HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-07-01, Page 2414,7", Page "..1.11.77•111, THE WINGHAM TIME'S ,j DIY 1St 19 I 5 Try* -Rahn systim who make the goeds. N'ot only so, but """ as between the vertous preinufacturen of sitrailar elate:ea the retail stores ef Town Ticket mice deteterotraniite. witieeh$ the. codno.,an MPROVED SEED IN eirRovED DEMAND. •Ife, Reports reed relative to the 4e- ment:1 for eeed 'this season ledicate that we esei "iieeiritercsign tiateta via 011ia betime the colisureer has not been tee °were generally bele been ler . ler reutee, lo Arky paint in Arneriee. edireatO be the menufacturer to de- lugher grades. All the seed merchants, ti West Sg.ittthl Northwest, bilal` also4 artieles a a speeifit brand or *tuba eeeeptime agree ill tete item the Tams of June 28. 1105 obs, Pecitie Qoasto etc. traide mare, and is therefore prepared Several eonsider that this to a notice- Messrs. Win Clegg and A. E. Mos - Con and II informationgiven whereby him, 'aleeked through to &sting- to hue' the vaas in stozk and effered te able extent is A result of the recent grove attentled the funeral of the late, travelling will be niete pleesent ;red , o. lpatriotiam and production -campaign. jonvid Weer. a lunvia. on ,spiadv free from eenoyance. TitirriSt ard Tbe fotly of this is easite wpateravl Enquiries were made in mane sections last. :The clecerieed was one of tile Old- etturn ticketts te above points aiso en when ateolied te eines, or $teVes-‘ of the 'country and the responses re- est zed most highly respected residente sele set lowest figure -ea aua with ail , agricultural implements.. lz is to less 4 ceived were prevailivag advanteges. all of the oine tenor, that of that toweship. fella' when ItPelled to smaller :things, greater care had evidently been taken Single end reture eihets to may point boeght and eold over the eounter. The , in the ae?, eetion a seed, end that, with Mr. John Neelatds, of towel, at the in Oatario. Yoer business will be sp- , meeting or the Iligb Court of the Can.' predated, be ..o.2, r trip a short or a women who asks for "jun" end eats l - tong one. not been edecated todietinguish between fair weather„ there Was -every prospee.t: adian order of Foresters, halo am. of improa-ed growth end 'consequently We gum, last week, *was elected Treasurer : the trade marks ef the various jam of improved produetion. professor sae tieket you throegh to wee . .. . .. of that body for the twelfth time by. point ei Parope en all leadirig steamship tuatufaeturers will assureokY uesuPPued Zaeite, Alf the Ontseie Agricultural trot% Prepaid elders also issr.ed. acclomation. This is A eecord to be , with the jem that yeeds the largest , teeeege. was written to, but be being proud of. dshows the esteem in which' le his about trace% we have the profit to the retatier, evert tbough the iin california., Aseistant Professor W. idernaatioe end will give it to ;tem quality may Mt be as high es that 'of le. Squirrell replied showing that there be is held by the brethren' Cheerfoely. I _______________ the geoes tallith are sold on their repte On Sunday morning last tbe members liad been a marked increase in the de. tatiore The lireudeaud the trade marks meted eor 'Spring Wheat, Barley, Fula, 'of L.O.L. 794 :were joined by mem H 13ELLIOTT .. .11 IMOWn tO end trested by the consenter Peas, Spring Rye, Buck.wheat, Husking: bers a the order from Lueknow, Bela ere VIVrattees to the reakers of the Com, Sugar Beets for feed peirposese grave, Bluevale and other points MGM O Years Ato SANP wriogr t2ttits tnucht by ex et the 1)• Y LCA. IsLOG.. LONDON. ONT. Stedetts assisted to positions. College iateesetiast lama