HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-04-22, Page 2Page 2
grand,, Railway system great government of eternal law and
`'^" "e, Truk 8�' a "j`� UM oriac�i', 1St' k«lnndt see how such a game
of linearizee as the word luck wooers ";
Town TickettlAgIc n Le a.n}itted to :any corner of tee"
tea. world, Lurk' What is it? A lot..
term? A frolic of games? A ruse
;among the element? A trick of dame
nature? Has any scholar defined luck,
any philosopher explained its nature,
any chemist shown us its elements? Is
luck that strange nondescript unmater-
iality that does all things among men
that they cannot account for? If so,
why does luck not make a fool speak
words of wisdom, an ignoramous utter
lectures on philosophy, a stupid dolt
write the great works of music and
Many are the young men who waste
the best part of their lives in attempts
to woo this coy maid into their em-
braces. They enter into this or that or
the other speculation, with the dreamy
hope that Iuck will pay them a smiting
visit. Some go to California
or Australia, or the far West, cr
the torrid or frigid zones, or some other
way oil place, with no fair prospects or
hopes of success from their own ener-
gies or exertions, but depending all the
while for a gentle smile from capricious
luck. Poor fellows! they find that luck
does not get so far away from home.
Some less daring and more lazy,
loiter about home. drawl about home,
or loll through the country, whose only
hope and expectation is in a shuffle of
luck in their favor. They know they
deserve nothing yet with an impudence
hard as brass, they will pray to luck
for a windfall or a fat office, or a living
TO ADVERTISERS and foolishly await an answer. These
are the men who make your gamblers,
house thieves, your counterfeiters, your
gentlemen loafers. They are not men
who originally mean any harm but they
believe in luck, and they trust in luck
and they are going to have it out of
luck some way. They despised mean-
ness at first perhaps as bad as you or I
do, but somebody told them of luck
and they oelieved and Lel they are dup-
ed. Little by little they went over the
meanness, awaiting all the while for a
shake of the hand from luck.
It is not luck, but pluck, which
weaves the web of life. It is not luck
but pluck which turns the wheel of
fortune. It is pluck that amasses
wealth, that crowns men with honor,
that forges the luxuries of life. We
use the term pluck as synonomous
whole -hearted energy, genuine bravery
of soul.
The man is to be pitied who is too
fearful and cowardly to get out and do
battle for an honest living and a com-
petence in the great field of human ex-
ertion. He is the man of luck -bad
luck. Poor fellow, he lost his luck
when he lost his pluck. Good pluck is
good luck. Many a man has lost his
luck, but never while he had good pluck
left Men lost their luck by letting
their energies eke through bed habits
and unwise projects. One men loses
his luck in his late morning naps, and
another in his late evening hours, an-
other in the bar room, another in the
ball room, one down by the river hold-
ing the boyish fishing rod, another in
the woods chasing down the innocent
squirrel. One loses his luck in folly,
one in fashion, one in idleness, and a
great many in bad management.
just the same as the Conservatives, and Indeed, bad management is at the bat -
even if it could be said, how unwise It tom of !:early all bad luck., It Is bad
would be to say so at this time." , management to train up a family into
tad habits -to eat out one's living and
corrupt one's life.
t<' We can issue through tickets via
popular routes, to any point in America'
-East. West. Saudi, 'Northwest, Mani.
toba, Pacific Coast etc.
Baggagecheckedthrough to destina-
tion and full information given whereby
travelling will be snake pleasant and
free from annoy-auee. Tourist and
return tickets to above points also ou
sale at lowest figures, and with all
prevailing advantages.
Single and return tickets to any point
in Ontario. Your business will be ap-
prediated, be your trip a short or a
long one.
We can ticket you through to any
point in Europe on all leading steamship
lines: Peeled),) orders also issued.
If it's about travel, we have the
information and will give it to you
Town Agent G.T.R.
Times Office, Wingham. Oat.
ilASLInflrD 1575
Wi?N4 u:A'fi TIMES.
