HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-06-24, Page 8t • Page 8 • THE WINGHAM TIMES June 24th 1915 _ger...,,,.._, _.,.._ ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c, Notices Under This Head ten cents a line for first insertion; five cents fur sisbste )))rent inset thine.-- - . HOUSE To RENT—Apply t J. A. McLean. FARMERS—Bring yo we! to T. Fells and get the goe L rice WANTED -Position as housekeeper by a respectable wi• ( Address, Box 3$2, Teeswater, Ont. TRUNKS AND VALISES: -Big stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. To RENT -Three comfortable rooms over Advance office. Modern con- veniences. Apply to C. N. Griffin. FOR SALE—Cabbage and cauliflower plants, Apply to Isaac W. C NOTICE—During July a will close our store o'clock. 60.2 H. T. Tito ugust we nights at 7 ON. WAN'rED -Good place , farm for strong boy of four ee'` for summer months. Apply to 345, Wingham. FARMERS AND HRASIIBI:MAN--When overhawling your machinery try us for your repairs, that'we shine. s VMER eLEY & SON. WANTED—Organi and Choir leader for St. Paul's Chur i, Wingha Ap- plications receive up to th• ' rst of .July. Apply to P v. E. G. e ' mond. Before taking your su er holidays, call at our shop for y club bags, suit cases or trunks. e carry a full stock in these lines d will save you money. 60-3 Trios. KEw. NOTICE -Iain prepared to again keep lots in the cemetery in good shape at the rate of $1 per lot for the season. Orders left with John F. Groves, Town Clerk, will be given prompt attention. ROBT. DEYELL. SEED CORN—We have extra good samples of all kinds of seed corn this year. Dents -White Cap. Leeming, Bailey, Wisconsin No. 7, Southern Sweet. Flints-Compton's Early, King Phillip, North Dakota. Also Mangold seed& of all kinds. HowSoN & BROCKLEBANK. PERSONALS w— MINOR LOCALS, For June wedding gifts go to Knox's, For Diamond and Wedding Rings go to Knox's. -Monday was midsummer day the longest day of the year. Fine stock of silverware, cut glass and jewellery at Knox's. -Cancel all other engagements and come to Wingham on July 1st. . -To-day (Thursday) the County of Perth votes on the Canada Temperance Act. -A general change of time on the G. T, R. will be made on Sunday next, June 27th. -Mr. Charles Monro lost a valuable fox terrier through being poisoned on Friday last. -Work has commenced on the sewer on John streets between Edward and Minnie streets. -About forty from this vicinity took in the annual excursion to the Model Farm, Guelph, on Saturday. -A number of local anglers took ad- vantage of the opening of the bass sea- son, but as yet no one has reported a record catch. -We are sorry to report that Mr. W. H. Willis is at present in the Hos- pital undergoing treatment for an acute attack of kidney trouble, -Entrance examinations began on Monday of this week at the Wingham High School. There are about fifty pupils writing on these examinations. -Mr. Albert Thomas, of Bluevale, who disposed of his farm stock and im- plements by auction on Wednesday last left on Monday for London where he will join the third contingent tor over- seas service. -Quite a number of our merchants are having very attractive signs paint- ed on their windows, Mr Gibb, of Galt being the artist. King Bros. are hav- ina a large sign painted on the fence in front of the vacant lot just south of their store. Miss Norah Smith has returned from Toronto. Mrs. A. E. Smith spent the week end at Guelph. Mrs. D. Rush, of Toronto, is visiting friends in town. Miss Emily Mann visited friends in Guelph over Sunday. rimmarres. 1 _Silks a -Remember the annual garden party held under the auspices of Eadie's Church, at the home of Mr. David Eadie, Turnberry, on Tuesday next, June 29th. A good programme will be rendered and music will be supplied by the Wingham Citizens' Band. Miss Dell Mitchell visited friends in St. Thomas last week. • Mr. A. J. Taylor, of near Gorrie` was a visitor in town on Monday Messrs. J. Hanna and R. A. Currie visited friends in Listowel one day 1*ast week. Miss Eleanor Patterson is home for the holidays from the Stratford Normal School. Miss Nettie Weiler, of Turnberry, is visiting with relatives and friends in -Guelph. Mrs. Cummings, of Wingham, spent