HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-04-29, Page 8Page 8 ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. for first iusertrou: live cents for subsPERSONALS Notices Under This Head tan cents a line e' -' --" quant insertions. Mr. W. T. Fleuty, of Oakville, visited Housi TO RENT --Apply to J. A. McLean. SERVANT WANED -Apply to Mrs. N. T. Sinclair, Frances St. WANTED -Two car loads of pot c)es. John Armstrong, Belgrave, bo -3 WANTED -A good sale y. Appli- cations received till Mis 5th. GEO MASON & Sox. TRUNKS AND VALISES: -Big stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. FOR RENT --House and shop on Vic- toria Street together or separately. Apply to George Wraith, tf FOR SALE -4 head of young cattle, one mare, also number of little pigs. Apply R. S.Campbell, Wingham. To RENT -Four rooms in the Griffin Block suitable for light housekeeping. Apply to C. N. GRIFFIN. NOTICE -Our dental offices will be closed every Wednesday afternoon from May let to October 1st, A. J. Irwin, D.D.S. G. H. Ross, D.D.S. PURE SEED-Tne best seed obtainable, selected for purity, large, bright colored seed, specially recleaned. Red Clover, { Mammoth Red Clover, Alsike Clover, ° Alfalfa and Timothy. KING BROS. CHURCH NOTES. METHODIST CHURCH The annual meeting of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church was held in the Board Room last Thursday after- noon. The reports given by the various officers indicated a prosperous year. The following ladies were elected to the offices for the coming year: President, Mrs. A. E. Lloyd; First Vice -President, Mrs. T. T. Field; Sec. Vice, Mrs. A. Sanderson; Third Vice, Miss Fessant; Secretary, Mrs. John Haines; Treasur- er, Mrs. R. Tindall. On Wednesday, April 27th, at8 o'clock the Quarterly Love Feast and Fellow- ship service will be held in the school- room of the Church. All members cor- dially invited to be present. Services will be conducted next Lord's Day morning and evening by the pastor. In the morning the closing communion service of this conference year will be held, also a reception service for new members. Pastor will preach in the evening on the subject "Our Canadian Heroes." All welcome. Good music. CHURCH OF ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE. The Rural Deanery of Huron will meet here on Thursday, May 6th, on the evening of which a banquet will be .given for men Mr. Allen and Mr. Rose, officers of the M. S. C. C. will give ad- dresses on Missions. These gentlemen a:e fine speakers and put the matter in a very interesting and instructive man- ner. All who will entertain visiting clergy during their short stay in the parish will kindly give their names to the rector. Wednesday evening service at 7.30. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew will meet at the rectory on Friday evening. The Ladies' Guild will meet at 3 o'clock on Friday afternoon. The Girls' Auxiliary will meet to to pack their bale on Friday at 2.30. Holy Communion will be celebrated at 11 o'clock. WW1 BALL -In Wroxeter, on April 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hall: a son. WILLITS-In Turnberry, on April 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Willits: a daughter. MARSHALL -In Winnipeg, On April 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marshall, (nee Miss Winnie Cuyler, Whitechurch); a son. MARItilKD An eSTRONG-GIBSON-At the manse, Fordwich, on Wednesday, April 21st, 1914, by the Rev. A. B. Dobson, Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Gibson, to Mr. David Armstrong, both of the sixth con., Howick. e IIENRY-LAKE -- At the Methodist 0 Parsonage, Brussels, on April 21st, 1915, by Rev. D. Wren, M. A., Mr. Arthur C. Henry, of Ethel, to Miss Olive M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Lake, of Grey township. u for a few days at the parental home. Mr, 1). Robertson, of Toronto, was in tawn far a few days during the past week. Mr, and Mrs. R. Dunlop and Mrs. Po- cock spent Sunday with friends in Gorrie and Fordwich. Rev. D. Perrie was in London this week attending the annual meeting of the Synod of Hamilton and London. Mrs. Andrew Holmes and Mies Lizzie Holmes, of Prince Albert, Sask., are visiting with ;.lr. and Mrs. Wm. Holmes. Mr. J. A. Cummings has accepted a position in the Malcolm furniture fac- tory at Listowel and left town on Mon- day. Mrs. Cummings will remain here for some time. Mr. Adam Isbister, of Toronto Uni- versity, is visiting