HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-07-15, Page 8• Wage 8 THE W INGHAM TIMES PERSONALS Mian Marjorie Mann, of Toronto, is • visiting relatives in town, Mr. Wm, Routledge, ofClinton, visit- ed friends in town on Monday. Mrs. W. 1+'. Burgman visited with her parent*, in Parkhill for a few days. r blest} M. Newans, of London, is visit- ing with Mr, and Mrs. J. Galbraith. Mies Leona Elliott, of Toronto, is • visiting relativef and friends in town. • Miss Young, of Toronto, is this week the,guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Field. I�Irs. James Aitchison, of Blyth, visit- ed her sister•in-law, Mrs, Wm. Aitchi- - son, „ Mrs. D. Small, of Grand Rapids, Mich„ is visiting with old friends in town. Mr. C. C. Brock, of Dundas, is spend- ing bis holidays at his parental home in town. Mr, Ed. Everett and Mr. Cooney, of Hanover, were visitors in town this week. Mrs. D. McTavish has returned home after spending the past two weeks in Mt, Forest. Miss Brown, of Carney, N. J., is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Brown, in Turnberry. Mr. Walter Haines, of Seaforth, visited with his parents in town for over Sunday. Miss Nellie Thorp, of Detroit, is spending her vacation with Miss Florence Jarvis. Mrs. A. E. Simmons, of Brandon, Man., is visiting with relatives and old friends in town. Mr. and Dirs. Thomas Aitchison, of Lucknow, visited their sister-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Aitchison. Mr. R. L. Mitchell, of the Bank of Hamilton, is spending his holidays in Toronto and Hamilton. Dr. Lloyd Fox, of Battle Creek, Mich., was visiting for a few days with his brother, Dr. J. A. Fox. Mr. Brook Brandon and Mr. Hammen, of Hanover, were visitors in Wingham for over the 12th of July. Miss Beatrice Keith and Miss Stella Fowler, of Teeswater, are this week the guests of Miss Lila Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Surale, of Brant- ford, were visiting for a few days with Wingham relatives and friends, Mrs. Brisdow and daughter, of Sea- ford), accompanied by Miss Brisdow, are visiting friends in Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Powell and son, of Goderieb, were visiting with friends in Wingham and East Wawanosh. Dr. and Mrs. Walkley and children, of Mt. Forest, were visiting for a few days with Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Fox. Mrs. P. S. Linklater has returned home after a two months' visit with her daughter, Mrs. L. C. Young at Win- nipeg. Mr. Alfred C. Schaefer left on Tues- day for Brantford, where he has again taken a position as brakesman on the G. T. R. Mr. .and Mrs. Richard Hope and children of Brantford, were visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Amsbury. Misses Margaret and Verde. Jermyn, of Toronto, are spending their holidays with their ll ,brother, Mr. Russe Jerilyn, Bluevale road. Rev, Arthur and Mrs. Sinclair and little daughter, Miss Marion, are visit- ing with Mrs. Sinclair's mother, Mrs. W. Jermyn, Bluevale road. Mrs. Harry Allen and Mentie Reid Allen visited Mount Forest on June 28th, where Mentie was trying her elemen- tary piano examinations. Mrs. J. E. Mutch and little daughter, Delight, of Goderich, and Mr. Thomas Aitchison, of Hamilton, are visiting their mother, Mrs. Wm. Aitchison, Mr. Wm. Jones, an expert chauffeur of Wingham, has been engaged by Mr. Wm. Irwin, who has an auto in con- nection with his livery. —Ripley Express. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mundell and children, of Turnberry, left on Tuesday to spend two months with relatives and friends in Moosejaw, Sask. and Caron, Sask. Miss A. Haines, late of Haileybury, spent two weeks, at her parental home, left on Monday for Sault Ste Marie, where she has accepted a position with the C.P.R. Mayor Irwin, accompanied by his daughter, left on Friday morning on a two months trip to California. They will return home via the Pacific Coast and through the Canadian West. Rev. S. Seilery, of Napanee, a former well-known and popular pastor of Wingham Methodist Church, was the guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. 1!'. G. Sperling and called on old friends while in town. Mr. N. L. Brandon, acegtnpenied by Mrs. Tovell and children and also his mother, Mrs. T. S. Brandon, who has spent the past five weeks in St. Marys, motored to Wingham in his new Over- land car for the 12th of July celebration, Mr. Brandon returned to St. Marys on Monday evening, accompanied by his sinters, Mia'. Wilford Reid and [Mss N. L Hazel Brandon. ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under ''his Head ten cents a line for first fnsortton; Ave eents Tor subse- quent 1rmerf,ioza. HOUSE TO RNT--Apel McLean. FOR •SALE -100 ite fence. Apply atTnl J. A. of good, picket office. TRUNKS AND VALISES:---$lg stock of select from at lowest prices. W, J. GEEK, WANTED --Two mares, 4 to .6 years old, 1200 to 1400 pounds. Apply to Dr. J. P. Kennedy. FOR SALE - Four good mileh cows and four spring calves, Get full particulars at TIMES office, tf To RENT -s -Three comfortable rooms over Advance office. Modern con- veniences. Apply to C. N. Griffin. FARMERS AND THRASIIERMAN—When overhawling your machinery try us for your repairs, that's where we shine. E. IVIERKLEY & SON. NOTICE—I am prepared to again keep lots in the cemetery in good shape at the rate of $1 per lot for the season. Orders left with John F. Groves, Town Clerk, will be given prompt attention. RoBT. DEYELL. MINOR LOCALS. For Diamond and Wedding Rings go to Knox's. Fine stock of silverware, cut glass and jewellery at Knox's. —Remember the shipment of Jams and Jellies for the Canadian soldiers on Friday and Saturday, July 16th and 17th and bring your donation. —Mr. John Kaiser, who has been operator at the G. T. R. station for some time was transferred to George- town and Mr, S. H. Milne, of Alma, takes his place here. —Mrs, Adam Schaefer has been seriously ill fot some time and under- went an operation in the Wingham Hospital last week. Numerous friends will wish her a speedy recovery. •-Let everyone do something to help the boys who are fighting for us. One way is to bring a donation of Jam, Jelly or Marmalade to the Town Hall on either Friday or Saturday, July 10th and 17th. —Miss Mentie Reid Allen has received word from Toronto Conservatory of Music that she has passed her elemen- tary piano examination successfully. Much credit is due her teacher, Miss Alma Fiarlty. —Mrs. Jas. •Maxwell received a letter from her son, Ross, this week. His company is attached to the 12th Battalion which is now at the front and they may go very soon. At present they are camped at Shorncliffe. He enjoyed the trip very much, FIVE SAILINGS WEEKLY, PORT MC NICOLL TO SAULT STE. MARIE AND FORT WILLIAM Canadian Pacific Palatial Great Lakes Steamships leave Port McNicoll, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays for Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur and Fort William. Steamship Express making direct con- nection leaves Toronto 12.45 p.m. Particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents, or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto. 63-3 TEACHER WANTED ____••••••••1 fi (7iiiiat� of Lidl�& Waitshhi'i'ar Wash Goods Spring. Ceats, RainCoats $1,25, $1.50 Voile Waists for 95c., Ladies' Voile Waists made in latest un mil 1"' "euNllll,'ir�liliM111i ,dIH ): r:'": _Nmm�,u., n,...