Sept. lat. Catilotese, free. .Enter-aier time. - Westetaelt J. W. Weetervalt,Jr. Principal Caartereaitcconataitt Is Vice-ftincisal H. DAVIS WINGHAM, ONTARI Agent for Allan Lino Cunard Line Donaldson Lines. Canadian Northern Lines Ocean Steamships. TOWD Agellt G.T.R. axtizies so branded that theY will not be eweeieb Turnips, carrots., Fodder and said all enarebed in a procession F put eat of beeiness be the sale of same- , Silage 'Core, Sor la Alf If a Fi lti t° ARIA ERS g um- a a an e the Metboaist Church, where y and Korona having live stCra or ott.r lee Dr. Gifford. After service the proces- sion was re-fern:led and the brethren Times Otnee. Wiegharai Ott, tbieg just as good. Deem. Oats, Japanese Beans, eeMets Tse eales prob?.ents are of almost as and Clover also Awed improvement. 1 mueb unpertance to manufattnrers as One tbe leading merchants in his tbe Tirobletne a Produetion. tut the Ills"; testimony as to the results attained' returnea t° the kNige r°°n), bY ws7 nf . le7.- -e-a, neer:nook 'irt3ii ia worth. l'"18610zs' at tbe tOnveralori tf the eau- says that be ha.s gone into the matter, • Victtnia and Josephine streets, Tbe iiiiii.-Zee'aseeeeeieeai :lei; telelitlie fey's:Dates extensively and has found „increase! fife ehd dram band beaded the proces- ei.troleetdievesene et 7ilur ZtOar and othar sum and played a number ,a eppropri- in Red Cloeer amounting to e00 per' _ WrARLOSERD Th WIN-fittil TIMES. they listened to an exeellent sermon b 10 WN DIRECTOIM Iwo BArTIST CROROFf^,-Babb*tb ,services at L a. in. and 7 p. tn. Seinday Selleol at 2:ol.) sn. General prayer meeting and B. Y. P. U. every Wednesday at 8 P- le• C. B. A., Pastor. Geo, Pocock, S. S. Superintendent. MiRITIORIRT CRUTICS-Sabbath ser- vioes at 11 a. In. and 7 p. ne Sunday School at 2:30 p. Epworth League every Monday -evening. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. W. Hibbert, pastor. F. Buchanan, S. S. Superinte.ndent. PneserreeratoCtreneer Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a. no. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. ne General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev. • D. Perrie, pastor, Frank Lewis, S. S. Superintendent. ST. PatieS CauncR, Ereseor 4.--Sah- ba,th services at 11 a. m. and /. p. m. • Sunday School at 2:30 p m. Rev. ' E. G. Dymond Rector. Alex. Al- , derort, S. S. Superintendent. Sereweeitei ARIAT OITAREL.-Service t 11 aen... 3 p.m. and 7 pipe on Sunday. At $ o'cloek on Thursday evening. There will be special music provided In the Sunday evenIng service from 7 to arsiolsathey wish to alisPea• oforild Mee the Mite foe sale In the Trinis• 013,1: ISTge POST OFFIcR-Office bours from Sam. cdroulationtells and I* win be strange ludettl if .4.,„ 410 p. le.. Open to box h ondo olders from rnot get a customer. 'w's flierantet thatron win sell boosites jun mar ash more' 1 a. m. to 9 p. re. C. N. Griffin, post - !elan Menufactererseafford re evidence 11•1:8'r3etalorr• rzeeleweu eNeo PsorTeet'oe 1tbat they are eozsidered as Dilly and - ;telefnily as they ought to be. The' TO ADVERTISERS l'Giobe preseete them ira no spirit of ecaptious erititisre, butt in the tem be -a' seteee „of thol,tges r,,,w.it be lett at ems Ilief that to establish A reputstion not feeffee net iater than Aartiraa , 11001t. j.0113y for roacle.in-Canada :goods in gen- lower grades is more in Eastern 171re eepy for ehatges must i. f. eral. tut fe.,r the particular .brands of Ontario and .Quebee." In testifying to not later then Monday eveeirg. i 4 4. .4 . 