HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-07-15, Page 4Page 4 THE WIIVGHAM TIMES July ><Sth It) 5 To January 1st 1'916 1 FIFTY CENTS Arvernit THE TIMES•will be sent for the remaining months of 1915 to any new sub- scriber in Canada or Great Britain for Fifty Cents, To United States address for Eighty-five Cents. SIMMER MININIIIIM- saw 'Western University, London ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE Income Doubled, -now $75,800. Another large addition to Facul- ty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine. Greatly increased enrolment in view. 'Write for particulars to E.E. BRAITH WAIT, M. A.,Ph D. President MIS The World's Finest Fresh Water Trip Steamers leave Port •McNicoll Tues- days, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays for Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur and Fort William. The steamer "Manitoba," sailing from Port Me.Nicolt on Wednesdays, will call at Owen Sound, leaving that point 10 30 p.m, "STEAMSHIP EXPRESS" ]eaves Toronto 12.45 p.m. daily, except Friday, making direct connection with steamers at Port McNicoil on sailing days, PACFIC COAST TOURS t.ow Fares including Colifornia Expositions PARTICULAR- FROM W A. SAN DRRSON, Town Agent, 'phone 7. J, H. BsE'iER,-tation Agent, 'phone 47, or write M. G. Murphy, D.P.A., Toronto. C MI ; 'JWHI SYs tM Summer Service to Highlands of Ontario from Toronto. 2.05 a. m. daily for Muskoka Lakes, daily except Sunday for Lake of Bays, Algonquin Park, Maganetawan River and Titnagauti Lake points. 10.15 a. m tlaily except Sunday for Georgian Bay. Lake of Bays and Mag- anetawan River points. 12.01 p m. daily except Sunday for Muskoka Lakse, Lake of Bays and Algonquin Park. STEAMS :UP EXPRESS Leaves Toronto - 11.15 a.m. Arrives Sarnia Wharf, 4.30 p m. Each Monday, Wednesday, and Sat- urday, connecting with N. N. Co.'s , palatial steamships for Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arlen. Fort William and Duluth, and at Fort William with G. T.P. Railway for Winnipeg and points in Western Canada. Coaches, Parlor - Library -Cafe and Parlor -Library -Cafe cars between Toronto& SarniaWharf. H. B. ELT,IoTT, r wn Paaaenger and Ticket Agent, P'tos,e 4. W. F. B RGLIA 4, Station Agent, Phuteie. MISS SPARLiNG Licentiate of Toronto Conservatory of Music and Authorized teacher of Flet- cher Music Meth,•ti, `Nn;;:,ex and Kin- dergarten. Pupils prepared :or Curs, rvatory examinations in Plano and Theory. Theory taught by correspondence. Glasses Open(' So, G, 'Phone 165 FARM FOR SALE Lot S. ee,15, 16, Con. 1, Morris, 100 acres; well watered; good buildings; large bearing orchard; 15 acres bush suitable for stock or grain farming. 3?g miles from Wingham, owner retir- ing. Apply to W. CL•EGG, Proprietor. PLEASANT VIEW FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, 16e acres cleared, 20 acres 1 hard wood bush; well fenced; good, wtate cultivation; windmill; good water; bank barn 82x52; good out -buildings; two storey brick cottage. 11 rooms. ROBERT LEATEORN, tf >3iuevae. STRAY HEIFER Strayed from the premises of the imelersigncd, lot 34. con 1, Ctilroes on or about the 5th of June a one-lear.old •auto-aised gray Heifer withontberns. Parties know*r of her whereabouts will kindly communicate With JOHN KENNEDY, Fitz g Whitechurch, Ont. i OS'..tArilsits,iiBL tot. L WINtIId/M TINES, 4 B. FiLLIOTT, PnrtaISHsa *ND PROPIBTOa TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at thes office not later than saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week THURSDAY, JULY 15. 1915 EDITORIAL NOTES The fate of the Empire, which hangs upon the issue of the great war, the part that belongs to Canada in the con- flict, and the necessity, more particular- ly in the face of recent grave compli- cations, that the efforts already made by this country, splendid though they have been, shall be at once redoubled, was emphasized last evening before the Canadian Club by Mr. N. W. Rowell, leader of the Liberal party in Ontario, in one of the most eloquent and stirring addresses eyer delivered before a Regina audience. The distinguished visitor from the East made a most profound impression upon his hearers, and the applause with which his remarks were frequently broken, and which, at their conclusion, was long continued, was, in its spontaneous enthusiasm, as far re- moved as it could well be from the somewhat formal tributes common to such occasions. -Regina Leader. PROTECTING THE PEOPLE. To the Editor: - In 1910 Governor Stubbs of Kansas delivered an address in Chicago in which he spoke in part as follows: "Prohibi- tion in Kansas is net the result