The Wingham Times, 1915-06-10, Page 2Page 2
une Loth 1915
rand Trunk Railway System TEi$ COUNTRY BOY WHO HAS
Town Ticket__Offlce The manbon and bed in thea ole beas the cy of "ak to the
We can issue thouh tickets via Land" only to pass it on to his fellowa
popular r•otttes, to any Point -in :'tmerica Particularly is this so with the man old
Feet. West, South, Northwest, Mani-
toba, Ppc de Coast. etc. enough tote thoroughly habituated to
Baggage checked through to Hestina- town was s, who feels the wrench incid-
tion and full information given whereby ent to an entire change in his mode of
travelling will be make pleasaut and life. He realizes that in town he is not
free from annoyance. Tourist and too Niel' of; that in the country he
return tickets to above points also on would probably
sale at lowest figures, and with all P y b e better tiff; but he is
prevailing advantages. used to town life; be dislikes change,
Single and return tickets to any point even if ultimately it will be a change
in Ontario. Your business will be ale for the better, "You can't teach an
preeiated, be your trip a short or a old dog new tricks," he ptalosophizes.
long one. in effect.
We can ticket you through to any To some extent he is right. What
point in Europe on all leading steamship the rands Calls for most earl,estly right
lines. Prepaid orders also issued, , now is men of capacity, men who will
If it's about travel, we have the increase the returns from the old
information and will give it to you acreage, who will raise two ears of first
Town Agent G.T.R.
Times Office, Wingham, Ont.
prize corn where only one - sometimes
a scrubby one - grew before. There are
iplenty of instances to show that the
city man with capacity to achieve, and
I particularly with capacity to learn, c'an
make a success of farming. But farm-
ing is a business that demands, not
' merely theoretical knowledge, but the
' ability to apply that knowledge to
practical, everyday farm conditions.
MtWIN�M f IMES. And there are a host of city born misfits
it x dao iz svbo would be just as much misfits in
But what of the country born and
TO ADVERTISERS country bred boy who bas gone to the
Notice of changes must be left at this, There isn't a town or city in Canada
-office net later than saturday noon. that hasn't in its population a number
The copy for changes must be left •of young fellows born, and brought up
not later than Monday evening. i on the farm, who have broken away
Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of each week from rural life and have followed the
--, old path of ambition that led to the
THURSDAY. June 10, 1915 bright lights.
` A small proportion have made con-
spicuons successes. It would not pay
WAR TAKES HEAVY TOLL OF' these men to go back to the extent of
JOURNALS. abandoning their large business or pro-
fessional activities; though a good many
An idea of the effect of the war on of them do go back to the extent of
newspapers may be obtained from the keeping up country places which are
roll taken o: Western Canadian dailies o4 ten model, but not always profitable
farms in themselves.
since August last. In announcing its
amalgamation with The Eve; ing , But the conspicuous successes are,
Chronicle, The Daily News, Port :niter all, a small proportion. To the
Arthur, says: credit of country training be it said
"The situation bas been greatly ag- that the absolute failures are an even
gravated sines the present depression +smaller proportion.
Between conspicuous successes and
set in. The war was the finishing absolute failures there is a great host'
touch- No business has been hit harder
than the publishing trade. There is a of country bred boys who have come to
the city and who there have reached a
papular delusion that war is good for
the newspapers because more copies are dead level of achievement, They bad
sold; but there is no profit incirculation. -done fairly well, they are holding their
except indirectly through the greater :own in the battle of life -but the great
things of which they once dreamed are 1
value it offers advertisers, who are flee ' as far from realization as if the had
main source of revenue. Both Th y
never left the farm. Farther, perhaps.
Evening Chronicle and The Daily News These men are up against the hardest
have been compelled through shrinkage , proposition in city life -that of having'
of advertising to reduce their size to six
pages, at a time too, when they have advanced so far and being able to ad
pages, no further.
been put to increased expense for tele- This isn't theory. This is fact. It is
graphic tolls in ceder to provide 1 fact which the tiountry boy, looking to -
adequate war news. ward the ^ity, newer seems to see. It,
"Here are some of the Western city is the end of the road for the vast pro -
newspapers which have sustained pub- j portion of country boys, eyes, and
ii tion in the past year, all but two country girls, too -who go to the city.
since the war began:
"Fort William Herald.
"Winnipeg Morning Telegram.
