The Wingham Times, 1915-07-08, Page 2Page 2 THE WINGHAM TIMES July 8th, 1915 GraGrailTrunk Railway yStpm schools. There were '75,602 entries and b it ff y a total attendance of 95,310, Alfalfa is tieing grown in various parts of the province under the direc- tion of the Department in order to supply farmers with seed suited to this climate, Ontario's share of the Federal grant in aid of agriculture was $2.30,868.83, and of this $100,000 was expended on the work of District Representatives. Large quantities of vegetables are imported into the province every year, and the Department is encouraging vegetable growers to raise more vege- tables under glass. In the acre -profit competition last year 501 bushels of potatoes were raised on one acre by a Middlesex corn - competitor for potatoes totalled $124.- 06, and that of the lowest five was $18.- 49, There were 932 dairy factories in operation in Ontario in 1914, with 38,- 092 patrons; 161 creameries, with 86,- 634 patrons, and a total output of abcut 23 million pounds of butter. Legume bacteria cultures totalling 3,467, each culture sufficient to inocu- late one bushel of seed, were distributed by the Bacteriological Department of the Ontario Agricultural College. In the dairy herd competition, con- ducted by the Dairymen's Association of Western Ontario in 1914, the first prize herd produced 7,923 pounds per cow for the six months from May to October. Sweet clover, so long regarded as a weed, is attaining considerable popu- larity in some sections of the province as fodder, and is now being investigated at the Ontario Agricultural College. The best cow of the imported Dairy Shorthorn herd at the Ontario Agri- cultural College gay. 11,000 pounds of milk during her period of lactation, while four cows averaged 8,600 pounds during their period. The Department continues the work of making surveys and holding dem- onstrations in ditching and tile -laying free of charge. Last year 250 surveys were made, covering 13,886 acres, and 1.673 miles of drain were laid. Town Ticket Office We can issue through tickets via popular routes, to any point in America --least, West, South, Northwest, Mani- toba, Pacific Coast, etc. Baggage checked through to destina- tion and full information given whereby travelling will be make pleasant and free from annoyance. Tourist and return tickets to above points also on sale at lowest figures, and with all prevailing advantages. Single and return tickets to any point in Ontario. Your business will be ap- preciated, be your trip a short or a long one. We can ticket you through to any point in Europe on all leading steamship lines, Prepaid orders also issued. If it's about travel, we have the information and will give it to you cheerfully. H. B. ELLIOTT Town Agent G.T.R. Times Office, Wingham, Ont. ESTABLISHED 1872 THE WINti8AIii TIMES. a B. ELLIOTT, Pt/SLIMED AND PROPILTOR TO ADVERTISERS Notice of ebanges must be left at this office not later than saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week THURSDAY, JULY 8. 1915 HON. J. S. DUFF'S REPORT. Snatches of Facts Entailed in the Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture. Farmers' Clubs in Ontario now total over 300. Ontario's Horticultural Societies have 14,000 members enrolled. The attendance at Farmers' and Women's Institute meetings last year totalled 361,237. District representatives are taking a live stock census in the counties in which they are located. Varieties of corn are being tested by the Department to ascertain the best for silage purposes. Onion smut is reported in Ontario for the first time, and means have been a- dopted to keep it under control. Eighty-five short courses in stuck and seed judging were held last year under the direction of the Department. The Department last year published 290,000 bulletins and 261,000 annual re- ports, in addition to 35,000 crop reports. Local apiary demonstrations, totalling 55, were held in the province last year for the better instruction of bee -keepers. Foul brood among bees, while held in cheek by the methods of the Depart- ment, does not seem to be disappearing. In addition to the Winter Fairs at Ottawa and Gnelph. the Department gave financial assistance to 25 Horse Shows and 44 Poultry