HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-04-15, Page 10Page 2 ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under This Read ten cease a lice fur brat insertion; Ave cents for subtle• quant insertions, SERVANT WANTED --Apply to M . N. T. Sinclair, Frances St. WANTED --Two ear teed potatoes. John Armstrong, Belgra.. 50-3 TRUNKS. AND VAL4sEs:--•Big stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. FOR RENT --House and shop on Vic- toria Street together or separately. Apply to George Wraith. tf EGGS FOR HATCHING—Rhode Island Reds, Pringle strain. $1 per setting, Apply to Walter Paterson. , To RENT—Four rooms in the Gri Block suitable for light hnusekee Apply to C. N. GRIFl cin g• N. Private sale of second -hand arpets, rugs and curtains. Call riday or Saturday afternoons. MRS. . . GRIFFIN, 50.3 corner John and Carling Sts. FOR SALE—I have a carload of first class American Corn, at 82c per bushel, also a quantity of Buckwheat fit for seed. A. Fox, Whitechurch, Ont. 48.3 C. Templeman, John St., is open to take in ladies' and gents' suits to clean and press at reasonable prices, all or- ders can be called for and promptly at- tended. PURE SEED—Toe best seed obtainable, selected for purity, large, bright colored seed, specially recleaned. Red Clover, Mammoth Red Clover, Aisike Clover, Alfalfa and Timothy. KING Bites. MINOR LOCALS. —Leave your next order for job printing at the TIMES office. en —All the leading magazines on sale at the TIMES Stationery Store. Buy Steele Briggs and Rennies Seed. None better. For sale at J. A. Mills Seed Store. —Thomas Jackson, sr„ a resident of Clinton since .1854, passed away on Thursday 'last in his Filth year. He was engaged in the clothing business for many years —Cash paid for goose and duck feathers at Walker & Clegg's Uphol- ster Factory, Wingham, Ontario. —Many old friends here will be sorry to hear that Mrs. H. Kerr, formerly of town, was injured in getting off a street car in Toronto on Friday. Her daught- er, Mrs. A. J. Alderson, left on Saturday morning for Toronto. We have a car load of bran at the G. T. R, station, which we are selling at $25.50 per tun in lots of 500 lbs or over. $OwsON & BROCKLEBARK —Our readers will notice this week that we have no minutes of Wingham Town Council. Ten days have passed and no meeting of the Council has been held. The last recorded was the twenty-first for this year. Clover of all kinds, Timothy Seed, Orchard Grass Seed, and all permanent Pasture Grass Seed, Bran, Shorts, best grades of Flour, Grain of all kinds bought and sold. The old reliable seed house. J. A. Mills, Wingham, Ont. —The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held in the C. 0, F. Hall on Thursday afternoon, April 15th, commencing at 3 o'clock in place of Tuesday afternoon. Members kindly remember change of day. —A large number of farmers have entered the Field Crop Competition of the Turnberry Agricultural Society. If you have not yet entered you should do so. See J. G. Stewart, the Secretary, whose office is in the Town Hall. —At the meeting of Court Maitland, C. 0. F. on Friday evening last, Messrs. Robs. Allen, J. W. Dodd, Jas. Hamilton and H. B. Elliott, were elected as dele- gates to attend the High Court meeting to be held in St. Catharines in June next. —Mr. Alf fed Galbraith, a member of the TIMES staff in 1886-87 and a brother of the late S. W. Galbraith, a former editor of the TIMES, died last week at his home in Flint, Mich. Mr. Galbraith had been engaged in the newspaper business in Flint for a number of years, The St. Lawrence River is clear of ice and ready for traffic, John Travers Lewis, K. 0., D,C.L., of Ottawa, a prominent lawyer, is dead. TENDERS WANTED. Sealed tenders will be ream, 'd by the undersigned up to Mond a April 19th, until 1 o'clock, p.m., f• he con- struction of a sewer on Ed , : rd street from the point where pres - ' sewer ends to a point nearPatricks et; also from the Corner of John andward streets easterly. The co tr or is to comply with all the provi i. s of the Ontario Workmen's Comp_ •atiott Act. An ac- cepted Cheque for One Hundred Dollars must accompany each tender, which cheque will be retained until satisfactory +completion of the