1 , C's.S.Ual advertisements azeepted up , .vaa must, eincerns is one of the trzost an inereased demand for :garden and teozoee at. -44N, of ,eso:ro week lezeetive steps that could be ts.ken lcV field root seeds, the principal of another eteanaeirm rnsnufacturere to secure a a a prominent house says: '•*There is no 1 larger ehere of markets at home ad 'doubt but that the agitation and 1 ;abroad. ... . ......._.................._ i educational work which has been done (ley night last They played a number. your eoesideration, as the eenelusiort , 1, has had A beneficial effect by ,causieg of tunes ion the corner of john and jos- be drew -contained a strong element THE MAZOleSACTURIER AND THE 1 • of (common sense. CONSUMER, ;cA-RE ,of. wooNtizo IN Two I the planter to give more -tbought ton the: -ephine etreete, and the enuai c was greet- ...se twas asked boa. qnng be ARMIES use of high grade stocks " A. third ly appreciated by the largenurribe.r wbo . 'hought the war would last. 33 - e rea cent He adds! "We have noticed that I ate tunes. Tbe members of Feral Lodge the demand for the better grades ex- LadY True Blues, took seete the Knew Where It Would End. ists very generally throughout Western Church in front of the Orangemen. An officer attached to the 33ritisli Ontario and that the demand Tor the TiltiRSDAY, -JULY 1, lea5 Messrs Beattie Bros. 'trotting mare,: "Wanda," took 2nd, and 'Saranac," :Messrs J. B. ,St W. F. Delmage's trot- ter, .5, in the 2.24 clase st St. Thomas eaces, on Wednesday last, Tee Lassie's Brass Baed;o.f 'the Sale vation Army visited Wing/min on Moo - headquarters in a letter to fiats wife writes: "In war the views and ideas of your enemy are at least as instructive and isteresting any comments T'Ori may hear from your own people. 'Therefore the following notions from the lips of si German. offmer recently captured are -certainly worthy leading dealer wens: "We are of gatherea to hear then. They after- plied that lie was 'unable to form a wards plaeed in the Barracks. The Wingliam Deivieg Park Aosacia- tion will hole theirerstmeetine ort their (Edit:oriel from The (7tibbe, June ! ; opinion that your _advertising ,campaign : ;definite opinion, bet that he would Wife Winlern SloePherd deserihosiu the has Deen very beneficiel. At least we' be very pleased to proplees•y -where it !New York See the difference between would end. So he was titled to pro. have found it so. Not only hes 'the. freed iond then eald, "Within forty .11•••••••• . the reamer m wineb vvounded are tared The reneefatterers have be ez ta,kirig farming business been greaterbut the, new eree'e on rile ztb ayla26.03 of Joly, tor in the Austrian and British armies. siemand has been generally for the enest purses to the amount of .$1800 win be ellierieg their convention in this city o'f , .en the ,c„pathians last winter." be selection, of seed stocks:" A firm with given. Tte. races will coesist of 2,40, • 'the moil for a natio:ate teetteng of ossys, ..1 eaw beige bOajea of Austrian rattificatioes all overtheRnglish-spea'k-' ..) SD, 2:25, :2-20, !Ili) trotor pane., nazi ;a rega near rzmn$S1. Auoth° tendeney for better seed in the require- :Lrig the Patnuil!'og a t'a* illa°t1=4..ta '•er tattered army' 17as coming from the =Kits of our farmer -customers this gGS';1C l' 41$ ''''t S 17*(71 ill "tl.ri'l°7*" 'LI hattledeldi it was made up of groups year. Espeeiaes. when ubdering antno hes ecee torged that the roade.in-Clariada 6f wounded arid slot men who „straggled otbs, Alike .aila Alfalfa the' in sist ori eteroi° sho',11 hal* '1'3 i'i.entrt-ro &bre", a• elortg, dreggitg their broken bodies es government grade No. 1." Other firms ss l.&'.11 ss St b°111e. Are 't 641°'"14331 ' best they coal.