HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-07-15, Page 3July 15th 1915 THE WINGHAM TIMES Page 3 THE PERFECT PIE. (By Peter McArthur.) Probably no dish that ever appeared on our tables,has caused so much heart burning as the pie -and I do not mean by that to suggest the connection be- tween heartburn and indigestion. The pie with the hunting case crust has eclipsed many a honeymoon. The un- successful pie has been the unchartered rock on the sea of matrimony, the slough of despond on the straight and narrow path. But the good pie, the perfect pie, has been from time im- memorial the peace maker, the healer 4'f lovers' quarrels. The greatoutstand- ing fact of married life is that man wants pie! As Scott did not exactly say: Lives there a man with soul so dead, Who never to his wife hath said: "I wish that you would learn to bake Pies like my mother used to make." But 1 have knowknown a man to do even worse than that! I have known a man to say to his wife, "I wish you could make pies like yourmother used to make." In that way he rebuked her and made friends with his mother-in- law, a feat of diplomacy never equalled in the chancelleries of Europe. But the question has been raised. "What kind of pie was it that mother used to make? What was her master- piece?" There is no need of any dispute on Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA the subject. Just wait till you findone of those old-fashioned pie -making mothers and listen to what she is sing- ing to the grandchild on her knee. "Can she make a cherry pie? Billy boy, Billy boy! Can she make acherry pie Charming Billy? She can make a cherry pie While a cat can wink its eye, But she's a young'thing, I And can't leave her mammy -0!" When the biggest cherry trees that are now hidden with ruddy fruit were mere seedlings that song was as popular as Tipperary is to -day, and there are still merry grandmothers who sing it to their marriageable grandsons when theya' s go a-wooing,In the ood old d g Y before there were pie factories where pies are made by machines and should be eaten by machines, the making of a cherry pie was the ultimate test of a housekeeper. No girl was accounted worthy of a home who could not make a- perfect cherry pie. And this is the season of the cherry pie! Let me whisper something. Every girl should show that she is able to make cherry pies. Every love -born boy should see that the girl he loves is able to make them. A word to the wise is sufficient -though in this case a word to the foolish might propriate. be more KIDNEY DISEASE WAS KILLING NII Until He Used "r'ruii-a-fives" The Great Kidney Remedy 1L G8RSVILLE, ONT., Aug. 26th, 1913, "About two years ago, I found my health in a very bad state. Illy Kidneys were not doing their work and 1 was all run down in condition. Having seen `Fruit-a-tives' advertised, I decided to try'them. Their action was mild, and the result all that could bo expected. My Kidneys resumed their normal action after I had taken upwards of a dozen boxes and T regainedmyold-lime vitality. Today, I am as well as ever." B. A. KELLY. 50e. a box, 6 for $2,50, trial size 25e. At dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit -actives Limited, Ottawa. SALT FROM THE OCEAN ap- Because the distance from other sources of supply makes the process an economical one, salt is now being extracted in large quantities from sea water at San Diego, Cal , says Popular Mechanics. During the very high tides that occur about twice a month the sea water flows into a large storage pond from which it is pumped into a suc- cesses of smaller and shallower ponds until the evaporation by the sun's heat has reduced it to a brine consisting of sixty per cent. salt and forty,per• cent water. In this process the gypsum, magnesium, and other foreign sub- stances, are deposited, so that when the brine is drawn off into the crystal- lizing vats it is rid of most of its impur- ities. In the crystallizing vats the salt is allowed to settle, the water being drawn off and fresh brine let in until there is a deposit about ten inches thick. The salt is then broken up and passed through a series of washers which convert it into "commercial" salt, good for such uses as tanning and pickling, but not fit for table use. To convert it into table salt, it must be dissolved in absolutely pure water and crystallized repeatedly until all trace of impurities has been removed. Mrs. Ed. Conklin, of Brooklyn, recent- ly took her first auto ride on New York Broadway and the age of 101. She was awed by the bright lights. Dr. Hairy Williams, Hamilton, was murdered by a former patient, Hap - worth Holmes. who then shot himself. •w•••••• t:•••0ms♦o•400.ee� 000a>oaz♦as.