HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-04-22, Page 8l Page 8 THE WINGHAM TIMES I. " April 22th 1915 ANNOUNCEMENTS &c. Notices Under Thi.. Head ten is a line for first ineermon ; live Fent. or subse- aneut insertions. IIOUSE TO RENT1 ply to J. A. McLean. Si,nvANT WANTED—Apply to Mrs. N. T. Sinclair, Frances St. WANTED—Two car loads of potatoes John Armstrong, Belgrave. 50.3 TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Big stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. FOR RENT—House and shop o ic- toria : t vet together or sep tely. Apply to George Wraith, tf FOR SALE -4 head of yo g cattle, one mare, also number ,o ittle pigs. Apply R. S.Camphell, Wingham. To RENT—Four rooms in the Griffin Block suitable for light hou keeping. Apply to C. N RIFFIN. FOR SALE - Robert vert's fine brick residence, John 'treet. °Easy terms. RITCHIE & COSENS. Private sale of second-hand carpets, rugs and curtains. Call Friday or Saturday afternoons. MRS. C. N. GR - FIN, 50-3 corner John and C Ing Sts. NOTICE—Our dental off s will be closed every Wednesday ernoon from May 1st to October 1st. A. rwin, D.D.S. G. H. Ross, D.D.S. FOR SALE—I have a carload of first class American Corn, at 82c per bushel, also a quantity of Buckwheat fit for seed. A. Fox, Whitechureb, Ont. 48-3 PURE SEED—Tae best seed obtainable, selected for purity,, large, bright colored seed, specially recleaned. ed Clover, Mammoth Red Clover, A Clover, Alfalfa and Timothy. ING BROS. AUCTION SALE—Mr. , E. McDonald will hold an auction sa of forty calves from five to ten days d and four first- class milch cows 't calves at foot, at G.T.R. yards, Bel ve, on Wednesday April 28th at 6 o olock p.m. sharp. John Purvis, auctioneer. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. A. J. Langford, of the Methodist church, Kincardine, has accepted a call from the congregation of Mitchell church and at a meeting of the quarter- ly official board last Monday evening it was unamiously decided to release Mr. Langford at the end of the conference year. The 32nd annual session of the Meth- odist Conference will open at St. Mary's on Thursday, June 3rd. Regular services will be held in the Methodist Church next Lord's Day. Mr. J. G. Irwin, of Clinton, will occupy the pulpit both morning and evening. Mr. Irwin is a very in- teresting and captivating speaker. A cordial welcome extended to all. CHURCH OF ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE. The adjourned Vestry meeting of St. Paul's Church was held on Monday evening last, when the reports of the various organizations were presented. The auditor's report was quite satis- factory in the face of the financial stress of the past year. However it was found that some effort was required ob the part of the members of the Finance Committee that the congre- gation might realize the necessity of increasing the income of the Church, and with this increase the prospects were bright for the coming year. The Sunday School report showed the school to be in fine condition. The Ladies' Guild, also, had a substantial balance on hand. Two new sidesmen were added to the previous list. Mr. W. H. Willis was re -appointed organist and choirmaster, and Mr. N. T. Sinclair was again appointed vestry clerk. Wednesday evening service at 7.30. "Ghazi, the_Servant of the Lord." BORN GOTTF—In Wingham, on April 1 it, to Mr. and Mrs. Offord Gottf, a daughter. DURST—In Wroxeter, on April 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. I. Durst; a daughter. FAIISERVICE—In Hullett, on April 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fairser vice; a son, (still born) GARNISS—In Blyth, on April 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Garniss; a son. WooDLEY---In Morris, on April 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. James Woodley; a daughter. CoLVIN—In Toronto, on April 15th. to Mr. and Mrs. Norman B. Colvin, (see Miss Jean Bone, Wingham) ; a daughter. MOMrcrrAEL—In Rochester, N. Y., on April 15th. to Mr. and Mrs. Lin