The Wingham Times, 1915-05-27, Page 8Page 8
May 27th 1915
--.Dig celebration in Wingham on
Dominion Day.
-Leave your order for your next job
printing at the TIMES office.
-Mr, Harold Hinselitte has taken a
position as news agent on the London
-Big celebration in Wingham on
Dominion Day.
a. -Buy your railway tickets from H.
B. Elliott, Town Agent for the G. T. R.
at the TIMES office.
-Cash paid for goose and .duck
feathers at Walker & Clegg's U.phol-
titer Factory, Wingham, Ontario.
-Mr. Wm. Dawson, of Culross is a
patient in the Hospital. His many
friend's wish him a speedy recovery.
-Gipsy Carnival in the opera house
this (Thursday) evening. Proceeds in
aid of Ladies' Auxiliary to the Hospital.
Mangle Seed and Turnip Seed, Sor-
a Rape Millett
seed. AU fresh seed. Get your
at Mills. -J. A. MILLS-
-Gipsy Carnival in the opera house
this (Thursday) evening. Proceeds in
aid of Ladies' Auxiliary to the Hospital
Notices Under This Remi ten dents It Zine
for *trot Insertion; Ave Dents for cubes,
quent insertions.
HOUSE TO RENT --Apply to J, A.
select from at lowest prices.
FOR RENT -House and shop on Vic-
toria Street together or separately.
Apply to George Wraith, tf
WANTED-Atonce, Four furnished
rooms, suitable for light housekeeping.
Apply at TIMES Office,
NOTICE -I am prepared to again keep
lots in the cemetery in good shape at
the rate of $1 per lot for the season.
Orders left with John F. Groves, Town
Clerk, will be given prompt attention.
SEED CoRN-We have extra good
samples of all kinds of seed corn- this
year. Dents -White Cap, Leeming,
Bailey, Wisconsin No. 7, Southern
Sweet, Flints-Compton's Early, King
Phillip, North Dakota. Also Mangold
seeds of all kinds.
-The TIMES has a complete line of
wedding stationery which we can print
in the latest style. Your order will
receive prompt attention.
-The annual excursion to Guelph
Model Farm, taking in the staticns
from Wingham to Atwood, will he held
on Saturday, June 19th.
-The Post Office Department has
decided to issue a two -cent post card
for domestic use, covering both the
postage and the war tax.
-The Victoria Day holiday passed off
quietly in Wingham. A number of the
young people of town held picnics in the
woods adjacent to the town.
-Whatever you do keep July lst open
for Wingham. The biggest Dominion
day celebration ever held in these parts
is the intention of the Committee.
Special. Value , in Ladies'
,Summer Wear
on Saturday. The bylaw carried by a
large majority, the vote being 405 for
and 75 against.
-Mr. and Mrs. Cowell wish to thank
the public of Wingham for their kind
patronage last Friday evening and to
announce that they will repeat the
Gipsy Carnival on Thursday night
(to -night), the entire proceeds to be
given to the Wingham Hospital.
-The Ontario License Board last
Thursday cut off two licenses in Hamil-
ton, three In London and five in Essex
county, near Windsor. All of these
hotels were given three months exten-
sion. One of the hotels cut off in Lon-
don is the Queen's Park, owned by
Messrs Orr & Hill, who are former
residents of Wingham.
- Perth County is to vote on the
adoption of the Canada Temperance
Act on June 24, the necessary petition
having been received by the Govern-
-Whatever you do keep July lst open
for Wingham. The biggest Dominion
day celebration ever held in these parts
is the intention of the Committee.
- The shower given by Miss Ethel
King last Thursday, for one of the Car.-
adian base Hospitals, in France, was
most successful. 2(0 pillow cases .and
125 yards of cotton for bandages, were
-Mr. John Roe, a highly esteemed
pioneer of Morris township, passed away
on Monday morning. Particulars are
not at hand for this issue and at time
of going to press funeral arrangements
had not been completed.