of at- mospheric conditions. Reason was at the bottom of it all. It was not brought about by fanatics but by sane, sober, patriotic folks who bad longer heads and more common sense than the aver- age American people had at that time. It was not a theory. It was as old as the abuse of liquor. Eleven hundred years before Christ an Emperor of China decreed that all the grape vines be pulled up by the roots and hnrnt to ashes. China has a sober nation ever since. Centuries before Christ Lycurgus the great law giver of his people did precisely the same thing in Greece. The Carthaginians prohibit- ed drinking in the army 300 years before the Christian Era. Draco, in his laws made drunkenness a capital offence. All through history you will find it and wherever it was observed the nations became greater and more virtuous. Prohibition is the doctrine of self-de- fence. Kansas is simply protecting its people from the arch enemy of human happiness. Kansas homes are protected from an infinitely worse enemy to society than the burglar. Prohibition has simply muzzled a brute that is ten thousand times more vicious than a mad dog. It has merely cut out a useless expense that was more bur- densome on the people than all the state and county taxes combined." When the people of Canada wake up to the terrific truth of that last sentence the liquor traffic will be doomed. H. Arnott, M.B., M.C.P.S. Old Resident Passes. There passed away on Monday, an old. and esteemed resident of Wingham, in the person of Mr. William Wesley Grey. in bis 75th year. Mr. Grey was born in Is.itley, Leeds county, and when a young man moved west to Invermay, where he married Miss Fanny Leslie. In 1870 be came to Wingham, where he resided until the death of Mrs. Grey in 1899, when he removed to Owen Sound, where he resided unti. a few weeks ago, when he came to reside with his daughter, Mrs. Wii.iam Davidson, Maple street. De.eased, who was ill only a short time, is survived by one son and two daugh- ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Ever Think of It? If you buy out of town, and we buy out of town, and all our neigh- bors buy out of town, what In thun- der will become of our town? Ever think about it? A Good School. The Fall term of the gham Busi- ness College begins ust 30. Am- bitious young eo who desire to better their con ' should inquire for particulars and enrol now, Foster Ferguson, Principal, Geo. Spottun, President. Auction Sale. Mr. A. E. Sanderson will hold an auction sale of horses, cows, wagons, sleighs, harness, etc., at his premises on Saturday afternoon next, commencing at 3 o'clock. Mr. Sanderson is dis- continuing his business as teamster, hence the sale. T. R. Bennett will be the auctioneer. Is a Hustler. Mr, H. B. Elliott has just completed eighteen years as editor of the Wingham Times and twenty-seven years of ser- vice on the paper. He is a hustler, does a big business and turns out a good sheet. -Listowel Banner. Thanks for your kind words, brother. The editor of the TIMES received his first instruc- tions in the printing business in the office of the Listowel Banner. Choice Strawberries. Mr. Chas. Campbell, of East Wawa - nosh brought four choice boxes of strawberries to town on Monday. Only thirty berries were required to fill each box so it will be easily understood the choice quality of the fruit. The berries were sold to Messrs C. C. Munro, N. S. McGee, A. J. Nicholls and H. Campbell at 50 cents per box and the S2 was handed over to be applied to the funds of the Red Cross Society. Best Dressed Window J. Walton McKibbon of the Rexall Store, agent in Wingham for Patter - son's Chocolates, was successful in be- ing prize winner in the recent contest for the best window display of "Pat- terson's of Toronto" Chocolates. There were 1I2 contestants in the display con- test scattered all over Canada. The window was dressed by Mr. A. P. Knechtel of the Rexall store staff. Rebate for Ford Owners. Big business men compelled to sign a couple of hundred checks for incidental expenses every month occasionally realize what is meant by writer's cramp. The Ford Motor Co. is making preparations to attend to a little office detail of this kind in connnection with the $15,000,000 bonus to be distributed among Ford owners in August. The company is about to write 300,000 checks for $50 each, to be mailed, to owners throughout the world. A staff of 30 stenographers is to be emptoyed in this task requiring 6 weeks for completion. Band Concert. The following is the programme for the weekly band concert on Friday evening: - 0 Canada 1 March Master Mechanic Rolph 2 Overture Bohemian Girl Balfe 3 Waltz Daughters of Love Wallace 4 Serenade Organ Echoes Byers 5 Descriptive Haunted House Peterson 6 March United Empire L'i'rERMISSION 7 March Death or Glory Hall 8 Selection A Life on the Ocean Billings 9 Waltz Composia Kalls 10 Schottiche Bells of St. Malo Oswald 11 Descriptive Southern Breezes Byer 1.2 March Patriotic Lavelle Successful Garden Party A garden party, under the auspices ters, they being, Mrs. James Irwin, of the Wingham Firemen, was held at Sehumach, Mrs. Wm. Davidson of the Town Park on the evening of July town and Samuel Grey, of Owen Sound. 