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July 8th 1915
'Tele Memo River Has Verne,.,el
2,000 Years of War.
The valley of tha Meu e river, ea -
tending through France, Belgium an t
Holland and up and down whose
course 8,000 years of intermittent
'warfare has been waged, forms the
subject of a stale merit given out ny
the National Geographical Society:
"Three countries share the Meuse.
It rises :M Frauee, flown northward.
through Belgium, crosses the Dutch
frontier, sweeps westward through
Holland and empties into the North
Sea. Its journey to the sea is one of
580 miles, of which 460 are navig-
"The valley of the Meuse for ages
has been a channel for the ebb and
flow of armies. It might be said to
drain one vast, historic battlefield.
Caesar pursued its path into the un-
known, barbaric north. The wild'Teu-
tonic tribes pressed down between its
banks toward the wealth of Rome.
Christian Europe has been settling
its differences along the valley of the
Meuse by force of arms down to the
present day,
"In the forest of Ardennes the
Meuse flows through a country.rich
in romances of Charlemagne. rine-
lands and hop gardens lie further
along its banks, and then it washes
great industrial cities, gathering to
itself the ashes, rust and acids of
factory and furnace waste. Finally
it drifts through the flat lands of
Holland, supplying the numerous
canals which lazily divide the plains.
"Here and there, as between
Namur and Liege, it cuts a narrow
passage between wooded hills and
cliffs, their difficult sides dotted
with pretty villas. rust before reach-
ing the sea the Meuse, here the
Maas, divides, one branch flowing
west and the other mingling with the
Rhine to empty past Rotterdam at
the Hook of Holland.
"In the beginning of its course the
valley of the Meuse is a wide mea-
dowland. It then breaks into a gorge,
fringed with broken, tangled banks.
There is a wealth of scenic beauty
alopg its way. Philip the Good, Duke
of Burgundy, is said to have caused
800 people to be drowned in its
To Make Pot Au Fen.
This is the national French dish
and is really two courses cooked at
once in a large saucepan. Bone, roll
up and tie with string two and one-
half pounds of lean beef; put it into
the saucepan with the bones, two
quarts of cold water and a little salt,
and let it heat gradually. Prepare the
following vegetables: One onion,
peeled, blanched and stuck with a
clove; one small cabbage, washed,
trimmed and quartered; one leek,
washed, trimmed split and cut in
lengths; two carrots and two turnips,
scraped and quartered, and a tiny
bunch of parsley.
When the pot boils skim it and add
the vegetables, with four peppercorns
and three wholespice. When it near-
ly boils skim once more, then cover
closely and simmer for about two and
one-half hours. Remove the meat to
a hot dish, pour a little of the broth
over it, garnish with the vegetables
and keep hot till wanted. Strain the
broth, remove any fat from the top
with white kitchen paper. Make it
hot again if necessary and serve in
cups, with fried bread dice handed
Pa Fled Too.
"I say, pa."
"I thought you said if a boy would
always mind his parents he wouldn't
get into trouble."
"Yes, my boy, I did say so, and I
hope you will always bear it in mind.
Give heed to what your parents tell
you to do, and what they tell you
not to do, and you will live to be a
good man. Never disobey your par-
ents, and harm cannot reach you.
The boy who always does as his fath-
er tells him need never fear that evil
will overtake him, and "
"But, pa, here's a poem about a
boy that stood on a burnin' deck be-
cause his pa told him not to go. Just
read it, and then tell me some more
about harm never comin' to boys that
always do what their parents say they
have to."
A Job Deferred.
"Ay tank Ay go across the street
and get the tailor to mend my
vaist," drawled a Swedish foreman,
showing his employer a very ragged
"All right, John."
In a few minutes the Swede re-
turned with his vest untouched.
"Aren't you going to have it
mended?" asked the boss.