♦w®♦o�ao♦♦o♦♦o'•aa♦e. ♦ •♦ • ••• ••♦ • • • •• • •• •• • • • •• • • 0 ♦ ♦ The Times v • ♦ ♦ ♦ • .♦ .. • ♦ ♦ ♦ • . Art Times and Saturday Globe 1.90 • • Times and Daily Globe 3.75 • • Times and Daily World 3.10' •r Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star1.85 • Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1,85 • Times and Toronto Daily Star 2.80 • ♦ Times and Toronto Daily News. 2.80 •• Times and Daily Mail and Empire .. 3.75 • Times and Weekly Mail and Empire..... 1.60 • Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.35 • Times and Canadian Farm (weekly) . , 1,60 licTimes and Farm and Dairy 1.80 s- Times and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press. 1.60 • Times and Daily Advertiser (morning) 2,85 • Times and Daily Advertiser (e%ening) . 2.85 • Times and London Daily Free Press Morning P. Edition . 3.50 e Evening Edition 2.90 • Times and Montreal Weekly Witness 1,b5 w Times and World. Wide 2.25 v Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg..... 1.60 • Times and Presbyterian 2.25 • Times and Westminster 2.25 • Timeg, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 • Times and Toronto Saturday Night 3.35 • •Times and MeLean's Magazine .. 2.50 • ♦ Times and Home Journal, Toronto 1.75 y Times and Youth's Companion 2.90 • Times and Northern Messenger 1.35 sTimes and Canadian Magazine (monthly) 2.90 a Times and Canadian Pictorial 1.60 • Times and Lippincott's Magazine 3.15 • Times and Woman's Home Companion 2.70 • • Times and Delineator .. 2.60 ♦• Times and Cosmopolitan 2.65 • Times and Strand • 2:45 • Times and Success . 2.45 • Times and McClure's Magazine..... 2.10 • Times and Munsey's Magazine 2,85 , • Times and Designer 1.85 •. Times and Everybody's 2.20 List Clubbing • These prices are for addresses Britain. •• • The above publications may be obtained by Times♦ :subscribers in any combination, the price for any publica-• • •tion being the figure given above less $I.00 representing a •1 Catarrh Cannot be Cured ♦ • • •• •• ••• -♦ • •♦ ♦ O ♦ • • •• •• •♦ • •♦ •♦ • • • • ♦ •♦ • ♦ ♦ • • • • • ♦ •• • • •♦ • •♦ • in Canada or Great .!''the price of The Times. For instance : • The Times and Saturday Globe $1.90 w •• The Farmer's Advocate ($2.35 less $1.00) 1.35 a • 6 $3.25• 4 • :making the price of the three papers $3.25• • •The Times and the Weekly Sun.... $1.70• • The Toronto Daily Star ($2,30 less $1,00). 1,30 • • The Saturday Globe ($1.90 less $1.00) 90 • ••♦ •• If the ptlbticat on you want is not in above list let: • us know. We t n supply almost any well-known Cana- • •dian or American publication. These prices are strictly* *cash in advance. • *the four papers for $3.9o. $3,90 ♦ . • • Send subscriptions by post office or express order to • 1 The Times Office • • • 'Stone Bieck • • • WINGHAM ONTARIO • e s ♦•♦•••••♦••+••♦♦♦♦♦♦•a••♦•♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦`••♦•••♦••♦•♦• with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional dis- ease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts direct- ly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medi- cine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, com- bined with the best blood purifiers, act- ing directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two in- gredients is whatproduces such wonder- ful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Druggists.Toledo, 0. Sold by price 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constip- ation. Virtue In Onions. Onions are well known to be. valu- able as aperients, but much of their medicinal quality passes into the water in which they are boiled, and so they are best, says an authority, when incorporated in a vegetable stew. Spanish onions are best when an aperient action is desired, but if they are eaten to promote sleep the tiny ones that are pulled from the garden in spring are as powerful as those of larger growth. Old Carving Terms. At the banquets of the eighteenth century the man who carved needed to know words as well as the use of knives. Venison he "broached," the pheasant he "allayed," the rabbit and Woocock he "unlaced," and the crab he 'tamed." Dismembering a swan was "lifting" him, and the crane under his knife was • being "displayed." The peacock was "dia- figured." - Cause and Effect. "I wonder why It is so damp and foggy in f.onclun?" "It is the fault of their government." "How do you make that