Notice of changes tenet be left at this
office net later than saturday noon.
The copy for -changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of each week
THURSDAY, April 22, 1915
The Conservative Press begins to
speak oat against war -time election.
The St. t'athariees Standard says very
sanely: "Mr. Rogers may declare, as
he did on Saturday. that 'the cry for �
an election comes in tones louder than
thunder from every individual who
understands conditions in this Parlia-
ment, that Parliament be disolved and;
the rights and liberti.s of _Canada up-
held', but we do not believe that he
aceurately represents the feeling of the
majority of Conservaties in the country
An the struggle about cur rights and
liberties will became a proper subject of
diseussien and settlement when the war
is over. We believe as much as we ever
did that a general election at this time
will awaken reert' bitter contentions
among our people, and what win be
worse • even among cur soldiers, than
we have ever seen in this country. The
Tor.nito Word this morning says the
main issue will be the war and Canada's
share in it How can Conservative
speakers go upon the platform or bow
can the Conservative Press declare that
the Conservatives, when the Liberals
have sent their thousands to the war
April 22th I915
'�'.,.:° r. DAILY BETWEEN
E.ti rF yjy��a..+,ie • 1 ND
_ ' The Great Ship "SEE ANDBEE" i
The largest end mat costly steamer en arts, =Oland water of the world. F'iccpinn nee t:mods- NI
tions ie- 2 OJ paescngrra,
0 "CITY OF EWE" ---3 M_aenificent Steamers •---- "CITY OF BUFFALO" 1.4
BUFFALO --Daily, Ma1st to Dec, mst-CLEVELAND
ilk LeaveBn¢aa 9:10 1., Si. Leave Cleveland 4:10P.M, \e
AazisaCicrcland- + • S:-DA.n. Arrive.taelie +. ,:ae,t M.
tat aast.m Sttndard Tnel
l`ti Ccutliweens st Cleveland far Cedar 1'e:: t, between Bue.Ser. Toledo. Detroit and 0n pe:^te West end WI
7 Seetr"e ea eraOrosd your ticket reading bctfortic tickets fir C.
Cleveland are goad ice tr,.nspertet:oa
on car steamers. AsityoutrustacesforticketsriaC.&B,L:ne.
Bcactifulaoredsc•q .nralpa.clerliari, aEVu'ing both cstcriorandiOtrrigref Thetireat• leo
ship "SE ANnsEE" tient onreceiptofdvocent* tocoveryostagoand maibng. .Alpoc:k
for our '21 -pare pictorial and descriptive booklet free.
(Toronto Star.)
20 Years 41Ao
"A prominent Conservative," whose
views are published in the Toronto ' r±rom the TIMES of April 19, 1895
World, expressed his regret at the Mr. W. Ji Sheffield intends removing
"mistakes" made by the Government
n connection with war supplies, and to Black Horse, Kinloss township, in a
f d .q h h ll a in tube
promises that the Government will try , ew a)., w ere a wt engag
to do better in the future. How? By hotel business, your advertisement to the Twee end try this
plan of disposing of your stock and other
brin ling rn an election. The Govern- Teeswater News: Mr. it. T. Gal- armlet.
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y, M Q. A. BLDG..
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal . Mageredpecoantaut
19 icalin :cipai
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
BAPTIST CHURCH -Sabbath services
at 11 R. in. and 7 p. in. Sunday School
at 2.50 p. in. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. A. C.
Riley, pastor. B. Y. P. U. meets
Monday evenings S p. m. W. D.
Pringle, S. S. Superintendent.
vices at lI a. m. and 7 p. In, Sunday
School at 2:30 p. in. Epworth League
every Monday evening, General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
J. W. Hibbert, pastor. F. Buchanan,
S, S. Superintendent.
vices at i1 a. to. and 7 p. in. Sunday
School at 2:30 p. m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
D. Perrie, pastor. Frank Lewis, S.
S. Superintendent.
bath services at 11 a. m. and 7. p. m.
Sunday School at 2:30 p. in. Rev.