Shows. Seventy-five per cent. of the farm help placed through the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture have been placed on yearly engagements. At the Macdonald Institute at Guelph the attendance continues to be limited by the accommodation, The attendance last year totalled 741. Thirty-three dairy instructors were employed by the Department, and 232 district dairy meetings were held, with a total attendance of 12,446. Thirty courses in Agriculture for farmers' sons, and held in various sec- tions of the country, were conducted last year by District Representatives. Junior Farmer.' Improvement As- sociations are being organized in On- tario wherever young men have taken short or other courses in agriculture. Rural school fairs are helpir,s= to in- terest the youth of Ontario in the land. In 1914 there were 148 fairs held in 37 counties, including the children in 1,891. MOTHERS t ELECTRIC TOWELS The District Building, a new muni- cipal structure at Washington, D. C. has been furnished with "electric towels." A towel of this kind looks like a rectangular box, with the front open and set on a pedestal which brings it about waist high. Inside is an electric heating device and a blower which forces the air through ducts into a little box on top, where the hands are held while drying. A lever operated by the foot turns on the current of hot air and sets the blower at work. It is declared to be the most sani- tary thing of the kind yet thought of. The temperature of the heated air is 105 degrees, a, little more' than the normal body temperature. FATIGUE BARRIER TO GOOD LOOKS Fatigue is the great beauty destroyer. It has been said that the Canadian woman never looks old; but she soon looks tired. Beauty does not neces- sarily fade from age, but fatigue will wither it in a few years. With the exception of asmall class of feminine drones living in cities, and who have neither domestic nor social obli- gations of any kind, the Canadian woman is the hardest working woman in the world. She is the most conscientious. energetic creature, and her ardent de - I sirb to keep up with the times exhausts her physical strength as much as do the 1 demands of society on the one hand, and the drudgery of housework done by the woman at the other end of the social Iladder. Physical and mental fatigue show at once in the face. Fatigue is cumulative in its effect, which is one of the reasona it is so destructive to one's appearance. The action of fatigue on the brain and nerve cells is to lessen the elasticity of i those cells, and consequently of the muscular tissues which they control. A gradual dete_ioration of the muscular tissues sets in which shows most plainly in the face, for the face is a register on which the condition of the human body is very aecurately shown, Every time you get very, very tired, you are putting yourself into a negative state, making yourself liable to disease, especially to colds, and if you keep on getting tired, without giving yourself time to recuperate, not all the natural beauty in the world will be able to re- pair the devastating inroads which fatigue makes on the health and ap- pearance. You willall me both c o h foolish and cruel if I insist that Much physical and mental weariness could be avoided if women used their brains more and their feet less, if they limited their social ambitions, and if some of theta realized that a woman owes it to t1er5elf, her husband and het family to preserve her strength and eonsecjuently her !oaks, rather than waste herself in outside effort. A woman can only reducethe amount of her work by eliminating tbeunneces- sary and intelligently eyastemMtizing the rest. As Feminine Fai!1n9, Polly --What would you do it you were in slay shoes? Dolly -Buy li pile a size smaller,—New York Ttmee. its Kind. "Did Miss Stareraze swoon all right at rehearsal?" "She made a faint at tempt," -Baltimore ,American. A Phony Joke. "I bought a phonograph yesterday." "That's a good sound luvestment."