HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-07-22, Page 8THE WINGHAIVI TIMES ANNOUNCEMENTS* &C. Notices tinder This Bead text cents *lino for first insertion; five pouts for subse- quent Isard is visiting in Kincardine. +went inserteoos• Mr. 4,arneat Niergarth hasgone to Stratford, Miss Burdetta 6reCrackin is visiting Is London. Page PERSONALS Mrs. A. Robertson is spending a few weeltiOn Port Burwe;l, •Mr.,J. 0, Stewart made a business trip*to Toronto this week. Miss Jessie Thompson of Harriston, is visiting friends in town. • *Misses Mable and Clara Isard are vis- iJingrelatives and friends in Paisley. Misa Simpson, of Brussels, was the guest of Mr, and Mrs, A, Bell on Sun- day. Miss Lancan, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. 0. Gil ehrist. Miss Beacock, o£ Toronto, is visitin, at the home of her uncle, Mr. Waite Paterson. Misses Minnie and Clara Bosman of Toronto, are this week visiting friends in town. Mrs. W. J. Boyce and sons, Corso and Harold are visiting with her siste in. Paris. Master Graham Fenn, of Parkhill, is visiting with his sister, Mrs. W. F. Burgman. Miss Jessie Bruce, of Toronto, is spending her holidays with Mrs. Wil bent Wellwood. Mrs. Wm. Armstrong, of Lucknow, visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Armstrong, Mrs. A. J. Walker and two children have been spending the past week a her home in Seaforth. Mrs. A. R. Barrett, and little Ellen, of Lucknow, is visiting with her brother, Mr. A. J. Armstrong. Rev. J. W. and Mrs. }libber are holidaying in Toronto, Niagar Falls and points east. Mr. W. H. Gurney is in Hamilton this week attending the annual meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge. Mrs. R. McClennegan, of White- church, and her sister of Toronto, are visiting in town this week. Mrs. Chas Donaldson and family spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Caesar Perdue, of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. D. McCormick, of Cul- ross, returned home Monday last after an extended visit in the West. Douglas and Kenneth McVittie, of Toronto, are spending their holidays. with Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol. Miss May Davidson, of Wroxeter, ..was visiting for a few days last week with Wingham relatives and friends. Miss Marguerite Homuth, of Whitby, is at present visiting at the home of her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. F. G. Sperling. Mrs. Smith, mother of Mrs. Hutton, East Wawanosb, left ou Saturday morning to spend a few months in British Columbia. Miss B. Keith, of Teeswater, who has been visiting friends in town for the past week was called home on Monday owing to the illness of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. R. Tresidder and two children, of Hamilton, and Mrs. Knowles and daughter, Eva, of Brantford, was visiting for over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rintoul. Dr. Kennedy and three of his daughters motored to Niagara Falls and Buffalo last week. While there Dr. Kennedy attended the New York State Motor:Association. They returned home yesterday. Miss Nettie M. Inch, who visited her sister, Mrs. Chas. Campbell, Patrick St., the last six weeks, has returned to Toronto. Her friends will be pleased to learn she secured a positigp with the General Electric Co. Misses Marjory and Atiee Mann, of Toronto, who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol, left on Thursday for their home in Toronto and from there will go to Sturgeon Point to spend the balance of their holidays, Provincial Constable Phippen and'. Mrs, I'hippen are visiting with relatives and friends in Thedford, Mr. Pbippen is not enjoying good health andis taking a few weeks off duty, Numerous friends hope to see him return home fully re- stored to good health. Garden party on St. Andrew's church grounds an Tuesday evening, July 27th. You will be made welcome. Gunner Edward I{ennedy of Iiamil ton, of the 29th Battery, C,F.A., was drown- ed while bathing in the Thames; he could not swim, and sank in a twenty- foothole. Garden party on St. Andrew's Church grounds on Tuesday eyening, JO: 27th, You wilt be made welcome. Alex. S. Ross, an employee of the Cleveland•Sarnia Sawmills Company, was instantly killed when caught by a runaway team while wheeling a barrow through a narrow passage. HOUSE TO RENT, --Apply t J. A. McI4ean, FOR SATE—A four b tie Babcock tester. Apply to L. nedy. FOR SALE -100 feet of good picker fence. Apply atTratEs oftiee. TRm ics AND VALISES: --Big stock o1 select from, at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. FOR SALE -Four good milch cow; and four spring calves. Get ful particulars at TIMES office. t! To RENT—Three comfortable room: aver Advance office, Mo rn con veniences. Apply to C. N. riMn. LOST --Between Wing m and Luck now, an auto woIle rug, red a gen check, with tamreifige on two ends Finder rewarded by leaving same a, TrMES office. FARMERS AND THRASHERMAN•-Whey overhawling your machinery try