E. G. Dymond Rector. Alex. Al-
deron, S. S. Superintendent.
at U. a.m., 3 p.m, and 7 p.m. on Sunday.
At S o'clock on Thursday evening.
There will be special music provided in
the Sunday evening service from 7 to
POST OFFICE -Office hours from 8a.m.
to 6:30 p. in. Open to box holders from
7 a. in. to 9 p. in. P. Fisher, postmast-
PUBLIC LIBRARY --Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will be
open every afternoon fr ,m 2 to 5:30
o'clock, and every evening from 7 to
9:30 o'clock. Miss M. McTavish, lib-
TowN COUNCIL -Dr. A. J. Irwin,
Mayor; S. Mitchell, Reeve; L. F.
Binkley, A. M. Crawford, W. A. Currie,
V. R. Vannorman, W. G. Patterson and
D. Bell. Councillors; John F Groves,
Clerk and Treasurer. Board meet
first Monday evening in each month at
8 o'clock.
sea anyone having It,* et:ook..rovn,5
artiolee they- wish to dispose of, should odv.r•
tiee the same for sale in the Tines, Our terve
oironiation tells and it will be strange indeed if
you do not get aousters er Wecan't guarantee
that ion will sell because ion may ask more
for the article or stock than 1t Is worth. Send
meat have made mistakes because they i biaith, of Wingham has purchased Mr.
have been so very buss: John Dick's bakery.
"The people of Canada have little Mr. Jas. Deyell, while working at
ilea of the burden on the Government ; the old building being removed by Dr,
of carrying on the public business in { Tamlyn, on 'Wednesday evening, fell a
the past nine months. The str in at i considerable distance to the ground and
times -especially on the Premier and ( injured himself pretty badly. He will �
the departments especially affected -is •' be laid aside for some time.
so severe that they would gladly turn I Dr. Tamlyn is having the old building
it over to others; only a sense of duty on the corner of Diagonal and John
end a knowledge that the n.a3ority of streets removed. S ace it was partial -
the people are with them keeps them at ly destroyed by fire, last year, it has
the task." been an eyesore, and no one will regret
Very well. We freely admit the 1 its removal, though it is one of the old
strain, and the necessity for the Gov- I landmarks in the town.
erament putting every ounce of energy Mr. E. H. Dryer, who conducted a
into the work. How does the Govern- I tailoring and boot and shoe business in
meat propose to aelieve the strain? By town for some years, has removed to
bringing on a general election, and Detroit, Michigan, his family removing
compelling these overworked Ministers this week. We wish him abundant
to make stump speeches and pull wires success in the City of the Straits,
for two months. Rev. D. Perrte, who has not been en -
Then there is a lot of piffling talk joying good health for some mouths,
about the Government being balked by leaves this week for the old country.
the Senate. Not a single measure con- He will be acco,mpaniedby Mrs. Perrie.
netted with the wear has been even de- It is to be hoped that the bracing air
layed one hour by the Senate Besides, of bonnie Scotland will be of benefit to
the House will be prorogued in a few him. and that he will return fully receive
days, and the Senate will not be in see -
sion for eight months if the House
meets next January. The Government
ered, They expect to be away between
two and three months.
Wingha -a Turf Association held their
can have eight months of absolute free- animal meeting Tuesday evening. The
nom from all political cares and worries, following officers were elected: Presi-
It can devote its attention absolutely to dent, Dr. 3, R. McDonald; Vice Pres.,
the war during that time. Nobody will R. Beattie, Secretary -Treasurer, Geo.
E. King; Committee, W. F. Dulmage,
Geo. Roe, John Swarts, C. ICnechtel.
The Association will erect a fine stable
and also fences, at once. The track is
one of the best, if not the best, in
Ontario, and will be placed in order
this week.