- Boeton Transcript. Ranee of taster. Easter day cannot fall on a date ear. lier than March 22 or later than April 25, What if this were your son? An anxious, grief-stricken mother ap- pealed to us recently. She wrote: "I have a son fifteen years of age who has tuboreuloeia in one lung. I have not ,.he means to give hint the care he should have. The doctors say that with proper tsare and attention thorn is every hope that e t 1 � wouldvery to might fully recover. I be thitukful if ho could he admitted to tire lvluekoktt Free Hospital if possible." Suppose that your eon or your" daughter were a consumptive. Suppose that he or she were pale and Wasted and shaken by a hacking, strength .sa ping cough. Sup- pose flint you hadn't the money to Provide the badly -needed tnedieine, nonrishmenb, and **killed 3nedieal treatment, 'Think what a blessed relief it would be to you to know, that the Muskoka Free Iias ital for Consumptives atanda heady to help I C',+nl ribntions to the Muskoka Free litre. final for Ceneurnptivee will be gratefully acknowledged by W, 3. Cage, Chairmen Executive Cotnmittre, 84 Spadtna Avenue, tar ii. Denhar. Secretary e Tteaauter, 347 13i11g Strout Went, 'Toronto, Artistic Too. "Did you and your "wife make up, Griggs?" "No; only my wife."-Buf- falo ife."--BurPalo Express. Dusty Velvet. Dry salt and a brush will take dust off from velvet, plush and heavy em- broidery that cannot be washed. A Cubit. A cubit is the length of the forearm froom the elbow to the tip of the middle Mager. Information. "Pa, what's the 'silent majority?" "Two men when there's a woman present, my son." -Boston Transcript. The Zero of Conversation. ale -What are you two girls gossip- ing about? They -Nothing! Are your ears burning? -Philadelphia Ledger. The Galicias. There are two Galicias in Europe. One forms a part of Austria, while the other is a province in Spain. Fried Cuttlefish. Young cuttlefish frled In oil are re- gnrded as a greet delicacy in all Medi- terranean countries. Till the End of the War. Iinicker-Where is your wife? Rocker -Interned 'with her mother. - dew York Sun. Hidden. Sometimes the shoe with the gladdest shine hides the stocking with the big- gest bole, -Philadelphia Telegraph. Bellows. Bellows are supposed to have been Invented about 569 13. C. by a Scythian mechanician. Good Rule. Many a fellow is a star because he stack to the clipper and the milky way. - Columbia State. Little Lesson In Efficiency. Utilize all your opportunities. If the bathtub leaks keep the potted plants under it. -Pittsburgh Post. A Safe Rule. If you cannot think of a man's name cali him colonel and it will be all right. - Deseret News. The River Ganges. [Uncials believe that if they bathe in the waters of the Ganges it cleanses them from sin. Yearlings. A yearling is a young horse or other animal that is in the second year of its age. Perhaps. "Sir, I came from a long line of an- cestors." "Indeed! Were many of them hanging on it?" -Exchange. Punishment. "What is the charge against this man?" "Dressing up in woman's clothes, your honor." • "Discharged! lie's been punished enough." -Life. Rivals. "What can you boast of?" asked Mrs. Blinks. "1 have a brclther who's a ban- nister of the law." "Huh!" snorted Mrs. Jinks. "What of it? My father was a corridor in the navy." -Philadelphia Ledger. The Reason. "1 see they hazed that new student yesterday by rubbing jam through his hair." "That was because they wanted his first sweet impressions to stick." -Bal- timore American. Too Much Shadow. "I don't stem to be able to raise a mtistac he." "What's the troablet" "Dunne. Guess the plot is too much shaded by my nose." - Kansas City Journal. WINGHAM 20 Years Ado r'rom the TIMES of July 5. 1895 The latest candidate for public favor is the I'-ariiston Review, which has been issued in that town by Mr, E. H. Dewar, formerly of the Arthur Enter- prize. It is a bright and newsy sheet, and will no doubt fill a long felt want in the community. Mr. Wm. Clegg was at Montreal last week on business. He reports the busi- ness outlook good. The hay and other crops east of Toronto are splendid, and there is no fear of a hay 'famine. A memorial window has been placed in St. Paul's Church, Wingham, to the memory of the late Rev. Wm. Davis, who labored in this parish for several years, The window was placed there by the sons of the deceased clergyman, one of whom is Mr. H. Davis, of this town The Wingham races promise to be well attended, and it is expected that 100 horses will be there, amongst them the best in the Dominign. The purses offered are good, and fast time will, no doubt, be made, The track is one of the best in Western Ontario, and all the turfinen will be desirous of trying it, Different. Stage Manager -Dash it! Didn't 1 tell you you had to slap his face and not let hips kiss you? Actress (innocently) Ye -es. But that's in the play. This is only re- hearsal.