Mc- Michael, (nee Miss Winnie Hummel, Turnberry); a daughter. BOARDMAN—In Wingham, on April 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Boardman; a daughter. Di.;Y—In Southampton, on April 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Dey, formerly of Wingham; a daughter. MABitf N'D BELL -•- LAMONT - In Brussels, at Melville Manse, on April 14th, by Rev. A. J. Mann, B. A., Mr. Samuel Bell, of Teeswater. to Miss Eva, second daughta er of Mr, and Mrs. Allan Lamont, Brussels. DIED C4rr.r. In Wingham, on April 18th, Mary Jane Gill, in her 78th year. SLATER --In Blyth, on April 11th, Robert Slater, in his 65th year. MILLrtrt--In Morris, on April 18th, Margaret Moffatt, relict of the late John' It. Miller, in her 81st year. KIND In Lower Wingham, on April 110th Mary J. Khlg. daughter of the late 110th, Kills' PERSONALS Miss M. E. Barber has returned from Ottawa. Mrs. A. Robertson is visiting with friends in Brusse:s. Messrs. Geo. Walker and Thos. Brad - nock, of tiorrie, were in torn on Monday,. Mr. and Mrs. A. Welsh, of Toronto, have been visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Greer, Mr. and Mrs. R. Clegg were in Peterboro for a few days attending the funeral of Mr. Clegg's sister Mr. Robt. Groves was in London on Tuesday attending the funeral of his aunt, the late Mrs. Peter Wilson. Mrs, Emma Bloomfield and daughter, Phoebe, were in Blyth on Tuesday at- tending the funeral of the former's mother, the. late Mrs. White. Mr. Chas. Hawkins and family, of London, have taken up their residence in town, Mr. Hawkins is expected to play on the Wingham Lacrosse Team this season. Mrs. Bringham, of Toronto and Mrs. Jackson, of Detroit, who is a daughter of the late John Snell, of Wingham, were visiting for a few days with old friends in town. - MINOR LOCALS. —Leave your next order for job printing at the TIMES office. —Add the war tax to the high cost of living. The consumer has to pay. Buy Steele Briggs and Rennies Seed. None better. For sale at J. A. Mills, Seed Store. —Buy your railway tickets from H. B. Elliott, Town Agent for the G. T. It. at the TIMES office. —The farmers are getting re for for "increased production" npaign. Seeding will soon be gen —Cash paid or . +ose and duck feathers at W : & Clegg's Uphol- ster Factory, gham, Ontario. —Mr. Ernest Jackson, of Teeswater, has purchased the James Smith farm on the Turnberry-Culross boundary. —The population of Chesley is 1901 which is 32 less than last year. The total assessment of the town is $833, • 963. —Horsemen are again reminded that The TIMES has every facility for print- ing route and pedigree cards promptly and at reasonable prices. —Don't forget to put a "War Tax" stamp on your letters, post cards, cheques, money orders, etc., otherwise they will not be accepted. SEEDS, SEEDS—We have a full stock of all kinds of clovers and grass seeds. We handle only the best available. Special prices on large quantities. Call and see our stock. HOWSON & BROCKLEBANK. —During the fiscal year 1914-1915, Goderich and outports collected $101,- 984.20, a decrease of $2,069.57 from last year. Goderich collections alone were $45,750.35, an increase of $11,507.17 over last year. —The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Institute will be held on Thursday, April 29th at 3 o,clock in the Council Chamber. Mrs. (Dr.) W. R. Hambly will give a paper on "Napo leon". Everybody welcome. Clover of all kinds, Timothy Seed, Orchard Grass Seed, and all permanent Pasture Grass Seed, Bran, Shorts, best grades of Flour, Grain of all kinds bought and sold. The old reliable seed house. J. A. Mills, Wingham, Ont. —It is announced that a change has been made in the war stampregulat- ions applying to letters. Postage stamps bearing the words "war tax" may now be used for prepayment of postage, but in no case will Inland Revenue stamps be accepted for post- age. —The many friends of Mr. Alex Mc- Pherson, of Lucknow, will regret to learn that he is seriously ill at the home of his daughter in Waterloo. He is