Mr. Jas. Livingston, of Baden, was
patriotic stand because it cares nothing here on Thursday of .last week, and:
for the country and all for itself- It is looked at the site for the flax mill, .and -
controlled by the machine politicians had an interview with a number of our
and by the grafters, who are afraid of bosiness men. He was perfectly satis-
further exposures. fled with the site for the mill, and ex-
pressed himself as verb favorably im-
pressed with the town and those of the
THE FARMERS AND THE RED people whom be met.
CROSS SOCIETY. Mr. David Campbell, on Friday eve-
ning last, while drawing a load of wheat
Wepublish to-dayappeal on behalf to Messrs. Carr's mill, was nearly pre-
telected, t Fell in a Fahr. un pp cipitated into the river. It seems that
of the Red Cross Society, by Dr, James
Mrs. Edwin Martin, Ayer's Cliff, Que., one of the iron braces in one of the
W. Robertson.
fRespeetfully submitted to the y:u: g writes: "Before nsing Dr. Chases needle beams was broken in some way
is still bestknown to -
Robertson n
• .. � :'reeve a
Fo d I was n a terrible eon- of oar town an vicinity. i by the ice or other debris passing under
the farmers of Canada as Professor the bridge and when hie: Campbell
Robertson. He began his official public drove on to the bridge with his load it
service at the Ontario Agriculture
bars largely in the manner in which eighteen inches where the
c,c`ee's Nerve .em that IFood an has so built wash and els my College nearly thirty years ago. wagon stosunk od, and had it not been for
you treat these ono words. Twenty-fiveyears ago he went to
Oar fathers were t;3a i religions w' he a dock rs had failed."neer ;cine cured me OttawaaDairy Commissioner for the dig Campbells presence of mind in
people and gin ism meat to foster urging his horse there is no doubt
h ,_ , Dominion. The Dairying Service of but a g
atheism r.. en they talked ,eaa -boa: ,ori; the Department of Agriculture soon
i portion of the bridge would
and reeve a :: v,ay ,,.sent to its Gari- WEAKENING THE BRITISHr.e were en ' PR.EFER.ENCE have broken down. As it was the
+t . t -mem e became known and trusted throughout
see • horse pulled the bad up and on to the
'Canada. From Prince Edward Island
: en : 1 ;.+ t _fie in firm part of the bridge all right. with-
to1te ,� :, ., .. :, .,.•l. ;, Alberta, farmers profited by the out any damage being done.
f Tooronto Star; Illustration Dairy Stations end the
y g g
a='=`' ` ' ' ' " .r - The waif the pudding ie in the Travelling. Instructors. The output of MARRIED
t'} . :. tel: eating. A Toronto importer of con- ' cheese and butter in Canaria added to McLaughlin -Knight -At the resl-
migh e nee h 4i t • foal/triers' manufactured in Great the reputation of its rural workers. deuce of the bride's parents, on April
wbil mem the pew n.e to the alrtue, Britain says that the increase in the tether u::lliic services of continuing It th, by Rev.:lobn }lo:s. B. A., Mr.
!re tee a -- . e to ts>, arebangei tariff on British goods has destroyed 'and growing value were inaugurated, 1 Alex. McLaughlin toMiss Untie, daugh-
then <. I a h, I * a cS::".?i7, J'ta time his besitess. The increase of five per while Professor Robertson was Cora-terKnight,
Cr ;4., t ill, tmm- :.rt?mi brit.. tl'ees ter of Mr. David all of Morris.
cel:at has made it ii..pn._ltlle to ins- missisner e:f _#grieanitare. Among them
listen to political speeches, or take a
particle of interest in ordinary politics,
unless the Government brings on the
election. Let Sir Robert Borden say
'There will be no early election," and
the country will be united to a man in
helping it in its war measures.
The Government refuses to take that
•Iomplawrime 11•1.
-!.tion. Dizzy spells would come over
Tcung man, your success :r your one and I would fail to the floor. I
failure. ?our wen! er wee of idife. will wield not sweep without fainting. Dn
port aid sell the gaols in which he were the Live Stock Branch. the told
+ ic
Ivat'i' s : s r+. nsr.1 to dal. tie ,ses his haer,ess, Storage Swrviee, the Seed Grain Coni- MCCai1-In Morrie, on April 1st. in -
IUDt A i,� the British manufacturer :bees that petitions, Trial Shipments of Fruit to fent son of James and Jane McCall.