"Ay tank not in that shop," repli-
ed the Swede. "Ay ask him what he
charge an' he say, 'Two dollar.' Then
Ay ask him, 'Will you take the vest in
part payment?' and he wouldn't do
SALESMEN who urge and persuade us to buv the things we ought to have
are our true friends,. More friends of this sort are wanted,
Many men in and about Wing-
ham have their lives assured due
to the persistency of the repre-
epre-sentatives of good life assurance
Merchants who inform us con-
cerning what is best to buy and
when to buy are our good friends
and save us money.
Merchants who are our real
friends advertise— tell us what is
good for us to have and what is
the right price to pay.
To the Merchants of Wingham
Perhaps you haven't looked at this matter in this light—haven't seen your
obligation w th respect to the dwellers in this community. Be a friend and
make friends—by helpful advertisements each week in the Weekly Times.
Gruff old Doctor Johnson doubtless
thought he was speaking the last word
about fruit when he said that God
could have made a better berry than
the strawberry but he did not believe
that God ever had. But then -what
variety of strawberry did Doctor John-
son have in mind? None of our best
berries date back more than a hundred
years and the berries he knew could
not have done more than give a sug-
gestion of the kinds we enjoy. His
berries may have been glorious, but
there is one glory of the Wilson and
another glory of the Senator Dunlop
and other glories of many kinds of
strawberries; for one strawberry dif-
fereth from another strawberry in
glory. As D, Johnson has been dead
for many years and I need not fear his
wrath I shall venture to amend this
epigram by saying that when God
wanted a better berry than the straw-
berry he made another strawberry.
Of course, the wild strawberry has
been known since the earliest time in
all parts of the world, but the domesti-
cated variety as we know it was intro-
duced from Virginia in 1629. Since then
horticulturists have been in pursuit of
the ideal berry and now they are hoping
for great things through hybridization,
selection and what practically amounts
to creative evolution. At the Vineland
Experimental Station alone they have
this year over two thousand new
varieties to test in the hope of discover-
ing one that is new and surpassing.
According to fruit statistics the
strawberry is now mere widely used
than any other fruit except the apple.
It may be used to advantage either
cooked or raw and. canned strawberries
carry their relish to every season of the
year. Then thele must be strawberry
jam for the children's lunches at school
and for the workman's dinner pail. In
short, it may be used in so many ways,
all delightful, that every housewife, no
matter how poor, feels that she must
have a supply of strawberries in some
form if she is to have a home worthy of
the name. Not only is it a fruit of in-
comparable quality, but it has no peel-
ing, no core, no pit and no waste of any
kind. Its use is as economical as it is
delightful. Because of its perfections
it has a place of its own in the favor of
humanity, and best of all, it is the first
fresh fruit to come on the market in
the spring when we are sharp set after
the long winter.
Unquestionably the strawberry de-
serves the account of its creation giveh
by that delightful fabulist, John Ames
Mitchell, Editor of Life, He fabled
that the Creator took so much good
material and so many flavors to make
the Hudson river shad that the devil
used up all his power for evil in filling
it with the most distressing amount of
bones to be found in any fish. Then
the Creator triumphantly trade the
strawberry and the devil had nothing
left with which to spoil it. So he "fled
howling" and we have in the straw-
berry the one perfect berry -the "entire
and perfect chrysolite of fruits."
. Peter McArthur.
A Children's Day.
An important festival for Belgian
ehildren occurred on St. Thomas' Day,
when the children were entitled to
turn their parents Into the garden and
refuse readmission until the elders
promised to give them the presents
j3iiey desired. On Holy Innocents
Day it was the privilege of the chil-
dren to dress up in their parents'
clothes, take control of the house, and
order the dinner.
Force of. Hotel Habit.
After several years of hotel life
Percival's parents took up their real -
dente in a city suburb.
"Whitt were you doing, son?" the
mother asked him 'when Percival
came into the house one afternoon.
"I was just out on the front
porch," replied Percival, "listening to
a man with a pushcart paging black-
Many persons who rake through
trairet''s meter Wlibh s i »e tooth
givitag woe their n -.y N ,
sr blotto rare.