% bed: to where the shells rzatzfeett•:rers saciitiently kriewn at , ,, • both east and west, ',testify that the 4 • rutcle-in-ConoSe principles,- to rise the tsoialers nr,arobine phersee ei ;meet' tbeepeakers. mai mak- , g toward the battle ing world says: "We nottee .a marked' '023 trot. Besides, ee-5.0 will 'be giren in tbe horse 'wineirag the fastest heat in 2.17 Ar better during the meet -Jig. Wedneseay 'Iwo 'was °"Weeffieg Dee.' In Wirighsza, it ^Zelda seem. Three young =Tees of town joined their for - 'Tor better, fer PItc'her su -am-ant-teas' the lbe _ -11.1.3:rok 11 -OMR. ee 0- wo a" •°°) demand ter the best seed "ti'l been irrwri7e.,,,,m ths1 .a.' WithOtrt reerning 'it over; silk Mr. II`VIIV:., , 114, 7'1.4'4, 't:8'...tallan "T°a.S.,, aiS; 1 they find white beds end gentle nertes higher then in any preitnirs seta.. t'rog"'s''(''' ' ... '''''s'r e"s' 112'1"' C'1.' -4.1411' , end rest and health agent' The thances ,, swivel) Broorengs. 'Waal, no, %ain't 'meetly difeeret," were e.gainst them. Some of them bed Benols.min replied. 'Sell see, *en. ientlee Doe:Mime becau.se of , walked tweets e,,,,:zes sris boa miles MeGee-Beeereft-ekt the lv-sIde-ulee the cider gets nip to the first jOint at tbi, pZ•if•ii^t.C.tt pzt,:le.ty cattpaigits of ' „mot* to go. They were a s!gi., i tu =lake ' aid tbe bride% perents, 'ou the 19th inst, my tkumb 1 etop." , MORE EUROPEAN FACTS. by the. ilifF. Mr. ShEtW., a Beigraee, the trareetear terms. Pirate trimeafaeter- la man melt at h arts ef where 1 was captured," Pies* Ganged. 014 Benesailia Dee er was aeons - tamed ica treat kis guests with. sweet eider, and, although the /mire stood in the darkest tomer Of a dark cel- lar, le never retried a lamp en his trips for a fresh supply. ORA even - bag Mr. Brookings, ,the minister, vas. his guest. 3ziast be Quite an art to fill the eart. end yet the _lies- In°thr est' trien seldiers merzeing ferwera Mr. Henry eireGee to Miss lelaria Bee- be. Ocie tee tette-et shrewe.2 and sat- of East Wa h ,t)attLe saw there as wen as dia: saw To te Editor:- met, ell ramesis. tevortiorrie Bet this is not what it merest to be woended end sick. „too, o The foeewing is from the Piote Deffield-Roe-he St. Paul's Chereh, tee& t.N? grent leek of. the raze- 4:7,nm Tou bieree en Aar -Arian for losing "'"s"'F' 'rale 4s:f* sarPrjae nur L.Wieingb.„sIn' oen_the 26theinst' b•roethe Rev feeteeeea. htee SOett ZzinsaSr that beert before a bettle?- eeitiete friends and other supports= of ke• oba, n•entnr, eeeorge al-artzna. err. tfa filriFighP4 'w.facn the georie Ito the British ernny it is differeet. tbsliqoorS114° to know that n=.°Pe 111115ela" to Miss Lmeline Wurte n°e:' ere ereeeeed tereed ever te the kozigh4 up at the bailie 1..,,ne are stretah.. is the home ef the most direst:it prohlb- x rriflr- Alfred L'oaelloftritrg- Txbilist..!es: ;;.tr zt,tofter The r idea Jaws; that for mere thee 25 years .etat...ere-es with first tee e pekeges. toeteteithec u triSfrrAt the eitenate ne Ve not ler twethe enceement Ias been gaim'ne with Carr-jolmeton--At the residen of einS tbe britli, e, in 4„37.1s,-,tsc.t, ts tgt,:tst sher‘...r 11":„: pos.si bk., or it asteeng eapi&*: thatorgartized war Itbe britle's fa.ther. Mr. Jno Johnston, on three :re ether rem t'5)S grove,. will be a Bead ilres.sing station. enn. the -evil enlists the ez-nperaWon Ithe 526th host, he Rer. L. G. Woote treeles e tine zee eaf ',meet:ore itkeever doeters wee be there. eoot ef gevernments, scieetifie boeeeis, mole- I Wall= Henry Carr, to Mats the Azn twee iieeeret re in their melds, as thesu,eteher zee hr.ng it the worm& erste. in ustri, and thousands a: Johnston:, ail of "%Ingham. The leler ei'veiterero' Aseeeletion ran- / VS the field dreSaing, sr -stint) dotiors be- lead°rs PI'brie l'h°°0214 71'1 eee =fr oriels:ter-It cKenzie -At the Bruno- eiste tt* eeree twelve thoaearte. tratea • etie erepte t egtitted in the ter/ling mot tenor itehle arte zsen tbe zie‘74: f the Dertereet, feern lerome. tees !"e eieee item Ari meter netiee tee Volpe Teriaree reezeing ?tilers shz wee tr.te, t pert fra= tIfiemf, ,oze-ne. !!: • t 45.the...r iarerehee ir Canezia : A z...c...:•Lrr tvz..