Bow would you answer it? much business. and Canada :bees the the eeted Kingdom. and Extensions , aged 3 months Cita its days.
l;atween'Whe Erns al this short letter yes ilneentee, a s.,o .. a of rust ,:Ts revenue Be'.es :'.. there ,were the Manual Train -
es t rata grim tragedy. If jag appeal yew
inside to you, peramtaaly, bow would Kaci iscu. ball , int; ttlocez,eat, t':eSchim;l Gardens. Linen orated. th caseinto stremetb-
a..zvtt it? Suppose you held the power tr
rr ▪ c _te this poor woman or to tarn her
arca:, which *men yea dos
• V"+'1( you kionly give me i efor"tn'ttiet:
ten ..ng aSmiesicn •of a Very noisy
rr. ,n zeas mei Her hatband as dead,
hie ni eiessemp t em .at has two
tt .c l
rr.r, at
t in
as the remoterisnetabletocare fits
,r revel -me; for as the meads are no longer of Markets.
•')here is a:t, answer tt'i these facts. si u ,
• Ii[�asetl d -etre, and the C'L.,solidated en it and name it sls:o:atlt. has proved
An attempt is ramie to :deet the.' by ; I:;,rei si feels, available for aeroplane wings+.
seecieg that the elute en foreign means ' In mare relent "$,Qti ". iter, I.1(rlserts n
w, r All
t ..•,- Ire+
is i.:.�rease:7 etre.. a^d a F:aS. xtr Bent : was Chairman if a .� •a1 , c •. A 2 an_.,1'a_.,e celnpany eersss of'.
a � i't -,nam,
C ..n +. s ...n
nit that :a t f .o rise to the British tin kniast•ial Training g acid Teehr sal lla::ev la^iders shdW8 S. a'.a) f0 jo£�:ess �r
naa_.eree rarer. If he cermet se:3 his : Enae01:'t: Farmers in all I rewinces • 'elv's=,rk.
eSNa, gee is.it is r3 sieneciatien to !dill. ,tit .a..::l:ar with the Starves of Farms 10 eid in pr^I:ing cotton a cif.? has
•E..:, "a tiles tGn.r income is '-haft ata, tO .-:.r.:AV t"JOt ES fednig*.s rii*s".4 Ote sr.1t by the Commission t. omission Cateervat:sn at:4 !leen rove.nted waich Milos a'arge n; r .
to -r f nathrr+eariis. IsTatpylivait onesteall : creat Of car:..arl et a.s9. IIs is ars Masi- the idiistfation Farms of its C,rntnit,- a I. bee of Bolos.