work. Tenders to state price per lineal foot, tow* to furnish tile. No tender necessarily accepted Plans may be seen at the Town Clerk's office. JOHN` F. GROV'E'S, ,50.1 Clerk, THE WINGHAM TIMES POLITICS AND BUSINESS, A Sample of HowCleverly They Are Mixed In France, Politicians of the Ursited States are supposed to be gifted above those of Ali other countries in the art of self ad. vertleement, but it is doubtful whether any of our politicians are more adroit in this respect than certain French- Men. Witness, for example, the follow- ing announcement, published in the newspapers of Paris: "GENERAL ELECTION. "Te the Electors of the Steenth Ar- rondissement., City of Paris: The un- dersigned appreciates the flattering de- sire of many of his fellow citizens that he should represent this arrondisse- ment in the chamber of deputies. Al- ways proud to feel himself in accord with his fellow citizens, be 1s con- vinced that be would repgasent them faithfully and that his nomination would be equivalent to an election, "Fully appreciating this fact and thanking the citizens of the Steenth ar- rondissement for their confidence so generously bestowed, be begs leave, nevertheless, to announce that the great increase in his business as a defer in hats at 1000 Rue de Mar- seilles fully occupies his time and at- tention ttention and that his service to the pub- tic at this well known establishment will unfortunately prevent him from accepting the responsibilities of a dep- uty. "'In abort. instead of putting himself at the head of the people, he claims the Privilege of putting his products upon their heads."—Chicago Herald, JUMPING ANIMALS. Several Species of Fish Are Famed For Their Leaping Powers. Jumping as a means of locomotion is shared by a variety of animals of widely different classes. Kangaroos and jerboas among the mammals, thrushes and robins among the birds. as well as such familiar forms as frogs, cockles, crickets and• fleas --all illustrate this proneness to leap, most- ly as a means of getting quickly over the ground, and even lions and tigers, which never spring in ordinary cir- cumstances, readily adopt this method of attacking their victims. A considerable number of ashes are - remarkable for their leaping powers. and several of these performers are on that account specially favored by an- glers, since by jumping clear of the wa. ter in some cases many times in suc- cession uncession they tax the fisherman's skill more severely than ashes less active and therefore give added zest to their capture. ' Members of the salmon family are universally famous for their high jumps. The sea trout are untiring ae• robats, and a fish of a poundweight will more than once jump several times its own length out of the water when hooked before coming to the net. At their best salmon can jump at least ten feet above the surface, a feat achieved by slapping the water with the powerful tall and flexing the body until the head and tail all but meet.—Philadelphia Ledger. Josephine's Many Names. Josephine, empress of the French, was Yeyette to tier intimate friends. Her name in reality was Marie Josephs Rose. Napoleon after the marriage ex- acted that she should be known as Jo - sophism. He had a mania for rebaptiz. iug the women of his entourage. He made his sister Marianne an Elise, of Annonciade a Caroline, of Paulette a Pauline. Among her numerous friends Joseph. ine remained Yeyette. Barras never called tier otherwise. in 1814, on the departure for Elba, the Debats designated Josephine under the paraphrase "the mother of Prince Eugene." • At Rueli tier tomb bears this simple inscription: "A Josephine, Eugene et Hortense. 1825." The restoration did not permit her recogn:tian as empress. —ori de Paris. Tyrbno. Tyrone takes its name from one of the eight sons of Niall of the Nine Hostages, the ancestors of all the O'Neills. Four of these sons carved out large portions of Ulster between them —Eogan'a share becoming known as Tir Bogain (land of Bogan), which still survives as Tyrone, while Conall's share, long known as Tir Conall (Tyr- connell). is now Donegal. Fermanagh still bears its ancient name, which signifies "the mountain valley marsh district." which after centuries of wavering finally triumphed over the alternative, Maguire's county.