%..r!:%s eetteiteatee -; rtisemetts The , '.4.ett. este end Yee tee ee.r. te the I' tarel, :n the was sing,e non - :"1"`...1.44'r.":6^7^ tha t nointo74,'44 e • '"'"" "' • ;.- • te,t oat" te: .tee. the reit e. • L: ".. " Time iten Melt' tiffit trete .7...v.trea.i., '12i.s..-• had to ,t 11;;Ttl week aitAq :att.O.Lt anti itLsi'an.r.p. Et irn 1": '',.t.LIUTZ'Lif.S. trig 1." WM? rttt°4 eta ate feree thr leetet laeoereo, itesevelr.itt oie beet, oleo. wee" ,t: t.31,t' •t"Z:f.,ZILZ c•' nnUtri;';',0P. n'tit crime Tee ta.i.ele mosia, :c_ma ti,7„ :018 Vol^ .4^4?C`Ofig herrem tearer:toot A•1' tirtee.t!, Lt,t ;:ht, ,crirtN;:;,..t,E,Iteg ii7til:26"bibn ittla tt erne - At thif Mitt: eeeteseere .11 weite Ito titer neeee!tai• Afi5NA1Oha,titri V*M-t• ff)117t.ilz nit teeth to suilitara e tf> Amur:lag, ?street.; dot tieee tht eitutatme Is wanes. Mime** tt) zbt Vrettapla Drat :Eim- pile 'ea- Orteentaipt r„1. ,rfaTfA_i‘r inno*.: thre-1,'ett, studtia the makeee iede'eti eget', nceeo tr; la° Treenail; wee abetere'r ileretteeteke `naten,-w.. Speninii : ; sk. lainphoir.. Triationot, LoA s filarrisiE that AMA* Igflielti Tarattlet: .1trowe opera * mite gio tee greetec mei if his woend 43e2 essr"brssrlIngPsills the'Dh°1"°1.-e 1.4Z‘" ReV• Zir• i-4-4-oza. 'attlin Linkinter ths:r wolt. If 41 iritn isnot sutler. wortblessnees azia weetefainess end. dis- ;epee Retee on tbe b3. the not neee erreemate ettettiom he is pe. ed along. This field dressing swine nate b .n etete or s bezse. or ever, in tauglt n tbe schaz anct txmt tt.0 Miss Maxey McKenzie, all of Wheg- Prenee and ,Gertnany thernselvet tiee Item, lesiing in the trusade." Le _it nor distance:et:Mg to lied -that the I the open. There wel berse erzbal- e ..treet etti-seraobei movement le nees .weitarig ieide it in riat reses. - eierzEzes ere VACANT Laors. Trato rieternebee embriimicee would be sweeping ilursPe had its ginning in mart bettee, bet bettlee. AM not iroeght riteee ed roade. If it is night the ta:toreohae atobi.taarices cannot mcve ".th figets tett negtt fee eetat toe the enerre, whee the feitefei hoesee. pick thter wee seetteo in the best ark - nes tee err re hltilaf.itt.: that the dss a the bone is mot fleishee in weir, Prom th deka ereestng etetiora the horse teereeeeete. vane- their breve axle's be& 4. •WOLittziad tee reitioa... 'eta: tieeeete Zt3: Zsbtette ;eerie:ere No tees ferinee stove voice, tie- ere:Leta feet begtea ming teas:meet- glees. Teethe. a few' hezee •oet eree the: tee first n,tir4 ohme get: the Arne. eeelear..e, teentee bee teeen e: urge :leetn b-c.new atun- eee :Toe ZfZi::'t.hrf4 W,",rrf' 611 er the firing tee seettleetio the eereptems a:i* the 1;L, t LA.. T•'•"i fain etterates Lee J 0.!.‘ti' thee: wits foetal et roeiveietie fee sea:lees te weer „tee v ErosT.,., the ttTertzion Lses Am. ewe...Nee it le sleep:el ele mix t. . eiceee :re is, eteeee /Tee . the, imod of fourteen thousand brewer- nietner.om Commission of-Conserve- bs ies:* A scie.nt;iin pamphlet Ix tit:ten ; tion.i "Prof. Ton Range was the eUrt ore f, ennipaign which produced an Anti -liquor the enntinent and ihte4mtioh_ .7:71.0311C'e to those 1.71,.rrov..4..8 who are reek- • . *•••••••11. Satisfameori. A barefooted darky weltile hoeing cotton one day saw his big toe ten- der a dive, and, emelt-bag et was s. 3 ratle's bead, bit it and hurt himself. Atter working