`k''"- ] ±m ace. nal at oear with f rreig.Rere.. Ise on I.s'.i<,,c u- mbie.ia fie its Chairman i
f Fen tenipmery nee ;a gas barter over
I`, d blots' t� Sit. "In. y, of teleran X �Wil:.t9 t3 S'en ES OW:t amens, Cwt to spite '<tl tllrce add !Years other )raj$. fi ir. , a ,,
'creel;) otter resef,' it in my pewee l"" I:hie ..5 :a"s ao tI. ?';.)sed ;,lases t,r i n i.�:yel tse a i°as given the iitar:,:pr a sof I WZI'A1 fool can be+ssient •al mid wh a sena
Bo, �z pink 2 Are ,Join aaiftCertl w3aaia lot rE ; , eerie na ti;e gest that ;ass air ?;its. Ile . en I"3',. v.' Ill"' l has Leen invented •
YI «. yx In aaarnfli�ll �+a� r,`� • W n 4 • «. a J
roans' WSW too iael pale, tatty -lag oto., '`.. .._tease cf rase -t' 0€ 't. :1.8 SSS• i" iii their E.elati;r. fortnsnc t;pp-. Put a strew eye conte the hat;d,e of a li
iiYaLLatf:.iraef 'Then bets as lour chsaos tae dot1:'"t'.sn true ani eats el rev- , n f- ^ ,t 1, 3 nes rs. atn ;
i �+ yCNit' einttegite. r bas=ai+ E few t 3 n"1 aiL' j... ~ s and ifr R)f , ,."9 the l�tlri. $� S� t� Ila g .t t;p
MeeelJ wtiOnit to the Mtaal olus Feat Het-; tem d,., -. _ 1 waren i t,pe atitiLr.p•t. Bet they are s f when net in nee, Std'Fthe breeze win
1! fon 'i`otettove v Tye a de', ta% t30- .'Alit he 11;3W r£:Iti::us ,a5, h.nger, :ir3 tat wire over et the
by '7447 •+r , chniar ' C of s 'Beset:Mg. as ilLiwa "te the- of that f'�:r the first tires fill c.d'r sell. make a ba a canine l:a:, ee so"
lthor,ctt:)tete nee, ps.d A �'1' • S �T 6.44-:;.'itsa tai este:nab Lis ri 7t tali `)wile - t to :i i t0:„.,t the ' neaten Cox Lieu l w a, Y
� +'�►� pio::ce•r, .,tell ... ,ei~� cigars a ; B i✓ g a .,, n ,,� � to
I" .lir "" T " 147 ' dads ; he is a;ierrsssn, app'etta to them for this Werth cause.i
It Sil'bet W tort, °i'aaorr►t,, 9 I *ire the dust from hat�rrtlai flo(lxa.
To the Editor -
A hundred million dollars is too much
for the mind to grasp and yet that is
what the people of Canada paid for in-
toxicating liquors in 1014. A hundred
million dollars would give every family,
rich and poor in Canada seventy dollars.
Politicians have spent months of time
and thousands of dollars squabbling
over the expenditure of a little over a
third of that sum to build a navy to de-
fend our country. A hundred million
why that would probably finance Can-
ada's Share in the great war. We talk
about being hard up. Money is being
borrowed in•large sums to develop our
recources and the national debt keeps
piling up, and the money spent in drink
would save all that and leave a balance
to pay our debts. And that immense
sum is spent for what even a liquor
journal calls an "extravagance and a
But a hundred million is only one
'half of the cost of drink. Wise men
who have made a study of finance tell
us that every dollar spent in drink
causes a dollars worth of loss and waste
and damage to life and property.
So the cost of the liquor traffic to
Canada in 1914 was nearer two hundred
million. This immense drain on the
finances of the country accounts for a
good many things that are bard to
What does the country get from the
expenditure of that immense sum of
money and the degradation and ruin of
thousands every year? The aggregate
Dominion, Provincial and Municipal
revenues from this traffic is less than
twenty million. That is to gain one
dollar we spend ten and do untold dam-
age to the people, No wonder Russia.
can finance this great war witboutgreat
distress to her people.
The fact is that nearly every one is
poorer than be would otherwise be be-
cause of this traffic. I am quite,.
satisfied that our taxes could be lowered,
from 30 to 50 per cent, if we were rid
of this immense tax maker. I can give
the names of a large number of towns
and Cities that have lowered their tax
rate after prohibition. Kansa, City
saved three hundred thousand dollars a
year by closing the drinking {)laces.
1-i- Arnott, M. B , M. C. P. S.
Wm_ Robertson W. A. Campbell, Dud-
ley Holmes, A. Tipling, A. E. Lloyd,
Robt. Allen, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves
Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in
Council Chamber on the second Tues-
day of each month.
Ricker, M. A„ Principal and Specialist
in Science; G. R. Smith, B. A., Special-
ist in Mathematics; Mr. C. M. Ewing,
M. A., Classics; Miss M. 1. Whyte,
B. A., Specialist in Moderns and His-
tory; Miss E. C. Garrett, Art
and Mathametics; Miss B. Kettlewell,
Commercial Work and History.
Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss
Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans-
ley, Miss Barber and Miss Bentley.
(chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter,
John F. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C.
Redmond, Medical Health officer.
Wingham General Hospital
The Wingham Times
The Times (Mee Stone Block.
Telmex ob $r.Bsi'aipTION-;1.00 per annum
in advance, $1.10 if not paid. No paper discon-
tinued till all arrears are paid, omens as the
option of the publisher.
f»isi'men enema Iarsarrs
One Year 2410 (So each iaserionl
mr Months 800 floc " "
Three Months 1.05 (ISo " "
OnelWeek .20 Ilea ,. .<
Leal and other similar advertisements, 10e
per line for first insertion and 4s per line for
each subsequent insertion. Measured. by a
nonparielscole, twelve lines to an inch.
Business cards of siz:tines and under, $.5.00
per year.
dons Wanted. Houses for Sale or to rent'*•Advertisements of Situations Vacant, Sitne ,
dons Wanted. Houses for Sale or to rent'
Articles for Sate, etc., not ex leading eight
lines, 25c each insertion; $1 for first month.
boo for each subsequent month, Larger ad-
vertisements in proportion.
Business notices (news type) bo per counted
line: as local or news matter. Ido per line each
(Under Government Inspection)
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur-
nished. Open to all'regularly licensed
physicians. RATES FOR PATIENTS -which
include board and nursing), $4.90 to $15.
per week according to location of
room. For further information, ad-
Miss L. Matthews.
Box 223, Wingham Ont.
Railway Timetable
Tweed GRATA ros
London ....... - 8.85 a.m. 8.90p n.
Toronto&Raat 8.45a.m..-.8.9Op.m.
hincardine..11.59 a.m... _ 9.15 pan.
ARRIVE esois
Kincardine ....Abeam
&90 p.m.
London.. 11.54 min-- 2.115 p.m.
Toronto 13: Sant.. _ - - - 2.90 p.m.. 9.15 p.m.
W. F. BURGMAN,Station ,Agent. W,ngham.
H B ELLIOTT, Town Agent, Wingkam,
Toronto and Bast... 8.40 e.m.,. 2:10 pm.
Teeewster 1.00 p.m --10.22 p.m.
A3a1'.FI ?SOY c
'Teeswater... 8.40aan._. LO5 p.m.
Toronto slid Bast- ... m
1247 p.-10.27 p,m.
J. E. BBBMBB. A genI.`4P Ingham .
Ammoi•Good Local Agerkt
HADBAD COLD at once to represent the
Did and Reliable
Foothill Nurseries
Waliare §•1. Grange, Vancouver,
B.C., writes: ")During a cold spell here
about the middle of last Ortob r 41913);
I cnugkit a cold which get worse &spite
all treatments I could obtain, until
about :`aivember yfud, a friered said,
Why not try Dr. Weed's Norway
Pine Syrup" Really, I had to faith in
itatt evetey
other remedy I bad heard Of, to ma avail,
but I thought ht I would give this
-orae-;]y a trial. i purdtaw:d sl 50 raid
tt�. and in three -iia . I was i
zrent sr:aa. '�I' sold was sKt
y �
anti the co ighitg so prolonged, ems
vomiting omitted atter a card apefl
mene,::ing. I carried the bottle Is
peeket, and every time I was eeasett With
aro-:ghirmispe ! I would take a a naaf doe.
tau =tat heartt'iy+ teeoa tins ad lar.
Wood's Nermay Pitt 5yxup to as '
with a BMW
mu:ve"_cne, ctrl I never iatelad being
nith3iit it at a'1 ti=es."
WEEn Vit trek. fee "Dr. Wood's" "cep
that y3a get %chat yeet4 ask for. It is
j It tap in a yell w wrapper; three pi e
trees tt�h��e trade mark; the price, 2.5* aged
50:nnfaiquted only? by The 'T
Whitt $,:t., Limited, Tet,ttatitu. Oat, ,
A aplesididliist of frLit and
ornanstntal stock for Fall
Delivery in 1913 an d
Spring Delivery in to14..