—London Chronicle. Salt Springs. in ancient times among inland peo- ples the possession of a salt spring was regarded as a special gift of the gods. The Chaonlans in Epirus' had one Which flowed Into a stream where there were no fish, and the legend said Hendee had allowed their forefathers to have salt instead of fish. 44.4444444*444-4.4444444.4444.44 Fair Offer. "Can you telt me how to live 100 years?" The philosopher stroke& his beard thoughtfully. "I will try," be said, "If you can give any good. reason for wanting to Ste 100 7Mrs."—P'iiil$4el. phia -Record. Africa% Ser Bed. each Tfebdtt7 on the Gold Coast of Africa is devoted to the see god. NO fishing taro place, and the 8skielrmetr utilise the time In mending their sets. Much of ohr lites is spent in marring oar ewe influence. Summer Dress Materials Showing New • 35 Inch Embroidered Chiffon Very Mmes. white Chiffon embroidered in white and Belgium blue in pretty floral effects, pet' yard .......$1.'35 Cotton Voile Flouncing 45 inches wide Fine even weave with neatly embroidered pattern in ;tlluver duel flouncing, extra value, per yard . $1,25 and 51,50 Striped Cotton Voile Very effective patterns in black and white also neat heck and floral designs, prices per yd. 15e and 2 e 5Qc French Ninons Fine sheer materials in great demand for bl ;uses, etc, black, white and color, per yard $1 00, 51,25 Extra Value in Rain Coats Specially Priced for April Showers Ladies' Gabardine English Raincoat, Extra Value $12.50 Made from all -wool gabardine, water proof material with Raglan sleeve and belted back, sizes 34 to 44. Ladies' Rubberized Reff Rain Coat, Special $5.00 This is one of the best values shown, made with close fitting collar, belted back and storm proof cuffs, sb;es 16, 18, 20 and 34 to 43 in grey, tan, navy, black Ladies' Double Texture Wool Paramatta Rain Coat. Special $12.50 for $8.75 Made from extra quality rain , proof material with belted back and storm proof,cufs, sizes 34 to 44, fawn, black, grey and heather mixtures. - House Furnishings Before buying your spring requirements see us for Linoleums, Oilcloths, Stair Carpets, Rugs, Window Shades, Brass Rods and Stair Pads. See the Kirsh Flat Brass Window Rods. PRODUCE WANTED Rave 'beautiful window decorations Nothing gives so much pleasure as a well decorated window. Your windows will be the envy of your neighbors if you use the eZiatek Flat Rod, —for curtains and draperies • Guaranteed not to sag or tarnish There is a Kirsch Flat Rod in a color to match your woodwork or draperies. Every rod contains a written guarantee that it will not sag or tarnish. It's so easy to have an attractive window with the Kirsch ,Fiat Rod We hare many new designs in curtain anddraperyfabrics. Come ik--see them. . 'Phone 71 KING BR(Ds Agents for Standard Patterns i 411111114. WIIIMM11111111111.ws D L& W, Scranton Coal We are sole agents in Wingham for their celebrated Coal, which is sold by the largest Coal Mer- chants in all the cities and towns of Canada and the United States. When you want the best Coal give us a call. We also carry a full line of the Smithing, Cannel and Soft Coal, Lumber, Shingles, Lath and Wood. Prompt and careful deliveries at all times. J. A. MEAN PHONES: Residence 55. Office 64a, Mill 64b, loTED CAMPBELL—At Inverfyfe, Howick, on Easter Sunday, April 4th, 1915, Jes• sic Colquhoun, beloved wife of David Campbell and third daughter of the late Robert Colquhoun, Minto. ConY—In Wingham, on April 12th, Mary G. Carr, relict of the late Alfred Cody, aged 59 years, 7 months and 28 days. CtrrturL—In Brussels, on April 2nd, James Cuthill, aged 17 years, 3 months and 19 years. $t EDGAR—In Howick, on April 1st, AlexanderiEdgar, Sr., aged 83 years and 4 day, Ha 1 agedn84 years, 9A months 5th, 16 days. HISLOP--In Howick township, April 5th, George Hislop, aged 82 years and 9 years. KINNEY--]:n Brussels, on April 7th, Dora Love, relict of the late Joseph Finney, aged 70 years, fi months and 19 days. METCALF--In Wingham, on April 10th, Isaac Metcalf, of Turnberry, aged 80 years, 10 months and 15 days. �a�sss�a, rasswiewle OUR PROMISE KEPT. Our advertisement last week stated e would give you