-Regular meeting of Court,Maitland,
Canadian Order of Foresters. will be
held on Friday evening of this week.
There will be a number of new mem-
, hers added to the roll and all members
are requested to attend the meeting.
- Judge A. B. Klein, for twenty-two
years Junior Judge of Bruce country,
is promoted to be Senior Judge,'vice
the late Judge Wm. Barrett, and A:
M. Greig, K. C., of Almonte, is ap-
pointed Junior County Judge of Bruce.
-Auction sale of furniture and house -
.hold goods at McConnell's auction
rooms on Saturday of this week com-
mencing at 1 o'clock p. m. A large
number of useful articles will be offered
for sale. McConnell & Vandrick, auc-
The annual report for Trinity church,
Belgrave, has been issued and is most
creditable to the congregation and the
business tact of the Treasurer, Richard
Proctor. Total receipts were $1,563.65,
which included a balance of $59.42 from
previous year and the total expenditure
was $1473.90, with a balance on hand of
$89.75. During the year a new horse
shed has been built, the contract price
of which Was $728.00 in addition to all
the gratuitous work. '$375 is Trinity's
share of Rector Farr's salary. Nearly
$75.00 was raised for Missions. Next
October $380.50 comes due in subscrip-
tions to church shed. Wardens are R.
Procter and R. McCrea; Sidesmen, R.
McMurray, H. Johnson, Arch. Brydges,
Neil McCrea, and Chas. Johnson.
Delegate to Synod, Henry Johnson with
Jerry Brydges as alternate. Vestry
Clerk'is Bert Bradburn and Treasurer
R. Procter. Good service is rendered
by Rev. Mr. Farr.
The annual meeting of the Belgrave
Branch of the Woman's Institute was
held in the Foresters' Hall Thursday
last, May 20th. The following officers
were appointed for the ensuing year -
President, Mrs. Jas. Taylor; Vice -Pres.,
Mr3. C. B. Wilkinson; Sec. Treas., Mrs.
W. J. Proctor. aleetings will be held
the third Tuesday of each month. All
the ladies are invited to these meetings.
SEED CORN -Just arrived from the
Growers. Get your Seed Corn at Mills
and ensure a good crop. All hand se.
lected, Early Learning Bailey, White
Cap, Wisconsin No. 7, Best Silo Corr,
grown, also Comptons Early, King
Phillip and North Dakota in Flints.
Shelled or on the cob. -J. A. MILLS.
-Latest advices from Ottawa are to
the effect that all cheques cashed in
Canada must bear a war stamp. For a
time cheques drawn on American banks
and presented at Windsor were accepted
without stamps. Now the ruling is the
other way.
-Mr. Jas. Elliott, of Turnberry, last
week sold four cattle, not yet three
years old which brought him $443.
The cattle averaged 1415 pounds in
weight and were Holsteins. These were
a good bunch of cattle and the record
shows that it pays to raise and feed the
-Councillor and Mrs. Wesley Walker
celebrated the 14th anniversary of their
marrriage on Saturday last. Their
many friends will wish them continued
happiness and that they may reach their
diamond jubilee. -- Clinton New' Era.
Mr.. Walker is a former well-known
resident of Wingham.
- Here is one from the Boston Tran-
script: "The car I use to -day I've
been using steadily for six years. It
has taken me to my office in town and
back, and it hasn't cost me one cent
for repairs yet." "Great Scott, what
a record! What car is it?" "The street
-The proposition of the North
American Chemical Company to the
town of Goderich to grant the company
eXemptiOri of taxes except school tax
for ten years and electric power to the
extent of twelve horsepower, was voted
The opening game of the Federal
League was played in Belgrave on May
22nd, between the Wawanosh N. B. D's
and Belgrave R. A. D's. The weather
was rather chilly for fast baseball, but
the usual brand was very much in evi-
dence. McCallum, the husky heaver of
Belgrave was knocked off the rubber
in two innings, "Ped" Anderson's
second three bagger chasing him to the
bench. Geddes who succeeded him
fared no better and was relieved by
"Spider" Stonehouse, a product of the
Wingham University. "Spider"
pitched good ball but his dazzling speed
was too much for the catcher and he
gave way to "Dad" Watson, the old
veteran of the Northern Michigan
League. By use of his gravity drop he
held the visitors in the hollow of his
good right hand. The N.B.D. twirlers
all looked alike to Belgrav a and the re-
sult was a triple massacre, Cook,
Nethery and Coultes being the result.