radtla it or awhile le got ..raitd., net his foot on a stump End said, '"WeD, jag pain away now. I doesn't reeen you berM yeself weastc. ye tio Naturally. Utile 'Man prondlY taiseleeed some staving, nails ehe had picked frece tlee Moor of a ,carpenter shop. IVOIX103.1 17-Aft..T those,"said brother rnee. "Why not?" asked the little gth1. "If you do," said Brieft, "eolk.s'il think you tee a Mora. - head," A Convert, Little Mbetley had. talked or BM boar tin the subject of evolution. "And MOW, my deer Miss Pilistertom, eta yam believe in the missing link?" he said inzonclusion, Bo Row" repliee -theair maiden., "though 1 didn't =tee 1 BIM Md.". coegress in veers ederinced totatineT on Wbst tihteal-S vlim't1.tates a HAD eifolip congre.ss that draws delegates from ',Mg an limiest effort to keep their harms nearer every tensiee_rable ratline zit= 1is the Crop ef werele found grow - :ft wee oeeeenen t-rit'versity ing on raceet lots and roadoedes in end . INFA It' IfiL fmt estehfished a seientiiic eernend ozr and There "Lee en he Linho; hr3 "141 rattare lete are raftee nailing more tier w„e the roanKeiser whi, lee iess•thata nurseries and breeding relates TE Ofir.I.Ared himseir en etistelme ±.er0 ktuds rf weeds• This is 441 E VZ?g nr" tau: „tm...yetbe10,4124s .u„annt iv_ ea true of towns .whearto large arens his eiinninie. A noted .German joining have been suhject to Wiiiitat Baczeress Atiz peyetieen ht deeiered. eet must eubilioningeend here bad Toadwars be ceinsiteeed trscompritible with the Plosza, ftrinlug 105.012g pares fur Meier c e Cite or GiTernnwrt to niicw weeds. which are allowed to grow no- tes, me...seeps ea' presen feetories enee t.5ted` The9e P7362tV war -tie -se ee brier:free einet date:Miles." eintribere of seeds. to be bizawe arid ter:ttoranee ceabh:ng OW- fgrIftlfred hs win °7e -r the i•-arhis. d on Z the h005 Prossin Wt- buins.nrzicies nna sdvire en-ea:ere, on Weimer bet there are P"rtsinhig to weed emIt"°: here hs'en teeirstes ot taeobel in the un- d'I'-'e1're4 & tne farmer. A glartte at the f tem ee entelltions frame ar most of nut eities_00t1. 01tttt• 'e t-7.trassim:'g. Pregne, wiz.3 Itc'whe Move thtit 417tettingenettel mere' Whets. the farmer is riot entirety to Mame in the niaeer of wee& seed prednetion and distribution. It the West the weed inspeetors are awing trained and hastrnetee along lines thet arie enable thein to assist the farnoees in weed tiertrol. vitile at the Rene time prevision te lute is made to peeverit sine fanner orenni aliorieg his •fee'rn tio become a breeding plate foe *moils anti menace to his neighbors. In most towns there are beiates cover- ing the weed problem, but 'too often Veto Dee ‘ClieW., ihf,:.7 are not enforeed. Time living hi ser barite te ter. !rot Tihet -7 lewd trowne and citiee should itepti- roomiroeetlin er d De. elisete'S Serup Of Littered mei Tux. Ifienate nentin„and tees trmtptee curer, " itt ed rrf " `"" - - jttr-En• epee bed tee, v,herit'.." %Ties iclos ybis is at important matter, am should .leativphirie tient:him Dover South, Obt, retraive siet attention kTs ?vary Wpm TOti eat tir Clueoe`e :Steel) roonoiL Anion timid to, taken at leiniteed soul Turnrerreene t Arnett. M. , eelefie. eteato •,] ottefe itteireeitile tnetefell •;,r, sZrasa thP waittetre beitiefielde. er 0,iet)ott the niarth. Or itt ump. or in lpnisons-ti man every three . rl..11tteF, end este for 1ftereere, w trove ant1 net &fat -red uTltil the Weeds sod rare al, inliammatione lerritetions of the tbrout and bronchial tubes,. ;rivet teal istneeser their C N. leerereee, reeetet retch their tibiae:me toe closely iot sent, IV' this choeast zeree. ...!neeetie miarte deerine ele het amnier Gen. Gatiere, Preeer Lee:le teeteie ` Lite :renew me ;s:- 100. ebeno facer 01Z Zteeeei ofee v. ehelea inir.eture. re it:, lam: te weep metier :from oaf fiene eleete te al it bail eiima tont wo Atr, me et I. menet/bare. ebeut0 nee dietetee rine le sedd ore how v:re ira candftion. He swat0. Dflt .L.Zoir-L, when Thb..h =ad: ali:1 -t•ora, 1:11:1,1.i ; ,ho keened then: tie rtvej VoiCitting hr sent Tar ravrr t.:74 iirts stait. itt - thr rntr.ntinar i h seonr:iring Dr. Towler's Ea:tract 1•': jjStrorbe.