12th;' and was well attended. The Mr. Grey was a member of the Metho- Wingham Citizens' Band furnished last Church, and a Conservative in the music for the evening. The p.o;itics. He was also a member of the thain feature of the evening and which Maccabees and Orange orders. The gave a goad deal of amusement to both funeral which took place on Wednesday, spectators and players was a baseball was eondueted under the auspices of match between teams of "fat" and the Oranee order, the remains being "lean" men. Many of the players had interred in the Wingham cemetery, not played a game in many years, but all took hold in a very friendly spirit and enjoyed the hour's sport. An antomobiie driver in Hamilton was The "leans" rather put one over the sentenced to six months in jail for "fats" in playing ten men. The score being drunk while driving. • was 17 to 9 in favor of the "leans." en_The players were: Fat men -W. A. Y011 HAVE WEAK LUNGS? Currie. A. Tipling, W. G. Patterson, LUNGS? m. Holmes, C. A. Rintoul, Geo. Spot - ton, 11 Campbell, John Quirk, Robt. codsset, tieoayourchestorinyour Akan. Lean men -John Anderson bronchial gibes? Do coughs hang on, or `. are yon subject to throat troubles? Ed Iiarrisen, Chas. Knechtel. Wilbur Ssidi troubles should have im;nediale Johnston. I. J. Pattison. G. Davidson, , treatment with the rare curative powers ,Allen Reid, Wm. Dare. Wm. Bone, 11. of Scott's Inanition to guard against B Elliott. Miss Mabel McDona".d wan costetmmption � ilich so easily follows. i Secee'alomvisioatontzineperecodliter the holder Welty of the ticket and was oil which peculiarly strengthens the res- !awarded the chair. The receipts of the piratorytraet and imps•oves the truilitYo evening amounted to about $35, which the blood; the glycerhte in It soothes and gwe: he used by the firemen in defrayieg heats the tender membranes of the throat, e�tpenee! to Thorold, where a bigfit c- heat's 28 pretenbed by the best special ; lata, Van watt get it at any drug !tem men's teurnanient will be held early in Scott & now e. 7latosto, oat. a tAugust. NERVOUS CHILDREN Hardy Study and Too lithe Koro's a Taneie. How easy it is to mix up the aver- age business man was demonstrated the other day when the son of a local merchant leaned against his father's Exercise Leans to $t. knee and innocently asired: "Daddy, is today tomorrow?" Vitus Dance "No, my son, of course today isn't There is much criticism of modern ( "But you said it was," continued the tomorrow," answered the father, educational methods that require too much work of school children, allow- ing them too little time for play and preventing sufficient out-of-door exer- cise. When the study of music or any other accomplishment, with the neces- sary practice, is added the strain is in- creased. Under these conditions the blood becomes impoverished and fails to nourish the nerves. The child be- comes restless, and twitching of the muscles follow. Sometimes the child stumbles in walking and drops what it tries to hold. Pallor, listlessness and irritability are symptoms that early show that the blood and nerves are failing to meet the demands made upon them, and that St. Vitus dance has fastened its hold upon the child. In this condition there is no tonic can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which build up the blood, strengthen the nerves and safely help to meet the demands of the growing child. Out-of- door exercise, nourishing food, plenty of sleep with these tonic pills will cure even the most severe cases of St. Vitus dance. We offer the foll. Ing proof: "Up to the age of ten ; ars." says Mrs Johnson, of Hem N. S., ''my son, Calvin, was :.