Sunday with friends in town. --Listowel Standard. Miss Irene Davis, B.A., of Carleton Place, is spending her vacation at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bennett motored up to the lake near Pine River, on Sunday last. Mrs. Bone, of town, was the guest of Mrs. Kilbride. Clinton, for a few days last week. Messrs S. Crawford, V. Sanderson, Bert, McLean and Geo. Moir spent Sunday in Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bell and daughters visited friends in Belfast and Port Al- bert on Sunday last. Miss Gertie Fogle, of Guelph, in visit- ing at the home of her uncle, Mr. John Weiler, in Turnberry. Mrs. W. H. Willis left on Friday for a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerry, at Fort William. Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Weiler. of Guelph are visiting with their son, Mr. John Weiler, Turnberry. Mr. John Leathorn, of Stratford, spent a few days in town this week, re- newing old acquaintances. Mr. D. E. McDonald is in Hamilton this week attending the meeting of the Grand Camp of the Sons of Scotland. Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l Fogle and cnild- ren, of Guelph, were visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Weiler, Turnberry. CHURCH NOTES. i THIS SALVATION ARMY Meetings Sunday next, June 27th -- 7 a.m.. Knee drill prayer meeting; 11 a.m., Holiness meeting; 3 p m., Praise meeting; 7 p.m., Public Saivation meet - ng. The meetings next Sunda will be led by the members of the Corps Band. A deeply spiritual time is looked for. You are cordially invited to these ser- vices. The week night services are as fol- lows: -Monday 8 p.m, Public Salvation meeting; Thursday 8 p.m., Public Sal- vation meeting. cumuli of ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE. A meeting of the Ladies' Guild will be held at the rectory on Friday at 3 o'clock. Choir practice will be held in the Church on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. BAPTIST CHURCH Services next Sunday at the usual hours. Pastor Riley will preach. Sub- jects: -Morning, "Studies in Romans. What's Wrong with the World and the Gospel Remedy." Evening, "Unsearch- able Riches for Unseemly Poverty." Song service atG.55 p. m. METHODIST CHURCH. Regular services .wilt be held in the Methodist Church next Lord's Day at 11 a. m. and 7 n. m. Rev. G. W. Rivers, D. D., of Gorrie will preach at both services. It is expected that at 2.30 p. m. the Sunday School will re- open and all .members of the Sunday School are earnestly requested to rally to the service. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Elliott and fam- ily and Mr. and. Mrs. H. Deem, motor- ed to Kincardine ar,d spent Sunday at the lakeside. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jenkins, Blue- • vale road, are spending some weeks with Mr. and Mrs, Wrn. Nicholson, New Scotland, Kent Coppty, Mgr. Geo. Aitchison, jr. of Lucknow,. is vi-iting Mrs. Aitchison, of town. He was accompanied by his wife who is at present undergoing an operation at the (General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs.+Patterson, Miss Eva Patterson and Miss L. Vandrick motor- ed from Wingham and spent Sunday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Van- driek.--Listowel Standard, e Mrs.s. A. Robinson has fe turn d from n s Toronto where she has been staying y g with Mrs. IT. Kerr, formerly of town, atIad whom our readers will be pleased 1rr is almost completely recovered )BORN MCGILLavRAY - In Detroit, on June 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McGillivray, (nee Miss Mabel Pender); a daughter. MERKLEY --In Wingham, on June 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Merkley; a son. . DIED CLOAKEY-Tn Wingham, on Monday, John Cloakey, aged 36 years, 8 months and 7 days. HUPyn2t-In Wroxeter, on June 12th, 1315, Sarah Jane McLean, wife of John Hupfer, aged 28 years, 0months .end 11 days. MARE iED Hot STON--MOSE--At the home of the bride, on June 16th, by Rev. R: E. Page. Mr. Carlyle.Houston, Stanley Twp., to Miss Martha Ethel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, James Mose, McKillop town- ship. GLENN. DICKSON--In I3rucefield, on June lath, by Rev. A. 13arker, of Sea - forth, Annie Maud, youngest daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Dickson, formerly of Seaforth, to Mr. A. 13. Glenn, of Brueefield. RITCHIE- CARR -At the home of the bride, on 9th, h, by itev, L A. Mc - Kelvey, Mr. Tindall Ritchie, ingham, to Mies Marv, second daughter of Mr. Root, Carr, Grey township. Glttb(i---PROC tlt-At the home of iitth b4 herr. Mr. > il• •9 frtrlrhel recent setident. bride, on June , y 1 sammustionaziaramoommoisseamin d Dress Materials for June "Comfortiecomee second nature to wearer, of CIC a la Grater Corsets." Society women who ?. are renowned for their grace - Ful carriage and well -gowned fig- ures always wear Corsets (Made in Canada) 'there are cheaper coreete, but why ehould you wear them when the difference in price is ao little. 13 We are well stocked in all lines of Silks, to tnee.t the June demand, inclnding a large range of NIoussline, Silk Faille, Shot Messalines, Ponge and Habitau Silks. Black Duchess Mousseline Silk A beautiful silk with deep rich satin finish, guaran- teed fast color, absolutely free from filling, exceptionally good for dresses, waists, or coats, 36 inch wide, Special value at $1, $1.25 and $f:5o yd. Shot Duchess Paillette Silk Soft in weave, with rich satin finish, French dyed in beautiful colorings of Black with Blue, Red, Green or Brown, also Brown with Blue, used greatly for dress, 36 inch wide. Special values at $I.00 and $1.25 yd. Washable Habitau Silk in Ivory and Fancy Stripe This is a very good quality and exceptionally good for Waists and Lingerie, guaranteed to wash and retain its color and brilliancy, in plain or crepe finish, , 36 inch wide. Special at $i and $1.25 ycl. Pongee Silk and Natural Shan -Tung Extra quality Pongee Silk, very suitable for dresses and waists made from the best quality Silk in fast colors of Battleship Grey, Belgian Blue, Sand and Black, 3o inch wide. Extra value at 5oc and $i,00 yd. 1Wasli _Materials Bedford Cord, French Pique, M ercerized Repp, Cotton Voiles, L a'c e Cloth, Marque - site. Gloves Long Silk Gloves, Lon g Lisle Gloves at 5oc, 75c, ,$1 and $1.25 Short' Silk Gloves and Short Lisle Gloves at 25c, 35c and 5oc. 3(osiery PENMAN 's Seamless Hose. 25C, 35c and 5oc Ho I.E1'ROOF H o s e guaran- teed to wear, or a new pair free of charge, colors Black and White 25c, 50c, $1.00, $1.50 pair 1 "C(-0" ct-la-Grace Corsets Prices 75c, $l.00, $1.50, $2.0o and $3.5o. 50,000 POUNDS WOOL WANTED. CASH OR TRADE. 'Phone 71 KING .BIOS. PRODUCE ,WANTED. PRODUCE WANTED CANADA'S NATIONAL NEWSP.1PER P.S.—According to Lord Kitchener, the big war has only began. "The War Summary" ALno>a from the vary (Illy the great European war began in August last..t';• otaatand1u feature In C .tad'un journalism covering the conflict ilea; leen "The War Summary" dr.:1y on pages 1.:mil 2 of THE GLOBE. In the rnneisest possiele form the writer has given his readers a pen pictnte of the developments 1n all parts of the world. While the details of. the movements along the extended frontiers have not been overlooked,, the readers of THE GLOBE have been enabled to follow intelligently and with confidence the general outlines of the stupendous conflict. "The War Summary" of T1(E GLOBE 1s reproduced daily by several papers throughout the Dominion. The Editorial Page TILE GLOBE on its editorial page has striven to place before the public in proper perspective the broad background of the titanic struggle. This series of articles has attracted the attention not only of the Canadian people, but of leading men and journals in all parts of the world. The causes leading up to the war, the elements entering into its conduct, and the results likely to flow from. the cessation of hostilities have been dealt with in that hold and clear-cut form charac- teristic of.THE GLOBE'S editorial page. News Service The above features, in addition to a enIle and letter service from the , front unmatched in Canada, have placed THE GLOBI: far in the lead of Canadian papots, :nal pully explain the phenomenal increase of 331-3 'per cent. in TIIL GLOIst'S circulation during recent months. Other Features The sporting pages, the financial and commercial pages, the woman's pa Ccs, etc., etc., with the additional pages in Wednesdays issue devoted to "t'arnt and Country Life." are mtlntained at n high standard of exeelle e. a standard fhut has .instified Tull GLOBE in its title of Canada's National Newspaper, and has given it by many thousands the largest circulation of any morning paper lu the Dominion. Local and City Papers Ity all means take your local paper, but in the field of metropolitan a newspapers THE GLOBE untluestionably offers you the greatest value to be had in Canada. Order it to -day. 25 cents per month -one dollar for four months -three dollars per year. THE GLOBE, Toronto. .,,,.