with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Isbister. He will leave in a few days to go in training with the soldiers at Niagara. MINOR LOCALS. -A Dominion Day celebration will be held in Teeswater. -The regular monthly meeting of the Town Council will be held next Monday evening. -Many friends will regret to hear that Conn. D. Bell is confined to his home this week through illness. -Cash paid for goose and duck feathers at Walker & Clegg's Uphol- ster Factory, Wingham, Ontario. -Division Court will be held in Wing - ham next Thursday with Judge Holt presiding. There are a number of cases on the docket. -Officer Phippen has a number of thoroughbred black rabbits and guinea pigs, which he will dispose of cheap for immediate sale, -Progressive euchre party in the Armouries on Friday evening of this week. Proceeds in aid of Wingham General Hospital. Mangle Seed and Tur ' ¢Seed, Sor- gun., Essex Dwarf, a seed, Millett seed, All fresh. se" Get your seed at Mills. -J. A. MILLS, -Mr. R. H. Soloman has taken a position in Teeswater where he has purchased a property and is moving his family to that place this week. -While at work in Mr, J. A. Mc- Lean's saw mill on Thursday last Mr. Lutton had one of his hands injur- ed by same coming in contact with a saw. -You are invited to attend the euchre party in the Armouries on Friday eve- ning. Tickets are 25 cents and pro- ceeds in aid of Wingham General Hos- pital, -The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Wingham General Hospital will be held next Monday, May 3rd, in the Council Cham- ber, at 4.15 p. m. -The store of the Merchants' Broker- age rukerage Co. has been closed for the past week for stock taking and will re -open on Saturday of this week. Look up the announcement on another page of this issue. -The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Institute will be held on Thursday, April 29th at 3 o,cloek in the Council Chamber. Mrs. (Dr.) W. R. Hambly will give a paper on "Napo- leon". Everybody welcome. SEEDS, SEEDS -We have a full stock of all kinds of clovers and grass seeds. We handle only the best available. Special prices on large quantities. Call and see our stock, HOWSON & BROCKLEBANK. -The cost of living in Canada con- tinues to rise. The Labor Depart- ment's index number, showing the average wholesale price of commodities in general use, rose two points during March, and it is now eight points higher than it was this time last year. -The Tams is advised that the war stamp tax does not apply to such print- rs' copy as is admitted to the mails in pen envelopes at the printed matter rate of one cent for two ounces. Our correspondents can therefore continue sending in their letters for one cent as sual, provided the letters are unsea -d. LEWIS GARRETT -- In St Paul's Church on Monday, April 26th, by the ( rector, Rev. E. G. Dymond, Miss Annie a Garrett to Mr, Edward Lewis, both of I Wingham. C SHACKLETON-FLEUTY-•-At the regi- p dance of the bride's mother, on Mon- g day, April 29th, by the Resr. E. G. Dy- mond, Miss Elizabeth A. Fleuty to Mr. Clarence A Shackleton, of Ashfield. o DIED MosEs--In Morris township, on April o 19th. 1915, Wm. Moses, aged 77 years W and 4 months. a WILLIAMSON -In Grey township, on ' v April 20th, 1915, Nellie Switzer, beloved d wife of George Williamson, aged 35' d years. S'rEwART - In Grey township, on April 16th, 1915, Alexander Stewart, f v aged 77 years and 8 months. v4 PUGSLEY --- In Win gham, on April 20th. John Pugsley, in his 88th year. U ELLi5--In East Wawanosh, on Aril' 0 20th, Florence Ellis, daughter of Mr. s and Mrs. John E. Ellis, in her 19th year, l w SW -ARTS -It Goderieb an April iiftb,'s Cdwerd it. Swarts, aged 50. years. ft SEED Coat -Just arrived f the +rowers. Get your Seed Cor : t Mills nd ensure a good crop. hand se- ected, Early Lea . ing ' : iley, White aOwSilCorn n, alsoWisconslnCorn rnsN�est Early, King hillip and North Dakota in Flints. belled or on the cob. -J. A. MILLS. -The death occurred in Teeswater n Tuesday of last week of Mrs. Wm. McKenzie, after an illness extending ver several months. Mrs. McKenzie as well-known to many of our readers nd had been for a number of years a cry successful exhibitor in the lady's epartments of the fall fairs of this istriet. -Last Sunday was Oddfellows anni- ersary day tie Lucknow and I3russels, hen the 65th anniversary of the found - ng of the Order was celebrated. pwards of twenty members of the vier from Wingham attended the etvice at Brussels