out?" "They have such long reigns there." -Baltimore American. The School of Experience. The average man never fully realizes the truth of the adage about a fool and his money until after be has bumped up against some other man's game. - St. Louis Post -Dispatch - &,Mesh Question. "I have been to consult a beauty doe - tor about my complexion." "Does be hold out any hopet"--Knn- iaa Citi Journal. DR CA A W CHASE'S is Oat direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air pusages, stops drop. plop in the throat and permanent- iy� caret Catarrh and Hay Fever. ZSE. a boa • blower free. Accept no substitutes. All dealers or [dmaneons Oaths & 50., Limited, Toronto, CATARRH POWDER 25 Ci, WARFARE BY CATAPULT MODERN FIGHTING REVIVES METHODS OF OLD DAYS. Advices From the Front Say Grenades Are Being Thrown For Short Dis. tutees With a Device Invented By the Romans -=Pitfalls, Fire Boats, Chain Shot, Hand Shields and Fire Used. In these days of scientific warfare it 1s somewhat startling to notice how extensively hand grenades, weapons which date back to the sixteenth cen- tory, are being used. They are re- garded in thepresent a g war as the best weapons for street and house-to- house fighting. A report from the front relates how our men all carry grenades, not only using them with remarkable effect in the trenches, but also in clearing villages. A couple of hand grenades thrown into a house occupied bythen p enemy will, says the military experts, clear it more quick- ly than anything else, and with far less loss of life than by the use of the bayonet. This is not the only ancient war device, however, which is being used in the present campaign. In the course of the war Germany has re- introduced the following other old- fashioned methods of destruction: fire -boats, trench mortars, chain shot. And her example in regard to these has been promptly followed by the allies with great success, as "Eye - Witness" has frequently shown. It is also said that when the Austrians first carried Belgrade, the big guns were assisted by a huge apparatus known in ancient times as a ballista, a military engine which was used to hurl huge stones, catapult fashion, at fortifications under siege. An adapt- ation of the ballista is now being ,used, except that it throws bombs- in- stead of stones. Earlier in the struggle a French colonel declared that catapults such as the Romans used could be employ- ed to hurl shells from one trench to another, and, in addition to their great execution, they would be noise- less and smpkel•ess. Another French officer has a'tivocated hand shields for soldiers, to be used in bayonet charges. His idea in regard to the shields has been party carried but by some of our colonial troops, who have among -their equipment a curiously - formed shovel, which they can not only utilize for digging trenches, but also when looking over the top of their "dug -outs"; for these shovels have two small holes through which they can peep while protecting the face from stray bullets with the other part of the shovel. A strategem employed by the Scots at the Battle of Bannockburn has been frequently tried in the present war. The Scots, it will be remember- ed, dug numerous pits, placed poluted stakes in each, and covered them over with fallen leaves. When the English charged over the trap it was broken and they were cut to pieces. Immediately after the occupation of Brussels the Germans commandeered all the barrels in the city and sank them in the streets, it being'almost impossible for cavalry to charge across these pitfalls. When the allied line made its great stand in Flanders the Belgians cut the dykes everywhere, inundating the country and forming a natural bar- rier against which the most determin- ed German charges broke down time after time. The Kaiser's soldiers sacrificed themselves by the thousand in their efforts to force the control of the canals from the allies, so as to stop the floods, Failing this, they reverted to the ancient idea of fire- boats. There is no doubt that large quantities of crude oil were stored in Antwerp and forwarded to the front, from which it was concluded that the Germans intended covering the water with oil. The German plan, it was understoo,l, was to send fire- boats into the inundated territory, which would ignite the floating oil and spread a wave of fire, which would drive the soldiers from their trenches and into easy range of artil- lery fire. This plan, however, not meeting with much success, the Ger- mans set the fire -boats adrift on the River Auere, about