Children Cry
• W. P. Garland is said to have sent
his resignation ae a member of the
House of Commons to the Speaker.
FARE $22
a 3 '
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(June 22nd to September 4th)
Leaves Port Stanley every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday , , "' . 11:00 P. M.
Arrives Cleveland following morning 6:30 A. M.
Leaves Cleveland every Monday, Wednesday and Fri '
. . . 11:00 P. M.
ttArrives Port Stanley following morning . . . . . 6:30 A. M.
. (All Eastern Time) Fare $2,25 one way, $4.00 round trip. Connections at Cleveland for Buf-
f tale. Cedar Point, Put.tn-Bay, Akron, Columbus, Cincinnati,Pittsburgh Wheeling and all points
1� south of Cleveland. Ask your ticket agent for ickete via C. & B. Lme.
Steamer leaves Port Stanley, Saturday, 11,00 P. M. and brings you back home 6,30 Tuesday
morning, affording two days in The Steth largest City in the United States. Fare 52.25 for the
Round Trip. For further information address G. W. Pleasence, Canadian Age., Port Stanley. Ont,
What to .Do, and %'hat Not to leo,
In Order 'Po Be :safe.
Tv take shelter during a thunder-
storm beneath a solitary tree, or 4 -
der an open shed or barn, or to be
the most prominent object in a field
or on a common, is to court death.
People are continually being warned
of this danger, but the warning Is
often ignored.
As the eminent scientists, Sir Ray
Lankester, who says that all children
should be warned against seeking
shelter in a thunderstorm under any
solitary upstanding shed, tree!, or
group of trees, points out, such dan-
ger can, to a large extent, be avoided
if people will only behave in accord-
ance with the dictates of knowledge
and experience: The danger of peo-
ple standing under a tree during a
thunderstorm really arises from the
fact that the shed or the tree stands
out high above the surrounding sur-
face, and its top is the nearest point
for some distance round to the thun-
der cloud, and is likely to "attract"
the electric discharge, or to serve
as the passage of the electricity from
the cloud to the earth.
It is equally dangerous to be the
most prominent object in a field or
common during a thunderstorm. In
deed, more persons are struck and
killed in this way than when shelter-
ing under trees. What, then, is a
man or woman or child to do when
caught in the open in a' thunder-
storm? They may take shelter, says
Sir Ray Lankester in a wood, though
not under any isolated tree nor un-
der a long high hedgerow.
They should ask for shelter in any
available house or cottage. Failing
this, they may (as goats and sheep
and cattle do) get under a low-lying
rock -face, or into a ditch, or dryhole,
or even, if the storm is close round
them, Ile fiat on the ground. It is less
dangerous to be wet through than
dry, since wet clothes may, and have
before now, saved a man's life owing
to the fact that they are good con-
ductors, and allow the electric Cur-
rent to pass away without obstruc-
When you are in a house during a
close and immediate thunderstorm
you should keep the window shut and
avoid placing yourself between two
large and prominent conductors of
electricity, such as the waterpipe or
gas main (if your plumber has per-
mitted you to know where they are)
and the fireplace. If the house is a
detached one or a corner house, and
the stprm is close, e, you will be acting
reasonably if you retire into the base-
ment until the storm is over.
It is important that everyone
should be able to judge of the near-
ness or distance of a thunderstorm.
The sound of the thdnder, caused by
the heating and sudden expansion of
the air by the great electric spark
which we call "a flash of lightning,"
travels a mile in five seconds. When
there is an interval between the flash
and the sound of the thunder of two
seconds or more, the storm is for the
time being at a safe distance, 'but
when the interval is only a second or
less the storm is close, and any prom-
inent object near you, or you your-
self, may be struck.
Report for S. S. No. 11 East. Wawa -
nosh for May and June. Tested in
Oral Composition, Grammar, History,
Spelling, Writing, Reading and Hygiene.
Entrance - Violet McBurney 88 per
cent, Euphemia McNeil 81.