-Sydney e- hearsal;Sydney Bulletin. A Bad Old Dream. "Oh, Algernon, 1 dreamed last night that we were parted forever." "My darling! Did It frighten you?" "Yes, yea. It seemed that 1 didn't get any -airy alimony or insurance el- ther."---Eirmhhgbam Age -Herald. Mr, Thos. Bell is erecting a brick ad- dition to his factory. This addition will be 25x90 feet, and will be used as a dry kiln and workshop Mr. Bell intends engaging in the manufacture of a cheap- er grade of sideboards, extension tables, &c , and will add considerably to the number of hands employed. Mr. Jos. Saint had an experience with a bicycle, op Saturday afternoon, that he will not forget for some time. He was riding a wheel along Josephine street, and when nearly in front of Mr. T. A. Mills' store, the wheel became unmanageable and landed him at the heels of a team of horses that was standing on the side of the street. The horses took fright and started down the street at a lively pace. Mr. Saint saw the danger he was in and by a great effort he was able to get clear of the wagon wheels, except his left arm, which was pretty badly bruised where the wheel went over it. Joe says he is done with bicycles. Mr. Jas. Wilson has put in a windmill for power to run the machinery in his sash and door factory. Air. Geo. Hughes returned from Eng- land on Thursday afternoon last, whither he had been with a car load of horses. He left again on Saturday forenoon with another car load for Mr. H. Day, for the same market. ?'Ir, J. A, Cline received a letter from the Clerk of the town of Strathroy, this week, asking if he would consider a a proposition from that town to erect a furniture factory there. That town has $20,000 to give in aid of manufactures The letter was written at the request of the Mayor of that town, who bad became aware that Mr. Cline was in- terested in the Union Furniture Com- pany, by seeing it in the Times. Another tempting offer was also received by Mr. Cline, during the week. Mr. R. J. Galbraith spent the 1st in Toronto. Messrs. G, McIntyre and A. E. Smith were visiting friends in Mt, Forest on the lst. Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Homuth were visiting friends in Galt a few days dur- ing the week, Free Handed. Club Wafter (fishing for a tip) -4 dreamed last night; sir, that you gave Ole a sovereign. Stingy Member -Ill- deed, James! That's a little high for a tip, but--er--you may keep it.--I'.ou- don '1'elegreph. ANGER. Lila is shots. Let DS not throw any of it away in useless resentment. h le beat not to be angry. It is next beset to be quitkly teconaled. d BORN. Carruth -In Wingham, ou June 29th, the wife of Mr. Jos. Carruth, a daugh- ter. MARRIED Yuill-Barr-ln Morris, on June 26th, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rey. Simnel Jones, Brussels, Mr. Walter Yuill to Miss Euphemia, daugh- ter of Mr. Samuel Rarr, both of Morris township. SOLITUDE BUSINESS AND 'Q,RORTIL! ND aught by expet't instructors at the " hi. 0. A, BOO.. "rN DON. ONT. Studer Assisted to positions. College an sea:. : from Sept. 1st, Catalogue crce. ....,ter any time. 1, lir, n'estervelt J. W Westervelt, Jr, Yrinalpal 19 chartered ccountant E,. DAVIS WINGHAM, ONTARI Agent for Allan Line Cunard Line Donaldson Lines. Canadian Northern Lines Ocean Steamships. 