HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-04-29, Page 4THE WINGHAM TIMES April 29th, '19'15 f u wtrigha..; NEW PIANO STORE David Bell is moving into his New Store this week. For some time past we have felt the need of better accommodation in order to meet the demands of our growing business, and it is with pleasure we extend a cor- • ilial invitation to our many friends and patrons to visit our new; showrooms, which w ill be found to compare favorably with any city music store. In addition to carrying in stock a com- plete Iine of Musical Instruments, Grama- «phones and Sheet Music, etc, we have been successful in securing as our Leader the celebrated Nordheimer)r'iano, Nord- heilner "Hamann Touch" Player Piano and the world renowned Steinway Piano, •nitruments which need no introduction to the musical people of Canada, the prices of which will be the same as quoted in the Nordheimcr Co's. warerooms, Toronto. In order to celebrate this event we have decided, that, for a short time, special discennts will be allowed on all Pianos. We again cordially envite you to visit our New Store On Josephine Street. BELL Wingham iI Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Capital Paid up • - $3,000,000 Surplus $3,750,000 AHEAD Security ? or Uncertainty ? Every man can feel a sense of safety for his fanaii y if he will,•make small regular savings. Open a Bank Account in our Savings De- partment, WINGHAM BRANCH C. "a. SMITH, Manager. zdzy "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price 590 Prices of other Ford Cars are. Two. passenger Runabout $540, Two - passenger Couplet $850 Five -pas- senger Sedan $ r 15o. All cars fully equipped, including electric head- lights. Prices F. O. B. Ford, Ont. Buyers of all Ford cars will share in our profits if we sell 30,000 cars be- tween August t, 1914 and August r, 1915. All Ford cars are on exhi- bition at A. M. CRAWFORD DEALER 'Sx ZNGHAM, ON?, 0 P :! t . KRfiA.K1,INii It 'N7t THE WINfUtM TIMES. ti.n, snt.,10 T, Plrlinteasa ARTA entornerou TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week THURSDAY, April 29, 1915 THE CANADIANS IN BATTLE. Canada awoke Monday morning to read news that brought such acute'feel- ings of grief and pride as the country never knew before. Our army at the front has been in the fiery furnace of battle, suffering severe losses and displaying, according to the despatches, the highest qualities of soldiers. At this moment the extent of our losses is not definitely known, but from the large number of officers killed and wounded, it is to be feared that the men who have fallen, killed and wounded, will reach a serious total. The Canadians seem for a time. to have been cut off by the enemy and assailed front and rear, but, true to the colors they wore, fought on until, aid coming, they made good what was lost -but made it at a great price. Many brave Canadians have given up their lives in the great cause. We have not learned yet as to whether any of the Wingham boys were in the thick of the fight. Lieut. George Gordon Duncan, 10th Battalion, 2nd Infantry Brigade, is among the wounded. He is a son of Rev, G. P. Duncan, of Port Credit, a former pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Whitechurch. Lieut. Dun- can attended the Wingham High School for some time and prior to enlisting had been a member of the office staff of the Consumers' Gas Company at Toronto. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. The results of the Lower School Test examinations are given below. The standard required for passing the exam- inations is 40% on each paper and 60 per cent of total mark's.; Reports have been sent to the parents, giving the marks in detail, and the recommenda- tions of the teaching staff. J. Maxwell • 611 K. Pringle ... 606 0, Rintoul 593 C. Isbister .592 J. Ferguson .. .575 W. Wallace 575 E. Beecroft . ,574 G. Deane - .570 J. Conn . 567 L. Johnston 559 A. Davidson ..... 538 R. Weiler 520 N. Gracey ....512 I. Law 508 0. Clow .503 W. Elliott .. 489 E. Howe .... ,..488 D. McKenzie .486 F. Walker .... S. Sherriff V. McDonald M. Haines E. Patterson W. Dow .•...... C. Robertson B. Ellis 482 .479 ..478 478 477 474 473 C. Johnston .... .... ......466 N. Kennedy ..... 404 H. Kennedy.... .... 463 A. Devereaux 457 H. Armstrong . 455 D. Roth ..... 455 G. Patterson.... . 454 I. Scott .. ............ . 453 V. Patterson.... ..... 412 I. Allen ....... .... ..440 F. Deacon 416 M. Walters ,.. 411 G. Adair ... 410 G. Nilson .... 400 Ii. Harrison 290 A. Nethery . 388 M. Tisdale.... 