Sr. IV -Grace Wightman 89, Alba
Walker 84, Rena Deacon 76.
Jr. IV -Luella McGregor 81.
Sr. III -Donald Young 78.
Jr. III -Doris Walker 78, Harry
Deacon 77.
Sr. II - Lizzie Young 80, Bessie
Deacon 70.
Jr. II -Janet Robertson 70, Alberta
Walker 67.
Pt. II -Fred Deacon 73.
Sr.I -Hazel Irwin 74, Verna Irwin
73, Jim Deacon 73
Jr. I --Gordon McBurney 75.
E. M. Lyon, teacher.
Honor roll of S. S. No. 14, Wawanosh.
Sr. IV -Total 330. -Ernest Morrison,
225; Joe O'Callaghan, 2116.
Jr. IV Total 350. -Mary Laidlaw,
258; Jean Egglestone, 255; Nathaniel
Thompson, 242; Gordon McGee, 221.
Sr. III Total 350. -Anna Morrison,
Jr. III Total 300.-Aldin- Purdon,
262; Nettie Pardon and Stanley Thomp-
son, 206.
II Total 340. -Frank O'Callaghan,
229; Elgin Purdon, 228. '
Sr. Primer -Winnie Ferrier.
Primer C -Madeline O'Callaghan,
Clara Purdon.
Primer B -Isabella Pardon, Alex.
Primer A-Robena Martin.
Violet Warren, teacher.
1t! Rodmond ob'iin'testiiied in the
Y"unerton charges -,gat bgt,kt aw of,ono
arrangement with the Liberals.
A Garden Party will be held on the
lawtitof the Methodist Church, Bluevale,
on the evening of July 20th. Tea will
be served from 6 to 8 o'clock. Wing -
ham Citizens' Band in attendance.
Admission 15e and 25c.
Report of S. S No. 4 for June.
Names in order of merit.
Sr, IV -Harvey Haney, Harvey Mes-
ser, Eldon McKinney, Ella Dobie, Roy
Thomson, Annie Smeltzer.
Jr. IV -Pierson McIntyre, Stanley
Gallagher, Stella Elliott.
Sr. II -James Watson, Bertha Gan-
nett, Robert Tullock, Edgar McMichael,
Archie McKinney.
Jr. II -King McDonald, James Breck-
enridge, Jean Black, Cecil Dobie, Clif-
ford Elliott.
Sr. Pt. 1.t -'-Roy T,bomas, Chas. Gan-
nett, Harold Watson, Harry Elliott,
Thos. Calvert, Willie Mundell.
Jr. Pt. II. -•-0 Messer, B Dobie, C
Stewart, G Elliott, R Elliott, E Wil-
burn, E Breckenridge.
pruner ---Elsie Allison, Cora Gannett,
Irene ,McKinneyy, B' Thornton, E Mc-
Gee, Donna Stitlth,' G"' Mundell, Sim -
mopsp,.,i Vjliott, ' Stewart, '1J'J Vette.
C. M. Messer, Teacher.
1 Gained 30 Lbs. in Few Weeks
Never Felt So Well'
Intricate Mechanism of These Awful
Engines of Destruction.
At the torpedo's head is an explosive
chamber which holds damp guncotton.
This is tired by means of a rod which
ou contact with the walls of a ship, is
driven in upon a detonator. This fires
a primer. which in turn explodes the
The next chamber stores compressed
air to the pressure of 2,000 pounds to
the square inch. This is practically
the boiler room of the torpedo, for it
supplies the motive power to the four
cylinder engine which drives it through
the water on its errand of destruction.
Next comes the wonderful gyroscopic
control of the air motor by which the
rudders are adjusted. This Is where
the intricate mechanism of the torpe-
do is so- clearly demonstrated. Should
it rise or dip in the water this gyro-
scope actuates a motbr which in turn
operates rods ranted with the rud-
ders and at once readjusts any deflec-
tion from the course originally set
The motor mentioned is but a few
inches in length, yet the power it ex-
erts by means of compressed air is
such that the pressure of half an ounce
operated by the steering gear produces
tt pull of 1(10 pounds on the rudders.