us foi your repairs, that's where wed/shine E. MERISI. IC& SON, NOTICE—The Dominion Father Co is located in Wroxeter an are making the Soft Roll Feather, attress am) Down Comforters, ur old bedding D put in sanitary condition at small cost. We buy old feather beds, Drop a card to Wroxeter and our agent will call. NOTICE—Ism prepared to again keel lots in the cemetery in good shape al the rate of $1 per tot for the season Orders left with John F. Groves, Towr Clerk, will be given prompt attention. ROBT. DEYELL. FOR. SALE—A number o' cement blocks, one wagon, water ank, etc; also the frame stable o+ e town pro perty near the wate.4.rks pumping station. Get partieula s from A. M, CRAWFORD, Chairman of Purchasing t Committee. t a . CHURCH NOTES. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. Mr. McArthur, of Kincardine, will occupy the pulpit of St. Andrews' Church on Sunday next, morning ar.d evening. , BAPTIST CHURCH Subjects: Morning—Studies in Ro• mans, Chapter 8. "Life, Love and Liberty through the Spirit", Evening — "The reconstructed in- dividual". Thou art, What? Thou shalt be, What? METHODIST CHURCH. Regular services at Methodist church next Lord's Day at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Rev. D. J. Roulston, of Victoria College, Toronto, will preach at both services. All are welcome. THE BRIGHTNESS OF LIFE [Exchange] A thought that is winged from a friend to a friend Doesn't seem such a wonderful thing, Yet it carries the prayer for a joy with- out, end, And it throbs with a big friendly ring. A mere word of cheer in the shadow of night, When discouragement darkens the way, Will illumine our hearts with the glori- ous light Of a hopeful and sun -brightened day. When failure confronts us and darkens our goals, ' How we long for the clasp of a hand! It is then that we cry from the depths of our souls For a friend who can just understand. A bright, cheery smile often gives us the strength That we lack in the vortex of strife, For it lightens our load as we travel the length Of the care -laden path we call Life. So we find, after all, that the things we thought small Loom colossal above all the host; That the best of God's gifts are the friends we can call To our side when we need them the most Mrs. H. W. Kemp was killed, Miss Margaret Wright and Percy Foster, chauffeur, were seriously injured, when J. C. Duffields's motor car went over an embankment near London. A fine of $300 and costs was imposed on Mrs. J. C. Nichol, proprietress of the Middough House, Durham, Ont., for illegally having liquor an the premises. Suspicion was aroused at the delivery of a trunk at the hotel, and it was found to contain two large kegs, each containing ten gallons of gin and whiskey. MUSIC BY THE BEST -AVAILABLE BANDS. Mr. R. T. (JQWell, A.LC'.M. Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Church Teacher of Pianoforte, Singing Violin Pianos and Organs Tuned and Repaired. Wingham, - Ont, Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary. W. J. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary JOHN f. GRO lS ISPt1Ert OF MARRIAGE LICI NSI S Town Haid, V inghant PHONt3Se-Office 24 I2esId4nae 168 i:a.....r...aLNlailr..wl...,i.. July 22114, rWhitewear,Jmy Saleof Ladies' Waists, Wash Goods, Spring Coats, Rain Coats $1.25,7$1.50 Voile Waists i for 95c. Ladies' Voile Waists made in latest styles with flare or military collar, sizes 34 to 44. $2.00 to $3.50 Voile Waists $L95 2 doz extra quality Voile and fancy lna'-quesite Waists, broken lines, not all sizes in each style but all sizes included from 34 to 42. $12.50 Raincoats reduced to $7,50 20 only Ladies' Raincoats bought at clearing prices from the manufacturer, de. signed specially for good service, made from Double Texture all Wool Waterproof Paramatto Cloth, sizes 34 to 44, - $10 to $15 Spring Coats Reduced to $6.25. 15 only ladies' and misses' Spring Coats consisting of the latest styles in tweed effects, with polo cloths and serges, all sizes in the lot, also many exclusive styles 36 inch Black Duchess Mousseline $1.25 value reduced to 98c per yd. Moo yards Black Duchess Silk with heavy silk chene, and rich satin finish, specially purchased to clear at this low price. 15c Dolly Varden Crepe Reduced to 10c per yd. 30o yards with fifteen different patterns to choose from, an excellent cloth for summer dresses. White Bedford Cords, Piques and French Reff. Beautiful snow white washable mater- ials in plain and corded weave, very suit- able for middy waists, wash suits and skirts. Special Value 25c, 35c, 50c yd. Long Black and White Silk Gloves 69e. 5 doz 12 button silk gloves with double tipped fingers and reinforced gussets. Sheer White Voile and Marquesites 25c, 35c, 50c 60c yd One of the finest and most evenly woven fabrics, very fashionable this sea- son, rich in appearance and a serviceable. 36 inch Habitai Silk $1.00 per yd. Extra quality black or white Habitai, suitable for waists, lingerie etc. 35c, 50c, 60c Corset Covers 39c 3 doz only fine cambric Corset Covers, broken lines and odd sizes, all new goods. $1,00 to $1.50 Night Gowns. 