Start at Once rand secure ex-
clusive territory, We
supply h ndsorne free out
lit and pay highest com-
Write for foil particulars.
Toronto 4-• eta ,,I o
Berme Mete'1nga*Welt end d' ee'ptl mHae
aak,sanerlan earepwtefree vtaehertltt{r,"t t_LatlflwsriliTIit rWenPat�sns
at+�tyfree.t.'.'esttt psi
cyforne armlreats.
etas s;.ken +tithe �b Stene re Co. motet
•'+I:Si:s, Rltboat mimes, Intl)*
Ufic trtreekb:i itati
-daft - `+amt.), SllettrafeS Lined . Cir
t..a ('.tatty NCie:_ 40.10arnai. ',feting fee
rent ") ,...i eat,lt,}eta , Iat'pkii3, ".3l lir
MNN& �:Iratdway, New York
rb 1* ist.,WWa3ataatoa, SA v.
Oprloas-Corner Patrick and •entre Ste.
Offices 43
Dr.DCalldderr 1s
Dr. Kennedy specializes In Surgery,
Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Dis-
eases of the Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat.
Eyes thoroughly properlytestedfitted.
8, ROBT.O.BBDMOND, Dt. R.C,B, (Bae)
L. B.O. P. London.
Office, With Dr. Chistolm •
W. R. Hambly, B.Sc., M.D., O.M,
Wingham, Ontario.
Special attention paid to diseases of women
yngln pst eniworkk In children,
Bartorioogyand graduate
Office in the Kerr residence. between the
Queen's hotel and the Baptist Church.
All business given careful attention.
Phone 54, P. O. Box 118.
Dr. R. Macdoipa
Wingham, Ont.
Office -Stone Block, over the Tam
Ostegpathic Physicians
Oculists, Neurologists
Diseases Treated by Drugless Meth
Osteopathy cures or benefits whin
other systems fail.
Wingham office over Christie's Store
Tuesday, 11..8+) a.m. to 9 p.m. Wed
nesday, 9 to 11 a.m. Thursday, 9 to
11 a.m. and 4 to 9 p.m. Friday, 9 to
11 a.m. or by appointment.
A. FOX, D. C.
When the spine is right the body
is right. A Chiropractor will
keep your spine right that you
may have continued good health.
If your health is already poor a
course of Chiropractic Spinal Ad-
justmentswilt put your spine right,
Wingham, Oat,
ARTERTR J. IRW.IN, D. D. 8,, L. D S.
Doctor of Dental Snrgory athe Pennerioarun
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
ge of Dental Snrgeote of Ontario. Oftee
aodonald Block. W ingnam.
ti ffice closed every Wednesday afternoon.
from May let to Oct. 1st.
H. ROSS, D. D. S., L. D.S.
Honer graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Sara -eons of Ontario and Honor gradu-
ate of the i73iversity of Toronto, Faculty of
haOm, OnAlcpovert. H. E. hard & Co's., stare, Wing-
ay1stedto Oevrtery.1st, Wednesday afternoon
Legal v .
Privattan3 Company ftmdt to loan at lowest
rate of latetest. mortgagee, town and farts
p ppMhos, Beat er Sleek. ht and )Wiaghaus
Wingham Oat,
Barrister, Solicitor, Etc.
Nike: Meyer Block, Wingham.
_ r
Orders Ser the:usertten at f,3eert:aementr
stub as leathers trantod, tus.".. a chairss.
iterhani,s wanted, articles tor *ale, or In fact
any kind LS an adtlt. In any or the Toronto or
other ray- ra;ere, nay be left at the TnNta
effi;r. This wrcek will receive ppramplattent'cra
and Will *ate pets'. the trouble p. waiter
for and 5.rwcarl;ag advertlaowente. Lewes*
rates will to quoted en arplter tied. Leave
to trend liter nest rretk oC this kind to the
.rtaiES ovieICF4r Win;ksfilt