This terrible fish's tail holds wheel
gearing for the driving of two' pro--
pellers and the manipulation of the
rudders. The propellers revolve in op-
posIte directions. thereby preventing
the torpedo describing a circle. -Lon-
don Answers.
Women and the Old Olympic Games.
One rule of the original Olympic
games could not be followed nowadays
without provoking serious troubles.
Women were not allowed to be present
or even to be anywhere in the district
when the games were being celebrated
on pain of being hurled from a preelpi-
tons rock. This rule is believed to
Itt,t'e been defied only once, when the
offender was pardoned in consideration
of the fact that her father, brothers
and ,on had been victors in the games.
One particular priestess, however, was
not only exempt from this law, but
was accommodated with a special front
seat on an altar of white marble, and
women were allowed to enter chariots
for the races, though they might not
be present to see them win.
He Was She.
In it college for women where the
faculty consists chiefly of the gentler
sex a meeting of the academic council
was in progress. Here and there a
lone man sat surrounded by learned
ladies. An amendment had just been
"Where is the person who offers this
amendment?" inquired the president
Who is ahem"
n. Mr. Skeeth, the popular
young professor of a favorite subject,
rose and replied deprecatingly, 't[ am
she." --New York Post.
Here's a Baking Hint.
Good pie is always in demand. But
pie to be good must have a crust ten-
der, brown and delicious. To obtain
crust to meet the specifications pre-
pare pie crumbs, which may be kept
in glass jars on ice for weeks, always
ready for a company surprise and
every ready to delight those of your
household desiring best made pie.
To make pie crumbs take four cup-
fuls of flour, one teaspoonful of salt,
two rounded teaspoonfuls of baking
powder, four large tablespoonfuls of
shortening. Mix all in a large mixing
bowl by chopping with a silver knife
until fine and thoroughly mixed; then
put into tight glass jars and keep on
When wishing to make pie take
crumbs enough to answer require-
ments, using just enough ice water to
hold the crumbs together, mixing
with silver kilife until ready to put
on board to roll. Follow instructions
to the letter and the result will prime
equal to puff pirate.
In a Bad Way.
"Where are you off t(i in such a
"To fetch the doctor for my hus-
"What's up with him?"
"He tells me he has got hepatitis,
dyspepsia, rheumatism, enteritis,
gastritis, appendicitis, nephritis and
cerebro spinal meningitis."
"Holy terrors! Where did he get
all that?"
"Why a man induced him to buy
a medical dictionary, and he's just
been reading it,"
Suffered From
Salt Rheum
Burdock Blood Bitters Cured Her.
Was Pale, Weak and Thin, and Had Nervous Headaches
Before Using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food.
It is truly wonderful what Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food does for women
who are weak, weary and run down in
health, New, rich
blood is what is
needed In nearly
all such cases,
and because Dr.
Chase's Nerve
Food forms new
blood it brings
euro - not mere
relief, but actual
cure In the great fee
mailmajorityents. of such i t t'4 *
With an abund- AIRS. Ii, LAIOiithe.
anoe of , red
blood ooursingrichththe veins
nerves are strengthened and vigor 'and
vitality are carried to every organ of
the human body,
With the nerves properly nourish-
ed headaches and neuralgic pains dis-
appear, appetite improves, digestion is
good, you sleep and rest well, and
gain in ptrength and weight.
Mrs: H. Laich, Cannington Manor,
Sask., writes: -"You will remember
me writing you last spring. Well, I
gave up my doctor and began using'
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. This treat-
ment cured me rapidly and X was soon
myself again. I was pale, thin and'
weak, suffered from stomach
troubles and liver complaint, and fre-
quently had sick, nervous headaches.