-,,.....,,,.,.s,...,..,,ne..•.Ve.."., , .,.. ... , ..,_,-.-_, ,. rA... . patricic, Mr. James Martin Grigg, Bel - grave, to Miss Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Procter, Morris township. FoTl-tER(+H.L--RUTLEDGE - In Win s- ham, on June 23rd, by Rev. J. W. Hibbert, Mr. Albert E. Pothergill, of East Wawanosh to Miss Catharine A. Rutledge, of Wingham. GILLFSI'1E-Pi:DDLE--•At the Manse. Whitechurch, on June 16th, by Rev. J. Ure Stewart, Mr. John G. Gillespie to Mies Eunice M. Peddle, daughter of Mr. Samuel Peddle, both of East Wawanosh. Near Milerton s Ont., the bodyy of John trier, a farmer, was found hang- ing by a halter shank in an old building on his farm. During the past week he had been drinking heavily. Spend Your DOMINI0DAY at Seaforth And Attend the 6th Annual Meetin of the SEAFORTU One of the Be in Ontario, All �'U�F t Race he Best GLUB Meets Horses $21001 purses GOME O C4T11 ON JULY 1st ANAd 2n . BAND IN TTBNDANCR M. Broderick, W. Govenlock, secretary Prasideht, sa�st 1 Mr. R.71. Cowell, .1.L.(`.11. Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Church Teacher of Pianoforte, Singing Violin Pianos and Organs Tuned and Repaired. Wingham, - Ont. AUCTIONEERS McConnell & Vandrick Auctioneers for the Counties of Huron and Bruce, are prepared to take all kinds of solos. We are certain we canlease. You an have either one P c e a e Orders or both without extra .hare )rde eat he left with •F. Me('onnell, or with O. 1P. Vandrick at the Merchants' Brokerage Co.'s Store, Wingham, Charge moderate. Get Ready for the Big Day on JULY ist The biggest Dominion Day Cele bration ever held in these parts. lust Qne Week from next Thursdav—goril ar,ge# :fit We are giving one Union Jack until that time to every purchaser of Shoes. It makes no difference if you buy shoes at 25 cents per pair or $6,00 per pair, you will get a flag just the same. Take al, look at the very newest White Shoes for Women in our North Window. P. S. --Kindly bear in mins) that we close every Wedr.esda.y at 1 p.ni. during July and August. •t'6'� k.1. •,.II:IM1t11 W. H. WILLIS & CO. SOLE AGENTS ween FOR LADIES Queen • i•ll;SaIe.. 1�l ,1 cal ", lYlen's Suits Half Price 0I1 1,1 til 9�1 \41 aa1 441 i,1 lit 141 * Shoes Reduced 1.0 We can save you money /e on Shoes. Be sure to see tour lines before buying. j j Hundreds of other bar- jA gains too numerous to 1e mention, • Ladies' 0 White Wear t4l Continuos i11 t,1 Most all sizes in Men's extra fine quality . Suits, good style and patterns You ,can save half your money by buying here. $18 extra well made, good quality suits $9.95 $22 stylish suit for $10.48 $15 good quality, $7.95 $8 Boys' Suits for $4.95 $5 Boys' Suits for $2.98 felt Princess Slips for 68c 1tt 75c Princess Slips 39c $' $1.75 Princess Slips$1.19 f, $ 1.50 Fine Einbroid- jlti ered Underskirts 98c ftp $2 Fine Embroid- ered Underskirts $1.19 _.._ l,1 Hosiery Values s4 Ladies' blk silk Hose 25c al lel" ,19c i41 y t�1 14c tt! 10c a, lit Extra values iri all lines al' of Dress Goods. 6oc to 75c Dress Goods 1�1 at per yard 49c 94,! 75c to $i Dress Goods If at per yard 88c }al $1$1.00 .00 to $1.50 Dress Iii Goods for 75c to 98c .ti Children's Hosiery 25c Hosiery for 20C Hosiery for 15c Hosiery for Dress Goods Groceries Telephone us. We will do the rest. Comfort Soap per bar 4c Fel's Naptha 4 for 25c Canned Peas 3 for 25c Canned Corn 3 for 25c Good Salmon ' 2 for 25c Extra good Lard 15c Ib Fine blend Green Tea at only 28c per lb Washing Soda, special 6 lbs for 25c R. M. LINDSAY o' fp INDSA ret 0 FORMERLY' etc ftlk (Mercbantslirokerage Co.': It,E,cglemlze:t..le.:":0:,33-laaallialoa-r-v