--y, 'i rnrthatir:0 tain, and T.'hen bofele was n11 :see tee ta.le arm, rerrot. 71 Stough it ent!). ir:L;to "let -.von know about it." Dr. l'o*Iters tvt-net el i1d St.r...4.- berry has heat et tiro: market for the past 70 centre, and is klArrn frnir mu; end 01 atia .to the other ir n pneit:ve rare ic0t all bowel complain:8. When yen, ask ;ea. -Dr. Towhees" * thrt, rift litet trlict 'ran tak 4).1, thee are =any rankitt itthti trc the market. The genuine ir ur.tu' lilltatm te.,1,i1taql, Toronto, Ort, Prim, master. 11333LIc LIBRARY -Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon en 2 to 5:30 o'clock, and every -evening from 7 to en30 eoclOck, Miss M. McTavish, hb- Tow COUNCIL -Dr. A. J. Irwin, Mayor; S. Mitchell, Reeve; L. P. Binkle17, 4. M. Crawford, W. A. Carrie, V. R. Vantorman, W G. Patterson and D. Bell. Councillors; John F Gloves, Clerk; and J. G. Stewart, Treasurer. Board meet first Monday evening in each month at S ooclock. Pretec Smoot, BOARD -H. E. hard, Wm. Roberts= W. A. •Campbell, Dud- ley Holmes, 4.. Tipling, A. E. Lloyd, Bobt. Allen, L. A. Bisbe e, John F. Groves Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in Council ,Cbanaber on the second Tues- day a eset month. HIGH Swop'. Teeraiene-Harre E. Ricker, M. A., Principal and Specialist in SciebeeeG. R. Smith, B. A., Seeeial- ist in Mathematics; Mr. C. M. Ewing, M. Ao. Classics; Miss M. 1 Whyte, B. A., Spe.rialist in Moeerns and His- tory; eliss E. C. Garrett, Art and Mathametes; Miss B. Kettlewell, Coramerelal Work and History. PUBLIC SenooL Takcauns.-A. L. Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Itriss Farquharson, Miss Ans- ley, Miss Barber and Miss Bentley. BOAD.D OF' TireT TE. -Dr. A. J. Irwin, (chairman), Win.Fessant, Alex Porter, John P. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. :C. Redmond, Medical Health eacer. *Ingham General Hospital (Under G. -eve -moment enspezticn Pleasantly _situated. Beautifully fur- nished. 0pe.n to seeks:ogee:laxly licensed physicians. Rears eca.Perereees.-whitee incinde. board Int a. nursling). $4..ee to $15. per week accereleg te le:is:tem of Zoo= For eertber froftrmetion, ad- dress rliss L. Matthew. Sep.erintendett Bra -22e, Wingleim Ont. Railway Timetable •1=NIMOMMINII•••••114MM•111M14.0.1••• RAND rareeee RAILWAY SYSZttc '111.11MgE /MATZ MR Lona= .4..4 - ...4... B.S.! s.m- - .11.8Pir•m TormitoMEast,.LAI a.in-_ Rthp.m. .ituardime-11.F.ta.m 1.15 •ii.AATiva :mire .• - L' r^:. London- :2:1`;4 Turcutp &Bunt., 2.115 mum- F;CDSMAItt,fitanu A cart "tvrrham B DLLIOTT. cn. Age:: t, W..mgketr.. ARIAN P.A.031'.i." RAIL'W.ATE -- M817.1.17S LEaYZ 14.7 War Duty untilhiSt- - 5 510 p.n. teamster -- 4.431..rs Teerwaser- La:. a.. fi; p.m Tannin sauflisett... i:i.24--:247 ?sr ;T. Z.Birratrit. The Wifighom Times iitisoutso EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Imo Time* Woo stono woo. %moo** oswilv. TtilDis 02 Htilit01112130N-$1,00 per WW2= In $41(01100. $14110 it not laid. NO paper disco's - tinned tiliallarriaraare Paid. etiwt at the option ot the pub letter. ADVUSTRAN'Gt it.was nneehar AliVilitrasaists OneYear ... SA 15 (so each Inserion) SIX NOtIthil200 tido " !. Three Months 1.59 " One Month OnelWeek .24/ Legal and. other :4;4114r air erase /ten ts, lea per line for first luslini0,3 Mid ic per line for each subsequent inaertion. :demand by a nonparlel smile, twelve lines te an inch. Business cards of slit:Ones and titular. ASA per year. Advertisement; of eltnitiots Vitcatit,Bittut nowt Wanted Rouses for Sete or to rent Articles for Sale, etO att en ieoldrig eight lines, 250 each Insertion; .11 for first month. 