Buchanan made a brilliant play on a
long drive running clear to the fence
and catching it on first bounce. The
visiting infield was very fast, while the
shining light for the locals was first
baseman "Tim" Jordan. A few bone-
head -plays by Geddes, Dunbar, and
Tasker and J. McCallum made a num
stop of a low pitched ball. Umpire
Redmond called time for a few minutes
in order to 'sneeze. He claimed the
game was so slow that he caught cold.
The game ended in a victory for the R.
A. D's, the score being 9-11.
R. A. D's. N. B. D's.
J. Tasker , It Field K. Nethery
J. McCallum Catcher A. Coultes
F. McCallum 3rd Base A. Nethery
N. Stonehouse S Stop S. Anderson
W Dunbar C Field P. Coultes
"Tim" Jordan 1st Base G. Cook
N. Geddes 2nd Base F. Cook
"Dad" Watson L Field J. Buchanan
Jack S McCallum Pitcher S. Cook
White Voile Waists
5 doz. embroidered voile
waists in long and three-
quarter length sleeves with
high collar or low flare
style, sizes 34 to 44, extra
value $1.25 and $1.50,
Misses' Middy Blouses
Newest styles, made
from good quality cotton,
reff laced at collar and
sides trimmed with red and
blue, sizes 14 to zo years,
Special $1.00 and $1.25
Summer Vests and
Cotton Hose
25 doz. Summer Vests,
with short or no sleeves,
,made from good quality
Egyptian cotton, on sale
this week 2 for 25c.
20 doz. Cotton Stock-
ings, made trom good fast
dye cotton, black, tan and
white,sizes 812 to 1 o. Spec-
ial 2 Pair for 25c.
500 Yards Dolly Varden
In prettylfloral patterns,
and plain shades. Special
Fine Mercerised Mull
In shades of pink, sky
blue, mauve, tuscan, black
and white, 4o inches wide
extra value 25c. Yard
Fancy Printed Chiffon
Very sheer, with fine
silk finish, in delicate flor-
al colorings. Special at
25c, 50c and 75c Yard.
Cotton Voiles and
Very fine quality in nice
even weave, specially good
for wash dresses. Extra
value 25c and 50c. Yd.
Hole -Proof ]Hosiery
The hose that are guaran-
teed to withstand the
wear and if not satisfactory,
they will be replaced free of
charge, A guarantee goes
with every pair. Sold in
boxes of 3 and 6 pairs.
6 pairs Lisle for - $2.00
6 pairs silk Lisle for 3.00
3 pairs silk for - - 3.00
Crown Silk Hose
An imported hose made
from extra quality silk warp
full fashioned and fast dye,
colors, black, white,sky,pink
paddy, Canary, new battle-
ship grey. ,Extra value
$1.50 a pair.
Niagara Maid Silk Gloves
The new glove, noted for
its good fitting and wearing
qualities, in long or short
lengths, latest styles shown
with black Paris points.
Special 50c, $1, $1.2.5 Pair
Canadian Maid Silk Under-
Made from extra quality
messaline silk with deep
pleating and patented waist
band,black and latest shades
Special at $4, $5, $6.