"Prince Albert Times.
"Medicine Hat News_
"Brandon News.
"Regina Evening Leader.
"Regina Morning Province.
"Edmonton Capital.
"Lethbridge News.
"Vancouver World.
"The Winnipeg Telegram and The
Regina Province remain in the evening
field and The Regina Leader in the
inarning. The Regina Standard and
Regina Province amalgamated as an
evening paper. The others simply
closed their doors. In addition the
Saskatoon Phoenix went into liquidation
aid was taken over by another com-
p y."
For ane who wins a standing
' success there are hundreds who, strive
they never so hard, fail completely to
rise above a dead level.
And the dead level in city life is a far
harder, more difficult proposition than
the dead level in the country. -Victor
Lauriston in Canadian Countryman.
(The Weekly Sun)
:.o Years Ago
From the TIMES Of .lune 7, 1895
The Winehem Tanning Company are
putting in a 45 horse power engine in
their tannery, replacing a much 'Mailer
On Monday, Messrs Beattie Bros. and
A. Proctor shipped their race horses to
New Hamburg, for tbe races, which
are held tbere this week. Messrs
Roland Beattie and A Proctor went
along with thein,
Mr. B. Wilson, Manager of the Bank
of Hamilton, arrived home from his
western trip Monday. While away he
visited parts of the States of Minnesota
North and South Dakota, Wisconsin,
and Manitoba and the Northwest territ-
ories. He reports the crop prospects
in all parts visited, except Wisconsin,
as being exceedingly bright.
Deputy Game Warden Paterson, of
town, has a number summoned to ap-
pear before the Mayor for shooting out
of season, inc. One or two of the cases
have been tried and fines imposed.
A young man was before the Mayor,
on Wednesday, for assaulting one of
the Salvation Army officers, at the bar-
racks, on Saturday night last. A fine
of $1 and costs was imposed.
E. Taylor, the scissors and razor
grinder, was charged before the Mayor,
on Thursday last, by Chief Bullard,
with violating the fire by-law, and was.
fined $1 and costs, and ordered to remove
his shop. He moved to Lucknow on
Messrs T. Roberts and Jas. W. Inglis
were fishing, one day Met week, but
only one small fish rewarded their
patience and perseverance. But the
worst part of their outing came when
their mule -one of Mr. Geo. Shaw's -
left them to walk home. The mule
strayed away but has since returned all,
On Thursday afternoon last week,
while house-cleaning, Mrs. Wadby fell
off some boxes on which she was stand-
ing, breaking her thigh bone. At her
age it is very doubtful if she will ever
recover. The town secured a nurse for
Wednesday forenoon, Mr. Robt.
Jamieson, of Blyth, drove up to the
front of Mr. C. E. Williams' drugstore,
with a pair of bronchos, but the horses
were uneesy, and Master Messer, son
of Mr. Wm. Messer, of Bluevale, who
is working in the drug store, went to
their heads and tried to quiet them,
when one of them wheeled and kieked
him. He was struck on the Ieft side,
between the hip bone and the ribs, and
had it not been for his watch, there is
no doubt but he would have been seri-
ously injured. As it was, he was knock-•
ed down, and unconscious for a short
time, and his side is very sore. It is
expected he will be around again in a
day or two. The watch was pretty
badly smashed up.
Soby-In Turnberry, on June 3rd, the
wife of Mr. Wm. Soby; a son.
Proctor -In Morris, on the 4th inst.,
James Proctor, aged 42 years, 9 months
and 13 days. •
Tbongh several species of bed bugs
may attack man the chief offender is
the cosmopolitan Cimex feetularius,
which is typically a human parasite.
It is becoming clear that the duration This insect has recently attracted con-
ofthewaris a question of Germany's siderableattention ar„ongscientificmen.
The peculiar odor characteristic of
bed bugs is due to the secretion from a
trench fighting has enabled her to bold pair of stink glands which open just in
in the west the ground taken after the front of the middle pair of legs in the
retreat from the Marne. But, if she adult, and on the dorsal side of the abs
Josephine Parker, 13 years of age, bolds her position she cannot advance domen in immature insects. Similar
of stoney Creek, was accidently shot She holds no prospects of victory. glands are to be found in many of the
by hebrother, Thomas Parker, aged Thee is more mobility in the east, but other true bugs. Their use is to make
16 years. while the latter was playing there, as in the west. the trench backed + the insects distasteful to other animals,
with a rine, by artillery appears to he impassable. 1 particularly birds.