two miles north of Albert -doubtless in the hope that they would explode against the bridge at Aveluy and destroy a link in the allies' communications. Fortunately the design was frustrated by the French. A Fine Distinction. "Some of the distinctions of life ate" very puzzling to me," said Mrs. Gaddy. "Indeed," said Prof. Pundit; "what, for example?" "When you write everything bad and mean in a man's life in a book for everybody to read it's biography, but when you ten the same things to a few people on a front porch it's gossip." The Voice of Experience. "I can't understand why married couples ever have a disagreement," she said. "I don't see why those matters can't be so adjusted that there will be no friction. Now, my husband and I understand each other thoroughly." "Indeed!" he replied. "How long have you been married?" "Nearly three days." Hoar to Prevent Loss of Dishes. To prevent new dishes from break- ing place them in a pan of hot water and set on the stove. Let the water come slowly tc a, boll; then remove front the stove, and when the Water becomes cool takes the dishes out and wipe them. Atter this process you may use as b 'water as you wish in them without fear of their break- ing. Ilen Sense. The Rooster -They gay that the average (*dash lays about 7,000,0110 eggs saad never cackles a nacilde. The Seri -Well, if Steal lige tint size et the egg you'd ltnow the cod- At od-I tMal nothing to caokle about. WHEN BUYINGYEAST INSIST ON HAVING THiS PACKAGE LOYAL 6�llETT h'1''T.NytiM �M","ec ON70.O� TT,i,RGa DECLINE SUBSTITUTES NEW TRAIN TO LINK EAST WITH WEST: An important railway announcement is made. The Dominion is to have a new service between eastern and western Canada. Fast passenger service was inaugur- ated on July 13 between Toronto and Winnipeg over the Canadian Govern- ment Railway (the Transcontinental), the Grand Trunk System and the Tim- iskaming & Northern Ontario Railway. These three railways are combining to make this new service of a superior class in every respect. "The National" is the appropriate name which has been chosen for the principal train on both its east and west bound journeys. This train will leave Toronto each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and Winnipeg on each Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, its equipment consisting of colonist sleeping cars, electric lighted first-class coaches, tourist and standard sleeping cars and dining car, which will be operated through without change. The mileage by this new route be - ween Toronto and Winnipeg is 1,267 miles, and "The National" will make a fast run, covering the distance in 42 hours. Westbound passengers leave Toronto at 10"•i3 p. m., and, travelling over the Grand Trunk lines, are at North Bay at 7 o'clock next morning. A splendid daylight run is then made over the Timiskaming & Northern On- tario Railway, through the scenic beauties of Tinlagami and the interest- ing Cobalt district. Cochrane is reached at 4.25 p. m., and "The National" there begins its journey over the main line of Canada's Transcontinental, with its solid roadbed, little curvature and no noticeable gradients, all contributing to the great- est degree of comfort by day or night. It traverses a country of wonderful possibilities, in which tens of thousands of settlers will make their homes. The region between Cochrane and Winnipeg is one possessing great at- tractions for the sportsman as well as the settler, for here are situated some of the finest, fishing waters on the con- tinent, while big game abounds in the forests. There is an ever-changing panorama of beauty. At Winnipeg the Grand Trunk Pa- cific lines afford splendid connections for all important points in Western Canada, the Pacific Coast, Calitornia, etc., and also furnish a new short route to Alaska and the Yukon, trayersing the Canadian Rockies and other marvels of scenic interest. The opening of this new route marks an epoch in the history of Canada, as the new service will provide for fast through travel from Halifax to Prince Rupert, Vancouver, Victoria and other Pacific coast cities, via an all -Canadian route, the Canadian Government Rail- ways (Intercolonial Railway)' in the east connecting with the Grand Trunk Railway System in a union station (Bonaventure), Montreal, thence the Timiskaming & Northern Ontario, Transcontinental Railway and Grand Trunk Pacific, connecting in the Union Station at Winnipeg, forms a contin- uous band of steel from ocean to ocean. 'HEST AHD HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. MRs. 