1, AR Vf tr"4S. uxUy..,, haviny nv. et0(' ur•„ r Irtrcrht. khr, w:..h to dipprp• of .hnnld ed• s. tier kht star,:«, for sale fn the TIMLS. Gni ,ar,•c eirrnletiop'sll, at;d It wit: be strong. irdr...d if ran of vol get acustomer W.can't wnarantee chat you will ate/ beeausr Ton may ask more for the article or stook than it is worth, S?nd your adtertisrment to the Tnaeae and try this Olin of dfseoslnp of your stook and other artiolec, Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone; For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth, But has trouble enough of its own. Sing, and the hills will answer; Sigh, it is lost on the air; The echoes bound to a joyful sound, But shrink from voicing care. Rejoice, and men will seek you; Grieve, and they turn and go, They want full measure of all your pleasure, But y they donot want your woe, 13e glad, and your friends are many; Be sad, and you lose them all - There are none to decline your nectared Wine, But alone you must drink life's gall. Feast, and your halls tare crowded; Fast, and the world goes by. Succeed and give, and it helps you live, But no men can help you die, There is room in the halls of pleasure, Fez A large and lordly trt►in, But one by one we Must all file On Through the narrow aisles of pain, -Ella Ila Wheeler Wdeux The A,lasksns. According to the government stet*. tics, the natives of Alaska are about 213,000 in number, and they are spread over more than 350,000 of the 590,000 square mtlea of the territory, Their small settlements extend along 10,000 miles of toast and on both sides of the Yukon river and its tributaries, for a distance of more than 2,500 miles. One of the supervision districts contains a full 100,000 square miles. The other's average more than 65,000 square miles each. Of the natives of Alaska ap- proximately 11,000 belong to six tribes of Indians in southeastern and south- ern Alaska and in the valley of the Yukon. About 11,000 are Eskimos 011 the western anis northwestern coasts, along the Bering sea, the Bering strait and the Arctic ocean. Something more than 3,000 are Aleuts and mixed races through the Aleutian islands. -Chris- tian Herald: Ths Admirable Towage*. "I've got the most wonderful dog la the world -the smartest; I mean," said one of a party camping in Canada last tall. "When 1 bring out my rine he knows I'm going after deer, and he never offers to follow me, but if he Bees me reach for my shotgun he knows that means partridges, and when I get to the woods I find him there waiting for me. Actually that dog knows the difference between a rifle and a shotgun." "That's nothing," said another of the party from his place at the other aids( of the fire. "You fellows have seen my little Teenier, haven't yon? Well, when I begin to get out my fishing kit Towner runs up behind the barn and begtne digging w rms."-patttrday lawadag Pest. Postal Service. The begiradag of the postai eeevige in what hi: now the United States dates from 1689, when a house in Boston was em)tkioyed for the receipt of letters foe and from the old world. In 1579 the goveprnment of New York colony eshtbattehed a poet to go monthly from New York to Boston. A general post. office was established in 'Virginia „!ls 1602 and in Philadelphia in 1998. In 1789, when the federal government went into operation, the number ott dikes 1n the thirteen *bites was esti about seventy -five. -New York Amsr- teas. Her Baby Had Dysentery. Had Two Doctors. No Result. WAS CARED BY THE PiSE OF DR. FOWLER'S Extract of Wild Strawberry. TOWN DMgECTORY. BAPTIST CHURca--Sabbath services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:,.0 p. zn. General prayer meeting and 13. Y. P, U. every Wednesday at 8 p. m. A. C. Riley, 1i, A., Pastor. Geo. Pocock, S. S. Superintendent. METHODIST CHURcg-Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a. m,. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:3Q p, rn. Epworth League every Monday evening. General prayer Meeting op Wednesday evenings, Rev. J. W. Hibbert, pastor, F. Buchanan; S. S. Superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH -Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a. in. and 7 p, m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D, Ferree, pastor. Frank Lewis, S. S, Superintendent. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, EFISCOF bath services at 11 a. m. and 1. p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p, m. Rev. E. G, Dymond Rector. Alex. Al- deron, S. S. Superintendent. SALVATION ARMY CITADEL. -Service at 11 a.m., 3 .m, and 7 p.m. on Sunday. At 8 o'clock on Thursday evening. There will be special music provided In the Sunday evening service from 7 to 7,15 PosT OFFICE -Office hours from. 8a.m. to 6:30 p. m, Open to box holders from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. C. N. Griffin, post- master. PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon fe en 2 to 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss M. McTavish, lib- rarian. Towle COUNCIL -Dr. A. J. Irwin, Mayor; S. Mitchell, Reeve; L. F. Hinkley, A. M. Crawford, W. A. Currie, V. R. Vannorman, W G. Patterson and D. Bell. Councillors; John F Groves, Clerk; and J. G. Stewart, Treasurer. Board meet first Monday evening in each month at 8 o'clock. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD -H. E. Isard, Wm. Robertson W. A. Campbell, Dud- ley Holmes, A. Tipling, A. E. Lloyd, Robt, Allen, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves Secretary Treasurer, Board meets in Council Chamber on the second Tues- day of each month. HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS -Harry E. Ricker, M. A., Principal and Specialist in Science; G. R. Smith, B. A., Special- ist in Mathematics; Mr, C. M. Ewing, M. A., Classics; Miss M. 1. Whyte, B. A., Specialist in Moderns and His- tory; Miss E. C. Garrett, Art and Mathametics; Miss B. ICettlewell, Commercial Work and History. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A. L. Posiiff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans- ley, Miss Barber and Miss Bentley. BOARD OF HEALTH. -Dr. A. J. Irwin, (chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter, John F. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C. Redmond, Medical Health officer. In dysentery the discharges from the bowels follow each other with great rapidity, and sometimes become mixed with blood. Never neglect what at first appears to be a slight attack of diarrhoea or dysen- ery will surely set in, Cure the first symptoms by the use of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Mrs. Martin Farraher, Dogherty Cor- ner, N.B., writes: "I can very strongly recommend Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Stt'awberry for dysentery and summer complaints. My little girl, at the age of two years, had the dysentery very bad. We had two doctors,but with no result. My mother brought me a bottle of "Dr. Fowler's," and when half the bottle was used the little girl was tanning around playing with her dolls with great delight and soy to the family, for we did riot think, she would ever get better." `There are a number of preparations on the market today, claiming to be the sante as "Dt. Fowler's Extract •of Wild Sttawberry," and also called similar names,so as to fool the ice int think- ing nubile o ing thy ate getting the genuine, "Dr, Perrier's" is manufactured only by The'T,Itiilbum Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. See that their name 1s On the wrapptf. Price, 36 tents, Wingham General Hospital The Wingham Times I13 PUB14BHHD EVERY THURSDAY MORNING _ATS The Times Offee Stone Block. WINGHAM, ONT1ln-to, Teams or anusoalvrroN-$t.00 per annum in advance, $1.50 ff not paid. No paper discon- tinued•till all arrears are paid, except at the option of the publisher. ADVERTISING RATES !DISPLAY AuvEeTIBMsNTs Oue Year 54.16 (8o each inserion) Six Months 260 i10o ,. Three Mouths 1,60 (18e " One3 Pock ,20 (180 " ,. Legal sad other similar advertisements, IOo per line for first insertion and 4o per line for each subsequent insertion. Measured by to nonpariel stole, twelve Hues to an inch. Business cards of six:tines .and under, 55.00 per year. 'Advertisements of Situations Vacant, Situs tions Wanted. Rouses for Safe or to rent Articles for Sale, etc , not oxreeding eight lines, 25c each insortiou; $1 for first month, 600 for each ettbsequeut month. Larger ad- vertisements in proportion. Business notices (news type) 5c per counted line; es local or news matter, 10o per line each lnsertioa. (Under Government Inspection) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur- nished. Open to all 'regularly licensed physicians. RATES FOR PATIENTS -which include board and nursing) , $4.90 to $15. per week according to location of room. For further information, ad- dress Miss L. Matthews. Superintendent Box 223. Wingham Ont. Railway Timetable GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTi1M TRAINS Lae V1 von London ...-.... -- 6.85 a.m-. _ 8.80p,m. Toronto &Hast 8.45 a.m.. _ 8,20p,m, 'iroardine-.11.59 a.m.. - 0.15 p.m. ARRIV* twat Kincardine - _8.80 a.m 8.30 p.m. London......._.