in the evening, bile nine of the number attended the ervices at Lucknow in the morning anti russels in the evening. THE WINGHAM TIMES i Printed Linoleums aid Oilcloth Printed FIoor Oilcloth In pretty floral and block pattei ns in widths of r yard, lie yards and 2 yards. Prices 30c, 45c and 60c. Printed Linoleums, 2, 3 and 4 Yds. Wide Our import order of Scotch Lino- leums have just been stocked and are the very best both in quality and de- sign. Prices $1.00 to $3.00 a Yd. Inlaid Linoleums, 2 Yards Wide Very attractive, extra quality In- laid Linoleum in neat block and tile patterns, suitable for kitchens and" diningrooms. Every color goes through to the canvas. Prices $1.00 to $1.25 Sq. Yard Window Shades and Poles We are agents for Dalmor window shades and carry a full line in light and dark gre-n and fawn in plain and trimmed with lace and insertion. Prices 50c, 85c, $1.00 and $1.50 Each Kirsch Brass Window Rods. The best rod for draping. Will not sag and have all the equipment for fancy draping. 25c, 50c and 75c. Rugs,- Carpets and Squares In Wilton, Brussels. Velvet and Tapestry, All sizes. Prices to Suit All. 'Phone 71 KING B R O S Agents for .. Standard Patterns PRODUCE WANTED. imidomegammonnwtommosmik L ANU-TRUNK SY5 tM Double Track all the Way TORONTO• -CHICAGO TORONTO -MONTREAL Unexcelled Train Service. Highest Class of Equipment. Homeseekers' Excursions Round trip tickets to points in West- ern Canada, via Chicago, on sale each Tuesday until October 26th, inclusive, at low fares. Return limit two months. For full particulars consult G.T.R. Ticket Agents or write C. E. Horning, Dist. Pass. Agent, Toronto. H. B. ELLIOTT, Town Passenger and Ticket Agent, Phone 4. W. 5'. SURC+MAN, Station Agent, Phone 50. FOR Winnipeg AND Vancouver Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m., daily. Attractive tours to Pacific Coast Points Particulars from C. P. R. Agents, or write M. G. Murphy, D. P. A., Toronto. W. A. SANDERSON, Town Agent, 'phone 7 .T, H. BEEMSR, Station Agent, 'phone 47 TENDERS WANTED. Sealed Tenders, (Marked tenders f sidewalks) will be received .y the undersigned up to 4 p.m. o. on - day, May 3rd. for the constr ion of granolicthio 4 feet wide, on - follow- ing streets: 1 -On John St. and Ca ng Terrace. 2 -On Catharin: St .etween John and Patrick Street 3 --On William . southerly from John St.: together with crossing where ordered by Street Committee, Tenders to state price per square fock. A marked cheque or approved note for 000. 00 must accompany each tender which will be retained until work is satisfactorily completed. No tender necessarily accepted. JOHN F. GROVES, 9�1 Clerk, Town of Wingham, DI1I&W. Scranton Coal We are sole agents in Wingham for their celebrated Coal, which is sold by the largest Coal Mer- chants in all the cities and towns of Canada and the.United States. When you want the best Coal give us a call. We also carry a full line of the Smithing, Cannel and Soft Coal, Lumber, Shingles, Lath and Wood. Prompt and careful deliveries at all times. J. A..'McLLAN PHONES: Residence 55. Office 64a, Mill 64b, MISS SARUN6 Licentiate of Toronto Conservatory of Music and Authorized teacher of Flet- cher Music Method, Simplex and Kin. dergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examinations in Piano and Theory. Theory taught•by correspondence. Classes - Opened Sep. 21 'Phone 165 FOR SALE. BY TENDER. Sealed tenders will be received up to and including May 12th, 1915, for the purchasing of the valuable property situated on the corner of Johnan Centre streets, 'Town of Wingham, ' known as theMillsMemorial Hail. The building is fitted with electric light fixtures and a hot air furnace. Build- ing may be inspected at any time by applying toW. highesteor any tender` not necessarily accepted. FOR SALE -Also one Kinard Table and two Bowling Alleys complete. Ad- adress all tenders to 1 x,1.4 N. T. SINCLAIR, VEsTR'Y CLERK. MAXWELL New 1915 Model $925 17 New Features We have on display the auto- mobile sensation of the age -the New 1915 Maxwell We want to show you this car which has every virtue of the highest priced American or for eign car, an a number of im. provements not found in any other car at any price. This "Wonder Car" with Elec- trie Safe -Starter and Electric Lights only $70 extra. We have on hand a few second hand autos which will be sold cheap. Headquarters for Repairing and all kinds of Repairs. ROBERTSON & TURNER Local Agents WINGHAM ONT. !Western University, London FORWARD MOVEMENT Greatly enlarged faculties in Art and Medicine. Vastly im- proved equipment, -library, lab- oratories, etc. Seven new scholarships. Record enrol- ment. Inquiries solicited, E.E. BRAITHWAITE, M. A. ,Ph D. President Shorthorns For Sale Herd -headed by "Favorite Character," Imported. 