Over. 60,0'9 women are employed in The destruction of wealth and human t One female bed bug kept under ob- Pointers For Youth.
the steam laundries of the Zuited life must come to an end when there 1 servation laid more than one hundred Don't get your ideas of married life
States. ' is neither wealth nor soldiers to destroy. R eggs during a period of sixty days. altogether from the comic weeklies.
' In a wearingand exhausting struggle, young, man.
Z irg*ir is uses more wood for boxes g gg , ,Eggs are usually deposited a few ata Mothers-in-law are often affable.
and crutes than any other State, New the superiority of the resources of the; time in cracks and crevices of beds and Sometimes they leave yon money.
York raimiagsecuuo, and Iiiinois third. `Allies is surely not to be doubted. Sub- ;furniture, under seams of mattresses, A bride frgenently knows how •to
netted to an ever -tightening cordon ex- under loose wall paper and in similar make biscuit
qeluding her from trade with the world,to ten daysa 1 places. After six young Aad if she doesn't, It is not absa
Germany, despite all her boasts, cannot i bed bug, Or nymph, batches from each lutely impossible to secure b cook.
i conceivably keep on. The entry of Italy i egg. The nymph grows slowly, shed- Don't believe all you read In the fun-
sincreases the strain. The exports of a ding its skin about every eight days, or ny magazines' -Louisville Conrfer-
1 the United States to Italy during March 1 five times in all, and feeding between roufnal.
endurance and of the obstinacy of her
military leaders. The neer method of
inch as the Furrow In the Upper i,ip
and the Appendix,
Run your forefinger ensued the r1w
of each ear, You are tllmotctt sure tq
And in one of thein and quite possibly
in, both a tidy hard lump.
It is only a relic of the days when„
Innumerable buudreds of Centuries ago,
man was only one of the animals of
the wild and bada pointed ear. like a
wolf's or dog's.
What good is the little furrow that
rine down from the nose to tbe middle
of the upper lip? None, But it. too.
has a history. it is a legacy from the
time when the human upper lip was in
two parts --a hare lip. like that of the
rat tube,. The split has healed up long
ago, but the new skin le so recent in
the history of tbe race that hair re-
fuses to grow on that furrow,
When a fly settles on you anywhere
can you serenely twitch that patch of
skin and shake him off? Probably not.
But une these old skin muscles, now
almost deed after centuries of clothes
wearing, were as active as those of a
horse. A few -a very few -people can
twitch their ears like a dog and do so
instinctively when startled. and eases
(10 occasionally occur in which the
scalp can be moved at wilt.
In one very interesting case mention-
ed in medical books the man could
hurl books a couple of yards away
simply by twitching the muscles on
the top of his head; but. generally
speaking. our skin muscles are even
more dead nowadays than our ear mus-'
cies. We've neglected them. The only
set still in use are those we employ
when we want to raise otw eyebrows.
The appendix is another thing we
could do quite well without, It is a
relic from old vegetarian days. It bas
been workless ever since mankind starts
ed meat eating and is apt to get in the
The large intestine. too. is a thing
ct•r rt'flay dont u,>••d nowedays. The
funny coils of this long tube are, ae-
.•ordiug to the doctors, quite unneces-
sary, now mankind bas become a flesh
eating animal. and merely provide a
resting place for germs. Surgeons
Lave often cut out a few odd Coils and
stitched the ends together, We don't
really need to carry a great intestine
about with us.
Another thing we don't need much
nowadays is the instinct to walk on
Nude and feet .together. You tbink
walking nprigbt the only natural way
for main? It isn't. If ever you have
to stake your way along some narrow
plank or some nurrow, dizzy mountain
ledge. you will find tbe old instinct
strong in ,you, -Philadelphia North
Without Interact In the Task Efficiency
Is Never Attained,
A man's luck is as bard as adamant
if be is not in love with the work be
does as with a maid be woos. It is a
miserable thing to care for one's occu-
,pation merely because it shuts out the
"thoughts that burn like irons if you
think." Any trade or profession Son
could name is a poor affair if it is but
a time killer, a stop gap. an opiate, the
ballast of the dirigible life. You hear
a man start his work with a faint tap
at a clock stroke. and you hear him
drop it with a loud thud at another
clock stroke, and you know his soul
and his brain are Dot alive in the thing
that be is doing. Why? A thousand
men are a thousand reasons why.