5(to for each enbiequent math. Larger ad- rertisenzenta in proportion. Business notices ineW3 treat 51 Per countatt line; as locator news :natter. i00 per line each Insertion. Medical DRS. KENNEDY • & CALDER Omega -Corner Patrick and camera eta. Prerants: Offices .13 Reaidence, Dr„Hennedy .443 Residence, Dr. Calder 151 Dr. Kennedy apecializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Dis- eases o the Bye, Bar. Mose and Throat. Ryes thoroughly tested. Gleams properly Sued. Du. BORT. O. RRDItIOND, 51, R. C.S. (Bug) L. B. 0. P. London. PHYSICIAN and Si3P.ORON Odios, with Dr. Chisholm tatR, Hatobir, B.s.c.. au • 'gingham, Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of wornea. and children. having -taken post graduate work in Surgery, l3artcriology• and Seientido Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence. between. the Queen's hotel and the Baptist <Rinsch. All business given careful Attention. Ph*ne 54. P. 0. Raz 115. Dr. J. R. Macdonald-", Wingharn, Ont. Office -Stone Block, over the TIMES office. DRS. PARKER & PARKER Ostegpathic Physicians Oculists, Neurologists Winghara-Listowei Diseases Treated by Drugless Methods Osteopathy cures or benedts when ether systems fail. Winghatn offlee, 07er hristie's Seem Teesday, 9.3.# a.m. to 9.00 p.m. Wed- nesday, e to 11 a.m. Thursday, 4 to by appointment. 9-0" P on. FridaY, 9.05 13 4,4.0a a. tn. Chiropractic J. A. FOX, fl. C. GRADUATE CHtutomacrog When the pin e is right the bedy is right. A, Chireprarter will ketp ,yeur tiiie zdght that you o-iay have eonthined-good health. y,ir hellth is already poor a i-olarse of Chirlpratlie Spinal Ad- i.i.±ments will pot yourspine right. etruagham, Ont. Dental irvA NTED.1 . tta raerieseres seriara 0. TRWIND I. s* Good. Lcscal Agent 'et once to re.prEnt DM ed BE -Pan FthuIi "1/2llii98 Dtal CoIlsge and Lemenlata05 the BMW 0 DettsI sergeant of Cultrio. .LSid0iS15 Wtseliscs. M.p.4,• Closed Emery W. due:114y afternoon from Zry ist "r•Ior.:e• gra:Irate of the RornI PO'nege ,sf A:Llano and aanor crease , .......Cy a et ,Iry a ' A :,....:•::.-2-3:-'. _ .- ,, • . L. • t .,-..1 ,- -Cf.. ,0 Z 1.15'.2 a 1:YR Stare, TC,I£C. . ,^ '... ., mt.7.5..a,l teair Aftemtoun +. - F , ....,,, rt 11 .1.; Tr 4 „. Lnza ft - 1.18 - 0Alisaf4VaR. SP2L7C3TC:3, 37C tma este O'er es te team et seweet - Tv.* f.turest avrt4a.-et. Time ant tarro ...ma:171=0A %al Et &alma atlx 17;17x arm, W811M110% Toronte Oata.rio - A es YEARS' =PM' tIU Ocorituwrsic. Jtrivan;_ winding seilisitre wog ititet,=g3W Muftis' sersru.,i. 'vim minium . Lave:nun. tt tp", plairmaziklk, mauves. roams tam-, -,,Inovelo Ifirm aingiaAryliet, I " HamZinn, e 7rntriA. cc Puente I ?t1104007 'Mete* I sacra, trap, sqr• r linveiiyea, FS akuszsm, „akc wiEsuigt, ttnt, DupLev 1101.71ES IfIanisteri, Solicitor, Etc. wstt ixack.wingitset. OUTSIDE ADVERTISING entiere ere tele seastaretea itterottentra earl es lescikers wientel, Innittwee -chants*. inedhaniciawanta, attinha Zee irala, or in dart Alar. eatt azy iihe'ltarrack otter n'ty vapors, ?may be left at the TAllas cSlrpniewera w.4reoikeepretept pawn** people um %rouble or rent_rt'zor atta '.!orwarantit aketrrtheqterts 2T","10. !VASS.C.:•) 'be artallie?! wateilkos'avii. Zooms 'I tit rtrartiartwast Owes tem lib ib. Olititter" "Witartkiiimit -4#