'WINSLOW'S SOOT/11110 SYRtnP 1125 been ased for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WAILS TEETHING with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS ALLAYS all PAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC, and M the best remedy for DIARRIICSA. It is ab- solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other Wad, Twenty-five cents a bowie. FALL FAIR DATES. Atwood ,,, .... Sept. 21-22 Blyth .. .Sept. 28-20 Brussels ............. ...Sept. 30-Oet 1 Dungannon ..... .... .... Oct. 7- 8 Goderich Sept. 28-30 Gorrie Oct. 2 Kincardine .. , .. .... Sept. 16-17 Listowel Sept. 21 -22 Mitchell Sept. 28-23 Mt. Forest . .... .. . Sept. 15--16 Palmerston .... ,.. .. Sept. 23-24 Ripley .. Sept. 28 29 Teeswater .Oct. 5 .. 0 Tiverton .. Oct. 5 Walkerton...... .... Sept. 14 -15 Winglram Sept. 23-24 The Dominion Government has ap- pointed a commission to make arrange- ments for Canadian wounded. 4 Children. Cry /S FOR PLE1CHER A,'s STORIA. ORBITS OF THE PLANETS. Why They Are Eclipses and Cannot°" Become Perfect circles, Every ellipse has two foci. Kepler's. second law Is, “The orbits of all of the planets are ellipses, the sun being in one eommon focus of them all." All of the other foci are empty space, The eccentricities of orbits of all planets, vary on account of the attraction of all the other planets making variations. Some are decreasing while others are increasing, but none can ever become exact circles since there are eight mu- tually disturbing planets. That of the earth's orbit is now de- creasing and, according to the French astronomer Leverrier, who took time t'b make elaborate mathematical re- searches in this part of astronomy, will continue to decrease during about 24,000 years, but will not vanish, mak. Ing the earth's orbit an exact circle, and then will begin to increase. The orbit of Venus now has the least eccentricity and is therefore nearer a true circle than any other orbit. but it cannot become a circle, one reason being the disturbance caused by the huge mass of the earth. One earth re- volving around one sun, both trillions of miles away from any other disturb- ing. could traverse a true circle. -Edgar Lucien Larkip in New York American. THE SILVER SWORD. It Grows In Hawaii and Is the Rarest Plant In the World. The rarest plant in the world grows in Hawaii, a fact which is unknown to all but very few of the thousands of tourists annually visiting the para- dise of the Pacific. It is the silver sword. Its very name is odd and unusual. at once arousing the curiosity and the interest of the stranger who chances to hear it. It is a cactus -like growth. the long, silky, gray leaves of which give it its peculiar name. The rea- son for its rarity is that it is found only on the most inaccessible slopes of the volcanoes of this group of islands. From the earliest times it has been appreciated and greatly admired by the native Hawaiians, who called it "ahinahina" (gray headed), because they had never before the coming of the white man seen silver and there- fore could not apply to the plant the cognomen which so well describes it. All who have found it prize it more jealously than do Alpine climbers treasure the edelweiss. It is a far more beautiful thing and more difficult to obtain than the famous flower of Swit- zerland.=San Francisco Chronicle. Giun Power at Waterloo. As to gun power at the time of Wa- terloo, two facts of guidance: The British drill sergeants of the day taught recruits to hold their fire "until they could see the whites of the eyes of the enemy." That would make the best musketry range,' I should say, about twenty-five yards. "Brown Bess" was not of much use beyond sixty yards, judging by all the evidence. As to big pieces, then, as now, naval guns were superior to field artillery, and Nelson loved to get in his broadsides at sixty yardsl l believe that 600 yards was counted the limit of effec- tive naval gun fire then. Field artil- lery range would be less, probably much less. The enormous increase in the effective range of guns since is due, first, to explosives with greater power and more controllable power second. the invention of rifled barrels and breechloading, and, third. stronger alloys of metals. -Frank Fox in Lon- don Nation. Public Elopements. The Bulgarian is perhaps the most simple minded and industrious peas- ant in Europe, and, paradoxical as it may appear, his standard of morality is extremely high, although elopements are more numerous than in any other country. But these are generally In- nocent