
Call atlour office and get
our prices for everything
iii the fuel line.
Residence 55, Office 64a, Mill 64b