suffering from a cancer of the stomach "Sandy" was one of the greatest High- land dances of his day and a man whom everybody liked. —Cameron Geddes, of the Bank of Hamilton staff at Mitchell, has accept- ed a position with "D" Company of the 35th Battalion C. E. F., Toronto, and will be a member of the pipers' band. Mr. Geddes has a brothel at the front. They are sons of Dr. and Mrs, D. Ged- des, of Lucknow. —The Mitchell Advocate recently celebrated its 55th birthday. Mr. W. R. Davis established the paper and has been the editor during these years. He has our best wishes for many more years of activity in newspaper work. Mr. Davis is a brother of our towns- man, Mr. H. Davis, —Dr. George Ford, of Stratford, passed away on Monday morning in his 37th year. Dr. Ford was the son of the late Geo. Ford, of Listowel and spent the major portion of his life in that town. The remains were taken to Listowel on Wednesday for interment in the family plot. —It is announced from Toronto that the annual grants to fall fairs will be paid in full. It was announced last fall that the grants would be cut 50 per Cent., but it has now been decided to leave the grants the same as in previous years. This action of the Department Mr. Charles P. Maxwell, barrister, of Agriculture will he appreciated by has been made Police Magistrate of St. the management of the various fall Thomas, succeeding the late Horace fairs. F. Jell. i Printed LirdoR Oilcloth Printed Floor Oilcloth In pretty floral and block pattern in widths of i yard, r% yards and 2 yards. Prices 30c, 45c and 6Oc. 'Printed Linoleums, 2, 3 and 4 Yds. Wide Our import order of Scotch Lino- leums have just been stocked and are the very best both in quality and de- sign, Prices $1.00 to $3.00 a Yd. Inlaid Linoleums, 2 Yards Wide Very attractive, extra quality In- laid Linoleum in neat block and tile patterns, suitable for kitchens and diningrooms. Every color goes through to the canvas. Prices $1.00 to $1.25 Sq. Yard Window Shades and Poles We are agents for Dalmor shades and carry a full line and dark green and fawn and trimmed with lace and it Prices 50c, 85c, $1.00 and window in light in plain Isertiou. $1.50 Each Kirsch Brass Window Rods. The best rod for draping. Will not sag and have all the equipment for fancy draping. 25c, 50c and 75c. Rugs, Carpets and Squares In Wilton, Brussels, Velvet and Tapestry. All sizes. Prices to Suit All. 'Phone 71 KIINC BROS PRODUCE ...-'ilg!•. •.1 a "'..`b: ':W: -e it tG. R'q eJ4 „,. WANT ED. Ismaragannamarissammumssamed s P1atterns Agents for Standard n 86 W, Scranton Coal 'We are sole agents in Wingham for their celebrated Coal, which is sold by the largest Coal Mer- chants in all the cities and towns of Canada and the United States. When you want the best Coal give us a call. We also carry a full line of the Smithing, Cannel and Soft Coal, Lumber, Shingles, Lath and Wood. Prompt and careful deliveries at all times. J. A. MEAN PHONES: Residence 55. Office 64a, Mill 64b, The last license in West Durham has been cut off by the License Commission- ers. B. R. Hepburn, M. P., was nominated as Federal candidate by Prince Edward County Conservatives, Mrs. Lehtinen was acquitted of the charge of conspiring to murder her husband at Port Arthur. Harry Cockshutt, of Brantford, has given an order for the most modern ambulance possible for the Canadian active service forces. Lieut. -Col. E. B. Worthington has been appointed commander of the 17th Battalion in the first contingent., d NO SECRECY Some dealers will not let their customers into their egg candling room. We do not want you to wait to be invited into ours. WALK RIGHT IN. ASK QUESTIONS You will go away satisfied that we do not take off any eggs that are not bad. We .. are still paying the highest cash price for butter and eggs. Bring them to us. The WM. DA,VIES CO., Limited Mr.. R. T. Cowell, A.L.C.M: 0 rganist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Church Teacher of Pianoforte, Singing Violin Pianos and Organs Tuned and