some information: It is as follow 22c for butter is 24c " " 26c " 28c " Roc " 4 „ „ g nal t sk 6i4c for butter 28;2c '- 31c •' 333,4c 36c 4' „ fat 4 ., „ We are still buying butter and eggs. Bring them to us and get the highest price from the people ,who are not afraid to give you information. The WM. DAVIES CO., Limited L amiwawnwebAleenseeMeneweemasseenwraeatem Mr. R. T. Cowell, A.L.O.M. 1 Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Church Teacher of Pianoforte, Singing Violin Pianos and Organs Tuned and Repaired. Wingham, - Ont. • Standing Field Crop Competition The Turnberry Agricultural Society offers $75,00 divided as follows: $20, $15, $12, $10, $8, $6 and $4 fox' the best Field. of White Oats. The Ontario Department of Agricul- ture will furnish the judges. Nature of Competition -Fields enter- ed fpr competition must consist of not less than five acres and not more than twenty. Competitors—Competition will be lim- ited to members of the Turnberry Agricultural Society. Competitors can only enter in one Society and but one entry can be"made by each competitor. Any individual can make entry for this competition by becoming a member of the society, , All competitors must be within 15 miles of Wingham. All applications must be in by the twentieth day of April. Entry forms and further particulars may be had by a J. G.yt STEWART, to J Secretary, Wingham. Office hi Town. Hall. tf Col. Hugh Clark of North Bruce frankly declared that the soldiers' votes bill contemplated an election during the war, and had no other purpose. MAXWELL New 1915 Model $925 17 New Features We have- on display the auto- mobile sensation of the age—the New 1915 Maxwell We want to show you this which has every virtue highest priced America or for eign car, and a num r of im- provements of I. d in any other car at ny , ce. This "W Car" with Elec- tric Safe- artet and Electric Lights only $'70 extra. We have on hand a few second hand autos which will be sold cheap. Headquarters for Repairing and all kinds of Repairs. ROBERTSON & TURNER Local Agents WINGHAM ON's. f April isth 1915 0 BIG SHOE S FOR WOME On. Friday of this week at 4,15' P.M. LE 62 Pairs Women's High Shoes and Oxfor�s Regular $ z . oo, $ z 5o and $3.00 lines, For $I.IT'Per Pair All sizes in the lot but not all sizes in all kinds.. Note the time, on Friday 4.15 p.m. precisely. W. H. WILLIS O CO. SOLE AGENTS (tiueen FOR LADIES 14' TO 1ThU4N6D v BEFORE JULY 1st V20 Thousand rolls of Wall Paper having the V most up-to-date designs suitable for every V room in a person's house. V Prices range from 5c a roll up. Vv Call in and have a look over our large stock VSample Books sent to your home if required V Let us show you our special order Sample V Books. 'V • V A. M. KNOX . Opposite National Hotel 'Phone 65 V V V II V V V V V V' Hon. Robert Rogers on Saturday in the Commons declared for an immediate general election, intimating that the Senate's amendment of the bill to in crease its membership would be the issue. .r. Western University, Condon FORWARD MOVEMENT Greatly enlarged faculties in Art and Medicine. Vastly im- proved equipment, -library, lab- oratories, etc. Seven new scholarships. Record enrol- ment. Inquiries solicited. E.E, BRAITHWAITE, M.A.,Phb. President Shorthorns For Sale Herd -headed by "Favorite Character," Imported, 4 BULLS 4 • From 10 to 12 months old. These young hulls are an exceptionally fine lot. Some of them are ready for ser- vice and are thick, smooth, fleshy fel- lows. Correspond or give us a tall if you want something good. .T G. PYFH, R. R. No. 4, Wingham. Broadview Farm. la miles south of Wingham. tf "A•Man's Ability is his Passport." Prof Frank Weaver LGASIM, Concert Pianist, Voice Specialist LONOON ONTARIO Teaches all branches Piano and Organ Playing, Voice Culture and Artistic Singing a specialty. 16 years Practical Experience W INOHAn, 'Thursday and Friday Information and Terris at Mrs. Boyd'a Residence, Muter Street. MISS SARLIN6 Licentiate of Toronto Conservatory of Music and Authorized teacher of Flet- cher Music Method, Simplex and Iiia• dergarten. Pupils prepared for Consorvatory examinations in Piano and Theory. Theory taught by correspondence. Classes Opened Sep, 2t . 'Phone 165