987 N. Breen ....... .275 as s rl. i• Strength for Motherhood MOTHERHOOD is not a time for experiment but for proven qualities, end nothing exceeds the value of goad cheer, needful exercise and SCOTT'S EMULSION, SCOTT'S EMULSION charges the blood with life-sustaining richness, suppresses nervous conditions, aids the quality and quantity of ltiilk . and insures sufficient fat. lie COO LIVER oft, lady the *cry life earl& fes LIME and SODA. help avoid rickets and mak. teethibg our. 14_45 Avptd.Subattat.e. 4't` el MAflrlO.TH E=OPENING SALE Saturday, May 1st 20,000 Worth of Merchandise at Your Dispos.i1 Everything reduced an c marked in plain figures so you can see at a glance, the price, quality and Tremendous Bargains. - All Goods included in this Sale DRESS. GOODS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, HOSIERY f UNDERWEAR,BOOTS AND SHOES, MEN'S SUITS GROCERIES, ETC., ETC. You know what a sale means here, so be on hand early You willnot be disappointed. BUTTER AND EGGS THE SAME AS CASH STORE OPENS AT 8.30 SATURDAY MORNING I MERCHANTS' BROKERAGE CO Kerr's Old Stand Wingham, Ont. rf�gV+Y�lr�`''�w"' �.f'"�/wa�f�s'�/�'"'+e/�►'"i�lw'"/�ww�jw",�"'r,/'�y1Mrr'��w/�w�'.�'.�/""s�4�Vf►rM1,J��r1;/'n POSTAL LAWS OF CANADA. Under the Post Office Act. Sections 65 and 66, the Postmaster General has the exclusive privilege of receiving, cslleeting, conveying and delivering of letters within Canada. Bills and accounts whether in open or staled envelopes, as well as circulars or other printed matter enclosed in en- velopes sealed or ready to be sealed, are "Letters" within the meaning of the Post Office Act. There is a penalty under Section 186 of the Post Office Act which may amount to $20.00 for each letter unlawfully carried. It has been brought to the attention of the Post Office Department that some business firms desiring to avoid paying the War Tax which became effective on the 15th April, propose making arrangements for the delivery of ac- counts, bills, circulars, etc., through means other than the Post Office, con- trary to the Postal Act, and a warning s hereby given that the Post Office Department intends to insist teat the aw shall be rigidly lived up to, and will n no cireumstances allow these parties to avoid paying the one cent tax which has been imposed for war purposes. All letters conveyed, received, col- lected, sent or delivered in contraven- tion of the Post Office Act will be seiz- ed and necessary steps immediately taken for the prosecution of the offend- ers in all cases where the law has been contravened. PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his house and one-fifth acre Iot in. the vil- lage of Belgrave for sale. House is two-story brick, containing ten rooms and good cellar. Good frame stable on property, Everything in good re- pair. sor Get set full particulars on the prem- ess. JAMES Curl.INGit.AM, 38tf Beigrave, Ont, Town Property for Sale. The dwelling and property belonging to the estate of the late Mrs. Hugh Hamilton, being Lot one on the North side of Victoria street, Leet i Davies' Survey' and I.ot9 on the East Side of Francis street. Leet & McKay's Sur- vey, 'Winghan'.. For particulars apply to James Hamilton, or to the under- signed, tf R, VANST<I'NE, Winglla u ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE of land in the Townplot of Wingham. Separate sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to the 1st day of May, A. D. 1915, for the purchase of the following par. eels of lands, namely: — initheTdwnplot and Wingham, containing 12 acres of land more or less. Street, Land 27S onZthe the East s ideaof Helena Street in the said Townplot of Wingham Gov- ernment Survey. 3, The South Masterly portion of Mill Sc. serve "L" in the said Townplot of Wingham, lying between lots numbers 9, 10 and ii on the south side of McIntosh Street and the River Maitland, including the stable on said prem- ises, the I4ortk East Cornerrof oflot land Rel ens Streets in the said Townplot of Wing - ham. The highest, or no tender necessarily aeeep• ted. Further particuiars and condition§ may be obtained from the n§dersi nee. Dated at Wingham this 13th day of April, 1015. R, VANSTONE, 50.1 Admininstretor, FARM FOR SALE ;. Lot S. ?:, 15, 16, Con. 1, Morris, 100 acres; well watered; good buildings; large bearing orchard; 15 acres bush suitable for stock or grain farming, 334 miles from Wingham, owner retir- ing. Apply to W. CLEGG, Proprietor. Standing Field y►►t Crop Competition The Turnberry Agricultural Society offers $75.00 divided as follows: $20, $16, $12, $10, $8, $6 and $4 for the best Field of White Oats. The Ontario Department of Agricul- ture will furnish the judges. Nature of Competition --Fields enter- ed for competition must consist of not less than five acres and not more than twenty. Competitors Competition will be lim- ited to members of the Turnberry Agricultural Society. Competitors can only enter iq, Dale Society and but one entry can be made by each competitor. Any individual can make entry for this competition by becoming a member of the society. All be ithin 16 mf es of competitors narn us All applicat ons must be in by the twentieth day of April, may be forms mapplyingand further tdto particulars by J. G. STEWART, Secretary, Wingham. Office in Town Hall. tf One of therblggest ice bridges of the season formed on the Niagara River above the Falls, while the temperature was nearly 90 degrees.