-••'.ealthy and rugged as any child •.uld be. Then he began to ..mp that his eyes hurt him, and f . ' . s in the head, and began to fall . k in bis studies at school. The .oticed a twitching of the muscles . his face and arms, and later his whole body seemed to be in constant motion. Our family phy- sician was called in and pronounced the trouble a severe attack of St. Vitus dance. He was under the doc- tor's treatment for some three months but did not seem to improve. We had taken him from school, and were care- ful that nothing should excite him, but notwithstanding he grew worse, and the least start would bring on at- tacks of hysteria. This went on for some months until Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were brought to my attention and we decided to give him this medi- cine, After using a few boxes there was a noticeable improvement, and by the time he had recovered his former good health. There has been no sign of a return of the trouble, and I can scarcely say how thankful we feel for the complete restoration of our son's health." Parents who find their growing boys or girls becomine nervous should lose no time in giving them Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. You may ward off an at- tack of St. Vitus dance, or if the trou- ble has reached that stage the Pills will effect a cure. Sold by all medi- cine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CHURCH NOTES. METHODIST CHURCH Regular services will be held in the Methodist Church at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. when the Rev. William Skilling, B. A., of Victoria College, Toronto, will preach. All are welcome. THE SALVATION ARMY Special services will be held on Sat- urday and Sunday, July 17 and 18 con- ducted by Staff Capt. White, of London Headquarters. Staff Captain White is well known as a deeply spiritual man and a powerful appeal will be made to all for a close walk with God. Services Saturday 7.30 p. m. open air services on Josephine Street. Sunday, 7 a. m., Knee Drill; 11 a. me Holiness' Meeting; 3 p. m., Praise Meeting; 7 p. m., Salva- tion Meetings. Staff Captain Waite will be in charge of all the meetings next week -end, July 17 and 18. BAPTIST CHURCH Regular services next Sunday. Morning subject: -Studies in Romans, "The Warfare of Flesh against Spirit." Evening:- Special young people's ser- vice. Reading, "The Three Bidders." Sermon subject, "The Three Bidders for the Soul." CHURCH OF ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE. Choir practice will be held this week on Saturday evening, commencing at 7.30 o'clock sharp. Miss Farrell, the newly appointed organist, will be in charge. Holy Communion will be celebrated on Sunday morning at 5.30 o'clock. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. D. Perrie left this week on a six weeks' vacation, which will be spent at Bruce Beach. Prayer meeting will be withdrawn until further nntice, The services next Sunday will be conducted by Rev. Mr. Bradley, of Teeswater. son. "When did 1 ever say today was to- morrow?" "Yesterday," answered the son. "Well, it was; today was tomorrow yesterday, but today is today. just as yesterday was today yesterday, but is yesterday today, and tomorrow will be today tomorrow. which makes today yesterday and tomorrow ail at once. Now run along and play," and the fa- ther collapsed into his chair with a sigh of relief. -Louisville TImes. Origin of "Hip, Hip, Hurra 1" "Hip, hip, hurrah!" our modern yell of delight, is said to have an ancient origin. The word "hip" is supposed to be composed of the initial letters of the Latin phrase. "Hierosolyma est perdita," meaning "Jerusalem is de- stroyed." the "I" in "hip" being sub- stituted for the "e" in "est." Wben the German knf.ghts were persecuting Jews in the middle ages they are said to have run. shouting. "Hip, hip!" as much as to say Jerusalem is destroyed. "Hurrah" is said to be from the Sla- vonic "hu -raj," meaning "to paradise;" hence "hip. hip, hurrah!" would mean "Jerusalem is lost; we are on our way to paradise "-Indianapolis News. Another Topsy. Little Mary had beard it said that sister Kate "belonged to her mother's people," that baby brother was "bis father over again" and that "Albert was a Brown." "Little Mary," the relatives all said, "doesn't look like anybody." She followed her mother about the house one day with an anxious look. "Mamma," she finally burst forth, "ain't me people ?"