4 BULLS 4 From 10 to 12 months old, These young bulls are an exceptionally fine Mt. Some of tnem are ready for ser- vice and are thick, smooth, fleshy fel- lows. Correspond or give us a call if you want something good, i J. 0. FYI' E, R. R. No. 4, Wingham. Broadview Farm. 1i miles south of Winghatn. tf Apt-il29th 19t WHY NOT TRY -OUT THE "TURNING BY-LAW?"' We refer to the 'Turning By-law" as passed by the Wingham Town Council. Now, this by-law, we understand, is designed more especially for times when the :Hain street is crowded as it was for instance on Saturday night last,and as our worthy Mayor has asked (in effect) the merchants to assist in giving it a trial, we would most respectfully sug- gest to the farmers of of this community to "Try it out" on Saturday evening next. Farmers will be very busy seeding and very few will come to town through the .week and we therefore should have a bumper crowd on Saturday, particularly in the evening from 7 to 10. The question will be asked, what is the turning by-law 3 And to be as brief as possible we may state that outside the usual "turn to the right and keep to the right" which has been Provincial Government law for years, the council has added what is known as "crosses" and "turning," Re the ''crossing and turning" part of tli" by-law a short illustration will perhaps he the easiest method of explaining. For Instance-Supposiug you lived in the north and accidently or thoughtlessly passed by our shoe store and proceeded to the "opposition shoe store" and afterwards you desire to go to Geo. Mason's "rest room' you would rt:- quire, e-quire, according to the by-law, to proceed as follows: From the opposition shoe store you would first require to cross the street, then turn north to the corner, then again cross the street -then turn south and after you got your newspaper at Mason's "rest room".you would again crossthe street --then turn north and as it might be possible that you could not get the right kind of shoes at the opposition shoe - store you would proceed to Nichols' bake shop then cross the road- then turn south, g•.t exactly the kind of shoes you wanted -then cross the Street, then turn north and finally proceed .on your way to your happy home re- joicing. We do not know what the„ farmers think of it "but it looks good to us." Anyway farmers come out Saturday and "try it out," and by the way we need a lot of cash on Saturday and we intend to give a Straight Cash Discount of 10 per Cent. off everything in the store. The reduction will ap- ply to Queen Quality Shoes for women (the best in the world) ss,nd on the Murray (the Murray and the Derby are the one and same shoe, and the only shoe that stood the test) unless you prefer to believe a ''Scrap of Paper" to the official Government inquiry book.) A clean straight 10 per cent. discount off every kind of footwear in the store on Saturday next May 1st (the first May day.) • t W. a WILLIS & CO. SOLE AGENTS (peen FOR LADIES icilittlitt 0' v`i TO BE ftL'NOl.D WORE JULY 1st v V V V V V v r A. M. KNOX vv Opposite National Hotel 'Phone 65 20 Thousand rolls of Wall Paper having the most up-to-date designs suitable, for every room in a person's house. Prices range from 5c a roll up. Call in and have a look over our large stock Sample Books sent to your home if required Let us show you our special order Sample Books. v V V V V Vit V NO SECRECY Some dealers will not let their customers into their egg candling room, We do not want you to wait to be invited into ours. WALK RIGHT IN, ASK QUESTIONS You will go away satisfied that we do not take off any eggs that are not bad. We are still paying the highest cash price for butter and eggs. Bring them to us. The W M. DAVIES CO., Limited Mr. R. T. Cowell, A.L.O.M. Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Church Teacher of Pianoforte, Singing Violin . Pianos and Organs Tuned and Repaired. Wingham, - Ont. PLEASANT VIEW FARM. FOR SALE 120 acres, 100 acres cleared, 20 acres' hard wood bush; well fenced; good state Cultivation; wind mill; good water; bank barn 82152; good out -buildings; two storey brick cottage, lirrooms. ' ROBERT LEATHORN, tf ' Bluevale.