Any man who can be accurately stig-
matized as `efficient (dreadful word!)
brings all of himself to the task in
hand. He brings not merely his sixth
sense and his fourth dimension to bear
on his concerning handful, but every
bit of vital electricity in tbe storage
batteries of bis whole being. ' Vben he
tins done his level best be is. as we
ironically say, "played out," and he is
supposed to take n rest, which may as-
sume the form of harder labor than
ever in a wbolly different field of en-
In fact, tbe man who bas fiormed the
habit of work Is never happy to be idle
It is no use to extend to him the pros.
!met of complete biatus in the name of
a vacation. The program of the null
and void would assure him an acute
uneasiness, There is a saying that na.
ture abhors a vacuum. So does a real
line mall, the son of nature. -Philadel-
phia Ledger.
What if this were your son ?
An a;ixious, grief-stricken mother ap. !past, we read, exceeded those of March ; each moult. After this adolescent
healed to us recently. She wrote- 1914 by abs nt eighteen million dollars, An Awful Shock.
"I have sen fifteen vests of age who g period it the rudimentary wings pace upon a time a man remember -
has tuberculosis in obis hang. I have not, the most of which. doubtless, went toy which mark him as an adult. The ed that the day was the tenth anal
pa meats to give him the oars be ashouldd
have. The doctors say that with proper portant matter, at this moment. is in temperature, food, rind other con-' home tome flowers and candy to his and attention there is every hope Lha# evidently the closing of the North Sea, l ditions. Under favorable conditions' wife and gave ber a kiss. And It took
he might fully recover- I wookl be vert
thankful if he could be admitted to the which Germany in desperation would' the bed bug lives about seventy days air eight decters nine days to restore the
Muskoka Free Hospital if poeeible." open by a ruthless use of submarines' a nymph and feeds nine timed, but if poor woman from the effete of the
Serpa* that your boa or your daughter against belligerents and neutrals. Ifo food is sc$rce it may Waita hundred and „ 8"°ek"- CiacitTlati "Ehgtlirer.
a eo,aue npti rev• aa Si a 0 Or the effort fails, as it no doubt will, the potty days before betaming mature. - -W` `-'
end will soon come, if not from the eit- , Professor hale of Cornell University, icorthinp.
hacking, pale
ioriels -rapping tough. Sep,
1'` ;Able
ureic betting too t►arin for
pone that you h,'sdn t the money to�x'o ride baustion of mete yr the appalling spec- i has kept unfed nymphs alive in a bottle me is that seottoa at the countrj.''
the beilyneedetl medicine, nourishment, 'taeles of war, at least frotn tbeextracts-, for seventy-five days,( Was the reastln?'t
what a bke
and a blet+ned relief it be to yon to d medietreatment. Think ' ion of the wealth of the German people. Adult bed bugs are remarkable for 'it was burning bMany too any of the
know tune the litnsltolca Free Hospital for their longevity. Dtifbnr kept specs- roads." -Baltimore Ame'ric'as.
Coneea,ptives stands ready to help 1 i aaens in ..a bottle without food for a
.Cisnfr:hutiont to the altr'akoka Free loos. i The regular passenger *etv'iee Over„ year Their ability to fast, begetter . Never Break.
Owl for irao"s niptivee wilt he gr'atefally the Glengarry 'and Stormont Belle/SiIwvith their Willingness to feed upon' Oreene--Are there any 1~eallT indef. w iced !r 1' , ChaitInsis ' the new U. P it. branch line between ' Mice, hate, birds end other small ani. 3trattlble tby'at Gray --Rohe that 1
iSioenativr Committee. P4 Spoons* Avenue. Oornwaki and Montreal, was inau ur male. enables thorn toknow of, except those that make in
or It lamhar. leecartary W'1'reassitire't lg persist for long
Ring Street West, Toronto. 1 ated. i periods of time in deserted habitations Infernal ntlibe.- Jad`at.
Austria and Germany. The most im-"nymphal period varies with fluctuations, versary of his wedding, and he brougbt
A f
Su)ijects taught ey expert ;..:.,.,....
s• tie:
Y. i`1 C. A I$Lr41..
LO 1)O 'i. tWNT.