-Indianapolis News. Coward. "Before we were married you said you would gladly dare anything for me." "Weil?" "And now yon stand there and ad- mit that you're afraid to ask your boss for a raise." -Detroit Free Press. Another Job In Sight "Another good job is going to be made in the office for somebody." "How do you know?" "The boss' daughter is going to be married and he'll have a son-in-law to place." -Detroit Free Press. LOW FARES TO THE CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS VIA CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN Four splendid daily tr. .s ffom the New Passenger . rmi • . Chicago to San Francisco, L.s ngeles and San Diego. Choice of .ciente and direct routes through the best of the best. Something to see all the way. Double track. Automatic electric safety signals all the way. Let us plan your trip and furnish folders and full par- ticulars. B. H. Bennett. G. A., 46 Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario. 63-3 THE IDEAL VACATION ROUTE. The Canadian Pacific conveniently reaches Point Au Baril, French and Pickerel Rivers, Severn River, Musko- ka Lakes, Kawartha Lakes, Rideau Lakes, Lake Ontario Resorts etc. If you contemplate a trip of any nature consult Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents or write M. G. Murphy, District Pas- senger Agent, Toronto. 63-3 VOTERS' LiST, 1915 Municipality of the Town of Wingham. County of Huron. Notice is hereby given tha transmitted or delivered to persons mentioned in section 9 o ie Ontario Voters' List Act the ies required by said section to be ransmitted or delivered of the list ade pursuant to said act, of : 1 p , ons appearing by the last revist ,sesement Roll of the said hinnieip'a ity to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at elec- tions 'for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that the said list was.first posted up at ury office at the Town of Wing - ham on the 9th day of July, 1915, and • remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have p any errors or omissions corrected ac- t cording to law. JOHN GROVES, 63-2 Clerk, Town of Win Bain Dated this 9th day of July, 1915. iii›,›»›››››*››‹«<‹‹‹‹‹‹<cr., v v ✓ , v ✓ v ✓ Watches, v v °v ie. ✓ Divamonds v v V v • v V ;%, v Clocks, Etc. ✓ V ✓ v V ,, REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. V ✓ V • v A. M. K\OX Opposite National Hotel. Phone 65. V Vt V r DAIRY BUTTER The New Storage Law Which Carne Into Effect Last Fall Reads ; No person shall sell, offer or have in his or her possession for sale any Dairy Butter cut or moulded into squares, blocks or prints, wrapped in parcbinent paper unless such paper is marked "DAIRY BUTTER." To give accommodation to those who .deal with us we have put in a stock of the aboye paper which we will sell at reasonable prices. The WM. DAVIES Co., Limited f 1 .1 C g KODAKERS A Word to You Do you get "Quality" Developing and Printing at "Quantity" prices? We guarantee our work, and our service is second to none. Free enlargements are made for our regular customers, RATES: Roll of film (ANY SIZE) 10c. Film Packs (ANY SIZE) 15c, Prints (ANY SIZE) 3c. Special; V.P. Kodak size • 2 for 5c. Developing Printing Enlarging FREE -Save the Coupons. Send Your Films -We Pay Return Postage POSTALGRAPH FILM SERVICE c:cSgeSnt✓S'C SSnsn "standard°Cream Separators s ^ ha e The New Transcontine NEW SHORT ROUTE to WESTERN Can. Govt Rya., T. & N. O. Ry., Grand Tru TORONTO -W1 I am the agent for the famous "STANDARD" cream separator the machine that holds the world's record for clean skimming. sommimmini HAT is easiest to turn HAT has the lowest supply ttutk HAT has the right height crank HAT only requires oiling every three months HAT doesn't leak oil on the floor HAT has an interchangeable capacity .System via North Bay. Cobalt and Cochrane. Through the Sce.' ighlande of Ontirfo, Across New Ontario. Route of inns... able Mary . Finest Equipment - Splendid Roadbed. Commenan Tuesday y 13. Ly. Toronto 10A5 p.m. Tue. Thu. Sot. W'ersnipeg 6.00 pan. clay " North Bay 7.15 a m. Wed. Fri... n. r. Regina 8.05 a.m. " Cochrane 4.45 p.m. Wed. Fri. . . " Saskatoon 9.38 a.m. Ar. 'Winnipeg 3.50 p.m. Thu. Sat . " Edmonton 10.00 p.m. qTThrough tickets via the "Canadian Rockies at their best" to Prince Ru' tt. Yukon. Alaska. Vancouver. Vittoria, Seattle. * FJettrie lighted coaches, dining. tourist & standard eleeplut ears. Time tables. ekeping car tickets and other in- formation from any Grand Trak, Can, Govt. or T. & N. O. Ry. Agents err trolioatien. .•...k. 44/ �,l--'��,' You car') change a 35tt or 450 lbs. machine into a 600, 800 or 10JJ lite without getting a new Sep - MADE IN ANADA 91':LtOr. t These a',il o±.lu'r paint., nt tke the "Standard" the s Lft'+t machine f' -r von t) b:rv, a t1 r will sell von one 00 re'Lv.)neble terms D: +1: the a past card end I Will let yon see ()tie of these nl.tcliinee to Titin; right at y en. hotne. Mannifactured and Guaranteed by The Renfrew Machinery Co., Ltd., Renfrew, Ont: Agent. Wna. Gannett Wingham, Ont. 1 am also agent for the "Renfrew -Standard" Gasoline Engine that stat-te without cranking, and the "Renfrew" Handy Two", Wheel Truck Scale. �'V1►'t►7, N. NK1•�,'NN1.'N1tiN Ny�'N.�,�,7ir