Headq,aarters for Housefurnishings, Stair Carpets, Rugs, Squares, Printed and
Inlaid Linoleums, Window Shades, Brass Rods, Curtains, Etc
'Phone 71
KIi \ C si \OS
Agents for
Standard Patterns
The Two Best Lines
of Shoes } ade
For Women.
To t !e Citizens of
Wingham and sur-
rounding conntry:
.Having bought out the
grocery business of N.J.
Pell in Patterson's old
stand on Josephine st.,
I would respectfully
solicit a share of valued
patronage. We will
have on viand a full
stock of all lines, also
Flour and Feed galore.
Give us a trial order.
Goods delivered to any
part of the town.
Highest prices paid for Batter
• and Eggs.
'Phone 82
Mr. R. T. Cowell, A.L.C.M.
Organist and Choirmaster of
St, Andrew's Church
Teacher of Pianoforte, Singing
Violin Pianos and Organs
Tuned and Repaired.
Wingham, - Ont.
Town Hall, Wingham
•PHONES:-OHlce 24 Residence 168
The Court of Appeal has denied
The Dacia, formerly of the Hamburg- Charles Becker, New York police of -
American line, but now owned by Ed neer, a third trial.
N. Breitung, of New York, was taken Italy has Riven her adhesion to the
to Brest, March 1st, after she had been agreement already signed by the allied
seized by a French cruiser. . powers not to conclude a separate peace.
If you want to secure the
lowest price of the year, buy
your winter coal now. •
If you want good service
along with the best coal
mined, let us fill you bin
with genuine D. L. & W.
Scranton, which has no
Call at our office and get
our prices for everything
in the fuel line.
PaorEs :
Residence 55, Orrice 64a, Mill 64b
New 1915 Model
17 New Features
We have on display the auto-
mobile sensation of the age -the
New 1915 Niaxweli
We want tophow you this car
which has every virtue of the
highest priced American or for
eign car, and a number of im-
provements not found in any
other car at any price.
This "Wonder Car" with Elec-
triz Safe -Starter and Electric
Lights only $70 extra.
We have on hand a few second
band autos which will be sold
Headquarters for Repairing
and all kinds of Repairs.
Local Agents
Ois"! by Ir+ .rf
Decorating and Painting
El C3
NOW is the time for Spring House-clean-
ing. You will want your rooms
papered and painted.
All the latest ideas. City experience.
Satisfaction guaranteed. A trial order is
all I ask.
See me at Roderus' shoe shop.
I:2 ig
R. Scott
otherwise known as the Derby
for men.
We are sole agents in Wingham
for both these makes.
'%w We• --••'_.`` .•\ •• 1.. •-•'r.'••••C' . ., .• •0•/•,.,./•OW•OW•/•,•.•IV
Vii• 4.
'�AYC11lUIYC1 di
iii ili
i1i i1/
iliBy Buying at the Great. i
11l Comfort Soap.
1 7 bars Comfort Soap
for - - 25c.
3 cans of Peas, Corn,
i1! or Beans for 25c.
13 lbs, ofthe best for
- $1.00
B i g reductions o n
11� Men's, Women's and
-0 Children's Shoes, be
fp, sure to:come here.
1-0 Hosiery.
1 f1 15c Hose for
1.w 20c-1oselfor
f4 25c'Hose for
10c pair
14c pair
19c pair
Dress Goods.
Fashionable Dr e s s
Goods at 25 per cent.
less than elsewhere.
Coats .
$5.00 Coats for $1.98 tli
Children's Spring Coat
worth $5.00 for $1.49
and $1.98.
Prints and Muslins.
A big variety of Prints
and Muslins worth
12c, for only 9c yard..
50c Wide Embroidery,. f1.
29c yard
While they last, an ex- nl
ceptional snap, all �j
worth 50c yard, for 29c 1,e
ft Men's Suits at Cost
ryl !1t
1.0 Butter and Eggs same as Cash. 1
fe f
0.0 ,/ft
1: Brokera ge Co.J:L