affairs, being simply the device of youngcouples to get married with- out the expense a regular Bulgarian wedding entails. In most cases not only is the consent of both parents ob- tained, but all friends are informed and assemble outside thfl bride's house to witness the elopement. The Black Watch. In 1730 six companies of Highland- ers were raised for the protection of Edinburgh, and the following year were consolidated into a regular regi- ment, the Highland regiment, and were numbered: the Forty-second. On becoming amalgamated the colors on their tartans were extracted, leaving only the dark green ground as a tar- tan, and from this they took the title of the "Black Watch." -New York American. A Matter of Discretion. "Father," asked the youthful seeker after wisdom, "why is it that you al- ways speak of mother as your 'better half?' " "Because, my son," replied the tired business man, "I know perfectly well that I better had." -Richmond Times Dispatch. Right In Style, Small Stella had always worn high shoesbut she bad long desired a pair of slippers like those her older sister wore. "Mamma," she queried one day, "when my shoes are Worn out can't 1 have a pair of low necked ahocs like sister's?"-Oincinnatl Times -Star. Fog. "Talk about a London fog," said a Yankee just returning from England. "Why, I rotund that they even had fog- horns 'tilt thi eleyatotb at my hotbll" Witte laa%otta r strikes a woman, lov• and hate embrace,--Stnnrt Sot. ithileSsiowto, 1-1141144144411411411,101,1 PA'T'RTQ'iI' GOODS A complete line of Patriotic Writing Paper, Scribbling Books, Exercise Books, Play. ing Cards, Flags, Penants, etc. INITIALED STATIONERY A new stock of Initialed Stationery in f'anc'y papeter- - ies and.. correspondence canis, GENERAL STATIONERY Our line of general station- ery including writing paper, envelopes, etc. is complete. Try us with your next order. Magazines and newspapers on sale and subscriptions taken for any magazine or newspaper you may desire. TIMES STATIONERY STORE Opposite Queen's Hotel T. R. BENNETT J. P. AUCTIONEER Sale dates can lug arranged at TIMES office. Pure Bred Stock Sales aSpecialty Sales conducted anywhere in Ontario Write or Ph )ne 81, Wingham 91 CREAM WANTED I } Having an np•to•date Creamery ins full operation, we solicit 7 cur cream patronage We are prepared to pay the highest market prices for guocl cream anu give you an honest business. weighirg, sampling and testing each can or cream received carefully and refurnirg a full statement of same to each patron. We Punish two cans to eatli patron pay all express charges and pay every two weeks Write for further partierinrs or send for cans and give us a trial. SEAFORTH CREAMIRY CO. SEA FORTN,,ONT. oll A REAL LOVE. Of all the love affairs in the world, none can surpass the true love of a big boy for his mother. It is pure and noble, honorable to the highest degree in both. We do not mean merely a dutiful affection. We mean a love that makes a boy gallant and courteous to his mother, saying to everybody plainly that he is fairly in love with her. Next to love of a husband; nothing so crowns a woman's life with honor as this second love, this devotion of a son to her. We never yet knew a boy who turned out bad who began falling in love with his mother. Any man may fall in love with a fresh -faced girl, . and the bran who is gallant with the girl may cruelly neglect his worn and weary wife, but the boy Rho is a lover of his mother in her middle age is a true knight, who will love his wife as much in her sere - leafed autumn as he did in the daisied springetime.-Selburne Free Press. BUCKLE. DOWN. [Baltimore Sun.] Buckle down and meet it, whatever it may be, Nothing's very easy, though we make it so with glee. Buckle down and meet it with the sun- shine on your shield, If you buckle down and meet it there's a chance that it will yield. Buckle down! What magic in that chal- lenge to our strength! The call that comes to every man of energy at length. Buckle down in earnest if you want to win the goal; Buckle down to duty if you care for heart and soul. Buckle down and beat it with the force of all your will; Buckle down and conquer every shadow of the ill; No one makes a highway to the dream that shall come true Till he buckles down in earnest to the things there are to do. Over 200,000 acres of land are devoted to cocoanut growing in the Federated Malay States. United States yearly produces over 200,000,000 gallons of oil. CASTO R IA For Infants and Chlldrelt In Use For Over 30 Years Always lava$ tignatitto o!° lu ittt