Repaired. Wingham; - Ont. Standing Field Crop Competition The Turnberry Agricultural Society offers $75.00 divided as follows: $20, $15, $12, $10,,$8, $6 and $4 for the best Field of White Oats. The Ontario Department of Agricul- ture will furnish the judges. Nature of Competition—Fields enter- ed for competition must consist of not less than five acres and not more than twenty. Competitors—Competition will be lim- ited to members of the Turnberry Agricultural Society. Competitors can only enter in one Society and but one entry can be made by each competitor. Any individual can make entry for this competition by becoming a member of the society. All competitors must be within 15 miles of Wingham. All applications must bein by the twentieth day of April. , Entry forms and further particulars may be had by applying to J, G. STEWART, Secretary, Wingham. Office in Town Hall. tf Willliam Kitson of Welland was so eager to enlist that he had two "ham- mer" toes, one on each foot, amputa- ted, and he has now been accepted in the 44th Regiment, MAXWELL New 1915 Model $925 17 New Features We have on display the auto- mobile sensation of the age—the New 1915 Maxwell We want to show you this car which has every virtue of the highest priced American or for eign car, and a number of im- provements not found in any other car at any price. This "Wonder Car" with Elec- tric Safe-Startet and Electric Lights only $70 extra. We have on hand a few second hand autos which will be sold cheap. Headquarters for Repairing and all kinds of Repairs. ROBERTSON & TURNER Local Agents WINGHAM ° ONT. The Anglican Bishops of Canada, in` their assembly at Fort William, adopt- ed, a resolution advising al the members of that Church to practise abstinence during the war and not to treat others. 0 .,.••.w,......,....'-n Extraordinary Shoe Sale for ale At a time when it will suit everybody, namely SATURDAY EVENING NExr, AT 8J,5 32 pairs Patent and Gun Metal Shoes • Regular $4.50 and $5.00 Shoes for $2.87 per Pair 000 Remember the time : AT 8.15 ON SAT- URDAY EVENING. Evebody will get' a fair show and no one gets any favors' at our sales, but note this : are not being shown in our cannot be shown -for certain the time of sale. These Shoes windows and reasons until W. H. WILLIS & CO. SOLE AGENTS Qual;i ueerr FORLADIES 0 40.>„)::,,,>>>>>>>c<„,,,„,„<<„,..14 v V „ TU BI'II►NC�L® V V V° V V V V BB ORB JULY 1st v V V s, V V20 Thousand rolls of Wall Paper having the V • most up-to-date designs suitable for every V V room in a person's house. V V V Prices range from 5c a roll up. , V' VVCall in and have' a look over our large stockV V Sample Books sent to your home if required V • Let us show you our special order Sample V V• V Books. V V V A. M. K NOX v VOpposite National Hotel 'Phone 65 V S»:>»»»»ccc<cccccccc: LWestern •University, Loud FORWARD MOV T Greatly eel rgec acuities in Art and M di ' . Vastly im- proved equ�. -nt,-library, lab- oratories, etc. Seven new scholarships. . Record etirol- meat. Inquiries solicited. LE BRAITHWAITE, M.11,.,Ph D. President "A Man's Ability is his Passport." Prof. Frank Weaver ILG,SIM. Concert vianist, Voice Specialist LONDON ONTARIO Teaches all branches Piano and Organ Playing. Voice Culture and Artistic Singing a specialty. 10 years Practical Experience t WINDHAI1, Thursday and Priday Information and Terms at Mrs. Boyd's Residence, Shuter Street. Shorthorns For Sale MiSS SPARING Herd -headed by "Favorite Character," Imported. 4 BULLS 4 From 10 to 12 months old. These young bulls are an exceptionally fine lot. Some of tnern are ready for ser- vice and are thick, smooth, fleshy fel- lows. Correspond or give us a call if you want something good. J G. FYFE, R. P.,No. 4, Wingham. Broadview Farm. IJ, miles south of Wingham, tf Licentiate of Toronto Conservatory of • Music and Authorized teacher of Flet- cher Music Method, Simplex and Kin.,. dergarten. Pupils prepared for Cons,irvatory examinations in Piano and Theory. Theory taught by correspondence. Classes Opened Sep. 2t Phone 16,E a