� styles with flare or military collar, sizes 34 to 44. Teacher wanted, for School Section No. 3, Turnberry, Duties to commence September 1st, State salary. Appli- cations, with references and qualifica- tions, received up to July 24th. 1915. R. S. MUIR, 62-3 Glenannan, Ont. TEACHER WANTED Teacher wanted for School Section No. 7, Morris (Stone school). State salary and qualifications. Duties to commence September 1st. J. D. MCEWEN, Sec.-Treas., tf R. R. No. 4, Wingham TEACHER WANTED Teacher wanted for School Section No. 8, East Wawanosh. State experi- ence and salary wanted. J. W. BONE, Belgrave, Ont. Mr. B. T. Covell, A.L.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Church Teacher of Pianoforte, Singing Violin Pianos and Organs Tuned and Repaired, Wingham, - Ont. JOHN f. GROVES ISSUETs Mf'xIMA6E UCt SES 1 owrn Hall, Wingham PHON2S:—Office 24 Residence 164 4,44444101444411444411,11/64114411441,4 1 $2.00 to $3,50 Voile. Waists $1.95 2 doz extra quality Voile and fancy ina'`quesite Waists, broken lines, not all sizes in each style but all sizes included from 34 to 42. $12.50 Raincoats reduced to $7.50 20 only Ladies' Raincoats bought at clearing prices from .the manufacturer, de- signed specially for good service, made from Double Texture all Wool Waterproof Paramatto Cloth, sizes 34 to 44, $10 to $15 Spring Coats Reduced to $6.25. 15 only ladies' and misses' Spring Coats 36 inch Habitai Silk $1.00 per yd. consisting of the latest styles in tweed Extra quality black or white Habitai, effects, with polo cloths and serges, all suitable for waists, Iingerie etc, sizes in the lot, also many exclusive styles Sheer White Voile and Marquesites 25c, 35c, 50c 60c yd One of the finest and most evenly woven fabrics, very fashionable this sea- son, rich in appearance and serviceable. 36 inch Black Duchess Mousseline $1.25 value reduced to 98c per yd. 300 yards Black Duchess Silk with heavy silk chene, and rich satin finish, specially purchased to clear at this low price. 15c Dolly Varden Crepe Reduced to 10c per yd. 30o yards with fifteen different 'patterns to choose from, an excellent cloth for summer dresses. White Bedford Cords, Piques and French Reff. Beautiful snow white washable mater. ials in plain and corded weave, very suit- able for middy waists, wash suits and skirts. Special value 25c, 35c, 50c yd. 35c, 50c, 60c Corset Covers 39c 3 doz only fine cambric Corset Covers, broken lines and odd sizes, all new goods. $1.00 to $1.50 Night Gowns 98c 3 doz ladies' cambric Night Gowns and Princess Slips made in latest styles, neatly trimmed trimmed with lace or embroidery, all sizes, $1.50 to $3.00 Summer Parasols 98c. 3 doz Summer Sunshades, samples, some with eyelet embroidery, others with colored borders. Silk Tussah Royal 50c yd. A new wash material very suitable tor summer dresses, will wash and retain its silken finish, in very neat ,floral patterns and coin spots. Holeproof Hosiery. Long Black and White Silk Gloves 69c. A guaranteed silk or lisle hose, 6 pairs 5 doz 12 button silk gloves with double guaranteed to wear 6months; sold in boxes. tipped fingers and reinforced gussets. 6 pr cotton $2; 6 pr lisle $3; 3 pr Silk $3. 'Phone 71 KING BROS. PRODUCE WANTED. PRODUCE WANTED AGENTS FOR STANDARD PATTERNS July [Stb, 19[$ i�r.rw 0 . SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SAIF. Of Men's, Womeu's and Children's Spring and Summer Footwear Women's Patent, Tan and Gun Metal Button Oxfords, regular , ¢¢ $3.50' reduced to . : . 412 . U 0 Men's Gun Metal Button Oxfords, all sizes. Regular $4.50, Reduced to . . . . • $3.60 20 per cent. reduction on all White Shoes, Pumps and Slippers. 