"I was surprised to find that in a.
few weeks' time I had gained 30
pounds in weight. I never felt so,
strong and well in all my Life. Head-
aches never bother me any more, and
I am grateful for the cure. If people
would only give this medicine a fair
trial they would certainly be cured."
Everywhere people are talking'
about this great food cure, which
cures in Nature's way, by supplying•
the ingredients to form new blood,
and so overcome weakness and dis-•
ease by an abundance of vitality. Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food, 50c e. box, 6 for -
$2.50, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates
& Co., Limited. Toronto.
[By Charles Mackay]
A traveller through adusty road strew-
ed acorns on the lea;
And one took root and sprouted up, and
grew into a tree,
Love sought its shade, at evening time,
to breathe its early vows;.
And age was pleased. in heats of noon,
to bask beneath its boughs,
The dormou'e loved its dangling twigs,
the birds sweet music bore;
It stood a glory in its place, a blessing
A little spring had lost its way amid the
grass and fern,
A passing stranger. scooped a well
where weary men might turn;
He walled it in and hvrg with care a
ladle at the brinl, ;
He, thought not of the deed he did, but
judged that toil might drink,
He passed again, and lo! the well, by
summers never dried,
Had cooled ten thousand parching
tongues, and saved a life beside.
A dreamer dropped a random thought;
'twas old, and yet 'twas' new;
A simple fancy of the brain, but strong
in being true,
Itshone upon a genial mind, and lo!
its light became
A lamp of life, a beacon ray, • a moni-
tory flame
The thought was small; the issue great;
a watchfire on the hill;
Salt Rheum or Bczema is one of the
!most painful of all skin diseases, and if
cof attended to immediately may be -
m very deep seated.
Give the blood a good cleansing by
the use of that grand old medicine
Burdock Blood Bitters. This sterling
remedy has been on the market for the
past forty years, and is the best blood
cleanser on the market today.
Mrs. William H. I1'owlie, Cole's Island,
N.B., writes: "I have been a •sufferer
from salt rheum for a good many years,
and was so bad I could not do my owns
work. I tried a good many inedicin
but they all failed to do me any good
until I tried Burdock Blood Bitters. I
had not taken one bottle until I found
a greatchange, and I am most thankful
for trying it. I hope that every other
Tungsten, which only in recent years sufferer from salt rheum wilt try B.B.B."
kmtome into general use, was discussed Burdock Blood Bitters is anufacttir-
exhaust! ely by a Spanish treatise ed only by The T. Mniilburn Co., Limited,
written in 1781. Toronto, Ornt,
It sheds its radiance far adown, ands
cheers the valley still!
A nameless man, amid a crowd that.
thronged the daily mart,
Let fall a word of Hope and Love, un-
studied, from the heart;
A whiisper on the tumult thrown, --a
transitory breath, - •
It raised a brother from the dust; it
saved a soul frons death.
0 germ! 0 fount! 0 word at love! Oe.
thought of random cast!
Ye were but little at the first, but
mighty at the last.
Rczema and Sore Eyes.
"My daughter suffered from inflamed,
eyelids and eczema on her head," writes
Mr. H. W. Lear, Port Planford, Nfld,.
"The child was in a bad state and
suffered greatly. The doctor failed to.
help her, and on recommendation of a
friend, I used Dr. Chase's Ointment,
which made a complete cure. With a
grateful heart I write you this letter."
An electric alarm to give notice that.
rain is falling into an open window, loud
enough to waken a sleeping person, has. '
been invented by a Chicago man,
Twin bascule bridges, each portion of "t `..
which is operated separately by electric
motors, have been installed over the -
arm of a harbour in a Prussian city.
We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple
Stationery and . can supply, your wants inlis
We will keep the best stock in the respective lines
and sell at reasonable prices
We are in a better position than ever before to attend
to your wants in the Job Printing line and all
orders will receive prompt attention.
Leave your order with us
when in need of
Or .anything you may require in the printing line.
Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers
and Magazines.
The Times Office 1
Wingham, Ont.