StndertS assisted to ncsitians r
in session from Sept. 1st.
freeEnter ace these,
,Y. W. Westervelt J,W.L-slsate v*'>.Jr,
1•tlncipal cur* 'ret4..`:»:.,.i.:
19 give -Pair ipaf
Agent for
Allan Lime
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lanes
Ocean Steamships.
ens enrol a teeing Live sloes, or ort,. r
armies they with to dispose of, should adver-
'i,.r the tame for sale 1n the Tanta. Our fiery*
urenletlon tell, Bind 1t ori) bestrengc 1nde,.d 1f
.nn do not fifes a customer Ws oan't guarantee
thaton will sell because you may ask more
for the article or stock than 1t is worth. Sand
vonr advert-ivm,-ns to the TIwae and try this
omen n• dierrsins of your stook end other
-- salmi er
"Pension" is among the numerous
cases of worda os Latin origin ape•
claltzed to mean something which the
original did not mean to the Romans.
"Pension" slgniiies simply a payment
in tee broadest sense, and we are at
Liberty to draw the sound moral thata
pension is not really something thrown
in as a gratuity. but deterred pay.
The word for a soldier's pay was
' atipendium," and dere we have an.
other curious shift or meaning. No,
body speaks of a soldier's "stipend"
now. it is a magistrate or a clergy.
man wboee pay receives that name.
The "stipendium" was paid in lumpe
three or four times a year, and the
word came to be used to mean a year's
term of serrice.-London Chronicle.
How the Trouble Began.
Re bad been reading- the paper and
occasionally repeating to ber some
item that seemed particularly interest.
Ing. Thus it happened be ran across
an item about the invention of a ma-
chine for washing horses.
"They'll have machines for washing
babies next," be suggested.
"Huila' she exclaimed indignantly.
"1'd just tike to see my baby washed
by a machine"
"So would 1," he returned.
He afterward explained to some one
at the club that it was an exhibition of
the insincerity of woman, for, white IIs
had done absolutely nothing but agrO
with her, abe was so displeased that
be found it impossible to reed his par
per to comfort
A Stubborn Husband.
"My husband is one of the most stub.
born men in the world."
"He can't be any more stubborn that
"Ob, yes; I'm sure he must bet Ter
ierdsy I had an engagement to meet
him at 3 o'clock."
"Well, it was nearly 400 when I got
there, and be won't admit yet that the
rest he got while he was waiting did
him good." -Kansas City Stat.
Made Them Go Pretty Far.
Willis -We thought our bank cashier
was a good business man because be
was always talking about making the
funds go as tar as possible. Gillis -
Did be do it? Willis -Yea; the feet
trace the detectives got of him he was
In South 'America. -Torun Topics.
Her Baby
Had Dysentery.
Had Two Doctors. No Result.
Extract of Wild Strawberry.
In dysentery the discharges from the
bowels follow each other with great
rapidity, and sometimes become n.ihed
with blood.
Never neglect what at first appears to
be a slight attack of diarrhoea or os etr.-
ery will surely set in. Cure the fiat
symptotns by the use of Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry.
'Airs. Martin Faeraber, Dogherty Cor-
ner, N.B., writes: 'I can very strongly
recommend Dr. Fowler's Retract of Wild
Strawberry for dysentery and summer
complaints. My tittle girl, at the age
of two years, had the dysentery very bad.
We had two doctors, but with no result.
lsly mother brought ane a bottle of "Dr.
Fowler's," and when half the bottle was
used the little girl was running around
playing with her dolls with great delight
and joy to the family, for we did not
thiftk, she would ever get better."
'There are a number or preparations on
the market today, claiming to be the
same as "Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry," and also called similar
names, so as to fool the public into think+
ing they are getting the. genuine,
"Dr. Fowler's" it manufactured only
by The T.Mfbum Co., Limited, Toronto,
Ont. See that their name it on the
prig, 35 cents.
PAPxisT CHURCH -Sabbath services
at t:1. a. m. and? p, in, Sunday School
at 2:30 p. m. General prayer meeting
and B. Y. P. U. every Wednesday at
8 p mP, A, C, Riley, I3A., Pastor.
Geo, ocock, S. S. Superintendent.
vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p, m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p. m. Epworth League
every Monday evening. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
J. W. Hibbert, pastor. F. Buchanan,
S. S. Superintendent.
vices at 11 a, m, and 7 p. m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p. m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev.