-.._ _- ll,sa a.aa..- 7.88 p:m, Toronto 14, Oast...... _ .. 2.80 p.m._ _ 9.16 p.m. W. F. BUEI MAN,Station Agent Wingham B B ELLIOTT, Town Agent, Wingkam, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. TRAINS LIIAVI VOR Toronto and Haat.. _ .. _ 6.40 a.1n 8.10 p.m. Teeswatar�. 1.00 p.m.. -10.22 p.m. +Annxva ZOOM Teeswatar.--6.40a,m,.... 6.06 p.m. Toronto and Haat.. .....12 47 p.m_..10,27 p.m. 3.H.HHRMBB. Ag.nt,Wingham. WA NTEID. Good Local Agent at once to represent the Old and Reliable Foothill Nurseries A spleniid Ti.i, o frt. it tttd ornam :nt.41 .'tick for Fait Delivery 1n 1913 an d Spring DNllviry la 1914.. Start at once and -cure ex- clusive territory. We supply hand'timi' free out fit and pay highest com- missions. Write for full particulars. Stone& Welliugloa1 Toronto - - Onta.rlo OVER es YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRACE -Muses DESIGNS, &C. Anyone Sending n sketch and description tail Invention i geIek11 seeartaln our Menton 0n 00 whether ea probabllt,a tab Comminntee. moss stoutlyconfidential. HAND 01( on Patents Pot tree. Olden agency fol t.. Patents taken aro hes nj01lli coin.rntbzzoutaRiiterican. la to NOR it c)Nl illustrated Weekly. Urgent Well es any M lentltfc Ionrno1. . Terms tot CCaa0.l., $h.I5 0 Y0414 postage prepaid+ Sola by e4Q{�1,,,,gs$�•dwa New Y rk Rli tl I'le.. (4eahln ran s .10. Medical DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER Orrrioas-Corner Patrick and Centre Sts. Pomo: Offices 43 Residence, Dr. Kennedy 148 Residence, Dr. Calder 151 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Dis- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. 1)R. ROBT.O.REDMOND, M- R.C.S. (Eng) L. R. 0, P, London, PHYSIOIAN and SURGEON Office, with Ur. Chisholm • • W. R. Brambly, B.Sc., M.D., 0.11(. Wingham, Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of women and children, having taken post gradaate work in Surgery, Bacteriology and Soientifio Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, between the Queen's hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. 0. Box 118. Dr. J. R. Macdonald Wingham, Ont. — Office -Stone Block, over the TIMES office. DRS. PARICER & PARKER Ostegpathic Physicians Oculists, Neurologists WIngham•-Listowel Diseases Treated by Drugless Methods Osteopathy cures or benefits when other systems fail. Wingham office over :,hristie's Store Tuesday, 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. Wed- nesday, 9 to 11 a.m. Thursday, 4 to 9.00 p.m. Friday, 9.05 to 9.00 a. m. or by appointment. Chiropractic J. A. FOX, D. C. GRADUATE CHIROPRACTOR When the spine is right the body is right. A Chiropractor will keep your spine right that you may have continued good health. If your health is already poor a course of Chiropractic Spinal Ad- justments will put your spine right. Wingham, Ont. Dental ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. b., 1. D a. Doctor of Dental tiergery cf the P.anaylvttnin Dental College and Llosntiate of she ROJOa agIn Mac@ge of Dental $nrg.oes of Cntarfo. Mee lidonald Block. Wingham, thos elosed every Wednesday afternoon from May let to Oct. 1st. a H. ROSS, D. D. S., L, D. S. Honor graduate of the Royal College of Dental Ontarioandthe US'lverstoTrtFaulyy Dentistry. I Mice over R. E. Isard & atore,,W ing- hen,, Ont titbce closed every Wednesday afternoon from May 1st to Oct. lett Legal VANSTONH, BARB t 55R, SOLICITOR, RTC Private and Company rands 10 loan at Iowans rate of Interest. mortgages, sown and farm property bought and ao1d, Omoe, )tater Brook, Wtnghem ,rA. MORTON, . BARHIB'Talit, rte. Wingham, Ont. DUDLEY HOLIES S Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. OM ee: Meyer }'3loek,Wingham. OUTSIDE ADVERTISING Orders for the insertion at advertisements such as teachers wanted. bneinae, ohenoee. m hard an a my:Mimics wanted. rtlolee for cal t , e ortnte e any kind of an advt. in an of the Toronto or other diff papers, maybe loft at the Tiaras omoe. This Work will receive prompt attention- and will Save people the trouble of remitting for and forwarding rldvertleefnentA. Lowest toted +hill be quoted on app8oation. Leave or send your next Stork Of this kind to the VINES Oi'EWE. Wile, ka r