98c 3 doz ladies' cambric Night Gowns and Princess Slips made in latest styles, neatly trimmed with lace or embroidery, all sizes, $1.50 to $3.00 Summer Parasols 98c. 3 doz Summer Sunshades, samples, some with eyelet embroidery, others with colored borders. Silk Tussah Royal 50c yd. A new wash material very suitable tor summer dresses, will washand retain its silken finish, in very neat floral patterns, and coin spots. Holeproof Hosiery. A guaranteed silk or lisle hose, 6 pairs guaranteed to wear 6months; sold in boxes. 6 pr cotton $2; 6 pr lisle $3; 3 pr Silk $3. 'Phone 71 KING BROS. PRODUCE WANTED. smosisson PRODUCE WANTED AGENTS FOR STANDARD PATTERNS dl TEACHER WANTED Teacher wanted for School Section No. 8, East Wawanosh. State experi- ence and salary wanted. J. W. BONE, Belgrave, Ont. FIVE SAILINGS WEEKLY, PORT MC NICOLL TO SAULT STE. MARIE AND FORT WILLIAM Canadian Pacific Palatial Great Lakes Steamships leave Port,McNicoll, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays for Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur and Fort William. Steamship Express making direct con- nection leaves Toronto 12,45 p.m. Particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents, or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto. 63-3 immearearionammsomm AUCTIONEERS McConnell & Vandrick IAuctioneers for the Counties of Huron and Bruce, are prepared to take all kinds of sales. We are certain we can please. You can have either one or bothwithout extra charge. Orders IIcan be left with F. McConnell, or with 11. F. Vandriok at the Merchants' Brokerage Co.'s Store, Wingham, Charges moderate. SPRING COAL If you want to secure the lowest price of the year, buy your winter coal now, If you want good service along with the best coal mined, let us fill you bin with genuine D, L• & W. Scranton, which has no equal, Call atlour office and get our prices for everything in the fuel line. ...,.•e.,.-.• J. A. McLEAN DEALER IN UJMa>1;tt, COAL, WOOD ANY) SHINGLES. 1?It/isys .Residence $G, Office 64e, Milt 64b Western Fair Lon Doer Sept. 110th-feth .1915 .$30,000.00 IN PRIZES and Attractions Prizes increased this year by $$,000.00. Excellent Program of Attrac- tions Twice Daily. Two Speed Events Daily. Fireworks E,ver'y Night. New Steel Grandstand. Midway Better Than Ever. MUSIC BY THE BEST -AVAILABLE BANDS. Single Fare over all Railways West of Toronto and Fare and One -Third from outside points. Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary. W. J. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary .1MNrir«�+dwrw►rrr.�r••••••--._-_ _....rte► COMMERCIAL ERT!LIZERS • P ARE A SUCCESS A rumor has been circulated that GUNNS' FERTILIZERS called upon, write or telephone District Agent Wingharn;, Ont. 0r� a will not be made during the coming season. We contaadict this report by soliciting continuation of your patrctinrge for Fall and Spring deliveries. If you have not been SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE of all our Summer Shoes, Pumps and Slippers We cannot afford to carry over our immense stock of Canvas Shoes and Leather Slippers, so a quiet turnover is necessary. DO not pass us by, THIS is YOUR Golden Opportunity NOW is the appointed time Watch our Window For Prices ♦. r► .w11111as1111111 W. H. WILLIS & CO. SOLE AGENTS Q ueen uality FOR LADIES err ,...................„...:.........,, ,,,•,........,•,.....,•„„„ f.,• ,'eat SaIe- 1s ., . t \. i Continues.110 kI lir it Men's Suits Hosiery Values 0 ii Half Price Ladies' blk silk Hose 25c iii tiii iii iii iii iii til ilii >t 1gx Most all sizes in Men's extra fine quality Suits, good style and patterns You can save half your money by buying here. $18 extra well made, good quality suits $9.95 $22 stylish suit for $10.48 $15 good quality, $7.95 $8 Boys' Suits for $4.95 $5 Boys' Suits for $2.98 ui Shoes Reduced Jul We can save you money 1.0 on Shoes. Be sure to see fe our lines before buying, 0 Hundreds of other bar • /ft gains too numerous to 1.0 mention, f" Ladies' 0 White Wear 0$1 Princess Slips for 68c 75c princess Slips 39c $r.75 Princess Slips $1.19 10 $1.5o Fine Embroid- ered Underskirts 98c if; $2 Fine Embrold- * ered Underskirts $1.19 (Merchants lirokerage Co.j toct-44*****0)44a*:3$4,.**4610 Children's Hosiery 25c Hosiery for 20C Hosiery for 15c Hosiery for Dress Goods 19c 14c 10c Extra values in all lines of Dress Goods, hoc to 75c Dress Goods at per yard 49c 75c to $1 Dress Goods at per yard 68c $I.00 to $I.5o Dress Goods for 75c to 98c til t10' 0;' Oil r11- �i1 t1/ Jul. J0 Groceries ift Telephone us. We will f• do the rest. '1j1 Comfort Soap per bar 4c Fel's Naptha 4 for 25c Canned Peas 3 for 25c fe Canned Corn 3 for 25c fe. Good Salmon 2 for 25c jai Extra good Lard 15c lb fe Fine blend Green Teai at only 28c per Ib fe, , Washing Soda, special / 6 lbs for 25c 0. , /tri , R. M. LINDSAY1.0 FORMERLY M• tNilt