D. Perne, pastor. Frank Lewis, S.
S. Superintendent.
bath services at 11 a. m. and 7. p. m.
Sunday School at 2:30 p. m, Rev.
E. G. Dymond Rector. Alex. Al-
deron, S. S. Superintendent.
at 11 a.m., 3 p.m, and 7 p.m. on Sunday.
At 8 o'clock on Thursday evening.
There will be special music provided in
the Sunday evening service from 7 to
POST OFFICE -Office hours from 8a.m,
to 6:30 p. m. Open to box holders from
nt7 a.
asmter. .to 9 p. m, C. N. Griffin, post -
PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will be
often every afternoon fe an 2 to 5:30
o'clock, and every evening from 7 to
9:30 o'clock. Miss M. McTavish, lib-
TowN COUNCIL -Dr, A. J. Irwin,
Mayor; S. Mitchell, Reeve; L. F.
Binkiey, A. M. Crawford, W. A. Currie,
V. R. Vannorman, W G. Patterson and
D. Bell. Councillors; John F Gloves,
Clerk; and J. G. Stewart, Treasurer.
Board meet first Monday evening in
each month at 8 o'clock.
Wm. Robertson W. A. Campbell, Dud-
ley Holmes, A. Tipling, A. E. Lloyd,
Robt. Alien, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves
Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in
Council Chamber on the second Tues-
day of each month.
Ricker, M. A., Principal and Specialist
in Science; G. R Smith, B. A., Special-
ist in Mathematics; Mr. C. M. Ewing,
M. A., Classics; Miss M. 1. Whyte,
B. A., Specialist in Moderns and His-
tory; Miss E. C. Garrett, Art
and Mathametics; Miss B. Kettlewell,
Commercial Work and History.
Postiff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss
Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans-
Iey, Miss Barber and Miss Bentley,
BOARD OF HEALTH. -Dr. A. J. Irwin,
(chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter,
John F. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C.
Redmond, Medical Health officer.
Wingham General Hospital
(Under Government Inspection)
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur-
nished. Open to ahI'regularly licensed
physicians. RATES FOR PATIENTS -which
include board and nursing) , $4.90 to $15.
per week according to location of
room, For further information, ad-
aliss L. Matthews.
Box 223. Wingham Ont.
Railway Timetable
London......- 6.85 sari-8.8Op,m.
Toronto &.Bas6.45 a.m-- 8.89p.m.
.ncaidtne»11.69 a.m. -_ 9.15 p.m.
ABRirt -huts
Kincardine - ..6.80 a.m 8.20 p.m.
London.... - . . 2i.a4 0.10 _ _ 1.55p, fa.
Toronto se teat . 2.80 p.m..- 9.16 I.. in
W.F. BURGMAN.Staticn A ger* Wiugham
H It ELLIOrT, Town Agent, Wingkafn.
TRLXNs'LSAvs 508
Toronto and aast_-..,_ 0.40 ani . 8.10
Terewater, ......- : 00 p.m- to.2s plan.
ABBits rt.0Y
Teeswater_-._-.,6.40a,m.._ •t0 p.m.
Toronto and Bast_ _ _12 47 y.m_..16,_1 p.rn.
t. ie.Baelden. ce.nt,tornabam.
Good Local Agent
at once to represent the
Old and Reliable
Fonthill Nursuries
A splendid illi o ft-% is •ind
oornanl 'nt d 'o:o: i fol psis
Delivery in 1913 an d
Spring D-liv :ry i t r 3 I.4.
Start at once anti s curt, ex-
clusive territory. We
supply han.i„ im- free out
fit and pay highest com-
Write for full particulars,
Stone& Wellington,
Toronto - - Qnta,.ric,
Tarot Maas*
Ancone sending a eketah and deetription ata*
rlaioklT acrertaln our Opaaloa *nether an
invention is proem, h r. -tunnies.
rstnieatnetl confidential. Y f, on Puente�roee. olden seamy through
yfor , s ,
10�4a leakste taken
w without obdirre, mean
the �' reeds*
7►'ifeide0tad7numerated weekly. iePoo�Ar,
Witte* of any *dentine Inertial. Toem,ior
CAWS, I`1 ayosr,10'tat;e prepaid. bolder
36316e4M New York
.„30 Ste Weehlnaton.I D. Li, .