20 per cent. reduction on all Patent Pumps and Oxfords. All sizes. W. H. WILLIS & CO. SOLE AGENTSuBB FOR LADIES Quality rtufaN PATERSON—In Orillia, on June 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Paterson; a son, (Neal Archibald). DIED EDWARDS-In Wingham, on Friday, July 9th, Christopher Earnest Edwards, son of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Ed- wards, aged 1 year, 2 months and 22 days. GRAY—In Wingham, on Monday, July 12th, William Wesley Gray, aged 75 years and t months. Italy has the greatest eel breeding farm in the world in a swamp along the Adriatic, where the industry has been carried on for centuries. mummummonomitmommonim AUCTIONEERS J McConnell & Vandrick Auctioneers for the Counties of Huron and Bruce, are prepared to take all kinds of sales. We are certain we can please. You can have either one or bothwithout extra charge. Orders can be left with E. McConnell, or with an rick at the Merchants' ro erage Co.'s Store, Wingham, arges mo era e. 1 f V Ch d t i SPRING COAL• If you want to secure the lowest price of the year, buy your winter coal now, If you want good service along with the best coal rained, let us fill you bin with genuine 0. L. & W. Scranton, which has no equal, Cali attour office and get our prices fot' everything in the fuel line. J. A. MVICL.EAN Western London ' CANADA sept. 1915 $30,000.00 and Attractions IN PRIZES Two Speed Events Daily. Fireworks Every Night. New Steel Grandstand, Midway Better Than Ever. Prizes increased this year , by $3,000.00. Excellent Program of Attrace tions Twice Daily. MUSIC BY THE BEST AVAILABLE BANDS. Single Fare over all Railways West of Toronto and Fare and One -Third from outside points.. i Prize Lists, Entry Forms andall information from the Secretary. W. J. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary DEAL.EIt IN LUMBER, COAL, WOOD AND SHINGLES. PitoNES Residence 55, Office 64a., Mill 64b 1 1100111~1011~~~~~1f11010001 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS ARE A SUCCESS A rumor has been circulated that GUNNS' PERTIL,IZERS will not be made during the coming season. We contaadict this report by soliciting a continuation of your patronrge for Fall and Spring deliveries. If you have not been called upon, write or telephone A., Hi W ILFORD District Agf int Wirighain, Ont. e :Great SaIe' di iii Continues lti1 Men's Suits Half Price • Most all sizes in Men's iii extra fine quality Suits, • good style and patterns lit You can save half your • money by buying here. \i1 $18 extra well made, t1 • good quality suits $9.95 • $22 stylish suit for $10.48 $15 good quality, $7.95 \i! $8 Boys' Suits for $4,95 / $5 Boys' Suits for $2.98 h; Shoes Reduced /r1 We can save you money f.0 on Shoes, Be sure to see fk our lines before buying. fjfHundreds of other bar- e gains too numerous to f.e mention, Ladies' White Wear . IT $1 Princess Slips for 68c fp 75c Princess Slips 39c • $1.75 Princess Slips $1.19 $t.5o Fine Embroid- q ered Underskirts 98c ft! $2 Fine Erllbroid- M�1 ered Underskirts $1.19 fek NiN irk til Ali ` Hosiery, Values lip' Ladies' blk silk Hose 25c ilk lit 19c 14c iii, 10c slit Extra values in all lines liJ of Dress Goods. 6oc to 75c Dress Goods at per yard 49c 75c to $1 Dress Goods at per yard 68c )i. $ I,00 to $ r.5o Dress Goods for 75c to 98c 4%, ft Groceries /.0 1 Telephone us. We will hi do the rest.1. !ft Comfort Soap per bar 4c0 Fel's Naptha 4 for 25c Canned Peas 3 for 25c j*, Canned Corn 3 for 25c *, Good Salmon 2 for 25c *- Extra good Lard 15t lb /fX Fine blend Green Tea IA at only 28c per lb iii. Washing Soda, special /i, 6 lbs for 25c 1.6 Children's Hosiery 25c Hosiery for 20C Hosiery for 15c Hosiery for Dress Goods R. M. LINDSAY FORMERLY it Merchants BrokerdqeCo. :�.• fru ****r- *c3 _ ;'