The Wingham Times
g t7Bf4SHID
The Times Oiflce Stone Bleeb.
varroosat. ONTARIO.
TxeRs or i;tuitemeT40N-5100 per annuls
in advance, 31.tO if not paid. No paper diecoaa
tinned titian arrears are paid, except at the
option of the publisher.
One Year 34.I6 (8c eaoh inserion)
Six Months 200 (100 ,.
Three Months. 1.89 (280 " "
OneMonth ,3We .2A ,64 11� •. ,•
Lecal•and other similar advertisements, too
per line [Jr Arab insertion and 4a per lice fot
each subsequent insertion. Measured by a
nonpariel stole, twelve lines to an inch.
Business cards of siseunes and under, 51.00
per year.
"Advertisements of eitaltiol9 Vaca at, Sites
tions Wanted. Houses for: Sate or to rent
Articles for Sale, eto, nit es+astitig eight
lines, 25o °act insertion; 51 for first miath,
50c for each sabsaquent month, Larger at-
vertisements in proportion.
Business notices (news type) 5e per counted
line; as 1oeal or news matter. loo per litre each
Oman -Corner Patrlok and Centre Ste.
Offices 43
Residence, Dr. Kennedy 443
Residence, Dr. Calder 161
Dr. Kennedy epenlalizes In Surgery.
Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Dis-
eases of the Bye, Har, Nose and Throat.
Eyes thoroughly tested. (;classes
properly fitted.
DB. ROBT.O.BBD4MOND, M. H.C.S. ($ng)
L. R. 0. P. London,
Office, with Dr. Ohistotm
W. R. aambly, B.Sc., 5.D., 0.61.
Wingham, Ontario.
Special attention paid to diseases of women
and children, having taken post graduate
work in Surgery, Bartcrlology and Solentito
Ofilce in the Kerr residence, between the
Queen's hotel and the Baptist Church.
All business given careful attention.
Phone 54, P. O. Box 119.
Dr. J. R. Macdonald --t,
Wingham, Ont.
Office -Stone Block, over the TiiFfgg -
Ostegpathic Physicians
Oculists, Neurologists
Diseases Treated by Drugless Methods
Osteopathy cures or benefits when
other systems fail.
Wingham office over 'bristle's Store
Tuesday, 9,00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. Wed-
nesday, 9 to 11. a.m. Thursday, 4 to
9.00 p.m. Friday, 9.05 to 9.00 a. in.
or by appointment.
.1. A. FOX, D. C.
When the spine is right the body
is night. A Chiropractor will
keep your spine right that you
niay bare contmned good health.
If your health is already poor •t
course of Chiropractic Spinal Ad-
justments will put your spine right.
Wiugham, Ont.
,t 11TDDR .i. IRWIN, is 1). d..... a a.
Doctor of Dental St rgsry t f the Pennsylvania
Dental College, and Llotnitate of she Royal i9Siedonald Block W tughansge of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Ofnce
Office closed ever» W. dnesday afternoon
from May lot t0 Oot. 1st
H. ROSS. D. D. S., L. D.8.
Honor graduate of the Rodyyaal !'allege of
Dental 'iurgeons f Or du -
ate. of the U versity of rTorontoo,, Faculty of
Whoa over R. E. hard ,$ (`o's., store, Wing-
hein, Out
uthce ,.lased every Wednesday afternoon -
from May 1st to Oct. 1st.
BARRISTER, sOLft1a ls, 13TC
Privet* and Compeai funds 50 loan at Iowest
reit, e1 interest mortgages, tow and farm
Bess bought
Rook. Wcl irehair
A. il^Ust1C3aV,
B4U18TER, este.
Winglians, tint.
DUDLEY tloLrrlEs'
Barrister, Solicitor, Etc.
Office: Meyer 131ock,Wingbrm.
Orders for thi n:40 t trodf0 sdveettseinente,
such fie teaches `wanted, . climates,
arohanics wanted, el -Melee for [sale, or in fact
aa, kind of en &dirt, is any of the Toronto or '
' other city papers, may be left at the Tratrof
mete. This aotkwlllreoeitepromytattention
ltd will Marepeeyle the trouble of tenantin
ter and forwarding adyertisernente. Loest
rates will be Quoted and ltoatiort. Leave,
Or pond your next wk of this kind to the
. FIVEJ OFFICE. Wilfiwbiomo-